Fashion Quarterly

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Eliot Dreiband






TWITTER: fqmag BLOG: FACEBOOK: Fashion Quarterly EMAIL: WEBSITE: coming soon! WEBMASTER

Currently our website is in a blog format so the webmaster will not only create but maintain the website with articles and images given by appropriate staff members. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have prior experience in building and maintaining a website. Knowledge of basic HTML. Must have an eye for creative design and be conscious of detail. Must be able to work efficiently alone.


Research potential sponsors and businesses in the local community. Position will require you to directly visit business sites and meet with potential clients to collaborate and negotiate sponsorship or putting an ad with FQ. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. must be ambitious and goal driven, must take initiative in setting your own pace to seek out businesses. Experience preferred.


send resume and work sample to


Will be expected to keep a record of all incoming funds including sponsorships and fundraiser money. Must create a funds report after each fundraiser activity with costs and profits. Must become very familiar with AS Funds system to obtain funds for publication and events. QUALIFICATIONS: Must be detail oriented and be able to work efficiently alone. Economics, Math, and Management Science majors preferred. Knowledge of the AS funds system preferred.


Will be expected to carry out an event from start to finish. Will be collaborating with staff on decorations and potential venues, will be setting meetings with AS event advisers and venue managers, and will be creating a detailed agenda for the event day. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have prior experience with coordinating events. Must have an understanding and capability to implement techniques on how to make an event successful and organized. Must be dedicated, have an eye for detail, and have great interpersonal skills. Familiarity with One Stop’s TAP form preferred.


NOTE: In the Spring 2009 Secret Scholar issue, there was a credit error on the Cover Girl spread. We would personally like to apologize to Anh Duong, the designer for the cover girl’s wardrobe. Check out Anh’s up and coming designs at


The publication may have been funded in part or in whole by funds allocated by the ASUCSD. However, the views expressed in this publication are solely those of Fashion Quarterly, its principal members and the authors of the content of this publication. While the publisher of this publication is a registered student organization at UC San Diego, the content, opinions, statements and views expressed in this or any other publication published and/or distributed by Fashion Quarterly are not endorsed by and do not represent the views, opinions, policies, or positions of the ASUCSD, GSAUCSD, UC San Diego, the University of California and the Regents or their officers, employees, or agents. The publisher of this publication bears and assumes the full responsibility and liability for the content of this publication.

1 WINTER 2010 Disclaimer


on the cover



WINTER 2010 COVER GIRL WINNER What do you get when beauty, compassion, and a love for dancing and sushi converge? Our Winter Issue 2010 Cover Girl, Eliot Dreiband! MARIE CLAIRE FASHION INTERN TELLS ALL Fashion Quarterly’s publicist, Jasmine Tsai, shares about her internship experience in New York City with Marie Claire magazine!


WHAT EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE IN HIS WARDROBE Just in time for V-Day, our first men’s page! Men, do yourselves a favor and read how you can go the extra mile to impress your date with style.

9 23

THIS SEASON’S FASHION UPDATE From current trends to up coming trends, get in on what to expect this season!

17 12

GARDEN PARTY CLOTHING BY ELEONORE SANTOS Eleonore Santos creates creative fashion designs fit for a modern day princess. LIVE LIKE A SAN DIEGO NATIVE Don’t leave San Diego without checking out these must-visit locations! BAGS, BAGS GALORE! See what inspires designer and alumnus Melinda Mae, and purchase a bag for your own collection. Discount code included for all UCSD students.

features 8 11

D.I.Y.- DO IT YOURSELF PUMPS Believe it or not, make yourself designer pumps for only $5. Definitely worth trying! REALITY-CHECK YOUR WARDROBE The truth comes out. Get a sense of what the average male/ female may be thinking about what you’re wearing.


A TASTE OF PARIS: MACARONS Discover the history and recipe of the uniquely complicated yet oh-so-mouthwatering French Macaron. Table of Contents WINTER 2010


EDITORS’ LETTERS Welcome to an upgraded issue of Fashion Quarterly! You may or may not have vaguely heard in passing about a certain fashion magazine called Secret Scholar. Like any other organized endeavor, Secret Scholar had a rough beginning. However, with our third year in progress, we have completely revolutionized what was Secret Scholar to what is now Fashion Quarterly, with a whole new staff to match. In light of the new changes, we have even dedicated a men’s page due to popular demand for all our male readers! I am also proud to say that one of our very own staff members, Jasmine, received an opportunity to intern at Marie Claire in New York last fall. We are lucky to have her share some insight to those interested in exploring the fashion industry in her article. Though this isn’t New York, UCSD also has its own share of fashionable divas. You can often see them rummaging through the Perks wall of fashion magazines in between classes with their tights and Carrie Bradshaw heels. Yes, we see you and this magazine is for you! Whether fashion is your life or simply an interest, we hope to inspire and ignite your creative individuality. Strut down Library Walk and make it your own fashion runway. Enjoy FQ, the first fashion magazine at UCSD.

Hello Lovers, Here we are again, the beginning. A new year, a new quarter, a new wardrobe and a brand new start. Also referred to as the devil who can’t afford Prada (hello college and tuition), I have the honor of filling in our previous Co-Editor Monique’s studded shoes while she studies abroad in Japan. Though I can’t say creating a fashion magazine from scratch is all glitz and glamour, Fashion Quarterly definitely has its own appeal. It is the product of aspiring student photographers, fashion designers, stylists, publicists, writers, event planners, bloggers, models and editors. In a span of just three months, our publication has outgrown itself; the number of printed copies and staff members have doubled as the application pool quadrupled since our last issue. This year, we are even joined by three gorgeous gentlemen on staff -Conor, Kevin, and Marcoswho aren’t intimidated by a room full of high heels and red rouge. Though our staff has been subject to long nights, followed by longer days and numerous caffeine fixes at Goody’s, we have condensed “fashion” into the thirty-two pages you hold in your hand. So, thank you for making our sacrificed hours of beauty sleep worthwhile by reading Fashion Quarterly! But if you absolutely hate it, please remember to recycle. PS. Send us your suggestions and opinion letters to fashionquarterly@! We appreciate your love and support.

3 WINTER 2010 Editor’s Letter

FASHION Q u a r t e r l y’ s




Find It: Sephora $19 This product has a silicone pad with a “mushroom” shape that helps keep your eyelashes perfect all day. Many users have noted that because of the curler, a mascara is unnecessary.

Find It: Sephora $25 Great for days when you just want light coverage and something to control your oily t-zone.




Find It: Sephora $12 I love the nude natural color this lipstick provides. It smells good and goes on smoothly.

Find It: Ulta $10 This stuff not only smells absolutely amazing, but also keeps and protects your colored hair! I’ve been using Kiwi for about 3 years now and love it more than ever for my colored hair!


Find It: Target $16 Recently added (about a year ago) to my morning hair routine, Bumble and Bumble’s Lotion keeps my hair feeling silky soft and adds extra body, even after using the blowdryer! It helps to minimize frizz-which some of us need when close to the beach! Great for wet or dry hair, adds definition and a little goes a long way!

Find It: Major department stores $24 One of my favorite products because it’s a great lightweight moisturizer for normal to oily skin.


Find It: Nordstrom $24 Helps reduce redness and oil on my face.

Staff Favorites WINTER 2010


little MISS

sunshine By: Serena Chang


here’s that really great line from Little Miss Sunshine that goes: ‘Do what you love, and fuck the rest.’ Well I’m not sure I want to ‘fuck the rest,’ but I definitely want to do what makes me happy.” –Eliot Dreiband Meet Eliot Dreiband, a spunky Sixth College sophomore whose passions range from rereading her battered copy of Pride and Prejudice to bringing joy to children with life-threatening illnesses. Indeed, it is her cheeky quirkiness and unadulterated passion for helping others that makes her such a breath of fresh air. A self-proclaimed tomboy, Eliot enjoys watching and playing soccer with the guys rather than discussing the newest episode of America’s Next Top Model or studying the latest issue of Vogue. She wouldn’t call herself a fashionista—she feels most comfortable wearing jeans, cardigans, and flip-flops. What really defines this Cover Girl is her selfless dedication to charity work. For years, Eliot has been volunteering, spending her time aiding non-profits, and working with children. Every summer, she works for The Painted Turtle, a camp for children diagnosed with terminal illnesses. “It’s my favorite time of the year,” she proudly declares. “Thanks to those girls I meet in camp, I know all the dances to Hannah Montana and High School Musical, which I can’t exactly show off in my ballet class.” Eliot is mainly a contemporary dancer, but she also loves rocking out to Led Zeppelin and Bob Dylan in her room. Currently, she is leading the group Dance for Charity, an entirely student-run association that aims to raise money via dance performances and donate the proceeds to health-related causes. All of the performances are student-choreographed, and shows will be held each quarter beginning Winter 2010. UC Berkeley’s Theater for Charity served as her inspiration. By merging her love of dance with her enthusiasm for helping others, Eliot’s endeavor exemplifies her belief that people should “do what makes [them] happy.” When I ask what drives her humanitarian impulses, Eliot describes her own struggles with her health and how they have motivated her to reach out and help others’ with health problems. “I’ve had a lot of experience with medical issues my entire life. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was twelve years old. It’s basically a disease that affects your intestinal tract. You don’t absorb nutrients as well, and it comes with stomach pains and other symptoms. After going to camp with kids with this illness, I decided that I wanted to be really proactive.” She tells me that Crohn’s disease is genetically inherited, and so far, incurable. Yet despite her health obstacles, her optimism remains unfazed. “The thing is, everyone always asks me, ‘If you could get rid of Crohn’s, would you?’ I’d have to say no, because I’ve worked at these camps and met so many people with Crohn’s who are so, so inspiring.” Her sunny attitude reveals her down-to-earth perspective on her life. “My illness is not nearly as bad as it could be,” she explains, “I’m thanking my lucky stars every day that I just have to take medication when I could be in the hospital having my bowels resected.” Her experience with Crohn’s disease has led to her active involvement in the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, where she continues to raise awareness for these illnesses. Being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease has further inspired Eliot to combine her interests in children and disabilities to pursue a career in public health. Fortunately, Sixth College offers the Individual Studies major, which allows a student with multiple interests to take classes from at least two different departments to create a major not offered at UCSD. Although she was set on being a pediatrician when coming to college, she found that she loves English and history more than math and science. “After taking so many different classes, I’m rethinking everything. Hello mid-life college crisis. If I come out of this still wanting to be a doctor, then fabulous. But if I find something along the way that I enjoy more and makes me happier, I’m okay with changing majors and directions.” Eliot’s undeniable passion for helping children with disabilities propels her toward realizing a career in public health, even if she chooses not to study medicine. Even though she points out how hard it is to balance her social and academic agendas, this Cover Girl takes time to relish the simple things in life. She loves spending time with family and friends, and absolutely adores reading—especially works by Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling. For fun, she tries all the sushi restaurants in town, holds heated debates during late-night baking parties, and watches surgery videos. Undoubtedly, her sense of humor and exuberant love of life radiate through her diverse hobbies. Yet what strikes me the most about Eliot is her unwavering, positively sunshine-y attitude toward her personal struggles. “Because Crohn’s disease is autoimmune, it affects your whole body, so I get a lot of headaches and I get sick a lot,” Eliot says. She pauses briefly, and then adds, “There’s really no other way to live than just dealing and moving on. You have to look at everything with a silver lining or else you’re not really living.” There is no question this young humanitarian inspires us all to think optimistically and find ways to brighten others’ lives.

“There’s really no other way to live than just dealing and moving on.”

Cover Girl WINTER 2010


let’s talk


dress up tights boots

down jackets don’t match

7 WINTER 2010 Japanese Fashion

By: Monique Lam

Hello, my name is Monique, and I am studying abroad in Japan! I was Co-Editor last year, but for now, you can call me “Special Tokyo Fashion Correspondent”! What are the current trends and styles? Here are some tips to make you look life a native if you ever find yourself walking the streets of Tokyo:

1. At UCSD, you can get away with walking out the door in sweats and Rainbows. This is absolutely not the case here! High heels are the norm. 2. You will almost always find tights, fishnets, or leggings underneath a skirt or shorts. From plain black to neon and patterns, girls never leave their legs bare. This look is year-round! 3. You can’t go wrong with any style of boot for winter, but knee-high and higher boots are especially popular right now. 4. In various colors, lengths, and with or without fur trim, this is the winter musthave for both men and women. 5. What makes Japanese fashionistas so special is that they’re not afraid to mix up pieces and sport daring combinations that might be considered downright wild in the USA. However, do take this suggestion with a grain of salt--looking like a giant rainbow of colors and patterns isn’t exactly what we’re going for....instead, introduce one odd pop that will add intrigue to your outfit.



t u d d e d


e e l s



You Need:

• Pair of old heels • Studs • Safety Pin • Plyers • Pen or pencil

With a pen or pencil mark where you want to place the studs.

. Yu y: S to b


With a safety pin, or any sharp needle-like tool, poke holes into the shoes to make it easier for studs to be inserted.


ot o



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Match your new, must-have studded heels with your favorite winter outfit and enjoy!



Photo by: A. Houle

• $5­—Pack of 100 medium connical studs from


My Only Purchase:

Photo by: J. Yuen


Insert the studs into the poked holes, and with a pair of plyers secure the studs into place.

NOTE: Total cost may vary depending on shoes, studs and tools you purchase

Do It Yourself WINTER 2010


The Journey Of By: Conor Ford

trends CURRENT

1 2 3 4 5 1. oxford flats; Jeffrey Campbell from freepeople. com $128 2. crochet/ lace tights; Wolford from bloomingdales. com, $58 3. studded accessories; ballet flats from Forever21 $15.84 4. floral dresses;bloom knot back sundress from $70 5. boyfriend blazers; vintage blazer from $39

Fashion is one of the very few ways that you can tell someone about yourself without ever speaking a single word. With such an impression to be had in such a subliminal manner, no question is left as to why so many people are so concerned with their respective images. It is a fact that people are perceived differently based on how they present themselves, i.e. their style or sense of fashion. It is also a fact that fashion is a reactionary being, and thus it would benefit us to look into why people are currently presenting themselves the way that they are. In times of great change, whether the transformation be politically based or economical in nature, people have a tendency to revert back to past, to the tried and the tested. Fashion is no exception. With the inauguration of our first African-American president and our economy taking (what could quite accurately be compared to a swan dive), people are a little unsettled to say the least. Now, I’m not saying that this is a bad thing, but we shouldn’t necessarily be surprised to see fashionable men and women running around looking like they just stepped out of The Great Gatsby. Men in bowler hats and bowties, women wearing back-seam tights and coats with fur collars—people are looking downright dapper these days. The entire Fall 2009 season was a reference to a different time and place. On the men’s front, Lanvin epitomized the 1930s by sending their boys out in fitted blazers, sleek military boots, scarves, and a new headwear that suggests a focus on berets rather than beanies. This lust of simpler time full of unpretentious luxury and utility has crossed over into the garment arena as well. Rompers, headbands, stockings, swing coats, and day dresses have all made an impression on the public this season; fur and feathers have made a rare comeback (all of these trends were

preconceived by the likes of Alber Elbaz for Lanvin, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Christopher Bailey at Burberry). Alexander McQueen, drawing on his costume designing history, followed suit (pun intended), with men dressed straight out of Dickensian London. It seems that there is a new and profound emphasis on the basic importance of looking “put together,” and this past season, there was a large effort on the behalf of the entire fashion industry to promote a cleaner overall appearance and slimmer silhouette in men’s fashion. It seems to have been effective—I see men in fitted jackets, ties, vintage glasses, tons of tweed, and oxfords on a daily basis. Men’s fashion this year is a surprisingly fabulous combustion of old world elegance and new school cool of which the likes of Hemingway would be proud. The message has been received loud and clear. Guys, button those top buttons, through on a bowtie and party like it’s 1929… our economy will be right there with you. Women’s fashion this season has received a similar reversion to the past. Currently, it’s more than appropriate to ditch the six-inch stiletto and opt for a pair of oxfords. In fact, the Alexander Wang lace-less oxford was one of the most coveted shoes of the season. This lust of simpler time full of unpretentious luxury and utility has crossed over into the garment arena as well. Rompers, headbands, stockings, swing coats, and day dresses have all made an impression on the public this season; fur and feathers have made a rare comeback (all of these trends were preconceived by the likes of Alber Elbaz for Lanvin, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Christopher Bailey at Burberry).

FASHION Now, no one is asking for you to put on a period costume (okay, Alexander McQueen might be), but it is an interesting notion— bringing back certain aspects of the past and recreating them for a modern world. The deep colors, the rich materials—it seems to me that this reference to that part of our history is actually a cry for a little bit of romanticism in a world that can occasionally come across as overly clinical. However, as said previously, fashion is reactionary and while the current trends are a reaction to the socio-political climate, the image of next spring will be a reaction to what we have on our backs right now; and I think its safe to say that the direction we will be heading is East. For the Spring 2010 season, designers in Paris, Milan, and New York all showed a strong connection to ethnic and third world inspirations. Intricate patterns are going to define this coming spring and there was no shortage of them on the runways. From the extreme tribal acid-trip sea creatures created by the master of masters, Alexander McQueen, to the understated wear ability of Gucci, Erin Wasson x RVCA, and 3.1 Philip Lim collections, the possibilities for prints seem to be limitless. Enter Dries Van Noten who I am daring to dub the King of Spring 2010. Having seen the stills from the women’s runway show in Paris, I couldn’t wait to see the collection up close. was utterly in awe of the creative genius and amazing amount of detail in each piece. The prints, the patterns, the beads, and the cuts took me on a journey, on a voyage. On that relatively ordinary morning in Los Angeles, my friend Michele and I were taken to Paris, Morocco, India, and back to LA again (and all before noon). Dries really captured the essence of this coming spring with his masterful implementation of color in prints and his contrast of tailored garments in usually flowing fabrics. It was more of an art gallery visit than a shopping excursion.

Much to my surprise and delight, I received an invitation from Barneys New York in Los Angeles to come preview the collection only two weeks after it showed in Paris. There was no way I could prepare for what I was to experience—I was utterly in awe of the creative genius and amazing amount of detail in each piece. The prints, the patterns, the beads, and the cuts took me on a journey, on a voyage. On that relatively ordinary morning in Los Angeles, my friend Michele and I were taken to Paris, Morocco, India, and back to LA again (and all before noon). Dries really captured the essence of this coming spring with his masterful implementation of color in prints and his contrast of tailored garments in usually flowing fabrics. It was more of an art gallery visit than a shopping excursion. While fashion straight off the runway can sometimes seem unobtainable or unrealistic, there is a strong and very real connection between what shows in New York or Paris to what you can pick up at your neighborhood Zara or Urban Outfitters. Fashion is about rebirth and looking forward, combining the past with the sentiments of the present, and when it comes to spring—prints will be inspiring and a turban will make you look like you know what you’re doing.

straight from the runway


eastern silouhettes

sheer clothing




photo courtesy of and


ready wear



Winter Trends WINTER 2010




MALE & FEMALE P E R S P E C T I V E By: Sherry Yuen-Ruan


the minds of girls and see what they really think about that outfit you’ve so proudly put together.

nd LS a






SAM, 20: Tights with shorts are sexy only if the tights are black and the shorts are super short shorts that are super tight, making the ass look very bubbly. JASON, 25: When its cold I don’t get why you’d wear shorts and tights instead of pants. MARK, 22: If it’s kinda stocking-ish it’s no bueno but if it’s like black or a solid color it can work. The flower print ones are kinda weird to me. ISAAC, 20: Tights go well with anything! None of that scratched up looking ones though. They make you look like a slut.

LAUREN, 21: I think skinny jeans on boys are my favorite trend that men wear now. Most of the time I do not like the super skinny ones that stick to their legs, but I like skinny jeans because they are more fitted and show off the body versus concealing it underneath bagginess.


Photo by C. Wu


ISAAC, 20: Structured shoulder blazers are nice, but they make you look old and only look good on skinny girls.

nd LS a

GIR HAO, 20: Who says you can’t stay warm stylishly and with an attitude? The best way to utilize the leather is to balance out a girly dress and bring out a rather edgy rocker look.

11 WINTER 2010



ADRIANE, 24: I like stripes because they make me think of pirates, and pirates make me think of Johnny Depp and Johnny Depp is hot. KAREN, 20: Stripes on boys equals super yummy. I like a guy who can work a striped shirt. It definitely accentuates their muscles, too.



S an





JUSTIN N., 22: I don’t like the leather jackets. It makes them look like punk women.


Photo by C. Wu

STEFAN, 20: Not a fan of girls wearing blazers (unless it’s for work). Rather see them in cardigans! SAM, 20: Girls wearing blazers is sexy only if there is a lot of cleavage and the waist is slim.


ADRIANE, 24: I like scarves. It makes a guy look like he has a sophisticated style. Also, you can use the scarf to tie him to your bed for a fun time. Photo from



S an



Photo by C. Wu





Photo by C. Wu




Photo by C. Wu

Guys, It’s not fair to only judge the girls. Here is your chance to get inside

ADRIANE, 24: Depends on the guy’s BMI (body mass index). If they are pear shaped, they should stay away.


Photo from

Girls, What you may see as the perfect outfit may look like a whole different story to the boys in your life. Here is your chance to know what guys really think of current female trends.

LAUREN, 21: I don’t really care for men wearing scarves. It does not disgust me, but it looks a little too feminine for my taste.

MELINDA MAE MELINDA MAE MELINDA MAE handbag happy... By: Mina Riazi

Check out our blog for a special discount code for UCSD students, courtesy of Melinda Mae!

Oftentimes, open eyes and an open mind are the greatest tools for creativity. For UCSD Alumnus Melinda Mae, the serene beauty of the sea proved enough to nourish her creations to life: “I am inspired most by carefree days on the beach and good times with friends,” she said. Her handbags—popping with patterns and candy-colors—exude that sun-swept spirit. While her roomy totes invite images of long days spent near the beach, her clutches unlock quiet recollections of warm nights glittery with lights and laughter. From turtles swimming amongst a flurry of wet bubbles to a pink-blue sprinkling of cherry blossoms, Melinda Mae’s handbags are diverse in pattern and in color. “I have found many of my beautiful fabrics in Japan, Hong Kong and Hawaii,” she said. Other than her love for traveling, Melinda Mae handbags reflect the designer’s approach to living life well: “I love to be casual, but I also enjoy going out at night and exploring art, photography and music.” With their brightly distinct personalities, the handbags don’t exclude anyone. Clever and compact, the clutches are ideal for devoted minimalists who shun a jangle of belongings. On the other hand, the wristlets are delicately discreet, distinguished by smatterings of wild color. Meanwhile, the spacious handbags encourage a swarm of possessions to nestle in their many pockets. As Melinda Mae’s creations reveal, style expresses multitudes about a person’s character. “I strive to create products that can highlight a person’s unique personality,” she said. For UCSD students who wrongly believe their creative dreams are out of reach at a research university, Melinda Mae should serve as an ever-flowing source of inspiration. While a student, she took part in planning events with MASA (Multi-Asian Student Association) and sought creative influence from the rich bevy of live musical performances on campus. “I also worked in many student assistant positions, which taught me a lot about professionalism and networking,” she said. Today, she plans on selling her products in retail stores while also nurturing many other creative interests. More important than these fun-loving handbags, however, is the precious message that their designer delivers: Don’t be discouraged and know that as long as you have the passion, you can achieve anything. After all, it is only by coupling our creative visions with steady action that we can enjoy experiencing our most brilliant dreams unravel into realities.

Melinda Mae handbags WINTER 2010



romeo, whereis

sense of fashion

Walking into a room where women these days are obsessing over hot celebrities like Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson doesn’t make the road for the average Joe any easier. A morning in the shoes of a male college student doesn’t always consist of that extra half-hour to straighten out that fitted dress shirt, or shine those old dress shoes. The truth of the matter is, a guy could use a word of advice before his big Valentine’s Day date. So, gentlemen, the following tips are for you… Can’t decide what to wear? Not to worry, that’s the question every guy asks when looking into his closet the day of his date with the girl from Chem 6A. What can I wear without looking like I’m trying too hard? How do I look sharp without looking like a complete nerd? Will she think I’m weird if I tuck in my shirt? The answer is quite simple—no man has ever gone wrong with a pair of shiny Dolce and Gabbana shoes (okay, maybe not so simple).

By: Marcos Jimenez

I know shopping for clothes is not the top priority of the average male college student, and some of us need to learn the difference between wearing a white dress shirt with black shoes versus brown shoes. Trust me— it is perfectly normal for a guy to be mentally glued in the world of labels and fashion. Depending on where you are taking your dream girl for your date, you can make a fashionable decision if you think ahead. We have all had that cheesy movie date on V Day, and it is important to make a great impression no matter how dark the movie theatre may be. First step: pick out a nice dress shirt and have the common sense to iron it. You don’t want a girl to rest her head on a wrinkled sleeve. A tip to remember is to go for a nice fitted look when it comes to dress shirts. If you have the muscles, you might even want to neatly roll up the sleeves just above the elbow, which gives the shoulders a

broader look. Dress shirts are usually priced around $25, yet it all depends on what brand you are buying. When it comes to choosing brands, you need to know which ones will give you better results. Think about shirts as if they were automobiles: an Enzo Ferrari or Lamborghini give much more powerful impressions of class and style than a Toyota Corolla. Say you experienced buying a dress shirt at JC Penney, and finding out two weeks later it was a little faded and sported a couple unraveling strings near the cuff of the sleeve. Affordable dress shirts that are dependable can be found at Ross, Marshalls, or Nordstrom Rack. All of these stores carry respectable, quality clothing that comes from department stores like Nordstrom, Macys, and often Neiman Marcus. JC Penney and Sears are fine, but to me it seems more reasonable to purchase a high fashion designer shirt, a Ben Sherman or Penguin, which normally sells for $100, for only $17 at Nordstrom Rack. JC Penney sells dress shirts as high as $45 dollars, while Ross sells the exact same shirts, or shirts from better designers like DKNY, for as low as $16. Step Two: once you have your shirt ready, you need to make sure you don’t make a mistake by wearing the wrong slacks. If you are going out to dinner and a movie, you should wear slacks, not jeans. If you are going out to the fair, park, ice rink, or even the beach, jeans or J.Crew shorts might be the best option. Slacks are often a little distended on the hips, and could make you look wider than you are. For this purpose, you should try and shop for dress pants at H&M, which sells good quality clothing for a moderate price. If you are looking for shorts, J.Crew is a great option if you want to stay away from the “just threw something on” look. Along with shorts, a great way to appear better-dressed

would be to add a light cardigan with a plain v-neck t-shirt. When you wear shorts, you should try to avoid sandals, unless you are going to the beach. Instead, wear shoes like Clarks or TOMS, which you can find at reasonably discounted prices at Nordstrom Rack. They add a classier, more vintage vibe to your look, and give a swell impression of personal style. Third Step: color options can be tough, but guys, one thing you have to remember, and I can’t stress this enough is: don’t be afraid to wear pink or red. Valentine’s Day is all about love and warmth; don’t hold back from wearing a bold and confident color. Often, guys shy away from bold colors and fashion choices because they don’t want to come off as conceited or feminine, but trust me, girls want to see a guy dress up for the occasion, and a little color never hurt anyone. Aside from your wardrobe: some tips regarding your personal appearance. Of course, it is common sense to look puttogether and proper. When it comes to hair, you definitely do not want to wear a hat. Even though hats are a very valuable accessory, Valentine’s Day is not the day to wear one. Hats can suggest, “I was too lazy to get a haircut”. Do what you have to do, even if it’s just a trim, but get that haircut two or three days before Valentine’s Day if you need one. Shower before the date and feel free to use cologne, Name,sure Ageyou don’t drown yourself in it, or your entire date but make could flounder as well. So, guys, follow these tips. Don’t let lack of fashion be the reason you have to stay home and eat Chinese food with your dog on Valentine’s Day. DRESS TO IMPRESS.

Photos from Male Fashion Trends



let them eat


a history and recipe

By: Serena Chang


nce upon a time, in the early 1900s, the grandson of the renowned Parisian pâtissier Louis Ernest Ladurée, Pierre Desfontaines, decided to fuse two almond meringue disks with ganache, or smooth chocolate cream. Thence, the famed French sandwich cookie was born. The name “macaron” is derived from the Italian term “maccherone,” or “fine dough.” Also known as the gerbet, the delicacy probably originated as a chunky macaroon in an Italian monastery, and was later refined by French pâtissiers who brought the pastry from Italy in 1533. It is not to be confused with the macaroon, a dense al-

mond cookie made with coconut. So what does the perfect macaron resemble? According to macaron connoisseur Dorie Greenspan, “The Mallomarshaped cookie must have a ‘foot,’ a crackly ringlet that surrounds the flat side. The outer shell is thinner than an eggshell but has an eggshell-like quality. Poking through the shell gives way to soft, almost-meringue texture. The macaron is just a tiny little thing made of only sugar, egg white, and almonds, yet it has bunches of texture and flavor that you can play with ad infinitum.” Sounds heavenly, eh? Much like Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, the macaron today includes an extraordinary

range of flavors, shapes, and colors. Besides ganache, Bakeries also use buttercream, jam, ganache, or variations of all three as macaron filling. Classic flavors include caramel fleur del sel and vanilla, while the newer ones (for the adventurous tasters out there) consist of lime-basil and wasabi-grapefruit. While the treat is slowly gaining popularity in United States, the macaron craze that began over three years ago in Paris continues to enchant much of Europe and Japan. Served at tea parlors and fashion shows, the adorable macaron is also a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or any occassion. Unsurprisingly, this cake sand-

wich is not an easy treat to make. For those brave and dedicated culinary souls yonder, feel free to put your baking skills to the test with the recipe included. For those who prefer to receive immediate gratification instead, visit the Opera Café and Patisserie in San Diego or order these cookies online at madmacnyc. com or If you are fortunate enough to visit Paris, be sure to stop by Ladurée (birthplace of the macaron) and Pierre Hermé to experience ultimate macaron bliss! on medium speed until soft peaks form.

the recipe ingredients:

2 large egg whites, room temp. pinch of cream of tartar 1/4 cup sugar powdered food coloring flavoring

1. Mix the sugar and almond flour in a food processor until combined. Sift mixture until smooth. 2. Preheat oven to 375F. Whisk whites with cream of tartar with a mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form. Reduce speed to low, then add sugar. Increase speed to high, and whisk until stiff peaks form, about 8 minutes after you added the sugar. Mix in food coloring and flavoring. Sift flour mixture over whites, and fold until mixture is smooth and shiny. 3. Transfer batter to a pastry bag or a zip lock bag with a hole cut in one end. Do this by fitting the bag into a cup, then spoon in the batter. Pipe 3/4-inch rounds 1 inch apart on 2 doubled up baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Tap bottom of each sheet on work surface to release trapped air. Reduce oven temperature to 330F. Bake 1 batch at a time about 10 -15 minutes. After each batch, increase oven temperature to 375F, heat for 5 minutes, then reduce to 330F. 4. Let macaroons cool on sheets for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack. (If macaroons stick, spray water underneath parchment on hot sheet. This will release macaroons.) 5. Sandwich 2 macaroons with 1 teaspoon filling. Let macarons sit one day to let flavors intensify. For fillings: Ganache or Buttercream Recipes by Martha Stewart. Recipe courtesy of

15 WINTER 2010


Photo from:

1 cup confectioner’s sugar 3/4 cup almond flour (or you may make this through almond slices in a food processor)


By: Andrea Morrison

I DON’T KNOW WHEN A GUY IS INTERESTED IN ME--- Girls are supposed to know these things—we’re supposed to be the ones who aren’t so literal and pick up on hints with ease, but maybe I’m missing some part of my second X chromosome (don’t worry, I’m not missing anything else that accompanies the X chromosome—I promise). But, really—a guy can unleash some intense flirting on me and I usually have no idea until someone else points it out. Sometimes, in an attempt to improve my skills, I try to look for clues, but then I’m left to wonder if I’m digging for something that never existed, if I’m over thinking an act that was never meant to be anything more than a friendly gesture. And because I have the dilemma that I do, because I need help navigating the relationship waters (and flounder frequently), I figure that maybe there’s a guy out there who shares my conundrum and could use some help too…. BODY POSITIONS---If we’re into you, we’ll respond physically. If we’re sitting, we’ll point our bodies toward you. We’ll face you, uncross our arms, turn our knees in your direction, or inch our shoulders closer to you. Basically, if we’re interested, we’ll try making physical contact, or hint at wanting to do so by physically acting as though you’re the only guy in the room. FACIAL EXPRESSIONS---We’ll smile. If we’re smiling, we’re having fun. And I don’t just mean slight, closed-mouth smiles (because those can often mean we’re being polite but we’re uncomfortable). I mean big, open-faced smiles. If we’re smiling and laughing, we’re enjoying your company. Raised eyebrows aren’t the best. This usually means we don’t approve of something you did or said. However, if we smile afterwards, then we were probably joking about the disapproval. ATTITUDE---We tease you because we like you. There’s no point teasing someone who doesn’t interest us, so if we’re joking around, we want to get to know you better and test your reactions. We tease to understand your sense of humor and see if you’re comfortable enough with yourself to take a joke, if you’re quick to respond and create playful banter. Also, if we seem excited to talk to you, and take an active role in our conversations, then we’re interested. If we don’t answer in depth or continue dialogue, then we aren’t engaged. FREQUENCY OF COMMUNICATION/THE FOLLOW-UP---Flirting is fun and harmless, but if we make an effort to talk to you or hang out, we want to find a reason to spend time with you. We may not directly ask you out (let’s be honest, no one wants to be the person in the position to be rejected, so we’d rather test the waters first and make sure you’re sending positive signals), but phone calls or attempts at meeting up are good signs. If we’re “too busy” to hang out, then we don’t want to hang out. No girl is too busy if she wants to spend time with a prospective special someone—if she doesn’t have time it’s because she doesn’t want to make time. BASICALLY, IF WE ARE INTO YOU--- we’ll give you attention. We most likely have a solid group of guy friends, so if we’re single and we make an effort, we are curious and interested from an attraction standpoint.

Good luck with the ladies. XX, Andrea

winter trends WINTER 2010


like a


By: Lois Lim

The Cheese Shop $ A hole in the wall sandwich specialty shop, reminiscent of sandwich shops in Europe. They import their cheese from all over Europe, and makes for a good fix for those reminiscing about your abroad days in Europe. Mouth-watering, handcrafted, hearty overstuffed sandwhiches, this is the one stop destination for the best classic sandwhiches in town. Recommendation: Roast Beef & Smoked Salmon.

Not enough to do in San Diego? Experience the city like a true San Diegan and acquaint yourself to San Diego’s must-do list of hidden treasures. I have hand picked five of my personal favorite activities that truly make this city anything but ordinary. During my four years at UCSD, having had no car and no clue about anything outside of UCSD, I too thought this city was a bit drab, monotonous, and a bit ordinary. Luckily, much of my recent free time has been spent on dates with my boyfriend, and our adventuresome couple activities have allowed me to compile a list of San Diego’s must-visit locations. All you need is a car, some free time, and a boyfriend or potential date that will spoil you rotten to start checking off a couple of my favorites before you graduate! Whether it be with a boyfriend, an upcoming Valentine’s date, or a group of friends don’t leave San Diego without truly experiencing this city’s hidden treasures!

Unconditional Surrender- Kiss Statue FREE Mole Park, San Diego Harbor A masterpiece created by world-renowned artist J. Steward Johnson, a 25-foot, 6,000 pound statue of a sailor kissing a nurse, capturing a famous World War II photo stands on temporary loan to the city of San Diego. Take your special valentine for a memorable photo op for a kiss to remember. Recommendation: Originally scheduled for take down February 2009 but by popular demand they have extended the date to March 31, 2010. Don’t miss out! Drive-In Movie $ An old time favorite, reminisce the good old days with a romantic drive-in movie date on Valentine’s Day. Not only do you get alone time with your date but a drive in movie means no crying babies or having to hear anyone else’s movie commentaries. Recommendation: Clean your windshield squeaky clean, you don’t want an annoying smudge to ruin your drive-in movie experience. Cash only.

Photo by: L. Lim

Rei Do Gado Brazilian Steak House $$$ Simply put a Brazilian barbeque feast. If you and your date have a big appetite and love trying different meat entrees this is the perfect place, you’ll come out stuffed feeling like Brazilian royalty. There are about eight different servers that serve a variety of twelve different meat entrees in rotation,. Recommendation: Take small portions of each so you don’t get full before you try them all and go before 2 p.m. for only $16.99 otherwise it gets a bit overpriced.

17 WINTER 2010


Altitude Sky Lounge $$ Come dressed to impress and end the evening with a toast at one of San Diego’s best rooftop bars. Gazing down Petco Park you might even be able to catch a game while you’re up there. Gigantic plasma screens galore with clips of fashion shows to truly elicit a chic sophisticated vibe. Recommendation: Happy Hour specials Mon-Fri. 5pm-7pm and ALL day on Sundays. For five more fabulous must-visit locations, check out!

bright lights, a story of how one UCSD student landed an internship and how you can too

BIG city By: Jasmine Tsai

7must haves for a fashion intern

1. Boyfriend blazer- go for that professional look 2. Converse Chuck Taylor high tops- you’re on your feet all the time 3. Big bag- allows you to take as many things as you can when you go on an errand 4. Notebook- when an editor tells you which look they want, that’s when you use your notebook 5. Attention to details (a must have!!!) 6. Confidence 7. Love for fashion (DEFINITELY)

“Hi Jasmine, I would like to offer you the internship at Marie Claire for Fall 2009…” I was screaming like crazy when I got an email from the Fashion Assistant at Marie Claire magazine. YES! I had received an internship offer from a well-established publishing company, and the title of the internship, Fashion Intern, was what I’d always dreamed of. Over the summer, I d been thinking about what I should do in the future, and since fashion has always been my passion, I thought, why not give it a try? So I checked out and applied for a Marie Claire internship.As soon I as I was notified, I packed my bags, dropped all of my Fall quarter classes, and headed off to New York City! My overall experience with Marie Claire has been phenomenal. You probably think interns are like Andie from The Devil Wears Prada-- always getting coffees for editors-- but we actually worked more than that (although I did get coffees for editors several times). My job (as a fashion intern) entailed handling the incoming/outgoing shipments of all the clothes, bags, and accessories, and assisting editors with making trend boards. I even got to go to one of the Marie Claire photo shoots. Watching and working with famous stylists was a valuable learning experience. Of course, some days were horrible because the magazine office is a very fast-paced environment and people are often under a lot stress to meet deadlines. While I had to be professional no matter what situation was thrown at me, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of my job. If you like working with clothes and accessories, you will appreciate these challenges like I did. Now for some advice for future fashionistas— If you want to pursue your career in fashion, you probably need to do at least 2 unpaid fashion internships in order to land a job. Always work hard and take the initiative to do things! Let people know you are serious about your future and they will help you find your dream job. If you give your 110%, you will earn your rewards. Most of the internships are based in New York, so it may be too far away from home and too expensive to live in the city. However, I really encourage you to go there and do it as an investment for your career. If you love fashion enough, you will only regret not going to New York to see the whole fashion industry!

Fashion Intern WINTER 2010



Winter Trends

Photographer: Somnang Vann Makeup Artist: KC Witkamp Hair: Gwendolyn Sneed Stylist: Chesley Tolentino Models: Kiersten, Yuki, Lindsay, Robby Clothes Provided By: Forever 21, American Eagle, H&M, Guess, Urban Outfitters, Ross. Handbags from: Lust4Luxe


Winter Trends


Garden Party

Designer: Eleonore Santos Photographer: Somnang Vann Makeup: Amy Lynn Richardson Hair: Char Sanchez Models: Dagmar and Chesley

By: Andrea Morrison



Your sign might reveal something about your personality, and perhaps your style. Sourced from











Dec.22-Jan.20 You tend to focus on your work and are invested in your career goals. Try some great formal wear. You are always ready to impress at fancy events and in the office. TIP: shop at Express for trendy and appropriate business attire. March 21-Apr.19 You’re a leader. You’re competitive, impulsive, and a true trendsetter. Take risks, and people will follow. Blend eclectic items to create outfits that aren’t necessarily popular…yet. Trust your instincts and others will love your creations.

May 20-June 20 Like the twins that represent you, you often vacillate between opposites, enjoying constant change, new experiences, and a fast paced environment. You excel at communication and social interactions. Try incorporating classic opposites into your wardrobe by combining black and white within the same outfit, and you’ll “wow” others not only with your verbal skills, but also with your fantastic outfit.

Aug. 23-Sept. 21 You thrive on balance and are extremely detailoriented. Focus on the details of your clothing items and accessories—go for crisp, clean lines or apparel with subtle but intricately constructed details. Also pay attention to fab accessories that will complete a simple outfit, and you’ll feel great about your style and yourself.


Nov. 22-Dec. 20 You’re passionate, determined, and strong. Try wearing something bold and simple—not only will you look classic, but you’ll be able to dress yourself in something chic and simple so you can focus on helping and learning about others—the activity you enjoy most.

25 WINTER 2010 astrology

March 21-Apr.19 You’re a leader. You’re competitive, impulsive, and a true trendsetter. Take risks, and people will follow. Blend eclectic items to create outfits that aren’t necessarily popular…yet. Trust your instincts and others will love your creations.

Sept. 22-Oct.22 You respect beauty and balance in the world. You also love to focus on your relationships and enjoy traveling in pairs or packs. Try pairing clothing items that match perfectly, or beautiful items that come in pairs…pretty earrings, shoes, or bracelets.

Feb.18-March 20 You’re a dreamer. You’re happy, easygoing, and love the water. Try some flowy, deep blues and beachwear, and you’ll feel comfortable and at home.

April 20-May19 You’re loyal, you’re constant, you work hard, and you fully intend to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Treat yourself with something ostentatious and flashy—you love pleasure. Reward yourself with a fabulous watch or great piece of jewelry.

July 23-Aug. 22 You’re confident, strong, dramatic, and like your symbol, the lion, you’re the king of your jungle. You enjoy being the center of attention, so dress boldly. Bright, warm colors are great for you, not only during your summer birthday season, but year round—they’ll surely grab the attention of those around you.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You’re passionate, determined, and strong. Try wearing something bold and simple—not only will you look classic, but you’ll be able to dress yourself in something chic and simple so you can focus on helping and learning about others—the activity you enjoy most.

AQUARIUS birthday Jan.20-Feb.17

If you’re an Aquarius, you might follow in the footsteps of Christian Dior. Christian Dior utilized his immense creativity and innovativeness to form a fashion empire— characteristic of Aquarians, who possess fabulous ideas and look for ways to use their intelligence to bring about progress in the world. Find an outlet for your brilliance. J’adore Dior.





FASHION DIRECTOR Chesley Tolentino STYLIST Kevin Nguyen LAYOUT DESIGNERS Grace Lee Sherry Yuen-Ruan Mabel Hsu Lucy Chen Queenie Ma Kevin Nguyen

COPY EDITORS Andrea Morrison Serena Chang WRITERS Sherry Yuen-Ruan Conor Ford Mina Riazi Marcos Jimenez BLOGGERS Mandy Prondinski Anan Mathre

PUBLICITY Rachel Frank Syuzi Gorgoyan Bailey Mobley Raisa Mirza Jasmine Tsai SOCIAL CHAIR Megan Lambert Jacqueline Win EVENT COORDINATORS Rebecca Saar Julia Chu

EVENT PHOTOGRAPHER Tuyaymya Osuna HISTORIAN Ellen Lee ADS DIRECTOR Fatema Dossajee WEB WRITERS Christina Pham Natasha Nguyen




PHOTOGRAPHER: Somnang Vann MAKEUP ARTIST: KC Witkamp HAIR: Gwendolyn Sneed STYLIST: Chesley Tolentino MODELS: Kiersten, Yuki, Lindsay, Robby WARDROBE: Forever 21, H&M, Guess, Heritage, Ross, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters HANDBAGS PROVIDED BY: Lust4Luxe Luxury Handbags (

Cover Girl Shoot

PHOTOGRAPHER: Somnang Vann MAKEUP ARTIST/HAIR: KC Witkamp, Char Sanchez MODEL: Eliot STYLIST: Chesley Tolentino

Garden Party Shoot

DESIGNER: Eleonore Santos PHOTOGRAPHER: Somnang Vann MAKEUP ARTIST: Amy Lynn Richardson HAIR: Char Sanchez MODELS: Dagmar, Chesley

PHOTOGRAPHER: Somnang Vann ( MAKEUP ARTIST: Amy Lynn Richardson ( ; Char Sanchez ( ; KC Witkamp ( HAIR: Char Sanchez ( ; Gwendolyn Sneed ( STYLIST: Chesley ( MODELS: Chesley ( ; Dagmar ( ; Kiersten ( ; Robby ( ; Yuki (

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