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Fausto Capellari
Describing oneself is far from being an exact science. In spite of that, I guess I can say something with the assurance of being honest. Because honesty is the least you deserve as one who bestows part of your precious time just to know a little about the person I am at this moment of my life. I'm a freethinker, I'm not involved nor interested in politics but I would never waste an opportunity to talk and share any sort of ideas. It's very likely that, at first, I won't play the outgoing kind. Please, don't get me wrong: it's just bashfulness, but I get better with time. In fact, I always try to be better in whatever way is accomplishable to me, from learning a new word to causing less impact to Nature, trying to cover all the miscellaneous sorts of things: either frivolous or important; either shameful or honorable. Undoubtedly, I fail a lot of times but this is me: worse than I'll be; and hopefully better than I was.