FASUDIR Integrated Decision Support Tool

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FASUDIR Integrated Decision Support Tool

FASUDIR WP5 results booklet Contents by Nick Purshouse (IES), José Luis Izkara (TECNALIA), Peter Gyuris, Pal Bese (GEONARDO) Editing and Layout by Giulia Barbano (iiSBE R&D) Based on work carried out by the FASUDIR Consortium partners from September 2014 to March 2016 Published August 2016 © 2016 FASUDIR Consortium Partners. All rights reserved. FASUDIR is an FP7 Project supported by the European Commission under GA no. 609222 The document reflects only the authors’ views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Contents IDST Software development


District/Building energy model


Calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 12 Decision making and optimisation


IDST User Manual


Visualizing the model Browsing the repository Calculating KPIs Creating retrofitting scenarios Creating variants Decision Support Tool Additional tools Communication platform

22 26 28 30 33 37 40 49


IDST Software development Introduction

Main objective of this work package is to develop the platform for the integrated decision support tool (IDST). The IDST is a unique development tool for building/district level retrofitting actions by taking into consideration all specific configurations, methodologies or best practices defined in the previous Work Packages with the definition of the set-rules when combining these elements. Other key objectives were • • •

The definition of a building/district energy model integrated with the functionality of calculating the sustainability KPIs The development of an innovative decision making/optimisation module that will support the retrofitting solution selection process and an online friendly graphic user interface. Allow the end-users to perform on-line calculations concerning the possible retrofitting technologies and mechanisms on building/ district level, by taking into consideration different technological scenarios To develop a user-friendly on-line decision support tool for the preparatory actions and modelling for building or district level retrofitting through the integration of relevant software solutions

District energy model This task defines the energy model at both district and building level. The model is unique and enables the documentation at both scales. This task includes the identification of the general requirements of the model, analysis of the existing representation standards and completion of the model with extractable data from existing sources and low cost data acquisition. It defines the data model structure (data and their relations). The definition of the energy model will extend the CityGML standard with domain specific information. The main source of data for the data model creation was existing district/city data sources (cadastre, digital elevation model, building geometries, climatic conditions, use patterns, existing networks, etc.). In order to automatically import existing data into the CityGML data model it was necessary to develop several software modules with the required functionalities for the semantically enriched 3D model creation.


Calculation of the Key Performance Indicators The task calculates the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified in WP2 using Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) tools at both building and district levels. For the proposed sustainable retrofitting technical solutions their energy performance over the whole life cycle was be calculated using IES software. The cost and embodied energy parameters identified was then integrated into IES software to determine the overall LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Costing) at building and district levels. Based on the calculated energy performance and the LCA/LCC impact, an equivalent rating score was evaluated and mapped according to existing sustainable assessment schemes. Embedded GIS technologies were also used to provide additional information to the definition of the model.

Decision making and optimisation This task produced a decision support tool that enables the user is to set objectives and preferences based on their own circumstances in order to give an improved package of retrofitting measures suitable to real life scenarios. To further advance the search for the final optimal solution a weighing system was developed to take into account the users’ preference or their specific requirements.

User interface This task designed and developed a web-based application as the front-end of the Integrated Decision Support Tool (IDST). The online tool was then integrated with the simulation module from IES and CIM from Tecnalia. The user interface includes the following main functionalities: • • •

Visualization of the 3D building/district model Edition of building/district model data by the user Library of sustainable retrofitting solutions with technical, legal and financial constraints • Display and visualisation of the calculated building/district KPIs • Exchange of information between stakeholders involved in the retrofitting process, through a shared documentation management system • Integrated DST module which allows users to input weighting factors and view the ranked set of optimised solutions An on-line "IDST User Manual" with step-by-step animated guidance was developed and built into the front-end of the platform in order to maximise the users understanding on the operation of the IDST.


District/Building energy model

General requirements and existing standards General requirements for the definition of the FASUDIR District Energy Model are collected based on six design principles for the Data Model: • Reuse of existing standard models and vocabularies, • Design of domains, • Geospatial Information, • Extensibility, • Multi-scalability • Combination of geometry and semantic information. Regarding the existing standards and vocabularies, IFC is the standard data representation for BIM (Building Information Modelling). IFC represents highly detailed information at building level and it enables exchange of information about building structures, elements, spaces and other objects in a BIM. For geospatial information, shape file (SHP) is the most popular geospatial data format. This format is mainly based on 2D information and semantic is included as parameters associated to the 2D shape. However, GIS are increasingly being used as data sources for 3D City Models generation. Software suites such as ArcGIS offers data models in which BIM are integrated in order to enrich geometric 3D representations (3DCIM and BISDIM) and existing tool sets allow the importing and exporting of data from GIS to CityGML and vice versa. CityGML is the standard data model defined by OGC for the representation of 3D city model. CityGML supports different levels of detail for the representation of the city objects and information at different scales (city, building, building element). Semantic and geometric coherence is maintained in the data model. INSPIRE is the European directive for the establishment of an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community. Data specification on building within INSPIRE defines a data model for the representation of buildings and constructions and is based on CityGML.


Extension of CityGML The building / district energy model in FASUDIR is based on CityGML. Data model is divided into City Model and Simulation Model. City Model contains all the data representing the current state of the district. All the parameters required for triggering the required simulations are stored into the City Model. City Model will be completed with the indicators information (KPIs) after their calculation to determine the current state of the district. City Model includes information at both building and district level. City Model extends CityGML with required Application Domain Extensions (ADE) in order to represent all the required information. Simulation model is created on the fly on the simulation server using the data inputs in the city model and this is not saved on the City Model.

Figure 1 Building / District Energy Model in FASUDIR Based on the information identified to be included in the City Model, Application Domain Extensions (ADE) to the CityGML data model at both building and district scale have been designed. The following figures show some example of the designed extensions. Figure 1 shows a general overview of the ADEs designed at building level. Figure 2 shows a detailed representation of the Energy ADE for building, as an example of building ADEs. Figure 3 shows a general overview of the ADEs designed at district level. Figure 4 shows a detailed representation of the District KPIs ADE, as an example of the district ADEs. 7

Figure 2 Building ADEs

Figure 3 Building Energy ADE


Figure 4 District ADEs

Figure 5 District KPIs ADE


Workflow for City Model Generation The workflow for the City Model creation is divided into two main phases; 3D City Model creation and semantization of the 3D City Model (See Figure 6). The first phase addresses the generation of the geometry of the FASUDIR objects in the 3D City Model. As a prior step in the City Model generation, it is necessary to process the available data in order to make them suitable for the 3D model generation (GIS Data Processing). If a CityGML data model of the district already exists it will be processed and adapted to be included into the City Model. Otherwise, the generation of the City Model will start with the creation of the 3D geometry of buildings in the lowest level of detail (LoD1), and completed with a higher level in the next step (LoD2). The generation of other city elements, such as roads, green areas, city furniture elements, etc. will be performed during the generation of the City Model geometry, as the last step. After the generation of the geometry for all city elements, the 3D City Model will be stored in a relational database. The second phase in the City Model generation is the semantization of the 3D City Model. Several processes have been defined for the completion of the semantic information of the City Model. First a geometric process allows the completion of semantic data associated to the geometry of the city elements (e.g. area, volume, address, orientation, etc.). Existing shape files (shp) can contain relevant data to be included in the City Model, for the completion of semantic information existing shp files and existing City Model have to be properly related, this could require a previous pre-processing. Properties included in the shp files can be introduced into the City Model through the “From shp to CityGML” process. On the other hand, some properties of the City Model can be inferred from other properties. This inference will be performed through the “Semantic process”. As a result of the described processes, a semantically enriched 3D City Model will be stored into the database. However not all the required data for the completion of the City Model can be obtained from the previously defined processes, some of them will require to be introduced manually by the user. At the same time, the user can edit some of the parameters generated in the previous processes.


Once the City Model is created, according to the described process, it will be necessary to calculate the defined KPIs for the identification of the current state of different scenarios for the selected district and the performance of the different variants identified for a specific scenario. The KPIs will be calculated in the IDST according to the FASUDIR methodology and results will complete the City Model. It will be dynamic during the whole simulation process, different variant results will be stored in the FASUDIR Data Model and if an intervention is selected the City Model will be updated with the corresponding information.

Figure 6 City Model generation workflow


Calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

The KPI for both building and district level were calculated according to the methodology as defined earlier in the project. As the attributes required for the KPIs often came from different software, they were calculated in the location where it was deemed the most suitable and then presented as overall KPI in the front end user interface (see below):

Key Performance Indicator

Calculation location


Total Primary Energy Demand



Operational Energy Use



Energy Demand Embodied



Share of Renewable Energy on site IESVE (Solar PV, Solar thermal, & wind)


Global Warming Potential (GWP)



Acidification Potential (AP)



Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)



Eutrophication Potential (EP)



Photochemical Ozone Creation PoIESVE tential (POCP)


Abiotic Depletion Potential Elements IESVE (ADPe)


Intensity of Water Treatment



Soil Sealing


Environmental Category

Category Scale


Social Category Economic Category


Occupancy-based ventilation rates IESVE


CO2-Concentration above outdoor IESVE level


Occurrence of Radon



Operative Temperature (To)



Predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) IESVE


Percentage of occupied hours outside IESVE the comfort range (POR)


Solar irradiance incident - Insolation IESVE


Noise levels at buildings faรงades



Parking facilities



Infrastructure for innovative concepts: car sharing, charging infrastructure CIM (TEC) for electric hybrid vehicles


Internal Accessibility: Bus, Tram, CIM (TEC) Subway stop, Railway station


Bicycle facilities


Bicycle and Pedestrian network quality CIM (TEC)


Barrier-free Accessibility of the District CIM (TEC)


Access to Services and Facilities



Access to Parks and Open Spaces



Percentage of building area over CIM (TEC) noise limit


Outdoor temperature / Heat island CIM (TEC) effect


Gentrification Index



Life Cycle Costs (LCC)



Investment costs



Running costs energy



Running costs non-energy



Change in value of property



Return on Investment




Each KPI is calculated against a benchmark which allows evaluating the KPI result compared to an average value. This allows the user of the IDST to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the district in terms of sustainability in a simple scale from 0-100. A low KPI value in this case means that the sustainability issues which the KPI addresses must be improved, while a high KPI value means that the study area scores perfect against the benchmark value. In the framework of the FASUDIR project the Ă–KOBAUDAT data was used in order to determine the environmental impacts of the pre-defined 130 retrofitting interventions which are used in FASUDIR. Therefore, a comprehensive LCA database was created in excel and afterwards integrated by the creation of LCA templates in the IES VE software using the ENVIROImpact modules. The background data for investment cost of interventions used in the LCC calculations also have been created based on a literature research for the 130 FASUDIR retrofitting interventions. These data also have been integrated using templates in the IES VE LifeCycle module. Based on the calculations of the IES VE software the different LCA (GWP, ODP, POCP, AP, EP, ADPe), LCC and investment cost KPIs are calculated over the whole building and district life cycle considering a study period of 50 years. Other tools are also available to aid the analysis of results and to guide the end user in reaching the most appropriate retrofitting solutions depending on their preferences and constraints. These are briefly described below.


Assessing energetic weak points of buildings

This is the tool which assists the user to prioritise different retrofitting measures to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the energy efficiency of a building by displaying the energy breakdown of a building. The user will be able to plan the retrofitting measures in a way which will exploit the highest energy savings and apply the most appropriate interventions in line with the interventions hierarchy.

Assessing feasibility of heat networks

The user is able to assess the feasibility of a district heating network. The tool requires the user to input the estimated heat grid length and a threshold value for the heat demand. Then the tool provides an indication whether the district heating network is feasible or not.


Synergies and interactions

This tool provides aggregated load and duration curves of the future heat demand after applying energy retrofitting measures for the connected buildings to the heat grid. The user is able to select a building or groups of buildings for which the tool displays the aggregated annual load curve in a chart as time series. The tool also can visualize an electricity balance line to assess synergies and includes renewable electricity sources.


Solar potential of surface areas of buildings

This tool allows the user to visualise results with a colour range on 2D/3D maps for buildings that have the highest potential for applying solar photovoltaics or solar thermal hot water units.

Consideration of financial mechanisms

The tool allows the user to enter the different financing parameters like investment cost of variants, expected energy-price scenarios and discount rates as well as a chosen study period. By using a dynamic net present value calculation, the tool calculates the following financial parameters for different created energy retrofitting variants on building and district level based on the simulated results for the energy demand of buildings and the district. 


Decision making and optimisation

As the retrofitting scenario targets can be achieved by a large number of variants consisting of various intervention combinations, the user has the option to access the Decision Support Tool and rank the variants according to his priorities. The tool will be used to enter the preferences of the planners and stakeholders for a district retrofitting project in the IDST. The user will start in the tool with setting the priorities of each sustainability category (environment, social, economy) in order to set the importance of each category. As a real sustainable decision support is only ensured if the category weights of the three categories are equal (33,33 % each) the Decision Support Tool should give this priority choice as a default set that can be changed by the user if he wants. By changing it, the user is informed by a hint that real sustainable decision-support needs equal priorities between the categories. In any case the aggregated percentage between the three categories is always 100%. After setting the category weights, the decision support tool provides ten sustainability objectives which can be prioritised by the users. After the editing of the weighting factors is complete, the user is able to display the calculated overall rating for each of the variants, based on user selected priorities, and can easily check which variants reach the targets, and compare scores and results between them.




Visualizing the model

The 2D map has multiple layers in order to enable the view to display all map features or to give a clearer view when deselecting layers. FASUDIR demo area is identified by a purple polygon.

Checking/unchecking layers in the top right corner of the 2D map The 2D map displays the buildings if required (checked) as the figure to the left shows. Building in the study area of Santiago de Compostela, the shadow of the building is shown in grey, and the building roofs are flat 3D pop up window disyplaying Santiago de Compostela (



Editing the model

Click on CIM editor to have access to building(s) and district information and edit their records in the database.

"Open CIM editor" to access building information Once a building is selected it appears below the 2D map window with its ID and attributes (highlighted in yellow in the below figure).

Building is selected (ID 3068), also the map displays it with cyan blue Choosing a building or buildings by using the building selection helper. This tool can be found below the 2D map (



Building selection helper by clicking on the open button in the right hand side below the 2D map Selecting and adding new group of building(s) can be done easily by clicking on "Add group".

Select buildings with "Roof shape" (left dropdown menu) that is not "Flat" Selected buildings are coloured with cyan blue in the 2D map (see below). The selection can be confirmed with the "Apply" button (highlighted in yellow). Groups of selected buildings are displayed in cyan blue on the 2D map.


The selection of building(s) can be saved (click "Save selection" right to "Apply" button) and later restored in the view in multiple functions and tools of the IDST. Building details, such as "number of storeys" or "heritage status", are attributes that are important for setting up the correct status of the project; they are therefore allowed to be checked and edited. In the "Building Details" (see below) – Geometrical and General attributes can be viewed and corrected, overwriting the CIM information; therefore this function should be handled with due care.

Building ID 3068 and its "geometry" attributes (e.g. number of storeys, roof shape) displayed in the view


Browsing the repository

By clicking on building objects in the map (see below), the existing interventions on that building will appear in the right hand side under "Applied interventions" (highlighted in yellow).

Applied intervention on the building Unique ID 2964: PV 20kW (medium commercial) The CIM can also be altered if an intervention is added to a building for instance. "Save" button is to be used similarly to saving an attribute.


Adding "LED best" - with drag and drop by using the left mouse button - to the Applied interventions' list, building ID 2954 (see next image)

"LED best" dropped into the Applied intervention list to building ID 2954


Calculating KPIs

The KPI calculation capability is linked with the "Analysis tool for KPIs". In Current State, buildings and districts have available and already calculated KPI values, based on the database (CIM) attributes. Once an attribute in the CIM is changed (e.g. setting building geometry, adding interventions) the KPIs will change and the user needs to run a simulation to obtain the new KPI values.

Increasing the "number of storeys" or "number of basement storeys" of building ID 2954 by overwriting current values

Number of storeys increased to 5 for building ID 2954 and press "Save", see the yellow highlights By saving this change to the CIM, a KPI simulation can be run for acquiring the new KPIs.


A notification on saved changes appears in the top right corner of the browser, in a light green box and "Building data is updated in the database" checked note In order to perform the KPI calculation, the "Run KPI Calculation" button must be used (see below). A pop up window will notify the user that the "Simulation is already running" and this can be OK-d to close this window.

Yellow highlighted "Run KPI Calculation" and the pop up window and then click "OK" Simulation status


Creating retrofitting scenarios

In order to design a retrofitting project, the user can define retrofitting scenarios according to knowledge of the building(s) or district. The conceived retrofitting project will use the baseline values from the Current State, and different variants can be created in order to change any attributes in the CIM. Results will be seen and available via the "Decision Support Tool". Scenarios and variants can be created under "Retrofitting Scenarios" tab in the project overview window.

Creating retrofitting scenario (or view already existing one(s)) using the tab highlighted in yellow Adding a new scenario can be done with the function button (highlighted in yellow in the below image) in 4 easy steps: • • • •

Add new Scenario Name it, set time frame and short description Save it Set targets and create variants Scenario "Test002" is created with description "Increasing renewable energy share"


The scenarios in the list can be accessed by clicking the play button on the left of the name of the scenario (see below).

Opening "Test002" scenario from the list by clicking the play button (


Different settings can be changed in each scenario, such as defining targets for each of them and setting threshold values for those targets based on the expert user knowledge.

Notification in the top right corner of the browser window when a target is saved Add target (yellow highlight) and chose from the drop down list


Target "Share of Renewable Energy on site", threshold - 100% saved as illustrated with yellow highlights Removing or updating the set target is done by using the following buttons: •

remove (

edit (

) )

Highlighted in yellow - delete target, updating target is coloured with blue Creating more target(s) in a scenario is as simple as using the "Add new Target" function. They can be set and saved similarly to what was introduced in this chapter.


Creating variants

Variants created in the scenario are for trying ways of achieving the targeted numbers/values. With different variants, the user can find various ways to change the buildings and districts and see how these different variants perform. Variant creation button can be found just below the target definition panel and works as easily.

Creation of variant named 'V01' with "Add new Variant" button (highlighted in yellow) After naming the variant, according to user preference, the blue ( ) button should be used in order to save it and the site will acknowledge the creation of the variant with the following message: Information note from the IDST "variant created"


In order to operate the variant, the open variant button should be used as illustrated below:

Open a variant after creation When a variant is opened the user can manipulate the district and/ or building attributes and add interventions according to the needs of the scenario.

"V01" the name of the variant (highlighted in yellow) appears in the upper left corner of the application The process shown is also used to operate with the variant(s) e.g. to utilize the attribute editing and interventions functions.


Triggering simulation The steps here should come after adding an intervention (in a variant) and having multiple variants for a scenario.

Adding "LED best" - with drag and drop by using the left mouse button - to the Applied interventions' list, building ID 2954, see next image

LED best dropped into the Applied intervention list of a building 35

By saving this change to the CIM, a KPI simulation can be run for acquiring the new KPIs.

Triggering simulations after saving changes e.g. LED lighting The simulation status button ( ) in the top right corner of the top menu allows to check the status of the simulation.

Simulation status signal "completed" for variant V2 KPI calculations


Decision Support Tool

In order to compare different simulation results that belong to the different variants the Decision Support Tool can be used. Afterwards that the user got the message that the simulation is done, this tool can be opened using the DST icon sixth from the left ( ).

Open a created variant e.g. V02 The "V02" variant being opened in order to use the Decision Support Tool


The user can define preferences in "making" the decision and therefore prioritization among the three sustainability criteria is possible.

Priority categories "high", "medium" and "low" will result in the weighting system Further weighting between the refined sustainability issues is also possible in the tool by setting the priority levels of each of the priority issues.


Weighting in numbers when priorities related to energetic and social issues are "high" After setting the priorities of the "Sustainability Issues" scroll to the bottom of the page to view the results by clicking on the "Results" button. Ranked variants based on their score given by the IDST


Additional tools KPI Analysis tool

Having a look at the building KPI values (both in current and retrofit scenarios) is easy. In the project overview click on "Current State" and then click the icon of the tool above the 2D map.

Click on the rent State"

icon to start using the Analysis Tool for KPIs in the "Cur-

Select a building in the 2D map view either clicking on its symbol on the map or use the "Selection helper" available below the map. The KPIs are visualized by using a chart and a colour code - this latter is based on the benchmark data - used as a legend when displaying the "values".


KPIs displayed in a chart for a building, unique ID 2600 Seeing a group of buildings or all the buildings in light of a single KPI is also possible choosing one KPI from the list "KPI to be displayed" (see below). 2D map displaying a building group and colour coded based on "CO2 Concentration Above Outdoor Level" (yellow highlight) chosen from the drop down list


Energetic Weak points tool This tool highlights the "weak points" of a building in the form of charts and values. This tool works both in the Current State and during a scenario development.

Click on the icon, second from the left, to start using the Energetic Weak Points Tool in the "Current State" When this tool is open, the user can select a building using the 2D map or the Selection Helper function. The tool describes a building from several predefined aspects. Pie charts showing different energy parameters of the building (unique ID 2477)


The tool works in describing any building in the variants as well, once the attributes and/or interventions have been altered during the variant creation. If no changes are made for a building then the charts will show the same values in both the Current State and in the variant as well.

Heat Network tool The "Heat Network Tool" works on evaluating one or more buildings from their heat demand point of view. This tool works both in the Current State and during a scenario development.

Click on the icon, third from the left, to start using the Heat Network Tool in the "Current State" This image shows the surface of the tool with input parameters e.g. Heat density demand threshold


After taking these user inputs - discussed so far in this chapter - this tool can suggest if a local heat network is feasible or not based on the parameters set for evaluation.

"Local heat network is feasible" highlighted in light green in the right bottom of the picture for buildings ID: 2887, 2890, 2964, 3068


Synergies tool The "Synergies Tool" shows electricity and heat related synergies and values for a user defined period in time.

Click on the icon, fourth from the left, to start using the Synergies Tool in the "Current state" Opening this tool is similar to what was mentioned in the case of the previously introduced tools, and also works both in the Current State and in scenario development.

Pick two or more buildings from the set with one of the known selection methods and press "Apply" to inspect the results shown (scroll down) If two or more buildings are selected the tool will visualize (see on the following figures) their joint energy related information. For example "hot water" energy loads are aggregated for the selected buildings.


The user can choose to view either the thermal or the heat related synergies or both at the same time in the diagram.

Types of synergies to display Operate what type of synergies are displayed by the tool click on "Energy related synergies" or Thermal related synergies" (highlighted with yellow), or view both click on "All" (light grey box).

Inspecting the thermal related synergies for the period of one year (default setting), "Heating", "Cooling" and "Hot water", a value of Hot water is picked for a moment in time 46

Solar potential tool Entering the solar potential tool for buildings is possible from the Current State view.

icon, second from the right, to start using the Solar Click on the Potential Tool in the "Current state" Buildings coloured based on their solar potential All the buildings will be coloured based on their solar potential and they can be viewed in the 2D map. If the user clicks on a building then a pop up window will show the details related to that building.

Building ID 3068 and its measured height and solar access value (%) The user can click from building to building in order to discover the pertaining data to each and every of them. 47

Financial mechanism tool The IDST user can also have information about basic financing issues on a retrofitting project considered by the FASUDIR IDST. The tool is useful after the user created variant - or variants - therefore available comparing the Current State and the variant. The tool shows graphically the lifecycle costs (current state vs. variant) in a study period. The user (e.g. retrofit planner) can take into account "Discount rate", "Average energy price increase rate" and the length of the "Study period".

Control panel of the financial mechanism tool: the tool is calculating with the given variant's "parameters" e.g. investment costs of measures - 200.000 EUR, energy cost/year - current state and energy cost/year - variant The tool displays the calculated information's in a tabular and in a graphic format. Display panel of the financial mechanism tool: payback period of the variant - 18 years, annual savings - 9.000 EUR 


Communication platform

The e-Collaboration platform is an information sharing and document exchange facility designed for the purpose of the IDST. The platform can be accessed from different views by clicking on the leftmost icon in the top right menu bar, see below.

Opening the E-Collaboration platform from the Project Overview (


Arriving to the platform the uploaded documents can be viewed and by clicking on a file name it will be opened. Documents can be easily uploaded too by drag-and-drop them into the designated box. Document upload or open within the e-collaboration platform


By clicking on the "Announcements" tab the users' announcements can be read.

An announcement displayed in the platform Click on the "Forum" tab and registered forum title and their details (visits, last activity) can be viewed.

Two forum topics are currently displayed


When the user clicks on a forum topic title, then in a pop up window comments will be displayed in relation to that topic (see the below illustration).

Comment on a topic in the "Forum"


Project Partners TECNALIA Research & Innovation Spain www.tecnalia.com ACCIONA Instalaciones SA Spain www.acciona.es D’Appolonia S.p.A. Italy www.dappolonia.it ABUD Mernokiroda KFT Hungary www.abud.hu Consorcio de la Ciudad de Santiago Spain www.consorciodesantiago.org



iiSBE Italia R&D srl Italy www.iisbeitalia.org

Munich University of Applied Sciences Germany www.hm.edu Integrated Environmental Solutions LtD United Kingdom www.iesve.com Geonardo Environmental Technologies LtD Hungary www.geonardo.com CalCon Deutschland AG Germany www.calcon.de London Business School United Kingdom www.london.edu ACCIONA Infraestructuras SA Spain www.acciona.es

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement 609222. 53







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