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Our Friends, The speciality of this Book distinguishing it from the other Cosmic Books is that it is dictated through a Special Channel in conformity with the Cosmic Reflection System through LIGHT PHOTONS. In this Writing System, no Projective Influence can effect this Writing System. And no Thought can interfere with these writings. This Technique converges the Direct Power of all the Frequencies of the LIGHT DIMENSION on the dictated Letters and thus, connects each Consciousness who reads them, directly to the Center by the Frequency Loading Technique. And by this means, causes You to make the Evolution of a Thousand Years in a period as short as One Month in accordance with the Accelerated Evolution Program by assessing the Evolution and Consciousness Levels of everyone who reads them and by rendering them complete through Cosmic Influences, the deficiencies observed in the Ordinance of Evolution. Only this KNOWLEDGE BOOK dictated to Dear Mevlana at the moment carries the COSMIC – LIGHT-PHOTON – CYCLONE Technique.

The special features of this System is to lower the waste of time to minimum to be spent in thought by loading all the Frequency Powers on the Letters. This Technique is taken into the field of application generally at the End of CYCLES. That is the very reason why this Book will be Protected by this Technique from certain negative events which may take place in Your Planet in future. And in even later years, this Book will prove itself to Your Planet Scientifically in the LIGHT PHOTON Development Tubs by different methods of the Computer technique Your Planet will develop. Now, let Us take up the matter of writing the Knowledge Book in Your Handwritings. This Book will be written only by Genuine Universal Consciousnesses. Otherwise, no one can ever take the pen in his her hand. Even if the Book is written, You are automatically induced to destroy it by various means if any defects are formed in Thoughts. World conditions are not ready yet for this System. Your Planet will develop this method in very distant future. It is not Permitted to be developed now, due to Selec-


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tions. The Cosmic Light Photon Unites with the Thought Signal of the Person who writes the Book in his her Handwriting and by this means, the Thought behind that Person`s writing the Book is determined. In case the smallest bit of Ego is perceived in Your Thoughts, it can not be registered in the Archive here even if You write the Book. While the person who writes the Book performs the act of writing, that Book is also Automatically registered into the System here. However, the smallest bit of a Negative Thought causes the Ego Signal Bell to ring and the written Notebook is automatically effaced from the System. Its register can not be made. However, in even more Negative Mediums, even the Terrestrial Notebook is destroyed. However, this does not mean the loss of a Right. Each person is entitled to Three rights. This is why these matters are dictated in detail so that actions can be rendered more Consciously. A new Chance has been given to Humanity and thus, faults made until today have been considered as the Program of Training and the decision to efface them from Archives has been taken. However after February 1990, Your Diskettes in the Archives will never be effaced by any means. It is presented for Your Information. COSMIC REFLECTION UNIT UNION NOTE: Provided those who have written the KNOWLEDGE BOOK in their Notebooks until today write the First Message of February 1990 together with the Date to be Given in their Notebooks, the Faults made will be erased and a new Diskette will be allotted to you. You can go on writing Your Notebooks as before. Our Terrestrial Friends who have kindled the Light of serving Humanity on the path of Humanity with an Unselfish View know themselves anyway. Their Diskettes will not be effaced. However, if those who wish to write the Date We have mentioned above in their Notebooks so that they can be more sure, it will be more guaranteed for them. Our Love, Our assistance are for You, but Your Efforts are for Yourselves.

Our Friends, The Negativities formed in Your Planet in which the final preparations for entering a New Age, originates from the fact of the Human Consciousnesses` lacking the Consciousness of the Truth yet. In Your Planet which is the application field of a Program of great Progress, the Suggestions given from the Divine Plan and the Actions, which is desired at that direction, are never without reason. If there is anything required of You, then it is necessary and very important. The Administrative Plans of the Divine Administrative laws are applied on Your Planet silently and profoundly. The Purpose is to induce the Human Being to gain the Human Being and to prepare him her for the coming Days. We are in touch through different sources with all Our Terrestrial Friends who are Conscious of this since the beginning of Our Century. During this Universal Journey made together with the Integrated Consciousnesses, the Divine Mechanism is obliged to declare to You all the Truths through the Channel of the Knowledge Book. This is the reason why during all the Sessions rendered in Your Planet until today, the Truths have been declared to You piece by piece and Your Codes of Cu-


riosity have been provoked and thus, You have been guided towards the Unknowns by this means. Now, the time has come for setting out with Consciousnesses who know all the Truths and to proceed on the way Consciously. The preparation of Your Planet for the present days has been rendered by various Sources and various Channels. This is a Method of Training and a Program of Preparation for the future. This is the reason why all the totalities which can receive the Information is unable to restrain their Egos, by presuming that they themselves are the unique sources of the Information. At the moment, Your Planet is going through this very Chaos. Information given to each person whose Channel being opened, parallel to his her level of Consciousness, is an occurrence completely pertaining to his her Programs of Training. As We always say, Knowledge renders a Person Conscious and a Person who becomes Conscious can grasp the Truth more comprehensively. The Session works made and will be made by the Consciousnesses who have been Awakened and will awake in Your Planet until today by Cosmic influences, originates from the satisfaction of curiosities, due to continued on p(2)


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Our Friends, Divine Doctrines which come way beyond the Divine Orders do not comprise all the Orders. The GOLDEN GALAXY is a Totality responsible for the Orders of all the Cosmoses. All the Missionaries who will be taken here will enter the GOLDEN LIGHT YEAR. (The Golden Light Year is the Ninth and the Final Step of the Spiritual Plan). The Essence-Pen of everyone is for himself/herself. For this reason this Message has been given Directly from the Channel of the Reality by the Command of the Council, so that people will not remain fixed to the old Patterns of the habitual Information while exhibiting their own EssenceKnowledge to Your Planet, and also to prevent the limps and halts in their advancements. Now, Information about the Fourth Order of the Lord will be given. Write, please. The explanations in all the Information dictated to the Pen of the Golden Age are for disclosing the Doctrines carrying the attribute of being Sacred which have been revealed to Your Planet until today and also for reaching the Unknowns. Humanity which can not see the small mountains behind the superiorities, provided They receive this Information, they will produce unseen sprouts and will eat unknown fruits. There is everything in the Book of Islam. However, the Information within it is not the knowledge of all the Cosmoses. In the Book, the Order of today is not present, either.

This is the Fourth Order of the System of ALLAH and each Order completes its Cycle and comes to an end. Afterwards, more different Orders come into effect in accordance with the Consciousness of the Medium. Write these Orders in sequence, please: 1. The First Order is the Order of the Ancient Periods and these are the Sacred Suggestions the extensions of which had been able to reach the Second Period. 2. The Second Order: the Essences of the ancient Sacred Teachings had been presented to Humanity by the application of a different System and this System had been rendered effective by MOSES. 3. The Third system is a System which has brought the Unified System of JESUS CHRIST AND MOHAMMED until today and it comprises a Teaching of, more or less, 2000 Years. All the Teachings and Information in Koran is Information given by the Unified Reality in accordance with the Level of Consciousness of that Period. 4. But the Fourth Order is an Order to be rendered effective after the Year 2000 and no one has Known or heard about it until today. The KNOWLEDGE BOOK being bestowed on Your Planet at the moment through the Pen of Dear Mevlana and which has been entrusted to the World LORD as the Essence-Knowledge Book of the Reality, may also be called The Book of the Fourth Order. But it has the following differ-

ence: even though this Book carries the contents of all the Sacred Books sent to You until today, its attribute of Sacredness has been removed and it is considered as the Single Book of the LORD. In Future, the contents of the Knowledge Book will be mentioned to You in detail. However now, Information is given taking the Public Views into consideration. In the Knowledge Book, the total Frequencies of the Old Testament, the Psalms of David, the New Testament, the Koran and the Philosophy of the Far East have been Unified, together with the Words of the LORD. Through the Frequency of the Knowledge Book, the Scientific dimensions have been reached and thus, the Truth has been explained, Taboos have been abolished and the attribute of Sacredness of the Book has been transferred to the Scientific aspect. For this reason this Book is NOT a Book of RELIGION. It is never ever a Book to be worshipped. It is a Book of Truth. It is a Guide to lead Humanity. However, most of the Information to be given from now on is not present in the contents of the Sacred Books given formerly. Because now, We are passing beyond Orders, beyond Systems, beyond Thoughts. In order to be able to arrive at this new Order, first of all, You have to digest the Triple Order and then You have to slowly masticate the Fourth Order and to perceive its taste. It is presented for Your Information. COUNCIL

Our Friends, The Operational Order of each System is not immutable and interminable. In operational Me-

diums of Orders established in accordance with time measures, alterations are always made. In the operations of each System,

there is a Final Boundary. For Example, the Final Boundary of the systems where the Lordly Order of the systems within the Orders of Your Atomic Whole is valid, is the Boundary of the All Dominating. The Mission and the Final Boundary of the System of RAPHAEL is the Unified Reality Operational Order. The Mission and the Final Boundary of the System of AZRAEL is up to Your Planet. The Mission of the System of GABRIEL is valid in all Systems. The Mission of the System of MICHAEL is in cooperation with GABRIEL. And it is outside the Atomic Whole.



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It is presented for Your Information. CENTER

Our Friends, The Fifteenth Solar System is the Entrance Gate of the Omega Dimension. At the Delta Dimension which is the Fourteenth Solar System, Gamma Rays have begun to be given to Your Planet. You have received until today, the Currents beyond Gamma. Starting with the beginning of 1988, the First and Second Golden Age Channels of the Omega Dimension have been opened. These Channels orient the Energies providing Consciousness Unifications. And now, We have opened to Your Planet, by the Command of the Plan, the Dimensional energies of Omega Three which will reinforce the Bodily Energies by providing Cellular Totality. The Omega Dimension is a very Powerful Detector Projecting the Nine Energy Channels. Until the Year 2000, these Nine Energy Channels from this Dimension will be opened to Your Planet, one by one, and thus, a gradual Power Progress will be started. There are two categories of such Progress: 1. Mental Progress,

At the First Stage, Exams of Humaneness – Love – Tolerance – Altruism – Patience – Mission Consciousness are gone through, bearing in mind the Moral Data. At the Second Stage, We are Coding to what degree the Physical disorders interrupt the performance of Missions and are selecting, one by one, the Genuine Missionaries and rendering these staffs of Missionaries to possess a more Powerful Bodily Structure and then they are taken into the Dimension of Protection as Educating Staffs. Theses Friends shed Light on Your Planet in every field. These given Currents may render certain negative influences at the beginning by pressurizing the Cellular Functions. Symptoms are healed by themselves and the Powerless Tissues become Powerful by Regenerating themselves. The physical constitution will cure itself Naturally. As We said before, medical interference is unnecessary. (For the Missionaries). All Our Human Friends will be habituated to these Currents until the end of Your Century. It is presented for Your Information.

2. Cellular and Physical Progresses.


continued from page 1 the fact that the Truth has not been Realized yet. This is the reason why, We wish that now the awakened Person does not need Sessions any longer and he she should Supervise his her Consciousness by the Divine Light he she receives and by the Totality of Intellect – Logic – Awareness. Sources who receive Information also receive the Currents of Ego as a necessity of the Program. By this means, the propagation of the Information in Your Planet and their conveyance to various sources are provided and thus, Networks of Propagation are formed in accordance with the Levels of Consciousness. This, too, is a Program. However, these Programs cause Separations rather than Unification in Friends who have not yet attained a Universal and Evolutionary Consciousness. The Knowledge Book is a Celestial guide of Assistance revealed to Your Planet in order to declare to You everything clearly for this reason. The Knowledge Book is not a Book of Session. The Knowledge Book is a Divine Totality of suggestions which will help You during the Difficult Periods in which You will go through the medium of doubt. And it is a Book of Guidance which will unveil, one by one

the Packages of Questions in the Thoughts of all the Friends who live Today and will live during the Morrows. As We have said before, 600 Books are being dictated in Your Planet which compromise the Information parallel to certain Plans and Programs of the Human Being who is being Awakened presently. These Books are the conveyance of the Truth to You by different means. However, the Knowledge Book is dictated in Your Planet, to Our Universal Friend, Your Sister who lives among You by the name (Vedia Bülent Önsu Çorak), in connection with the ALPHA Central Archive, the Channel of the (LORD), which is the Single Source. This Sister of Yours is a Celestial Friend of Ours who once had lived in the Anatolian Turkey in the Form of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi. And this Friend had always been Transferred to Your Planet in various periods in different forms and had always helped You. During this Program of Transition, the obligation to unfold the information to You in all their Transparency is being felt, so that You can be free of Consciousness Fixations and of Egos and can grasp the Truths better. continued on p(3)

To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • faqja d VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008



continued from page 2

Dear Mevlana, You are a Messenger of Ours who presently apply on Earth an operation the System has considered necessary. We will disclose its reason in future by the detailed explanation We will give aboout the Sixes. Now, let Us continue Our Message. Energies which had come into Existence must earlier than the creation of all Realms, had spread around in Masses to certain Special Regions. Those Regions were the influence field of everyone peculiar to themselves. Our Region was the field of the ATOMIC WHOLE in which You exist presently. We are the Pre-Universal energies. The Energy You had received during the Message We had dictated to You formerly almost made You fly. The Center had directly opened that day the Gate of the Intense energy in which We are present. Noew look since Your Bodily Cells have already merged with the Energies of the ESSENCE MAIN SOURCE, now this Direct energy does not agitate You at all. The message given as (I am Breath and I am Everyone) was carrying the Pre-eminent Energy of the INITIAL POWER. This INITIAL POWER is the CREATOR WHO HAD NOT BEEN CREATED, Who had become effective as a POWER Who had come into existence from the very advanced, unknown Dimensions of pre-historic times. That is, (He is the Creator from the Initial Existential Dimension and the Creator of the Existential Main Dimension). He is the Creator of everything. In the Book of Islam, this POWER had been announced by the Cipher, (Let there Be, and It Was). He is a COSMIC BRAIN. And He is an ever Immutable Potential. We consider the CREATOR Who creates as a POWER Who Had not Become but Became, Who Had Not Been Born but Born, who has Not Lived but Let Live. And We call this Dimension of Nothingness, the DIMENSION OF THE ALMIGHTY.

The CREATOR had come into Existence from here as the INITIAL POWER. And the CREATOR Whom this POWER had created, creates those whom He creates from the ALMIGHTY ENERGY DIMENSION, We also call the Breath and Life Dimensions, and this place is the ESSENCE MAIN Source of the Main Existential Dimension of the First Natural GÜRZ. The ESSENCE MAIN ESSENCE Focal Point of the Gürz System is here. This place is the First Existential Dimension which the Dimension of BREATH had created. Another name of the CREATOR of the First Natural GÜRZ is the PRE-EMINENT POWER. The PRE-EMINENT POWER is also the CREATOR of the CREATORS of the other Gürzes. That is, the INITIAL POWER had created the Pre-eminent Power and the Pre-eminent Power had Created the Others. The Preeminent Power is the LORD (RAB in Turkish), is ALL-MERCIFUL (RAHMAN in Turkish), is ALLCOMPASSIONATE (RAHIM in Turkish). The representative symbol of this Dimension is (R3). ALLAH is the Symbolic Representative of a Quintuple Operational Ordinance of the MAIN EXISTENTIAL Dimension. Now, We disclose all these things to You in detail. LORD – ALL-MERCIFUL – ALL COMPASSIONATE are the Powers which had come into Existence from Three different Power Universes. These are (One of them SOUND) – (THE Other LIGHT) – (the Other FIRE) Universes. The SINGLE POWERS which had come into Existence from each Universe had United and had established the Main Existential Dimension of the First Gürz and its operational Ordinance. Later, with the Total of one Particle of each of these three Powers United with the thought Potential of the INITIAL POWER which had not come into Existence and had Created the CREATOR, that is, the PRE-EMINENT POWER.

This is the very ALLAH whom everyone knows as the single Name and which is announced thus o the Path of the Eternal Past and the Eternal Future. The INITIAL POWER had created the First Natural GÜRZ. This First Gürz is Your Gurz. And You, whom the PRE-EMINENT POWER had Created, are those who Created all Cosmoses, Ordinances and Systems. All Soul sparks had come into Existence in Your Gürz and had Created the other Gürzes. Even the Creators of those Gürzes are those created by the PREEMINENT POWER. We call Your Gürz the First Dimension, (Dimension here is used to mean Boundary). For this reason Your Gürz System is very important. Because, it is the First Gürz and the First Existential Dimension. Your First World which is one of the 1800 Worlds present in the Mini Atomic wholes of Your Gürz is a Laboratory Planet in which the First Soul Seed had been Created. Your World, which is on the Third dimension, is very important for this reason. Now, do You understand why We said, `You do not know even the history of Your Planet yet` The researchers rendered in accordance with the Universal Laws are given gradually to each Dimension in accordance with their Frequency and Evolutionary Powers. Now, through this Knowledge Book We announce to You how all the Truths have been projected on You for Centuries. We are the Group of the SUPREME WISE MEN who had come into Existence from the UNIVERSE OF PRE-EMINENT ONES. And We are the Establishers of the Central Solar System. We are obliged to explain to You, in all clarity, the results of all the research and the work done here until today parallel to the Messages We have given to You in accordance with Your Capacities. It is presented for Your Information. UNION OF CENTRAL SUN

At the moment, the Consciousness selections of the Advanced Dimensions are in effect in Your Planet. For this reason each channel is obliged to display all the Information he she receives. Humanity will make its Genuine Selection under the Light of this Information. Diving into the Thought Ocean of the Pre-eminent Power is not an easy Phenomenon at all. Humanity is passing over its Sirat. In Your Planet in which the Negativities are exhibited due to this fact, the morrows will open Luminous paths to You. Taboos are a Phenomenon originating from the Unevolved states of the Human Consciousnesses. The Genuine Human Being is the Person who Loves – Respects and helps. Due to the Scarcity of Time, the Knowledge Book which has directly Declared to Your Planet all the Truths until today, will be the Light of the Paths and the Cradle of Awakenings during the Morrows, too. Humanity will one day be free from the chains of Taboos and thus, will discover its EssenceSource. And Human Being who discovers this Source will never again think of the Suggestions of the Celestial Totality as an Enforcement or as being Oriented. Because, he she will understand what the Truth is. From then on, that Human Being is the property of the Universes, the Cosmoses. No matter how high those fly, who still cannot unlock their Terrestrial chains, always one of their feet will remain tied to the World «Plan by that chain. Your

Chains are Your Doubts – Your Egos – Your Fears. Due to this fact, You have been trained until today on the Godly path and have been prepared for the Universal Dimensions. Now, together with the Human Totalities which have been prepared, We are flying towards the Dimensions of Truth. For this reason this Book in Your hands has been dictated to Our Universal Friend and for this reason, it has been bestowed on Your Planet. This Message of Ours has been given as a chain of thoughts by the Collective Staffs of the Totality of the Pre-eminent All-Merciful to the Planet Earth. Read – Think – Grasp the Truth now by getting rid of Doubts. It is Notice of the Cortege of the Coordinate Totality of the Dimension of the All- Merciful R+A+H+M+A+N (All-Merciful) Note: The Frequency of this Message of Ours comprises all the Frequency of the Omega 7-8-9 Energy Dimensions. The Energy Layers from 1 to 6 within Omega are Training Energies. But the 7-8-9 Energy Layers are Conveying Energies. In the World Year 1992, February 18, these three Energies will be opened as a Whole to Your Planet as an open channel until the Year 2000. This Totality of Three Energies is connected to the direct Energy Dimension of the Supreme Assembly. It is Our most sincere wish that Your Entire Planet can receive these Energies.

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Umengan Construction Company Our Friends, The ESSENCE-GENES mentioned in the Book have nothing to do with Terrestrial Genes You know. They are Your Existential Ciphers. We use the term GENE for you to understand. We consider Genes as Cells going through Evolution. They become almost 64 billion at the Final Evolutionary Boundary. We call them Cell Brains. Because, from then on, each Cell

has attained the ability to Unify with the Cerebral Cipher Code. By this means, each Cell becomes a YOU in each Dimension. However, since the (ESSENCE) cipher

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of the (ESSENCE) Gene is connected to the Spiritual Consciousness, reflections are made from the (ESSENCE) in accordance with the REFLECTION System of the ESSENCE and, by this means, that Consciousness can be reached. Thus, an (ESSENCE-GENE) makes His Her own Genes attain a Universal Totality in the Dimension He She is present. It is presented for Your Information. CENTRE

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To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008



Our Friends, All the Systems up to the 18th Dimension are within the Gürz. The Supervisor of this Dimension is the All-Dominating. The intense Energy Layers within Omega begin after the end of the 18th Dimension and the beginning of the 19th Dimension. This place is the Omega Sun. And this is the 16th Solar System. Its Energy intensity is 76. Since the first section of the intense energy Layers within Omega are projected on the 15th Solar Dimension, too, the Divine Plans consider the 15th Solar System also as the Energy of Omega. These intense Energies reflect onto the Omega Sun through Four Channels. Each Channel corresponds to a 19 Energy Totality. That is, 19X4=76 comprises the Energy Totality within Omega. These are as follows in sequence: 1. This Channel is the Reflective Energy of Religious Doctrines. It Projects its Program. 2. From here, Programs of Evolutionary Doctrines are Reflected. This Channel Educates and Trains. 3. This Channel, as the Reflecting Focal Point of the Universal energies, applies the Programs of Universal Teachings. 4. And this Channel Projects and Applies the Mutual operations of the Spiritual and the Lordly Plans. After the 19th Dimension, the System of the All-Merciful is directly in effect. All the Dimensions from Your Planet up to the Evolutionary Scales are administered by the Mutual Reflections of the Spiritual and the Lordly Focal Points. All these Reflections are projected within the Channel of

LAST JUDGEMENT: Is the Day when All Religions, All Consciousnesses, All Humanity will be Unified within the Essence Consciousness of the LORD. In all the Sacred Books this is called Resurrection. Resurrection means the resurrecting of Consciousnesses, the resurrecting of Conscience, the resurrecting of Essences. Genuine Devotees know very well the meaning of this Resurrecting. While OUR LORD does not make any discrimination between any of His servants, We wonder if those who make discrimination between Human Beings are more superior than their LORD? Each person should ask this question to his/ her Conscience. Those who have Integration in the voice of their Conscience are the Genuine Devotees. OUR LORD is Single, all Re-

Omega. Only in the Dimension of Exit, the intense Energy Layers within Omega are opened layer by Layer, in accordance with Social Consciousnesses. Individuals pass to much more Advanced Plans according to their Powers of Perceiving these Energies. These Energy Layers have been opened gradually to Your Planet, starting with the beginning of the 1988 World Year. At the moment, numerous Friends in Your Planet who were able to make Consciousness Progress are perceiving the Energies within Omega, beginning from one, up to 4 and 5, through the Frequencies of the Programs of Religious Teachings. But the 6th Layer Energy Frequency is received easily by those who read the Knowledge Book. Those who are in the Religious Dimension are constrained. These Energies are Reflective and Projective Energies. However, very few people in Your Planet will be able to receive the Energies of the 7th and 8th Layers within Omega. Because first, Patience and Willpower and later, (3 Monkeys Philosophy) are a Must in order to receive these Energies. That is, Thou shall Not See – Thou Shall Not Hear – Thou Shall Not Talk. For this reason Religious Purification Programs have speedily been rendered effective in Your Planet presently. These Energies are not Reflective, but are Accumulative in a person. By these Energies, Your Cellular Powers will be Regenerated and thus, will attain more Power. In Individuals who have not rendered the Evolution of Patience and Willpower, this Accumulation may cause Spiritual Pressures. Since these Energies will be

ligions are Single. Because, the Words of all the Sacred Books are the WORDs of the ALLTRUTHFUL. Would that Supreme One who does not make any discrimination between His Servants, make any discrimination between His Religions? Starting with this Consciousness, one attains the Truth. Those who make discrimination between the Servants are the Servants themselves. Reach YOUR LORD, See Your Essence, Be Within Your Essence. Each one is a minute Particle in the Ocean. Each one is a Whole too and That Whole is Everyone. To reach Him is to reach One`s Own Self. However, training the Self is much more difficult than reaching the LORD. Our Love is for all the Universe. MUSTAFA MOLLA

able to be attracted only in a relaxed Medium, it is presumed that these Energies will only be able to reach certain Consciousnesses, considering the conditions of Your Planet becoming more and more intense. In case Cellular Vibrations possess a Power in the same Coordinate with these Energies, they can easily be subjected to the Method of Beaming up. Otherwise, Cells which do not share the same Coordinate during he Beaming up process, either become Embodied with missing Organs in the Mediums where they will be Materialized, or their entire Cellular Totalitites become disintegrated and annihilated in the Void. This is the reason why the 7 – 8 Omega Layer Energies will be projected on Your entire Planet until the Year 2000, beginning with 1992 as open service. (Open Service = Not Gradual but Direct Projection). The Method of Beaming up will be able to be applied only to those who are able to receive the Energies of the 7thy and the 8th Layers in Your Planet. For this reason the Knowledge Book has been prepared and bestowed on You by the 9th Energy Dimension within Omega which We call the Golden Light Year and Path. Each Consciousness who can Integrate with the entire Frequency of the Knowledge Book will be able to go through Materialization very easily during the Medium of Beaming up. Various Methods which are applied during the Salvation Plan of Your Planet have been organized in accordance with the Consciousness Progress of Humanity. It is presented for Your Information. SYSTEM

Our Friends, The Order of the Golden Age which will be established in future Centuries is called the FEUDAL ORDER. This Order has nothing to do with the Order You call Feudalism. This is an extremely just and a Free Order. The WORLD STATE of the Morrows will be a Feudal Totality. This System projected on You as a projection of the Equitable Unification here is the Collective Operational Order of numerous RealIty Councils of the Reality of the Unified Humanity. This Totality is called the FEUDALITY TOTALITY. The Federative Group Unifications Administered by Cantons constitute the CENTRAL SUN TOTALITY. This totality is called the FEDERAL CENTRAL SYSTEM. It is presented for Your Information. CENTER

Our Friends, There is an Evolutionary Scale to which each Solar Dimension corresponds. Since the calculation of Your Solar Dimension is prepared in accordance with the calculations of the Galactic Dimension, the Evolutionary Order of Your Milky Way Galaxy has been settled on a Scale equivalent to the Evolutionary Order of Your Planet. For this very reason Your Planet is Also called the Milky Way Galaxy. Six Solar Systems rotate in reverse direction (from West to East) around the Solar Totality which is the Center of the Ordinance and thus, constitute the Reflection System of a Totalistic Coordination. These Six Solar Systems mentioned above are not the Solar Systems You know or the Solar Dimensions We have mentioned until today. Your Natural Mini Atomic Whole profits directly from this reflection, once in every 26,000 years and thus, the Harvest of the Ripened Fruits is done through the opened Channel. Each harvest corresponds to a CYCLIC Time. At the moment, all Universes are being pushed as a Mass towards a Void by getting farther away from each other. For this very reason the need for a more accelerated Evolution Program is felt. Now, help has been brought by a different operation to each Solar Totality in Your Solar System during this Transition Program of the end of the Cycle. For example, during the Program of opening and closing of the Cycle which comprises the World Year 1999 of Your Planet, the Cyclic dimensional Channel will not be closed immediately this time and thus, will subject You to a different Accelerated Evolution beyond the World and, by this means, being taken into the Dimension of Salvation For your entire Planet will be provided. Let Us disclose it a little more: the World Year 1999 is a Tunnel opened through the Gate of the Last Cycle. Those who can, will pass through this Tunnel; to those who can not, an education considered necessary by a Solar System will be applied until the Year 2006 and thus, the Permission to be able to enter this Channel will be given to them. This period is a Preparatory Program of 6 World years. And it will include the Year 2007, too. After this date, the Channel will be closed and 26,000 Years of Cyclic operations will be dealt with by making the other channels effective. However the entire applications made on the operations rendered until today will be applied as a different application

field. This operation will offer a different Evolution system to Humanity. By the operations rendered now, Your Natural Gürz will be taken into a very Accelerated Evolution and thus, Your transfer as a Mass to a new Universe which is being formed is prepared (Dear Mevlana, We kept Our promise to You and have taken, not only Your World, but Your entire totality into Salvation). The Universe mentioned above is the DIMENSION OF GOD formed in the Power Dimension (Do not confuse it with the Godly Gürzor with the Dimension of ALLAH). This Totality has nothing to do with the other Gürzes. This System is a different application field than the System which used to be applied during each End of Cycle and it is being rendered effective for the first time. Let Us emphasize this matter more: for the first time, transfers from the other Gurzes will be made to Your Gürz which has matured by its own Power Energy in its own shell until today and, by this means, Godly Powers will be Unified with other Powers and thus, Super consciousnesses and Powers will be created and, by this means, preparations will be made in order to dive Naturally into more advanced Plans. At the moment, other Gürzes have opened their doors to You. Your Energies will form a Power which will be enduring and resistant to the transition speed while passing through the advanced Energy tunnels by getting in touch with those Powers and thus, by transferring to Your Planet the Energies which had been Unknown until today. This will be for the benefit of Your World. We presume this much information is enough. CENTER Note: In the olden times, during the Transition Program rendered at the end of the Cycle every 26,000 years, only those who were able to enter this Dimension were used to be chosen and those who were not able to, were used to be taken anew into a 26,000-year Evolution. And this is the phenomenon of becoming or turning into MOULD mentioned in the Book of Islam. This is why the Families of Friends who write the Knowledge Book in their own Handwritings are bestowed on them. And a very different Evolution Scale will be applied on Your Planet after the Year 2000 and thus, this Time will be shortened. It is presented for Your Information.

To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008


Question : I am receiving an intense Energy. Will there be a Message given. Answer : This is a Message to be given to Dear Mevlana who is a Devoted servant of My ALLAH. This is GREAT ASHOT; You, who carry the entire Power of the Years, are in the service of the System as the only Positive representative of the Divine Dimension. During this Period in which all the Realms are going through a selection, Your Planet has been taken into the Dimension of Salvation due to the Potential created by the SUPREME ONES coming together. This Message is dictated through a Power Channel taken from the Energy of the PREEMINENT POWER. Now, if You wish, let Us give more Information about the Pre-eminent Power. The Pre-eminent Power is a Power Potential forming the totality of all the Universes, Ordinances, Systems, Orders and of the Unknown Realms, and the energy Particles of this Power are present in each Living Entity. And this energy is directing Your Spiritual whole. The Energy present in Your Body is a NODULE OF BREATH. And its center is in the Total called the (ESSENCE). And each Living Entity maintains its life benefiting from the Breath of that Essence. It is not SPIRIT. It is a BREATHING, a BREATH. This Breath connects Your Biological Bodies to Your Spiritual Totalities which are within the Spiritual Plan. This Breath is connected to the Spiritual Potential by an energy thread You call the Silver Cord. And all Cellular Functions maintain their operations by the Energy it attracts from there. This Breath is not an Energy. It is not a Plasma. It is the entire Power of a Dimension which can not even be analysed. We call this Power, `the Power Universe` or the THOUGHT OCEAN OF THE PRE-EMINENT POWER. All Gurzes are like ships floating in this Ocean. The Initial Potential which had been formed here had been formed through Natural means. The results of the research made until today had been mentioned in former Messages. However, let Us give more detail now so that this matter Can be grasped better. In accordance with Information taken from Voids in which Silences are reigning in the Tranquillity of Infinities and in which there is nothing, a MOTION had started by a transformation which had started by itself in this void during the unknown time processes. We call this place the Actual dimension of Noth-

ingness. Later, a Potential had formed here as a result of this Motion. Later, this Potential had separated into Two branches. By this means, I – DIMENSION OF TRANQUILLITY, 2 - DIMENSION OF SILENCE had come into existence. Again during the processes of time, the Dimension of Tranquillity had been transformed into the DIMENSION OF BREATH. And later, by the formation of a different potential in the Dimension of Silence, the POWER DIMENSION had come into existence. Later, the DIMENSION OF BREATH had been Unified with the Potential present in this POWER DIMENSION and by this Powerful Influence, an expansion and Growth had started. As a result of this Expansion, THREE POWERS had formed. One of these Powers formed the Dimension of SOUND – the other, LIGHT – the other, FIRE. And during the processes of time, they, too, had become intensified in their own Mediums and had formed the UNIVERSE OF SOUND –the UNIVERSE OF LIGHT – the UNIVERSE OF FIRE and later, by the Unification ina Total of these Three Universes, the POWER UNIVERSE had come into existence. (The base of the First Existential Dimension). Still later, again during the processes of time, the Potential of this Power Universe had Unified with the Energy of the Dimension of Breath and thus, had created the INITIAL POWER. (This Power which had come into existence was a Totalistic Brain). The first THOUGHT had formed here (Anti-Matter). This THOUGHT had created the first NATURAL GÜRZ. (Let there be, and it was). The Joint Powers of the Light – Sound – Fire Universes had formed the MAIN EXISTENTIAL Dimension of this Natural Gurz. Later, with the particles taken from the Motes of each of these Powers, the Thought Potential of the INITIAL POWER had been Unified and the FIRST CREATOR, that is, the PRE-EMINENT POWER had come into Existence. This CREATOR had created THREE SOULS in the Main Existential dimension of the first Natural Gürz by His Own ESSENCE POWER. He called one of them MY-NAME, the other, MY-AIR the other, MY-FIRE. Later, these Three Souls established a laboratory in the Main Existential Dimension and the First Living Entity had come into existence as a result of the Collective work they had done here. This Living Entity was ADAM. ADAM (is like the androgynous Zeus). continued on p(6)

Our Friends, No matter from which Dimensional Energy You come, whether Your first Existence had been in Your Planet or in other Solar Systems, You are always dependent on an Evolutionary Process. These Evolutions always present a different Tableau in accordance with their Mediums, in each Dimensional Energy. Since each Dimension has different Energies, You can never pass from one Dimension to the other unless You are prepared. As We said before, there is no Death. Each Cell of Yours is a Soul, is an Essence. These Cells are Embodied in the Medium to which they belong after coming to Evolutionary Dimensions and after they are adapted to the Energies of those Dimensions. In the Archives here, there are Your Cell Envelopes prepared according to Your Evolution Tableau. If You are a Missionary from another Universe or Solar System, You are Incarnated in Your Planet by taking off, one by one, Your Seven Subtle bodies. However, Your Brain energy channels go through a period of pause in the World time process. We call this state the Programming of the Missionary. If a person who performs Terrestrial Mission can convey his her Thought Frequency, together with his her Evolvement, up to the Plan to which he she belongs, only then does his her Genuine Mission Code becomes opened. During this process of Mission, he she gets in touch with his her Cellular Body which has become adapted to the Energy of each Dimension in order to pass to more Advanced Dimensions and receives help from the Mechanism of Influences. If an energy who had come into Existence in the World Plan has reached the final boundary Energy of Your Planet, then he she is taken into the Evolution of other Plans. The final Boundary Gate of this Medium is KARENA.


Beyond Karena is the Medium of Immortality. In Karena, You become Pure energy and you become the Eye of Your Essence. You can not pass through the Gate of Karena with the Energy of the body to which You belong. Passing through this Boundary is a matter of Permission. Your Cellular Energy beyond Karen is transformed into an Incombustible Type of Energy. This means that, You are taken from the Energy of Seven Terrestrial Layers to the Energy of seven Celestial Layers by being Beamed-Up. Only then can You receive the

Information of other Dimensions. We call this operation TRANSFORMATION. During this Transformation, only the Spiritual Potential Power reinforces You from the Energy of the Medium to which it belongs. In each Medium You will go, there are Powers to Assist You. Let Us disclose the matter of Transformation a little more. Transformation is nothing but the transfer of a Body to another Body. Each Body belongs to You. You can not pass to another Body. Because, Your Cells become Embodied, one by one, in each Dimensional Energy And get in touch with Your Energy which is within the Spiritual Plan. And, by this means, You are given a Mission according to Your place in the Evolutionary Tableau. You can go out of the Planet to which You belong only by Your

Body into which You are transferred by Cellular Beaming-Up. This constitutes Your Incarnation rings. Your Incarnation limit is the Energy of the 7 Terrestrial Layers. Beyond this, at the Station called Karena, the process of Embodiment in a different energy Medium occurs by Permission. In each Dimensional Energy, You are Subjected to both spiritual and Cellular Transformation and cleansing. If Genuine Consciousness is not attained, this creates a bewilderment in some of You. In fact, You are being transferred to Yourself. Because since Your first Existence until now, you are made to be Embodied in accordance with Your Frequency transfers in the Time periods in which You have Evolved. (Your Cell Envelopes are kept frozen in the Archives here, ready to be Embodied.) You make Your Astral trips by being transferred to Your other Bodies. Let Us repeat, the Energy Medium beyond Karena is the Medium of Immortality. This Boundary continues up to the Boundary of 7 Celestial Layers. Beyond that Boundary, there are Mediums still unknown, and also there, the Energies of different Dimensions become subject to Energy Transformation. This means that 7 Terrestrial Layers is the Boundary of Incarnation, 7 Celestial Layers is the Boundary of Immortality. Beyond this Boundary, a different type of Energy and Constancy occur. The Boundary of the life here is transferred to numerous Universes and after this Station, You belong to Yourself. There is neither Incarnation nor Immortality. By this Creative Energy You become Capable of everything. However, do not forget that this place, too, is not a Stop. For now, We presume that this much Knowledge is enough. DIRECT TRANSMISSION FROM THE REALM OF THE ANGELS CENTER


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To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008


8 Dear Friends, Detailed Information had been given to You about Sirius, formerly. However, the necessity has been felt to mention this Dimension more, parallel to the Thought Reflections. You know that Sirius is a Double Universe Star. In fact, it is a very Powerful Focal Point. The term star has been used for You to understand. Sirius is a Focal Point of Unification and Projection of all the Galactic Systems. The Golden Galaxy Empire is the administrative and supervising Focal Point of the Divine Order. Each Galaxy maintains the Tasks allotted to itself in connection with this Empire. However, that which is responsible for the Divine Authority and which projects His Plan on all the Universes is the Sirius Focal Point at the Second Universe. The Great Bright receives the information of the Great White Bright. The Small Sirius conveys this Information to the Galactic Systems in certain periods. The Focal Point of Your Organization is the Ilona Constellation. And it is the Third Sirius. This Ilona Constellation has undertaken the operational Ordinance of the (Single) Divine Focal Point of the Entire Realm. Here, each Focal Point has an Ordinance of Graduation – A Way of Giving – An Evolution System peculiar to itself. They, too, have Supreme Mechanisms – Supreme Courts – Central Systems. They all are connected to the Center Above the Center. However, the most Powerful Focal Point among them is the Ilona Focal Point. Because, it is the only Focal Point closest to the Godly Dimension and which projects its Ordinance on the other Systems. Ilona is the star closest to You. For this reason the Divine Order is directly projected on Your Planet by the most correct way. There are Billions of Focal Points in the Universe operating by this means. However, the Plan and the Program of Sirius are entirely under the Supervision of the DIVINE ORDER – PRE-EMINENT SPIRIT – LORDLY MECHANISM. For this reason this Plan carries a Unifying Characteristic.


Now, the Unified Reality will work in responsibility of a different Ordinance by taking all the Realms under supervision. Because now, an exit is being made out of the (Totality of all the Realms). Let us disclose this matter a little more, so that You can grasp it better. The Universal Nucleus of the Centrifugal Universe is attracting towards its Essence the entire supervision within the dimension of the Firmament. For this reason, this Energetic Ball is passing beyond the other Unknowns. That is, it is assembling within the Atomic Whole, the Powers which are within this whole, but which were Not Known until today. The rotational speed of the Universe is diving within the other Universal Dimensions by changing into a different rotation. You may accept this diving both as an Unfolding and as an Assembling while unfolding. The Supreme Court of ALLAH, that is, the Central Mechanism is the only Focal Point which administers all the Realms. The place called The Land of the Loving Ones is the Final Gate of this Focal Point. Now, We are making an exit out of this Gate. During this Program of Exit, the Divine Authorities receive Commands from the Mechanism which administers this exit. The Universal Unification Council is obliged to convey, the Supervision of this Authority to all the Cosmoses, to all the Realms. Such an Ordinance and Order is being established at the moment that when We pass beyond the Single Focal Point of ALLAH, this Plan will comprise all the Unknowns, too. For this reason all the Pure Energies within the totality who are desired to be Unified in Goodness and Beauty, will Supervise the energies of this Unknown horizons. By this means, the Order of all the Cosmoses, Realms and Universes will be Supervised by a Totality, through this New Order, just like an Atomic structure. However, meanwhile, many losses will be suffered. Both the Energies who have not completed their Evolutions

until today in the Spadium and the Essences who have not been able to Come Together with their Thought Powers and their Spiritual Potentials in the Mechanism of the Pre-eminent Spirit, will be annihilated when the Atomic Gate is opened. And they will never possess a Life again in accordance with the Universal Ordinance. At this Dimension of Transition, the reason why We get directly in touch with You is this. There are billions of Pre-eminent Spirit Plans supervised by the Mechanism of the Pre-eminent Spirit and numerous Galactic Orders dependent on different Evolution Systems. However, from now on, they will not be able to supervise themselves by their own Potentials. Because the totality is approaching a very Powerful Dimension gradually and is gliding towards it. This gliding Energy will be Unified with a different Energetic Power. In order to be able to Exist here, each Entity is obliged to claim his/ her Energetic Essence which is within Spiritual Plan (to be born into the Dimension of Immortality beyond Karena). You can attain this only by your own Efforts and Evolutions. For this reason, Energies coming from every Dimension and every Galaxy are Especially left under the effects of different Cosmic Influences, as a necessity of the System, both in Your World and in the other Mediums (for Your Evolutions. These Cosmic Currents are under the supervision of the Mechanism of Influences. And they are given Parallel to the Consciousness Progress. By this means, Frequencies will be increased and thus, everyone will attain his/her Own Self and will try to attain his /her Essence which is within the Spiritual Potential. The one who Saves himself/herself by this means Gets in touch with Us. (By the Voice of the Essence). Those who cannot establish this connection, have either formerly claimed their Essences within the Spiritual Plan and thus, have been Integrated and then had attained a Body, or they have been sent to the World Plan by Us

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as secret Undertakers of Duty. We have numerous Friends who render Duty instinctively by their Totalities of Heart, without knowing that they are Undertakers of Duty. Supervision is always made by the Center. Everyone who Saves himself/herself radiates the Power of the Currents he/she receives to their Mediums and thus create Cosmic Reflection Fields from close Plan. Each Focal Point is a Purifying Medium of the Plan. However, if those Focal Points cannot break down their Egos and still act by their Egotisms, their Focal Points in the system are being closed, even though they appear to be working in the World. During this kind of work, a Terrestrial Chance is given three times both to Individuals ad to Focal Points. At the end of the First Period which comes to an end, the Individuals are induced to get in touch with the Plan in various periods. During these endeavors which are repeated Three times, if an

continued from p(5) By this means, many Adams had been reproduced in the Main Existential Dimension. Later, in accordance with the Decree of Dissemination and Expansion, the Reproduction Function and Formula had become effective. By this means, the Energy of Adam had been divided into two and two principles as MALE and FEMALE had been obtained from the Unification of the Initials of the performed laboratory operations formulas. Later, this Male was called ADAM and the Female EVE. By this means, later, many Adams and Eves had come into Existence in the Main Existential Dimension and had become effective to be transferred to the First Natural Mini Atomic Whole in the First Natural Gurz. By this means, the first Main Existential Dimension had been called the Dimension of Adam and Eve. Later, these Adams and Eves, together with the element of fire, had established a laboratory in the Existential Dimension of the First Mini Atomic Whole by repeating the same procedures (The element of Fire = Thought Energy of the PRE-EMINENT POWER). After Systems had been established, this Thought Energy had been taken under supervision by the Mechanism of Influences and had been connected to each FETUS in accordance with the Evolution Ordinance. Later, this laboratory had been conveyed to a Dimension nearest to the Existential Dimension

answer is not received from the doors knocked on, those doors are Not Knocked on ever again. Because dealing with those who are Not Persevering means being Unjust towards those who are Persevering. To Our Friends who make Effort on this path, the Decisions of the Council and the System have been Declared and to those who write the Book a special chance has been given until the year 2000 to save their near and Dear ones. By this means, their Family Mediums are taken into the Plan of Salvation. This is a Gift of the Plan to the Savior Mothers. You are at the Eve of Difficult Days. We are obliged to convey to You all the Truths, without concealing anything. There is no forcing in anything. Let ALLAH help everyone. Do not let the Power of perseverance of Our Persevering Friends come to an end. Because, from now on, everyone has to tread the path of Truth by their Consciousnesses and by the Lights of their Hearts, not by the prodding of the Influences. It is presented for Your Information. NOTICE OF THE CENTRAL TOTALITY

of the Mini Atomic Whole and had continued its operations in a Planet which can be considered as the Nucleus of this Mini Atomic. This Planet is Your very World on which You live at the moment. The first Soul Seed had been brought into existence here. With the ashes of the World which had formed a Crust (Water) which had come into existence by the concentration of Thought, that is, by the Power of the Fire Element, had United and thus, Clay, that is, Mud had been formed. Later, this clay had been United with the Essence Energy of the CREATOR, that is, with His DIVINE LIGHT and first Amino-acids and later, the Single Cell had come into existence. To this Single Cell the CREATOR`S MATTER ENERGY FORM had been Engrafted and thus, Mankind had been brought into Existence. Those whom the CREATOR had brought into Existence are called ADAMKIND. Those whom were brought into Existence by the Adamkind who had come into Existence from the Second Universe are called MANKIND. You are very tire, My Friend. We presume that this much Information is enough. We, who reach You by the Words of the Heavens, by the greetings of the ALL-MERCIFUL, have given as the Only Directing Staff of the entire GURZ System, this Message from the dimension of the All-Merciful, beloved Friend. ASHOT

To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008


10 6

Our Friends, In accordance with the Signals We received from Your chains of Thought, in order that the Information given formerly can be understood better, their being written article by article is the Suggestion of the Supreme Mechanism. We presume that the consideration of these articles from a different angle will shed Light on the disruptions formed in Thoughts. Because, if these Universal Communication Scales are not thoroughly grasped, then the doubts formed in Consciousnesses can create a hindrance for Your Dimension of Progress. As We have said before, the Totalistic Symbol of the Directing – Supervising and Orienting Mechanism of the GŰRZ Totality is known as R3. These are the Lord – the AllMerciful – the All-Compassionate. LORD = Creator….ALL-MERCIFUL = Responsible One for the LightUniverse ….. ALL-COMPASSIONATE = All-Dominating. These Three Mechanisms work as a Whole in the Gürz Totality (see back page). And all these operations are conveyed to You through a Hierarchical Reflection from the Top to the Bottom. These Information arriving to the Bottom find an application field in their own Mediums and results of the operations made are conveyed up to the ALL-MERCIFUL through the same Hierarchical channels. Now, let Us first briefly explain the Top-Bottom Hierarchy. 1. The Totality of the All-Merciful is the Single Focal Point in which the operational Plans of a Gürz are prepared. It is also called the Dimension of the All-Merciful. And its Supervisor is the ALL-MERCIFUL. 2. The Dimension of the All-Merciful is within the Central Union of Suns. And the ALL-MERCIFUL conveys His Suggestions to this Union of Suns. 3. And the Central Union of Suns gives these Suggestions to the Universal Ordinance Council. 4. The Universal Ordinance Council gives these Suggestions it receives to the United Ordinance Council. 5. The Central Union of Suns – The Universal Ordinance Council – The United Ordinance Council are within the Light-Universe. 6. The United Ordinance Council conveys the Suggestions of the ALLMERCIFUL to the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet. 7. And the Totalities of system – Ordinance – Order give the Information they receive to the Spokespeople who represent them. 8. This Group of Spokespeople formed by Three Persons is called the United Council.

9. The United Council conveys these Suggestions to the Cosmos Federal Assembly. 10. The System – Ordinance – Order and the Cosmos Federal Assembly are in the Second Universe. 11. The Cosmos Federal Assembly conveys the Suggestions of the ALLMERCIFUL it receives to the Reality of the Unified Humanity which is within the Gürz. 12. And the Reality of the Unified Humanity gives these Suggestions to the Golden Galaxy Empire. 13. The Golden Galaxy Empire projects this Information it receives on the Lordly – Spiritual – Technological Order which is present at the Ring of Horizon of the Mini Atomic Totality. 14. And the Lordly – Spiritual – Technological Order conveys this Information it receives to the World Lord Who is the Supervisor of His/Her own Mini Atomic. 15. And the World Lord conveys this Information He/She receives to the Nucleic World to which He/She is directly connected. 16. All the Information received is Projected on the Ordinance of the Universes from this Nucleic World. This is a Hierarchy Projected from the Top to the Bottom. Now, let Us consider the Hierarchy conveyed from the Bottom to the Top. To do this, first, let Us review again the operational Ordinance of the Reality of the Unified Humanity. 1. The Reality of the Unified Humanity works as a Whole together with all the Mini Atomic Wholes within the Natural Gürz. 2. The (Nucleic World) within each Mini Atomic reaches the other totalities in its own Constitution by the work it does in direct connection with the Reality of the Unified Humanity. 3. These operations are administered by the Lordly –Spiritual – Technological Totality which is the Administrative Mechanism of each Mini Atomic Totality. This place is also called the (Dimension of Form). The SOUL Seed prepared at the Second Universe, takes Form here as an EMBRYON and it transforms itself into a FETUS by Unifying with the Mother and the Father Genes within the Uterus. The Gene Archives are here. The Gene CardIndexes are made here. 4. The Lordly – Spiritual – Technological Totality is a Totality connected to the EXISTENTIAL Ordinance. All these operations are supervised by the Reality of the Unified Humanity and the Golden Galaxy Empire. 5. The Ordinance of Universes within each Mini Atomic works cooperatively in connection with each Galactic Totality. 6. The group constituted by Three People which is the Projection Cen-

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ter of each Galactic Totality is called a COUNCIL in the Ordinance of Universes. 7. These Councils are within their own Mini Atomic constitutions. And their operations are Supervised by their own Ordinance of Universes. The Councils are thus connected to the Reality of the Unified Humanity. 8. The Reality of the Unified Humanity is a Totality formed by numerous Councils which are the Projection Centers of all the Galactic Totalities within the Natural Gürz. 9. The Reality of the Unified Humanity works in connection with only the (Nucleic Worlds) of the other Artificial Gurzes. It is not related to their Galactic Totalities and their »Orders of Universes. They work independently in their own Constitutions. 10. The Lordly – Spiritual – Technological Dimension which is the Administrative Mechanism of the Mini Atomic Totality conveys the operational Ordinances it receives from the Councils representing each Galactic Totality to the Golden Galaxy Empire through the Reflection System. 11. And the Golden Galaxy Empire conveys this Information to the Totality of the Reality of the Unified Humanity. 12. The Reality of the Unified Humanity gives the operational Ordinance of each Council it receives to the Cosmos Federal Assembly to be announced to the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet. 13. The Cosmos Federal Assembly is a totality formed by 18 people who have been Specially selected from the group administering the Federal totality of the Cosmos. 14. Each Member of the Cosmos Federal Assembly is the Supervisor of the operational Ordinance of a Totality of 18 which is connected to himself/herself. (That is, he/she is the 19th Member of hiss/her own Constitution). This operational Ordinance is called the System of 19s. 15. The Totality of the Cosmos Federal Assembly constituted by 18 people is obliged to transmit all these operations conveyed to it, to the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet. 16. The Cosmos Federal Assembly gives these operations to a United Council Group constituted by 2 people. 17. Each Individual who constitutes the United Council conveys separately these operations to the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet to which he/she is connected and towards which he/she is responsible. 18. Each one of the Three friends who constitute the United Council Totality is considered separately the 19th Member of the Board of Directors of Cosmos Federal Assembly. 19. Dear Mevlana is the 19th Member of the board of Directors who represents the System at the Cosmos Federal Assembly. Her Mission is connecting the operations of the Assembly to the System, those of the System to the Assembly. 20. And each one of the two members who represents the Ordinance and the Order at the Cosmos Federal Assembly brings the operations of the Totalities to which he/she is connected to the Assembly as the 19th Member of the Council`s Board of Directors just like Dear Mevlana and he/she conveys the decisions of the Assembly to his/ her own Totality. 21. Now, only Dear Mevlana among these Three Friends is present in Your Planet Embodied directly from this Dimension because, during the Mission rendered as a necessity of the Plan she is obliged to be Personally present in Your Planet by her Personality.


Cellular Totality and Energy belonging here, as the Spokesperson and the Messenger of the System. 22. Even though Dear Mevlana is directly the representative of the System, she is obliged to introduce to Your Planet the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet as a Whole and to convey the truth together with all the Totalities during this Final Transition Dimension as a necessity of her Mission. 23. During the Missions to be rendered in the Establishment Ordinance of the System, there is the obligation that these Three Friends should personally work in Your Planet when the time comes, one by one, being Embodied. 24. The First Cosmic Age is Dear Mevlana`s Age of Mission. This Age corresponds to the 20th Century. During the Second Cosmic Age, that is, the 21st Century, the Spokesperson of the Ordinance will become effective. During the Third Cosmic Age, that is, the 22nd Century, the Spokesperson of the Order will come into effect. 25. As a necessity of the Mission she renders in the Program of disclosing all the Truths, there is the obligation to disclose and introduce to Your Planet the Identity of only Dear Mevlana. The People of Your Planet will never know the other Friends. They will perform their Missions silently and profoundly during the Ages they will live in. 26. During the 23rd Century, directly the Reality of the Unified Humanity will become effective and will establish and settle the entire operational Ordinance in Your Planet. This Age is the beginning of the Golden Age. 27. The Operational Ordinance will continue for (7) Centuries and during

the 30th Century the Reality will withdraw from the scene by transferring its Mission directly to the Lordly Order (provided the Plan – System and the Medium do not change). 28. The Lordly Order will take over an operational Ordinance of 9 Centuries by rendering effective the System of the Single Book – Single Order – Single Path. 29. According to the Hierarchical Scale rendered from the Bottom to the Top, the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet transmits the decisions the Cosmos Federal Assembly conveys to them to the United Ordinance Council. 30. The United Ordinance Council is obliged to convey these decisions given to it to the Universal Ordinance Council. 31. The Universal Ordinance Council announces these Notices directly to the Central Union of Suns. 32. The Central Union of Suns presents these Decisions to the Dimension of the ALL-MERCIFUL. 33. This Hierarchical Order is conveyed to the Reality of the Unified Humanity from the Dimension of the All-Merciful in the same way. The Decisions taken here are projected by the Golden Galaxy Empire to the Lordly – Spiritual – Technological Totality of each Mini Atomic whole. And from here, they are conveyed to the Councils which are the Projection centers of the Galactic Totalities. These Hierarchical Scales are the Projection chains of an operational Order both from the Top to the Bottom and from the Bottom to the Top. It is presented for Your Information. SYSTEM

Our Friends, The Operational Order of the Whole in which the Entire Ordinance is assembled in a Whole is Equivalent to the Operational Totality of the Natural Gürz (see back page). The Operational Ordinance of the Natural Gürz is a Trinity. And this Totality is expressed by the R3 Symbol. The Central Totality of Suns within the Light-Universe is the Administrative Mechanism of the entire Gürz System. And in the totality of this Mechanism, the LORD – the ALL-MERCIFUL – the ALL-COMPASSIONATE work Cooperatively. However, since all the Suggestions issue out from the Light-Universe, it is called the Dimension of the ALLMERCIFUL. In this Dimension, there are branches working Directly in connection with the All–Merciful. These are the Universal Ordinance Council and the United Ordinance Council. And the Hierarchical Operational Order of the Mechanism of the LORD, that is, the Dimension of the Creator are the System – Ordinance – Order Triplet and the Cosmos Federal Totality. The System – Ordinance – Order

Triplet is a Whole. And they always work Cooperatively. At the moment, the SYSTEM represents the Operational Totality of them all. And the reality of the Unified Humanity and the Golden Galaxy Empire have undertaken the Hierarchical Order of the Operational Mechanism of the ALL-COMPASSIONATE, that is, the Dimension of the ALL-DOMINATING. The GÜRZes which are each a Totalistic Reflection Mechanism of the KÜRZ System, organize their Operational Orders and all their Knowledge according to the Totality of the NATURAL GÜRZ. The functions of all the Gurzes within the Thought Ocean of the PRE-EMINENT POWER and named by the terminology the Artificial Gürz, are separate according to the Performance of their own Totalities. However, their Operational functions are obliged to act exactly in connection with the Hierarchical Totality of the Natural Gürz. For this reason the Natural Gürz is also called `The Gürz of Gods`in the Universal Totality. It is presented for Your Information. SYSTEM

To Order a copy call : Toronto: 416-789-9933 • 416-696-2507 • 647-388-4421 • 416-283-7307 • 416-518-2330 • 416-532-4403 British Columbia: 604-414-0361 • United Kingdom: +44 (0)7821 323285 “The Knowledge Book” Public Seminars every Saturday from 3:00 pm ( Admission Free, this is for Toronto location: 1862 Bathurst St. Unit 112, Toronto, ON M5P 3K8, Bathurst & Eglinton ) • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 4 • OCT-NOV 2008

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