July 2011
ABN: 24 092 331 336
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Circle Timery a r PrimCard s for Jun40io Complete Sessions on
5 9 f ages 5–9 i bl for Suitable S
No put downs
Right to pass
pg 3
One person speaks at a time
pg 3
pg 15
Order on-line and get
Phone Toll Free 1300 556 830 Fax (03) 5258 3512
www.inyahead.com.au See back page for details
Circle Time Circle Time Games and Activities Book The Circle Time Book of Games and Activities gives an insight into why Circle Time is such a popular and effective approach for developing social and emotional knowledge and skills. The book provides: • A discussion of the defining characteristics of Circle Time. • An identification of the key factors for effective social and emotional programs. • An explanation of typical Circle Time activities. • 109 Circle Time games and activities for primary and secondary. • 36 activities for using image, feelings and character cards. • Sentence completions, silent statements, suggested games and activities for specific social and emotional skills: Emotional knowledge and awareness, Managing emotions, Empathy,Handling relationships, Social knowledge and memory, Personal values and insights • Reflection sheets • Behaviour evaluation sheets.
$44.00 Circle Time Resources Toolkit CD ROM Circle Time Resources Toolkit is a CD Rom which may be readily printed to create multiple copies. The toolkit contains a range of card sets; numbers 1-100, alphabet, colour, maths symbols, measuring, story-telling, feelings, animal, shapes and behaviour. As well as the cards, it also contains Animal Masks with feeling expressions for children to cut out and decorate, or to use in games and role plays, reflection sheets for student journals, lesson planners and more.
The Beginners Guide to Circle Time with Primary School Students Circle Time is a simple methodology for learning in a group. In fact, it is so simple that sometimes people may underestimate its power. The author describes how Circle Time is an effective way of teaching Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character Education, as well as being a method that promotes safety, inclusiveness, fun, team work and deep thinking. The Beginner’s Guide to Circle Time explains: • What is Circle Time? • How you do Circle Time? • Role of the Facilitator • Managing Behaviour. It provides explanations and instructions for all the types of Circle Time strategies for junior, middle and upper primary including: • Welcoming and Name Games • Pass Around the Circle Games • Rapport Building Games • Mixing Games • Sentence Completions • Silent Statements • Pair–Share • Imagination Games • Sequencing Games • Team Games • Stories Also included is an explanation of the importance of reflection as part of the Circle Time process and easy to use reflection sheets that may form the basis of a student journal. Resource sheets for feelings, behaviour, character education, Circle Time themes, sample sessions and session planners all make this a comprehensive and practical resource for teachers.
$25.00 Circle Time for Emotional Literacy Sue Roffey — University of Sydney. 144pp, Teacher, primary and secondary
Explores all the key skills of emotional literacy through the circle time method.
Circle Time Image Cards
82 B&W laminated cards
Image cards may be used as props to help children create stories, explore similarities and differences, talk about themselves, their family, their past experiences, their future dreams and more.
Circle Time Poster
Circle Time Feeling Cards
60 B&W laminated cards
Feeling cards help children to build an emotional vocabulary, recognise emotions, discuss feelings, link feelings with thoughts and behaviour, play games, and reflect on team work and other learning experiences. w
Circle Time and Learning About FEELINGS Teacher, primary
Circle Time Character Cards
Full of lesson formats and activities that build interpersonal skills. Students explore how their feelings influence their behaviours and their relationships. The resource includes a set of 60 blackline master ‘feelings’ cards that have been created by popular cartoonist Adrian Osborne.
52 B&W laminated cards
Character cards are used to reinforce values and behaviours that provide strength, confidence and optimism. Children use the cards to discuss themselves, their peers, and the others, th lik like parents, historical figures, characters in books and the like. The cards are also great for setting goals, evaluating group work and discussing team sports.
$33.00 Circle Time and Learning About STORIES
$15.00 Each
Teacher, primary
Circle Time Games and Activities Full Kit
Circle Time Games and Activities Book, 3 sets of Cards.
Students play games, do activities, use their imaginations, create dramatic interpretations and movements, share opinions and ideas through sentence completions, silent statements and guided reflections. In this way a shared passion and understanding of stories is created. Children are playfully united. The method is applicable to all students regardless of reading ability. The resource is packed with activities, includes sample lesson formats and visual prompts.
Circle Time Games and Activities Book, 3 sets of Cards and CD ROM.
$100.00 Circle Time Games and Activities Book & Cards
Developing RESILIENCE with Circle Time
Circle Time for Junior Primary Suitable for 5 – 9 year olds.
Circle Time for Junior Primary is a set of 40 sessions covering topics including; welcoming, listening, appreciating, joining in, friends, special occasions, cooperating, helping, feelings, managing myself, making mistakes, encouraging myself and others, and many more. Each session includes a welcoming activity, warm ups, main activity, discussion question, concluding activity and follow up suggestions. Each session is on an A5 card which makes the resource easy to use for the teacher when conducting the session. There is also a session planner included, so that teachers may adapt sessions as required.
$33.00 10 Join In
40 complete sessions on cards (10 – 13 year olds)
School programs that promote resilience aim to help children develop: • Social and emotional competence • A sense of purpose, p personal identity and a autonomy Circle Time is an ideal C method for helping children to develop resilience in the classroom. This resource has 40 sessions on cards. These are easy to use and require minimal planning. They include; getting to know each other, trust building, self awareness, happiness, strengths, empathy, optimism, goal setting, coping, problem solving, decision making, managing emotions, help seeking and help giving.
Purpose To encourage children to join in with games and to talk about how to behave in groups.
ther 05 Work Toge
Purpose To encourage the group to have fun as a together and to enjoy doing activities trust group. In doing so, children develop smiling, and practice socialization skills like appropriate touch, taking turns, listening, appreciating others and joining in.
Welcome Name game Ask for a volunteer to start. The volunteer and I says, ‘Hello everyone, my name is… like to…’ student The process is repeated by each around the circle. For time. each varied be can game NB: The holiday, instance; position in family, favourite life, favourite hobby, happiest day of their things they like to do...
Create a list of behaviours cards (see behaviours card).
Main Activity Ask the children, ‘Who wants to really Ask the make everybody feel welcome?’ children to form 2 rows of equal numbers. children With one arm on their foreheads, the lean forward so their arm is touching One child opposite. This forms a tunnel. brush’ arm stays free. This is the ‘foaming the to wash the cars as they pass through the car of end very tunnel. The child at the they wash is first to enter the tunnel. As them walk through, the children scrub legs. gently on their shoulders, backs and on. Then another child follows and so NB: This is another game that involves it touch. Because children enter a tunnel is worth can be threatening for some, so it pass’. reminding children of their ‘right to
Welcome Name Game
children to call • To encourage name each other by each other • To learn about
Discussion Question Warm Up Form children into groups of 6 – 8. The leader calls out a shape and the children form that shape. Each child must be included in the shape and all of the children must be holding someone’s hand.
What behaviours encourage children to join in? What behaviours encourage children to leave a game?
Reflection Each child completes the sentence: I encourage children to join in when
Discussion question Warm Up Pass the Smile
How did you feel passing through tunnel?
Main Activity Place the cards you have prepared on the floor. Ask children to take turns in choosing a behaviour they noticed during the game.
next A child begins by turning to the child smiles to them and smiling. The recipient and back, then turns to the next person passes the smile around the circle.
Reflection Sentence completion
Follow up Children draw a picture of something they like doing in a group, and a picture of something they like to do by them self. Reinforce the idea that children do not always want to join in. That is why they have a ‘Right to Pass’ during Circle Time.
Something I enjoyed today was…
03 Trust
? Guess Who
the Pass Around Game Circle Name
d to proceed aroun Ask children elves ucing thems the circle introd n next to them. , and the perso by saying, ‘Hello g They do this and then turnin is…’’, my name and n next to them to the perso by saying, ‘And introducing them this is…’ uced they have introd The person my name is…’ then says, Hello, the circle until d and so on aroun had a turn. everybody has s encourage Game Name NB: using inclusive by children to be ming others. names and welco en to childr They also help ‘one person rule, practice the time’. speakkss at a
Follow Up The teacher reinforces the idea that in. the children have the right to join
they were called • The reason . changing seats their name else who is also seated about their name ree, they stay If they disag • Any stories ion. uces the next quest and wait for rtner then introd partn Their if: seats e circle and Stand and chang them to the have rizes what they er. middle name summarizes • You have a partner d about their learne name your • You like re has 3 main hare ir/Sha name NB: Pair/S long a have e • You s stages: Circle Tim n nts is easy for other Rituals in where stude • Your name in • Thinkk time time to to follow rituals to remember It is impor tant have adequate ote the ns nse d after These prom der their respo sider • You were name family Circle Time. consi your of positive habits whe where somebody in en, development ed discussion • Paired partners. security for childr t e ame ned nickn provid assig a and en are dren • You have childr what to expec opportunity an op since they know circle. One nickname Thiss gives them the f • You like your and form when they join to speak, listen le by their name is welcoming ions • You call peop impor tant ritual circle at each al questions. onal dition additi ‘hello’ the when saying everybody to the th larger Purpose are ideas with people • Share session. • To learn about • You like it when name . oup. trust group by address you • To think about the reasons : for being trustwo rthy Main Activity questions nq
Proceed around the circle with each child saying, ‘Hello, my name is…’ and then turning to their side and introducing the person to their left or right (or variation).
Shapes Game
r may take longe (This session of Circle Time) than one sitting
02 Names
Car wash
all of
Pair Card 01
ion ssio uss scu Disc
share their to sha the room. Askk children qu ions: Preparation A volunteer leaves to be ns on the quest nions opinio is nominated Another child be the lik about Locate 2 blindfo like pretends to lds made out • What do you ‘it’. Each child of material. The volunteer your name? nominated child. you and asks le callingTen room peop pe the hula hoops (or returns to • Do you like pieces of be the d the circle (no Wh might material etc... ) that ? What name questions aroun by than may be le like being laid on the floor asked more child can be to create an reasons peop teer’s volun ? The name obstac le course. The one question). referred to by fy who is ‘it’. task is to identi the nominated fy aim is to identi few as from Welcome on a child by name flectio Refl possible. When the questions as Procee to complete d around the circle, a question they Ask children child is asked with may each child taking answer, they it in turns to say sentence: are unable to the my to the rest this happens, like about‘hello’ of the circle. it is pass. When Something I counted until is... question is not name ctly. answered corre
Pair/Share e Name Gam
Follow Up
04 Happiness
Purpose To discuss and practice listening.
Main Activity Preparation each • Make up enough ‘pair cards’ for sheet). child to get one (see ‘pair cards’
Welcome Name Game child Proceed around the circle with each then saying, ‘Hello, my name is…’ and the turning to their side and introducing person to their left or right (or variation).
Pair/Share to the Mix up the cards you prepared prior Ask class. Hand one card to each child. card. them to find the child with the same take a When they have found their partner, seat and make themselves comfortable. The aim of the activity is to find out something your partner enjoys doing. something Talk about the question, ‘What is you enjoy doing?’ When each pair has found something turns their partner enjoys doing, they take (name) in telling the rest of the group, ‘… riding enjoys …’. For example, Luis enjoys his bike.
Warm Up Fruit Salad of a fruit. Each child is allocated the name Only use 3 different names, for example, leader apples, pears, oranges. When the have calls, ‘Apples’, all of the children who When been named apples, change seats. everybody Salad’, ‘Fruit calls, the leader changes seats. When all of the children and have have had an opportunity to move activity. next the onto move some fun,
Discussion Question is What helps you to listen when someone telling you something? answer Ideas that may be included in the lean are: to look at the person speaking, up if you towards them, ask them to speak cannot hear properly…
Reflection Each child completes the sentence: Something I learned today is…
Follow Up
Silent statements Explain to studen ts that you are going to ask their opinion . If they agree, they simply stand and change seats with someo ne else who has the same opinion. If they disagree, they stay seated and wait for the next question. Ask students to stand up and change places if they: hey: • obey your parent s • never take their brothe sister’s things withou rs/ t asking ask • tell the truth • are careful with other peo people’s things
call each hula hoops d children to Lay out room nd . (or other) Remin Remi class inside in the the circle. Ask other by name volunteers to make for 4 nts up 2 pairs. In nt stateme ent Sile each pair, one will be blindfolded, that you are and the other will in to children lain Expla n. act opinio name their blindfolded volunte as the • Their ng to ask for going stand er’s eyes. like their name , they simply they The her blindfo agree Whet hey lded they • If volunteers sit with someone diagonally oppos • keep promises d change seats and ite each other. When the teache r says, ‘start’, • talk about others each pair attemp behind their th ts to back circle without standin cross the g on a hula • follow rules in hoop (or other games obstac blindfolded volunte le). The • give things back er will be led when you across the circle find them by their The Fruit Salad pair. is to reach • do as you say the other side ts and aim men you the State will ed t sit in the seat vacate do allocat Silen Each student is d byuse 3 • keep workin g when the ts that you their opponentofbefore Only Purpose name a fruit.the other Explain to Studen teacher leaves . lded volunte the room , for example, their opinionblindfo students to think er reache different names are going to ask s s. When • To encourage the oppos simply stand ite side of theorange , pears, circle. s’, all of apples about happiness If they agree, they ne blindfo If the with someo ‘Apple calls,er volunte happiness leader the lded or and change seats . stands leader opinion • To explore what have been on a hula n who childre who has the same seated hoop the else them (or to means they stay obstacle) they return , change seats. to their named apples If they disagree, seat‘Fruit they are feeling n. start again. and calls, next questio • To identify how Each the leader pair could and wait for the happy be timed toWhen changes add interes when they are everyb stand up and t. ody Salad’, Ask students to things make of the children if they feel happy seats. When all • To discover what change places unity to them happy have had an opport fun, when they are: some have and move te sport next activity. • playing a favouri move onto the on • watching televisi Preparation the g up in • by themselves tion Large ball for throwin ing with others Discussion ques g • doing someth air and catchin when you are ‘feeling’ words How do you feel • doing a hobby Using the list of e a set of happy? parents (see card) prepar • helping their ’ cards on 1. Place ‘feeling cards. g new things learnin • you may the floor pet NB: Alternately, ts to • playing with their of feeling cards. 2. In turn, ask studen that are purchase a set choose those cards they when most prominent ing they Main Activity: are doing someth Welcome / Share the enjoy. Pair begin to er Ask for a volunte into pairs. er calls out a Form students game. The volunte the ball high something name, then throws Ask them to choose Reflection centre of the doing. Share into the air in the they most enjoy complete the r, who then who has had Ask students to circle. The child this with their partne runs to the back to the group. sentence their name called, reports s catche and st days of my has 3 main centre of the circle One of the happie NB: Pair / Share call another then They the ball. life was when… stages: so the ts child’s name. And studen n all childre • Think time where process goes until time to have adequate have been called. se Follow Up consider their respon s could then be proces The NB: ask sion where On a regular basis, enjoyable • Paired discus reversed. an ed partners. children to share children are assign an opportunity experience. This gives them and form to speak, listen ns. additional questio larger the with • Share ideas group. into pairs. Ask er: Form students with their partn them to share
08 Listen
Main Activity: Blindf dfolds olds
Discussion Question How did each pair feel about their partne r? Before? After?
Discussion ques tion
• How important is it to trustworthy person be a ? • What might happe n were always untrus if you tworthy? • How can you decide if you trust someone or not?
Reflection Ask students to complete the sentence: Someone who I can trust is...
‘One Reinforce the Circle Time rule that person speaks at a time’.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Social & Emotional Learning I laugh
I get picked on
I work with friends
And WHETHER PIGS HAVE WINGS? Helping students to become self regulating learners
Strategies for overcoming resistant behaviour Craig Deed :: Bob Bellhouse :: Faye Agterhuis
Bob Bellhouse Craig Deed Fay Agterhuis Glenda Johnston
There’s a Gorilla in my Classroom!
Strategies For Overcoming Resistant Behaviour
Scaffolding the inquiry-based learning process Helping students to become self regulating learners
60 plastic coated cards, A5 book
‘There’s A Gorilla In My Classroom: Strategies for overcoming resistant behaviour’ provides a new perspective on students in the classroom. Dr Craig Deed has worked with primary and secondary students, and their teachers, to understand the behaviour of students, whether they be engaged or disengaged. He found that in most instances, behaviour in the classroom is not motivated by deep issues. In contrast, it is a choice to engage or not to engage, to learn or not to learn.
To manage inquiry-based learning students require a range of strategies. ‘And Whether Pigs have Wings’ provides a set of cards, activities and rubrics to support the development of independent learning and management strategies. It is aimed at students in the middle years of schooling, but may be utilised at either end of the spectrum.
Book $25.00 activities for understanding how I learn
for kit
Cards $40.00 a set of 48 meta-cognitive questions about learning
CD ROM $20.00 a hands-on self evaluation and goal setting tool
Full Kit $65.00 contains book, cards and CD ROM
The Mind Masters: Thinking Cards 26pp booklet, 30 plastic coated colour cards
These cards are a deceptively simple tool comprised of 30 meta-cognitive questions that may be used for critical thinking, to enrich discussions or to solve problems. For instance, when discussing an issue with a group, ask students to choose those questions they might consider before they are in a position to form an opinion. Students explain why they believe a question is relevant. They then place the card where other students can see it. As more students place cards, the complexity of their thinking begins to develop before their eyes. Students may use the cards to plan essays, imaginative pieces of writing, inquiry-based learning or as a monitoring and evaluation tool.
$46.50 I talk to a teacher
I eat healthy food
I ask questions
Feelings Cards for the Early Years: Big Cards for Little Kids A tool for building emotional language with children in the early years 24 A4 full colour laminated cards
Being able to solve problems and cope with difficulties are key developmental skills. They are fundamental to developing resilience and autonomy. When children are in their early years, they need the support of adults to develop these skills.
Using the cards children learn: • About their emotions. • What their emotions are telling them. • How to interpret the emotional cues from others. The feelings illustrated are happy, sad, angry, worried, calm, excited, kind, tired, surprised, giggly, sorry and proud. They represent 12 feelings relating to diverse and identifiable physiological states. Children use their emotional knowledge as a foundation for other skills like empathy, motivation, self control, conflict resolution and perseverance. The 24 feelings cards come with 4 additional cards describing activities for how to use them with children in the early years. The size of the cards makes them ideal for wall posters or as inter-active teaching tools.
Cope Cards for Little Kids Helping children to learn social and emotional problem solving and coping strategies 48 A5 full colour laminated cards
The Heart Master: Promoting Resilience and Emotional Intelligence Resilience Cards: Feelings 58 plastic coated cards, full colour cards, booklet
Lovely illustrations accompanied by a feeling word. These cards are designed to help children and young people share their thoughts about feelings. They may be used for self reflection,circle work, literacy, behaviour and many other imaginative discussions. A booklet full with ideas is included to assist teachers.
Feelings 116244 Feelings Cards.indd 1
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116244 Feelings Cards.indd 8
116244 Feelings 52 14/9/06Cards.indd 10:58:58 AM
Resilience Cards: Values and Attributes
14/9/06 10:59:45 AM 116244 Feelings Cards.indd 47
14/9/06 10:59:40 AM
52 plastic coated, full colour cards, booklet
Central to self esteem, friendly relationships and the development of resilience is an awareness of the positive qualities of self and others. These cards are a helpful resource for children to discover and discuss these qualities in a non-threatening and playful way. They may be used in a one on one discussion, or in groups.
Values and Attributes
$46.50 Resilience Cards: Behaviours 40 plastic coated, full colour cards, 26pp booklet
The Resilience Cards may be used as teaching aids in class or as discussion starters in counselling situations. The accompanying booklet provides many ideas that cover topics including; resilience; coping; emotions; teamwork; friendship; supportive relationships; bullying and problem solving. No doubt the cards will be adapted for many other uses with young people, staff and families. The ‘Ghost’ character exhibits many behaviours, some helpful, some not-so-helpful. Just like most humans really. People of all ages find them humorous and thought provoking.
Set of 3
Communication Cards
Coping Strategies for Young People
38 full colour cards, 42 page booklet
30 A6 card set, UV coated, A4 booklet with blackline masters
The Heart Masters’ Communication Cards are a set of 38 playfully penned caricatures that people of all ages will be able to recognise. Teachers, trainers and counsellors may use the cards to explore verbal and nonverbal behaviour. An accompanying booklet provides many ideas for using the cards in discussions, role-plays, games and activities.
Based on the brilliant research of the Late Dr Chris Madden, these cards and accompanying book may be used in games, lessons or when communicating with young people about coping with many of the challenges of school and life.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Social & Emotional Learning Cool Down and Work Through Anger Everyone gets angry, so it’s never too early for children to learn to recognize feelings of anger, express them, and build skills for coping with anger in helpful, appropriate ways. Children learn that it is okay to feel angry — but not okay to hurt.
$17.50 Learning to Get Along Series Interactive Software The complete Learning to Get Along series is now available in one kid-friendly software package (for Windows only). Teachers can choose which books to make available to each child, manage audio features, and track students’ progress. Children follow along or read on their own, using a special highlight feature to click and hear word definitions. A sequence of questions follows each book; test results are stored for teacher review in individual student files. Designed for classroom use, yet equally useful at home. User’s Guide included. Developed in association with Attainment Company.
Learning to Get Along Series • Accept and Value Each Person • Be Careful and Stay Safe • Cool Down and Work Through Anger • Be Honest and Tell the Truth • Be Polite and Kind • Join In and Play • Know and Follow Rules • Share and Take Turns • Try and Stick with It
• Reach Out and Give • Respect and Take Care of Things • When I Feel Afraid • Listen and Learn • Understand and Care • Talk and Work it Out
$17.50 each
Complete 15 book set
$100.00 Best Behaviour Series Ages 4 – 7
• Words are Not for Hurting • Hands are Not for Hitting • Tails are Not for Pulling • Germs are Not for Sharing • Feet are Not for Kicking (Board Book Only) • Teeth are Not for Biting (Board Book Only)
Soft Cover $16.00, Board Book $12.00
Teachers, 10 – 12 year olds, 180pp
Has an emphasis on building emotional awareness, as well as social confidence and competence.
Teachers, 11 – 13 year olds Teachers
Helps teachers to help young people who are at the on-set of adolescence to develop awareness, skills and behaviours that will help them to manage their difficult emotions.
ng La
Building Resilience & Managing the Difficult Emotions
nnis · Ja
Middle to Senior Primary School
Has an emphasis on emotional, social and study skills. Mastery of these skills provides a platform for creating the sense of belonging that is critical to individual well-being and success in secondary school.
Key Statements And Questions The reason I asked if we could meet is that I have heard/noticed that…
Describe Feelings
I was hoping we might be able to discuss what has been happening. Nobody is going to get into trouble, but I can help you if we decide it is necessary. ‘Could you explain to me a little more about what has been happening to you?’ ‘How have you been affected by this? How have you been feeling?’
Restorative Chat Purpose
I just noticed/heard… (if there’s some level of acknowledgement)
What happened?
What happened?
‘What is the worst of it for you?’
Gain Permission For Meeting With Aggressors And Request A Piece Of Writing Or A Drawing
If you agree, I would like to meet with the students involved in bullying you to explain to them how you are feeling and to ask them to help find ways to solve the problem. They will not be in trouble so you needn’t fear that they will retaliate or make things worse for you. To help me explain to them your feelings, could you write down how you are feeling or write a poem about your feelings or draw a picture? You do not have to write anything you do not wish to share with them.
Plan Support Group Meeting
Let’s make a time to meet so you can give me the writing or picture. Remember to concentrate on explaining your feelings; don’t mention any of the people involved in this in your writing. To help me understand who should make up the support group to solve the problem could you help me by telling me who is involved, who is watching. Who do you think knows but does not really likes what is going on?
Engage And Describe
What happened?
What do you think (X) wanted?
What were you thinking?
Encourage Thoughtfulness
How have you been affected?
Who has been affected?
How are you feeling?
Who has been affected? How do you feel?
What can we do to make What can we do to make What can we do to make things better? things better? things better? Problem Solve
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
What can I do to help?
What can I do to help?
What can I do to help?
Thank you for this writing/picture, it will help me explain to the other students how you are feeling and help us to solve the problem. I will meet with you in a week’s time to see how things are going.
Restorative Practices POCKET SCRIPTS
The Bullying Intervention Toolkit SCRIPTS
The Bullying Intervention Toolkit Aims to provide schools with a range of effective bullying intervention strategies. The strategies are all solution focused, encourage individuals to make pro-social choices, avoid labelling and aim to educate and heal, rather than punish. The authors believe that no one intervention for bullying works best in all circumstances. Effective intervention occurs when teachers have a range of strategies, with the accompanying knowledge and skills to know when (and when not) to use them. Making a choice about which approach to use is critical to the success of the intervention. The authors provide guidance to help make this choice, along with facilitator notes and detailed scripts. The resource includes: • 60 page book • 4 large laminated scripts (A4 size); Method of Shared Concern, Classroom Conference Early Years, Classroom Conference, Support Group Method. • 5 pocket scripts; restorative chat early years, restorative chat, No Blame brief intervention, mediation, small group discussion.
The Method of Shared Concern: A Staff Training Resource
School Support Group Method—Meeting With Target Purpose
Arrange Another Meeting
e De ay ·K
Teachers, 12 – 13 year olds, 170pp
Teachers, 5 – 6 year olds, 160pp
Mathi eso
Junior Secondary School
ueline V Jacq an
· Pam
Junior Primary School Packed with stories and activities aimed at building emotional awareness and creating a sense of belonging for young children in the classroom.
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n lse
The Heart Masters
Six Methods of Intervention
Bullying in Schools: Six Methods of Intervention With Ken Rigby
Dr Ken Rigby interprets and describes in detail this proven technique for dealing with bullying in the secondary and late primary years. The DVD and accompanying i U User’s ’ Guide G present a step-by-step group training session for staff, built around two case studies enacted by practitioners trained by the originator of the Method, Swedish psychologist Dr Anatol Pikas.
This new training resource for teachers outlines the pros and cons of six different approaches to bullying. It contains clear and practical guidance and shows by Ken Rigby how to apply each method, depending on the nature of the bullying and the resources available to deal with it. This DVD is ideal for staff training and teacher training. It includes; the traditional approach, restorative practice, strengthening the victim, mediation, the support group method and the method of shared concern. DVD plus CD ROM and comprehensive booklet with summary information and useful discussion guidelines. Total running time: 45 minutes.
$165.00 (DVD & User Guide)
$180.00 (DVD, CD ROM & Booklet)
for Dealing with Bullying in Schools
Who Feels Scared?
Not Fair, Won’t Share
A book about being afraid
A book about sharing
Years K – 2
Years K – 2
From pets to grown-ups, everybody sometimes feels fear. And children, grown-ups, and animals aren’t all afraid of the same things. Jack and his friends Ravi and Kevin discover this when they have a sleepover — one that unexpectedly includes a few scares!
Playing fairly doesn’t always come naturally to kids—and sharing isn’t always easy. Plus, the hurt feelings that happen when others won’t share can make matters even worse. Nora, Henry, and Dan find this out when Miss Clover builds a special space station in their classroom. Everyone wants to play at once! Can they figure out how to share?
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
But Why Can’t I?
I’m Not Happy
A book about rules
A book about feeling sad
Years K – 2
Kids and rules don’t always make a perfect match right away. Following rules that adults make can be hard for children, yet it is an important skill in character education and development. They want to know, “But why can’t I?”
Years K – 2
Big feelings are part of daily life for small kids, and happiness just isn’t always within reach. Unwelcome events, from a broken toy to a missing pet, bring on sad feelings that can darken kids’ days. In this charming feelings book, follow along as Ben helps cheer up his friends and shows how kids can turn sadness into smiles.
Strengths & Character Education Laugh and Learn Series Don’t Behave Like You Live in a Cave Y Help kids make smarter choices at home and at school with this kid-friendly book that takes a positive approach w tto behavior issues. Better behavior isn’t just about making adults happy. Lighthearted yet supportive and ffrank, with full-color cartoons and humorous text, this book helps readers learn to make thoughtful, deliberate, positive iti b behavior h i d decisions. That means fewer behavior problems and more freedom — and fun.
$12.00 Creating Student Leaders!
a resource designed to equip teachers with training options that provide students with authentic leadership opportunities
A resource designed to equip teachers with training options that provide students with authentic leadership opportunities Teacher, 160+pp
Laugh and Learn Series Siblings: You’re Stuck with Each Other, So Stick Together W Wacky full-color illustrations and plenty of humor combine to offer fun, practical advice on getting along with brothers and sisters and building positive relationships.
See You Later, Procrastinator! (Get It Done) W this colorful, laugh-out-loud guide, kids learn 12 With Procrastination Busters, 20 ways to kiss procrastination good-bye, tips for avoiding setbacks, and dozens more strategies for getting and staying motivated.
Dude, That’s Rude! (Get Some Manners) Kids today need manners more than ever, this lively book makes it fun and easy to get and use them — at home, online, at school, in the bathroom, on the phone, at the mall, or anywhere.
The author, Pam Mathieson, provides teachers with a range of training options in the area of student leadership. The resource is based on Pam’s experience developing training options with schools. She believes all students have the potential to take on leadership roles. A variety of leadership options have been implemented in many secondary and primary schools. This resource contains the following training packages: • General student leadership • Peer mediation • Peer support/Buddies • Games leaders • Student Council Representatives. Each training package includes: • An agenda for each training day • Student worksheets • A running sheet for the teacher conducting the training • Relevant teacher support material An extensive set of ideas for physically active games and a CD ROM with printable materials is also included.
Get Organized Without Losing It
$75.00 (Book & CD ROM)
Packed with facts about stress, ways to deal with it, things not to try and why, and plenty of jokes and cartoons for stress-relieving laughs, this book is a must ffor every kid who’s a stressed-out mess!
Pam Mathieson
cHaNGe Change Agents aGeNts A program for promoting self-awareness,
a program for promoting self-awareness, team work, leadership and community action in the middle years
team work, leadership and community action in the middle years Dianne Summers, Gloria Douglas, Jane Anastasios, 150pp
Change Agents is a Middle School curriculum-based program aimed at developing social and emotional learning, personal strengths and problem solving skills. The program focuses on four inter-related areas: • Knowing Yourself • Working With Others • Leading Others • Taking Community Action and Making a Difference.
Practical, humorous help for kids who want to manage ttheir tasks, their time, and their stuff. Kids learn to conquer clutter, handle homework, prepare for tests, plan projects, stop procrastinating, and enjoy less stress and more success.
How to Take the Grrrr Out of Anger A hot temper isn’t cool. Knowing how manage anger ffeels grrrreat. Through tips, jokes, facts, and cartoons, tthis book helps kids understand and handle anger in healthy ways.
Stress Can Really Get on Your Nerves!
TTrue or False? Tests Stink! Other study guides can be dry, boring, and much too long, but this book is fun, entertaining, and small but mighty. It can inspire even reluctant and anxious students.
Cliques, Phonies, & Other Baloney
dianne summers // gloria douglas // jane anastasios
Walking in Other Shoes: Empathy and Deep Understanding for Middle to Senior Primary Students 9 – 13 year olds, 55pp
Takes a comprehensive approach to the teaching of empathy. A book full with insights and activities. May be used as a stand alone unit of work, or integrated with
Bullies are a Pain in the Brain Practical suggestions and humor help kids become bullyproof, stop bullies from hurting others, and know what to do in dangerous situations.
other programs.
Sound advice and witty cartoons help kids deal with cliques and learn how to make real friends.
How to Do Homework Without Throwing Up W A Author Trevor Romain knows how horrible homework can be, and kids will see this right away as they page tthrough the book, grin at the cartoons, and smile at Trevor’s funny insights. T
$12.00 each $115.00 Complete 11 book series
In A Jar® Series In a Jar® Series 7.5cm recyclable plastic screwtop jar
The ‘In A Jar’ series is a wonderful and portable way to make learning fun and spontaneous whether at school, a camp or in an after-school program.
Brain Games In a Jar® ages 6-9, 101 cards,
101 brain teasers challenge kids to think and learn.
$25.00 Act-Up In a Jar® ages 3 & up
Get into the action with this charades game for everyone, and encourage creativity, communication skills, and fun.
$25.00 Think Twice In a Jar® all ages, 101 cards
If you could have a new house rule, which would you choose? No television, or no music?” “If you were to be famous, which would you choose? Fame as an author, or fame as a stage actor?” Think twice — and choose one! A new twist on getting people to interact and practice decision-making, this is a fun and fascinating way to engage brains, share ideas, and build tolerance for differences of opinion. Includes a game play/activity guide.
$25.00 Feelings In a Jar®
Riddles In a Jar®
$25 Each
all ages, 101 cards
“What has 18 legs and catches flies? Answer: A baseball team.” “What invention allows people to walk through walls? Answer: Doors.” Kids love silly riddles. They can’t get enough of them. Open this inviting jar to find wacky, puzzling, giggle-provoking riddles — 101 in all. Guaranteed to help children (and grown-ups) chuckle their way into a better day.
$25.00 Think Fast In a Jar® ages 6 & up
Quick: How many words can you think of that relate to school? How about class, test, recess? Now: How many that start with the letter B? Wait…bell, book, biology. Build vocabulary and thinking skills with this fast-paced, play-itanywhere game. Pull a “Things” card (and, for more challenge, a “Letter” card), then write as many words as you can before the 30-second timer runs out. The winner of each round is the person with the most words. Includes: 101 Things cards, 50 Letter cards, and a 30-second timer.
$25.00 Leadership Lessons In a Jar® ages 16 & up, 101 cards
An innovative tool for personal and professional success. Includes 101 bits of wisdom for today’s changing world — and anyone who is committed to excellence. Take the lead!
ages 8 & up, 101 cards,
Everyone needs to know how to name and express feelings. Each jar holds 101 little cards printed with “feelings words”—gleeful, insecure, grateful, angry, cranky, courageous, hopeful, and many more. Pull a slip and act out the feeling, or invite someone else to act it out. Use as discussion starters, journaling prompts, or icebreakers for groups.
$25.00 Friendship In a Jar® ages 12 & up, 101 cards
Quotes and comments about friends who stand by us, put up with us, and let us be ourselves.
Story Starters In a Jar®
Treasure Hunt for Primary Ages In a Jar®
ages 7 & up, 101 cards
ages 4 & up
Quick and easy writing prompts with strong kid appeal. 101 story starters encourage creative thinking and imaginative writing. Perfect for the classroom and a great way to encourage young writers at home.
Read the card and find the object, see how many cards you can collect. Builds vocabulary and sharpens observation skills. Game idea: Try setting time limits for finding objects. After playing, challenge kids to put everything back where it belongs.
$25.00 Early Story Starters In a Jar® ages 5 & up, 101 cards
Inspire and support young writers at home or at school. Includes 101 jumpstarters for stories about people, places, animals, and more. Spark imagination and boost creativity.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
$25.00 Yoga In a Jar® ages 10 & up, illustrated, 101 cards
101 poses described and illustrated to help you focus on your health and wellness.
Restorative Practices The Restorative Approach Explained The philosophy of Restorative Justice encourages schools and organizations to shift their thinking from a traditional model of punishment to one of education, accountability and meaningful change. It provides schools with a set of guidelines to manage even the most confronting behaviours.
The restorative teacher views wrongdoing as an opportunity for learning. They use methods that develop social and emotional knowledge and skills. They create safe environments by using processes that treat all participants fairly, and with respect and dignity. Their discussions are concerned with reconnecting people and repairing relationships. They focus on the needs of everybody, including the wrongdoers.
Restorative Justice views wrongdoing as a violation of people and relationships. When wrongdoing occurs, it is concerned with healing and repairing those individuals and their relationships. In this sense, it strengthens feelings of caring, belonging and community among school members.
Students learn to trust the school and its processes. Victims and others learn to trust that they will be protected, that relationships will be repaired and that things will be made right. Wrongdoers learn to trust that the restorative dialogue will help them to understand and take responsibility for the harm done.
Restorative Practices in the Early Years — Visual Script and Cards A child’s ability to successfully engage in a restorative approach develops in line with their ability to reason. ‘The Visual Script’ has been developed as a modified version of the original Restorative Practice Conference Script. It has been designed to support the following groups: • Children in the Early Years (K – 2) • Children with Special Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Language Disorders) thinking? What were you • Children who have experienced trauma • Children from Generational Poverty ing? What was I think • Some boys The Visual Script aims to support these groups by: • Helping them to identify and express their feelings and thoughts, and understand those expressed by others. (expressive and receptive language) • Providing them a concrete aid to help them follow what may be you need to ... To fix things up an abstract process. Fixing things up I’m sorr y • Providing the facilitator with language that is brief, clear and concise. this question is In the visual script, thought bubble. represented by a to articulate the It assists children going on in their thoughts that were of the incident. This head at the time a child’s motives, into gives an insight to understand when which are useful problem solving. and front of the child Place the card in thinking when you you were ask “What …*hit… Billy?” c behaviour to be (*Naming the specifi addressed )
on insight into the motivati ?’ often provides were you thinking question, they often The question, ‘What are asked a thinking e …” ur. When children or “I was sad becaus behind the behavio wer answer! “I was angry” uch, ‘what were as such, respond with a feeling to understand and n are more a difficult question children this nd fi until ed Initially, children is not introduc en can be . Children be a question that you thinking?’ may whe the restorative process to have ve happen when other questions in want confident with the you as, “What did you e time when yo at the adaptations such thinking in your head supported through or “What were you you … ’hit’ … Billy?” mic Book Gray’s: Comic … hit … Billy.” what happened (Carol record of to ld child picture a the also like to direct If the child has drawn ), the facilitator may bubbles. strategy thought ations of n Convers through the inclusio responses nking,, respon e their thinking what they were thinking ect on and articulat better able to refl As children become less frequent. or ‘nothin’ become such as ‘dunno’
At school
ed, but also taking looking at what happen involves not only Working restoratively better. ‘To fix things up you steps to make things of the child and say, required for prompt card in front appropriate words Place the apology child choose the e.’ Then help the apologis to need e or the apology. have the languag restoratively do not better. have difficulty working needs to happen to make things to Many children who what explicitly taught how ment to understand cognitive develop repair process, being guided through the These children are are an apology. process until they this give and receive through by step … I was upset/ need to be led step sorry for *hitting you “I’m Initially, children may ), example say (for able to independently * I wanted a go of the truck.” the e… , acknowledging mad/cross becaus ed in the process child is also support , but I didn’t like it you for your apology Likewise, the harmed (for example), ‘Thank apology by saying feel … *sad …’ an action, me … it made me words and requires when you … *hit process goes beyond reason an, ‘And repair this the For y. time to g to propert From time y damage The facilitator may up mess or fixing as an optional card. such as cleaning ), ‘To fix this up you to the visual script 11 sign’ has been added in front of the child and say (for example tle.’ sandcastle.’ this car rebuild his sandcas choose to place … and help him … e for … hitting Billy need to apologis
Includes detailed instructions
Right thing ing?
What was I think
20 Cards 10
Working Restoratively in Schools: A guidebook for
Restorative Practices in Classrooms: Rethinking Behaviour Management
developing safe and connected learning communities
Behaviour Management M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad, Teacher, 80pp
Bill Hansberry
ahead Pres
“What we have here in this resource is a wide-ranging variety of ideas, theories and suggestions which should deepen your understanding of how to use Restorative Practices, why and how they work, combined with clear guidelines for the practicalities of doing this work in schools.” Marg Thorsborne
Restorative Practices in Classrooms: Rethinking
Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad learning well-being resilience
Based on the above philosophy, this book shows how the approach may be applied to classroom practice. Chapters include; working proactively, classroom conferences, individual, small and medium group conferences, facilitating conferences, what if? Appendices include; classroom script, the No Blame conference script, classroom conference report, classroom conference evaluation, letters to parents, case studies and recommended reading.
$33.00 Restorative Practices and Bullying: Rethinking Behaviour Management M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad, Teacher, 48pp
Restorative Practices Prompt Cards 35 cards & instructions
A set of 35 cards that feature the 4 key rules and most commonly used questions in the restorative process. One of the most common reasons that an intervention fails occurs when the facilitator gets lost in the process. Students become confused and can quickly lose trust. The Restorative Practices Prompt Cards may be used to: • Help facilitators to plan the process. • Ensure that the process stays on track. • Empower students. • Act as a prompt. • Help students to stay on task. • Consult with students about the important questions.
This book is the third in the school series of books on Restorative Justice. The guiding principles of restorative justice provide for a different response to bullying. When harm is done (deliberate or otherwise) it needs to be fixed. These principles are not based on definitions of bullying behaviour or measures of frequency and intensity. The authors believe that what matters most about bullying is what is done about it. The challenge for schools is to provide processes that are effective, safe and fair for all stakeholders—victims, wrongdoers, bystanders and the adults (parents and staff) who become involved. This manual is aimed directly at those at the chalkface—in classrooms, corridors and playgrounds, and now in cyberspace. This manual is intended to provide responses that can bring about repair and healing, and in the long term, make the school a safer place.
$33.00 Restorative Practice Poster
Restorative Practices in Schools: Rethinking Behaviour Management
Restorative Practices in Schools: Rethinking Behaviour Management
The Restorative Practices poster includes 4 key questions that represent a framework for the restorative process. • Telling the story — What happened? What were you thinking? • Encouraging thoughtfulness and empathy — How have people been affected? • Problem solving — How will you make things better? Having a visual representation of the restorative process helps all members of the school community to follow and understand it.
A ‘just’ school is a place where victims and offenders and their respective communities of care are active participants in processes that ensure equal justice and fairness. Victims are empowered to have their needs met and to have their experience validated. Offenders are able to tell their stories and be given the chance to make amends. And finally, the community of care may Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad seek ways to ensure that the incident does not happen again. This book takes you through the restorative practice process with chapters on: deciding whether to conference or not, conference preparation, convening the conference, managing the emotional dynamics, what if? Appendices and case studies.
ahead Pres
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad, Teacher, 75pp
learning well-being resilience
Student Welfare & Support Bears Cards New Edition
Strength Cards New Edition
The Bears is grounded on the principle that talking about feelings is one of the cornerstones of emotional and mental health. This vibrant, high-quality, card set is a poignant, simple and clever catalyst for identifying and exploring emotions.
Grounded in Strengthsbased theory, these cards are capable of opening up conversations about the hard stuff in life as well as nurturing new ways of thinking about life’s possibilities.
$49.50 Strength Cards for Kids New Edition
$49.50 Cars R Us Perfect for anyone wanting to engage boys or men in important conversations. For those familiar with Glassers work this is a hands-on tool that includes all the car-based metaphors Choice Theorists find so useful.
Picture This
Optimism Boosters Each of the 30 cards in this elegant little set creates a window into change, new possibilities and fresh ways of thinking. Key questions focus on goals, possibilities or strategies.
$27.90 ;\ 4]SM¼[ 1VVW^I\Q^M :M[W]ZKM[ IVL *ZMV\ ;MIUMZ
Can Do Dinosaurs 3-7 year olds. 28 colour cards, 8pp booklet.
The bright, quirky cartoons will inspire great conversations and an I can attitude in little people. Minimal text builds literacy without excluding pre-literate children.
These 75 original, diverse and eclectic photographs offer opportunities for people of all ages to reflect on their experiences. Here is a powerful conversation — stimulant for oiling the juice of imagination, memory and emotions.Some of these full-colour images are poignant, some are heartwarming and others are tinged with humour.
$59.50 Reflexions
Here are 80 full-colour storytelling prompts for people of all ages. From classrooms to discussion groups; a family game to a therapeutic tool.
Reflexions is a set of cards that use contemporary street and techno style photo collage and graphics to deepen conversations on the issues that concern young people. A single word accompanied by graphics guide participants to identify and name reactions to their circumstances. Especially important for boys struggling to express their emotions.
$49.50 Storycatching
Using vibrant illustration and gentle humour, this clever but simple card set is a strengths-based resource designed specifically for primary school aged children with the intention of nurturing emotional intelligence and self-esteem.
Pocketbooks Anger & Conflict Management Find out about the anger cycle; how to recognise early warning signs and intervene to prevent an eruption; how to handle angry explosions/conflict situations; how to repair relationships following an outburst and how to teach children to manage difficult emotions.
Asperger Syndrome Explains what Asperger syndrome is and offers a range of helpful strategies for overcoming the challenges it poses in the classroom.
The Behaviour Management Unravels the complexities of teacher-student relationships and covers different styles of classroom management, patterns and offer a range of core principles and key strategies for dealing with everyday scenarios.
Effective Classroom Communication Richard Churches draws from a range of disciplines, such as psychology, NLP and neuroscience, to provide a practical compendium of communication expertise based on what highly effective teachers do.
Restorative Justice Expert practitioners Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad provide a thorough grounding in restorative ti ith worked k d examples and easy-to-follow practice, with teacher scripts to get you started.
Challenging Behaviours Explains why some children are prone to developing a can’t learn, won’t learn or don’t care attitude. Practical classroom strategies include lesson scenarios, with example dialogues.
Creative Teaching Roy Watson-Davis draws on a deep well of creativity and imagination to inspire you with this compendium of lively, iinventive i approaches h to lessons.
Emotional Literacy There are chapters on building relationships that support learning, nurturing, working effectively in groups and classroom organisation.
Inclusion Moving from clear definitions of inclusion to ways of supporting, developing and monitoring policies and ti i schools h l and d classrooms, this pocketbook practices in is a must for teachers looking to implement inclusive practice in school.
Managing Workload If you feel you could be using time better — working less and enjoying life more — then this book offers some useful tips, tools and strategies for work-life balancing.
Stop Bullying Jam-packed with practical ideas for tackling bullying in schools. Strategies for teachers and parents when d li with ith bullies b lli and d their victims. dealing
Learning & the Brain Full of accessible information about how the brain works, how it learns, how it memorises and how it develops. Learning about the brain is fun — and it makes for great professional development.
Boys, Girls & Learning The challenge for education is to avoid gender stereotyping, while understanding and l i i gender d differences diff exploiting for better teaching and learning. This book takes a refreshing look at the broader picture and gives practical classroom advice.
Icebreakers Contains some 40 original activities that are grouped together — for example: assertiveness, communication, coaching & mentoring and people management. Most of the activities take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete.
Openers & Closers The emphasis of The Openers & Closers Pocketbook is on simple activities that require the minimum amount of preparation — in the authors’ words, ‘grab and go’ activities that will give trainers new and imaginative ways to enhance their training delivery.
Leadership Explains how to inspire, influence, deal with change and achieve objectives. Illustrated th h t the th book b k adopts d throughout, a practical approach, setting out the principles of leadership, the role of the leader, the skills required for effective leadership and the key challenges facing leaders.
NLP Looks at the key principles of NLP and how it can make a difference to you. It describes how you are limited by your beliefs and thoughts and how you can change them for the better.
$15.00 each
Set of any 6
Covers training, recruiting and supporting mentors; codes of practice and good practice guidelines. Separate chapters are given to peer mentors, learning mentors, volunteer mentors and e-mentoring.
Energy & Well-Being Demonstrates how to carry out an energy and well-being audit which will help readers establish their personal well-being goals. There is advice on poise/posture, breathing, taking energyboosting breaks and a range of activities.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Fifteen Favourites DVD
The Pupil Mentoring
Dyslexia If you would like a better grasp of what dyslexia is, need tools and techniques for teaching dyslexic learners or aren’t sure how best to present material for students with dyslexia... it’s all here in one handy guide.
$15 Each
Contians around 2,000 pages of tips, tools and techniques for the classroom. You can enlarge or reduce pages to suit, use the search and locate facility to home in on particular words, phrases or topics. The e-Pocketbooks comprise: Accelerated Learning, Anger Management, Asperger Syndrome, Assessment & Learning, Behaviour Management, Challenging Behaviours, Coaching & Reflecting, Creative Teaching, Dyslexia, Gifted & Talented, Learning to Learn, Lesson Observation, Restorative Justice, Teaching Assistant’s and Teaching Thinking.
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(excluding posters)
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Inyahead Press, PO Box 32, Queenscliff Vic 3225. ABN: 24 092 331 336
Electronic Resources U–Print Games U-Print Games allow teachers to print as many games as they need for their classroom. U-Print Games come in a convenient CD ROM. They are simple to use. Teachers insert the CD ROM in their computer, click on the game of their choice and print off the instructions, cards and game boards. This allows for the flexibility of printing multiple copies to use with the whole class. The Games can be printed in 2 sizes, either A4 or A3. And they can be printed in B&W or colour. Teachers may even choose to laminate the games to provide a durable and professional finish.
Emotional Literacy Game The Emotional Literacy Games are pitched at 3 levels of difficulty (Junior – Middle Primary).
Social & Emotional Problem Solving Game (Secondary) The Social & Emotional Problem Solving Game engages young people in discussions about issues that are relevant to their lives. Students construct a profile of a young person with a particular social and/or emotional issue. They then discuss with a group, the seriousness of the issue, what are the risks and protective factors, and how they might problem solve. The topics covered are: • Friendship • Bullying • Relationships • Alcohol and other drugs • Risk taking. May be used on an interactive whiteboard.
U-Print $33.00
Level One — Farm Feelings This game is for younger students. Children match their cards with identical faces on the game board.
Reader (Mac and
PC versions included
see ‘Extras’ folder)
Level Two — Forest Feelings Forest Feelings requires children to match the face with the feeling word.
Level Three — Haunted House Children match the feeling on the face with a compatible body.
Social and Emotional Problem Solving Discussion Cards (Primary) These are a set of discussion cards using hypothetical social and emotional problems. 40 separate cards cover a range of social and emotional issues that are relevant to children from 8 – 12 years olds. May be used on an interactive whiteboard.
U-Print $33.00
U-Print $45.00
My Life Story: An Interactive Approach to Life Story Work (CD ROM)
Dealing with Trauma CD Important and thought-provoking, this publication will prove helpful to any school faced with a traumatic incident. Based on personal experience and written by the head teacher who led her school through the aftermath of the Russell murders, Dealing with Trauma explains in vivid detail how children, parents and the local community were supported through a national tragedy. A mine of information from which any school could draw. Includes supporting resource sheets. Topics include: • Dealing with grief • Dealing with bereavement • How to support children and staff • Working with the community • Dealing with the media.
This resource is particularly useful to help children in care, to help them make sense of their lives. A life story book is not simply a compilation of information, but also a tool for a child top express their emotions and perceptions. An interactive life story resource with 7 sections, over 750 data entry items, over 40 interactive activities, dozens and sound effects and voice clips, associated worksheets and a training and professional guide (NB: Requires sound card).
$95.00 Conflict Resolution Game The Conflict Resolution Game is a ‘fun’ mechanism based upon active-learning strategies, to help young people learn about individual, friendship and group conflict. The game addresses issues relating to conflict with adults and those in authority. The ‘game board’ can be displayed on an interactive whiteboard and is suitable for large or small groups. Resource cards contain information, facts and issues which help groups and individuals discuss different conflict situations.
$50.00 Anti-Social Behaviour Education Pack for primary (DVD) An essential publication that is realistic, relevant and stimulating, this DVD addresses many aspects of low-level anti-social behaviour and is accompanied by supporting activities, session plans and resources to help address the resulting issues. The pack uses a variety of active learning strategies. Topics include: • What is anti-social behaviour? • How anti-social behaviour affects different groups of people • Choices, consequences • Respect • Graffiti • Excessive noise • Intimidating groups of young people • Chewing gum • Alcohol • Aggressive behaviour.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
$90.00 Bruce’s Multimedia Story (CD) Primary School aged children
A story about a dog who moves away from home to a pet shop, then to a home, then to another home. Each change, in time, works out well. An aid for working with children having difficulty understanding changes in their lives. It is an exciting an interesting way of helping children open up communication and sharing feelings about change.
Feelings: Angry
Feelings: Optimistic
Feelings: Kind
Feelings: Sad
Feelings: Happy
When I Feel Bad‌
Restorative Practice
The Heart Masters: Feelings and Faces
The Heart The Heart Masters: Masters: Problem Solver Self Control $12.00
I Feel‌ $12.00
The Heart Masters: Mistakes and Muck-ups $12.00
The Heart Masters series of posters Circle Time Poster $10.00
Feelings and Faces, Self Control, Problem Solver and Mistakes and Muck-ups make up The Heart Masters series of posters. A booklet with explanatory notes and teaching ideas is included.
$48.00 (poster set and booklet)
Explanation for offering free postage on-line Inyahead Press Training We offer fun, highly interactive, non-threatening and activitybased workshops. Our workshops are adapted to suit the specific needs of schools and include: Circle Time, Emotionally Intelligent Classrooms, Restorative Practices, Empathy and Deep Understanding, Leadership, Bullying Intervention, Teacher Well-Being, Resilience, Strengths-based Personal Development, Thinking (including ideas for improving understanding through meta-cognitive strategies) and Deep Learning.
Phone 1300 556 830 for more details
The reason we are offering free postage on-line and some books at reduced prices is to compete with other on-line book discounters. These prices are very competitive with very low margins. On-line customers pay by credit card prior to delivery and cannot return products. This is a low cost way of doing business. Through our catalogue we provide books on 30 days terms with 14 days approval. This is a higher cost way of doing business. Therefore, we charge for postage and handling, and in some instances, imported books are slightly more expensive. Thank you for your custom, Bob Bellhouse Inyahead Press