Fatima Liman BA Fashion Womenswear E19CA – E19CB West London College
“I have a multicultural background, so I tend to have an open mind about things, and I find other cultures interesting.� Viggo Mortensen (BrainyQuote, 2016)
BRAND IDENTITY My appreciation of historical changes and significance inspired me to pursue a career in fashion design. Growing up in the bubbling cauldron of the heart of Africa, I came to realize the great influence that Culture, religion, and age-old traditions exerted on society’s perception of a plethora of things. Through my experiences, I became aware of what I wanted my brand to represent. I want my pieces to be able to tell stories, both of the cultures that inspire them and the very hands that transform them from sketches into reality. The brand showcases effortless style and transitional pieces that are aesthetically appealing and represent strength, history, heritage and survival.
DESIGN STRATEGY I have taken quite an interest in the process of passive amendments made by the Native American Indians using the gift of nature. Seeds from the ground grown into treats for weaving and cotton laid. My collection is a scent unwonted. Something old, something new and something borrowed. I have taken inspiration from the quivers caused within their clothing in hand with their courage in textures.
I regularly ask myself what is the true definition of luxury, is there one definition or is luxury a mere term to describe a standard of quality and vast exclusivity. Luxury does not have an easy definition, and the meaning of luxury is entirely personal. Luxury dramatically changes across time and culture, and its concept is incredibly fluid depending on these factors. In my opinion luxury means the freedom to do what you want when want and also to relish on the best in life through personal satisfaction and experience regardless of the price value.
FIG 2 (Pinterest, 2016)
FIG 3 (Fashion Bomb Daily Style Magazine: Celebrity Fashion, Fashion News, What To Wear, Runway Show Reviews, 2012)
What does urban fashion now stand for and does it mean anything in this evolving current time?. I think urban style is not so much a label but just what people are wearing in the streets and how they wear it. With the world becoming virtually borderless and with the fast growing of affordable fashion shops such as Zara, H&M, and New look, more people have started to embrace Urban style, and even the fashion world itself has gone more Urban. So many designers are influenced by urban culture and street fashion and giving their designs the twist and flair which is considered urban.
INSPIRATION “Inspiration is a phenomenon with many variables. It is difficult to tell when it will come – arduous to predict when it will leave – yet it is a soulful feast nonetheless. When in the realm of inspiration, ordinary objects can seem phenomenal and the slightest details can be observed” ((Academichelp.net,2012)
For further research, I visited the Saatchi Gallery. The serenity of the atmosphere and the spatial layout of the museum have made it one of my favorite places to visit. Although the tour did not provide me with any inspiration for my current project, I was able to pick up ideas that may prove useful for future projects and other aspects of the course.
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FIG 5 (Bing.com, 2016)
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TATE MODERN My visit to Tate Modern was very inspirational. The exhibitions displayed where related to the direction of my project. They showed many techniques and processes including imagery of feathers and fringing Walking around the museum, I photographed the artworks that captured my attention and also influenced and inspired my ideas for my project.
FIG 7 (Tate.org.uk, 2016)
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“My role in all of this is very simple. I make clothing like armor. My clothing protects you from unwelcome eyes.” (Quoteswave.com, 2016) A statement made by Yohji Yamamoto. Yamamoto has been a primary influence in my work. Not only is there a personal similarity to mine, but one thing I love is his appreciation for different cultures. Yohji’s cultural identity creates something on the runway which is striking and beautiful. Being one of the world’s most popular and influential avant-garde designer, his works show artistic, social values and pre-existing traditional artistic standards in each design.
BLACK ON BLACK! “If we keep the eyes open in a totally dark place, a certain sense of privation is experienced. The organ is abandoned to itself; it retires into itself. That stimulating and grateful contact is wanting by means of which it is connected with the external world...iii�(Black on black)
Colour has been vital in my project and my sketchbook, I pair up visual imagery that inspired me with Different shades of black which help me process the angle I wish to take with my fabrics. I have also been following Pantone charts for more knowledge on various shades of black, creating a blend of light and darkness.
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“What people do not realize is back is an amazing color. Black is the representation of true ultimate light. Therefore black is not dares but rather complete light. And it looks amazing it my skin� - unknown.
As I researched fringing images online on websites such as Pinterest for ideas, the direction I wanted to take with my silhouette, I decided I wanted to create something inspired by the totem pole, and I think the shape is an interesting idea to create something unique and also demonstrates the Native American culture in my garments.
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When deciding on the fabric I intended to use, I wanted to play with different textures in the choice of my materials. I also had in mind a collection that has an urban feel to it. It was then I decided to use denim, leather, jersey and Mesh.
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My journey into the project, I began to look at items that had fringing effects. I started developing sample by getting sag and ripping it apart. Starting to think about my design developments I wanted to move away from just fringes and incorporate my collection with feathers to represent the totem pole. Further along the way, I started looking for a cheap place to buy feather such as Walthamstow Central but they all didn’t seem to fit what I was looking for so I began to look at more expensive fabric shops (McCulloch and Wallis) but unfortunately all the feathers they had was way over my budget, however gave me an idea of what type of feather I was using for my garment. Moreover, I began to search online to see if I’ll be able to find feathers within my budget and I came across a seller on eBay, who was selling Ostridge feather for 2.80 metres which I bought immediately.
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PROPOSED OUTFITS (TOILE) In the process of making my garments, I began to make a mock-up of my designs out of calico to help me perfect the toile before making the real piece. While making the mock-up, I had to decide Whether the length is too long or short or whether I would like to customise the garments and possibly change my design. Having done that, I handed in my toile for assessment and got a critique from my tutors which I was advised to be careful not to make the garments look like a costume but rather take a step back and make it more unconventional. Although all my fabrics are ready, I plan to take my time with the production to make sure everything turns out immaculate.
FIG 21 Authors own
MAKING Furthermore, I have been practising my sewing skills before I dive in and make the final piece. At week 6 I began making my garment which I Predicted was going to take three weeks but ended up being longer than I anticipated due to my mesh fabric could only stitch with the industrial machine, hence the reason why I couldn’t complete my top at home which slowed down the manufacturing process. Moreover, the rest of my production turned out very well, the rest of my fabrics were easy to sew and didn’t give me any headache. I am very pleased with the result of my final garments.
EVALUATION This year I learnt how to be more innovative, I believed I gave my all to this project, and I couldn’t be prouder of my final results. In the event of another project, I honestly wouldn’t do anything differently.My time management, sewing, and digital skill have improved, my sewing and my digital skill, I used different sources of information and appreciated my tutor’s critique. I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and worked on improving on my weaknesses. Overall I feel like I have become a better designer and how to develop my ideas in different ways.
Academichelp.net. (2012). Inspiration in Music: Free Persuasive Essay Samples and Examples. [online] Available at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/ persuasive/inspiration-in-music.html BrainyQuote. (2016). Viggo Mortensen Quotes at BrainyQuote.com. [online] Available at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/v/viggomorte535706.html Quoteswave.com. (2016). My role in all of this is very simple. I make clothing like... | Yohji Yamamoto Quotes | Quoteswave. [online] Available at: http://www.quoteswave. com/text-quotes/438993 Pinterest. (2016). Quotes About The Color Black. [online] Available at: https:// uk.pinterest.com/barbaradreyfus/quotes-about-the-color-black/ http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/4564496.Yohji_Yamamoto Harris, J. (2013). The 25 Best Fashion Quotes - Yohji Yamamoto. [online] Complex UK. Available at: http://uk.complex.com/style/2013/01/the-25-best-fashion-quotes/ yohji-yamamoto
BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBSIDES Tate.org.uk. (2016). Rebecca Horn. [online] Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/whatson/tate-modern/display/rebecca-horn Fashion Bomb Daily Style Magazine: Celebrity Fashion, Fashion News, What To Wear, Runway Show Reviews. (2012). Fashion Discussion: What is Urban Fashion? - Fashion Bomb Daily Style Magazine: Celebrity Fashion, Fashion News, What To Wear, Runway Show Reviews. [online] Available at: http://fashionbombdaily.com/fashion-discussion-what-is-urban-fashion/ Americans, T. (2016). Native American Cultures - Native American History - HISTORY. com. [online] HISTORY.com. Available at: http://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/native-american-cultures Indians.org. (2016). History of the Native Americans. [online] Available at: http://www. indians.org/articles/native-americans.html
BOOKS Borrelli, L. (2008). Fashion illustration by fashion designers. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books. Bryant, M. (2011). Fashion drawing. London: Laurence King Publishing. Kiper, A. (2011). Fashion illustration. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.
PHOTOS https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/550002173219885041/ http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=saatchi+gallery&view=detailv2&&id=22DFE3D8BD1C337272BBD86F50B9101A9522C048&selectedIndex=11&ccid=YPpIEorO&simid=607997405345154347&thid=OIP.M60fa48128ace439dd1feb920b6a1aedbo0&ajaxhist=0 Tate.org.uk. (2016). Rebecca Horn. [online] Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/ whats-on/tate-modern/display/rebecca-horn Pinterest. (2016). Totokaelo - Issey Miyake Navy Origami Culottes - $815.00. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/312226186648575628/ Pinterest. (2016). Design Details SS15. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/ pin/370491506823849425/ Pinterest. (2016). Perfection ! By The Khooll | The Khooll. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/159455643028178368/ Pinterest. (2016). YOHJI YAMAMOTO - Coats - Antonioli.eu. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/517914025874476220/ Pinterest. (2016). Fashion Love. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/ pin/338332990735536783/ Pinterest. (2016). Yohji-Yamamoto-Men-Spring-Summer-2015-Paris-Fashion-Week-Collection-035. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/ pin/549791066989014505/ Pinterest. (2016). Luxury/Urban. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/ pin/312226186647115043/ Pinterest. (2016). Luxury/Urban. [online] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/ pin/312226186647119903/
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