Developing a personal style of governance The “To the Core” programme developed by Farmlands Co-operative and Silver Fern Farms has been providing shareholders with governance training and insight since 2018. Held each year, the To the Core programme was created to develop a depth of governance experience within rural communities and offer the chance for attendees to get a feel as to whether the boardroom is for them. All Farmlands’ shareholders and Silver Fern Farms’ suppliers are welcome to put their hand up for the programme and for those who attend the To the Core course, an extension programme is also now available. While the 2020 edition of To the Core was unable to go ahead due to COVID-19, the 2-day To the Core Extension programme took place on 4th and 5th November in Christchurch.
| The To the Core Extension programme shared insights on co-operative governance and the relationship between management and governance.
style around the boardroom and recognising the persuasiveness of argument in influencing decision making,” Mark says.
12 shareholders attended the event, facilitated and delivered by The Boardroom Practice Ltd Company. The course included a simulated boardroom situation with the attendees split into two groups, working on governance decisions based around mock company documents provided to the group prior to the course.
The second day of the course included
Farmlands’ Director of External Relations, Mark McHardy says the extension version of the programme focusses on developing each attendee’s personal boardroom style.
Julie Bohnenn and Silver Fern Farms
“The objective is to work on increasing the participant’s understanding of group dynamics, developing questioning techniques and learning
Finer details that were discussed
a session focusing on the relationship between management and governance. Farmlands CEO Peter Reidie and Silver Fern Farms CEO Simon Limmer provided an in-depth insight into the distinctive line between the two roles through a question and answer session. Farmlands Independent Director Chairman Richard Young also addressed the panel, sharing their thoughts on co-operative governance, providing valuable insight to the group. included boardroom etiquette, responding to pressure and presenting to a group.
“Funding support from the Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust (Agmardt) have played a key role in supporting governance development to rural communities,” Mark says. “To the Core, held annually and To the Core Extension, held biannually, have provided great value to attendees and the support from Agmardt means that shareholders and suppliers from Farmlands and Silver Fern Farms can continue to develop their knowledge further.” The next To the Core course will take place in June 2021 with To the Core Extension scheduled for July 2022. For more information on To the Core and To the Core Extension, visit www.silverfern professional-development
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © February 2021. All rights reserved.