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FASHION FACES is an international online & print publication featuring up and coming stars, professionals and celebrities in the fashion, beauty, music & entertainment industry and trades. Featured monthly since February 2012. PRINT issues available approx one week after ONLINE Release Date. #hardcopy #library #magcloud #support #share #promote #addtostacks (PRINT LIBRARY) http://magcloud.com/browse/magazine/358683 (JOIN THE FF COMMUNITY via social media) http://twitter.com/Fashion_Faces http://facebook.com/fashionfacesmagazine http://youtube.com/user/FashionFacestv (SUBMIT) via DROPBOX.com to editor@fashionfacesmag.com For more information on Submitting, see our ABOUT page on Facebook. (ADVERTISE) advertising@fashionfacesmag.com MEDIA KIT: http://issuu.com/fashionfaces/docs/media_kit_2014 (QUESTIONS) fashionfacesdk@gmail.com