Farmlands commits to acting against climate change Farmlands Co-operative have followed their carbonreduce certification from Toitū Envirocare with a commitment to the Climate Leaders Coalition in October 2020.
Farmlands has committed to the 2017
agri-business co-operative, Farmlands
statement — the minimum requirement
must play a part in meeting the United
to join the Coalition. A new statement
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
in 2019 illustrates the need to reduce
applicable to the Food and Fibre sector.
global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
“We will be actively dealing with the
The rural supplies and services
Farmlands’ Director of External
challenges facing our shareholders,
co-operative have joined 116 other
Relations, Mark McHardy says that
particularly around the need to embrace
organisations in signing a joint
while the 2019 statement is a good goal
the inevitability of low emission
statement saying that they will supply
to work towards, committing to the
agriculture and more sustainable
their greenhouse gas emissions, set a
2017 statement serves as a strong base
farming practices,” Katie says.
public emissions reduction target and
in Farmlands’ sustainability journey.
Farmlands’ partners Z Energy, The
work with suppliers to reduce their
“We recognise our operations
Warehouse Group, Meridian and
emissions. In a statement initiated in
have an impact and that we have
Spark NZ are among the founding
2017, the Climate Leaders Coalition
a responsibility to mitigate our
and steering signatories of the 2017
pledged to help transition New Zealand
environmental footprint,” Mark says.
statement. Katie says that Farmlands
to a low emissions economy and limit
Farmlands’ Head of Sustainability and
is proud to contribute to lowering
global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
Land Use, Katie Vickers says that as an
New Zealand’s emissions.
The origin of the Climate Leaders Coalition The Climate Change Leadership Statement was drawn up by a group of 13 New Zealand CEOs in October 2017. • In July 2018, 60 of New Zealand’s business leaders signed the statement committing their businesses to tackle climate change and reduce New Zealand’s climate emissions. • The statement is a leadership beacon for collective action and ambitious solutions to tackle climate change. • The goal of the Climate Leaders Coalition is to help New Zealand businesses transition to a low emissions economy by lowering their own and their suppliers’ emissions to create a future which is positive for New Zealanders, New Zealand businesses, and the overall economy. • Any organisation can join the Coalition and play their part in New Zealand’s transition to a low emissions economy.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © February 2021. All rights reserved.