Destroying toxic beliefs dream big

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Destroying Toxic Beliefs: Dream Big! Just because you were once heard people say that you are ambitious and keep your dreams humble means you need to live with this toxic belief. Many of us suffer from being unable to realize our dreams because we have this inherent belief that being ambitious is wrong. Aim to be humble but dream big. Being humble does not mean you limit your beliefs to what you can achieve. We are born creators of our reality, ​with this we are instinctively programmed to build great dreams. Nonetheless, societal influence caused us to believe we should limit our goals, this may be because we were taught from people who are drawing their teachings from experience. Failure may have caused those who raised and influence us to be bitter about dreaming big. Success is impossible if we hold personal toxic beliefs on how the world works. In other words, the creator of failure and limits are those toxic beliefs we hold valid and true within our deeper consciousness. Here are a few tips on how you can destroy limiting beliefs that limits you to confidently dream big:

1. What you believe simply manifests as reality Those who break free from toxic beliefs about dreaming big are a select crowd. Everyone is taught to be humble and limit their dreams from a very young age. Most people aim to being content, whether that has a negative impact in their lives, ​it is much easier of a thought to subscribe to for it does not require stepping out of their comfort zone. Your thoughts are the determining factor of the quality of life that you produce. If by default your thoughts are aligned towards success, you will simply produce success. But hardly do we tap into this kind of mindset. Destroy toxic beliefs by uprooting the primary imprints causing you to think negatively ​about dreaming big. These imprints are the precursor in forming a toxic belief system that you cling dearly onto. Toxic beliefs are masked as comfort. For the mind deems them as the most convenient response to just about anything.

2. Never lose your focus Dreaming big is not simple, of course it involves aligning your life towards the fulfilment of your dreams. The bigger it gets the wider the chances of failure. ​One common toxic belief is that the higher you soar, the harder you fall. ​Such thinking creates limits, the gap between you and your dreams can be summed into four letters – F E A R.

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