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IDST baseline

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Country require

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FASUDIR WP2 results booklet Contents by Giulia Barbano (iiSBE R&D), Paul Mittermeier (MUAS), Ewa Alicja Zukowska (ACCIONA INF) Based on work carried out by the FASUDIR Consortium partners from September 2013 to June 2014 Published February 2015 © 2015 FASUDIR Consortium Partners. All rights reserved. FASUDIR is an FP7 Project supported by the European Commission under GA no. 609222 The document reflects only the authors’ views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Contents IDST Baseline


European urban districts analysis


European context


Integration of resources


Key Performance Indicators


Building KPI


District KPI



IDST Baseline

Building and district categorization and data requirements For building and district categorization the FASUDIR IDST takes advantage of previous research projects which developed country specific building typologies for different building types and construction year classes. To find all available data sources about the building typologies in different countries in Europe an analysis of European urban districts has addressed the typical building and district typologies in Europe and associated energy consumption patterns, to work out a set of building models able to energetically describe the whole building stock with sufficient precision for the FASUDIR needs. The urban system parameters which are needed to evaluate the energy requirements of districts have been identified as well as the additional data needed by other methodologies for Building and District sustainability assessment. Moreover an analysis of the different existing databases for building and district infrastructure information as well as the process for entering the data depending on the available information for the considered district have been identified. Therefore the expertise of different user types and the necessary time efforts have been defined. The outcomes of the research defined the building and district categorization and the identification of the required data. The outcomes are used as input for the development of the Decision Support Methodology and the IDST in FASUDIR.

Categorization of country requirements In order to allow the applicability of the FASUDIR Methodology and the IDST in several different countries in Europe the requirements in terms on legislation, standardization for energy retrofit and sustainability measures on building and district level have been investigated. As the analysed issues are changing are subject to a continuous transformation in the different countries the future development also has been considered. This analysis on the future development has been led both at policy level for energy and sustainability and as a study of energy pricing and optimisation at district scale, to highlight the most relevant and likely measures which will emerge in the mid-term, and to support the identification of strategies and policies to be tested in the FASUDIR case studies. Moreover the financing options for sustainable district energy retrofitting projects have been analyzed for the different countries. In order to ensure the applicability of FASUDIR in several countries knowledge about the social and cultural framework has been collected. Hence, to learn more about the processes in energy retro4

fitting projects the main stakeholders and their role and needs in the country-based retrofitting processes have been identified. As several constraints may restrict the usable retrofitting measures the assessment of specific constraints regarding historic buildings and districts as well as further constraints caused by legislation (e.g. EPBD) or climate conditions have been identified.

Overview of existing methodologies and tools As FASUDIR takes advantage of several available methodologies and tools it was necessary to identify them in a first step and to analyses their usability within the FASUDIR framework. Therefore a deep review of existing tools available on the market has considered energy and resource efficiency calculation tools, decision support tools, LCA and LCC tools and databases in GIS or CityGML format for building and districts related to FASUDIR project. The use of these tools by decision makers is also evaluated and their adequation to the project needs is assessed. In order to give an overview of the identified tools and their role in FASUDIR a map of tools has been developed. Moreover the existing methodologies, initiatives, certification methods, guidelines, European legislations and standards as well as European and national projects related to the FASUDIR concept have been studied.

Key performance indicators To assess different retrofitting solutions with regard to energy savings and sustainability it is necessary to select suitable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the FASUDIR IDST. To take advantage of already existing indicators a repository of sustainability indicators built up from existing methodologies, R&D projects and CEN/TC 350 Standards on building and neighbourhood-level was set up and evaluated regarding its suitability to assess district renovation projects. Moreover, an analysis on missing calculation parameters has been conducted. Furthermore the effort which is required to access the needed data for existing buildings was estimated. The main problems involved in applying the indicators for new buildings and districts to district renovation projects were identified and it is shown how the indicators have to be adapted in order to generate meaningful results for renovation projects. Finally a set of sustainability KPIs for urban district retrofitting inventions was introduced. It allows a solid sustainability evaluation of urban district renovation projects by handling the problem of poor data availability for existing buildings. Special templates for the FASUDIR key performance indicators were developed. They contain detailed descriptions of each indicator, the assessment methodology, as well as their calculation method and benchmarks. 5

European urban districts analysis Background

The FASUDIR Project focuses the European urban district analysis mainly on five FASUDIR Partner´s countries, which are: • Germany (DE) • Hungary (HU) • Italy (IT) • Spain (ES) • United Kingdom (UK). These are also representatives of three climatic zones: • • •

North & West (DE, UK) Central & East (HU) South (ES, IT).

Building categorization A building is defined as a structure with a roof and walls. Its indoor thermal conditions depend on the heating and cooling systems as well as local weather. Therefore each retrofitting action should be considered according to the specific climate and the building conditions and typology. In the studies realized under Task 2.1 the following building typologies have been identified: • • • • • • • • •


Single family houses Apartment blocks Offices Educational buildings Hospitals Hotels and restaurants Sports facilities Wholesale and retail trade services buildings Other types of energy-consuming buildings

District categorization A district is generally a large subset of a city, with boundaries defined formally through historic criteria of urban development. Usually a district is surrounded by large infrastructure, such as the main transportation lines, which provide a large structure to the city. The shape of a district depends strongly on the grid of the urban city. There are strong regional differences for example for several European cities a district can be outlined by a square of 800 x 800 m, while in North America the side of the square can be approximately 1 mile. The three following main sustainability categories were selected as important for the district level: 1.



Built systems: under this category topics related to urban planning parameters should be measured, starting from the location of the site and its characterization to services provided for mobility and transport. Environment: parameters on this category should be organized by the following themes: water, sanitation and drainage, management of waste, energy, noise, air quality and mitigation of climate change. Socio-Economy: Topics related to social and economic issues such as population, incomes, employment, education, health, housing tenure, type of government (local, regional, country...) should be included under this category.

Data sources Nowadays there are multiple databases related to urban and energy information, such as: National Urban Database Access Portal Tool (NUDAPT), Eurostat - City statistics - Urban Audit (Eurostat), Energy-Cities case studies (Energy-Cities), Global Urban Indicators (UN-Habitat) that can be used to support the methodology of decision making for the assessment of energy interventions in urban districts. On European Level the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) provides data on building stock for European countries (EU 27, Norway, Switzerland and Croatia). The database contains energy policy, energy usage, envelope, performance, district heating, climatic zones, and the existing stock across the EU (BPIE DATA HUB).


European context Energy

The implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2002/91/EC) has taken place in all member countries, while the implementation of the EPBD recast (Directive 2010/31/EU) is still under way. Due to the freedom of implementation of the directive, though, there is a small amount of common metrics. Specifically, every country has implemented a national calculation method for the requirement of primary energy (used as a baseline for the attribution of certification levels), which makes the data impossible to compare across national borders. The main regulated issues across countries, aside from primary energy, are: • Thermal insulation (U values) • Heating and hot water production systems efficiency • Air permeability • Ventilation rates The use of renewable energy, on the other hand, is often incentivized with financial instruments, instead than being prescribed. Most energy-related policies across the EU target buildings, with district renovation becoming simply an application of retrofit strategies to each building in the area. There are minor instances of regulation, which cover the use of district heating.

Sustainability In Europe there are not in general mandatory certifications schemes or regulations for sustainable building. A specific Directive in this field hasn’t been issued by the EC but a European recommendation on sustainable building is under development. Some laws and regulations promoting sustainable building are in force more at regional/local level than at country level. Usually sustainable building certification and requirements are volunteer and often linked to incentive policies. Public authorities are promoting sustainable building by means of building codes, urban plans, social housing, etc. At the same time the issue concerning the sustainability at urban level is raising beside the building level. New tools and indicators at urban scale are emerging and they begin to be adopted by cities in important initiatives concerning neighbourhoods renovation and new neighbourhood development. More than in the energy field, the situation concerning regulations on sustainable building is very different among the Member States.


Very few sustainability-related topics are frequently covered by building policies in the member states. The most relevant exception is air quality, which often relates to the verification of ventilation rates set in energy standards, and thermal comfort, used commonly as a baseline to calculate energy requirements in a building.

Finance and economy The financing solutions for district level retrofitting projects involve a wide variety of business model initiatives. Even for an individual building, the owner may not advance a project that promises a positive economic return because, for example, of a shortage of capital, or an unwillingness to take on more debt, or if there are more profitable investments to undertake. As a consequence, extra financial initiatives are usually needed to overcome this behavioural inertia. Possible initiatives include reprofiling (to facilitate process), embedding (to compesnate revenue), subsidies (to support externalities, both societal and economic). For district level projects, all these factors apply and are convoluted through aggregation, scale and interaction synergies.

Society and culture The range of funding sources and organisations with interests in the district retrofitting projects is wide and stakeholders will bring different objectives, attitudes to risk, and time-spans over which they would measure performance. The IDST shall therefore take into account the perspectives of: • Central government • Local government and municipalities • Multilateral funding bodies • Retail banks • Social housing organizations • Public sector facilities and commercial users • Distribution utilities • Planners, architects, ESCOs, analysts • Building solution providers • Owners • Building users Furthermore, the IDST shall allow for the retrofitting of historic buildings, groups of buildings and urban districts, for the purposes of improving their energy efficiency and facilitating energy supply from renewable sources - a crucial issue in the European context.


Integration of resources Needs of the FASUDIR project

The Integrated Decision Support Tool (IDST) aim is to help decision makers to select the best energy retrofit strategy to increase the energy efficiency and the overall sustainability of the whole district. The software tool that will support the methodology should consist of the following four inter-related modules based on a client-server architecture: Module 1: Building and District Model • •

Importing already existing data Editing the missing data by user

Module 2: Sustainable Retrofitting Technical Solutions Module 3: District Sustainable Retrofitting DST • • • •

Evaluating the sustainability of each building Evaluating the sustainability of the district Suggesting the most promising sustainable retrofitting strategies and technical solutions at building and district level Managing different retrofitting scenarios

Module 4: Graphical User Interface

Existing tools The following tools related to FASUDIR Project were analysed:

Building level • •

Life Cycle Analysis Tools: GaBi Software 6.3; LEGEP 1.2; SBS Online Tool; SimaPro 7; Umberto 5.5; EIME V3.0; BEES 3.0d; openLCA Energy Tools: IDA Indoor Climate and Energy; DesignBuilder; Trnsys; TAS; AnTherm; BSim; ECOTECT; EPASS HELENA; Kurzverfahren Energieprofil; Energieberater 18599; CALENER-GT; EPIQR 5; Virtual Environment Apache SIM Sustainable Assessment Tools: ATHENA Model; Building Greenhouse Rating; BuildingAdvice™; ECO-BAT; EQUER; DGNB System Software; OPEN HOUSE Tool; LEED online Tool Decision Support Tools: Expert Choice; Decision Lens; MakeIt-Rational; Logical Decisions; D-Sight; 1000Minds

District level • •


Tools for Master planning and urban redevelopment zones: PostGIS database management, AutoCAD Map 3D Life Cycle Analysis Tools: LCA calculation for urban districts can be conducted with the software tools available at building level

• •

• •

Energy Tools: CitySim; SUNtool Infrastructure Simulation Tools (District Heating, Traffic, Water, Electricity, Network): WaterCAD; SUMO; FastTrans; TransModeler; Apros; Bentley sisHYD; Termis; SewerCAD; GridLAB-D Sustainability Assessment: ECC; DPL; EPL; GPR Districts; GreenCalc+ City GML based tools: Utility Network ADE (SIMKAS 3D); Energy Atlas Berlin; Urban energy diagnostics

Existing initiatives The following initiatives have been analyzed.

Certification methods • •

Sustainable Building Alliance EU Ecolabel for Office Buildings

Certification systems Building level: • New Construction: DGNB New Office and Administrative Buildings; DGNB for Residential Buildings; BREEAM for New, Non-domestic buildings; BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes; LEED for Building Design and Construction (BD+C); LEED for Homes; HQE-Cerway: Non-residential buildings under construction; HQE-Cerway: Residential buildings under construction • Refurbishment: DGNB Office Retrofitting; BREEAM Refurbishment for Domestic Buildings; HQE-Certivéa: Renovation of non-residential buildings District level: • DGNB New Urban Districts; BREEAM Communities; LEED for Neighborhood Development; HQE for Urban Planning and Development

Standards • • •

ISO/TC 59/SC 17 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works CEN/TC 350 Sustainability of construction works ISO/DIS 37120: Sustainable development and resilience of communities

Guidelines and Legislations • • • • •

“European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development” Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2002/91/ EC, EPBD) European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET) Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe – Europe 2020 Strategy European Innovative Partnership for Smart Cities and Communities

Research Projects • •

EU Projects: SuPerBuildings; OPEN HOUSE National Research Projects: Spain; Germany; Hungary; UK


Key Performance Indicators Project needs

The FASUDIR project focuses on energy retrofitting of buildings for sustainable urban districts.The main role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) developed in the FASUDIR project is to help to take the best energy retrofit decision by providing quantitative or qualitative information about building and/or district performance. The indicators will assess the project along its environmental, social and economic performance, with focus on resource efficiency, low emissions, health, comfort and cost efficiency. As FASUDIR is based on a multi-scale approach the KPIs need to be available on different scales.

Existing indicators To take advantage of existing sustainability indicators from different sources a repository including more than 600 indicators for different building types (office, residential) and use patterns (newly-built, refurbishment) has been developed. While the indicators in the different rating schemes, research projects and standards mostly have different titles and calculation methods they are concerning the same sustainability issues.

First development Therefore it was necessary to select and define from the 600 indicators the ones that are most useful in terms of the FASUDIR approach. To achieve this goal a multistage selection process has been carried out which reduced the number of suitable indicators from 600 to 40 for both scales (building and district scale). After selecting the useful KPIs the detailed development for the FASUDIR project has been conducted. Therefore in the first instance it was necessary to analyse the feasibility to evaluate the indicator in the FASUDIR IDST. The main problem is that many parameters for the calculation of the indicators are not available or the effort for the data collection for whole urban districts is untenable. In order to assess the feasibility of indicators linked to the selected sustainability KPI issues an analysis of each indicator has been carried out.


In this analysis different criteria like • Type of indicator (decision vs information) • Type of calculation method (qualitative vs quantitative) • Assessment method (simulation, calculation, reasonable deduction) • Needed parameters for assessment • Availability of simulation / calculation tools • Availability of data source • Easiness of data access for existing buildings have been considered. After checking the general feasibility of an indicator the detailed Assessment Guidelines and the calculation method have been developed. For this purpose special templates for the FASUDIR KPIs on building and district level, taking into account the three sustainability categories were created. The templates are informing about the objective, the assessment methodology, the calculation and rating as well as the operating scale of the KPI.

Current version Finally 9 indicators and 27 sub-indicators have been developed for the building level, and 13 indicators and 28 sub-indicators for the district level. The basic information about the KPI is detailed in the following pages, providing for each sub-indicator a summary of its objective, methodology and calculation. The development of the FASDUIR KPIs was mainly based on the results from recently completed EU projects, existing rating systems, initiatives and standards in the field of sustainability of buildings and districts. Therefore to analyse the matching of the FASUDIR KPIs with the identified representatives a matching quote between the different rating schemes and the FASUDIR KPIs has been carried out. The results of the matching rates for the building level as well as for district level show a relatively low compliance. The reason of this can be found in the fact that most of the standards and existing initiatives are applicable mainly for newly-built buildings and districts only and do not take into account energy retrofitting. Moreover many FASUDIR indicators have been identified by the Local Project Committees (LPC) as necessary and relevant for the sustainable retrofitting projects. Hence, the new developed indicators have no matching with the existing representatives.



Key Performance Indicators


Energy Demand

B.1.1.1 Total Primary Energy Demand B.1.1.2 Operational Energy Use B.1.1.3 Energy Demand Embodied


Objective Primary energy is energy found in nature that has not been subjected to any conversion or transformation process. The indicator Energy Demand aims at the reduction of the Total Primary Energy Demand.

Methodology The indicator is based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and calculated by the FASUDIR IDST using IES VE ApacheSim and EnviroIMPACT, encompassing the entirety of the building. In order to compare different retrofitting scenarios the starting point for the assessment of the indicator will be right before the retrofitting. Hence, only materials that are used in the course of retrofitting are considered in the calculation (no existing materials). It is possible to define, for each building type and context, a reference building for comparison and scoring. This option is available to advanced users of the IDST. The baseline feature of the IDST is to rate the relative performance of scenarios with respects to this indicator.

Calculation The reference period is defined as 50 years. The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to ISO 14040 and 14044 as well as EN 15978 and considers the whole building life cycle with all life cycle stages from A1 to D. The IDST will allow to display the energy demand results for all different life cycle phases (A1-D) if the underlying data is available. The KPIs B.1.1.2 and B.1.1.3 have been included to highlight the most relevant phase for stakeholders (operational energy).



The values of the sub-indicators at building level are aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 New Office Buildings - July 2013


Concerted Action EPBD (including Country Reports), http://www.epbdca.eu/ca-outcomes/2011-2015

Share of Renewable Energy on Site


Objective The sub-indicator aims at the increase of the share of renewable energy produced on site, supporting the European Commission target to reach a 20% share of renewable energies in EU energy consumption by 2020.

Methodology The indicator is based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and calculated by the FASUDIR IDST using IES VE ApacheSim and EnviroIMPACT, encompassing the entirety of the building. Like the KPIs B.1.1.2 and B.1.1.3, this sub-indicator is calculated as a subset of the calculation of B.1.1.1, considering only the operational energy use phase component of the calculation of the overall PE (Phase B6), according to the EN 15978 standard. The IDST also calculates the renewable energy produced on site, benchmarking the ratio of renewable energy used from on site sources against the 20% objective of the EC.

Calculation The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to the EN 15978 standard and from the energy simulation for the on-site production of renewable energy. The value of the indicator is the ratio of the on-site yearly production of renewable primary energy and the yearly average of the total primary energy demand.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

EN 15978-2011: Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of environmental performance of buildings - Calculation method. European Committee for Standardization CEN.



Impacts on the Environment



B.1.2.1 Global Warming Potential (GWP) B.1.2.2 Acidification Potential (AP) B.1.2.3 Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) B.1.2.4 Eutrophication Potential (EP) B.1.2.5 Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) B.1.2.6 Abiotic Depletion Potential Elements(ADPe)

Objective The indicator assesses the impacts on the environment caused by the building over the entire life cycle using the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), aiming at their reduction.

Methodology The Assessment Method of each sub-indicator is similar to the method used in B.1.1.1. In order to display the share of emissions of different life cycle stages (e.g. emissions caused by construction materials, emissions from building operation) the FASDUIR IDST will allow the indication of different life cycle stages according to EN 15978 standard. It is possible to define, for each building type and context, a reference building for comparison and scoring. This option is available to advanced users of the IDST. The baseline feature of the IDST is to rate the relative performance of scenarios with respects to this indicator.

Calculation The reference period is defined as 50 years. The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to ISO 14040 and 14044 as well as EN 15978 and considers the whole building life cycle with all life cycle stages from A1 to D. The IDST will allow to display the LCA results for all different life cycle phases (A1-D) if the underlying data is available.



The values of the sub-indicators at building level are aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure, to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013


Energy Country Factsheet, EU DG ENER: http://ec.europa.eu/ energy/observatory/countries/ countries_en.htm

Occupancy-based Ventilation Rates


B.2.1 Indoor Air Quality

Objective The sub-indicator aims at ensuring the quality of the indoor air to avoid negative impacts on the user´s state of health. A sufficient ventilation rate ensures the removal of pollutants from the indoor air.

Methodology According to the standard EN 15251 the indoor air quality can be expressed as the required level of ventilation. Ventilation in the building should be designed considering all sources of pollution present including material emissions and adequate air for every person. Basis for the criteria for indoor air quality and ventilation rates are in the Annex B of the standard. 4 classes/categories of the recommended IAQ are given and for each category different values are established. The evaluation of the indoor environment of a building is made by evaluating the indoor environment of typical rooms representing different zones in the building.

Calculation The total ventilation rate qtot [l/s] of the building due to natural (including infiltrations) and mechanical ventilation is calculated using the IES VE ApacheSim tool. The result is compared to the ventilation rate required for the level of pollution in the building and for the occupants, and a category (I, II, III or IV) is assigned according to EN 15251.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013 EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings - addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics 19


CO2 Concentration Above Outdoor Level


B.2.1 Indoor Air Quality



The sub-indicator aims at ensuring the quality of the indoor air to avoid negative impacts on the user´s state of health. CO2 is the most common pollutant in residential buildings.

Methodology According to the standard EN 15251 the indoor air quality in residential buildings can be expressed as the concentration of CO2 above the levels in outdoor air. 4 classes/categories of the recommended IAQ are given and for each category different values are established. The evaluation of the indoor environment of a building is made by evaluating the indoor environment of typical rooms representing different zones in the building.

Calculation The CO2 concentration levels are calculated using the IES VE ApacheSim, supported by MacroFlo and ApacheHVAC modules. A balance of carbon dioxide flows is established for the air in each room, considering the carbon dioxide transfer by air movement, the carbon dioxide input associated with People casual gains, and the dynamics of carbon dioxide storage in the air. The calculation of room carbon dioxide concentration is based on the assumption that the outside air has a fixed volumetric carbon dioxide concentration of 360 ppm. The threshold levels are based on the recommended measured indoor CO2 concentrations above outdoor concentration.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013 EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings - addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics


Occurrence of Radon

B.2.1 Indoor Air Quality


Objective The sub-indicator aims at ensuring the quality of the indoor air to avoid negative impacts on the user´s state of health. Radon is a radioactive gas present in the soil that can be found in buildings, and its presence shoud be minimised to reduce its carcinogenic impacts.

Methodology Indoor radon concentration levels of 200 and 400 Becquerel per cubic meter (Bq/m3) are the reference concentrations in buildings above which mitigation measures should be taken in order to reduce exposure to radon. When radon exposure exceeds 400 Bq/m3, possible attenuation measures are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Installing a radon pump system Sealing floors and walls Increasing under floor ventilation Installing a whole building positive pressurisation or positive supply ventilation system Improving the ventilation of the building

Calculation The availability of measures and reports of radon levels is very varied across EU countries. The European Indoor Radon map developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) shows the mean indoor radon concentration in ground floor rooms, averaged over 10x10 km grid cells in Europe. The assessment shall be done by means of published radon maps, where available, or carried out on site by a qualified tester.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

An overview of radon surveys in Europe - G. Dubois. European Commission - DG JRC-IES. European Indoor Radon map, http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-andmaps/figures/european-indoor-radon-map-december-2011



Operative Temperature (To)

B.2.2 Thermal Comfort


Objective The European Standard EN ISO 7730 defines Thermal Comfort as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment�. The sub-indicator aims at ensuring adequate levels of the indoor temperature.



Operative temperature is the average of the air dry-bulb temperature and of the mean radiant temperature at a given place in a room for air velocities that do not exceed the 0.2m/sec. Evaluation of Operative Temperature is based on EN 15251 and EN 7730. The recommended criteria in EN 15251 for the thermal environment are separate for buildings with and buildings without mechanical ventilation-cooling. Studies have shown that in buildings without mechanical cooling, occupants are predicted to be less critical to higher temperatures than in buildings with mechanical cooling.

Calculation The operating temperature can be evaluated in three ways: 1.

Thermal building simulations that show compliance with the categories of EN 15251/EN ISO 7730 2. Measurements according to EN ISO 7726 that show compliance with the categories of EN 15251 3. Heating load calculations according to EN 12831 (Only for buildings with a window area of less than 40%) The obtained values are then compared with the thermal comfort categories (I, II, III or IV) according to EN 15251.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013

On district level the thermal comfort is assessed by the urban microclimate.

EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings - addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics


Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD)


B.2.2 Thermal Comfort

Objective The European Standard EN ISO 7730 defines Thermal Comfort as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment”. The sub-indicator aims at ensuring adequate levels of expected comfort by occupants.

Methodology The predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) index is derived from the PMV index and predicts the percentage of thermally dissatisfied persons among a large group of people, due to individual thermal sensation. The predicted mean vote (PMV) integrates four environmental parameters with the effects of two personal parameters. In fact, it is determined by the measurement or prediction of: • • • • • •

air temperature mean radiant temperature relative air velocity air humidity estimation of the metabolic rate clothing insulation

Calculation Typically, a 10% dissatisfaction criterion for whole-body thermal comfort is used for the determination of acceptable thermal conditions and it corresponds to PMV in the range -0.5 to +0.5. Note that the minimum attainable PPD is 5%, even when the result is a neutral thermal sensation (PMV=0), because it is not possible to satisfy everyone.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

EFFESUS Project (G.A. 314678)

On district level the thermal comfort is assessed by the urban microclimate.

EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings - addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics



Percentage of Occupied Hours Outside the Comfort Range


B.2.2 Thermal Comfort

Objective The European Standard EN ISO 7730 defines Thermal Comfort as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment�. The sub-indicator aims at ensuring minimal shifts from the baseline comfort levels.

Methodology According to ASHRAE 55-2004R, the zone of thermal comfort is the span of conditions where 80% of sedentary or slightly active persons find the environment thermally acceptable.


According to EN 15251, the different parameters for the indoor environment of the building meet the criteria when the studied parameter in the rooms representing 95% of the occupied space is not more than the 3% of the occupied hours (this 3% is a proposed boundary). As 5% is another amount suggested by this standard, it is also considered for the weight of this KPI.

Calculation Percentage outside the range method (POR) was, at first, introduced by ISO 7730 and, then, re-proposed by EN 15251. It requires to calculate the number or the percentage of hours of occupation when the - actual or simulated - PMV or indoor operative temperature are outside a specified comfort range related to the chosen comfort category. The value can therefore be calculated with respects to the results of KPIs B.2.2.1 and B.2.2.2 and compared against the proposed EN15251 benchmarks.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

EN ISO 7730:2006 - Ergonomics of the thermal environment

On district level the thermal comfort is assessed by the urban microclimate.

EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings - addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics


Availability of Daylight Throughout the Building


B.2.3 Visual Comfort

Objective The main aim is to maximize visual comfort and to reduce energy use by means of windows, openings, reflective surface or specific devices. This sub-indicator aims at increasing the availability of daylight in the indoor spaces of the building.

Methodology Availability of daylight throughout the building’s entire usable area (Usable Area = UA according to ISO9836, EC Measuring Code or other method to be specified) is determined via the daylight factor. A good supply of daylight generally exists at low room depths (maximum 7 meters), adequately sized openings, well positioned openings, division of openings into a viewing and daylighting zones adjustable sun shades for shielding direct light and, if necessary, individually adjustable blinds.

Calculation The daylight factor is the ratio of internal light level to external light level and is defined as follows: DF = (Ei / Eo) x 100% where, Ei = illuminance due to daylight at a point on the indoors working plane, Eo = simultaneous outdoor illuminance on a horizontal plane from an unobstructed hemisphere of overcast sky. In the FASUDIR IDST the KPI can be calculated through RadianceIES, a detailed 3D simulation tool designed to predict daylight, and the appearance of internal spaces prior to construction.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ SuPerBuildings EU Project: http:// cic.vtt.fi/superbuildings/ EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings 25


Vertical Sky Component

B.2.3 Visual Comfort


Objective The main aim is to maximize visual comfort and to reduce energy use by means of windows, openings, reflective surface or specific devices. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the position of openings with respect to external obstacles.

Methodology The Vertical Sky Component is a measure of the amount of skylight incident on a vertical plane (it is the Sky Factor on a Vertical Plane). It is most commonly applied to the light incident at the center of a window and in this sense is a measure of the potential for good daylighting.


The VSC is calculated by taking the ratio of the skylight incident at a point to the unobstructed skylight available at that same point on a horizontal plane. For this calculus, a mathematic model knows as Standard Overcast Sky and developed by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE - International Commission on Illumination) is used. This value is expressed as a percentage. The maximum value, for a vertical wall with no obstructions is 40%.

Calculation The VSC has to be calculated by means of 3D models (such as CityGML). It is necessary to define properly the geometry of all the buildings and other elements that can influence directly on this indicator (mountains, hills, trees, infrastructures etc.). According to the district geometry and the data related to the geographic location (e.g. sun incidence) the software used in the IDST will be able to calculate the VSC in all the vertical surfaces.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ SuPerBuildings EU Project: http:// cic.vtt.fi/superbuildings/ EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings


Solar Irradiance Incident - Insolation


B.2.3 Visual Comfort

Objective The main aim is to maximize visual comfort and to reduce energy use by means of windows, openings, reflective surface or specific devices. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the solar collection capabilities of the building envelope.

Methodology Insolation is an important consideration in construction for human comfort and building energy efficiency. For a correct analysis the solar collection capacity of faรงades and horizontal surfaces shall be considered. This indicator affects the design of windows and building envelopes, the selection of materials or the location of renewable electric and thermal sources. Moreover, this concept has also influence at district level. For example, in the selection of the pavement in order to avoid excessive thermal mass storage in summer. Radiation can be divided into direct and diffuse. The former is more relevant due to its influence in the thermal behavior of buildings and materials, e.g. it can minimize the heat demand or increase the use AC systems.

Calculation Insolation can be calculated by IES VE ApacheSim. The SunCast tool is able to define this sub-indicator, among other possibilities. SunCast calculates the position of the sun in the sky, tracks solar penetration throughout the building interior and calculates shadows. The tool will generate visual simulations where the solar irradiation is represented by color gradients on the envelope.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ SuPerBuildings EU Project: http:// cic.vtt.fi/superbuildings/ EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings 27


Solar Access


B.2.3 Visual Comfort

Objective The main aim is to maximize visual comfort and to reduce energy use by means of windows, openings, reflective surface or specific devices. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the amount of hours in which indoor environments receive natural light.

Methodology Solar access is the ability of one property to continue to receive sunlight without obstruction from buildings, foliage or other impediment. Solar access can be calculated using a sun path diagram. The solar access is directly related with the illumination and thermal behavior of a building. Solar access was already considered in the Roman Empire. During the 19th century the “right to the sun” rule was broadly applied: sun rays will reach all the dwellings that skirt the streets during, at least, one hour in the shortest day of the year (22th of December).

Calculation The separation between buildings to guarantee a minimum percentage of exposure to sunlight for a specific day can be calculated graphically (Sun Path polar charts) or by means of analytical methods. In order to consider solar access as a KPI the following factors should be considered:


• • • • •

Solar incidence angle (solar height) Azimuth Orientation of façades Street width Reference building’s height



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ SuPerBuildings EU Project: http:// cic.vtt.fi/superbuildings/ EN 15251:2007 - Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings


Noise Level at Building Façades


Objective This indicator aims at calculating how the district infrastructures or activities can affect the other parts of the district or the buildings, supporting the EC objective to prevent and reduce environmental noise where necessary and to preserve good environmental acoustic quality.

Methodology A noise impact assessment in compliance with ISO 1996 should be carried out and the following noise levels measured/determined: • •

Characterization of the acoustic power of the sources, this can be obtained from existing databases. Consideration of the different variables that affect the propagation of the noise: orography, type of pavement, presence of trees or barriers, etc. Calculation of the noise levels that affect the studied elements: in this case buildings and public areas.

Calculation The noise levels are calculated over the façades of the buildings in the studied areas in order to identify the points affected by high levels. These trigger levels can be different in relation with the use of the building (residential, offices, etc.) These calculated levels will be defined at a point placed at 10 meters over the pavement. Only the noise incident will be considered, nevertheless, the possible reflections and the obstacles have to be also considered. The aim is to generate “noise-maps” where three parameters are shown: noise level at the morning, afternoon and night (Lmor, Laft and Lnig).



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ SuPerBuildings EU Project: http:// cic.vtt.fi/superbuildings/



Life Cycle Costs


B.3.1 Life Cycle Costs (LCC)

Objective Life Cycle costing approach is an economic method to identify cost effectiveness of different design options. This sub-indicator supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste.

Methodology The calculation of Life Cycle Costs (LCC) follows different standards: EN ISO 15686-5 introduces the main principles and list of costs/benefits related to the buildings, while EN 15459 describes more precisely the Global costing for the construction and operation stages. This standard provides a calculation method for the economics of heating systems and other systems that are involved in the energy use of the building (building envelope, ventilation, etc.). This standard applies to all types of buildings. Assessment shall be carried out at any time of the building life cycle (from inception to end of life - standard 50 years). Life cycle costs are presented from the point of view of the building owner.

Calculation The calculation of the Life cycle costs in FASUDIR is carried out by the Software IES LifeCycle. The Software takes into account the following Life Cycle Stages according to EN 15978: • • •


Construction Process Stage Use Stage End of life Stage



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.



EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings

Investment Costs


B.3.1 Life Cycle Costs (LCC)

Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of investments costs in retrofitting.

Methodology The sub-indicator investment costs shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what share the investment costs have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the investment costs indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings. The investment costs arising from retrofitting measures shall include the construction costs for all new building parts, components and materials brought to the building in the course of the energy retrofitting measures (investment costs for construction and installation process). The estimated costs should be based on the real price level from the respective European country in which FASUDIR is used.

Calculation The investment costs have to be adapted to the application of different business models for the retrofitting measures. Benefits from grants etc. have to be included in the calculation of the investement costs as negative costs and should lead to a reduction of the investment costs. The costs arising from retrofitting measures shall include deconstruction and disposal of discarded elements, repair, maintenance and replacement of existing elements, and construction costs for all new elements.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings 31


Running Costs Energy

B.3.1 Life Cycle Costs (LCC)


Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of energy-related costs in use.

Methodology The sub-indicator running costs energy shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what impact the running costs for energy have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the running costs energy indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings.

Calculation The calculations of the running costs energy will be conducted by the IES Software LifeCycle. The running costs energy should include all costs arising from the use of energy sources (oil, gas, solid fuels, district heating, electricity) in the building. The determination of the running costs energy should be based on the results of the calculations for the final energy demand consisting of space heating, water heating, auxiliary energy, lightning and HVAC. The estimated costs should be based on the real price level from the respective European country FASUDIR is used. Accoridng to CEN/TC 350 Standards EN 15804 only life cycle phase B6 is considered.




The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.



EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings

Running Costs Non-Energy

B.3.1 Life Cycle Costs (LCC)


Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of non-energy-related costs in use.

Methodology The sub-indicator investment costs shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what share the investment costs have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the investment costs indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings.

Calculation The calculations of the running costs non-energy will be conducted by the IES Software LifeCycle. The running costs non-energy should inlcude all costs for deconstruction and disposal of eliminated building parts, components and materials. Furthermore costs for repair, maintenance and replacement of the building parts, components and materials remaining in the building have to be included. Costs for water consumption, sewage water and cleaning costs can be neglected in FASUDIR. According to CEN/TC 350 Standards EN 15804 only the life cycle phases B1-7 and C1-4 are considered.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings 33


Change in Value of Property


Objective Energy retrofitting measures can significantly affect the economic value of existing buildings. The indicator focusses on the estimation of the change in value directly related to the energy retrofitting measures executed in a building.

Methodology The change in value of the building caused by retrofitting measures is estimated by the calculation of the surcharges or deduction on the net present value before and after the retrofitting.

Calculation To assess the change in value of a building relating on its energy demand the enerWERTMethod will be used. EnerWERT uses an energetic surcharge/deduction method to assess an increase or decrease of the building value depending on its energy demand. The change in value of a building is estimated by comparing the energy demand of a building to a reference building. The estimations in the method are based on investigations of approximately 400 objects in Germany. Due to the fact that the energy prices within Europe differ between the member countries the results of the study cannot be applied without adaptations to the energy price level of the countries. Therefore the Country specific energy price coefficient F has been developed based on the differences in energy prices of partner countries compared to German energy prices.



The sub-indicator is only used at building level.

Architektenkammer Niedersachsen: Immobilienwert und Energiebedarf - Einfluss energetischer Beschaffenheit auf Verkehrswerte von Immobilien, Hannover, 2010 (http://www.aknds.de/fileadmin/ pdf/servicedb/203-EnerWert.pdf)



Return on Investment


Objective Energy retrofitting measures for buildings are economic efficient if the savings caused by the retrofitting over the whole life cycle exceed the total investment costs. This indicator supports decision-makers in evaluating the economic efficiency of retrofitting measures.

Methodology The indicator assesses the Return on Investment of energy retrofitting measures for the whole building by using the overall investment costs and the saving in running costs energy. The indicator only relies on the costs and savings from measures that are directly affecting the energy demand in the use stage over a defined period of consideration.

Calculation For the calculation of Return on Investment the following steps have to be executed: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The yearly savings in running costs energy (S) have to be calculated by subtracting the running costs energy of the retrofitted building from the running costs energy of the original building (from Building KPI 3.1.3) The total investment costs for the energy retrofitting measures have to be calculated (from Building KPI 3.1.2) Determination of discount rate i Determination of energy price changing rate z Determination of period of consideration t Calculation of ROI



The value of the indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.





Key Performance Indicators


Energy Demand

D.1.1.1 Total Primary Energy Demand D.1.1.2 Operational Energy Use D.1.1.3 Energy Demand Embodied


Objective Primary energy is energy found in nature that has not been subjected to any conversion or transformation process. The indicator Energy Demand aims at the reduction of the Total Primary Energy Demand.

Methodology The indicator is based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that is used for KPI B.1.1 on building level. In order to assess the embodied energy demand for the energy infrastructure in the district (e.g. construction of heat networks, heat storages, street lightning) the relevant values will be added to the aggregated energy demand sums from building level. Embodied energy demand caused by retrofitting measures that are not related to energy on district level (e.g. adding green spaces, improving the barrier-free accessibility) are currently not considered in the district LCA due to poor data availability. If the necessary data is available in the future it shall be added.

Calculation The reference period is defined as 50 years. The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to ISO 14040 and 14044 as well as EN 15978 and considers the whole life cycle (stages from A1 to D). The IDST will allow to display the energy demand results for all different life cycle phases (A1-D) if the underlying data is available. The KPIs D.1.1.2 and D.1.1.3 highlight the most relevant phase for stakeholders (operational energy). The embodied and operational energy used by the energy infrastructure shall be added to the calculations if the data is available.



The values of the sub-indicators at building level are aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 New Office Buildings - July 2013


Concerted Action EPBD (including Country Reports), http://www.epbdca.eu/ca-outcomes/2011-2015

Share of Renewable Energy on Site


Objective The sub-indicator aims at the increase of the share of renewable energy produced on site, supporting the European Commission target to reach a 20% share of renewable energies in EU energy consumption by 2020.

Methodology The indicator is based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and calculated by the FASUDIR IDST using IES VE ApacheSim and EnviroIMPACT, encompassing the entirety of the district. Like the KPIs D.1.1.2 and D.1.1.3, this sub-indicator is calculated as a subset of the calculation of D.1.1.1, considering only the operational energy use phase component of the calculation of the overall PE (Phase B6), according to the EN 15978 standard. The IDST also calculates the renewable energy produced on site, benchmarking the ratio of renewable energy used from on site sources against the 20% objective of the EC.

Calculation The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to the EN 15978 standard and from the energy simulation for the on-site production of renewable energy. The value of the indicator is the ratio of the on-site yearly production of renewable primary energy and the yearly average of the total primary energy demand.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

EN 15978-2011: Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of environmental performance of buildings - Calculation method. European Committee for Standardization CEN.



Impacts on the Environment



D.1.2.1 Global Warming Potential (GWP) D.1.2.2 Acidification Potential (AP) D.1.2.3 Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) D.1.2.4 Eutrophication Potential (EP) D.1.2.5 Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) D.1.2.6 Abiotic Depletion Potential Elements(ADPe)

Objective The indicator assesses the impacts on the environment caused by the district over the entire life cycle using the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), aiming at their reduction.

Methodology The indicator is based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that is used for KPI D.1.1. In order to assess also the caused impacts on the environment for the energy infrastructure in the district (e.g. construction of heat networks, heat storages, lighting of streets) the relevant values will be added to the aggregated environmental impact sum from building level. Environmental impacts caused by retrofitting measures that are not related to energy on district level (e.g. adding green spaces, improving the barrier-free accessibility) are currently not considered in the district LCA due to poor data availability. If the necessary data is available in the future it shall be added.

Calculation The reference period is defined as 50 years. The indicator is calculated by the IDST according to ISO 14040 and 14044 as well as EN 15978 and considers the whole life cycle of the district through all life cycle stages from A1 to D. The IDST will allow to display the LCA results for all different life cycle phases (A1-D) if the underlying data is available.



The values of the sub-indicators at building level are aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure, to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013


Energy Country Factsheet, EU DG ENER: http://ec.europa.eu/ energy/observatory/countries/ countries_en.htm

Water Use


Objective The domestic sector is responsible for about 60% of national drinking water consumption in Europe. This indicator aims at reducing the quota of potable water used for non-potable uses in European cities.

Methodology The indicator is calculated through the quantification of the water that is collected and treated in the district, and the consumption for non-potable uses (for users and irrigation). The amount of collected and treated water (W,t) is the total volume of rainwater and grey water that is collected in the area in an average year. This includes rainwater collected from roofs, pavings, and all other surfaces in the area, and grey water that is recovered after potable use (from sinks, kitchens, etc), and is stocked and treated inside the district through one or more tanks with appropriate filtering systems.

Calculation The indicator is calculated by the IDST as the percentage ratio between the amount of water that is collected and treated in the district and the amount of water that is consumed in the district. The overall non-potable water consumption (W,c) is an average yearly volume calculated by the aggregation of two values: 1. the non-potable needs of buildings; 2. the irrigation requirements of green areas. Both can be calculated parametrically, or through specific district data depending on user profiles, type of plants and local irrigation period.



While this indicator is only present at district scale, its value depends on the water use of the buildings.

Tarja H채kkinen (Ed.), Sustainability and performance assessment and benchmarking of building - SuPerBuildings Final report, Espoo 2012, VTT Technology

Therefore, it will be possible to assess scenarios that include interventions on buildings together with district water treatment, linking together the two scales.

Serge Salat, Cities and Forms: On Sustainable Urbanism, Paris 2011, Editions Hermann 41


Land Use




The ability of a soil to store water depends on a range of factors including its texture, structure, depth and organic matter content. The objective of this indicator is to give information about the permeability of surface in the district area.

Methodology This indicator measures the ability of a district to store water. Soils compacted by urban development are highly impervious. Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures, such as pavements (roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots) and rooftops that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, stone etc.

Calculation For the evaluation of impervious surfaces and soil sealing, it is possible to use software tools. For example, interface surface can be determined using color infrared aerial photos. Image processing and subsequent data refinement within a GIS can be used to classify ground features. The analysis covers measurement of the impervious surface area [m²] and overall studied district area [m²] using the software tool. The impervious surface range can be calculated from the formula below: Impervious Surface [%]= Impervious Surface area [m²] / Overall District area [m²]



The indicator is only used at district level.

EC COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT: Guidelines on best practice to limit, mitigate or compensate soil sealing, Brussels, 12.4.2012 SWD(2012) 101 final


Parking Facilities

D.2.1 Motor Transport Infrastructure


Objective The occupation of the street by the private vehicle is a problem in the most of the cities. It reduces the availability to public spaces for citizens. The objective of this sub-indicator is to achieve better planning and control of parking in the public space to release this space for pedestrians.

Methodology The aim of this sub-indicator is to identify if parking facilities are appropriate for the expected users and give information about their accessibilities in the district. The distribution of parking in the street and off the street shows the relationship between the number of parking spaces which are in the street and the number of parking spaces which are located outside (public parking, public-private parking).

Calculation Due to the simplicity of the calculation, the value of this sub-indicator can be calculated directly or through the use of GIS data. The ratio of parking facilities outside the streets is calculated as follows: Parking facilities (%) = (off-street parking spaces / total parking spaces)



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino; Sistema de indicadores y condiciones para ciudades grandes y medianas



Infrastructure for Innovative Concepts: Car Sharing, Charging Infrastructure for Electric/Hybrid Vehicles


D.2.1 Motor Transport Infrastructure

Objective The implementation of smart mobility principles requires broad infrastructural availability in European cities. The objective of this sub-indicator is to increase support to alternative mobility strategies.


Methodology The evaluation of this indicator depends on the existence of infrastructure for innovative concepts: car sharing, charging infrastructure for electric / hybrid vehicles and car sharing.

Calculation Due to the simplicity of the calculation, the value of this sub-indicator can be calculated directly or through the use of GIS data. The ratio of parking facilities devoted to alternative, smart mobility strategies is calculated as follows: Infrastructure for innovative concepts = Parking places to be dedicated to fuel efficiency electric and/or hybrid vehicles + car sharing / Total parking places



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

OPEN HOUSE Assessment Guideline, Version 1.2 - July 2013 LEED-ND Criterion Credit 4.3: Alternative Transportation: Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles


Public Transport Infrastructure


D.2.2.1 Internal Accessibility: Bus, Tram, Subway stops, Railway station

Objective Public Transport Infrastructure indicator gives information about public transport systems and their accessibility in districts of the city. This indicator identifies how a variety of transportation and mobility options (railway, bus, tram or subway) can be available for citizens.

Methodology This indicator measures the accessibility of citizens to the public transport network, taking into account distance to the transport node. This method is a way of measuring the density of the public transport network.

Calculation To evaluate the availability to public transport nodes (bus, tram, subway stops, railway station) it is necessary to have an access to the public transport network for example via GIS map. The calculation method is presented below: Access to public transport nodes (%) = Living area / Area that is within a specific distance to a transport node



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

BREEAM Communities, Technical Manual SD202 - 0.0:2012 LEED for Neighbourhood Development



Bicycle Facilities

D.2.3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure


Objective The objective of this indicator is to promote cycling and walking as an alternative to vehicle use by providing a safe and efficient mobility networks.

Methodology The bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are evaluated by considering availability of bicycle and walking spaces for citizens, and facilities for bicyclist comfort.



The facilities for bicycles are assessed considering the quality of service offered, in increasing order: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bicycle parking places Bike paths Protection against theft Protection against weather

The sub-indicator is assessed by assigning an increasing amount of points according to the level of facilities provided.



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ DGNB International Criterion 30: Bicycle comfort BREEAM Criterion Tra 3: Alternative modes of transport


Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Quality


D.2.3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Objective The objective of this indicator is to promote cycling and walking as an alternative to vehicle use by providing a safe and efficient mobility networks.

Methodology The bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are evaluated by considering availability of bicycle and walking spaces for citizens, and facilities for bicyclist comfort. The sub-indicator considers the number of signal lights and therefore regulated street intersections as a a positive element in increasing safety of the cycling paths.

Calculation This sub-indicator is calculated according to the following formula: Bicycle and pedestrian networks = Number of inhabitants / Signal lights in the district



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ DGNB International Criterion 30: Bicycle comfort BREEAM Criterion Tra 3: Alternative modes of transport



Barrier-Free Accessibility of the District


D.2.4 Accessibility

Objective The public accessibility of a district promotes communal life. This sub-indicator incentivises the barrier-free accessibility of the buildings and open spaces in the district as a main sustainability issue.

Methodology To determine the degree of barrier-free accessibility of the district (BFA) the ratio between the public open spaces (green spaces, circulation areas, pavements and bicycle lanes, playgrounds for children, public squares) and the barrier-free accessible areas is calculated. Public green spaces are barrier-free accessible if the design of footpaths enables persons with disabilities to use them. Peron with disabilities are defined as follows:


• • • • • •

Users of wheelchairs Blind persons Deaf persons Mobility impaired persons Old persons Children, small and tall statured persons

Calculation The sub-indicator is calculated as a surface ratio of accessible areas over the total of the district, as follows: BFA = Sum of barrier-free accessible public district area [m² ] / Sum of entire public district area [m²]



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ DGNB Rating Scheme for newly-built districts Version 2012


Access to Services and Facilities - Parks and Open Spaces


D.2.4 Accessibility

Objective The public accessibility of a district promotes communal life. These sub-indicators support the walkability of the district and the availability of various services to the local population.

Methodology The sub-indicators consider the percentage of building area in the district that is able to reach the service or facility (D.2.4.2), and parks or open spaces (D.2.4.3), in a specific distance. “Services & Facilities” include: • Health (public health facilities, such as doctors, hospital, clinic, first aid) • Schools/Kindergarten • Supermarket • Banks • Restaurants/Bars • Sport facilities “Parks & Open Spaces” include: • •

Public garden, green spaces, parks and other facilities for pedestrians and cyclists Outdoor sport facilities with freedom of access

Calculation Both sub-indicators are calculated by attributing points for each service/ open space type available, and applying a reduction factor depending on the coverage of building surface in a radius centered on the service.



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project: http:// www.openhouse-fp7.eu/ Measuring the accessibility of services and facilities for residents of public housing in Montréal; Philippe Apparicio and Anne-Marie Séguin; Institut national de la recherche scientifique, INRS Urbanisation Culture et Société, Canada 49


Noise Level

D.2.5.1 Percentage of Building Area Over Noise Limit


Objective The acoustic comfort is one of the most important factors for a healthy and safe environment. The aim is to achieve a percentage of buildings with low level interference and background noise to avoid affecting use, health and capability of the users.

Methodology Quality of living is affected by noise levels which can vary at different times of the day. Residential areas have a greater density of people living in proximity to each other than other areas. More people often means more noise. Some pockets of residential areas have local shops which create people and traffic noise. Likewise some residential areas are adjacent to recreational or industrial areas. Social events such as concerts, parties and associated music and people noise play a big part in noise complaints. Monitoring noise levels and noise complaints in the urban area highlights trends and issues that may need addressing.



The LDN (Level Day/Night) noise level averages the daytime and nighttime noise levels (logarithmically) over a 24-hour period and includes a 10 dB (penalty) added to the night-time noise level (10 pm to 7 am). This indicator measures the percent of the population living in an area with a LDN of greater than a certain value of dB, which can vary according the national or regional regulation for each country. Sources of noise close to the site shall be identified and their distance from the site shall be measured. Noise maps - where available - shall be used.



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

European Environmental Agency Impact and Indicators www.eea.europa.eu WHO Night Noise guidelines for Europe, 2009


Thermal Comfort

D.2.6.1 Outdoor Temperature / Heat Island Effect


Objective The term “heat island” describes urbanized areas that are hotter than nearby rural areas. Heat islands can affect communities by increasing summertime peak energy demand, emissions, and health. The main goal is to evaluate the thermal comfort within the district.

Methodology In the calculation method different surfaces coefficients for streets, green spaces, buildings etc. are defined and weighted with their relevant district area. The higher the coefficient is the higher is the likeliness of contributing to produce heat islands. The FASUDIR IDST tool will take into account these values according to a specific index, called Microclimate Index I. This index can be calculated through GIS database computation. As result a Microclimate Index I is calculated that represents the aggregated likeliness of heat islands in the district.

Calculation To calculate the Microclimate Index I for the district the following formula has to be used: Calculation Formula: Microclimate Index I = (AreaA1 x F1 + AreaA2 x F2 + ... + AreaAn x Fn) / AreaDistrict Where F is a Surface Coefficient depending on the type of homogeneous area in the district.



The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

Microclimatic variation of thermal comfort in a district of Lisbon (Telheiras) at night; H. Andrade and M.-J. Alcoforado, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal





D.2.7.1 Gentrification Index

Objective Gentrification is the process by which the socioeconomic status of a neighborhood populated mostly by lower-income households is substantially elevated by renewed interests and investments by higher-income households. The objective of this indicator is to identify the likelihood of gentrification in districts, which would allow urban planners and policy-makers to be proactive in their approach to preventing many of the negative effects of gentrification.

Methodology To estimate the likelihood of gentrification in the district in the assessment method the Gentrification Index is calculated considering the following criteria: • • • • • • •

A - Percentage of Housing Built Pre-1960 B - Average change in purchase prices of residential buildings C - Change in rental fees of residential buildings (average of last 3 years) D - Change in area median income (average of last 3 years) E - Unemployment rate (average of last 3 years) F - Share of inhabitants older than 60 years in the district G - Change in district population (average of last 3 years)

Calculation The indicator is calculated by attributing a point score to each of the above criteria and totaling the scores as follows: Gentrification Index G = Points A + Points B + Points C + Points D + Points E + Points F




The sub-indicator is only used at district level.

Nesbitt, A: A Model of Gentrification Monitoring Community Change in selected Neighbourhoods of St. Petersburg, Florida using the Analytical Hierarchy Process


Life Cycle Costs Aggregated

D.3.1 Life Cycle Costs Buildings and Energy Infrastructure (LCC)


Objective Life Cycle costing approach is an economic method to identify cost effectiveness of different design options. This sub-indicator supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste.

Methodology The Life cycle costs calculation for districts is based on the same calculation method used for single building Life cycle cost calculations (see Building KPI 3.1.1). In order to assess all buildings in the whole district the Life Cycle costs of each building will be summed up to an aggregated Building Life cycle costs value. Furthermore the Life cycle costs arising from the energy infrastructure in the whole district are summed up to an aggregated Energy Infrastructure Life cycle cost value. The whole district Life cycle costs then are aggregated from the building and energy infrastructure Life cycle cost values to an overall Life cycle cost value for the whole district over a period of 50 years.

Calculation The Building Life cycle costs value is calculated by summing up all Life cycle cost values from the Life cycle cost calculations conducted in Building KPI 3.1.1. The Energy Infrastructure Life cycle cost value includes the investment costs and non-energy running costs of all energy infrastructure facilities in the district. Running costs energy for the energy infrastructure (auxiliary energy etc.) are not considered in FASUDIR due to poor data availability.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings 53


Investment Costs Aggregated

D.3.1 Life Cycle Costs Buildings and Energy Infrastructure (LCC)


Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of investments costs in retrofitting.

Methodology The sub-indicator investment costs shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what share the investment costs have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the investment costs indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings. The investment costs arising from retrofitting measures shall include the construction costs for all new building parts, components and materials brought to the building in the course of the energy retrofitting measures (investment costs for construction and installation process). The estimated costs should be based on the real price level from the respective European country in which FASUDIR is used. Energy transmission stations in buildings (e.g. district heating transmission station) are not included in the energy infrastructure costs, but are considered in the building Life cycle costs.

Calculation The Investment costs value is calculated by summing up all Investment cost values from the Investment cost calculations conducted in Building KPI 3.1.2.




The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.



EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings

Running Costs Energy Aggregated


D.3.1 Life Cycle Costs Buildings and Energy Infrastructure (LCC)

Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of energy-related costs in use.

Methodology The sub-indicator running costs energy shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what impact the running costs for energy have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the running costs energy indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings. The Running costs energy calculation for districts is based on the same calculation method used for single building Running cost energy calculations (see Building KPI 3.1.3).

Calculation The Running costs energy value is calculated by summing up all Running cost energy values from the Running cost energy calculations conducted in Building KPI 3.1.3. Running costs energy for the energy infrastructure (auxiliary energy etc.) are not considered in FASUDIR due to poor data availability.



The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.

OPEN HOUSE EU Project EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings 55


Running Costs Non-Energy Aggregated


D.3.1 Life Cycle Costs Buildings and Energy Infrastructure (LCC)

Objective Life Cycle costing approach supports the EC objective to increase the consideration of life-time costs of buildings rather than just initial costs, including construction and demolition waste. This sub-indicator aims at optimising the incidence of non-energy-related costs in use.

Methodology The sub-indicator running costs non-energy shall be used to show the user of FASUDIR what impact the running costs for non-energy uses have on the whole life cycle costs. Furthermore the running costs non-energy indicator will be used for setting constraints in order to select possible retrofitting solutions for the buildings. The Running costs non-energy calculation for districts is based on the same calculation method used for single building Running cost energy calculations (see Building KPI 3.1.4).

Calculation The running costs non-energy for all buildings (results from Building KPI 3.1.4) and the energy infrastructure facilities are summed up to an aggregated value. If no data is available for calculation of the running costs non-energy for the energy infrastructure they can be neglected or estimated by using default values.




The value of the sub-indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the sub-indicator for the district.



EN ISO 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life cycle costing EN 15459 - Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings

Return on Investment

D.3.2.1 Return on Investment Buildings and Energy Infrastructure


Objective Energy retrofitting measures for districts are economic efficient if the savings caused by the retrofitting over the whole life cycle exceed the total investment costs. This indicator supports decision-makers in evaluating the economic efficiency of retrofitting measures.

Methodology The indicator assesses the Return on Investment of energy retrofitting measures for the whole district by using the overall investment costs and the savings in running costs energy. The indicator only relies on the costs and savings from measures that are directly affecting the energy demand of the district.

Calculation For the calculation of Return on Investment the following steps have to be executed: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The yearly savings in running costs energy (S) have to be calculated by subtracting the running costs energy of all buildings (aggregation) in the retrofitted district from the aggregated running costs energy of the original district (District KPI 3.1.3) The total investment costs for the energy retrofitting measures have to be calculated (from District KPI 3.1.1) Determination of discount rate i Determination of energy price changing rate z Determination of period of consideration t Calculation of ROI



The value of the indicator at building level is aggregated at district level with all other buildings in the area and with infrastructure to obtain an overall value of the indicator for the district.




Project Partners TECNALIA Research & Innovation Spain www.tecnalia.com ACCIONA Instalaciones SA Spain www.acciona.es D’Appolonia S.p.A. Italy www.dappolonia.it ABUD Mernokiroda KFT Hungary www.abud.hu Consorcio de la Ciudad de Santiago Spain www.consorciodesantiago.org



iiSBE Italia R&D srl Italy www.iisbeitalia.org

Munich University of Applied Sciences Germany www.hm.edu Integrated Environmental Solutions LtD United Kingdom www.iesve.com Geonardo Environmental Technologies LtD Hungary www.geonardo.com CalCon Deutschland AG Germany www.calcon.de London Business School United Kingdom www.london.edu ACCIONA Infraestructuras SA Spain www.acciona.es

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement 609222. 59







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