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The final garment will be sold in Bershka stores across the world along with the rest of the collection shown in the range plan. The utility skirt is constructed from 100% cotton and Bershka is moving towards making this cotton 100% ecologically grown throughout all of their garments. All of the products in the range will be sold online, and all of the low risk items will be sold in smaller stores while the larger stores will receive the higher risk items along with a selection of the lower risk items. Following research into Bershka’s core customer, all of the skirts in the range plan follow Bershka’s style inspiration and styles. Bershka’s core customer are women aged 16 to 24, who are fashion conscious and enjoy keeping up with the latest trends. This new range of miniskirts for the SS22 season follows the latest trends and creates a versatile yet playful collection for customers to choose from.
Bershka’s main goal when creating new ranges of clothing to reflect current trends and using the trickle up and down theories to push these trends into their ready-to-wear clothing. Throughout this assignment, research has lead me through the necessary steps to follow the garment from concept to carrier bag. Through this process I have learnt the importance of the buyers role and how each step is critical to the garments being correct at the end of the process.
In conclusion, research shows Bershka is a fast fashion brand who’s product life cycle moves faster than most other high street retailers, but not as fast as fellow Inditex brand Zara. Bershka follows the trickle up and down theories, meaning they take inspiration from both street style and catwalk shows so they need to be able to produce garments quickly to keep up with new trends. This is how they manage to stay on top of their competitors and ensure that their new trendy products are out first.
(Pinterest 2021)