5º Unit 2 13 -14

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Spain Spain is in Europe Spain is a medium country The colour of the flag is yellow and red lt´s hot and sunny in summer and cold in winter. Tomatoes are from Spain By Elena

SUECIA SUECIA is in north Europe. It ´s a very big country. The flag of SUECIA is blue and yellow. It´s warm in summer and it´s very cold in winter . Apples oranges and bananas are from SUECIA

By Joaquin

BRAZIL Brazil is in the south of America. It´s a big country. The colour of the flag is green,yellow and blue.The weather is hot in summer and it´s warm in winter. Bananas and pineapple are from Brazil.

By José Antonio R

Spain -Spain is in Europe -It's a big country -The flag is yellow and red -In summer is hot, in winter is cold

By Lidia C

Spain is a country. Spain is in the south of Europe. Spain is small. In Spain it's hot in summer, in winter is cold. Tomatoes and oranges are from Spain.

By Oscar

THE USA The USA is in north of America. It's a very big country. The flag is red, blue and white. In winter it's very cold and in summer it's warm. The Milk, wheat and potatoes are from the USA.

By Angelyms

MY COUNTRY China is in Asia. Its a very big country. The flag is red and yellow. In summer is hot and in winter is cold. Rice, tea and wheat are from China.


A country The UK is in north of Europe. It’s a big country. The colour of the flag is red,blue and white. It’s cold in winter and it’s warm in summer. Potatoes,tomatoes and apples are from the UK.


THE USA The USA is in north America. It's a very big country. The flag is red, blue and wihite. In witer is very cold and in sammer is warm. Tomatoes and oranges are from America.

Lidia MarĂ­a

SPAIN Spain is in the south of Europe. It's a big country. The flag is red and yellow. It's hot in summer and cold in winter. It rains a lot in the north of Spain. It's dry in the south of Spain. Potatoes, oranges and tomatoes are from Spain.

Juan B

A country Spain is in south Europe. It's a big country . The flag of Spain is yellow and red . It's very hot and sunny in summer and in winter is cold .Patatoes and rice , are from Spain


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