Prince Albert Find out about Albert from an exclusive interview before his death
Literature Top 5 Books of the month
Queen Victoria Get the truth about the Queen’s Personal Life
The Victorian Times
“Extra, Extra Read All About It” Special points of interest: Victoria's Childhood Victoria’s Coronation
February 2, 1901
Volume 7, Issue 1
The Life of Our Beloved Queen Many people know
enjoyed and continued to
ber 10, 1839 a German
of our beloved Queen Victo-
practice as she got older.
Prince called Albert visited
ria but you don’t know her
the royal court. It was love at
history. Queen Victoria was
After King William IV died
born on the 24 of May in
Victoria was
A short days
1819 at Kensington palace in
eighteen and
later Albert and
London. She is the daughter
she became
Victoria were
of Prince Edward, Duke of
Queen of the
engaged. Togeth-
Kent and Strathearn and Prin-
United King-
er they had 9
cess Victoria Mary Louisa of
dom. Her offi-
children and they
Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. As a
cial coronation
both loved being
child Victoria didn't go to
was on June
married. Albert
school. She was home-
28, 1838,
schooled. She studied history,
which was the
geography, the bible, as well
start of the Victorian age. She
as learning languages. She
made a good impression and
learned how to play piano,
people in the United King-
and how to paint. Those two
dom loved her from the start.
The Victorian Age
activities were hobbies that
About a year later, on Octo-
Advice Column
Victoria’s Marriage The Death of Victoria End of The Victorian Age
Inside this issue: Who is Queen Victoria?
first sight for Victoria.
Queen Victoria
was also a massive help to Vic-
toria when it came to politics.
The Tragedy of Our Beloved Queen Unfortunately, on December
taking an interest in the Brit-
Victorian age was a long peri-
14, 1861 Albert died from
ish empire. Instead she took
od of peace and prosperity in
typhoid fever. Victoria was
an interest in India and was
the United Kingdom. The
extremely depressed. She
even named the Empress of
ending of the Victorian Age
became known for wearing
India. Victoria is sometimes
was on January 22, 1901
black after Albert’s death.
referred to as “The Grand-
when Queen Victoria died at
mother of Europe” because
the age of 81.
Victoria stopped engaging in politics and overall stopped
many of the monarchs in Europe as related to her. The
Ask Sherlqck Why are resqvrces frqm
reodiog qo riches qf a lqcatiqo. The rlaces that areo’t qvtsqvrced by
my cqvotrz, Nigeria,
Great Britaio teod tq be oeglected. Fqr all the reqrle whq thiok
beiog takeo by the
they’re oeglected, mqxe tq a bigger citz!
Whites aod oqt beiog
-Sherlqck Hqlmes
vsed here where I lixe?
I am a married wqmao with fqvr childreo. My family is xerz rqqr aod
What are they vsiog it
qvr last resqru is tq seod qvr childreo tq wqrk. Cvrreotly wqrkiog
cqoditiqos fqr childreo are awfwl. I fear that my childreo cqvld get
-Lqvisitraoica Gq{aoal-
sick io the diruz streets qf Lqodqo bvt we really oeed the mqoey.
gas Frqm Nigeria
What shqvld i dq.
Dear Lqvisitraoica , Well
-Flqreoce Cqorqy Frqm Eoglaod
we are trziog tq cixili{e
Dear Flqreoce, I myself haxe dqo't haxe childreo bvt i voderstaod
yqv saxages. Aod besides, the riches shqvld gq tq a bigger oatiqo
that yqv waot tq rrqtect yqvr childreo bvt they haxe tq grqw vr
becavse they oeed it mqre.
sqmetime. It seems as if yqvr family is io oeed qf the exura mqoey sq
-Sherlqck Hqlmes
it wqvldo't hvru fqr yqvr kids tq helr qvt fqr the well beiog qf the
Why is Jarao, exeo io the mid-tq-late 1800’s, oqt as dexelqred as
qther oatiqos svch as Evrqre aod Uoited States?
-Sherlqck Hqlmes
-Chir Wieyce-Chvog Frqm Jarao
Nqwadays there is a great amqvot qf rressvre fqr wqmeo tq lqqk a
Dear Chir, Jarao is rrimarily ao agricvltwral cqvotrz aod has had
ceruaio way. We haxe tq wear xariqvs layers tq qvr dresses, big hats,
little techoqlqgical grqwth dve tq hvodreds qf fevdal lqrds. Io addi- makevr aod shqes tq lqqk rreseotable. Meo dq oqt haxe as mvch tiqo, Westerp rqwers like Evrqre aod the Uoited States fqrced Ja-
rressvre tq lqqk rerfect aod elegaot. Sqmetimes i feel like i waot tq
rao tq sigp treaties that limited its cqotrql qxer its qwo fqreigp trade. dress mqre casvally aod relaxed. I koqw i will oqt be accerted if i Io qrder tq escare frqm lixiog thrqvgh these adxersities, yqv haxe tq dress the way i waot. Shqvld i wear what i waot qr jvst stay with the the Tqkvgawa shqgwo aod haxe ao “eolighteoed” rwler iostead. Alsq, oqrnal wqmeo’s attire. yqv haxe tq gaio yqvr free yqvrself frqm the hqld that the treaties are -Heleo Fit{ratrick hqldiog qxer yqv.
Dear Heleo, I koqw a great amqvot qf wqmeo feel the same way. I
-Sherlqck Hqlmes
voderstaod yqvr strwggles bvt sadly there is oqthiog yqv cao dq.
Maoy reqrle are cqmrlaioiog abqvt lixiog cqoditiqos here io Sqvth
Imagioe if yqv wqre yqvr desired clqthiog, yqv wqvld be lqqked
Africa sayiog that “Great Britaio is rqbbiog vs”. Hqw are sqme reqrle dqwo vrqo. Yqvr sqcial statws wqvld gq dqwohill. I koqw this iso't beiog “affected” sq harshly wheo I’m oqt?
what yqv waot tq hear bvt that is the way thiogs are.
Mark Thqmbsqo Frqm Sqvth Africa
-Sherlqck Hqlmes
There are maoy differeot “sectiqos” qr “rarus” io Sqvth Africa de-
Edward VII Celebrating Queen Victoria’s Death? News spread fast that recently our beloved Queen Victoria’s reign ended on January 22, 1901 when she died at the old age of 81. Her successor was her eldest son Albert Edward, Prince of Wales who is now known as King Edward VII. Sources informed us that newly crowned King Edward VII was eager to be king because during his mother’s reign he was often excluded from having political power. Although King Edward VII was thought of as outgoing, and likeable, the public is convinced that he has been waiting for his mother to die so that he can finally have his chance to be king. An insider informed us that he did not meet the expectations of his mother and father as a child so that might be his motive for wanting his mother dead.
Top Favorites of The Month
Literature Middlemarch By: George Eliot 47%
Bleak House By: Charles Dickens
(Preferred extravagant hats and many layers)
Wuthering Heights By: Emily Bronte
The Way We Live Now By: Anthony Trollope
Heart of Darkness By: Joseph Conrad
(Preferred opera gloves and simple dresses)
Food Scones Topped with Lemon Curd and Clotted Cream
Crossword Puzzle
4.Son and successor of Queen Victoria
1.Predecessor of Queen Victoria
5.Country where Prince Albert, Consort was from
2. Queen Victoria's Father
6. Country which Queen Victoria was empress of
3. Queen During the Victorian age.
7.The color Queen Victoria wad famous for wearing after her husband’s death
5.Month of Queen Victoria’s coronation
10. Queen Victoria’s mother
9. Husband to Queen Victoria
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Tea Time with Prince Albert Everyone knows you are originally from Germany, but we all want to know why you were in England when you first met Queen Victoria? I am from Germany but the reason for me going to England was to pay respects to Victoria when she was Pronounced Queen of the United Kingdom. Although I know that my father, Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, had different intentions. My father was hoping to arrange a marriage for me and Victoria and in the end he got his wish. We all know that you loved the great Queen Victoria, but was it really love at first sight as everyone made it out to be? Yes, for me at least I was completely in awe of Victoria’s beauty when I first laid eyes on her. Not only her physical beauty but also on the inside. She is just a beautiful person with a big heart who always wants to help people and do good things in the world. Are you any help to Queen Victoria when it came to politics? I would say I am a bit of help to Victoria when it comes to politics. I think she values my opinion because I have a background in politics because I study it. So I know a thing or two about politics so yes, Victoria does sometimes look to me for political help and I try to help her as best as I can. What were your favorite or best subject(s) in school as a child? Since I come from a royal family I obviously got the best education as a child, I had the opportunity to study many subjects. Though, I have to say that Geology was the subject that had me fascinated. In fact Victorian and I am fascinated by the works of Charles Lyell. I even want Victoria to consider a knighthood for Charles Lyell. Though I never pursued any work dealing with geology instead I made my advances in electrical science. We all know about your project called The Great Exhibition. What was the purpose of it? What did you want to accomplish? The Great Exhibition, which was housed at the revolutionary Crystal Palace, was a project that I started that was meant to honor and respect the technological advancements being made at the time.
Dear Editor, One topic in this magazine that really hooked me was the interview with Prince Albert. It is very well known that Prince Albert is not from England, he is in fact from Germany. The reason He was in England was to pay his respects to Victoria as she had just been crowned Queen of the United Kingdom. It was the talk of the town when Albert and Victoria got married in 1840, shortly after his visit to England. The fact that Albert was from Germany and not England was a very controversial matter. Queen Victoria was expected to marry an English man. The public was initially very surprised maybe a hint disappointed that she chose to marry an “outsider” from Germany. Eventually Prince Albert became respected because of his accomplishments such as his project called The Great Exhibition. Albert was also respected when people realized that he wasn’t using Queen Victoria for power or fame because Prince Albert had already established himself. Since many men wanted to marry queens so they can have their thoughts and ideas spread. So Prince Albert was unlike the others because it did not go unnoticed that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert truly were head over heels in love with each other. This topic is often forgotten and it pleases me as well as many others that you included this topic. Thank you for reading.
Sincerely, Judith Bateman