Dramatically improve your finances with this one secret from eutaptics

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Dramatically improve your finances with this one secret from Eutaptics For those who do not have a working knowledge of Eutaptics, if there's ONE thing you can do to dramatically impact your finances, it is this – Learn how to like yourself. Be nice to yourself and tap on anything that bothers you, upsets you or negatively impacts you. Start doing what works​. One of the things Robert discovered on his own journey was to do things you are passionate about. Once you do that and keep tapping on yourself, you build a solid foundation and it just grows from there. Robert, he started by making vidoes and he figured out that people needed this information. He found a gap in the knowledge market and provided something that wasn't there before. That's how any invention that we can think of has come into being. Something that was missing, but we didn’t even realize it was missing, until it was invented, like the telephone, computers, cars, you name it. The remarkable thing is, it's very easy to go from a poverty mindset to an abundance one if you just do the little pieces. Robert tapped on his fear of public speaking and then got out there and spoke. Little by little as he tapped his fear away, his confidence grew, and so did his success. If you want to be great, do what great people have always done – ​persistently focus on what works. In other words, if you're a doctor, teacher, musician, photographer, dancer – whatever your profession, if you keep tapping away the things that make you feel negative, then you give your mind room for more creative expansion. Now we'd like to make one thing clear, just because you use Eutaptics tapping for a while and things start improving, it doesn't mean they are going to stay that way. Eutaptics is a tool. It is just like your toothbrush, you need to use it everyday for as long as you live if you want to have good oral hygiene. Or in this case, good mental and emotional health. It's not a 'get rich quick' scheme. It only works if you work it. Here's where most people block their own abundance, financial or otherwise - people hate their lives, dislike their jobs, their spouses, their kids, whatever it is. So, they get a bill in the mail, they hate it, and they keep repeating this cycle over and over again, until receiving a bill is linked to feeling dreadful in their minds. They've made an association between feeling awful and receiving a bill to pay. They look in their wallets or purses and if they don't have enough money, that's another trigger. So they practice all this dislike. This dislike creates more of the same, because they keep focusing on it throughout their day.

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into year. And before you know it, ​their entire personality is developed around feeling upset whenever anything related to finances comes up. So if you let go of it, if you tap on your feeling of upset, or not having enough, or feeling awful because you have to pay a bill, you are releasing that pattern. Then you can train yourself to start feeling GOOD when something around finances shows up. You can feel good when you're paying the bills, or paying for gas, to taking care of an unexpected expense. Because you know there's abundance all around you and you can tap into it at any given time. You can deliberately start taking small steps that make you feel good when you're giving money away. Like donating small amounts to your favorite charity. Or buying a meal for a person in need. Or donating clothes to your local donation center. Whatever it is, people feel good when they give something they have an abundance of. Whether that's your talents, or money, is for you to decide. But get into the mode of giving and feeling good and you'll start to see the change. This along with tapping on yourself Eutaptics style is definitely going to lead you to a path of prosperity.

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