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Graphic Design Studio
LIM - Less Is More 以最精準的設計滿足您的需求 Listen - 聆聽客戶的需求,並找尋最佳的設計解決方案。 Information - 藉由設計傳遞客戶、主題、品牌資訊,縮短與受眾之間的距離。 Memory point - 將資訊留在受眾心中,產生記憶點,亦是品牌印象的累積。 LIM-Less Is More Meet your needs with the most precise design Listen-Listen to your customers' needs and find the best design solution. Information-Designed to convey customer, theme and brand information to shorten the distance with the audience. Memory point-Keeping information in the minds of the audience, generating memory points, is also the accumulation of brand impressions.