Wordpress CMS User Guide (quick start)

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INDEX 1. Connect to the CMS 2. Access the Dashboard 3. Edit your Pages 4. Customise the interface 5. Edit Translations 6. Add Pictures - In the Slideshow / Gallery (option 1) - In the main content (option 2) 7. Other Contents

Connect to the CMS

Type your hotel address and /wp-admin/ at the end: There is a 2 steps authentication for safety. Type first: Studioteamasia Vo./Gkva99ACk

Once Done you can access the CMS using the login and password received on publication of the website. Remember: If you lose your password, click on “lost your password?”

Click “Log in”

Access the Dashboard Once connected you arrive on the Dashboard

To edit the content clic on “Pages” in the sidebar:

All your Pages are listed. The “Front Page” next to the first page, indicates the Homepage of your website. Click on the page title of the page you want to edit. You will edit the default language of the page (usually English). If you want to edit the same page in a different language, click on the pen in front of the page and below the language flag you want to edit:

Edit your Pages You will be redirected to the edit Page. Your display may be different depending of the options you acquired:

The basics information’s are: The main Content panel You can edit the title and the main content area. It works exactly like Word.

If you want to display even more formatting option, click on the last icon, This will display another row of icons. Note: When you copy, and paste content from Word or any other Office software, please click on the icon displayed on the right part: This will make sure that no wrongly formatted content are added to the CMS. To apply your changes to your website, click the blue update button: If you want to delete a page, click move to trash.

Customise the interface Remember: By default, many options are displayed for you to have total control. On a day to day activity you will only need the main content area panel and the Pictures gallery panel. I strongly suggest you to deactivate all the other panels which are not needed for your daily activity. To do so click on “screen options”, located on top of the screen, It will display checkboxes that you can tick or untick.

Those are all the features available on your website. Please untick everything except File Gallery (to handle your pictures), Language (to edit translations), And Featured Image (to display the thumbnail for your page). If you don’t want to completely hide something, you can always close each panel. To do do click on the arrow on the upper right corner of each box. Finally, you can drag and drop each box if you want it to be display upward or downward.

Edit Translations While you edit a page, you can switch to a translation. To do so look for the “language” box. Under “translations” you have the different translations available for the page you are editing. Click on the pen next to the language you want to edit.

Publication By default, all your pages are published. You can see the status under the “Publish” box. If you want to unpublished a page you can change the status to “draft”. To do so click “edit” next to “status: Published”. Then press ok. You can also make a page Private: only a user connected to the CMS will see it. You can protect a Page with a Password. This can be useful to make a content available only for a specific person. To do so, click “edit” next to visibility. Finally, you can go back in time and see the revisions of the current page. This feature let you see the changes made on the main content area, and revert to a previous version if needed. Note: this is only available for Pages.

Add Pictures Remember: there are 2 ways to add pictures to your website. Option 1: Your website has both a Slideshow per page and a gallery of pictures. This is the preferred way to add pictures, as the layout will always be consistent. Option 2: For specific cases, you can also add pictures in the main content area. I suggest to avoid using this option, except if you have an extensive knowledge of Responsive website, pictures weight, and in general it will require to test if the display is correct. Nevertheless, to add logos or icons, this can be useful for you and we will describe it as well.

Option 1 Add pictures to your slideshow or gallery Scroll down till File Gallery box. You can see the pictures already displayed on your website.

Remember: to “tell” your website to display the pictures in the slideshow or in the gallery, we are using tags. By default, we are using the tag “slideshow” to display pictures in the slider, and “gallery” to display pictures in the gallery. To see the tag of a picture, hover one of them:

4 icons to edit pictures:

• the pen: to edit the picture, • delete: to remove a picture from the current page, or delete the picture completely, • Magnifier: to see a preview of the picture • Star: to make the picture the featured image of the page


Add Pictures (option 1) Click on the pen. This will show you information regarding the picture: title, alternate text, caption, description and media-tag. In this example the picture will be displayed on the slider since the media tag is set to “slideshow”. Now we will add one more picture to the slider. To do so close the edit box: click on “cancel and return”. In the file gallery click on the icon on the right (the size has been increased for tutorial purpose):

In the insert media panel, drag and drop the picture from your computer. Alternatively, you can add it using the “select files” button. Once the upload is finished you will see your picture attached (there is a Pin next to it):

Add Pictures (option 1) Now the last step is to add the media-tag “slideshow” on the sidebar: The last field of the sidebar, type the word “slideshow”:

Once done, click any other field to save it (click for example into the description field). Now you can close the media uploader window: click the on the upper right of the box:

Remember: Do not click on “insert into Page”. If you do so, this will add the picture in the main content area of your page in addition of the Slider. Once you upload a new picture always close the box with: Now in File Gallery you can see your newly added picture:

Add a Picture to the Gallery Page Now instead of adding picture to your Slider, you want to add a Picture to your Gallery page. The way to proceed is the same, but instead of using “slideshow” tag, you will use gallery tag. Let’s say I want to add a Picture on my gallery page. I go to the Page in the CMS:

To edit the Page, click the title or “edit”, both will bring you to the editing page: Scroll down till File Gallery Click on the Icon to add a Picture:

This time I want to add an image, already uploaded to the website. Instead of the first tab Upload file, click on “media library”:

The pictures with a paper clip are the one which are already displayed in the gallery:


Add a Picture to the Gallery Page #2 To add an image already in the media library. Click on the desired picture. A checked box is now showing. It means the picture is selected:

On the left sidebar, a new option will appear “attached all checked items to current post”. Click on it to add the picture to the page. Close the Media box, click on


Now edit your picture. Hover the picture, and click on the pen in File gallery:

In the edition panel, type “gallery” in media tag field. Then click the button “save and return”:

The picture is now showing online:

Add Pictures - Option 2 You can also add images in the main content area. It means that the picture will show along with your text. This can be useful to add logos or other small images. Do not use it to display HD pictures as it will not fit in your website. To add a picture, click on Add media above the main content area: Then you can upload or select picture as we did in the first option:

To add a picture simply select it. Before adding the picture check the size of the picture on the sidebar: Always select the “medium” option. Otherwise the picture will stretch out of our website. Finally click “insert into page”.

Add Pictures - Option 2 The picture is now added to the main content area:

Press “update” to see the change on the website.

Notes Note: You can reorder the way pictures are displayed online. To do so, drag and drop pictures in File Gallery. Click “Save attachment order” when you are done. Note2: When you delete a picture, you can whether delete or detach. If you want to remove the picture from the current page, but keep it for later use, use “detach”. If you want to remove the picture from the website completely, use “delete”.

Other Contents Depending of the features you acquired, you can see other items in the main sidebar along with Pages: - Places - Point of Interests, - Custom Promotions, - Etc. Those are called custom Pages and works in the same way as pages (Main content area, File Gallery). Depending on the purpose of each feature you will have extra fields to edit. For example, for Places you will be able to add a phone number, email, GPS coordinate.

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