Crystal Graduation Plaques in Nowadays Students are all expect to get crystal graduation plaques to be the end of their college life. It is a big step to entering the real world right after high school. Decisions you make during this stage of life can have a long- lasting impact on your future. Having marketable skills along with practical living skills and a sense of direction can help you adjust with reduced stress.
The high school principal or the college president presents the diplomas or degrees. The college students may shake hands with school board members or other faculty, which gives students a moment when the stage belongs to them. May be large schools not give out individual diplomas but mail them to the students. There is either a charge to the class or a farewell speech after the presentation of diplomas. Students move their tassels from the right to the left that is a symbol of rite of passage from student to graduate. And most ceremonies last 2 to 3 hours depending upon how many graduates there are and how many musical selections are performed. Separation is during the struggles of school for the graduate. Transition is the ceremony process and incorporation is turning the tassel. Parents watch their children pass to a new stage of life, and graduates feel satisfied in their accomplishments. The
ritual of graduation adds a touch of melancholy and pride to the rite of passage. Students who are economically disadvantaged have many different personal roadblocks that interfere with the completion of graduation requirements. In these situations they often come from neighborhoods with high crime rates or families who use drugs and abuse alcohol. The academic struggles of lower- income adolescents might be the result of poor work attitudes according to a study in the Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, a lack of positive role models, and academic and workplace discrimination.