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ALVARO’S WORLD: Andrew Wyeth and the Olson House

On view through October 29, 2023


Anna Christina Olson is one of the most recognizable subjects in all of modern art thanks to Andrew Wyeth’s depiction of her in his 1948 tempera, Christina’s World . But what do we know about her brother, Alvaro?

Alvaro’s World: Andrew Wyeth and the Olson House turns the focus from Christina to her sibling through Wyeth’s works—how Alvaro sustained their lives through demanding work as a fisherman, farmer, and carpenter-repairman for their 1870s farmhouse. From 1938 to 1968, as Wyeth made more than 300 works in and around the Olson House, he captured Alvaro’s commitment to life on this remote peninsula, during a time when the Olsons were faced with rural poverty, environmental challenges, and regular upkeep of the farm.

This unique exhibition shows works drawn primarily from the Marunuma Art Park collection in Asaka, Japan. The Farnsworth is the only American venue for this exhibition, which is unlikely to return to the United States, so don’t miss this opportunity to contemplate these works together and immerse yourself in Alvaro’s life.


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