HANDBAGS BY FASHION ZEND The Official Newsletter of Fashion Zend Network
SPOTTING A FAKE DESIGNER HANDBAG If you are looking for a designer handbag, chances are you do not want to get hooked by a designer inspired handbag or a fake designer handbag. If you are spending your hard earned money on a designer handbag, you want to make sure that it is the real deal. Here are some ways to spot a fake designer purse to make sure that you do not get stuck with a rip off. The Fabric Of The Handbag One of the biggest ways to tell if a designer purse is real or not is to check the fabric on the handbag. The fabric that designer purses are made from is a much better quality than the fabric of fake designer handbags. You can also look for things like wrong stitching, flaws in the material, or puckers in the material.
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A designer handbag is going to have high quality material, perfect stitching, and flawless everything. Look At The Details The details of the handbag will cue you in to whether or not they are real or fake designer handbags. Designer purses usually have something little like little diamonds, unique zippers, and one of a kind buckles that are completely unique to that particular designer. Designer handbags each have hours and hours of man power put into each handbag. Because of this, the expensive details will be noticeable.
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Another detail that you should definitely look at is the label. Most designer handbags have custom labels and logos that show that they are authentic. Many rip offs will attempt to copy that logo, but because it is illegal to copy it perfectly, there will be a small difference in the designer handbag label and the rip off label. If the label looks a little off to you, chances are that it is. Before you go purse shopping, study the labels and logos of the brands that you will be looking for. That way you will know what to look for when you find a purse that you like. Where To Shop It might seem like common sense, but where you shop also will tell you about whether the purse is a real designer purse or a fake designer purse. Designer handbags that are authentic will not be sold on a street corner or from the back of a van. However, you can still get a designer handbag at a decent price at a discount store. Just make sure to check that it is authentic first!