Forget the New Year, Focus on the New You If you are focused on changing the course of your life on January 1, you are bound to fail by February 1 or sooner. This is the bitter truth about new year’s resolutions. It is a fad, a hyped idea during the holidays that is culturally attached to our merry making. How many people have created a new year’s resolution and their ideas for changed died right after the first month of the year? Plenty. This is not being cynical about new year’s resolution, in fact, everyone is encouraged to aim for life transformations. However, if it is a fad, you are creating a habitual negative mental network that causes you more problems. When you aren’t inherently motivated to do the things you write down in your new year’s resolution list, you are actually programming your mind that those things aren’t important. The end result? Same problem year after year.
Any kind of resolution to a dilemma is mental programming Your mental resources have to be programmed to align with the resolution you are aiming for, otherwise you are shooting in the dark and in no time exhausted. We pay so little attention to that which causes us problems. Say for example self-mastery is an old practice that seems to diminish in time. Today, we are easily drawn into technology and social media that only make us more ignorant to the power of the mind to transform, change and heal. More than introspection, we give more credits to those who publish their woes and pains in public hoping to gain the digital currency of being liked and shared. To really invite life transformation that provides resolution to our problems we need to focus more on how we react to our respective environments, our relationships and lives in general. Why do you keep the memories of the past that does not only add weight on your emotional baggage but cause you to experience failure? These are the type of questions we need to ask ourselves if we really want to be better.
Focus on Changing Yourself – Transform Your Life You have more chances of experiencing success if you focus on changing the way you think. It will solve all your life problems if you give it enough attention this year. Life transformations don’t just come during new year, it can happen any day of your life. Before you pick up that pen and paper, or during your self-dialogue before or at the beginning of 2017 to create your new year’s resolution, fits create a mental note of where the origin of your problems. Discover those memories that you think are the basis being used by your consciousness to formulate a behavior that does not align with your new year’s resolution.