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AMAZING PLACES The mount Teide is the highest mountain in my country. It is in Spain. It is 3.718 metres high. In the mountain there are spiders,snow,trees,flowers... In winter it is very cold. You can go skiing. By Macarena

Mount PirineoS The mount Pirineos is very high. It is in Spain. It is 425 kilometres long. It's very cold in the Pirineos. The are a lot of animals that live in Pirineos ( foxes, birds, eagle, etc...) You can go rock climbing.

MÂŞ Regla

Lago Michigaga The Michigagan is the biggest lake in the U.S.A. I , t is in North America. The are a lot of animals that live in the lake Michigan. You can go fishing. By Mari Carmen Galรกn Almadana

ALPES. The Alpes is the highest mountain in Austria. It, is 4.810. metres hight, there are 3 or 4 mountains. (together). In the Alpes live: birds, horses, reinders... It's very cold in Winter. You can go rock climbing and skiing.

By Daniel Romero Villanueva.

The river Volga This is Volga. The longest river in Europe. This is in Russia. Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is very long and it is amazing because it is 3,700km long. There are so many fish that live in the river Volga. I think the fishes are very happy to live in the Volga. It is very deep too. I want to visit it.

Bye Claudia

Mountain Teide Mountain Teide is the highest mountain in Spain. It is in Canarias, Spain. It is 3718 metres high. You can go rock climbing and walking. There are a lot of birds, insects... By : charito


The river Guadalquivir is long. It is in Andalucia. It is 435Km long. It's is 400m It's the second longest river in Spain.

By JosĂŠ Enrique

The spotted egg The river Tajo is the longest river in Spain.

It is in Spain.

It is 194 metre long, 8 metres wide and 61 metres deep.

There aren't a lot of animals.

It Arrives to Lisboa.

By Juan Carlos.

AMAZING PLACES The mount Teide is the biggest mount in Spain It is 3718 metres high Sometimesit rains but usually it is very hot There are a lot of plants that live in the Teide You can go on culturals tours

By Maria JosĂŠ

Mulhacén Mountain is the highest mountain in Andalucía. It's 2.000 metres high. You can climb the Mulhacén.


Tabernas desert Tabernas Desert is in AlmerĂ­a (AndalucĂ­a). It's the biggest desert in Spain. It is 284 kilometres long. There a lot of insects, lizards,colirroja, lizards ocelad, culebra de escalera and rabbit

By: Maria


The Angel falls is the highest waterfall in the world with a height of 979 meters. It is in the National park in Venezuela. It is one of the wonder of the world.


The Nile. This is the river Nile. It is in Africa. It is the longest river is the world. It is 6,756km long and It is very deepest too. There are so many crocodriles.

By: Nieves.

Mount PirineoS The mount Pirineos is very high. It is in Spain. It is 425 kilometres long. It's very cold in the Pirineos. The are a lot of animals that lives in Pirineos ( foxes, birds, eagle, etc...) You can go rock climbing.

MÂŞ Regla

Proyecto 7

The mountain Everest The mount Everest is in Tibet, Asia. The mount has got amazing facts: it is 8.850km high. In the mountain Everest yo can go climbing and skiing

By: Roberto Sace Castro

ANETO PEAK Aneto peak is located in the noth of Spain. It's the highest peak in the Pyrenees, It measures 3 404 metres high. It's usually snow. Currently no one lives at the Aneto peak.

By Roberto

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