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Visitors Guide

The Colorado River carves its way from one end of Fayette County to the other.


Photo by Russell Bennett

A River Runs Through It

The Colorado River Is Why La Grange Was Settled and Continues to Impact its Present and Future By H.H. HOWZE The Fayette County Record

The Colorado River is probably the most defining natural feature in Fayette County. The river was a corridor for settlement and transportation in frontier times. Today, tamed by upstream dams, it provides residents and visitors alike with access to the natural – and human – history of the area. **************** Ten miles downstream from the Fayette-Bastrop County

line is the first public access to the river at the Lower Colorado River Authority’s Plum Park. The Colorado River as it flows from Plum to La Grange is full of surprises around every turn – and there are a lot of turns. Several species of birds frequent this stretch of the river: barred owls, green and blue herons, American egrets, hawks, crows, green kingfishers and black vultures. Further downriver, a sheer white chalk bluff rises 200 feet on the east side

while needle-nose gar snap at dragonflies and butterflies on the smooth surface. A two-hour float from Plum brings travelers to the broad mouth of Rabb’s Creek. This is where William Rabb and his family, members of Stephen F. Austin’s “Old Three Hundred,” settled on a threeleague headright (about 12,000 acres) in 1822. Rabb received so much land because he promised to establish a mill to grind corn for the colony on the large creek

Continued on next page



Visitors Guide

River Filled With History/ Wildlife Continued from previous page which drained his grant of land. “The Indians were so bad we could not move to the mill; the men went up alone to work,” William Rabb’s wife Mary wrote in a reminiscence. Some historians believe that French explorer La Salle and his party, still looking for the Mississippi, crossed the Colorado near present-day La Grange in March, 1687. Two years later, in 1689, Spaniard Alonso De Leon followed La Salle’s trail searching for stragglers of his last ill-fated expedition. A century and a half later the young settlement of La Grange, was established in the 1830s on the east side of a pre-historic “buffalo crossing.” Today the LCRA maintains a convenient boat ramp for river tourists under the Business 71 bridge. The river authority also provides a river guide to other put-ins and takeouts along the river. Below La Grange, the next public take-out is White Rock Park on river left, a short but scenic one hour float. Immediately downstream from the “buffalo crossing” ramp under Business 71, Buckner’s Creek comes in on river

right. The creek is named after trader Aylett “Strap” Buckner who faced down empresario Stephen F. Austin over his claim to the land around the creek. In the early 1820s, before “don’t mess with Texas,” the word was out in Austin’s colony – “don’t mess with Strap Buckner.” Just downriver, on the prominent bluff which forces the river into a 90-degree left turn, a monument to heroes of the Republic of Texas at Monument Hill State Park is visible from the river. Watch for a small inlet suitable for a ferryboat against the base of the cliff, the location of the “lower ferry,” where

Continued on next page

In part because of the Colorado River, Fayette County has a very diverse collection of wildlife. Shown here are roseate spoonbills at rest on the banks of the river. In addition to being a prime bird-watching venue, the Colorado River is also a favorite of fishermen. Photos by Jeff Wick

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Large outdoor seating area available. Groups welcome. Hours: Fridays 2-6 pm. Saturdays and Sundays 12- 6 pm. Other times by appointment. 979-249-5652 • 6002 FM 2981 • La Grange, TX 78945

Free K iddy Rides 211 W. Front Street • Winchester, Texas 979.242.3354


Visitors Guide


Sam Houston Crossed the River In Fayette County While Fleeing Santa Anna Continued from previous page German immigrant Heinrich Kreische shuttled customers to his ingenious brewery and biergarten (also on the Bluff at Monument Hill State Park) for several decades after the Civil War. Don’t miss the White Rock Park takeout just below the high US 77 bridge because the next public access after that is almost 40 river miles in Colorado County at Columbus. That stretch is best done with an overnight camp on a public-domain mid-river island. Several miles downriver, but still in Fayette County, is the site of Burnam’s Crossing, where General Sam Houston led the Texas forces and terrified settlers away from an advancing Mexican Army in 1836. A local guide or outfitter can point out the spot. Didn’t bring a boat? No problem. The city of La Grange rents kayaks. Just call the city recreation department at 968-5805. We recommend putting in at the boat ramp beneath the Colorado River bridge on Business 71. Take out at White Rock Park. The trip will probably take you about an hour.


TY •




Lukas Bakery


The trees around the Colorado River in fall turn all sorts of colors.

Photo by Lisa Corker

Family Owned & Operated Since 1947

Homestyle Bread • Pigs in a Blanket • Doughnuts • Kolaches • Pastries • Cookies


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Visitors Guide


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Visitors Guide

The Fayette Public Library &

County & Family History ReseaRch centeR

Connecting our guests by engaging them in quality experiences to advance lifelong memories

Experience La Grange! Be part of a charming town, ready to welcome you. Have some kolaches and pigs in a blanket for breakfast. Visit historical sites while strolling the vibrant Fayette County Courthouse square. Stand where Texas Revolutionary fighters stood before marching off to battle for the Texas Republic’s independence. Your children can play in local parks, at ballgames, and on public and private school yards. Experience the architecture of the rich German and Czech heritage. Be surrounded by the beauty of a town that preserves its huge oak trees and measures its wealth by honoring its past. • Faison Home

• Heritage House of Worship Tour

• Old Fayette County Jail

• Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center Trail

• Fayette County Courthouse

• Texas Quilt Museum

• Historic Oak Tree

• Fayette Heritage Museum (Closed Mondays)

•Monument Hill/Kreische Brewery State Park • The Jersey Barnyard (dairy farm, hayrides, Country Store, farm animals) • True Texas Tour

• Country Music Opry

• Fishing on Fayette Lake • Historic Dance Halls

• Walking Tour & Local Shopping

• Old Railroad Depot

Fayette Heritage Museum & Archives

• Travel wildflower trails March thru May • Bike Routes

• Canoe Rentals on the Colorado River

• Polka Lovers Club of Texas Museum


171 S. Main, La Grange, TX 78945 Phone: (979) 968-5756 Fax: (979) 968-8000

Toll Free: 1-800-524-7264

www.lagrangetx.org chamber@lagrangetx.org

ool P re-s c h e im Sto r y T ay ednesd every W a.m. at 10



& Jul



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La Grange, Texas

Library 979-968-3765 Museum 979-968-6418 E-mail: library@cityoflg.com www.cityoflg.com/library.htm

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Visitors Guide

Save the Bees – Drink Mead

Fayette Co. Home to State’s First Meadery, Plus Winery And Breweries Old & New By ALYSON SVEC

The Fayette County Record

The Germans and Czechs who settled this area loved their beer – dating back to 1860 when Heinrich Kreische started one of Texas’ first commercial breweries on the bluff above the Colorado River here. Today, Fayette County visitors and residents alike can enjoy a wide-range of locally crafted beverages. Mead is a form of wine made from honey and is believed to be the oldest form of alcohol. The Rohan Meadery opened their tasting room in February 2011 at 6002 FM 2981. Owned and operated by John and Wendy Rohan, visitors can try such honey wines as Rasberry Melomel, Apple Cyser, Temperament, Peachy Keen and Kumquat Honeywine. Most of their bottles are $20. They also have a couple varieties that are more ($22). Their traditional Honeymoon mead is $27. The Rohans raise ten hives of Italian

John Rohan works with bees at the Rohan Meadery, the first commerical honey-wine making spot in the state just outside La Grange.

Honeybees. Depending on the weather, they can get 90 pounds of honey per hive. It takes 300 pounds minimum of honey to make a single batch. When they first opened, they only had six or seven varities of mead. Now, they are working on their 12th. The meadery is open to visitors Fri-

day from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. They will most likely be open more hours in the summer. “It’s been going really great,” Wendy Rohan said. We’ve had so much support from the local community. We get a lot of Houston and Austin traffic.”

The “Daytripper” episode on KLRU really helped them draw in a lot of people and let them know more about the meadery. Visitors vary from weekend to weekend. Summer months are the busiest (June and July) It’s a very labor-intensive two-year process to make mead. The Rohans get their honey from Wendy and Kenny Reed of BeeWilde Honey in Montgomery. A motto of Rohans Meadery is “Save the Bees, Drink Mead.” This is to promote awareness of the difficulties bees face with the use of pesticides and insecticides. The meadery sells T-shirts and all proceeds go to bee research. “We definetely want to give back as much to beekeeping because we benefit so much from it.” For more information go to their website rohanmeadery.com. • Nechanitz was the first home to the only meadery in Texas. Since then, three other meadery’s have opened and a fourth is on its way. Continued on next page

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Visitors Guide

La Grange Filled With All Sorts of Brews News Continued from previous page These include: Dancing Bee Winery in Rogers, Enchanted Manor Meadery in Tomball, and Texas Mead Works in Sequin. The fourth is Meridian Hive and it will be located in Austin. As for the grape, there’s: •Rosemary’s Vineyard and Winery located at 5501 Highway 71 East, five miles east of La Grange. The first vines there were planted in 2000 and Rosemary’s opened for business in 2006. Take a stroll through their vineyard and see such grapes as Lenoir and Blanc du Bois growing on the vine before heading to the adjacent tasting room. They are open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday afternoons. • The Stone Cellar in Round Top holds separate Beer and Wine Festivals each year. Ceck the website for details. • A Wine Walk through downtown Schulenburg is held every winter. Check out www.schulenburgchamber.org for information on this event.

•A building on Reynolds Street in La Grange has been rented by Vincent Wright, who is in the process of starting a microbrewery there. He’s hoping to start brewing the beer later this year. •Check out how Kreische brewed beer and see his ingenious system of keeping it cool with spring water go to Monument Hill-Kreische Brewery State Park at 414 State Loop 92 in La Grange. Open seven days a week (except Christmas Day) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. free admission.

Rosemary’s winery in La Grange produces all sorts of wines.

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Visitors Guide

A central facility for the preservation and promotion of the history, language, culture and heritage of individuals of Czech ethnicity.

Czech Classes March - Texans of Czech Ancestry Awards Dinner May - Slavnost “May Fest” & Tribute to Immigrants Celebration June – TCHCC & CHS Youth Family Day Amphitheater performances Spring & Fall Genealogy Conferences October - Heritage Festival and Muziky, Muziky Performance December - Christmas Open House TCHCC Annual Gala

Museum • Genealogy Library • Hanslik Banquet Hall Gift Shop • Amphitheater • Pavilion Czech Music Museum of Texas Restored Historical Czech Family Homes & Buildings



Visitors Guide

Shopping Abounds in Downtown La Grange


very Friday is “Black Friday” in La Grange where weekly nearly 100 people line up to be the first through the door at Second Chance Emporium, which might be the most popular resale store in the entire state. Selling clothes, jewerly, furniture, and household items (often for a little as a quarter) Second Chance has made more than $1 million since it opened in 1996, with much of the money being donated to charities. It is operated by seven La Grange churches (none of which get money from Second Chance) and a whole army of volunteers – and a whole county of donors. The store is open for sales from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and Saturday only. You will not be first in line on a Friday even if you get there an hour before opening! If you’re in the mood for something a little fancier, the nearby courthouse square has everything from handmade jewelry to a gourmet cooking store.

A regular sight on Friday mornings in La Grange at Second Chance Emporium at 529 W. Travis St.

The courthouse square in La Grange is a feast for the eyes, inside and outside the historic buildings.

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Visitors Guide

Mary Ann’s Rare Treasures & Antiques

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Custom and Luxury Homes Robert D. Hill, Texas Builder 2004 S. US Hwy 77 | La Grange, TX 78945 | (979) 968-5122 M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Saturday by Appointment

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108 S. Main Street • 979/968-9108


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Visitors Guide

Library Home to More Than Just Books

The scenic grounds surrounding Fayette Public Library often host community events like the annual Easter Egg Hunt, above. The library is located at 855 South Jefferson Street in La Grange. Photo by Jeff Wick

“COME AS YOU ARE!” You’re always welcome to worship with us the risen Christ Join our Church family for worship Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:10 a.m. Contemporary Service Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Midweek Service Our worship center is located 1215 N. VonMinden, La Grange, TX one block east of the intersection of Highway 77 and Bypass 71 For more information visit our website www.lgfumc.org or call 979.968.8323




Visitors Guide

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Though part of a country club, the golf course at Frisch Auf! is also open to the public and offers lots of challenging holes with water hazards and elevation changes.

Fore! Galore

Fayette County boasts two nine-hole golf courses that are open to the public – and one disc golf course. The La Grange golf course is at Frisch Auf! Valley Country Club, but non-members can play there. It’s located at 576 Country Club Drive at the base of the bluff formed by the Colorado River. Greens fees are $20 during the week and $24 on weekends. Call 979-968-6113 for more information. The Flatonia course is at 1245 E. Highway 90 and opened in 1993. Weekend rates there are $17 and $12 Monday through Thursday. Tuesday through Thursday senior rates are $10. For more information call 361-8652922. Carts are available for rental at both courses. If disc golf is your game, Snow Farm is a 21- hole course located in the far northern tip of Fayette County on Muske-Ulrich Road. Call ahead for reservations from owner/operator Randon Dillingham at (979) 278-3536. It’s $6 to play and primitive camping is available for $6. Several large disc golf tournaments are held there every year.

Built in 2012, there is now a free disc golf course at the Fayette County fairgrounds as weel.

Randon Dillingham takes a toss at Snow Farm Disc Golf Course. Photo by Jeff Wick


Visitors Guide


Step Back in Time Nearly 200 Years at La Grange City Cemetery From the Fayette Heritage Museum and Archives This burial ground dates back to the early days of La Grange and Fayette County. The oldest marked burial is for Joseph G. King who died July 30, 1840. On the 21st of May 1853, before the incorporation of La Grange and 13 years after the first burial, the “Old Cemetery”

was owned by James Seaton Lester, Albert C. Horton, Joseph Shaw and P.V. Shaw. They conveyed the property to George W. Sinks, Wm. G. Webb, Charles S. Longcope, John H. Carter and F.W. Grassmeyer to hold it in trust for the citizens of La Grange as a burying ground. After the town was incorporated, and on the 3rd day of July 1854, the trustees above named, conveyed it to the city of

Resting in peace and beauty, a walk through the Old City Cemetery between Travis and Colorado Streets in La Grange is well worth the trip. Photos by Regina Keilers

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La Grange. In 1867 the “Yellow Fever Scourge” befell the small town of La Grange. From August to November the epidemic ran its course and left more than 200 dead, nearly one-fifth the population of the town. Many deaths went unreported; bodies rudely prepared for burial stood in piles within the cemetery fence. Mass burials took place, with 6 or 7 bodies to a grave. By 1872, the cemetery was a wilderness of grass and weeds, cattle and hogs were frequent trespassers, monuments had been injured and graves trampled on. No one ever thought of visiting there, except to bury another “pilgrim”. On April 17, 1873, fourteen ladies met and organized the Ladies Cemetery Association. It was the first such organization chartered in Texas. These women raised money and replaced the wooden fence surrounding the site with an iron fence in 1883. Later they added a waterworks, settees, and a covered restingplace in the center of the cemetery. A sexton was hired to do additional work. The group was active until the late 1970’s when the upkeep of the cemetery was turned back to the City of La

Grange. The cemetery has suffered from acts of vandalism over the years. The cemetery is divided into 2 sections. Section 1 contains lots 1 through 135; Section 2 contains lots 1 through 161. Lot numbers used are shown inside a O on the map. A map of the cemetery is located in the archives reading room. At present the cemetery is enclosed by an iron fence and is bordered by Travis (Business Hwy 77), College, & Colorado Streets.

The grave of 7-year-old Nellie Mann, who died Jan. 3 1898.



Visitors Guide

Try A Taste of La Grange

Second Baptist Church 1010 Von Minden Rd La Grange, TX

One Person’s Guide to the Best Places to Eat In Town

By Lucy Carr

If you love fine wines and quality, home-cooked food then you have come to the right place. La Grange is packed with great places to eat and have a relaxing drink. Here are just a selection:

Join Us for these Ser vice Times Sunday Morning:

Bible Study 9:15a Worship 10:30a

Sunday Evening:

Student Ministry Discipleship 6p Children’s Bible Drill 6p Adult Bible Study 6p Wednesday Evening:

Meal 5:30p Children’s Ministry 6p Student Ministry 7p Adult Bible Study 6:15p



For coffee and cake Latte on the Square

A cute coffee shop, sandwich bar and internet café situated on the square, serving quality coffee, cappuccinos and lattes, as well as all manner of treats made from scratch, including fresh-baked scones and generously portions of delicious pies and cakes. Sandwiches and paninis on homemade bread are available all week, while on weekdays there’s also homemade soup and a salad bar.

For wine-lovers - Bodega

This wine bar on the south-eastern corner of the square offers a wide selection of quality Texan, American and international wines in a sophisticated setting. To accom-

pany the wine, which they sell by the glass or the bottle, a range of tasty cheeses and pastries are for sale. It’s a great place to sit, sip and watch the world go by.

For fine dining - Bistro 108

This is La Grange’s ‘fancy’ restaurant, located on the south-western corner of the square. Open for lunch and dinner (there’s an early-bird sitting too), when the white table cloths come out, this small restaurant is a popular spot with both locals and visitors. It’s advisable to book in advance as the dining area isn’t huge but the demand for a table certainly is!

For BBQ - Prause’s

Just across the street from the bistro is the wonderfully quirky Prause’s Meat Market, which serves amazing barbecue from its back room. This is a no-frills kind of place where the quality of the cooking and the meat is left to speak for itself. Rub elbows with the locals at the cafeteria-style tables in back after choosing from a selection of

mouthwatering meats and sides.

For kolaches – Weikels and Lukas Bakery

This sweet, bread-like cake surrounding a generous dollop of fruit or flavored cream is a Czech version of a Danish pastry. Two bakeries in town, Weikels Bakery on West State Highway 71, and Lukas Bakery, located on the square, specialize in these delicious sweet treats, as well as in the equally popular ‘pigs in a blanket,’ a sausage wrapped in a sweet dough.

For pizza - Reba’s

Want a slice of pizza? Then head to Reba’s Village Deli and Pizzeria, just a few blocks from the main square, on East Colorado Street. Their signature “hand-tossed, brick-oven baked, New York-style” pizzas are famous across town. There’s a decent selection of toppings and the portions are generous. Plus there are excellent sandwiches and subs, lots of soups and salads.

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Visitors Guide

Live Music And Dancehalls Are Easy To Find Here Fayette County is blessed with an abundance of great music and music venues. Originals to covers – classical to country – folk, rock and polka – it is getting harder and harder to keep up with all the great music available in our rolling hills. While we have our fair share of country dance bands, it is the variety of music that makes this area stand out. Visitors happening into any of several area music venues or dance halls such as Swiss Alp, the Chicken Ranch Dance Hall, the Cistern Store or Schoolhouse or any of several others listed below might think they are in the music capital of Texas, nevermind Austin’s claim! The Bugle Boy, a well-known “listening room,” features original artists almost exclusively. Sengelmann Hall, a recently restored 19th-century saloon and dance hall in Schulenburg, has music some weekends. Out on the beautiful campus of Festival Hill near Round Top, founding maestro and guiding genius James Dick continues to train young musicians for professional careers. If you like classical music (or think you might like it) don’t miss a chance to experience it in the world class concert hall at Festival Hill this June and July. Here’s a look at the venues: The Bugle Boy The “Best Little Listening Room in Texas,” features original music Fridays, Saturdays and some Sundays. Smoke-free with about 80 seats. <www.thebugleboy.com>

Sengelmann Hall Located in downtown Schulenburg sponsors wellknown musical acts and features a restaurant, biergarten and bakery. <www.sengelmannhall.com> Festival Hill Just outside Round Top, it is famous for productions of piano, guitar, orchestral and chamber music in their European-style Concert Hall.


Monthly calendar of events plus the summer Festival Institute dedicated to “Orchestral, Chamber Music and Solo Performance.” <www.festivalhill.org> Fayetteville’s Pickin’ Park Hosts acoustic jam sessions on the square in a familyfriendly, alcohol-free atmosphere.<www.texaspickinpark.

Continued on next page

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Visitors Guide

Live Music/Dance Venues Continued from previous page The Stone Cellar Located in Bybee Square in Round Top hosts music most weekends. Fayetteville Chamber Music Festival Held annually over two weekends in mid-May in the historic Countryplace Hotel on the town square. <info@fayettevillemusic.org> com>

Aaron Watson at the Chicken Ranch Dance Hall in January

Swiss Alp Dance Hall Legendary venue between Schulenburg and La Grange on US 77, has music every weekend, mostly country.<www.swissalptexas.com>

La Grange Knights of Columbus Hall Hosts the Fayette County Opry featuring local and area singers sitting in with an excellent house band on the third Monday of every month. (979) 968-5117 Chicken Ranch Dance Hall In Nechanitz, this event center books musical acts in its spacious ballroom. (979)966-

8033 chickenranchdancehall.com

Post Oak Inn On the Bluff in La Grange, books country dance bands intermittently. (979) 247-4347

Cistern Store Has karaoke or live music every weekend. 12604 S.H. 95 (361) 865-3655 cisternstore_bar@yahoo.com

Adolph’s In the Tenth Frame Bowling Alley in Schulenburg occasionally hosts rock, country and karaoke. (979) 943-6585

Cistern Schoolhouse Has live music jams most Fridays. Look for the old schoolbus on FM 2237.

g! It’s Getting Bigger all the time!

We’re Growin

Always appearing at The Best Little Cowboy Gathering the 2nd weekend in March

Keep on coming!

Come Enjoy the beauty of Fayette County


Visitors Guide

Bikers at the start of the Good Old Summertime Classic which begins in the square in Fayetteville in June.


Photo by Jerry Herring

Coming to Fayette County? Bring Your Bike By JEFF WICK The Fayette County Record

The scenic, winding country roads of Fayette County make this area a magnet for cyclists year-round.

But every April more cyclists converge on Fayette County than anywhere else in the world. La Grange is the overnight stopping point for the MS 150, the largest charity bike ride in the world, which raises money for multiple sclerosis research and treatment. Some 12,000 bikers make their way from Houston to Austin in the two-day event and for the last 27 years La Grange has served as the extended pit-stop. Last year $16.9 million was raised for the National MS Society and since the MS 150 started $148 million has been raised. The Fayette County Fairgrounds turns into bicyclecentral.

Dozens of circus tents go up where bikers rest and relax from the ride in from Houston. Bands perform and community members come together to make sure all the bikers and support staff are fed and taken care of. Even if you aren’t riding yourself, the Day One finish line at the fairgrounds is a sight to behold. Hundreds form lines on either side of the road to cheer the riders on through their last few yards as an announcer spouts biographical details about many of the bikers as they pass through. Even after they finish, not all the riders stay at the fairgrounds. Many local families open up their homes to host the same riders year after year –but most local hotels and campgrounds are filled to the brim that weekend as well. It’s quite a different event than the first one back in 1985 when less than 200 riders stayed overnight at the La Grange Knights of Columbus Hall and showered at the high school. But one constant over the years is how this area Continued on Page 42

Every April bikers swarm the Fayette County Fairgrounds, which is the midway point of the MS 150 Bikeathon. Photo by Jeff Wick



Visitors Guide



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Visitors Guide

The take-off at Day 2 of the MS 150 is quite the site as cyclists depart the fairgrounds in a huge group.


Photo by Jeff Wick

Bikeathon Every April Turns Fayette County into Cyclist-Central Continued from Page 41 continues to embrace the event. Three years ago St. Marks Medical Center donated 30 acres of land across from the fairgrounds as an additional overnight camping area for the riders. Sunday morning the riders are off to Austin, but that

doesn’t mean the cycling fun is over in Fayette County. Fayetteville has an active cycling club (fayettevilletxcc@gmail.com) and hosts the Good Old Summertime Classic race evey June. The La Grange Chamber of Commerce has put together a dozen scenic bike routes that really show the character of Fayette County which can be found at www.lagrangetx.org

And the MS 150 isn’t the only big cycling event in Fayette County. Flatonia and Schulenburg in the southern part of the county are on the Texas Independence Bike Relay, a 40-leg team race from Gonzales (where the Texas Revolution began) to the San Jacinto Monument (at the site of the battle where Texas won its independence).

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Visitors Guide

Tara’s Boutique

Cafe Dobre

Juniors, Misses, Plus Sizes Jewelry, Accessories & So Much More! Mon-Sat 10 am - 6 pm

Serving Burgers, Soups, Sandwiches, Salads & Southern Favorites Tues-Sat 11 am - 3 pm; 5 - 9 pm Sunday Brunch 10 am - 3 pm

Man’s D&Z Shop Men’s Wear, Western Wear, Tuxedo Rental Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat 8:30 am - 1 pm

Heritage Hallmark Cards, Gifts & Collectibles Mon-Sat 9 am - 5:30 pm Sun 12:30 - 4:30 pm

Richard Schmidt Jewelry

Olive Branch

“Jewelry with Soul” richardschmidtjewelry.com Mon-Fri 9 am - 5:30 pm Sat 10 am - 5 pm

Le Petite Gourmet Shoppe

Urban Nest

Let Us Feather Your Nest “Fine Furnishings for your Heart and Home” Mon-Fri 10 am - 5:30 pm Sat 9 am - 5 pm


Tres Chic N Sassy

Ladies & Children’s Clothing Jewelry, Accessories, Home Décor, Candles, Gifts, Gourmet Items Mon-Fri 10 am - 5:30 pm Sat 10 am - 4 pm

Bakeware, Spices, Teas & Coffees, Bridal Registries Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am - 5 pm • Sun 12:30 - 4:30 pm

Inspirational Books, Cards, Gifts & Apparel Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-3

The Mustard Seed

Apparel, Jewelry, & Whimsical Items Tues-Fri 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat 10 am - 5 pm

Cottage Gatherings Serving Up Helpings of Fabulous Frou-Frou - Southern, Hippy, Classy Mon-Fri 10 am - 5:30 pm Sat 9 am - 5 pm


Visitors Guide

Medical Care

Just in Case You Need It You probably don’t think too much about health care when you’re on vacation. But Fayette County does. Full-time, professional emergency medical personnel are on duty 24 hours a day in all parts of the county, ready to respond to urgent calls. Helicopters are even available to transport patients elsewhere for specialty care. And an excellent Emergency Room is provided by St. Mark’s Medical Center in La Grange. A broken arm, a chipped tooth or a medical emergency can happen anywhere – even on vacation. It’s comforting to know that help is ready if needed. And because first-time visitors sometimes become later-on residents, we want you to know Fayette County is a great choice for a home, too. St. Mark’s Medical Center is just one example of why. From advanced technologies rivaling those of major metropolitan institutions to a level of service surpassing the expected, St. Mark’s is making compassionate care the center of everything the hospital does. Its guiding principles focus on respect and care for the whole person. “Our beliefs center on the Golden Rule as the standard by which we treat every individual,” the hospital says. Physicians clinics in Schulenburg and Flatonia also stand ready to serve, affiliated with St. Mark’s. And numerous specialists practice in La Grange and Fayette County, assuring the highest standards of modern medicine for the whole family. Tejas Health Care is a non-profit

clinic that puts an emphasis on providing service to the uninsured and under-insured, especially health care for children. The U.S. Veterans Administration even has a clinic in La Grange, providing medical services close to home for veterans in this area. Physicians and surgeons, dentists and chiropractors, rehab experts and physical therapists, skilled nurses and EMTs all contribute to the confidence you can feel as a visitor or resident in Fayette County. Whether it’s as simple as replacing a lost contact lens or dealing with the trauma of a medical emergency, Fayette County is prepared to meet your needs.




Visitors Guide

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Visitors Guide

Some Fayette County Facts By AILEEN LOEHR The Fayette County Record

La Grange (Fayette County) is the home of the first state roadside park built along Hwy. 71 W. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy the grounds. The famous Chicken Ranch of La Grange was closed in 1973 by Marvin Zindler. Sheriff Jim Flournoy was forced to shut it down by state authorities. In 2012, the last madam of The Chicken Ranch, Ms. Edna, died. Private funeral was held with only her family attending. Are you a genealogist? Visit the Fayette Heritage Museum Archives, 855 S. Jefferson. Enjoy rotating displays in the museum on Fayette County History. Visit the genealogy research center where there is extensive collection of materials on county genealogy, microfilm publications, local documents, photographs and data from the early 1800s. Open Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. (979) 968-6418. library@cityoflg.com.

What Makes A Good Doctor?

Visit the Sanford Schmid Amphitheater on the Fayette County Fairgrounds in October to see Muziky, Muziky, an annual celebration of Czech music and culture. Take your restless children to the Heritage Park next to the Fayette Public Library at 855 S. Jefferson. It has playground equipment, picn ic tables, gazebo and is open daily dawn to dusk. It is used during the summer for the Library’s Children’s Summer program. Interested in cemeteries? Visit the old La Grange Cemetery between E. Colorado Street and Hwy. 71 East. Here you will some of the most beautiful tombstones. See is you can find the one on the person who fought at Waterloo! Did you know that the first plane in the US Air Force to fly supersonically is on display at the Fayette Regional Air Center. The majestic wild flowers tour takes place around Easter.You can drive the old roadways in the county and see all the beautiful wild flowers blooming. Very picturesque.


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The Sanford Schmidt amphitheater in La Grange.

Photo by Russell Bennett

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