New to the church? September: 2: Service at Meadowcroft 4pm 4: PCC meeting 7.30pm 6: Choir practices restart 7.30pm 8: Ride & Stride 9 Living Generously 9: Beer and Hymns at the Cross Keys 10: Baptism Preparation session 12: Sparklers 15: Teddy Bear’s Picnic 3pm-5pm 15: Charity concert (see inside Jottings) 16: Fairtrade stall after 10am service 16: Civic Service 4pm. No 6.30pm service 26: Sparklers 27: 55+ sign up sheet available
If you are new to St Mary’s, we would like to be able to get in touch with you. Please fill in one of the blue ‘welcome’ cards from the welcome desk, and hand it to a sidesperson. If you would like to join a home group to get to know some people, and for Bible study and prayer please do talk to Revd Alan Garratt, or Jackie in the church office.
Week commencing 2 September 2018 St Mary’s Church, Thame
In the food store our current ‘most needed’ items is tins of spaghetti. For full information about this charity please take a look on the Sharing Life Trust Thame
website or call 0300 201 0212
St Mary's Guild Autumn Fayre. Please make a note that our Autumn Fayre this year is on Saturday 6th October. Further details will follow shortly, but if you are making any jams, chutneys, pickles etc. & have a spare jar we would be very grateful for any donations. Eileen Bryant.
Rare Plant Fair today, 2 September, at Adwell from 11am to 4pm. Refreshments will be available, and all money raised will go to the charity ‘Aspire’.
St Mary’s Church Office 01844 213491 Thame Barns Centre, Church Road, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3AJ
Thank you for your continued generosity
The usage statistics for the Foodbank during July: 20 food parcels were delivered. These served 24 adults and 12 children. CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES is looking for a parttime manager for its pop-up shop at Christchurch Thame, 7 Nov-7 Dec. The shop sells Christmas cards and gifts to support national and local charities including Scannappeal. If you are organised, enthusiastic and enjoy being part of a friendly team, running the shop is rewarding, sociable and fun. Flexible hours. Suitable as a job-share. Modest remuneration. Training will be given. To find out more please contact: Marilyn Clarke 01628 530154 / 07818 413428 / Find out more about the church community on our web site. Also includes our Sunday morning sermons! Also visit our Facebook page St Mary’s Church, Thame.
10am Sunday 2 September.
Finding Wisdom
St Mary’s Church, Thame
If you are new to Thame or just visiting, please introduce yourself to the welcomers at the door who would be happy to tell you more about us. A hearing Loop is available in the church. RIDE & STRIDE. SATURDAY 8 SEPTEMBER The annual Oxfordshire Historical Churches Trust sponsored cycle/walk event is almost upon us. If you are not able to take part, please do consider sponsoring someone from St Mary’s. Full details/sponsor forms are available from Helena Fickling 01844 213326. Oscar (Alan’s bear) invites you to a Teddy Bears & Friends’ Picnic The Vicarage, 3 Fish Ponds, Thame, 3pm on Saturday 15th September 2018
COME AND SING:SONGS OF HOPE AND LOVE In aid of local charities— Sharing Life Trust and Wycombe Homeless Connection St Mary’s Church Saturday 15 September
Booking essential—Cost £20 to include tea/coffee/soft drinks. Please bring a packed lunch Booking forms also available on the welcome desk Come and learn the repertoire during the day and then participate in the concert in the evening. 9.45am - registration 10.30am -1.30pm - learning session 1.30am -2.30pm - lunch break 2.30pm -5.30pm - learning session 7.30pm - concert begins Tickets for the concert cost £10
(Mums and Dads are welcome too) Oscar would like to know if you are coming. Please email Sian on
Daily Bible Reading Notes Joy Wattleworth has stepped down from ordering the bible study notes. As from January 2019 this will be done by Nena Davis. To change or cancel your current study notes, please speak to Nena before 30 September. Grateful thanks to Joy for many years of organising this.
Care for the Family event in Oxford Wednesday 14 November 2018 Parents have a great opportunity to show children what faith looks like. So how do we sow seeds of faith that help them grow up loving God? Raising Faith is a brand new event this autumn for mums and dads looking at the simple things we can all do to help nurture our child’s faith in the day to day. Katharine Hill and Andy Frost will help you to see how much you are already doing and inspire you with plenty of practical tips for how you can point your children to God in your everyday family activities. You’ll come away more confident – knowing that you are qualified to help your kids find a faith that lasts. Book early bird tickets 029 2081 0800 or speak to Sian after the 10am service.
Services Sunday 2 September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 8am BCP Communion 10am All Age with Baptism 4pm Evening Prayer 6.30pm SIXthirty 10am
8am 10am
Thursday 6 September Holy Communion Sunday 9 September Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity BCP Communion Holy Communion with choir
Sunday Fun—activities for children in the Barns Centre
CSW one of our mission links asks us to please pray for school girl 15 year old Leah Sharibu who was abducted in Nigeria by the terrorist group Boko Haram, along with 109 of her classmates in February this year. The other girls were all released a month later. Leah was the only non-Muslim girl and Boko Haram insisted that she convert to Islam. She refused to renounce her faith and was not released. She is still held captive to this day. On September 6 she will have been held for 200 days CSW want to increase the profile of this case by taking a stand outside the Nigerian High Commission, holding 200 hours of prayer to represent the number of days Leah has been held captive. Further details of this can be found on the CSW website There is also a link
Sad news: Elizabeth Fieldsend, known to many of you, has died during the week. We will let you have details of her funeral when we have them. May she rest in peace & rise in glory.
Sunday 16 September Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity 8am BCP Communion 10am Morning Worship with Mission Slot 4pm Civic Service 6.30pm NO SIXthirty 10am
Thursday 21September Holy Communion
Sunday 23 September Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity 8am BCP Communion 10am Holy Communion
Sunday Fun—activities for children in the Barns Centre
Many Congratulations and best wishes to Helen and Kevin Sharman on their recent Silver Wedding Anniversary. David Pickard says ‘Thankyou’ to everyone for their good wishes, cards and prayers following his recent operation. They are much appreciated. If you have something you would like the church community to pray for, and don’t mind it being in Jottings, please let Jackie in the office know (contact details over the page), and we’ll include it! Alternatively, please feel free to leave a prayer on the prayer tree in the side chapel. PASTORAL CARE… If you, or anyone you know would value a visit, call or communion at home, please contact the church office so this can be arranged. Thank you. CONTACT DETAILS—If you have recently changed your telephone number, email address or have moved house, please let the church office have your new details. Many thanks.