Faith unlimited july 2

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KINGS AND PRIESTS – Bishop Frank Dupree IT’S JUST MURDER, RIGHT? -The Girl Next Door-

GOD’S PROTECTION How Far Do You Trust It? Dr. Bill Hanshew


Security and International Issues Rev. Melissa-Smith Shepherd

God and country


begins its 3rd year!

The Bible is our Constitution Faye Hanshew

The Whiz Kids -Summer Time-

Grace Martin


A Threat to the Vision of Our Founding Fathers – Dr. Dan L. Corse

Where are Your Eyes Focused? Rev. Leon Gosiewski JULY 2016- Published by Worship & Word Fellowship and Ministries, Inc.

If you will notice this month there are stars, like the one to the left, throughout the magazine. If you will click on these stars, you will hear a song, or something special about our Country. The star above is “The Christian Anthem – Song for America,” written by Lee Behnken in 1997 and inspired by David Barton of Wall Builders and Public School Chaplaincy of America. As we know, our Constitution of the United States was written to protect our religious freedom! As we see Political progressives trying to undermine our freedom through corrupt legislation and activist judges, we must pray and do all we can to protect the God given rights that were established by long-time past leaders, who put God first! As I started this month’s magazine, I always try to make our July issue about God and Country. This being a Presidential election year, I told the authors the theme, and ask them not to get involved in mentioning political names. However, I did tell them, “we will keep our theme on the “issues” at hand, and what does God’s Word say about these issues.” The song above says, “The Bible is our Constitution and The Word of God is our Decree. We stand upon the rock of the truth that set us free, and proclaim the Law of Love and Liberty.” To keep our Country free and a Christian nation, let us do our part to bring America back to the way it began when George Washington said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world WITHOUT GOD AND BIBLE.” George Washington was a very wise man when he made this statement. And Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was FOUNDED….ON THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!” Why do people want to change it now after so many years? Because many people do not believe on Jehovah God and our Lord Jesus Christ and would love to see our nation turned into a nation without God. This is the main reason for the urgency for your prayer, and vote this year. I believe it is our responsibility to do our part to make sure our country is run by someone

who not only believes in God, but someone who “listens” to God and puts God first in his or her life. Next to that, someone who cares about our Country, and will do everything possible to keep our country free of terrorists and those who want to put an end to Christianity. So please, make sure you pray this year about this election. And put it on your calendar to vote if you think you might forget, and let us make sure our Country is put back in the hands of someone who believes in Godly Principles… God Bless You, and God Bless America!!!!

Faye Hanshew Publisher and Editor


An additional note from the Editor: I am looking for a Christian Chef who would like to share some of his/her recipes in our magazine. Also, one of the new ideas we have is to screen and interview occasional writers who would like to submit an article from time to time. If you are interested in either of these, and would like this opportunity, you can contact me at: God Bless You! We appreciate any feedback you would like to share with us about anything that has blessed you.

Faye Hanshew

Articles The Bible is Our Constitution God’s Protection – How Far Do You Trust It? Kings and Priests Progressivism – A Threat to the Vision of Our Founding Fathers Where Are Your Eyes Focused? God Bless America! Security and International Issues

Teen Warriors It’s Just Murder, Right? Grace and the Whiz Kids Summer Plan Tips 101

Faye Hanshew Dr. Bill Hanshew Bishop Frank Dupree Dr. Dan L. Corse Rev. Leon Gosiewski Rev. Kathy Weddle Rev Melissa Smith Shepherd

The Girl Next Door Grace Martin

Books The Three R’s of Revival and Awakening Wholeheartedly! The Fig Tree Has Sprouted, Awake! Rise & Glow, and Christianity Mis-Sold Spread a Little Love, God’s Love Quotes of Inspiration from the Heart of God Treasures of the Messiah Where Precious Gems Hide Destined to be Loved Matthew 4:4 The Crocked Legged Foal The Power of Grace Decisions, Decisions, and more Decisions What About Job? You Don’t Have to be Sick Anymore!

Dr. Dan L. Corse Genice Fulton

Leon Gosiewski Dr. Bill Hanshew Amos Long Katie-Anne Martin Rick McKnight Danielle Norris Dr. Larry Ollison Nick Schneider Tom Tompkins John Woolston

Psalm 91:5 says, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day.” Psalm 91 is the famous chapter in the Bible that deals with protection. It is not the only place in scripture that talks about protection, but certain the most popular. And what David is speaking of here as each word and verse is being written, is God’s abiding presence which should give you a sense or an awareness of His protection and safety. When you are born again, right away you should come to realize that you now have entered into a relationship with your Father God. However, every relationship also requires communication. In Christianity, we call that having fellowship with God and this is what Psalm 91 is dealing with. As a new believer, you now dwell in the secret place of God, which speaks of your relationship with Him. You now abide under the covering of God, of which scripture refers to as “the shadow of the Almighty.” This is talking about God’s Protection, but the issue is not whether “God’s Protection” is biblical or valid for today, but how far

do you personally trust God’s protection. Psalm 91:5 tells us that you do not have to fear. And God says, do not be afraid of the terror by night. In the Hebrew language this speaks of being afraid of adversity or danger. This is specifically talking about things you can’t see because of the night or the darkness that surround you. This could speak of physical things, yet at the same time, this can also refer to dark things or darkness in a spiritual sense. However, we are children of the light and light overcomes darkness. Now, this verse says to not be afraid of “the arrow that flies by day.” Again this refers to fearing adversity and can refer to fearing difficulty or hardship. But once the light or illumination of God's Word fills your heart (mind, will, intellect and emotions), you find out that you do not have to fear anything. And many other verses in Psalm 91 also give us wonderful information about trusting God’s protection. Now, in Isaiah 41:10 it says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right

hand.’” One of the ongoing questions people around the world seems to have is this: “How Far Do I Trust God’s Protection?” Well, let me tell you that in my life, I have experienced God’s protection in many ways. But most of all, everyone one of us should be thankful for the many times in which God’s protection has worked, even when we were not aware of it. Some people, especially Christians today seem to live in fear over this thought: “Will God really protect me when I need Him most?” I have found from reading peoples comments on social media sites, that the underlying problem about God’s Protection is FEAR that is present in people’s thoughts. You can really hear what people truly think about God as you read the many statements that are made. But no matter how you look at protection, God tells us to not fear.

Here in Isaiah 41, God was assuring Israel that He was there to help them. And this verse reveals the problem many people really have, which is that when they need help, there is the presence of that question: Will God really be there for me? Well, Isaiah 41 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.” So, why do you NOT trust God’s protection? Notice what God is telling His people. Do not fear, and do not have any regard for or about fear. Any time you have fear, and are wondering IF God will take care of you, then Trust is absent from your communication with God. God says, “I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” This is God’s promise to His people. Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) says, “Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God.” In other translations, versions or views of the Bible, this is the message. “Do Not Fear!” In

the New Testament we are told in 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV), “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” God does not support the fear you might be in right now, neither is He the giver of fear. This verse is clear in that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but He has given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. The word “power” means to have God’s miraculous ability in us. The word, “love” means to have the God kind of love. But the phrase, “of a sound mind” means, to have a disciplined mind or to have self–control over your thoughts. And while God will help you, only you have the right to control your mind or your thoughts. Isaiah 26:3 (GW) says, “With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed, because they trust you.” You cannot believe in God’s divine protection and then live in fear – questioning

how far you should go when it comes to trusting God. Psalm 121:7 says, “The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” We must understand that “all evil” means all evil. The Lord will preserve you which means, “to hedge about (as with thorns), or in essence, it means to guard, to protect, and to attend to you. There is nothing more important to God than protecting you in all areas, which is why He gave us His Word. Psalm 89:34 (NKJV) says, “My covenant I will not break, Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.” That is why God’s promises are a sure thing. So, if you were asking me, “How Far Should You Go When It Comes To Trusting God To Protect You?” I would tell you to “Go all the way.” And so today you can say, “The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, and He is my God, in Him, I will trust.” …Think about it!

Luke 7:1-10 A man under Authority… The Church will walk in True Authority as it comes under Authority! Let’s see where the Church is at as it approaches this day of Authority. Acts 3:21 says: Whom the heaven must retain until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. We are living in the final days of restoration. The Fivefold Ministry and the Gifts of the Spirit have been restored and the Fruit of the Spirit is being seen as paramount in every believer’s life. We are now moving into the final Restoration. Psalms 110:1-4 says: The LORD said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was both a “King” and a “Priest”. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God until all things are restored and his enemies become his footstool! How is this going to happen? We must become “Kings and Priests” and walk in Dominion. Revelation 5:9-10 says: And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Today the Lord Jesus is bringing to full restoration the truth of these verses too. We have seen the Priestly restored; 1. The Church is now wearing the Priestly Mantle a. The Priesthood of every Believer: i. Each individual able to go directly to God through Jesus Christ ii. No need to go to any one man to have them go to God for you 2. Restoration of the Presence of God a. Praise & Worship, Charismatic, Spirit filled songs b. The Song of the Lord c. Dance, Flags, Banners Now it’s time to restore the Kingship of every Believer to the Body of Christ.

The Restoration of the Apostle is leading the way because we have now begun to truly walk in Authority while being “under Authority”. We are no longer allowing “Lone Rangers” to do their own thing. But the Body is coming together as an “Army” with a purpose… to take Dominion over all things. Genesis 1:28 says: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. Luke 4:5-7 says: And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this earth Revelation 11:15 says: And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Why is it so important to have Kings and Priests restored? Because we are supposed to be people who are walking in the Spirit in Heavenly places as Priests and walk on the earth exercising authority as Kings. True Priesthood is that which goes behind the veil and comes out with strategy to exercise dominion in the world. Any “priesthood” that does not do that is not spiritual but mystical! God is not looking for mystics he is looking for Priests! Kings have power over territories, regions, cities, people groups. Kings have money, riches, power, armies…

Do you want to walk in the full restoration of all things and become Kings and Priests? Listen: The same voice that cried out “Come and worship Me” is now crying out “Come and War with Me!” The same voice that cried out “Come into my Secret Chambers” is now crying out “Come onto my Battle Field”. Come forward and receive the blessing of God so the process can work in you!

Progressivism: A Threat to the Vision of Our Founding Fathers

Proverbs 22:28 (NKJ) – Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation where government was well-defined and played a limited role in the lives of its citizens. They saw government protecting the natural rights of its citizens like those enumerated in the Declaration of Independence–life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness– through limited, decentralized powers. The Constitution they penned in 1787 allowed for changes to it though a formalized, amendment process and formed a republic where there was a separation of powers between three branches of government, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. However, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries our nation witnessed the rise of an ongoing threat to the Founders’ vision for our nation, Progressivism. By envisioning a more expansive role of government, viewing the Constitution as a living and evolving document, and relying on the rule of administrative “experts” to implement their expanded role of government, Progressivism has and continues to exist as a serious

threat to the vision of the Founders for our nation. Progressives declared that the old ideas of the Founding Fathers related to government needed to be discarded in favor of new ones. Instead of the limited, decentralized powers embraced by the Founders, leaving citizens for the most part to rule themselves, Progressives envisioned an expanded government, one that would take a more active role in the lives of its citizens. They continue to believe that it is the role of government to provide for the selffulfillment of all its citizens. This is accomplished by regulating the economy and redistributing wealth, doing whatever is necessary to ensure that all citizens possess the same means for self-fulfillment. To create an environment where all possess the same advantages, it is necessary that government must interfere with the very natural rights that the Founders sought to secure. Observing the everburgeoning size and intrusive nature of our government, it is obvious that many of the Progressive views related to expanded government have and continue to be implemented in our nation. To the degree that is so is equivalent to the ongoing

threat they pose to the vision of the Founding Fathers for our nation. Related to the Constitution, Progressives viewed and continue to view it as a living and evolving document. Essentially, what that in practice means is that the Constitution has a relevant meaning beyond the original text. It is an evolving document, which, based on the contemporaneous views of society, changes over time. This view, by infringing upon the rights of states to appropriately develop and enforce laws and not wholly relying on the amendment process to make changes to the Constitution, is in direct contradiction to that of the Founders. Furthermore, it has allowed activist judges to more easily inject their personal biases and values into constitutional interpretation, resulting in decisions like Roe v. Wade (1973), legalizing abortion throughout the nation and removing the authority of states to establish laws in such matters, and Obergefell v. Hodges (2016), which changed the definition of marriage, authority not granted to the Supreme Court by the Constitution as penned by the Founders. To the degree that Progressive views of the Constitution have and

continue to be implemented is the level of ongoing threat they represent to the vision of the Founding Fathers for our nation. Expanding the role of government, Progressives and those influenced by their thinking have and continue to rely on administrative “experts.” In this atmosphere power is transferred from the representative, constitutional institutions–the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches –to agencies and their bureaucrats who wield increasing power, so much so that many now refer to these executive agencies, executive departments, and independent regulatory commissions as the “fourth branch” of government. This “fourth branch” or resulting administrative state is not consistent with the Founders’ view related to the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution. Article 1, section 1 of the Constitution

states that all legislative powers shall be vested in Congress. However, the presence of an administrative state in our nation means that Congress’ legislative powers have been transferred to government agencies, agencies consisting of unelected “experts” who are unaccountable to those governed, which is contrary to the republican principles upon which our Constitution is founded. To the degree that an administrative “fourth branch” of government exists is the degree to which its presence represents a threat to the Founders’ vision for our nation. For many of us who read poll after poll in which the majority of those responding believe that our nation is headed in the wrong direction, we are not content to just agree with the results of those polls. We also desire to understand why it is so, and, where possible, to

reverse the trend. Clearly, when it comes to the vision of the Founding Fathers for our nation, Progressivism has and continues to be a threat. With its reliance on ever bigger and more intrusive government, a Constitutional perspective that is subject to the whims and personal ideologies of those interpreting it, and a management state constituting a Constitutionally nonsupportable and unaccountable “fourth branch” of government, Progressivism is one of many significant reasons for the trend. Modern American Liberalism, which added to Progressive thinking Darwinism and a deep faith in faith in science, constitutes a related part of the problem as well. Desiring to and moving further and further away from the vision of our Founding Fathers, Progressives and Liberals are guilty of that which Proverbs 22:28 admonishes us not to do, removing the landmarks which our Founding Fathers set.

by: The Girl Next Door

Where Are Your Eyes Focused?

by: Rev. Leon Gosiewski

We naturally use our eyes to see where we are going, as well as using them to read, and absorb written and pictorial information. In this sense, the eyes are a powerful means of communication, information and influence. But, what we see is not always what it seems or helpful or good. To rely solely upon what we see is not always a good thing. We have to apply some common sense, sound judgment and wisdom, but if any of these are mis-placed, defective or deceived the outcomes can often be disastrous. The Bible puts what I am trying to say in this way, ‘The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!’ (Matthew 6: 22, 23). Christian believers have a spiritual dimension to their sight that non-believers don’t have. The good, or sound eye mentioned in this Scripture is the Greek word haplous meaning, single, undivided and uncomplicated in focus; whole, sound, clearly focussed, good and fulfilling its purpose. The Psalmist tells

us that, as believers our source of soundness, truth, reliability and confidence is the Bible which is, ‘a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’ (Psalm 119: 105). And so the good eye brings light and clarity, particularly with regard to spiritual enlightenment. The bad eye refers to the Greek word poneros meaning, troubled, toilsome, harassed, diseased, evil and wicked. And so it brings lack of clarity and darkness. This darkness is a metaphor referring to lack of divine understanding, ungodliness and wickedness. Peter illustrates this point by saying, ‘They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin’ (2 Peter 2: 14). From these illustrations, we can see that what we feed our minds with, through the eyes, can show in our eyes. It is often said that the eyes are the window to our soul and health. The truth of this is clearly seen as we look into the eyes of another. Evil can express itself through the eyes. Fear and despair is detectable through the eyes. Love and hate are in the eyes.

And some health conditions can also be detected through the eyes. The eyes are a powerful instrument for and of either good or bad. It is well established in scientific and social science research that, what we allow to enter our minds through our eyes are things we think about and this causes a chainreaction. What we think about is what we believe; what we believe drops into our heart. What is in our heart is what we say. What we say is what we do and what we do is who we are. This is why Scripture says, ‘A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks’ (Luke 6: 45). If our eyes are firmly fixed on the faith Word of God, Jesus, holiness and His power, what we see becomes the way we

live, speak, act and we supernaturally overcome. Nothing is impossible with God. Alternatively, if our eyes are toward faithlessness, our natural abilities, worldliness, sin and everyday problems and diseases, what we see becomes the way we live, speak, act and what fearfully overcomes us. Peter taught us a precious lesson when he saw Jesus walking toward him and the disciples whilst they were in their boat, crossing the waters of Galilee. The disciple’s journey was ruthlessly hampered by strong winds and waves beating against them. But a greater fear, to the point of being terrified gripped them as they saw, what they thought was a ghostly figure walking on water and coming toward them. Jesus called to them, and hearing His voice they were pacified to the point that Peter asked to get out of the boat and walk toward Him. What is often forgotten in this story is that nothing had changed with regard to the atrocious weather conditions. The wind was still blowing strongly and the waves were still beating against the boat. The storm raged but, looking at and trusting Jesus, Peter

made the impossible, possible, and walked on water. Having achieved a remarkable act we then read, ‘when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid’ (Matthew 14: 30) and Peter began to sink. This led Jesus to say, ‘O man of little faith, why did you doubt?’ (Matthew 14: 31). That doubt and fear came at the point when Peter took his eyes off Jesus; off faith and he looked instead at the wind and the problem. The eyes of faith caused Peter to take action, and overcome what seemed impossible. Looking at the problems made Peter fearful and he immediately lost his faith and trust. Elsewhere Jesus said something that we can see being played out in this story. ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does’ (John 5: 19). Peter did two important things. He first asked if he could walk on the water. By doing this he placed the focus on Jesus – not himself. He then acted and did what he saw his Master was doing. If we can learn to look at, and capture the truth of Scripture; trust Jesus and cooperate with

Him, we will live in the power that He lived. That is why Jesus said, ‘whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father’ (John 14: 12). It is not about our gifts and abilities. It is also not about seeing the problems. It is about our focus on God through faith. The God of the impossible will make all things possible. Seeing the impossible turned into the possible really is possible! ‘Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see’ (Hebrews 11: 1). Using our spiritual eyes should become as natural to us as using our physical eyes. ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.’ (Hebrews 12: 1, 2)

By: Rev. Kathy Weddle

1Ti 2:1: “The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.” 1Ti 2:2: “Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation.” 1Ti 2:3: “This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.” Taken from The Message “Pray every way you know how.” God loves the United States of America. We were founded initially for freedom of religion. Yes, Christians did found this country, regardless of how laundered our current history books are. Those who made that first journey were dedicated to worshipping God without tyranny. That movement actually began in the 1580s. They made an amazing commitment that resulted in the loss of life for many, long separations of family members, incredible odds from every direction. It took many years from the moment they begin their journey to finally reaching these shores. It would be worth taking time to look into the details of their amazing journey. I cannot emphasize enough the price they paid. Those acts laid an

incredible foundation for a country that for decades has been the jumping off point for missions all over the world. I suggest as a starting point to learn our real history that you watch Kirk Cameron’s “Monumental”. Extraordinarily well done. Our founding fathers forged documents intent on insuring that people of other faiths coming to this country would have that same freedom, while at the same time, maintaining our JudeoChristian foundation. “Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well”. Oh, how much more seriously do we need to take this instruction. I often wonder how much better off we’d be if we spent as much time in prayer for our leaders and our nation as we do complaining about them. With this election year, more so than ever. God loves this country. He’s poured blessing after blessing after blessing on us; in inventions, in military strength, in medical innovations, financial prosperity. He’s blessed us because for so long we proudly claimed the Creator as our God. He’s blessed us because we have followed the Biblical mandate to stand by

Israel almost from inception as a State.


We have stood for the underdog; defended other countries about to be run over by the world’s bullies; when we defeat an enemy, we have been known for helping that country rebuild into a peace time power. We don’t leave them in the dirt. We are far from perfect; I could say much about the plight of the indigenous people or the ongoing struggle with equality and racism. I could point out the painfully obvious: how we’ve slipped horribly in our morals, in supporting Israel, allowing abortion, etc. I could go into detail. Not today. We celebrate the history of our nation this month. It’s time to get back to basics; to repent for allowing these things and many more. It’s time to get serious, even desperate, to consistently declare and decree the Word of God over the United States

of America, over our leaders, over our states and local communities. God loves the United States. He loves America. He waits for us to invite Him back into the classroom, the town hall, the universities, even the Church itself. I believe God is looking for a people to make a desperate commitment in the same vein as the founders. There are those in our country who have been misled by the enemy that America needs to be restructured, become fully secular, free of all moral restriction, that the Constitution either needs to be revamped or tossed in the ditch, either through legislation (Democrats in their 60s and 70s staging a “sit in” against the 2nd Amendment!) or through attrition (if the upcoming generations are not taught cursive, they will not be able to discern those founding

documents). God loves this country, and because He loves it, I believe He is looking for people to stand up on their knees for it to return to its greatness, to be committed to undo the damage done by unscrupulous leaders and lackadaisical citizens. Still, He has not removed His hand of blessing. God loves the people of this country with a love inconceivable by the human mind (we have allowed the innocents to be murdered in their mother’s wombs for HOW long?) and we still stand as a great nation. God loves His Church; even as denomination after denomination bows to the deception of the enemy; just as we were warned – to fool even the very elect…He still calls to us, the Holy Spirit still

wooing us…. “come back to Me…. serve Me…untie My Hands and let Me move freely among you.” God loves His people. He asks, no, demands unity. Not unity where we robotically agree on every point, but the unity that places Him and no other on the Throne, where we stand shoulder to shoulder against those fiery darts that seem more like huge missiles. The enemy wants us destroyed. As the Church, as a nation, as a people. We can do this. We can make a difference. Here is my question; do we love our country as much as God loves it? Are we committed to seeing this Nation again become what He planned- a leader by example, by action? “This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.” Indeed.

With the turmoil in our nations and around the world, we hear many asking the question, “Where is God in regard to these dangerous circumstances?� Often people think God is far off and not concerned with or embroiled with the affairs of man, but when we look into the Word of God, we find that God is indeed in the midst of us all, and that we are part of His great plan for mankind. His plan is written throughout the pages of Holy Scriptures. We are watching it all unfold before our eyes, just as He promised through His prophets. We have security in knowing that everything He promised in His Word shall come to pass. The nations of the world operate as He said they would, those that honor Him are blessed, and those that do not are filled with corruption and chaos. God set certain moeds (Hebrew-appointed times) when major events would occur in the earth. Many of these moed events were communicated to and through His prophets and have

occurred exactly as He foretold. A few of the examples of moeds in the Holy Scriptures are: the great flood and Noah, the Babylonian exile of the Jews, the birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah, the return of the Jews to Israel, and the birth of Messiah. There are many more such prophesies that have been fulfilled, hundreds. Historians from other nations have corroborated many of the events recorded and foretold in the Scriptures through the years. As we watch for the remaining prophecies to be fulfilled, we spend our days doing the work of the ministry and give our lives to further the Gospel into the world. For we know that when the Gospel enters into a nation, then light enters, the Holy Presence of God begins to work inside that nation, and in the hearts of the people. Every nation that allows the love and truth of Jesus to enter begins the journey of spiritual awakening and transformation.


salvation is an individual event, when there are multitudes of people receiving salvation in Christ, the impact and effect of the spiritual change and the new power of God abiding

in the people alters many aspects of that region. This mission of reaching the lost around the world is still the crux of the church and will continue to be so until the return of Messiah. When a Christian is living in a nation that is predominantly Christian, with laws that protect Christians, then their level of physical security is much higher than in those nations where Christianity is outlawed or unprotected. We are fortunate to live in the U.S. where rights to express Christianity are protected. We pray daily for our friends, family and members of the church that are in dangerous areas. Whether or not we live in a safe or dangerous place, God is with us. His Holy Spirit will guide us and help us to fulfill our mission in life. It is important to remember that each individual has a particular set of circumstances in life and that each mission for each

person is important.



Spiritual security is dependent upon our ability to listen to, yield to and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and knowing the Word of God. We can be led through any situation with God’s direct help. It is up to each believer to take time to seek God continually through the day to stay in contact with the Holy Spirit so that He can guide you and show you what to do, where to go and what to say. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and counselor until He returns. Often people feel alone and afraid when they are not reaching out to the Holy Spirit. Many churches do not teach

believers that they have this helper from Jesus so they are struggling, wondering, confused and afraid. Also, many Christians that perish prematurely do so because they were not being led by the Holy Spirit in their life with regard to where to live, or when to travel, and other decisions that they make without asking direction from the Lord. This living relationship with the Lord and the Holy Spirit is vital for your safety and security, especially in the days to come. As darkness increases, the Bible says that grace will abound and that the light will shine in the darkness. Learning to live in constant communion with the Lord and His Spirit will determine

whether or not we fulfill the number of our days and our calling in the earth. As we depend more and more on the Holy Spirit to lead us we will become certain of our safety and security. We will begin to realize that God can help us in every circumstance and environment. Whatever your home country may be, God is there. He is hoping to live and manifest himself through His believers. His desire is to pour out His goodness, love, grace and power to His children, and to the lost. Allow Him to pray through you and for you by praying in the Holy Spirit. He will direct your steps and keep you in perfect peace.

WHIZ KIDS -Summer Fun-

by: Grace Martin

Hey there Whiz Kids! If you don’t have plans for the summer yet, and you are bored, I can help you! This month, I will give you guys some suggestions on what you can do to have fun this summer! 1. Go for a walk. It’s fun and you get a little exercise! 2. Go to a summer camp! I went to a church camp for a week already this summer, and it was really fun! 3. Go swimming! You can cool off and play games at the same time! 4. Make homemade snacks/drinks. If you don’t want to go outside, make some snacks indoors. 5. Go to the park! Parks are really fun, especially in the summer! 6. Go to a friend’s house! How much do you see your friends during the summer? This will help you to stay connected! These are the three things I have done already this summer. 1. I went to church camp. While I was there, we played lots of games and we got wet a lot! One night we had a night swim! It was really fun! When I got back home after the week was over, I was really tired! 2. I stayed at my friend’s house. My Mom doesn’t usually allow me to go to my friends’ houses, so when she let me go, I was really happy. While I was there, we went swimming twice. Also, she lives on a farm, so I got to play with horses, goats, dogs, puppies, a bunny, and a kitten! I had the best time because I love animals and I got to see my friend too! 3. I went to my Grandparent’s house for a week. They have a cat (Jasper), and a dog (Buster). I gave Buster a bath while I was there, and played with Buster almost every day. I helped my sisters wash my Grandparents cars, we went swimming and look at the big slides…I am up there on top somewhere!! Ha ha… We also went to eat at Denny’s while we were there.

I hope I get to go back again before school starts! I hope I have helped you guys with some fun things to do this summer! I hope you enjoy the rest of your month and have a great summer. I would love it if you would write to me and tell me what you have done during your summer so far. You can send it to: … In the subject line, please put “Grace.” That will make sure I get your letter! Until next month! Grace

Patriotic Gelatin Salad Recipe TOTAL TIME: Prep: 20 min. + chilling MAKES: 16 servings MAKES: 16 servings

Ingredients 

2 packages (3 ounces each) berry blue gelatin

2 packages (3 ounces each) strawberry gelatin

4 cups boiling water, divided

2-1/2 cups cold water, divided

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin

2 cups milk

1 cup sugar

2 cups (16 ounces) sour cream

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Directions 1. In four separate bowls, dissolve each package of gelatin in 1 cup boiling water. Add 1/2 cup cold water to each and stir. Pour one bowl of blue gelatin into a 10-in. fluted tube pan coated with cooking spray; chill until almost set, about 30 minutes. 2. Set other three bowls of gelatin aside at room temperature. Soften unflavored gelatin in remaining cold water; let stand 5 minutes. 3. Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat just below boiling. Stir in softened gelatin and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat; stir in sour cream and vanilla until smooth. When blue gelatin in pan in almost set, carefully spoon 1-1/2 cups sour cream mixture over it. Chill until almost set, about 30 minutes. 4. Carefully spoon one bowl of strawberry gelatin over cream layer. Chill until almost set. Carefully spoon 1-1/2 cups cream mixture over the strawberry layer. Chill until almost set. Repeat, adding layers of blue gelatin, cream mixture and strawberry gelatin, chilling in between each. Chill several hours or overnight. Yield:16 servings. < Editor's Note: This recipe takes time to prepare since each layer must be set before the next layer is added. Originally published as Patriotic Gelatin Salad in Taste of Home June/July 1994, p35

Stars and Stripes Forever Dessert Recipe TOTAL TIME: Prep: 30 min. Bake: 10 min. + cooling MAKES: 8 servings

Ingredients 

1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed

1 to 2 tablespoons water

1 tablespoon coarse sugar

2 cups sliced fresh strawberries

1-1/2 cups fresh raspberries

1 cup fresh blueberries

1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar, divided

1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream

Directions 1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out pastry to 1/8-in. thickness. Cut with floured star-shaped cookie cutters. Place 1 in. apart on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Bake at 400° for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove to wire racks. Brush lightly with water and sprinkle with coarse sugar. Cool. 2. In a large bowl, combine berries and 1/4 cup sugar; set aside. In a small bowl, beat cream until it begins to thicken. Add remaining sugar; beat until soft peaks form. Place sour cream in a small serving bowl; fold in whipped cream. 3. Place bowl on a serving platter. Spoon berry mixture onto platter; top with pastry stars. Yield: 8 servings. Originally published as Stars and Stripes Forever Dessert in Taste of Home June/July 2007, p68

Patriotic Fruit Pizza Recipe TOTAL TIME: Prep: 30 min. + cooling MAKES: 8-10 servings

Ingredients 

1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 cup confectioners' sugar

1 cup cold butter


1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened

1 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 cups sliced fresh strawberries

1 cup fresh blueberries

1 cup strawberry glaze

Directions 1. In a bowl, combine the flour and confectioners' sugar. Cut in butter until mixture begins to hold together. Press into a 12-in. tart or pizza pan; build up edges slightly. Bake at 350° for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 15 minutes. 2. In a bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Spread over crust. Arrange strawberries in an 8- to 10-in. circle in center of pizza. Sprinkle blueberries around strawberries. Pour glaze over strawberries. Refrigerate until serving. Cut into wedges. Yield: 8-10 servings. Originally published as Patriotic Fruit Pizza in Taste of Home's Holiday & Celebrations Cookbook Annual 2001, p219

You can make your own designs on top of the pizza. I have seen them where the strawberries are shaped like a big star and the blueberries are filled in between the star points…Get creative! You can use many different kinds of fruits. One of my favorite fruits is Kiwi! Have fun making your pizza!

As an honor to our Military Men and Women, we share this Salute to the Armed Forces. God Bless each and every one of you. Thank you for your service to keep us free! WE LOVE YOU!





Pastor Ryan Sutton

Pastor Rory Synoground Apostle Bo Salisbury



The Impact of a Christian Worldview on the Founding and Development of the United States. by Dr. Dan L. Corse

TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK go to and type in the name, “The Three R’s of Revival and Awakening” or just Ctrl + click on the link here. "The rights of the colonists as Christians... may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institution of The Great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament." - Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution (Federer 22) "Whoever shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world." - Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, Author, and Scientist (Federer 246) "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." - George Washington, First President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, and Chairman of the Constitutional Convention (Federer 660) "The church must take right ground in regards to politics..." "God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the Church will take right ground." "God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics." - Charles Grandison Finney, Revivalist associated in the 19th century with the Second Great Awakening, the Prayer Revival. and the Holiness Revival (Federer 235) "Religion [is] the basis and Foundation of Government." - James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution (Federer 410) "The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America... our country is in need of and ready for spiritual renewal..." - Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the Unites States Dr. Dan L. Corse served as a Communications Skills (English) and American History teacher, counselor, crisis counselor, and administrator, obtaining a BS in Secondary Education, an MS in Counseling, and an EdS in Educational Leadership. While working in the field of education, he also engaged in numerous ministerial activities. After leaving the field of education, he served on two pastoral staffs and earned a BA, MA, and Doctoral degree in Theology. He is well-versed in the spiritual history of the United States and is passionate about revival and awakening in our nation. His website

COMING SOON! In a Kindle Format Revised Edition of:

Spread a Little Love, God’s Love

If you are not a Christian, and would like to be, all you have to do is repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart. Say the prayer below, and mean it from your heart. If you decide to make Jesus Lord of your life, we would LOVE to hear from you. Please go to: and leave us a note. God Bless you for this life changing decision!

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I confess with my mouth. I believe in my heart that you are the Son of God. I believe you are the Lord and that God raised you from the dead. Please, forgive me of my sins. Wash my heart clean. Come live in my life. Be the Lord of my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Teach me to walk with you and live for you the rest of my life. Thank you for saving me and for giving me the gift of eternal life in Heaven with you. Amen.

Thank you for reading

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