THE FAYETTE COUNTY La Grange, Texas 78945
Volume 92, Number 61
One Dollar per Copy
The Flatonia baseball team punched its ticket to the state tourney by beating Weimar. Page 6A
For The Record Fried Steak Dinner
The Anchor and Pilot Clubs of La Grange will sponsor a drive through chicken fried steak dinner on Tuesday, June 3, from 4 to 6 p.m at the Randolph Recreation Center, located at 653 E. Pearl Street in La Grange. Meal includes chicken fried steak with cream gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, peas ‘n carrots, and roll. Price per plate is $8. For more information, call (979) 249-6487 or e-mail rainosek@cmaaccess.com. Delivery to one location can be arranged for orders of 10 plates or more. Proceeds from this fund raising dinner will help underwrite their projects and scholarship programs.
Retirement Party
Caroline Mazoch, Court Coordinator for the 155th Judicial District, will retire after 31 years of service. The public is invited to express their well wishes to Caroline on Wednesday, June 4 at 4 p.m. on the second floor of the Fayette County Courthouse. Refreshments will be provided.
With gold medals around their necks, the members of the La Grange Lady Leps softball team hoist up their state title trophy after beating Van 7-3 in the championship game in Austin Saturday. Photo by Jeff Wick
Golden Girls
La Grange Softball Team Wins State Title; Special Section Inside
One of LHS’ Largest Classes, 155 Strong, Get Diplomas Honor Grads Announced at Ceremony
Lunch Program
The Summer Lunch Program will begin serving free lunches to children 18 years of age and under at the La Grange High School Cafeteria beginning Wednesday, June 4 until Aug. 1 from 12 noon till 1 p.m. There’s more For the Record on Page A2 & A9
With the setting sun and a packed stadium of well-wishers behind them, members of the La Grange High School Class of 2014 wait to get their diplomas Thursday at Leopard Stadium. Photo by Jessica Stamp
The Fayette County Record
Every graduation is special, especially the La Grange High School graduation ceremony held Thursday, May 29 at LeopThis Week’s Forecast ard Stadium. High Low This year marked one of Tuesday: 91 71 the largest graduating classes Partly cloudy for La Grange – a total of 155 Wednesday: 90 72 seniors, now graduates, walked Partly cloudy across the stage to receive their Thursday: 90 73 20% chance of rain diploma. Friday: 89 73 The ceremony began with 40% chance of rain a processional from the La Grange High School Band. After opening remarks from Kayla Burn Ban Is Lifted Elles and the Pledge of Allegience from Madison Becka, INSIDE TODAY the band played the La Grange High School Alma Mater. Religion........................ Page A4
Society......................... Page A5 Sports.......................Page A6-7 Obituaries.................... Page A9 Classifieds............Page A10-11
22 Injured in Wreck By H.H. HOWZE
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Abby Morgan gave a brief welcome and Dr. Randy Albers announced the honor students. Honor Graduate Awards were courtesy of Verlene and Atlan Citzler. District 13 Rep. Lois Kolkhorst gave the Graduation Address. Kolkhorst began by saying what an honor it was to be there as she looked around at the seniors. “I saw reflection in your eyes,” she said. “I saw some of you look down, some of you fight back tears a little and some of you say ‘Yes, finally!’” She looked back at the La Grange High School’s athletic and academic accomplishments See Graduation, back page
The Fayette County Record
In what appears to be another incident of human trafficking in Fayette County, 21 citizens of Guatemala were injured and one, Elias Chamale, was killed when the 2000 Chevrolet pickup in which they were being transported ran off FM 1295 and overturned two miles south of Praha about 2 p.m. Saturday. All of the occupants were ejected from the vehicle, according to DPS Trooper John Mieth.
Mieth described a chaotic scene with injured occupants being transported by three helicopter ambulances, three Fayette County EMS units and another EMS unit from Lavaca County. One group of six had left the scene of the wreck and were found in a field several hundred yards away, including one with a broken leg, Mieth said, but no one admitted being the driver of the vehicle. “He either fled or the other occupants were protecting his identity.”
The valedictorian for the class of 2014 is Madison Becka, daughter of Donnie and Wendy Becka. The salutatorian for the class of 2014 is Zachary Ledwik, son of Warren and Gretchen Ledwik.This year’s other honor students (top 10%) are: Audrey Cernoch, daughter of Alvin and Marilyn Cernoch Brittany Weishuhn, daughter of Barry and Virginia Weishuhn Kayla Elles, daughter of Darly and Aimee Elles Abby Morgan, daughter of Clay and Carol (Susie) Morgan Christopher Benham, son of Scott and Donna Benham Emilio Sanchez, son of Rafael Sanchez and Rebecca Finkbohner Caleb Grimes, son of Kevin and Lisa Grimes Kristen Chilek, daughter of Bobby and Pam Chilek See Honor Grads, back page
Caleb Grimes
Alexander Toensing
Madison Becka Valedictorian
Zachary Ledwik Salutatorian
Audrey Cernoch
Kristen Chilek
Kayla Elles
Abby Morgan
Kelli Reierson
Emilio Sanchez
Ariel Svec
Colton Voelkel
Kenzie Walker
Brittany Weishuhn
Taryn Wenske
Chris Benham
FPP Lauded for Ash Recycling Program By H.H. HOWZE
The Fayette County Record
The Fayette Power Project recently received a Coal Combustion Products Partnership Award from the Environmental Protection Agency for its coal ash recycling efforts. Coal ash, the residue of burning coal for power generation, has been blamed for polluting ground water and streams across the United States, but FPP has a positive story to tell about the coal ash it generates.
The facility’s coal ash recycling program sells the material for use in construction materials, road base, cement production and soil enhancement. That policy has resulted in an estimated economic benefit of $29.4 million since 2001, including revenues and avoided disposal costs, according to the LCRA. In some cases, the use of coal ash products provides environmental benefits by reducing the need to mine natural resources or produce materials
using industrial processes, the agency said. The award attracted the attention of local congressman Michael McCaul who issued the following statement congratulating FPP: “I want to congratulate the Fayette Power Project on receiving the Coal Combustion Products Partnership Award. This international award is in recognition of the FPP’s reliability, efficiency and cost management while successfully recycling coal ash.”
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
SPJST Designates For The Record Scholarship Winners
Wedding 4 Warriors
Las Brisas accepts no monetary donations but provides no charge weddings to military couples with in-kind donations. Anyone wishing to become a part of this enormous “give back” venue may contact Kathy Aydelotte at (979) 378-1108 or visit www.lasbrisasfarm.com.
Rutersville Sons of Hermann
The Rutersville Sons of Hermann Lodge No. 152 will have their regular monthly meeting Wednesday, June 4 at 7 p.m. The lodge will furnish grilled hamburgers with the trimmings and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.
Muldoon VFD Meeting
Muldoon Volunteer Fire Department will be meeting on Thursday, June 5 at 7 p.m. at the station on FM 154 in Muldoon.
Quade-Werchan, Auxiliary Meeting
The Quade-Werchan American Legion Post 338 and Auxiliary will have their regular monthly meeting Thursday, June 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Round Top American Legion Hall.
Renate Meiners Book Signing
Renate Meiners will sign copies of her life story, Same Moon, Same Stars, on Friday, June 6 from 2 to 5:30 p.m. at the Fayette County Library in La Grange. Proceeds from book sales will fund a new La Grange High School scholarship in memory of Renate’s daughter, Evelyn Glade.
Dove Management in Texas
A Dove Managemenet in Texas program will be at Blinn College, Rankin Agricultural Complex 1409 Old Mill Creek Road, Brenham on Saturday, June 7 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. This is sponsored by the Texas Master Naturalist-Gideon Lincecum Chapter. Speaker is Shaun Oldenburger, Migratory Shore Upland Game Bird Program Leader Texas Parks and Wildlife. For more information contact Madeline (979) 249-6211.
Piano Recital
A piano recital featuring the students of Myrtle Crosby will be held on Saturday, June 7 at 2 p.m. in the La Grange High School cafeteria. The public is invited.
Muldoon Museum Open June 7
The Muldoon Museum in the Muldoon Courthouse will be open June 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited to view the many artifacts that have been collected about the history of Muldoon.
Salem Memorial Cemetery Association
The Salem Memorial Cemetery Association of Freyberg will meet on Saturday, June 7 at 3 p.m. Please bring your own chair.
A Celebration of Dedication
A celebration of more than 100 combined years of dedication to Round Top-Carmine former coach Floyd Etzel, Tanya Nygrin, athletic director/principal Mark Conley, and coach Jolene Byrd will be held Sunday, June 8 at 2 to 4 p.m. at Carmine Hall. Light refreshments will be served.
West End Baptist Church
West End Baptist Church in Industry will have a service Sunday, June 8 at 10:45 a.m. with special music by The Jeff & Cody Band.
Understanding The Czech Language
An informal beginning to understanding the basic Czech terms needed for travel, speaking with grandparents, singing, researching genealogy, and just for fun, will be offered at the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center in La Grange. Classes will include the alphabet and conversational Czech, enjoy children’s literature, and examine the Czech song lyrics so prevalent in this area. Classes will be every second Sunday of the month beginning June 8 from 1 to 4 p.m. The fee is $10 per class and includes handouts. The Center is located at 250 West Fairgrounds Road on U.S. Hyw. 77. To register, call (888) 785-4500 or (979) 968-9399 or email info@czechtexas.org.
Sacred Heart Vacation Bible School
It’s a treasure island Vacation Bible School, June 8-12, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Center. All children three years through 4th grade are invited. There will be snacks, crafts, music, games and lots of fun. Registration forms are available in the church office or on the Sacred Heart Catholic Church La Grange Facebook page. If you have questions, contact Debbie Greene at (979) 968-3430, ext. 6.
Sunday Afternoon Book Club
The Sunday Afternoon Book Club club will meet at the Fayette County Public Library in La Grange on Sunday, June 8, at 2 p.m. This month selection is readers choice. July 13 selection is Ernest Hemingway’s“Movable Feast.”
Florida Chapel Cemetery Meeting
The Florida Cemetery Association will hold their annual meeting on Sunday, June 8 at 2 p.m. in Muesse Chapel on the cemetery grounds.
End of School Year Recitals
Ken Wood Studios of La Grange will be having two end of school year recitals to showcase their students and their talents. The first recital will be Sunday, June 8 at 2:30 p.m at First Baptist Church of La Grange. The second recital will be held Saturday, July 12 at 7 p.m at the Remnant Church in La Grange. Both recitals are free and open to public. For more information, call (979) -968-2849.
Published every Tuesday and Friday, except the publication immediately following Christmas, by Fayette County Record, Inc. Serving Fayette County since 1922. Locally owned by the Barton family since 1976. (USPS 188-440) 127 S. Washington, P.O. Box 400, La Grange, Texas 78945. Telephone: 979-968-3155; Fax: 979-968-6767 Email: editor@fayettecountyrecord.com; www.fayettecountyrecord.com
Regina Barton Keilers Editor Jeff Wick News and Office H.H. Howze Hertha Kruse Lou Ann Adcox Alyson Svec Accounting Nonnie Barton Joy Skelton
Advertising Director Becky Weise Classified Advertising Jackie Daniels Graphic Design John Castaneda Tara Childs
Circulation Theresia Karstedt Jo Ann Mueller Bennie Vasek Hazel Kobersky George Kana Michael Dick
POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Fayette County Record, P.O. Box 400, La Grange, Texas 78945 Periodicals Postage Paid at La Grange, TX SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Fayette County: Year $45.00; Elsewhere in Texas $53.00; Out of State $58.00. Special Rates for Senior Citizens: In county, $40; in Texas $48; US $53. For digital subscriptions via internet, go to www.fayettecountyrecord.com Retail & Classified Deadline: Tuesday paper - Friday 10 a.m. Friday paper - Tuesday 10 a.m. It is the goal of The Fayette County Record to provide fair and accurate information regarding events and issue in the public interest. Should we make an error, we ask you to call us at (979) 968-3155. It is our policy to make corrections as quickly as possible. The Fayette County Record is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to check his or her ad the first day of publication and to report any errors to the Classified or Retail Ad Department the same day for subsequent correction.
The SPJST has designated 60 outstanding Texas high school seniors and college undergraduates as recipients of SPJST scholarships for 2014. SPJST scholarship winners are selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership and their demonstrated commitment to helping others. As a group, the honorees possess excellent standardized test scores and an impressive array of personal recommendations ranging from business and civic leaders to educators and clergy. Receiving SPJST Freshman Scholarships in Fayette County were: Kayla Lillie Elles – La Grange High School, Calli Nicole Guentert – Schulenburg High School, Fidel Alberto Aparicio, Jr. – Fayetteville High School. “SPJST Scholarship winners represent an extraordinary and commendable group of young people — not only are they academically accomplished but also committed to giving back to their communities,” says SPJST President Brian Vanicek.
“We look forward to following them in their collegiate endeavors and to even greater accomplishments in the future.” The SPJST is a fraternal organization founded in 1897 by Texas pioneers of Czech descent upon the principle that every individual is his brother’s keeper. For 117 years, SPJST lodges and members have worked hard to establish the Society as a proactive, nonsectarian fraternal organization. SPJST offers its members an extensive menu of life insurance options. Local SPJST lodges sponsor a wide range of family-oriented activities, including community service projects, recreational events, dances, picnics musical and choral groups. The SPJST’s youth program provides boys and girls with a wealth of opportunities — including summer camp — to achieve personal growth, fun and scholarships. Since its inception, the SPJST Scholarship Program has presented more than $1.2 million in scholarships to deserving high school seniors and college undergraduates.
Texas Lutheran Announces Spring Honor Students Texas Lutheran University (TLU) recently announced that 340 students were named to the Dean’s Academic Honor List and President’s Academic Honor List for the 2014 spring semester. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.5
while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours. To be named to the President’s List, a student must have a 4.0 while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours. Local Honorees include: Toni Lynne Keilers of Fayetteville and Alyssa Myriah Jones of La Grange.
Winchester News by
Weddings Portraits Commercial Now located in La Grange
2nd Annual Msgr. Harry
K OF C DRIVE-THRU ONLY FUNDRAISER Fried Pork Chops, Black-Eyed Peas, Buttered Potatoes & Cabbage - $9 Per Plate
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 • 4:30-6:30 P.M. La Grange K of C Community Center 190 S Brown St. • La Grange, Texas
The Ellinger Chamber of Commerce extends its sincere thanks to all who attended our 78th Annual Festival. A special thanks to those who gave their time, donated items or cash, and supported the auction. We thank Round Top State Bank and Hruska’s Grocery and Bakery, and Valenta Cattle Co. for sponsoring the BBQ Cook-off and Peters BBQ for sponsoring the parade.
Also, thanks to all our members and friends for a successful feast!
Thank You
The Industry Brethren Church wishes to thank everyone for their support at the 25th Annual Fried Chicken Dinner Fund Raiser, held on Sunday, May 4, 2014. Thanks go to everyone who purchased meal tickets and raffle tickets, helped in the preparations of food, worked at the fund raiser, purchased or donated items, and made contributions. We truly are appreciative of your support and are deeply grateful to everyone for their support in making this event a success! Thanks again!
The Industry Brethren Church
Bobbie Hajek
Neighbors Night Out The next Neighbors Night Out will be at the Hajeks home on Wednesday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. Call (979) 242-5646 for more information. Winchester VFD If you are interested in joining the Winchester Area Volunteer Fire Department contact one of the firemen or Bobbie Hajek. If you live in Warda and would like to join please call. Summer will be here before you know it, and the Winchester Area Volunteer Fire Department’s fish fry and auction will be held on Saturday, July 26. Auction items for the auction are greatly appreviated. Winchester Civic Association Dues for 2014 are now due. They are $10 a year. These dues cover the period of Jan. 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2014. Send checks to Bobbie Hajek, 8255 FM153, Winchester, Texas 78945. Indicate dues on checks please. Checks should be made to WACA. Joyce Herzog is in charge of Zilss Hall and can be reached at (979) 702-0448 for questions. The Winchester Area Civic Association will be hosting a Texas Wine Tasting event on Monday, June 16 at Zilss Hall. Everyone who lives in the Winchester area is invited to join this event. We ask that you bring a bottle of Texas wine, and this includes homemade wine made in Texas. Appetizers will be provided by WACA. For more information, contact Gladys Musgrove at (979) 242-3281. St. Michael’s Lutheran Pastor Nate Hill is the Pastor. St. Michael’s meets each Sunday at 9 a.m. Young at Heart meets the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. The annual Father’s Day Picnic will be June 15. Sunday service will be held at St. Michael’s Park and directly after meat by the pound will be sold. Sides will also be available. There will be activities for the children and a live auction. Cold drinks will be sold. St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Winchester invites all children ages 4-11 to partici-
pate in this year’s evening VBS - Gangway to Galilee! VBS will take place at St. Michael’s Park each evening on July 7-11 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. with a meal, games, and activities. For more information and to register your children, visit http://stmichaelswinchester.org/2014-vbs. Winchester Methodist Pastor Pruitt is the minister. Everyone is welcome. Services are on the first and third Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Rainfall Billy Hajek reported 4.75 inches of rain on May 26 and May 27. In Our Prayers Those on the prayer list are: Mavis Bosworth, Debbie McGee, Timmy Franke, Donna Church, Gladys Karisch, Janis Lehmann, Kourtney Burton, Heath Killingsworth, Grace Embesi, Paige Norsworthy, Elmo Zoch, Marian Fritsche, Hilton Karisch, Milton Koenning, Sandra Neitsch, Joe Robbins, Debbie Steele, Samantha Zoch, and Dana Srubar. June Birthdays June birthday celebrants include: June 4-Albert Killian, 6-Matt Adams, Mildred Kasper, Jacob Franke, Malyn Parker, Matthew Kasper, 7-Weston Miertschin, Betsy Anderson, 11-Dustin Miertschin, 12-J.W. Breeden, 14-Lillian Pietsch, 21-Verlene Hobratschk, 22-Jodi Miller, Ryan Wich, 23-Johnny Green, Robert Anderson, 24-Candice Hill, 25-Paul Schultz, 26-Al Harris, 29-Justin Klehm. June Anniversaries June anniversary celebrants inlude: June3-Sandra and Robert Horn, 6-Lera and James Ephraim, Jodi and Scott Miller, 7-Belinda and Daniel Bamsch, 15-Dianne and Garrett Lude, 24-Neal and Marceil Prestridge, 28-Dorothy and Roger Loewe. Have News? Send news or notices you wish to have announced in the Winchester News column to Bobbie Hajek at bbhajek@winchester.liveair.net. If you live in the Winchester area and would like to receive e-mail notification of Winchester, send your email address to me.
Delivery of Channel Catfish, Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, Black Crappie and Grass Carp are available for Pond & Lake Stocking. 10 days notice and permit required for the purchase of Triploid Grass Carp.
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St. Rose of Lima Parish
K. of C. Hall, Schulenburg SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014 Fried Chicken, Sausage & Trimmings Adults--$8.00 • Children under 12--$4.00 • Drive-thru adult plates
Bingo in the K. of C. Hall License No. 17411173457
Cake Walk • Country Store
Biergarten opens at noon Pull Tab Bingo • Kids’ Games
Auction starts at 12:30 p.m.
Czechaholics Noon-4:00 p.m. INSIDE HALL:
Mark Halata & Texavia 4:00-8:00 p.m.
to these HEB partners for being selected Partner of the Month for April!
Brad Young
Josie Cabrera
CENTRAL CHECKOUT 450 E. Travis St. La Grange, Texas 78945 (979) 968-8381
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Black Beans of Death By CAROLYN HEINSOHN
Part I
Fayette County Historical Commission
The following article by an unknown author was published in The La Grange Journal on Nov. 15, 1928. In addition to a descriptive account of the massacre of the seventeen Mier prisoners who drew black beans at Salado, Mexico, the article also includes a first-person account by Franciska Willrich Vogt, who at age 13 witnessed the burial of their remains in 1848 on the bluff south of La Grange. It is a cold, gloomy day in March of 1843. A dismal wind startles weird echoes in the trees and canons of mounFootprints tainous country near Salado, Mexico – rising in the mountains and sweeping with vicious of Fayette insistence down to the little settlement where one hundred and seventy-six men are doomed to die. In their hearts there is little hope of release. They sit in the stifling air of a rude shed, converted into a death chamber from a barn, and wait orders to march before a firing line and surrender their lives for Texas. Awaiting the surrender of their all – these who had scorned all other surrender as not befitting men who had sworn themselves to win freedom for their state. Their clothes were worn threadbare, their feet were sore and lacerated from those long days and nights on the mountains without food or shelter while they sought the way back to Texas. Bodies were weak and helpless from the long exposure and in their minds was no thought but the release death would bring. In the hands of the Mexican general Santa Anna they hoped for no mercy. Guards enter the room and silently place the men in heavy iron chains, ordering each to stand in line as he was bound. No word is said – then one of the Mexicans holds an official looking document to the light and reads orders that chill the blood of every man who heard them. They had expected death – death for them all according to the will of Santa Anna. Their capturer, General Mexia, had written his relentless commander, asking freedom for the prisoners, and Santa Anna had granted that only one man out of every ten would be shot and that the others might be spared. In the history of Texas is written many chapters of dramatic happenings, but none more powerful in ironic twists of fate than the scene that followed the reading of the cruel orders.
An officer, holding an earthen mug in his hand, comes into the shed where the Texans were confined and bound in chains. In the mug were one hundred and seventy-six beans, the number of the prisoners. One hundred and fifty-nine beans were white and seventeen were black. The prisoners were each to draw a bean from the mug. The black beans meant death. To tell the rest would be only to repeat a story known to all Texans, for the destiny of the Mier prisoners – men who dared to enter the enemy’s country out-numbered many times, to save their comrades captured by General Woll at San Antonio – will be re-told and remembered through many generations. It is from the lips of Mrs. Franciska Vogt of La Grange that the story was recently recounted with a new and gripping angle on the well known incidents – for Mrs. Vogt is the one person living who was present and remembers when the bones of these seventeen men were brought back to Texas soil and buried on the bluff overlooking her home in La Grange. And it was on her 93rd birthday that she recalled that solemn ceremony of 1848, when as a child of 13 she rode bareback to the site where the Mier prisoners were re-buried with honor and praise. “Ah, I shall never forget how it looked – that procession of men riding mules and leading others with the bones of the Texans slung in gunny-sacks across the backs of the animals,” she said, her eyes once more glowing with the amazement she must have felt as a child. “They came right into town, and when I heard what was going to be done, I remember I ran and jumped on my pony and raced to the top of the hill for the ceremony.” “I do not remember much of what happened, except that it was all very solemn and quiet as the bones were carefully and tenderly buried up there on the hill. Then the monument was put up – the big limestone tomb under which are the remains of those seventeen men who drew the black beans of death.” Mrs. Vogt recalled that she was unable to get astride her horse after it was all over – remembering, as she says, more of the smaller details that made an impression on a young mind. “I know it was some man from Austin who helped me – some nice man who held my horse and helped me swing up to ride back home again, but I do not know who, though I still remember how he looked that day,” she said. (to be continued)
Carmine News Women of ELCA Banquet Martin Luther Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA Banquet will be Wednesday, June 4 at 7 p.m. The theme is “A Recipe for Friendship,” based on a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Come for an enjoyable evening. Carmine Volunteer Fire Dept. Carmine Volunteer Fire Department drill night is June 12 at 7 p.m. Regular meeting night is the fourth Thursday. Call dispatch in La Grange if you plan a controlled burn. The number is (979) 968-5856. Give them your name and location of the planned burn. To donate an item for the fundraiser auction, call Daryl Ray, Dennis Gerland, or J.C. Pohl. A fried chicken meal will be served for the noon meal on July 20. MLLC Vacation Bible School Martin Luther Lutheran Church will hold Vacation Bible School July 21-25 in the evening with the theme “Wilderness Escape.” Call the church office at (979) 278-3388 for more information. MLLC Graduates Graduates were honored at Martin Luther Lutheran Church last Sunday. They included: Amanda Leppard and Emily Kelley from Round Top-Carmine High School; Tye Siptak and Dillon Marburger from La Grange High School; Morgan Mikeska from Sam Houston State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree; and Taylor Jacob from Texas A & M University (December, 2013) with a Communications Degree with a double minor in business and sports management. Also honored were MLLS preschool graduates Hannah Barley, Avery Davis, and Riley Heyman. MLLS Menu June 3 - Beef spaghetti, squash, biscuit, oranges, milk. June 4 - Fish sticks, mac and cheese, broccoli, grapes, milk. June 5 - Hamburger, cheese, pickles, curly fries, fruit cocktail, milk. June 6 - Pizza, corn, apples, cookie, milk. June 9 - Steak fingers, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, peaches, milk. June 10 - Chicken and noodles, carrots, pears, milk. June 11 - Beanie weenies, green beans, biscuit, oranges, milk. June 12 - Beef stroganoff, peas, crackers, apples, milk. June 13 - Hot dogs, chili, cheese, corn chips, grapes, brownie, milk.
Live & Local
Who’s playing where in Fayette County.
Tuesday, June 3 Schulenburg RV Park: Jam Session (acoustic instruments only) 6:30-9 p.m. 65 N. Kessler Ave., Schulenburg (979) 743-4388 <www. SchulenburgRVPark.com> Wednesday, June 4 Red Vault Bistro: Mike Stroup & Tom Duplissy 7-9 p.m. 124 E. South Main, Flatonia Friday, June 6 The Bugle Boy: Shake Russell & Michael Hearne 8-10 p.m. $25 1051 N. Jefferson, La Grange (979) 968-9944 <thebugleboy.org> Saturday, June 7 Festival Hill: 3:30 p.m. Chamber concert: Antonin Dvorak Quintet in G for Strings, op. 77; George Onslow Nonet for Strings and Winds in a, Op. 77 Gregory Fulkerson and Espen Lilleslatten, violins; Brett Deubner, viola; Emilio Colon, cello; James VanDemark, bass; Gretchen Pusch, flute; Erin Hannigan, oboe; Kenneth Grant, clarinet; Jake Thonis, bassoon, Karl Kramer-Johansen, horn. 7:30 p.m.Texas Festival Orchestra; Christian Arming, conductor; James Dick, piano. C.M. von Weber Oberon Overture; Edvard Grieg Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in a, Op. 16; Witold Lutoslawski Concerto for Orchestra (979) 249-3129 <www.festivalhill.org> Swiss Alp Dancehall: Nathan Young & Keen Country Band 8:30-12:30 p.m $8. 6940 N. US Hwy. 77, Swiss Alp (979) 247-4536 The Bugle Boy: Sara Hickman 8-10 p.m. $20 1051 N. Jefferson, La Grange (979) 968-9944 <thebugleboy.org>
To list a “live and local” event, e-mail us at <pancho@fayettecountyrecord.com>. Include “entertainment listings” in the subject line. Deadline: 10 a.m. Friday one week prior to date.
Nancy Eilers glass, plastic, and cans. In case of inclement weather, the trailer is at the back side of the Carmine Volunteer Fire Department station. Enter from the Carmine State Bank’s gravel parking lot. Have News? If you have news for the Carmine column, you may email me at w5ten@industryinet.com or call (979) 278-3645.
Martin Luther Lutheran Preschool graduation was held Friday, May 23. Graduates include Riley Heyman, Hannah Barley, and Avery Davis.
June 16 - Grilled cheese, curly fries, pickles, grapes, milk. MLLC News Wednesday, MLLS Day School story time is at 9 a.m. Women of the ELCA Banquet is Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Hymn sing begins Sunday at 8:45 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion, observing The Day of Pentecost, is at 9 a.m. WELCA general meeting follows worship. Sunday School, Bible study, and Property Committee meet at 10:10 a.m. Christian Ed Committee meets at 11:10 a.m. Rev. David Tinker is the pastor. AA meets Friday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m. Day Care Chapel is Monday at 9 a.m. Quilting for Lutheran World Relief is Monday at 9 a.m. Carmine Chamber of Commerce Museum and Visitors’ Center at the restored Train Depot is open on each second and fourth Friday and Saturday of the month. Hours are from 10
a.m. until 2 p.m. Birthdays Birthdays include Garry Sanders on May 3, Vilette Finke on the 4, Cole Garlin on the 5, Randy Sanders, Pastor David Tinker, Joy Treude, and Haley Woelfel on the 6, and Gary Goebel on the 8. Recycle Trailer The recycling trailer is at Carmine City Hall on Luther Lane on Thursdays from noon until 4 p.m. An attendant is available to help unload dry newspapers, telephone books, magazines, cardboard, paper, junk mail, no. 1 and 2 food grade plastics, all colors glass, steel food cans, and aluminum cans. They appreciate clean
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Pentecost Living World Ministries Muldoon; Don McKenzie, Min.; W.S. 10 a.m.; Wed. 7:30 p.m. United Pentecostal 311 N. Horton St.; Jim Hancock, Pastor; S.S. 10 a.m.; Church Services 10:45 a.m.; Sunday Services 6 p.m.; Tuesday Ladies Prayer 9 a.m., Men’s Prayer 7 p.m.; Bible Study 7 p.m. Thursday. Crusade For Souls Ministry 5911 Wynne Ln. in Walhalla, 249-3874; Herbert & Dorothy Shelby, Mins.; W.S. 12
RL Excavation Services
Robert Lee
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979-877-4053 Fax 979-378-2860
Coupon Expires July 31, 2014
Two St. Mark’s Place, Ste. 110 La Grange, Texas 78945
Office: 979.250.1335 Appointment: 866.714.7495
Presbyterian noon 1st & 3rd Sun. First Presbyterian 205 S. Franklin St.; S.S. 9:15 a.m.; W.S. 10:30 a.m. St. Paul Presbyterian, Schulenburg Corner of Hillje and Summit; W.S. 10:30 a.m.; Adult B.S. 9:30 a.m.
Seventh-day Adventist Seventh-day Adventist 1000 E Hwy 71; Ken Olin, Min; SaturdaySabbath School 9:30 a.m., WS 11 a.m.
Others Family Christian 2124 N. Hwy. 95, Flatonia; Gordon & Pam Johnston, Mins.; W.S. 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Fayetteville Brethren 1022 Kramr, Ross Prairie; S.S. 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 10:45 a.m. RT Church Christian Fellowship 440 E Mill St; Matthew Diehl, Min.; S.S. 9 a.m.; W.S. 10:30 a.m.; Monday Morning Men's Breakfast 8-9 a.m. Temple Israel of Schulenburg 211 Baumgarten, 247-4504; High Holy Days, Pesach,; Kabbalat Shabbat The Remnant Church 2010 Von Minden Rd., 968-5065; Pastors Dennis & Jan Hill; Sunday Service 10 a.m.; Monday Prayer 7 p.m; Wednesday Family Life Night 7 p.m. Crossroads Christian Fellowship Contemporary Worship, Non-Denominational; 701 Lyons Ave. in Schulenburg; Pastor Nathan Johnson; Bible Study 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m. The Living Vine Christian Church 124 S. Water St., La Grange; Pastors Gordon & Pam Johnston; Sunday Morning 10 a.m.; Wed. 6:30 p.m. Bible Study adults and youth. Mars Hill Tabernacle Hwy. 159, Fayetteville; 9 a.m. Saturday with Bible Study 1st & 3rd Wednesday of month.
1745 Lane Pool Rd. • La Grange, TX 78945 (979) 247-4555 • (979) 249-6682 • (979) 639-1047 Leo and Daniel Wick License # 4173PKL & 58496KLP
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Victoria Ditta, Store Manager
Bethlehem AME 2200 Bethlehem Rd., 247-5010; Edward Heard, Min. First United Methodist Flatonia; Rob Clopton, Min.; S.S. 10:45 a.m.; W.S. 9:30 a.m. First United Methodist 1215 N. Von Minden; J. Paul Bruhn, Min.; Traditional W.S. 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:10 - 11 a.m.; New Life W.S. 11:10 a.m. Freyburg United Methodist 4520 FM 2238; Pastor Phillip Hefner; W.S. 8:30 a.m. every Sunday. St. James United Methodist 710 N. Jackson; Rev. Morris Daugherty, Min.; S.S. 10 a.m.; W.S. 1st & 3rd Sun. 11 a.m. St. Paul AME 729 E. Guadalupe; Herman Pwell, Min.; S.S. 9 a.m.; W.S. 10 a.m. Winchester United Methodist 8933 FM 153; Wilson Pruitt, Min.; 512689-7855, 512-533-2925; W.S. 1st & 3rd Sun 8:30 a.m.
Daniel Cernoch
St. Peter & Paul Catholic Plum; Rev. Daniel P. Kahlich, Deacon John Asamblia of God McCourt; Sun. Mass: 10 a.m. Vida Abudante AG; 124 S. Franklin St.; Sts. Cyril & Methodius Pastor Mario and Tereza Ortez; Domingo 10 Cistern; Eddie Winkler, Pastor; Sun. Mass: a.m.; Miercoles 7-9 p.m.; 338-0235 8 a.m. Gospel Lighthouse Sts. Cyril & Methodius Assembly of God Dubina; 725-6715; Sun. Mass: 8:45 a.m. 144 S. College; Pastor Jeremy H. Vanderburg; Church of Christ S.S. 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 10:45 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.; Wed. 6 p.m. Church Of Christ 646 E. Hwy. 71 E.; Scott Elliott, Min.; S.S. 9 Baptist a.m.; W.S. 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Bible Baptist Church of God 820 N. Jefferson; Pastor Gary Blake; S.S. 10 a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Cedar Of Lebanon Big Spring Hill Baptist Church Of God In Christ Oldenburg; D.A. Shelton, Min.; S.S. 9:45 Hwy. 159 in Fayetteville; Pastor Lakeith a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m. McKinney.; Bible Study Wed. 7:30 p.m.; Ebenezer Baptist YPWW - Fri. 7:30 p.m.; Sun. W.S. 11:30 829 N. Jefferson; Norris Eason, Min.; S.S. a.m. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Miracle Temple First Baptist Church of God In Christ 121 S. College; Pastor Jonathan Smith; 1008 E. Fannin; Elder Melvin Thomas, S.S. 9:15 a.m.; W.S. 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Min.; S.S. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 11:30 a.m.; Wed. 6 p.m. Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Flatonia Baptist Episcopal Tim Rowell, Min.; S.S. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 10:45 a.m. St. James Episcopal Little Bethal Baptist 156 N. Monroe, 968-3910; David Hoster, 3242 Loehr Rd.; Pastor Louis Zachary; S.S. Interim Min.; S.S. 9:15 a.m.; W.S. 8 & 10 a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Muldoon Baptist Shared Lutheran Pastor Will Martin; S.S. 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 10:55 a.m.; Sun. and Wed. Evening 6 p.m. Shared Lutheran Ministry New Union Missionary Baptist of Fayette County 715 MLK, Flatonia; E.F. McDuffie, Min.; S.S. Rev. Marcia Kifer, Lead Pastor 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m. St. John in Ellinger Peaceful Rest Baptist Corner of Grover & Fayette; W.S. 8 a.m., 808 E. Fannin, 968-6843; Michael Sims, Communion every Sunday. Min.; S.S. 9:45 - 10: 30 a.m.; W.S. 11 a.m.; St. Paul in Fayetteville Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Wed. Corner of Fayette St. & Hwy. 159; W.S. St. Matthew Missionary Baptist 10:30 a.m., Communion every Sunday. H.L. Penson, Min.; S.S. 10 a.m.; W.S. 2nd St. John in Rutersville & 4th Sun. 11:30 a.m.; Wed. 6 p.m. 5743 State Hwy. 159 East of La Grange; Second Baptist S.S. 9 a.m.; W.S. 10 a.m., Communion 1010 Von Minden; Ellis McKinzie, Min.; S.S. every Sunday. 9:15 a.m.; W.S. 10:30 a.m. St. John in Warrenton Shiloh Missionary Baptist 4446 S. State Hwy. 237; W.S. 8:30 a.m., Leo Taylor, Min.; S.S. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 1st & Communion every Sunday. 3rd Sun. 11:30 a.m. Lutheran United Baptist C. Henson, Min.; S.S. 9:30 a.m.; W.S. 1st & St. Paul Lutheran 3rd Sun. 11:30 a.m. Shelby; S.S. 10 a.m.; W.S. 8:30 a.m. Bethel Baptist Church Bethlehem Lutheran Joel Rumbaugh, min.; 650 S. Ellinger Road; Rev. John David Nedbalek, S.W. 9 a.m.; S.S. Bible Study, 10 a.m., Morning Worship 11 a.m. 10:15 a.m. on first and third Sunday; Fourth Concord Baptist Church Sunday, Friendship Bunch, 10:15 a.m. Rev John Ates, Pastor; SW 10:30 a.m. every Holy Cross Lutheran second Sunday of the month. FM 1482, Warda: Rev. Dennis Tegtmeier, Pastor; S.S. 10:15 a.m.; W.S. 9 a.m. Catholic Martin Luther Lutheran Holy Rosary Catholic 211 Luther Lane, Carmine; Rev. David Hostyn; Rev. Daniel P. Kahlich, Deacon John Tinker, Pastor; S.S. 10:10 a.m.; W.S. 9 McCourt; Sat. Mass: 5 p.m.; Sun. Mass: 8 a.m., Second Saturday 6 p.m. a.m. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Sacred Heart Catholic 539 E. Pearl; Rev. Joseph Varickamackal; 800 N. Franklin; Rev. William Qualman, S.S. 8:30 a.m.; Sat. English Mass: 5 p.m.; Pastor; S.S. & Bible Classes 10:15 a.m. Sun. English Mass: 9 & Sun. Spanish Mass: Wed. 10 a.m; W.S. Sat. 5 p.m. & Sun. 9 a.m.; L.C.M.S. 11:30 a.m. St. Michael’s Lutheran Sacred Heart, Flatonia Eddie Winkler, Pastor; Sat. Mass: 5 p.m.; Sun Winchester; Pastor Nate Hill; 242-3444; S.S. 10:15 a.m.; W.S. 9 a.m. Mass: 9:30 a.m. St. Paul Lutheran Church St. John The Baptist Catholic Ammannsville; Sun. Mass: 9:30 a.m. 110 W. Walnut; Interim Pastor Sue Beall; S.S. 10:30 a.m.; W.S. Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. St. John’s Catholic Fayetteville; Rev. Steven Sauser; Sat. 9 a.m. Mass: 6 p.m.; Sun. Mass: 10 a.m.; St. Peter Lutheran Wed. 7p.m. Prairie Valley Rd. of Hwy. 71 West.; W.S. St. Mary’s Catholic 8:45 a.m. Near Ellinger; Rev. Steven Sauser; Sun. United Evangelical Lutheran Mass: 8 a.m.; Thurs. 6:00 p.m.; Wed. & Swiss Alp; Lemae Higgs, Min.’ S.S. 10:15 Fri. 7 a.m. a.m.; W.S. 9:15 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Waldeck Lutheran High Hill; Tim Kosler, Min.; Sat. Mass: 6:30 Waldeck; Willie Rotter, Min.; S.S. 10:15 p.m.; Wed. Mass: 7 a.m. a.m.; W.S. 9 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Church Zion Lutheran Praha; Rev. Gabriel Maison; Sat. Mass: 4:30 Schulenburg; Rev. Al Gallmeier, Pastor; S.S. p.m.; Sun. Mass: 8 a.m. 9 a.m.; W.S. 10 a.m
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The Fayette County Record
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Zaruba, Zbranek To Wed
Villalobos Baby
Pictured from left, consumer Cecilia Gutierrez, CCA worker Bobbie Steward, Society #31 vice president Elizabeth Kallus, CCA site manager Latesia Carlton, Society No. 31 secretary Rose Recek, Texas Rural Health volunteers Linda Hernandez and Andrea Clifford, and consumer Rosie Novosad.
K.J.Z.T. Society No. 31 Donates To Meals on Wheels Program jects and fundraisers throughout the State. During 2013 Fraternal Members donated 140,761 volunteer hours, participated in over 1,000 events and donated over $475,000 to Texas communities. Societies awarded with a status work hard all year long because their members believe in helping those in need and working together to make their hometowns and churches stronger and safer places to enjoy life.
lowship. Members of Society No. 31 of La Grange chose to donate the $100 they received as a 2013 Diamond Status Society to the Combined Community Action, Meals on Wheels Program. The presentation took place on Wednesday, May 28. Each year Societies of Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. focus on participating in parish and community work pro-
The Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. adopted a statewide Fraternal 100 Project that annually recognizes Diamond and Ruby Status Societies; and each year this project provides $100 from the State Office to each of the Status Societies. In turn, the Societies donate this money to charitable community or parish projects of their choice. The purpose behind the Fraternal 100 Project is to promote fel-
Leticia Villalobos and Rene Rodriguez of La Grange announce the birth of their daughter, Layla Rose Villalobos, born May 21, 2014 at 9:59 a.m. at St. Mark’s Medical Center in La Grange. She weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18.5 inches long. She is welcomed home by siblings, Dominic and Antonio. Grandparents are from La Grange, Atlanta Ga. and Austin. Great-grandparents are from La Grange.
Lappert Baby
Amy Menking and Brandon Lappert of La Grange announce the birth of their son, Nicholas Lappert, born May 26, 2014 at 8:02 a.m. at St. Mark’s Medical Center in La Grange. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He is welcomed home by siblings Daisy, Chloe and Lola Menking. Grandparents are Marty Norsworthy of La Grange, Kim and Chris Hill of Bastrop, and George and Judi Seagle of Houston. Great-grandparents are Cowboy and Mary Norsworthy of La Grange, Patricia Vogelsberg of Bastrop and Dennis Lappert of Paige.
Larry and Elaine Zbranek announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Jennifer Lynn Zbranek to James Allen Zaruba, son of Jack and Sandy Zaruba. A double ring ceremony will be held on June 21, 2014 at Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Hostyn. The couple is employed by the Flatonia Independent School District and will make their home in Flatonia.
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The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Flatonia Baseball Headed to State
The members of the Flatonia baseball team storm the field after beating Weimar 2-1 Thursday in San Marcos.
Photo by Melissa Brunner
Bulldogs Edge Weimar 2-1, Play at Dell Diamond in State Semis Wednesday By JEFF WICK
The Fayette County Record
SAN MARCOS – Same stadium, same opponent. One year after getting oh-so-close to making the state tournament, this time the Flatonia baseball team would not be denied. Getting revenge on the Weimar team that beat them in the regional finals last year at Texas State University, the 2014 Flatonia Bulldogs prevailed over the Wildcats 2-1 Thursday in San Marcos. That nailbiter vaults the Bulldogs to the state tournament for the first time since 2008. “We were so close last year and we missed it, and now to be on the other side is the best feeling I’ve ever had,” said Flatonia’s Marcus Mica, who relieved his brother Mitchel Mica on the mound to get the final two outs of the game, even as Weimar had the tying and go-ahead runners on base. “I had no doubt in my mind he was going to shut them down,” said Mitchel Mica, a senior, who hurled 6.1 innings of three-hit ball before giving way to his younger brother. Marcus coaxed a liner to Flatonia third baseman Livan Cedillo, who made a diving stop to get a force out. Then Marcus got a strikeout for the final out of the game, which touched off an emotional celebration by the Bulldogs and a huge group of Flatonia fans that attended the game. As the players mobbed each other at midfield, Flatonia head coach Shawn Bruns dropped to the ground, overcome by emotion. “I’m weak in the knees right now,” said Bruns. Even though Bruns has coached Flatonia to a state title before (1993) this year’s team has an extra special feel because his son, Will, is a senior catcher. In their last season together, the Bruns boys are going to state. “It doesn’t get any better than that,” Shawn said. “It’s a dream. I’ve been thinking about it all my life,” said Will, who was a bat boy on the last Flatonia baseball team to make the state tournament in 2008. Now that dream is a reality – thanks to the stellar pitching of the Mica brothers – and a hot offensive start by the Bulldogs Thursday. Flatonia scored both of its runs in the bottom
of the first inning but then managed just one hit against Weimar pitcher John Blaha over the next five innings. “I told the guys we had to treat this game like a race and we had to be ready for the gun to go off,” Will Bruns said. The Bulldogs started the rally when lead-off man Casen Novak reached on an infield single. Easton Migl then singled. Novak tried to advance all the way to third on the play and would have been out but the ball was dropped as he was tagged. The defensive trouble continued for Weimar on the next play when a Marcus Mica bunt was mishandled. That scored Novak and sent Migl to second. A bunt by Will Bruns sent Migl to third and he later scored on a sacrifice fly by Brandon Perez. That gave Flatonia a two run lead they would never lose. A key defensive play for Flatonia came in the fourth inning when Gus Venegas caught a ball in centerfield and then threw out Weimar’s Ryan Almanza at home trying to score. “Gus threw the ball well and Will does a great job of blocking the plate. Great combination,” Shawn Bruns said. Weimar scored its only run in the fifth when Dayton Milner doubled and eventually scored on a Tanner Janak groundout. Flatonia’s Migl made a nice running catch in the sixth to keep the Bulldogs out of more trouble. “I love the way this team fought,” Will Bruns said. “Each guy played hard.” In the seventh, with Mitchel Mica tiring on the mound, his brother Marcus, who has been dealing with arm problems the last couple of weeks, shook off any pain to get the final two outs. “It was really intense,” Marcus said. “ But I was ready.”
2014 UIL Baseball State Tournament Wednesday, June 4 - 1A, 2A, 3A Semifinals Conference 1A Semifinals 1A Semifinals 2A Semifinals 2A Semifinals 3A Semifinals 3A Semifinals
Time 9 am 12 pm 4 pm 7 pm 1 pm 4 pm
Location Dell Diamond Dell Diamond Dell Diamond Dell Diamond UFCU Disch Falk Field UFCU Disch Falk Field
Schools Douglass (31-1) vs. Dawson (18-10) Anson (24-5) vs. Flatonia (22-6) Idalou (32-5) vs. Troy (29-9) East Bernard (25-4) vs. Sunnyvale (28-7) Argyle (31-9-1) vs. Sinton (25-9-2) College Station (33-6-1) vs. Lubbock Cooper (20-18)
Thursday, June 5 - 1A, 2A, 3A Championships & 4A Semifinals 1A Championship 2A Championship 3A Championship 4A Semifinals 4A Semifinals
9 am 12 pm 6 pm 4 pm 7 pm
Dell Diamond Dell Diamond UFCU Disch Falk Field Dell Diamond Dell Diamond
Richmond George Ranch (33-7) vs. Victoria East (29-9) Hallsville (34-4) vs. Aledo (32-6-2)
Friday, June 6 - 5A Semifinals & 4A Championships 5A Semifinals 5A Semifinals 4A Championship
12 pm 3 pm 7 pm
Dell Diamond Dell Diamond Dell Diamond
Pearland (37-5) vs. Lewisville Flower Mound(32-12-1) San Antonio Reagan (33-6) vs. Humble Atascocita (31-8-1)
Saturday, June 7 - 5A Championsip 5A Championship
11 am
Dell Diamond
Left: Mitchel Mica pitched 6.1 innings of three-hit baseball Thursday to get the win. Photo by Jeff Wick The members of the Flatonia baseball team pose after their win Thursday: Andrew Dvorak, Gus Venegas, Livan Cedillo, Casen Novak, Brandon Perez, Matthew Rowell, Easton Migl, Kaddin Mikulik, San Juan Ramirez, Braydon Mica. Back - Ted Steinhauser, Zachary Velasquez, Wyatt Wehmeyer, Jigar Parbhu, Ty Ponder, Lane Janecka, Mitchel Mica, Marcus Mica, Matthew Kozelsky, Nick Flores and Will Bruns. Photo by Melissa Brunner
5/29/14 –1A Regional Final
Flatonia 2, Weimar 1
Weimar 000 010 0 – 1 3 2 Flatonia 200 000 0 – 2 3 1 Winning pitcher: Mitchel Mica (6.1 inning pitched, 3 hits, 1 run) Save: Marcus Mica (0.2 innings pitched, 0 hits) Losing pitcher: John Blaha (complete game three-hitter ) Highlights – Flatonia: Casen Novak 1 hit, 1 run; Easton Migl 1 hit, 1 run; Marcus Mica SAC, 1 RBI; Will Bruns SAC; Gus Venegas 1 hit; Brandon Perez 1 RBI.
A Homeplate Collision In Three Acts
Flatonia catcher Will Bruns catches a throw from centerfielder Gus Venegas as Weimar’s Ryan Almanza tries to score from third. Bruns blocks the plate, tags Almanza and braces for the impact.
Bruns holds onto the ball after colliding with Almanza. The runner is out and Flatonia clings to its 2-0 lead. Photos by Jeff Wick
Flatonia head coach Shawn Bruns, left, rushes onto the field to congratulate his son as Mitchel Mica, right, cheers as well.
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The Pigskin FlatoniaPicks Bulldogs
2014 La Grange FFA Banquet
Coach: Shawn Bruns Assistant Coach(es): James Zaruba, Bryan Zimmerman Tournament Appearances: 4 (1992, 93, 2008, 14) Number Name Class Position Bat/Pitch 1 Gus Venegas Junior OF/P .381 / 1-1 2 Casen Novak Sophomore SS/P .456 3 Nick Flores Sophomore IF/P .278 / 4-2 4 Easton Migl Freshman OF/P .217 5 Braydon Mica Sophomore OF .292 6 Livan Cedillo Sophomore 3B/P .215 7 Brandon Perez Senior DH/3B .210 8 Zach Velasquez Senior OF .385 9 Will Bruns Senior C .388 10 Kaddin Mikulik Freshman 2B/P .337 / 1-0 11 Marcus Mica Junior 1B/P .294 / 7-3 12 Jigar Patel Senior 1B/P .333 13 Ty Ponder Junior IF .333 14 Wyatt Wehmeyer Senior OF .291 15 Andrew Dvorak Sophomore DH/C .400 16 Mitchel Mica Senior OF/P .240 / 8-0 17 Matthew Kozelsky Sophomore OF/P .333 18 San Juan Ramirez Freshman C .667 19 Lane Janecka Sophomore OF/P .200 20 Luke Freytag Sophomore IF .333 Ted Steinhauser Matthew Rowell
County Judge Ed Janecka presents a certificate from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to County Auditor Kathy Kleiber for the county’s financial transparency. Fayette County was one of 27 counties receiving this achievement.
Commisioners Take Action on Items of Interest In action last week, county commisssioners: • Voted to have a scrap tire disposal collection on Wednesday, June 18th from 7:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Collection trailers will be at each of the precinct warehouses for individuals to dispose of tires. The fees will be as follows: $2.00 for each automobile & pick up tires; $10.00 for each truck tire (18 wheeler type); $20.00 for each tractor tire • Heard Abraham Pace (President of the Fayette County Fire Fighters Association) request a 50 percent increase in funding over what they are presently receiving. • Set the speed limit for Williams Road at 30 mph
2014 Star Greenhand: Lucas Sodolak
2014 La Grange FFA Student Scholar Award: Kelly Boening
2014 La Grange FFA Star Awards from left: Joseph Urban, Outstanding Sr.; Matt Joost, Outstanding Sr.; Shelby Stueber, Star Agri-Business Award; Hannah Garlick, Star Chapter Farmer Award.
CARTS Gets Grant
Flatonia’s Marcus Mica gets chased by this Weimar infielder during a run-down between first and second Thursday. Mica ended up getting to third safely. Photo by Jeff Wick
The Bulldogs’ PigskinRoad Picksto State Opponent Score W/L Schulenburg 4-5 L Victoria St. Joseph 3-6 L Hallettsville Sacred Heart 11-5 W Shiner St. Paul 9-0 W Port Aransas 10-2 W Shiner St. Paul 14-5 W Thorndale 6-4 W Johnson City LBJ 7-6 W Weimar 6-3 W Louise 12-2 W Yorktown 36-0 W Ganado 1-2 L Shiner 0-2 L Weimar 4-3 W Louise 10-0 W Yorktown 15-3 W Ganado 14-0 W Shiner 6-1 W East Bernard 3-7 L Playoff Games Mumford 10-1 W Mumford 9-0 W Bremond 9-4 W Bremond 10-6 W Thorndale 2-4 L Thorndale 7-5 W Thorndale 9-8 W Kenedy 7-2 W Weimar 2-1 W
The Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS), which provides low cost transportation services in Fayette County was appropriated $950,607 for public transportation Thursday, according to the Texas Transportation Commission. The money was part of nearly $60 million in federal and state funds granted to enhance rural and urban mobility programs across the state.
2014-2015 La Grange FFA Officers from left Kelly Boening, President; Aaron Janda, Vice President; Hannah Garlick, Secretary; Shelby Stueber, Treasurer; Allen Keilers, Reporter; Kyla Pietsch, Sentinel; Charlie Neuendorff, Student Advisor.
City Pool Open Soon
On Wednesday, May 28 Sheriff’s Department Investigators served a search warrant at the Carter Motel in La Grange. During the search marijuana, crystal meth and numerous items of drug paraphernalia were recovered. Jacob Morales, 27, of La
Grange was arrested for possession of marijuana, and possession of a controlled substance. After further checks, Morales was found to have two outstanding warrants from Victoria County for theft and failure to appear. Judge Scott Parker set bond on the charges at $4,500.
St. Mark’s Medical Center welcomes Locked, lonely and blue but scheduled to open Sunday (maybe) was the La Grange city swimming pool Friday, technicians were still “trying to get the chemicals right,” according to city manager Shawn Raborn. “It’s all part of the fun of getting a pool open,” he said. Photo by H.H. Howze
Russell Clark, M.D.
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
28-A All-District Softball 2014 28-A All District Softball Team Overall MVP Kendall Marek- Sr- Weimar Offense Shelby Vacek- Jr- Weimar Defense Kristin Schacherl- Sr- Shiner Utility Katie Steinhauser- Sr- Flatonia Brianna Ledwick- Sr- Ganado Newcomer Emma Holland- Fr.- Weimar Kassidy Bishop- Fr.- Shiner 1st Team Hunter Ervin- So- Weimar Bailey Cernosek- Jr- Weimar McKenna Munsch- Sr- Weimar Tamara Hajek- JR- Shiner Julianna Rankin- Sr- Shiner Cece Darilek- So- Shiner Meagan Chumchal- Sr- Shiner Jordan Banda- So- Ganado Lindsey Kocian- Sr- Ganado Ashley Bridges- Sr- Ganado Kylie Mica- Jr- Flatonia
Mackinley Pilat- Fr- Shiner Kori Landman- So.- Shiner Taylor Mirelez- Jr- Ganado Emma Weschler- Sr- Ganado Cheyenne Galindo- Fr- Ganado Hannah Blumrick- Sr- Louise Shelby Wunderlich- Sr- Weimar Lauren Guenther- SR- Weimar Makayla Kunz- Fr- Weimar Crystal Rodriguez- Sr- Flatonia Brooke Migl- Sr- Flatonia Honorable Mention Madison Vacek-So-Weimar Rachel Steinhauser-So- Flatonia Erin Miksch-So-Flatonia Chandler Fike-Sr-Flatonia Flatonia Academic All-District Katie Steinhauser-Sr Chandler Fike-Sr Maecie Mikulenka- Jr Jaycee Fike- Jr Rachel Steinhauser-So Fernanda Torres- So Kristen Vire- So Riley Beck- Fr Lillie Steinhauser-Fr, Mgr
2nd Team Lauren Schuette- Fr- Shiner
Weimar became the first team in Texas history to win five state softball titles as the Lady Wildcats beat Harleton 4-3 Thursday in Austin for the 1A title. Weimar also won state softball titles in 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2013. The only other schools with
Russell Clark, M.D.
Locations in La Grange, Schulenburg & Bastrop Main Location: La Grange - Two St. Mark’s Place, St. 110
For all appointments, please call (979) 242-2387
Day Camp Camp Lone Star, La Grange Camp Activities: Archery Canoeing Swimming Song & Bible Time
State Softball Tournament
Flatonia pitcher Mitchel Mica, right, smiles as he hands the ball off to his younger brother, Marcus, who comes into the game to relieve him in the seventh inning. Photo by Beverly Ponder
Arrest Made at Carter Motel
four state titles in softball are Shiner and Smithson Valley. In Class 2A, Crawford beat East Bernard 5-3 for the title. In Class 4A, Aledo beat Ennis 10-3 Saturday to win state. Deer Park beat The Woodlands 8-2 to win the 5A title.
Water Slide Hiking & Games Weekly themes may include an offsite trip or guest presenter.
Day Camp weekly programs for ages 5-14 Book one or more weeks, June 9 - August 8 Monday - Friday, 7:45 a.m. through 5:15 p.m. Registration & Info: www.LOMT.com -or- 979.968.1657
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Muldoon News
by Joan Ivy
Maximum strength analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis • Back aches
Memorial Day Honors The Woodmen of the World (WOW) Lodge 302 for Memorial Day honored those veterans who have passed on in the Pitman Cemetery on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. WOW representative Allyson Davis led a group of community members in a service to honor those who had served their country and now are laid to rest in Pitman Cemetery. The group then proceeded to place American flags on the graves of those service men that were in Pitman. The servicemen served in wars/conflicts from Vietnam to the Civil War. These men all served with honor, some of which were killed while in service. Branches of service included Navy, Army/Air Corp, Army and Marine Corp. All these men did their service and served with honor. Rain Muldoon was blessed with rain this past week. Rain totals of four and a half inches were reported with some getting more and others a little less, but all rain was welcomed. The creeks did get up and pressed some of the banks coming out on some of the county roads. It has been very nice to have water standing in places that it has been years since that was last seen. Museum Open The Muldoon Museum will be open on the second Saturday of June from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is an opportunity to come out and check out parts of Muldoon’s past. There will be displays of artifacts, old pictures from Muldoon’s more prosperous times and just some “neat old stuff.” There is no charge for entry, so come out and see what is on display for the June 14 opening. This also gives everyone a
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Participating in the WOW flag placement were Wylie and Angeline Boehnke, Tracy and son Micah Foster, Marie Darling, Virgina and Harold Boehnke, and Allyson Davis.
chance to visit and catch up with what all is going on in the community. Fire Department Meeting The Muldoon Volunteer Fire Department will be holding their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 5 at 7 p.m. in the fire station. Anyone wanting to get involved is encouraged to attend. Speed Reunion The Speed Family Reunion will be on Saturday, June 14 in the Muldoon Baptist Church fellowship hall. All descendants of the Bob, Frank and Tom Speed are invited to come out and catch up with all the other relatives. The Speed family reunion has been going on for over 50 years and it is always a great gathering. All family members are asked to bring along a dish to
share for the meal. The drinks and plates/silverware will be provided. Also attendees are asked to bring along something for a door prize to add to the fun. The family history will be on display and updates are needed. For more information contact Debra Speed Schwartzenburg. Out & About Debra and John Schwartzenburg were thrilled to have their daughter Lauren Schwartzenburg come from Houston for a visit. Lauren is finishing up her bachelor’s degree at the University of Houston. Devon Boehnke had his kids out to help work cattle over the weekend. Coming in from Magnolia was son in law Jack Field and his daughters Ruth and Erica; Jeremy Wells and son Dylan came from Austin; Dana and Darrell Kulak of Hunger-
ford; along with April and Kenneth Pospisil of Wharton. Wounded Warrior John Wetjen and son John Christopher Wetjen went to Port O’Conner to participate in the Wounded Warrior Weekend. Wetjen hosted three medically retired Army soldiers on his boat for a day of fishing. This is not the first time Wetjen has taken soldiers out for Wounded Warrior’s Weekend. The soldiers come from all over to Port O’Conner to enjoy some time away and reconnect with old buddies. They were part of four hundred boats that hosted eight hundred soldiers who participated in the growing Wounded Warrior Weekend. The Wetjen men were also included in an online article for the Victoria Advocate newspaper.
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The FayeTTe CounTy ReCoRd
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Fred “Freddie” Wieder, 85 of Alvin, died Sunday, May 25, 2014, at Laurel Court Nursing Facility in Alvin. Fred was born on Jan. 27, 1929 in Giddings. He was the youngest child of Charles and Martha Wieder. He moved to Alvin where he was a resident for over 50 years. He was a longtime member of the Alvin Lutheran Church. He retired from Dow Chemical in 1983. He enjoyed fishing, watching baseball, and telling jokes. Fred is survived by his loving wife of 66 years, Berneita Weischuhn Wieder; daughters, Gwen Collard and husband Barry, Collette Vest and husband Wendel; sons, John Wieder and Perry Wieder; sister, Odell Lamann; grandchildren including Joshua Palmer, Jessica Palmer, Jeremy Vest, Christopher Vest, Dawn Jenkins, Brandi Leader, Regina Hartman, Deedra Allen, and Freddie Wieder, as well as many great grandchildren and numerous other relatives and friends. He is preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Martha Wieder; son, Glenn Wieder; sister, Ruth Wieder; brothers, Herbert, Monroe, Raymond, Elmo, Charles and Bernie Wieder. Visitation was held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, May 30, 2014 at Scott Funeral Home in Alvin, Texas. Funeral services were at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 31, 2014 at Scott Funeral Home. Pastor Tim Landers officiated. Graveside services were held at 4 p.m. Saturday, May 31, 2014 in the Waldeck Cemetery in Nechanitz. Family and friends may view and sign the guest book at www. scottfuneralhome.net. Scott Funeral Home in Alvin was in charge of arrangements.
Lawrence William Ryza, 78, of La Grange, died on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at St. Mark’s Medical Center in La Grange. Lawrence was born on Dec. 6, 1935 in La Grange to William Martin and Lillian (Becka) Ryza. Following high school in La Grange, he enlisted to serve his country in the United States Air Force on April 7, 1954 and was honorably discharged on April 6, 1962 from active and reserve duty. In 1958, he attended Barber College in Austin and came back to La Grange to barber at Dolezal’s Barber Shop and Charlie Ripper’s Barber Shop. A young family then encouraged him to move to Austin where he barbered at Garland’s Flat Top Shop in the University area in the mid to late 1960’s. In 1970, the family moved back to La Grange where Lawrence worked as a route salesman and later in 1975 he worked with Brown & Root Construction Company constructing the Fayette Power Plant. Upon completion of the plant, Unit 1, he was then employed by Lower
Colorado River Authority at the Fayette Power Project as a heavy equipment operator until his retirement in November of 1997. His family life began when he married Stacy (Anastasia) Evanicky on June 21, 1959 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville. They were blessed with three devoted children, Kenny, Melissa and Denise. Prior to his retirement, while his children were attending Sacred Heart School, Lawrence volunteered many hours in various church organization activities; he helped with the Sacred Heart School PTC fundraisers, barbequing for the KC fundraisers and was a Bingo caller for the KC Monday night Bingo. Lawrence’s hobbies included opening Ryza’s BBQ in the ‘80’s, hunting, fishing and cooking especially backyard barbequing for family and neighbors. He was the happiest spending time with friends and family, most certainly the grandchildren. He was a lifetime member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church and actively participated in the church ministry as an usher for many years. He was a member of the Sacred Heart Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus, Chromcik Council #2574, 3rd degree, Sir Knight of the Bishop Odin Assembly #1095, 4th degree, KJT Society #46 and American Legion Post #102. Survivors include his wife, Stacy, of nearly 55 years; three children: son, Ken Ryza and wife, Barbie, of Cameron; two daughters, Melissa Maxwell of La Grange; and Denise Henderson and husband, Gil, of La Grange; seven grandchildren: Amanda Gommert and hus-
Hatfield Receives Doctorate
The Fayette County Record appreciates the many families who entrust this newspaper with obituaries for their loved ones. For complete information on publishing obituaries, call the Record office at (979) 968-3155 or email john@fayettecountyrecord.com.
For complete information on publishing memorials, call the Record office at (979) 968-3155 or email jackie@fayettecountyrecord.com.
Joseph Andrew Hatfield recently recieved his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine degree from Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Joseph and his wife, Dr. Rylee Hatfield, will join the Simmons & Harlan Vet Clinic in Wichita Falls. A 2007 graduate of La Grange High School, Joseph is the son of Dr. Larry and Mary Ann Hatfield.
4-H Plans Summer Camps
Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service and Fayette County 4-H will be hosting Summer Day Camps. They are open to all youth ages 8-14. Kids in the Kitchen will be held June 16-18 from 8 am to noon at the Fayette County Agricultural Building in La Grange. The theme this year is, “Back to the Basics.” Participants will get the opportunity to can salsa, make homemade sausage and tortillas. They will also learn about food and cooking safety. Each day participants will prepare their own lunch. The cost is $30 for 4-H members and $40 for non 4-H members. This cost includes an apron and lunch. Clothing Camp will be held July 1-2 from 8 am to 4 p.m. at the Fayette County Agricultural Building in La Grange. The students will learn about Refashion/Reconstruction. Youth bring lunch, drinks and snacks. The cost for the camp for 4-H members is $20 and $30 for
nonmembers. Wildlife and Fish Camp will be held July 22-24 from 8 am to 4 pm. Fishing at Oak Thicket Park, dissection of deer, deer diet and anatomy of deer, as well as a tour of Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch African Safari. Each day participants
bring lunch, drinks, and snacks. The cost for the camp is $35 for 4-H’ers and $45 for non 4-H’ers. Registration forms can be picked up at the Fayette County Extension Office. For more information, contact the Extension Office at (979) 968-5831 or fayette@ag.tamu.edu. Spaces
For The Record band, Stetson, of Bastrop; Sydni Alberthal and husband, Josh, of La Grange; Mical Maxwell of Austin; Luke Henderson and Jacob Henderson of La Grange; Rachel Ryza of Cameron; and Mitchell Maxwell of La Grange; two great-grandchildren: Kash and Weston Alberthal of La Grange; brother-in-law, Don Codenys of Fayetteville; and many other relatives and friends. Lawrence is preceded in death by his parents; parents-inlaw, Pete and Ella Evanicky; and sister-in-law, Judy Codenys. Visitation was held on Friday, May 30, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home. Family received friends beginning at 4 p.m. A Parish and Knights of Columbus rosary was recited at 6 p.m. A Funeral Mass was held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, 2014. Burial will follow at the La Grange City Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Annunciation No. 1962 Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 275, La Grange, Texas 78945; Knights of Columbus #2574 Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 785, La Grange, Texas 78945; or a charity of one’s choice. Family and friends can view and sign the guestbook online at www.lagrangefunerals.com. Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home in La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Second Baptist Church VBS
June 2-5, 1964 Constable H.L. Adamcik reported three minors were arrested for consuming alcoholic beverages and an adult was apprehended for buying beer for minors. Two of the arrests were made in La Grange and two in Fayetteville. When two of the men pleaded guilty on Sunday in Justice of the Peace A.V. Smith’s court, they were fined $29.50 each. The other two were to be tried the following Monday. The Ladies Auxiliary of the La Grange American Legion Post selected Margaret Pratka and Betty Ann Schulz to attend the annual Girls’ State in Austin. Margaret was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pratka and Betty was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schulz. Members of the 1964 St. John’s High School at Fayetteville graduating class were: Erwin Belota, Anne Beran, James Beseda, Margaret Brokmeyer, Audrey Evanicky, Janice Halfmann, Vernon Jurecka, Margie Kulhanek, Mary Marek, Waldine Mrkwa, Stephen Pavlicek, Jenelle Peters, Jeanette Ruether, Patricia Schmidt, Sharon Svrcek and Jeanette Urban. Funerals were held for: Benno Ahlschlaeger, 65, of Giddings; Miss Helena Dvorak, 74, with services at Ellinger and Hostyn;
Alfred Matocha, 68, of Smithville; Mrs. J.A. Drozd, a native of Hostyn; and Mrs. Mary Raemsch, 84, of Smithville. A bigger-than-ever crowd turned out for the annual Ellinger Festival. The 16 floats in the parade were led by Fayette County Sheriff T.J. Flournoy on horseback and Ed Tobias astride his tame steer. The Kubena Garage float, which was rated most beautiful, featured Cynthia Orsak, Lois Loeve and Grace Jurajda wearing white formals. A total of 370 youngsters signed up for swimming classes, according to Mrs. A.C. von Minden, who was in charge of the American Red Cross water safety instruction program. Voters of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church accepted the low bid of general contractor Weldon A. Scholtz for the erection of their new church building at a cost of approximately $81, 258. The new church was to be 110 feet long and 46 feet wide with a brick veneer exterior. The Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. staked a location for a 13,000-foot Edwards lime exploratory well seven miles northeast of La Grange. The No. 1 M.L. Briscoe, a shut-in Edwards lime gas discovery, had been completed in the 11,000-foot interval several years before. A contractor convicted of taking money from a Schulenburg lady on the pretext of building a new house was charged with theft over $50. He was sentenced to two years in prison by District Court Judge J. Lee Dittert. At the Vaculin reunion held at Hostyn, Mrs. Emil Dornak was reelected president. Ed Dornak was elected vice president and Mrs. James Kulcak was named treasurer. William Lynn Docekal, a midshipman in the U.S. Naval Reserve, was spending the summer on a training cruise aboard the nuclear submarine U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, which was based at Holy
Ads from 50 Years Ago
New Pontiac Tempest Sport Coupe: Equipped with radio, heater, white tires, chrome caps, deluxe trim and many extras. $2,250. Rosenberg-Todd, Inc. FOR YOUR HOUSTON CHRONICLE subscriptions, contact Mrs. Wanda Kappler, North Franklin WANTED: General farm hard, also someone to work in dairy. Lloyd Henderson, Schulenburg FOR SALE: 1960 Cushman motor scooter in good condition. Glenn J. Hattermann, S. Jefferson NOTICE: For your building needs, large or small, see Edward Weeren, General Contractor, N. Monroe
Grab your ID and head on over to Agency D3. Join Second Baptist Church and investigate the truth about Jesus. Kids will enter Worship Rally at the Headquarters and stop at the Evidence Vault for Bible Study, Training Ground for recreation, Communication Hub for music, Lab for crafts, and Detective’s Diner for snacks. It’s Vacation Bible School at Second Baptist Church. Children four years of age through 6th grade are admitted free from Sunday, June 8 through Thursday, June 12 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Register today at www. sblg.org. For additional questions, contact Deandrea Baker or Michelle Gardiner at (979) 968-5953 or deandrea@sblg.org.
Technology Boot Camp
Create stories, games and generate animations working with Scratch, you learn the FUNdamentals of programming. Scratch is a drag and drop program developed by MIT that introduces programming to young minds. This camp is for student who will be in grades 2-5 for the 2014-15 school year. The camp will be held June 9-13 from 9 a.m to 12 p.m at La Grange High School room 210. The cost is $50 and registration forms can be picked up at the high school. The camp is limited to the first 20 students. For more information, contact Tracy Knapik at knapikt@lgisd.net.
Retired Teacher’s Association Meeting
The Fayette County Retired Teachers’ Association will meet on Monday, June 9 at the First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, located at 1215 Von Minden in La Grange, at 1:45 p.m. Dr. Larry Hatfield, D.D.S. will be the guest speaker. All retired school personnel are encouraged to attend, even if retired from another city, county, or state. Members are reminded that state dues and local are due. If dues are already being deducted from their annuity, only local is owed. Dues can be mailed to Nancy Pietsch, Treasurer 3500 Pietsch Lane, La Grange, Texas 78945.
Seibert Family Reunion
The descendants of Casper and Emilie Zwernemann Seibert will meet at JW’s Steakhouse on Saturday, June 14 for the next Seibert’s Reunion. Jeff Wunderlich will open the doors at 11 a.m. in the main restaurant at 122 Hauptstrasse St. in Carmine. Family members are asked to bring photos and stories to share.
Horecka Family Reunion
The annual Horecka family reunion will be held Saturday, June 14 at Sts. Peter and Paul Parrish Hall in Plum. Beginning at 10 a.m., a catered meal will be served around 12 noon. Each family needs to bring their own drinks and a dessert. Each family should bring an item for the auction and the adult drawing. If you have children, bring an item for the childrens drawing. Call (979) 242-3637 for information.
Lock, Scotland. The Midway Drive-in Theatre in Schulenburg was opening on Friday and Saturday nights. Owner Joe D. Blinka asked patrons to check the Friday’s edition of The Record to see which picture show was featured. Dividend payments nearing $8,000 were to be paid to the 482 farmer-rancher stockholders of the Federal Land Bank Association of La Grange, according to Manager E.A. Roitsch. The directors were: George R. Kainer, president, Schulenburg; Wm. T. Higgins, vice president, Bastrop; J.A. Dube, McDade; Quintus W. Lehmann, Ledbetter; and Woodrow W. Brewer, Lexington. A nice-sized crowd gathered to see the ladies softball teams play their first games Wednesday night at Fair Park. In the first game, Mike’s Fabric Shop won over Pearl Beer by a close 12-11 score. Harris-Gaertner whipped Jax Beer, 31-16, in the second game. Lestell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zapalac, returned from a Houston hospital to recuperate from knee surgery at home. Dr. E.L. Fitzpatrick was planning to join 500 other Texas chiropractors at the three-day, 49th annual Texas State Chiropractic Association meeting in Dallas. Fayette County Dairy Association representatives were present when County Judge H.J. Schovajsa signed a proclamation declaring June Dairy Month. The contingent included Freddie Lee Fritsch of La Grange, secretary; Hubert Brandt of Warrenton, chairman; and directors Harold Maas and John Quinn of La Grange; Edwin Kruppa of Hostyn; and Ernest T. Radenz of Waldeck. Local writer Elaine Thomas helps individuals record their life stories and organizations compile their histories. Contact her at 979-263-5031 or callacomm@hotmail.com.
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
RECORD CLASSIFIEDS Classified Deadlines: a.m. Tuesday paper - Friday at 10 10.a.m. Friday paper - Tuesday at 10 a.m. 10 a.m.
Call To Place An Advertisement
PREMIUM OFFICE space for rent on the square- La Grange. (512) 773-5163. (74-tfc)
OILFIELD ROUSTABOUT: Experienced Roustabout willing to work in East and South Texas. Backhoe/Forklift operator w/CDL is a plus, for more information call (979) 242-3000. (6-tfc)(94-13tfc)
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2BD/1BA MOBILE HOME on 80 acres. Two dedicated pastures for horses w/ troughs. Remodeled throughout. Near Warrenton off FM 1291. $675 mo. w/ horses or $525 mo w/o. (210) 363-7253. Deposit/lease for qualified applicants. Available now. (59-4c)
ANY TIME ANALYSIS: Now hiring MALE, DOT and BAT certified collector. If needed, training can be provided. Clinical experience a plus. Must have dependable transportation, some travel is required.
FOR RENT - Spacious 3bd/2-1/2ba updated executive home. Wood flooring, near schools, $1,295 mo./ $1,295 dep., 1 yr. lease. No smoking - no pets. (979) 249-6345 (60-tfc)
STORAGE SPACES For Rent! 155 Storage Park, 320 FM 155, La Grange, TX (979) 242-5146 or (979) 968-6151 (50-1c)(51-wc) 3BD/1-1/2 BA, ATTACHED garage, convenient location, $1,000 mo. Contact (979) 337-3000 between 8AM-5PM (61-tfc)
Permanent Part Time/Full Time positions available, immediately. Salary negotiable. Apply in person at Joel’s BBQ I-10 & FM 609 Flatonia, TX
Call Jeaton Smith @ (979) 218-9420
HOUSE FOR rent three plus miles from Round Top. 2bd/1ba, 2 car garage. (979) 966-7391 (61-3c)
Round Top-Carmine ISD
is accepting applications for the following positions:
A/C Service Technicians
• Full-time High School Secretary; • Full-time Bus Driver for 2014-15 (cert/license assist available)
Submit your application to 608 North Washington, Round Top, TX 78954, call 979-249-3200 or email your information to apilger@rtcisd.net.
Some rental assistance available.
Online applications available at rtcisd.net. Deadline for applications is 6/12/2014
Laundry room, Central air/heat, range, refrigerator, lawn care, & garbage provided.
(Experience Required) and
Journeyman Electricians Paid Vacation, Holidays, & Health Insurance
is now accepting applications for attendants in Bastrop, Smithville, Elgin, and La Grange areas. No certifications necessary. Please apply in person Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM at: 1005 Main St., Bastrop.
is now hiring: CNA's -all shifts - Full Time PRN charge nurse RN/LVN
REAL ESTATE NEWER FURNISHED 3bd/2ba on five plus acres near La Grange with 6,000 sq. ft. shop and 25% minerals, $499,995.00. (361) 701-5919 (56-8c)
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Affordable funeral packages available. In-house trust pre-arrangement services. On-site crematory.
(979) 968-3155
Place an ad in the Record Classifieds!
Looking for positive, hardworking, and compassionate individuals for the following positions: FT 2-10 CNAs PRN CNAs all shifts Competitive pay, benefits after 90 days and a great work environment! Come join the team at
Giddings Residence and Rehab Center 1181 N Williamson 979-542-3611 We are an equal opportunity employer.
For more information contact Russell at 979-249-3232 or office@lutherhill.org. Resumes can be emailed or mailed to POB 99, LG.
HELP WANTED Hruska’s - Ellinger, TX Line Cook-
Applicants must have minimum of 6 months experience. Applicants must be dependable, clean, work in a team environment and able to work in a fast pace kitchen. You must be able to work with no or limited supervision. You must have experience with lunch and dinner. One position available for 40+ hrs weekly a 1pm-9pm shift. After 60 days insurance is available.
Cashier/sales clerk-
6a-2p, 2p-10p & 10p-6a
Nurse Needed
Production Employees needed for day and evening shifts
FT Nights
at J Bar B Foods at our Waelder facility. Must be able to perform a variety of job duties including: operating mixing and stuffing machinery, placing and removing product from racks, washing items used in the production of our products, inspecting and packaging the finished products. Qualified candidate must have the ability to work in a cold environment. Must be able to follow instructions and have the ability to interact cordially with other employees to accomplish common tasks. Must be available to work overtime and some weekends. Also hiring: Maintenance Mechanics for night shift. Must have at least 2 years’ experience with electrical and hydraulic machinery repair. Excellent benefits offered. If interested please apply in person at: J Bar B Foods, 505 US Hwy 90 W, Waelder, TX
And PRN Dietary Cook/ Prep Aide Apply In Person 120 State Loop 92 La Grange, Texas E.O.E.
Shown by appointment 979-966-3108
Experience ok, but must be willing to learn. Summer is a busy time for camp so we would offer full time from May-August. Retreat season, September-April, will be part time hours. We are open and operate on weekends.
Seeking dedicated compassionate individuals who want to work with our elderly. Positions Available: C.N.A Positions
See 25 photos and more info at http://lagrangehouse.webs.com
A S H A M S T O K E A H A M I L L T E N T O O S E K L I M I T S O C H I L T S T E E R S A I T E M K L O S E E L L T A H S E T S-1169-A
Corner lot, close to the Square, close to schools $235,000
Lutherhill Camp and Retreat Center (www.lutherhill.org)
for the following position Accepting applications for Van driver w/ light Cook - full time maintenance duties If interested in joining Please in forteam, application ourcome attentive Please up anJefferson application 911pick South from Kloesel at LaBrenda Grange, Texas 911 S. Jefferson St. La Grange, TX 78945 EOE
House For Sale by Owner: 455 S. Franklin St. - La Grange 4-3-2
PUZZLE Last Puzzle SOLUTION Solution
MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR - Full Time MED AIDE - Full Time split shift Apply in person at 624 N Converse, Flatonia TX Or call (361)865-3571 EOE/M/F/D/V
Full benefit package available for all full time employees. Send resume to: PO Box 9 Schulenburg, Texas 78956 Or call 979-743-9098 -----
This is the solution for last Friday’s puzzle.
in Flatonia
is accepting applications We are here when you need us.
CLASSIFIEDS can help! (979) 968-3155
Oak Manor Nursing Center
500 S. Cindy Lane (979) 968-6045 TDD-1-800-735-2989
Handicap Accessible
Rental Office Hours: 9 a.m.-12 noon M-F
Equal Housing Opportunity
Classified Word Rates: $7.50 for the first run, 15 words or less $7.50 each additional word is 50¢ 50¢. Display rates: 1x2-$16.60, 1x2-$16.60,1x3-$24.90, 1x3-$24.90, 2x2-$33.20 2x2-$33.20
PHONE: (979) 968-3155 FAX: (979) 968-6767 jackie@fayettecountyrecord.com EMAIL: jackie@fayettecountyrecord.com
Night Time Bakery Position
• Must be hardworking, • Debe de ser muy trabajador(a). Confiable y puede trabajar dependable and able to los fines de semana. work weekends Night Time Bakery Position • Capacitación en el trabajo. • On the job training. No se requiere experiencia. No experience necessary
Must be hardworking, dependable OF RECEMOS: WE OFFER: and a ble t o w ork w eekends • Buen Sueldo • Good Salary • Vacaciones Pagadas • Paid Vacation • Tiempo de vacaciones y medio • Time-and-a-Half Holidays On the job training • Direct Deposit No experience n• ecessary Depósito Directo APPLY IN PERSON AT: WE O FFER: Weikel’s Bakery, 2247 West State Hwy 71 Good salary La Grange, TX 78945 Paid Vacation Time-‐and-‐a-‐Half Holidays Direct Deposit
A convenience store clerk is responsible for maintaining customer service as per company standard, quality of product, generating sales, housekeeping, merchandising, pricing, in adherence to all company policy/store standards. One position available for 40+ hrs weekly a rotating shift 5-1 & 1-9. Afte
Apply in person.
UTEX INDUSTRIES, INC. - 605 UTEX DRIVE WEIMAR, TEXAS 78962 PHONE: 979-725-8503 - FAX: 979-725-8971
Customer Service Position Primary purpose: To provided continued exceptional service that meets and exceeds all customers' expectations. Responsibilities: Perfrom duties where judgment is required when communicating with customers, sales representatives and intercompany personnel, following defined and uniform procedures. Requirements: Must have the ability to understand or interpret company or customer drawings. Must have the ability to interpret customer's material and packaging specifications. Must have strong mechanical aptitude/applications knowledge. Must have the ability to learn all company products. Must have effective telephone communication skills and must talk on the phone a good deal of the time. Must be able to manage time and be self-starter, effectively handling several situations at once. Must be able to handle stress and work under pressure. Must have strong computer skills. Knowledge of Excel is a plus. Must pass drug and background check.
Utex Industries, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer with the following benefit package: Medical, Prescription, Dental and Vision Plans Company paid Life/AD& D Insurance 401(K) Investment Plan 9 Paid Holidays Paid Personal Time
Resumes may be sent to: cvornsand@utexind.com Applications accepted Mnday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
BABYSITTER NEEDED - Hours: 3AM-7:30AM & 3:30PM-8PM. 7 days a week/ must have transportation, references & over 21. (979) 525-6967 (61-3p)
LOCAL COMPANY seeks adult care providers with experience working with seniors. Call (832) 752-9986 for more information. (60-2p)
COMPUTER SERVICE - Round Top. Help, anti-virus, troubleshooting. Your home or remotely. Call John, (832) 6603856. (68-tfc)(38-tfc)
HELP NEEDED: Experienced Waitstaff. Apply in person - Frisch Auf! Valley Country Club, 575 Country Club Dr., La Grange. (43-tfc)
LOCAL CONSTRUCTION Company looking for contract labor. Must have driver's license and reliable transportation. Welding experience preferred. Competitive wages. Contact (361) 2200312, serious inquiries only please. (61-6c)
HIGH END Estate Sale - Thurs., June 5, Fri., June 6, Sat., June 7, 9-4, 111 Llano Ct., Cedar Creek. New Sleep Number bed, dining, bedroom, living, den & office furn., tools, outdoor furn., planters, art, mirrors, T.V.s, linens & appliances. (512) 363-9639 (61-1p)
FULL-TIME TECHNICIAN position available at Kleiber Tractor & Equipment. Will require working on and assembling equipment. Computer knowledge and the ability to be self motivating are required. Prior technical training and/ or experience preferred. Commission based and excellent benefits. Please apply in person at 1701 W. Travis St., La Grange. Ask for David Kleiber. (56-tfc) HELP WANTED - Waitress & Bus Person - Part Time Weekends. Oaks Restaurant. (979) 249-5909 (58-4c)
is accepting applications We are here when you need us.
for the following position Accepting applications for Van driver w/ light LVN - part time maintenance duties If interested in joining Please in forteam, application ourcome attentive Please up anJefferson application 911pick South from Kloesel at La Brenda Grange, Texas 911 S. Jefferson St. La Grange, TX 78945 EOE
Care Inn of La Grange
Care Inn of La Grange
457 N. Main, Make a difference La Grange, TX 78945 someone's Ifinyou’re motivated,life! caring and
hardworking come be apart CARE INN OF LAteam. GRANGE of our is now accepting applications for: Full Time LVN or RN
(2-10) RNs, LVNs, & CNAs
Housekeepers & Manager Please stop by to fill out Needed an application. Competitive rates and
multiple available. 457 N. Main,shifts La Grange If you would like to join our or Call (979) 968-5865
team of excellence apply in person M-F, 9am-4pm. EOE
Experienced Oilfield Truck Drivers needed.
Must be at least 25 yrs. old. Have a Class “A” CDL with Tanker Endorsement and good driving record. *Competitive Pay *Paid Holidays *Safety Bonuses *Vacation *Sick Pay. *Health, *Dental, *Vision & *Life Insurance Available. Apply in Person at
Call (979) 542-3462
PART-TIME SALES position for experienced quilter or knitter. Apply in person at The Quilted Skein,126 W. Colorado St., La Grange - Wed.-Sat, 10AM-5PM (60-2c)
WATER/WASTEWATER OPERATOR The Fayette County WCIDMonument Hill is looking for a PT Class C licensed water/waste water operator to operate and maintain its 3 water plants and waste water collection facilities with 3 lift stations. For more information, contact Lori Steffek, Office Manager, at (979)968-5514, or send a resume to P O Box 164, La Grange, TX, 78945
HOLLIE'S HOMEMAKING, let me help your home sparkle! Call (979) 530-3174 for house cleaning, cooking, etc. (61-tfc) J&A TREE Service - Need your trees trimmed or removed, fence cleared, or your brush chipped? Call us for free estimates! (979) 212-1233. Insured, 26 plus years experience. (51-26p) G AND C Fences - Custom Barbed Wire and Fill Fence Work. Free Estimates. Call (979) 250-1594 (1-63p)(64-28wp) RETIRED - WANT a few more yards to mow. (979) 968-2051 (54-8p)
In Memory Shirley Ann Buchhorn Svec December 12, 1955 June 3, 2007
TOPSOIL, MUSHROOM compost, box blade & dump truck services. We build roads and house & barn pads. Tommy Price Trucking (979) 242-5203 or (979) 966-8158 (cell). (20-tfc) FIXIN’ THINGS: Carpentry, painting, repairs, maintenance. Experienced, reliable, reasonable. (979) 247-4200. (73-tfc)(35-tfc) CLOCK REPAIR - Experienced clockmaker for all kinds of clocks. Free est., pick-up & delivery. (979) 249-4013. (91-tfc) ANTIQUE FURNITURE Restoration. Saving family heirlooms since 1979. Restore, Don't Replace. Free estimates. (361) 865-9326. (98-tfc)(17-tfc)
Huge Estate Sale Fri., June 6; Sat., June 7 & Sun., June 8
9AM - 5PM 1903 St. Loop 548, Carmine, TX 78932 (corner of 237 & 458 look for the red brick house)
Furn., art, paintings, garden, concrete statues, lots of vintage doors, an iron, glass, lots of jewelry, antiques, books, comics, vintage tools, pottery, silver plate, household, chandelier, lamps, cowboy boots, quilts, bottles, beadboard, shutters, French doors.
Over 5,000 items. Too much to list.
Operates 2 wastewater treatment plants and collection system. Completes wastewater system rounds and prepares reports. Operates heavy equipment and attachments in the construction, repair and maintenance of wastewater collection system and easements. Responds to related emergency situations. Works with other City Departments as required. On call as necessary.
Benefits: Insurance, Health Benefits, TMRS Retirement, Paid Vacation, Sick and Holidays Wage and Selection: Is dependent on qualifications and experience. Competition: Open to the public. Job Requirements:
One to two years experience is required. Valid Texas CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) High School Diploma required Ability to seek and acquire: certification, training or license required by the division and maintain functions and duties of the Wastewater Department. Reliable and predictable attendance
Job Description:
3-FAMILY GARAGE Sale - Fri., June 6, 8-5 & Sat., June 7, 8-12 noon, 1090 N. Horton St. Kids golf clubs, 4-wheeler, bike, videos, books, toddler bed & clothes. Adult clothing, bedding, 8 track tapes, shoes, etc. (61-2c)
Mom I looked up today and could not believe it has been seven years! I realize that as I get older, the • Pier & Beam void of not having you around • Slabs gets larger. I would give anything to pick up the phone and • Senior Discounts ask for advice. I find myself • Lifetime Guarantee thinking of all the things I would ask you – “What was I like as a child?, Did I eat vegetables?, When did I lose my first tooth?”. My children know you as Mimi even though they never had the opportunity to meet Full Time or Part Time 2006 MERCURY 4 DOOR, $9,995 you. We talk about you often Monday through Friday O.B.O. (979) 249-3189 as I want them to know how Apply in person at (59-2wc) much you would have enjoyed 205 East Ave., Ste. A getting to know them! SpeakSchulenburg, Tx. ing of grandchildren…..Macy 979-743-4791 is amazing. She is definitely Ask for Karen or Judy going to be a performer one EOE day. She loves to sing for all of FOR SALE - 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 4-1/2”, & 5” us. Madie just graduated from pipe. Also sucker rods. (979) 966-3447. PreK and will start Kindergar(11-tfc) ten this year. She is tall, full of energy and always finds a way to stir things up! Taylor will OPPORTUNITY TO earn up to $1800.00 also start Kindergarten! She + in 10 days with Big Tex Fireworks. LOVES to swim and has more Perfect for individuals or fundraising energy than any child I know. groups! Must be able to camp out on AIR COMPRESSORS in stock - Ingersol- And Beckman….he is four! location. Call (512) 417-7186 or bigtexRand. Also, Victor torches & Miller weld- He is the tallest in his class and fireworks@yahoo.com - Season Starts ers & supplies. See @ Electric Motor loves to build “rocketships” June 24th - July 4th midnight. with his Legos. He stills look Service. 840 N. Jefferson, La Grange. (57-1c)(59-3c) (97-tfc) like a mini version of Rodney. And the biggest news of all….. Kim is going to have a baby girl
City of Schulenburg Public Works/Utilities: Job Description:
Supervises City Water Department. Plans and schedules routine work and capital improvement projects. Completes water system rounds and prepares reports. Operates heavy equipment and attachments in the construction, repair and maintenance of water distribution system and easements. Responds to related emergency situations. Works with other City Departments as required. On call as necessary.
Benefits: Insurance, Health Benefits, TMRS Retirement, Paid Vacation, Sick and Holidays Job Requirements:
Two years experience is required. Valid Texas CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) High School Diploma required Ability to seek and acquire: certification, training or license required by the division and maintain functions and duties of the Water Department. Reliable and predictable attendance
Please contact Tami Blaschke-Walker, Human Resource Manager at schulen@cmaaccess.com or 535 N. Main St., Schulenburg, TX 78956, 979-743-4126. The City of Schulenburg is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.
in June! What an exciting time for our family. We know you would be so excited! And last but not least, Granny. Granny is doing awesome. She cannot be bothered during Bingo or Dominoes because we are not allowed to break her concentration! Mom, we miss you so much. Please continue to watch over us. There are times when I need you and I am confident you are there in your own special way. We love you! Love, Kristi
MOVING SALE (in Frisch Auf) 215 Summit La Grange, TX 78945 Friday June 6, 8AM-6PM Saturday June 7, 8AM-3PM
Wardrobe, Wood Table/chairs (brand new), Glassware, Lamps, Wooden Rockers, Sectional Sofa (canvas), Wheelbarrow, Coffee Table (hexagonal), 2 Rocker/ottoman pairs, Tiller, Corner Computer Desk (enclosed), asst Chairs, Wood Swing, Tools (yard and garage), Patio Furniture, Potted Plants, Wood Swing, Deck Chairs, Survey Equipment, MUCH MORE!
“We’ve Already Moved, Everything Else Must Go”
Beautiful solid oak bar with marble inlay top & 2 bar stools - $1,600 Brown leather full body massage chair - $300 IGT Red, White, Blue Wild 25¢ Coin Slot Machine - $1,500 Schwinn Fitness Exercise Bike - $200 Husky Power Washer 2200 PSI - $175 Hutch computer desk - $25 EZ Up Tent - $40
(979) 968-2029
FOR SALE Kenmore Freezer Upright 59 x 32 - $150 2 Walnut Barstools 29” with back - $75 Ceramic Frog Nursery Lamp - $20 Cosco Umbrella Stroller - $5 New White Robe S/M - $10 70’s Lace Wedding Dress & Veil (Size 2) - $40 Black Flat Fireplace Screen 38 x 33 - $15 Q/K Comforter Set w/Shams & Skirt – 25 Lucite Domed Covered Board 12 x 18 - $8 Studio Nuvo Canister Set of 4 - $12 Manual Hedge Clippers - $3 Clothes Tree 50” (rusted) - $5 Hundreds of CDs – 50¢ each Tasco Binoculars 3x28 - $5 Craftsman Wet Dry 3.5 Shop Vac (8 gal.) - $35 Black & Decker Circular Saw - $10 8 Saw Blades - $20 Stanley Planer - $10 2 Tool Belts - $5 each Metal Cabinet (sturdy, no door) 19 x 28 - $25 Metal Cabinet 19 x 24 - $15 O’Brien 67” Combo Water Skis - $15 Ski Master 57” Combo Kids Water Skis - $15 Child’s Princess Pink Play Table w/2 chairs - $10 32 Matchbox & 20 Micro Cars - $25 5 Copper Gelatin Molds for wall decor - $10 Smith Corona portable manual Typewriter (new ribbons) - $10 10 - 15 lbs. weight plates for exercise - $10 Tuff Stuff Tool Case - $5
Call 979-966-3108
are hereby required to come forward and make settlement with HELEN VRANA SCHAEFER and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to HELEN VRANA SCHAEFER within the time prescribed by law. The mailing address of HELEN VRANA SCHAEFER is P.O. Box 458, Flatonia,Texas 78941, where she receives his mail on this the 15th day of January, 2014. S/S Helen Vrana Schaefer HELEN VRANA SCHAEFER Independent Executrix of the Estate of ROBERT RUDOLPH SCHAEFER OELTJEN, SCHOVAJSA & KLESEL, LLP 236 W. Colorado St. La Grange, TX 78945 Tel: (979) 968-3184 Fax: (979) 968-8996 By: Michael F. Klesel MICHAEL F. KLESEL Attorney of the Estate (61-1c) Advertisement and Invitation for Bids The City of La Grange will receive bids for the 2013 Water Distribution Line Improvements Project until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at City Hall, 155 E. Colorado Street, La Grange, Texas 78945. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at said office. Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows: • Water Lines, Hydrants, Valves, Meters, Tie-Ins and associated appurtenances Bid/Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, are on file at BEFCO Engineering, Inc., 485 N. Jefferson (P. O. Box 615), La Grange, Texas 78945 (979) 968-6474. Copies of the Bid/Contract Documents may be obtained by depositing $50.00 with BEFCO Engineering, Inc. for each set of documents obtained. The deposit will not be refunded. A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to the City of La Grange or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Affairs and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin. The City of La Grange reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of La Grange for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders qualifications prior to the contract award. The successful Bidder shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds on the forms furnished with the Proposal, in the amount of 100% of the total Contract price, from a surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety. The surety company must have a minimum Best Key Rating of “B”, or if the surety company must be eligible to participate in the surety bond guarantee program of the Small Business Administration and must be an approved surety listed in the current U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570, and must meet all of the related rules and regulations of the Treasury Department. The surety company and the agency or agent issuing the Payment and Performance Bonds must be authorized to issue and sign Payment and Performance Bonds in Texas in an amount equal to or greater than the total Contract price. All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project. S/S Shawn Raborn Shawn Raborn, City Manager City of La Grange June 3, 2014
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Officials Concerned About Area Disposal Wells By H.H. HOWZE
The Fayette County Record
Texas groundwater conservation districts lost a round in May when the Texas Railroad Commission voted to deny them a seat at the table to challenge permits for oil and gas disposal wells. Disposal wells are used for the reinjection of fluids produced in drilling or used for fracking oil and gas wells. Although the ruling was on a technicality – the well in question was four miles outside the jurisdiction of the Gonzales County Underground Water Conservation District – the issue isn’t going away anytime soon, according to Fayette Groundwater Conservation District general manager David Van Dresar. There are thousands of these disposal wells in Texas already – the Railroad Commission ap-
proved 668 permits in 2013. There are currently 37 in Fayette County. Van Dresar said that, so far from being a party to the permitting of any of these disposal wells in the county, his agency hasn’t even been notified of their existence by the Railroad Commission except in one case. “I did receive notice of one,” he said Friday. The Gonzales case involves disposal wells into the same aquifer – the Carrizo-Wilcox – which underlies western Fayette County. The Fayette Water Supply Corporation’s largest well on Roy Road is drilled into the freshwater portion of the Carrizo, Van Dresar noted. Groundwater district managers across the state are concerned about the wells’ potential impact on brackish and freshwater aquifers fearing they could contaminate future drink-
ing water supplies. Disposal wells are supposed to be drilled into formations at least 1000 feet below groundwater. (The disposal wells have also been suspected of causing numerous minor earthquakes in other parts of the state.) Possible contamination of fresh water isn’t the only issue for oil companies and local communities. Brackish and saline aquifers are becoming increasingly valuable as potential drinking water supplies using desalination. San Antonio is pulling water out of the Carrizo-Wilcox’s brackish portion and treating it to potable standards. El Paso has one of the largest desalination projects in the United States, Van Dresar noted. “Desalination is the next step in securing freshwater,” he said. The Gonzales groundwater district was seeking safeguards
such as more secure casings to prevent wastewater from migrating into drinking water supplies, not trying to shut down the actual drilling of wastewater wells. Score one for Marathon Oil Company in the Gonzales case, but, “The big question still needs to be answered,” Van Dresar said, “who has jurisdiction when groundwater districts try to do their job?” That’s likely a case for the courts and the next state legislature in January.
Disposal Wells in Texas
As of calendar year 2013, Texas has more than 50,000 permitted oil and gas injection and disposal wells with approximately 35,000 currently active as of calendar year 2013. Oil and gas produced wastewater may be returned to the reservoir where it originated by injection for secondary or enhanced oil recovery (fracking) or may be disposed of by injection into underground porous rock formations not productive of oil or gas that are isolated from useable quality groundwater and sealed above and below by unbroken and impermeable strata.
Honor Grads Named at LHS Continued from front
The 2014 LHS graduates toss their caps at the end of the graduation ceremony. Photo by Bobby Bedient
Graduation Speaker was Kolkhorst Continued from front over the year – mentioning the Leopard Football team making it to semifinals, correctly predicting the Lady Leps softball would win state Saturday, how 47 students participated in UIL academic contests, with 32 advancing to regionals and eight to state. She mentioned how over $800,000 in scholarships were awarded to seniors this year. “You are not only good on the athletic field, but you are good where it really counts – in the classroom, so I say congratu-
lations to you,” Kolkhorst said. Kolkhorst then said it is time to look forward because tomorrow morning these students will wake up as graduates of La Grange High School. “There is no short cut to wisdom, there is no how-to,” Kolkhorst said. “It takes years, marked by mistakes, triumphs, trials, and errors. Work hard and hustle. Use manners and respect. Set your goals for the next 12 months and go. If you do that, America has a glorious future.” The final farewell was given
by Brittany Weishuhn, the presentation of seniors by Dr. Bryan Hallmark and presentation of diplomas by La Grange ISD Board Members. Final closing marks were given by Kenzie Walker. The Class of 2014 colors are purple and gold, class flower is the purple rose, class song is “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons, and the class motto is “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it,” a quotation by William Arthur Ward.
Kelli Reierson, daughter of Richard and Kathy Cernoch Taryn Wenske, daughter of Harvey and Renee Wenske Kenzie Walker, daughter of Tom and Leigh Anne Walker Ariel Svec, daughter of Steven and Bernice Svec Colton Voelkel, son of Chris and LaDonna Voelkel Alexander Toensing, son of Scott and Kathy Toensing.
The La Grange Noon Lions Club would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for your sponsorship and for our making our 2nd Annual Scholarship Benefit Golf Tournament a Big Success: GOLD SPONSORS: HEB • Smalley Family • McCourt and Sons Equipment SILVER SPONSORS: Oviedo Dodge TEAM SPONSORS: Farmers Lumber • National Bank and Trust Sandy Rials Appraisal • Fox Appraisal District Lo In Energy, Corp. • Giddings Noon Lions Club BRONZE SPONSORS: Hank’s Express • Dr. L. Donald Mayer, D.D.S. Weikel’s Store and Bakery • Mueller Feed William R. Crawford, Attorney at Law Fayette Savings Bank • Steven Landry • Farmers Lumber Fayette Veterinary Clinic • Callan & Linda Oltmann Karen A. Mahoney, Attorney at Law CASA of Bastrop • John McCourt Edward Jones Investments-Chuck Mazac State Farm Insurance-Jimmy Fucik Cliff Giese • James J. Allbright, III, CPA Carlton Industries • La Grange Nails Elk Tractor and Equipment • Brasher-Gunn Motor Co. Columbus Eye Associates • Ken and Linda Diers La Grange NAPA • La Grange 4th of July Social Club Fayette Electric Cooperative • Fayetteville Bank Fitzpatrick Chiropractic Clinic • Sandy Rials Appraisal La Grange Ford • Bargas Landscape Daricek Insurance Agency • Weldon Koenig Round Top State Bank • Brenda Fietsam Fayette County Farm Bureau TRAP SPONSORS: Joe Simpson-Joe’s Place • Daniel Cernoch Plumbing Sea Land Restaurant • Revitalize Day Spa D and G Office Supply • Clear Title Company Jenny Janda • Land Brokers, Inc. • Round Top State Bank DONATIONS OF PRIZES: D & D Ace Hardware • Le Petite Gourmet Shoppe National Bank and Trust • La Grange Chevron Richard Bily • The Busy B • Hengst Printing Farmers Lumber • Walmart • Bistro 108 Legal Tender Brisket and Brew • Sea Land Restaurant
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Third Grade Performs End of School Musical
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The La Grange Hermes Elementary End-of-School Assembly was held Thursday, May 29 at the Auditorium in La Grange at 8:30 a.m. The third grade class put on a musical show, entitled “Bugz” for other students, teachers, family and friends. Dressed up as different bugs (fireflies, ladybugs, bees, butterflies and more), they sang songs “Goin’ on a Picnic,” “Be a Lady,” “Firefly,” “March of the Army Ants,” and “Things Change.” Photos by Alyson Svec
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The Fayette County Record
Making A ‘State’ment
Lady Leps Cap Historic Season With Dominant State Tournament By JEFF WICK
The Fayette County Record
AUSTIN – All season long, the La Grange softball team played like the best team in the state. Saturday the Lady Leps won the hardware to prove it. With a 7-3 victory over Van in front of a standing-room-only crowd of 1,294, La Grange won the Class 3A state softball title, capping a dominant five months that saw the Lady Leps start the season ranked No. 1 and hold that top spot the entire year, even winning 34 in a row at one point. “We were wire-to-wire No. 1,” said La Grange head coach Art Behrend, whose team finishes with a 40-2 record. “We came into the season planning to win it. That was our goal every day.” The title was the secondever for the La Grange softball program. The first was in 2005. The Lady Leps came into this 2014 season with a motto of “Unfinished Business” after losing in the state semis in 2013. “We took care of business,” said La Grange sophomore pitcher Missy Zoch, who hurled a complete game six-hitter in Thursday’s 4-1 state semifinal victory over Huffman-Hargrave. She then turned around Saturday and threw another complete game six-hitter against a dangerous Van lineup that had scored 15 in a state semi win over Snyder. But Zoch kept the Vandals hitters guessing all afternoon. “Missy Zoch was unreal,” said Behrend. “She was 31-0 this year. She pretty much dominated everybody.” Meanwhile, the powerful La Grange lineup got to Van pitcher Autumn McKinney for nine hits including a pair of homers by Kristy Bertsh and Hatti Moore– which brings the Lady Leps long-ball total for the season to 44 (among the most ever by a high school team in one season). Bertsch, who was named the MVP of the championship game, got the offense started for the Lady Leps Saturday with a three-run inside-the-park homer that flew over the head of the Van centerfielder. La Grange got two more in
The members of the Lady Leps softball team celebrate in the middle of the infield seconds after winning the state title Saturday. The player on the ground that all the others are convering on is pitcher MIssy Zoch, who hurled a pair of complete games at the state tournament. Photo by Jeff Wick
the third inning on a rally that started when Blake-Ann Fritsch bunted for a single. Briana Angel walked and then both advanced on a double steal. Alyssa Angel’s ground-out brought Fritsch home and then Briana Angel scored on a sacrifice bunt by Moore. The Lady Leps went up 5-0 when Libby Read reached on an error, stole second and scored on a Fritsch single. Van finally got to Zoch (who took a no-hitter into the fourth inning) for three runs in the fifth, highlighted by a two-run double by Hallee Carter. That was all the Vandals could muster against Zoch, and a Lady Leps defense that made several sparkling plays with their gloves throughout the state tournament. La Grange got one of those runs back in the bottom of the fifth when Moore cranked a solo homer over the right-centerfield fence. “I’ve been day-dreaming about that moment for a long as See Lady Leps, next page
With her teammates waiting to congratulate her, La Grange’s Hannah Gerecke trots to the plate after her home run in the state semifinal game against Huffman-Hargrave. Photo by Jeff Wick
The members of the 2014 La Grange softball pose for their official state tournament photo on the outfield grass at McCombs Stadium prior to their state semifinal game Thursday; Front row, left to right: Madison Becka, Brenna Beseda, Briana Angel, Hannah Kalina, Brianna Ahlschlager, Libby Read, Kristy Bertsch, Hannah Gerecke; Middle row: Abby Morgan, Abby Gage, Brittni Ward, Shelby Weyand, Grace-Anne Matocha, Alex Mueller, Hannah Garlick, Amber Loehr, Darby Fitzpatrick. back row: Head coach Art Behrend, Assistant Coach Kadie Dodd, Missy Zoch, Blake-Ann Fritsch, Riley Fisbeck, Alyssa Angel, Hatti Moore and Shelby Dixon. Photo by Jeff Wick
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Lady Leps Claim Their Second Softball Title
Boxscores 5/29/14 –State Semifinals
La Grange 4, Huffman Hargrave 1
Huffman 000 000 1 – 1 6 2 La Grange 011 002 x – 4 5 0 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game six-hitter, allowing one run with 3 BBs and 3 Ks) Losing pitcher: Megan Unroe (complete game five-hitter, allowing four runs with 4 BBs and 2 Ks)
Huffman 1 (30-6)
Player Bailey Sousa cf Madi O’Neal lf Megan Mitchell 2b Kelsie McEachern 1b Demi Janak pr Loren Dempsey c Christina Bardwell ss Amber Fillbrandt 3b Maggie McCloskey dp Kylie George rf Megan Unroe p Totals
La Grange 4 (39-2) Player Blake-Ann Fritsch rf Briana Angel 2b Alyssa Angel ss Hatti Moore c Kristy Bertsch 3b Abby Gage pr Riley Fisbeck 1b Hannah Gerecke lf Madison Becka dp Brenna Beseda pr Elizabeth Read cf Missy Zoch p Totals
ab r 4 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 26 1
h 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 6
rbi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
ab r 2 0 3 0 2 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 22 4
h 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5
rbi 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 4
Left on base: Huffman 8, La Grange 4 3B: Huffman (George) HR: La Grange (Gerecke) SB: A.Angel, Moore Attendance: 1,250
5/31/14 –State Championship
La Grange 7, Van 3
Van 000 030 0 – 3 6 1 La Grange 302 110 x – 7 9 1 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game six-hitter with 1 BB, 5 Ks) Losing pitcher” Autumn McKinney (6 IP, nine hit, 7 runs, 2 BBs, 3 Ks)
Van (31-6-1)
Player ab r h rbi Hallee Carter cf 4 0 1 2 Ashlin Lovett ss 3 0 0 0 Kylee Moore 1b/dp 3 0 1 0 Nicole Gandy 3b 3 0 0 0 Haleigh Moore c 2 1 1 0 Autumn McKinney p 3 0 0 0 Sierra Nichols dp/1b 3 1 1 0 Devri Cotton rf 3 0 0 0 Jordain Castillo lf 3 1 2 1 Caitlann Peden 2b 0 0 0 0 Totals 27 3 6 3
La Grange (40-2)
Continued from front I could remember,” Moore said. “I just went up there needing a base hit and it happened.” When Zoch struck out the final Van batter to end the game, it touched off a wild celebration by the Lady Leps and their fans – many of which had been in that same stadium nine years ago for what had been the first state title of any sort for La Grange girls athletics. La Grange first baseman Riley Fisbeck had been a batgirl on that 2005 team that her mom, Shelly, was an assistant coach on. Now nine years later Riley was again getting a gold state medal placed around her neck. “Every day at practice we knew we had a big target on our backs. We knew if we were No. 1 we had to prove it and we never let up,” Fisbeck said. “I’m so proud of this team. I could not be any happier.”
LG Downs Huffman 4-1 in Semifinals
Before the Lady Leps even got the chance to face Van in the finals, they had to get past Huffman-Hargrave. Having already beaten Huffman-Hargrave once this season (9-0 back in February) did little to comfort the Lady Leps heading into Thursday’s semifinal. “(That familiarity) probably makes you more nervous because you know you beat them bad and you knew they would be that much more up for the game.,” Behrend said. “They’ve improved a lot.” But not enough to beat the Lady Leps. Zoch ended up throwing a complete game six-hitter but struggled a little early as Huffman loaded the bases in the top of the first, but couldn’t score. La Grange struck first in the second inning when Riley Fisbeck walked, advanced to third on a Huffman throwing error and than scored in a single by Libby Read.
La Grange added another run in the bottom of the third when the Lady Leps’ biggest power hitter Alyssa Angel surprised everyone by bunting for a base hit. She stole second and scored on a Kristy Bertsch single. In the sixth La Grange got some more insurance when Hatti Moore walked and then scored when Hannah Gerecke launched a towering two-run homer beyond the left field wall. “I knew I had to help my team,” Gerecke said. “It was a great feeling. You have those hits where you just know (they are gone.)” “Hannah’s been hitting clutch all year,” Behrend said. “She’s got great hands.” “We always say swing hard just in case you hit it.” That four-run lead was way more than Zoch needed. Putting those early game struggles behind her, she kept putting zeroes up on the scoreboard. “I was really, really nervous,” Zoch said. “I couldn’t concentrate on anything. We just decided we were going to win.” Huffman did finally score a single run in the seventh, but that was it. “She hits her spots, moves it around. She’s a pitcher, she doesn’t just throw, she pitches,” Behrend said of Zoch. “She did another good job, she’s 30-0 and we just need her to be 310.” After the semifinal the Lady Leps celebrated briefly at midfield, but knowing they had one more job to do. Of course before Saturday’s title game, there was the little matter of graduation for the Lady Leps’ five seniors. “Now we can go to graduattion and focus on that and have a good night,” said Lady Leps designated hitter Madison Becka, who Thursday night was crowned valedictorian. “And then come back on Saturday and finish what we started.” And they did.
LG’s Kristy Bertsch Named Championship Game MVP By JEFF WICK
The Fayette County Record
Coming into this season, no player on the Lady Leps had bigger shoes to fill than Kristy Bertsch. Bertsch, a junior, took over at third base for the legendary Breanna Homer, who had been a four-year starter at that corner. And all season long Bertsch filled those shoes admirably, playing nearly flawless defense and hitting .376. It was a stellar season capped off with Saturday’s performance when she was named the MVP of the state championship game. “It’s pretty incredible.” Bertsch said. “To win a state title and get this award, it’s unbelievable.” Bertsch was two-for-three at the plate Saturday, and no moment in the entire game was bigger than her three-run insidethe-park home run in the first inning that gave the Lady Leps a 3-0 lead they would never lose. With two outs and BlakeAnn Fritsch on second and Alyssa Angel on third, Bertsch cranked a shot over the head of centerfielder Hallee Carter, who tried to leap high for the ball but fell to the ground, shaken-up and empty-handed. And Bertsch just keep running and running. “I didn’t even know I would get a double to be honest,” Bertsch said. “When I rounded second I was like, ‘this is really happening’ and he (La Grange head coach Art Behrend) was still waving me in and I was like, ‘okay.’” It was the first inside-thepark home run Bertsch said she’s ever hit. Behrend said he was surprised at how Bertsch hit this particular homer (she had hit two of the over-the-fence variety earlier this season) but he was not surprised at how she rose the occasion in the biggest game of the year. “She’s not the flashiest player in the world, but you know
La Grange’s Kristy Bertsch was named the Most Valuable Player of the state title game, presented by UIL Director Peter Contreras. Photos by Jeff Wick
As Alyssa Angel and Riley Fisbeck cheer her on, Kristy Bertsch slides home after her inside-the-park home run.
you can count on her,” Behrend said. And Bertschs, in particular, have a way of excelling in state title games. Kristy’s cousin, Mandi
Bertsch, was named all-tournament and had two hits in the title game when the Lady Leps won the 2005 state softball title. “We’re very into softball in our family,” Kristy said.
Player ab r h rbi Blake-Ann Fritsch rf 4 2 3 1 Briana Angel 2b 3 1 0 0 Alyssa Angel ss 2 1 0 1 Hatti Moore c 2 1 1 2 Kristy Bertsch 3b 3 1 2 3 Abby Gage pr 0 0 0 0 Riley Fisbeck 1b 3 0 1 0 Hannah Gerecke lf 3 0 1 0 Madison Becka dp 3 0 0 0 Elizabeth Read cf 3 1 1 0 Marissa Zoch p 0 0 0 0 Totals 26 7 9 7 Left on base: Van 4, LG 4. 2B: Van (Carter); La Grange (Fritsch) 3B: La Grange (Fisbeck) HR: La Grange (Bertsch, Moore) SB: Moore, Fritsch, B. Angel, Read Attendance: 1,294 Red and Charline McCombs Field at the University of Texas has a seating capacity of 1,250, meaning both La Grange’s semifinal Thursday (official attendance 1,250) and championship game Saturday (official attendance 1,294) were sell-outs. Here’s La Grange’s Hannah Gerecke bats during the semifinal game. Photo by Jeff Wick
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The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
State Tournament Notebook By JEFF WICK
The Fayette County Record
FIve Lady Leps Named All-Tournament Several Lady Leps made the all-state tournament team as selected by the Texas Girls Coaches Association. Pitcher: Missy Zoch So. La Grange Cather: Hatti Moore Fr. La Grange 1B: Naudia Gonzales Jr. Snyder 2B: Priscilla Guzman Jr. Snyder 3B: Kristy Bertsch* Jr. La Grange SS: Alyssa Angel Sr. La Grange OF: Hallee Carter Jr. Van OF: Blake-Ann Fritsch So. La Grange OF: Jordain Castillo Jr. Van Utility: Kylee Moore Jr. Van * Denotes championship game MVP
Fritsch Continues Family Tradition
Last season La Grange’s Blake-Ann Fritsch watched the state tournament on crutches after being injured during the playoffs. This season the sophomore outfield speedster made the most of those healthy legs. Fritsch, the lead-off hitter for the Lady Leps, went three-for-four in Saturday’s title game and scored two runs and drove in another. “I was ready. I had my mind focused,” Fritsch said. And now she’s got a gold medal to add to the family trophy case. Her older brother Tanner was the starting shortstop on the La Grange baseball team that won state last year. “For us to win state in back-to-back years is so cool,” Fritsch said.
Ready for Repeat?
La Grange might be a good bet to be the preseason No. 1-ranked team again next season, considering the Lady Leps graduate only two senior starters – shortstop Alyssa Angel and designated hitter Madison Becka. “Our team is so young and all of us can get better and it’s going to happen,” said La Grange freshman catcher Hatti Moore, who hit .430 coming into the state tournament and slugged a solo homer in the title game. “We will be here again. We’re ready.” “We’ll come out next year knowing we have a plan, and not have to start over,” said sophomore pitcher Missy Zoch, who went 31-0 this season. “We’ll just reload.”
Behrend’s Thinking Ahead
How will La Grange head coach Art Behrend celebrate this state title? “I”m going to go give my grandbabies a hug and give my wife a kiss,” Behrend said. “Then we’ve got softball camp coming up June 9-12. We start working for next year. We’re not satisfied. We want to win it again. These kids are hungry, and we’ll sure try to do it.”
Angel Sisters Final HS Game Together
Saturday’s state title game marked the final high game that sisters Alyssa and Briana Angel would play together. They will re-unite in two years at the University of Texas, where both have been offered scholarships to play softball. Alyssa, the senior shortstop, and Briana, the sophomore second baseman, said they were glad their last game together as Lady Leps was such a memorable one. “It all came together,” Alyssa said. “It’s just such an amazing feeling. I love my team.” “I’m glad we could win this for all the seniors,” Briana said. Though it was bittersweet. “We were in the huddle, and I was like this is the last time for us on the field together and I almost started tearing up during the game,” Alyssa said. “I was like wait, stop crying we have to win this.”
La Grange pitcher Missy Zoch didn’t lose a single game this season, going a remarkable 31-0 with a 1.03 ERA. She pitched a pair of complete game at the state tournament, allowing just six hits in each game, and four runs combined in the 14 innings. Photo by Grace-Anne Matocha
Becka Top in Athletics/Academics
Sandwiched between Thursday’s state semifinal win and Saturday’s state title win, La Grange designated hitter Madison Becka was crowned the valedictorian at Thursday night’s graduation ceremony. Which begs the obvious question: What is better, winning a state title or being ranked at the top of her class? “They are both perfect. They are both awesome. It was a perfect weekend for me. Being the valedictorian was a great accomplishment and then to come out here with my team and do what we’ve always wanted to, was icing on the cake,” Becka said. “It was perfect.” And Becka said there are parallels to success is softball and in the classroom “If you work hard, you’ll work hard in all aspects of your life,” Becka said. “In the classroom and on the field you need that intensity and focus to do well and succeed.”
La Grange’s Libby Read puts down a bunt in the title game. Photo by Grace-Anne Matocha
Gerecke an All-Around Star
A growing trend for high school athletes is specializing in just one or two sports. But La Grange junior Hannah Gerecke is a throwback to those all-around athletes of old that go from sport-to-sportto-sport throughout the high school season. And she’s amazing at all of them. Gerecke is a star setter for the La Grange volleyball team, a starter in basketball, and a state meet qualifier in track. And Thursday she showed once again what a great softball player she is as she cranked a two-run home run out of McCombs Field. “She plays four sports for us and if she focused on softball no telling how good she could be. Maybe in college she will,” Behrend said.
Blake-Ann Congratulations on the great season! We love you, Mom, Dad, Tanner and Sydney
Pregame team bonding before the semifinal. Photo by Jeff Wick
-The Ahlschlager Family
Opponent Score W/L Pearland 2-6 L Fort Bend Austin 11-5 W Fort Bend Dulles 20-2 W Northside O’Connor 10-3 W League City Clear Creek 9-2 W Houston Lamar 10-0 W Sealy 6-5 W Georgetown 10-0 W Marble Falls 5-4 W Huffman Hargraves 9-0 W Victoria East 10-1 W Columbus 5-0 W Pflugerville Hendrickson 9-1 W Round Rock Westwood 11-3 W Little Cypress-Mauriceville 3-2 W Azle 2-1 W Wolfforth Frenship 11-4 W Lufkin 8-2 W Garrison 13-3 W Comal Canyon 15-4 W Yoakum 5-1 W Caldwell 11-0 W Cuero 12-2 W Gonzales 14-1 W Smithville 7-2 W Giddings 4-3 W Yoakum 10-0 W Cuero 19-0 W Gonzales 17-0 W Smithville 3-0 W Giddings 8-0 W Robinson 5-4 W Playoff Games Needville 12-2 W Fredricksburg 12-0 W Columbus 4-0 W Columbus 0-2 L Columbus 18-0 W Devine 12-1 W La Vernia 12-3 W La Vernia 8-0 W State Tournament Huffman-Hargrave 4-1 W Van 7-3 W
Way to go Kristy #4
Congratulations, Lady Leps
We are proud of you!
Keep those beautiful smiles!
You make us proud!
Karen A. Roberts, DDS Michael C. Nondorf, DDS and The Team at CornerStone Dental
Love, Mom, Dad, Kasey & Cody
We are proud of Brianna and the Lady Lep Softball Team.
The Lady Leps’ Road to the Title
Hatti Moore
Hannah Kalina #14
We are very proud of you and the accomplishments that you and the Lady Leps have achieved! We've had a blast watching ya'll do your thing! Love ya kiddo!
We’re Proud of You!
Dad, Mom and Georgie
Love, Mom, Dad & Taylor
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The Road to State Was Filled With Dominant Wins By JEFF WICK
The Fayette County Record
After losing the first game of the season to 5A Pearland the Lady Leps rattled off 31 consecutive wins to close out the regular season. More dominance was ahead in the playoffs. Here’s a look at that playoff road to state from excerpts published in the Fayette County Record:
Bidistrict: The Bomb Squad Blasts Needville
VICTORIA – As if opposing pitchers didn’t already have enough to worry about when facing the La Grange softball team – the Lady Leps added a couple of new members to their “Bomb Squad.” Kristy Bertsch and Missy Zoch both hit their first home runs of the season and Riley Fisbeck added her third homer of the year, as the Lady Leps annihilated Needville 12-2 in the playoff opener for both teams at Victoria St. Joseph. “We were ready to come out, and we were ready to start our journey to state,” Bertsch said. The win was the Lady Leps’ 32nd in a row and vaults La Grange into the area round where they will face Fredericksburg. The La Grange lineup is quickly becoming a Murders’ Row of sluggers, as eight different La Grange players have hit homers this season. “Everybody on this team is dangerous,” said Fisbeck after Friday’s game. “We know we have to hit to win. Every day we work on our swing.” La Grange (32-1) is now hitting a remarkable .398 as a team with 28 homers. “We talk a lot about swinging hard and squaring up,” said La Grange head coach Art Behrend, about his team’s hitting prowess. “And we do a lot of hand-eye coordination stuff.” Behrend said he is also blessed with so many good pitchers, of so many varying abilities, that every week his players can see live batting practice that nearly mirrors what they will face in any upcoming game. Last week Behrend said it was Elana Ledwik doing her best impersonation of Needville starting pitcher Hannah Oler in practice. The Lady Leps clearly came into this one well prepared. Fisbeck’s homer capped off a four-run first inning for the Lady Leps. La Grange got four more in the third, highlighted by Zoch’s homer. Then the Lady Leps added four more in the fifth, with Bertsch’s homer being the big hit in that frame. That was way more run-support than Zoch would need. She pitched a complete game three-hitter with six strikeouts to improve her record to 23-0 with a 1.20 ERA. This was a far cry from last year’s playoff opener when La Grange was nearly shocked by Bandera, but escaped with a 5-4 win. “Before the game we talked about how this could be our last game as a team together and we had to come out and play our
hardest,” Zoch said. “We remembered last year and all week every one of those girls said it’s not going to happen again,” Behrend said. “We’re not going to let it get close. For all of us, there’s only one goal: We’ve got to get to Austin and win it all.” 4/25/14 – Bidistrict Playoff Softball
La Grange 12, Needville 2
Needville 010 10 – 2 3 1 La Grange 404 40 – 12 10 0 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game three-hitter with 6 Ks) LG highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 1 run, 1 hit; Alyssa Angel 1 hit, 3 runs; Hatti Moore 2 hits, 2B, 3 RBIs, 3 runs; Briana Angel 1 hit; Kristy Bertsch 2 hits, 2B, HR, 3 RBIs, 2 runs; Hannah Gerecke 1 hit, 1 run, 1 RBI; Missy Zoch 1 hit, HR, 1 run, 2 RBIs; Riley Fisbeck 1 hit, HR, 1 run, 3 RBIs.
Area: LG Beats Fredericksburg 12-0
AUSTIN – The way the softball field is situated at Austin Westlake High School, with dense woodland filling the entire area beyond the outfield wall, would never work in La Grange. The Lady Leps would lose a small fortune in softballs because of the number of home runs they hit. “We’d lose a lot in the brush if our field was like this,” laughed La Grange head coach Art Behrend. “We’d have to shred out there or something. Sometimes we hit 30 balls out in a day at practice.” In another showcase of their remarkable hitting power, The Lady Leps launched four home run balls into the Westlake woods Thursday as La Grange beat Fredericksburg 12-0 in their 3A area round playoff game. La Grange (33-1), winners of 33 in a row, now advances to face Columbus. Alyssa Angel launched two homers, and Riley Fisbeck and Hannah Gerecke each added a homer as La Grange cranked out 12 hits. “It’s so much fun when we’re all hitting like this,” Alyssa Angel said. “I think when one person starts hitting, it’s contagious and everyone gets pumped and ready to hit,” Gerecke said. Both Alyssa Angel and Fisbeck drove in four runs each. Briana Angel hit a pair of doubles and a triple. La Grange’s Missy Zoch pitched four innings of two hit ball to improve her record to 240, while Abby Morgan pitched a perfect fifth inning to end the game via the 10-run mercy rule. La Grange was never in danger in this one. They jumped all over Fredericksburg starting pitcher Macalah Jenschke for six runs in the first inning. The first six Lady Leps batters in the game all reached and scored – three walks mixed with a double by Briana Angel and homers by Alyssa Angel and Fisbeck. Six more runs came across in the fourth inning, highlighted by Alyssa Angel’s second homer and a towering shot to center by Gerecke. “As soon as I hit it I knew it was gone,” said Gerecke, who is having quite a week as she and two other members of the softball squad (Libby Read and Blake-Ann Fritsch) have teamed
Lady Leps, you've STOLEN our hearts! We're so proud of you!
La Grange High School principal Bryan Hallmark and Athletic Director Matt Kates pass out the state gold medals to the Lady Leps after Saturday’s title game. Photo by Jeff Wick 5/1/14
La Grange 12, Fredericksburg 0
Fredericksburg 000 00 – 0 2 1 La Grange 600 6x –12 12 0 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (4 IP, 0 runs, 2 hits, 7 Ks); Abby Morgan (1 IP, 0 runs, O hits) LG highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 1 run; Alyssa Angel 2 runs, 2 hits 2 HRs, 4 RBIs; Abby Gage 1 run; Hatti Moore 2 runs; Briana Angel 2 runs, 3 hits, 2 2Bs, 3B, 1 RBI; Kristy Bertsch 1 hit, 1 run; Hannah Gerecke 1 run, 2 hits, HR, 3 RBIs; Missy Zoch 2 hits; Riley Fisbeck 2 runs, 2 hits, HR, 4 RBIs.
Columbus Tests the Lady Leps
La Grange’s Blake-Ann Fritsch slides safely into third base in the state semis against Huffman-Hargave. Photo by Jeff Wick
Teammates wait to congratulate Hatti Moore, 18, after her solo home run Saturday in the title game. Photo by Jeff Wick
with Hannah Zuhn to qualify for the state track meet in the 4x400 relay. Speed and power – a dangerous mix for anyone who has to face the La Grange girls. “If you throw it over the plate we’re going to take a swing at it. We swing hard just in case we hit it,” Behrend said. But even on a team of epic sluggers, Alyssa Angel leads the way. For Alyssa, only a few weeks from graduation (and
then on to join the UT softball team), her two homers Thursday upped her team leading total to 10 this season. She’s also hitting for an amazing .625 average with a slugging percentage of 1.221. “The thing is, she’s so disciplined,” Behrend said. “She rarely swings at bad pitches and when it’s in the zone, she takes a really good cut. That disciple comes with experience and the large number of cuts she’s taken in her life –
Congrats to
#3 Libby Read Center Fielder for the La Grange Lady Leps Love, Mom, Dad, Jonathan, Chris, Grandma and Granny
Located On The Square • La Grange, Texas 979.968.9200
and the other girls feed off of her and see watch what she does and they try to do it that way.” Alyssa Angel said she’s less worried about those stats and more concerned with helping she and rest of her senior teammates end their high school careers with a state title. “As a senior you know any game can be your last,” she said. “So we’re leaving our hearts out on the field, and giving it all we’ve got.”
BASTROP – Under normal circumstances, the No. 1-ranked La Grange softball team is really, really good. Apparently, when the Lady Leps’ backs are against the wall, they are even better. After losing Game 2 of their regional quarterfinal series with the Lady Cardinals 2-0 Saturday morning – La Grange’s first loss in three months, which snapped a 34-game win streak – the Lady Leps pounded Columbus that night to win the decisive game 18-0. “I told the girls the sign of a champion is how you come back from a loss,” said La Grange head coach Art Behrend, repeating what he told his players after that Saturday morning set-back. La Grange didn’t commit a single error in the series, and Missy Zoch pitched a pair of complete game shutouts to lead the way. The series victory advances the Lady Leps (35-2) to the Sweet 16 (also known as the regional semifinals) where they will face Devine in a one-gamer. The La Grange girls are still alive after one of the wilder series in program history. And it all started with a little curveball from Mother Nature. La Grange and Columbus were supposed to play the first two games of their series Friday in Weimar starting at 5:30 p.m. But significant rainfall made the field unplayable until after 7 p.m. so they played just one game that night. Continued on next page
Congratulations to the Lady Leps on a Great Season!
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The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The Road To Austin Continued from previous page
And what a game it was, as La Grange used four Columbus errors (three in the first inning) to prevail 4-0. Three of La Grange’s runs in that game were unearned, while the Lady Leps fielders made sparkling play after sparkling play with their gloves to keep Columbus scoreless. That stellar defense La Grange plays often doesn’t garner as much attention as the tape-measure homers the Lady Leps hit, but it’s just as important. “Every day we work on defense – it’s a must,” said La Grange second baseman Briana Angel. “These girls take a tremendous amount of pride in defense,” Behrend said. “They work hard. We make plays look easy because they’re getting good jumps.” All the Columbus miscues in the field ruined what was a strong outing by Columbus freshman pitcher Hali Wisnoskie, who ended up pitching all three games for the Lady Cardinals in this series. “She’s tough. You really have to prepare mentally to face her. You have to lay-off that rise pitch she has and really be selective,” Briana Angel said after Game 1. Unfortunately for the Lady Leps they did not do as good of a job of doing that in Game 2 –which took place Saturday morning at 9 .am. at Bastrop’s Cedar Creek High School. Wisnoskie took a no-hitter into the seventh inning before La Grange’s Hatti Moore finally broke through with a single. But that was all La Grange managed in that contest. “We chased too many bad pitches,” Behrend said. Abby Morgan pitched Game 2 for La Grange, throwing a complete game and allowing just three hits. “Abby pitched a good game, good enough to win,” Behrend said. “The big thing about her performance was that she kept it so close that Columbus had to keep their pitcher (Wisnoskie) in the whole game, and she was worn out by that evening. Meanwhile we had a rested Missy Zoch for the third game, and that was a big advantage.” Instead of immediately playing the decisive Game 3 after the conclusion of Game 2, however, both teams took a whopping seven-hour break – as some players from both La Grange and Columbus travelled to Austin to run in the state track meet. The remaining Lady Leps stayed in Bastrop “ate lunch, went to a yogurt shop, rested, walked around and shopped,” Behrend said. Then at 6 p.m. the two teams met again at Cedar Creek for Game 3, and it was all La Grange. Alyssa Angel launched a first inning homer (the first of her two homers in that contest) and the Lady Leps never looked back. Madison Becka also hit a homer and Riley Fisbeck was four-for-four at the plate.
La Grange wasn’t done until they had pounded out 17 hits and 18 runs – remarkable considering they had struggled so much against Wisnoskie that morning. “We laid off that rise-ball,” Behrend said. And just like that the Lady Leps were marching into the Sweet 16 –and hoping Saturday night’s win was the start of a new win-streak. 5/9/14 – Game 1
La Grange 4, Columbus 0
La Grange 102 000 1 – 4 7 0 Columbus 000 000 0 – 0 4 4 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game four-hitter with 8 Ks) LG highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 1 run; Briana Angel 1 hit, 3B, 1 run; Alyssa Angel 2 hits, 2B, 1 run, 1 RBI; Hatti Moore 1 hit, 1 run; Kristy Bertsch 1 hit, 1 RBI; Hannah Gerecke 2 hits. 5/10/14 – Game 2
Columbus 2, La Grange 0
Columbus 000 200 0 – 2 3 1 La Grange 000 000 0 – 0 1 0 Winning pitcher: Hali Wisnoskie (complete game one-hitter) LG highlights: Abby Morgan pitched a complete game three-hitter; Hatti Moore got La Grange’s only hit.
In the immediate aftermath of the game-ending strikeout Saturday in the title game, La Grange pitcher Missy Zoch drops to her knees and hits the dirt in celebration, center, while Riley Fisbeck leaps into the air, left. Photo by Grace-Ann Matocha
5/10/14 – Game 3
La Grange 18, Columbus 0
Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game four-hitter) LG highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 2-for-3, 3 runs, RBI; Briana Angel 2-for-4, 1 run, 2 RBIs; Alyssa Angel 2-for-4, 2 HRs, 4 RBIs; Hatti Moore 2-for-2, 2 runs, 1 RBI; Kristy Bertsch 1-for-4; Riley Fisbeck 4-for-4, 1 RBI; Hannah Gerecke 2-for-2, 2 runs, 2 RBIs; Madison Becka 1-for-3, HR, 1 run, 2 RBIs; Libby Read 1-for-3, 2 runs, 2 RBIs.
Lady Leps Reach The Elite Eight
SAN MARCOS – The La Grange girls softball team dominated Devine 12-1 in a onegame regional semifinal playoff game at Texas State University. La Grange advances to the regional finals and is one of only eight teams left in the 3A playoffs. “It’s just one more step to where we want to go,” Coach Art Behrend said. “The girls came out and the pitcher held us down for three innings but they came through.” The victory vaults the La Grange girls (36-2) into a regional final matchup against La Vernia (24-12). In the first three innings Thursday, both teams played strong defense, not allowing each other to score. Singles by Blake-Ann Fritsch, Briana Angel and Madison Becka were all La Grange could manage through those first three innings. Devine actually took a 1-0 lead in the top of the fourth inning. That seemed to awaken the batting power of the La Grange girls as with hit after hit the Lady Leps responded with nine runs in their half of the fourth inning. In that inning Kristy Bertsch hit a home run, and Briana Angel hit two homers in that frame. “It’s the first time I’ve ever done that,” Briana Angel said of those homers. “It was pretty
Abby Morgan
Madison Becka connects with the ball in the semifinals.
exciting.” “I kinda knew the game was going to be a challenge because I knew they had a good pitcher and so we just came prepared.” Devine pitcher Casey Montalvo came into this game with a 28-3 record, but La Grange hitters have a mindset that no pitcher can hold them quiet for long. “We respect all, fear none,” Behrend said. “We felt like we could hit her.” And they did. “It was rough coming out and knowing this could be our last game as a team, we got down in that one inning and knew that we had to fight back,” said La Grange pitcher Missy Zoch. La Grange got three more runs in the sixth inning as Fritsch hit an inside-the-park home run. Then Alyssa Angel ended the game in walk-off fashion with her two run home run that also scored her sister Briana, who had singled. That enacted the 10-run mercy rule – and La Grange was on the regional finals. All that offense was way more than Zoch needed. She pitched a complete game threehitter with seven strikeouts, and did it all while battling a hip injury. “Missy came out, she was hurting a little bit, but she battled hard and did a good job,”
Behrend said. “I came out, didn’t think about it and put it behind me,” Zoch said. “I played for my team, which needed me the most, and I just kept going.” 5/15/14
La Grange 12, Devine 0
Devine 000 100 – 1 3 0 La Grange 000 903 – 12 14 1 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game three-hitter with 7 Ks) La Grange highlights: Blake Ann-Fritsch 3 hits, HR, 2 runs, 2 RBIs; Alyssa Angel 1 hit, Hr, 2 runs, 2 RBIs; Madison Becka 1 hit; Hatti Moore 2 hits, 1 run; Briana Angel 3 hits, 2 HRs, 3 RBIs, 3 runs; Libby Read 1 hit, 1 run, 1 RBI; Kristy Bertsch 1 hit, HR, 3 RBIs, 1 run; Hannah Gerecke 1 hit, 3B, 1 run, Riley Fisbeck 1 hit, 1 run.
La Vernia Proves No Trouble in the Regional Final
AUSTIN – A year ago, the La Grange girls dumped a bucket of ice water on head coach Art Behrend after the win that clinched a state tournament berth. This year the entire team (and the standing-room-only La Grange crowd) got a celebratory drenching thanks to a strong storm that started just seconds before La Grange put the finishing touches on an 8-0 victory over La Vernia Saturday afternoon. Maybe even Mother Nature has now decided the Lady Leps
Missy Zoch
Photo by Jeff Wick
are a team of destiny. The La Grange girls, who have looked so strong all season (they’ve had a stranglehold on the state’s No. 1 poll spot in Class 3A all year), looked even more unbeatable by sweeping past La Vernia 12-3 and 8-0 in their two-game regional final series Thursday and Saturday. The wins vault the La Grange girls (38-2) into the state semifinals where they will play Huffman-Hargrave (305) at noon at the University of Texas. “We’ve got to go finish some unfinished business,” said La Grange pitcher Missy Zoch, referring to the Lady Leps’ early exit from the state tournament last year in the semifinals. “This is going to be our year.” La Vernia proved little more than a bump in the road. “It really went the way I thought it would go,” said Behrend of the regional final series. “I knew we had better pitching. I knew we were better top to bottom. I knew our lineup was better than their’s. “They hadn’t seen a pitcher like Missy, and Missy shut them down, and when Missy shuts them down we’re going to score enough to win with this lineup.” Zoch pitched a complete game five-hitter Thursday in San Marcos in that 12-3 victory, and Saturday La Vernia looked no closer to figuring out the
La Grange sophomore hurler as she threw another complete game five-hitter. Meanwhile, the La Grange offense in this regional semifinal series was unstoppable. In Thursday’s game BlakeAnn Fritsch was the biggest star, going four-for-five at the plate including a bases-loaded triple. Alyssa Angel also hit a bases-loaded triple in that game. Riley Fisbeck and Hatti Moore had RBI doubles in that game and Libby Read had two hits and scored twice. Briana Angel, Kristy Bertsch and Hannah Gerecke also had hits as part of a 12-hit night for the Lady Leps against three La Vernia pitchers. Saturday was more of the same. A five-run second inning helped La Grange jump out to a big early lead. The big hits in that frame were back-to-back-to-back RBI doubles by Fritsch, Alyssa Angel and Briana Angel. In the sixth inning Briana Angel added a long home run. Both Angels, Fisbeck, Fritsch and Moore had mutli-hit games for La Grange Saturday. And just like that, La Grange had made their run to a Region IV crown look easy. 5/22/14 – 3A Regional Final Game 1
La Grange 12, La Vernia 3
La Grange 233 121 0 – 12 12 3 La Vernia 002 010 0 – 3 6 0 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game five-hitter with 9 Ks) La Grange highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 3 runs, 4 hits, 3B, 4 RBIs; Brenna Beseda 2 runs; Alyssa Angel 1 run, 1 hit, 3B, 3 RBIs; Abby Gage 1 run; Hatti Moore 1 hit, 2B, 2 RBIs; Briana Angel 2 runs, 1 hit, 1 RBI; Libby Read 2 runs, 2 hits; Kristy Bertsch 1 hit, 1 RBI; Hannah Gerecke 1 run, 1 hit; Riley Fisbeck 1 hit, 2B, 1 RBI. 5/24/14 – 3A Regional Final Game 2
La Grange 8, La Vernia 0
La Vernia 000 000 0 – 0 5 3 La Grange 151 001 x – 8 12 2 Winning pitcher: Missy Zoch (complete game 5-hitter with 6 Ks) LG highlights: Blake-Ann Fritsch 1 run, 2 hits, 2B, 1 RBI; Alyssa Angel 2 runs, 2 hits, 2B, 1 RBI; Hatti Moore 2 hits, 2 RBIs; Briana Angel 2 runs, 3 hits, HR, 2B, 2 RBIs; Hannah Gerecke 1 run, 1 hit; Riley Fisbeck 2 runs, 2 hits; Amber Loehr 1 hit.
Riley Fisbeck #7
We are so proud of you! Keep pursuing all your dreams and trust in God.
#12 We Love You! Dad & Mom, Boyd, Kacie, Parker, Sean, Tara, Ainsley, Shane, Jamie & Langley
So proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
State Sights
Briana Angel fires a ball to first for an out in Saturday’s state title Photo by Jeff Wick game.
The members of the Lady Leps pray before the start of Saturday’s game.
Photo by Grace-Anne Matocha
Some La Grange fans brought out their wacky costumes for Saturday’s title game. Photo by Jeff Wick
Congratulations to
Abby Gage #15 and the rest of The Lady Lep Softball Team on a super season!
We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Grant & Parker.
We are so proud of Darby Fitzpatrick #9 and all the Lady Leps!!!
Riley Fisbeck snags the final out of Thursday’s semifinal at first base.
Photo by Jeff Wick
Love you, Dad, Mom & your sisters
Madison Becka Senior #16
Congratulations! We are proud of you! Love
Mom, Dad, & Ryan
A short celebration after the semifinal win. After all, there was more work to do.
Photo by Jeff Wick La Grange shortstop Alyssa Angel snags a line drive in the semifinal game.
Photo by Jeff Wick
would like to congratulate the La Grange Lady Leopards on a successful season!
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The 2014 La Grange Lady Leps Softball Team
District, Bidistrict, Area, Regional and State Champs (40-2 Record)
Photos by Randy Boyd
Abby Gage, Fr. Infielder
Brianna Ahlschlager, Sr. OF/C
Hatti Moore, Fr. Catcher
Shelby Dixon, Fr. CF/1B
Darby Fitzpatrick, Fr. Pitcher/1B
Amber Loehr, Soph. Pitcher/3B
Riley Fisbeck, Soph. 1B
Briana Angel, Soph. 2B
Alyssa Angel, Sr. SS
Marissa Zoch, Soph. P
Madison Becka, Sr. C/DH
Hannah Gerecke, Jr. OF
Blake-Ann Fritsch, Soph. OF
Abby Morgan, Sr. P
Kristy Bertsch, Jr. 3B
Elizabeth Read, Jr. OF
Hannah Kalina, Sr. Infielder
Brenna Beseda, Jr. OF
La Grange’s Alyssa Angel slides safely into second base on a steal attempt in the semifinal.
Photo by Grace-Ann Matocha
Congratulations to the Lady Leps on a great season!
Hannah #5 Love, Mom, Dad, and Stephanie 979.249.3565 • 3105 E. State Hwy. 71 • La Grange, Tx 78945
The Fayette County Record, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
(800) 375-6461
(979) 242-5981
(877) 363-2838
1605 W. Travis St. La Grange, TX 78945
3637 W. State Hwy. 71 La Grange, TX 78945
108 W. Colorado St. La Grange, TX 78945