How to Cope with Grief Through Eutaptics Grief over losing a loved one or a beloved pet, or even a relationship is hard to bear. But it doesn’t have to be the straw that broke the camel's back. You have the power to turn it around and let the grief wash over you, without emotionally crippling you. What do we mean? Eutaptics tapping has become a lifeline for those drowning in sorrow, to show them that beauty can still exist after suffering a loss.
Let's explain this with a story Rose was at a retreat in Australia when she got news that her aunt died. Her immediate thought went to the memory of the last time they met. That had been two weeks ago, when Rose had picked up her Aunt to take her to Church. Of course, a lot of thoughts and associated emotions are felt when something like this happens. Rose's first thought makes her sad. But there's a silver lining to this – she is told that her Aunt passed away peacefully in her sleep. That thought made Rose feel a bit better. However, she was still in a state of shock. She's sitting at lunch with her fiance when she received this news. So, when he asks her what's wrong and she proceeds to tell him, she starts crying. But here's what she does that makes all the difference – she starts tapping the Eutaptics way while explaining to her fiance that her Aunt has just passed away. While she is talking, she is crying as well as tapping. Tapping in the heat of the moment is the best kind of tapping. Her first impulse is to go back immediately, and she starts thinking about refunds, flight tickets, the added cost, if she can afford it, asking her parents for help etc. She realizes that her mind is getting away with her. So, she excuses herself and takes a walk on the beach. She's crying, tapping and after a while she feels better. She can now think about her Aunt without bursting in sobs. She realizes that she can't just go back. She's got reservations made, business obligations and other financial issues to consider. Because she is in Australia and her family is back home in the USA, it's not feasible to fly back at such short notice. Logically she knows that everyone has to die at some point. Robert refers to this as transitioning to the next level. We all have to die, it's a law of nature. However, when you're in the heat of the moment and hearing devastating news, logic doesn’t always work or apply.
However, after she's been tapping over an hour she realizes that she can do two things – either let herself get lost in this sorrow or choose to remember the positive influence her Aunt had on her life. That is how Rose chooses to honor her memory – by being happy that she's moved onto the next level and by being grateful for everything they shared. People often ask Robert, how long should we grieve? His answer – as long as it would take a child to grieve.