Sof twar e Skills AutoCad A dobe Photoshop A dobe Illus tr ator A dobe InDesign A dobe SketchUp Micr osof t Of f ice
it ʼs Fatma Alzahraa
I n te r i or/ Gr aph i c De signer
L umion
Sof t Skills Cr eativity Communi ca tion Teamwor k
Cont act 00971503438492 iialzahr Nuaim eya 2- A jm an- UA E pin te r e s t.c om /f atm azas hr af atma.z.ashr af Got a dr iving licence
Education High school Inf o: Al Hekmah Pr ivate School, Year Of Gr aduation: 2014. Bachelor Degr ee inf o: College Of Engineer ing, I n te r ior De s ign s pe c ialization, A jm an Uni ver si ty, 2014-2018 Diploma Inf o: Gr aphic Des ign Diploma, Kemet ar t an d de sign, A m er ic an Univer s ity in Cai r o, 2019
Leader ship Or ganization F i ni sh on tim e
Exper i ence Int er ior design int er n- Sat Code Design Company D u bai Mar in a (Ju l 2018 - Au g 2018)
Lewaan Show Room Space planning/ Fur nitur e Det ails and Modi f ications Dr a wings Subm ission Site Sur veies f or Lewaan Show Room/ Latino Gar den Caf e/ La Par isie nne Som iya Re s tur ant Solar Decat hlon Middle Eas t Compe tition- Int er nship (June 2017- Dec 2018)
- Collabor ative team wor k with ar chitectur e, electr ical e ngine e r ing, and m e dia colle ague s wi th s uper vi s i on of unive r sity p r ofe ssor s. - 2D Det ailed dr a wings. - Communicating with sponsor s. - Task scheduling. - I nnovative solutions br ains tor m in g f or s a n i t ar y i s s ues . - Following sus t ainability guide lines . - Sup e r vising wor ke r s on site . - Social media activities and account manager. Media Coor dinat or on Designer s Club Hu b- Ajman U niver sity
Sep 2017- Jul 2018 Won Injaz Dubai- UAE Chamber Innovation Event (Sus t ainability Pr oject)
Mar ch 2017
Expe r ience Int er ior design int er n- Appar el Gr oup Company - Jafza (Sep 2018- Mar c h 2019)
Bhbc Space Planning/ Shop Fr ont design/ 2D Det ailed Mall Submission/ Fur nitur e Det ails and Modif ications Dr a wi ngs Subm ission/ Site Sur ve ie s
Hybr id Design & Cultur e -II Wor k shop
Feb 2017 D u bai D esign D is tr ict, D esign Week , Du tc h Cr eati ve In du s tr y, In t er n sh ip/ Volu n t eer
Oct 2016
Leviʼs Space Planning/ Shop Fr ont design/ 2D Det ailed Mall Submission/ Fur nitur e Det ails and Modif ications Dr a wings Submission
Teac her Assis t ant & CN C L aser Mac hine Oper at or Aut oC AD Tec hnician- Ar c hit ectur e and Int er ior Design Wor k Space, Ajman U niver sity.
Cr ocs Space Planning/ Shop Fr ont design/ 2D Det ailed Mall Submission
Sep 2015 - Dec 2018
LC Waikiki Stor e Space Planning/ Shop Fr ont design/ 2D Det ailed Mall Submission R&B Stor e Space Planning/ Shop Fr ont design/ 2D De t ailed Mall Submission T im Hor tons & Molten Chocolate Caf e (Site Sur vey)