Users give tick to easier drenching As lambs approach weaning, it’s time for farmers to plan their parasite control programmes. A pre-weaning drench is a useful tool for farmers to get maximum growth rates from their lambs leading up to weaning. This is particularly important in summer dry areas, where growth rates cannot be relied upon after weaning through the summer.
in March. Donaghys created Scorpius
“We have been dealing with triple
Elite in response to requests from New
combination drench resistance for 18
Zealand farmers for an easier way to
months and after really struggling we
drench sheep. Uptake of the new product
tried Scorpius Elite. So easy to put on
has been high, with over 400,000 doses
the sheep, and the egg count at 11
of Scorpius Elite used in the field in the
days post drench was zero! We couldn’t
first 6 months since launch, with farmers
believe it! We have resistance to the two
receiving excellent results.
ingredients when given traditionally in
Donaghys surveyed users and received
the mouth. Scorpius Elite has given us
the following feedback:
another tool in the toolbox to farm our
You’ve taken one of the worst jobs and
way out of drench resistance.”
made it easy (no more stress).
So not only have farmers been
Awesome product, very little stress on
benefiting from the ease of use with
my animals.
Scorpius Elite, they have also been
drenched pre-weaning and at weaning,
…great product…
getting excellent results, even in
Scorpius Elite can make this job easier
…game changer…
situations where drench resistance is
and quicker for farmers.
…very happy with results…
Scorpius Elite was launched to the
The most exciting feedback came from
market by Donaghys with much fanfare
Rob and Alex Foreman in Pahiatua:
A pre-weaning drench can easily be coordinated with a 5-in-1 vaccination or vitamin B12 supplementation, which are also important for young growing lambs. With large numbers of lambs to be
present. This backs up what was shown in the trial work supporting Scorpius Elite’s registration. Scorpius Elite is used at a dose rate of 1ml per 2.5kg body weight and is applied in one spot to the base of the fleece onto the skin between the shoulder blades. It can be used in crossbred sheep of any wool length from 2 weeks after shearing. Scorpius Elite has a meat withhold of 16 days, giving farmers flexibility when regularly drafting lambs to the works. The team at Donaghys and Farmlands are looking forward to even more farmers taking advantage of the benefits that Scorpius Elite provides in its second season in the market. For further information, contact your Farmlands Technical Field Officer or the friendly team at your local Farmlands store.
| Farmers have been searching for an easier and quicker way to drench sheep.
Article supplied Donaghys
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © November 2021. All rights reserved.