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Fathima Ashraf
Heyo peepZ sumthng abt me.. Hmm..yup itz me Fathima Ashraf About me...well em a B.Tech graduate in Computer Science N Engg. Em so sensitive dat i vl laugh loudly ven bcum happy nd cry out badly ven bcum sad Em d 1nly 1 daughter for my ummi nd vappi nd 1nly 1 sis for my 3 bros nd em njoying it 2 d CORE.I used to spend 97% of my life wid ma chwweeet family. Sleeping n sleeping n sleeping is moi 1st hobby den comes watching HBO,*muVs,WB etc,hearing musiQ,dancing MADLY,singing BADLY . Till i met Shahna moi bhaabhi,i used to talk 2 ummi,vappi,ikka,appu n ami most f d tym but nw for hours wid her nd v do a lot f Xperiments in kitchen nd interior designing as well nd last but d best designing accessories nd dress ;-) I thought em d chatter box but she can do it much better dan me nd i luv her bcoz she talks more 2 me dan even wid Amjakka :-) I luv to hang out wid frnds for filmz N SHOPPING <3 em a SHOPOHOLIC My passions r playing pranks nd wotever unusual My weakness is my RELATIONSHIPS "I wi