1 minute read
Following my edited colour research, I have used neutral and pastel colours for most of my skirts, then one pattern and one brighter colour. The colour breakdown is: 42% neutrals, 42% pastels, 8% brights and 8% patterns. My edited research did not cover patterned garments as Bershka only sell a small percentage in patterned fabrics, so I decided to only include one in my range plan. I also decided to only include one bright colour in my range plan as I feel that this would be a risky garment and I wanted to ensure that the rest of the range will fit the Bershka core customer.
Bershka use the ’99 effect’ pricing strategy so I wanted to keep this consistent throughout my range plan. Following my edited pricing analysis, Bershka’s entry price is £14.99, their mid price is around £21 and their exit price is £27.99. I have followed this model through my range plan, and the average price is £21 so the majority of my garments are around that price point. The pricing breakdown is: 7% at £14.99, 18% at £17.99, 39% at £19.99, 18% at £25.99 and 18% at £27.99. £19.99 is the largest pricing category for the range as the average price should be around £21 this is the most appropriate price to use for the midpoint of the range.