Exercises save the planet

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Activities 1. After watching the video “Save the planet—watch this”, make a list of proposals to avoid global warming.

2. Fill the gaps about the video “5 easy ways to save the planet”: a) When we burn fosil fuels such as oil, gas or __________, we create energy for our day-to-day needs and _________ (carbon emissions). b) The extra CO2 in the atmosphere traps the heat from the sun, and this causes temperature to rise in the earth. This phenomenon is called global ___________. As a result many environmental problems appear; such as ( select the right options): Desertification Many species are wiped out Economic crisis Sea level rises because of melting ice caps c) In the UK, the average person has a carbon footprint of nearly _____ tones of CO2 per year. d) Put in order the 5 ways Super Power Bloke proposes to reduce your carbon footprint: When you heat water to cook, only heat the amount of liquid you really need. Always turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn your thermostat down by 1 or 2 degrees and wear warm clothes in winter. Don’t leave electrical goods on stand-by. When you do any laundry or dishwashing make sure you do a full load.

Joan Serra Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau No reproduir total o parcialment sense el permís de l’IES Joaquim Bau

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