Seven Steps to an Enhanced Online Reputation

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Seven Steps to an Enhanced Online Reputation

It can happen to any business. A Tweet from an unhappy client that goes viral A nasty blog post from a disgruntled former employee An anonymous complaint written by an unscrupulous competitor. On the web, it doesnt really matter if the statements are true or false. Once they are published online, they are picked up by the search engines. It is a sad fact of doing business in the age of the Internet.

How do you fight back? You can try to get the people who posted their nasty remarks to remove them, but that doesnt always work. A far better way to go about it is to create a mountain of positive content to offset the negative. It is best to create the content before the negative comments appear online, because a trove of positive content can keep the negative content far, far away from the first page of search results for you or your company.

Here are seven ways to bolster your online reputation: Your Business Website If your business has a website, then, by all means, you should have a detailed personal profile in your About section. It should be search engine friendly with keywords emphasizing your areas of expertise. Your name should also appear in other areas of your business website. You will find that your business website will come up at or near the top of all search results.

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