Juhi greens brochure 716 Favista Real Estate

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Juhi Greens

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~perior ~eedom of ~gh ~onnectivity... -~.$~~


Situated in the prime location of Nellli, JU II [ GHEENS has the privilege of seamless connectivity and eOllvcnicnl l ivi ng. \Vith a ll sorts of provisions and amenities nearby, this pial:c olTers living as blissful ly as it cou ld be. School, Colleges &olher Educational Institutions in vicinity Serene & Peaceful Locality Bus &Trai n scrviccscon nectingtoall parts of~ lllmhai & Navi ), l umbai [[ aspil;!ls, Banks &olhcrcommcrcial estahli shments in vicinity Parks & Gardens in vici nity

Easy availahility of all regular provisions

Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.



C?}n ~bundance ...



Situated in :\enll an upmarket residential and commercial node of the c ity of \Ja\i ~ll1mbai, J UII I GHEENS is a perfect example of convenient

lifestyle emhedded with tUXUI)'. The beauty of living in comfort and style with perfection.


C+ l4 Storeyed 2 & 3 6 11 K Luxurious Apartments Earthquake res istant R.C.C. design

Swimm ing Pool with kids pool on the 2nd Floor Landscaped Garden Children's Play Area

Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.

~cure& ~easant Bving...


-~.$~~ Hi-tech gymnasiu m with steam & Sauna hath Provision for indoor games

Dl-"t-'O rativc en trance lobby with ai r eoml itio ncd lounge for guests

Amplecar parkingspacc 'I'.\'o high speed stainless steel lirts & One stre tche r lift Power backup for lifts &

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Video door security syste ms in each fl at with came ras at the e ntry gate wi th in tercom

Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.

k3xotic living at its best...

--------~.~:~~-------In today's fa~t Illmi ng world where e"cry second counts, modes of c(J nn e<:l hit ~ playa \it.. 1 role in J UIII GHEEN, a luxurious residen tial building is h(.'l'c to gh'c rO il hack you r e fforts with c.\ccllcl11Iifcstyiedel l1c nl s. SUCCl'SS.

Flooring: Vitrified Flool'ing ill hal l, Kitchen, com mon bedroom & \\'()(Klcn fl ooring in master hcdrom . Anti-skid tik's in attached tcrraccarca Kitchen: • Gran ill' kilchen \\ ith parallel serv ice platfonn , brand ed stain less steel sin k Toilets: Designer Bathroom with br.lIlded s:ln itaryware, eoneealed plumbing \\ ilh prem ium quality C. P. f'iltings with hcadshowcr. BHANDED GEYSEH IN ALL BATII HOO:\ IS. Sp~u::e for wash ing machine

Doors: • European ~ I yk·d wooden door ine\'ct)' rooms

\\'indows: • '\nodi ....t..·d ~lid ing\\ indows, Gmn ite \\'indows Sil l with ~Iolding Wall & Paints: • Gyp~\lm fini~hed pla.-.I(.'r & Ael),Jjc Emulsion on in te rnal wall . Texture pai nt on cxl(.'rnal wall Electrificlition: Branded coneealcd copper wiring with ;\'IC B, Branded e lectrical fittin gs with 'Ic lephone, TV, A.C. & Inlemet poinh Security: • \'idcodoors ~ecurity systems in each fl at with came ras at the en try gate with intercom racilit} Rt.'Crcu lionai Features: • Il i:lh:h G)'lllnasium with Steam bath, Indoor Games, Well designed Landscape Carden & C hildren art'a Utilit)': Amplt' Parkin~spacc, two Ili-S pccdstainlessstL"'Cllifis &on(' stretchc rlirt • PO\\Cr ll;lc kup for lifts & common areas

Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.



Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.



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Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.


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Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.

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