List of exercises

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1. Match the type of energy with its description. Kinetic

Stored in the nuclei of atoms


Also called thermal energy

Gravitational potential

Energy in magnets and electromagnets


Also called radiant energy


Stored energy in raised objects


Stored energy in fuel, foods and batteries


The energy in moving objects. Also called movement energy.


Energy released by vibrating objects

Elastic potential

Energy in moving or static electric charges


Stored energy in stretched or squashed objects

2. Classify these sources between renewable and non-renewable energies.

oil - fossil fuels - wind energy - uranium - water energy - coal - geothermal energy - solar energy - biomass energy - natural gas Renewable energies


Non-renewable energies

Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

3. a) Match the following terms with their pictures.

b) Place a large cross next to the method of energy production that you feel damages the environment











c) Place a large tick next to the method of energy production that you feel reduces damage to the environment the most. Why do you think this is the case? d) In the space left below, draw a picture that represents another method of energy production.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

4. The symbols/pictures below represent some ways in which our environment is being damaged. a) Select each of the words and print them under the correct symbol/picture.

b) Place a large tick next to the type of damage you are most concerned about. c) Explain your answer to question 2.

d) In the space left below, draw a symbol that represents another way in which the environment is damaged.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

5. Inside a hydropower plant: place its parts. Reservoir – powerhouse – turbine – penstock – intake – power lines – outflow – dam – control gate – transformer – generator.

6. Inside a wind turbine: place its parts. Blade – wind vane – anemometer – rotor – gear box – yaw motor – tower – lowspeed shaft – pitch – controller – yaw drive - high-speed shaft - nacelle – brake – generator – wind direction – tower.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

7. The diagram below shows a typical dam with hydroelectricity power set up. Write a description of the way electricity is produced.

8. Test. 

Which is an advantage of using nuclear power to generate electricity? o it does not produce any waste o it is renewable o it produces no carbon dioxide

Which of these energy sources is non-renewable? o


o nuclear wind 

Which type of power station produces carbon dioxide? o gas burning o nuclear o

wind farm

9. After watching the video “Save the planet—watch this”, make a list of proposals to avoid global warming.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau


Fill the gaps about the video “5 easy ways to save the planet”: a) When we burn fosil fuels such as oil, gas or __________, we create energy for our day-to-day needs and _________ (carbon emissions). b) The extra CO2 in the atmosphere traps the heat from the sun, and this causes temperature to rise in the earth. This phenomenon is called global ___________. As a result many environmental problems appear; such as (select the right options):



Many species are wiped out

Economic crisis

Sea level rises because of melting ice caps

In the UK, the average person has a carbon footprint of nearly _____ tones of CO2 per year.

d) Put in order the 5 ways Super Power Bloke proposes to reduce your carbon footprint: 

When you heat water to cook, only heat the amount of liquid you really need.

Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Turn your thermostat down by 1 or 2 degrees and wear warm clothes in winter.

Don’t leave electrical goods on stand-by.

When you do any laundry or dishwashing make sure you do a full load.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau


Fill the gaps.

Photovoltaic panels – Biopower – Lunar cycle – Wood – Wind turbines – Solar power – Organic/biological – Electricity generators – 20-40 – Kinetic energy – 600 – Biofuels – Heat pumps – Geo/therme – costly – Sun – Germany – Geothermal power plants – Bioproducts – Fossil Fuels 1. Renewable energy differs from traditional energy because it is easily replenished and does not come from finite sources, unlike ________ _________. Solar Power: 2. PV Panels, short for ________ _________, are mirror-like panels that act as conductors, taking in the sun’s rays, heating up, and creating energy. 3. Most solar panels available today have a life expectancy of between _____ and _____ years. 4. One of the main reasons solar power has not yet been implemented on a large scale is because it is ________________. Wind Power: 5. Wind power is actually a form of __________ _________, as wind forms from the heat of the (6) ____________. 7. Most wind power is generated by _________ ___________, which essentially act like giant windmills and produce energy as they turn. The largest of these produces enough energy to fuel nearly (8) ________ homes. 9. Globally, _________ is the country with the most wind energy capacity. Bioenergy: 10. Bioenergy consists of any energy that comes from _________ or _________ matter. 11. The largest/most prevalent source of bioenergy today is ___________. 12. Bioenergy is broken up into three major biomass energy technologies, including ___________, (13) ___________, or (14) ____________. Wave Energy: 15. Waves, caused by tides (and ultimately the ________ ________), can be harnessed to create energy due to their (16) __________ ___________, or energy from motion. 17. One way of harnessing wave energy consists of placing __________ ____________ on the surface of the ocean. Geothermal Energy: 18. Geothermal energy comes from the heat of the Earth, as suggested by its name, which comes from the Greek words for Earth (_____________) and heat (_____________). 19. Geothermal ________ ________ utilize a series of underground pipes, a heat exchanger, and an electric compressor to transfer and absorb heat. 20. __________ _________ ________ utilize hot water and steam to create energy and produce electricity.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau


Multiple choice questions

1. Energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. a. Coal b. Wind Energy c. Solar Energy d. Geothermal Energy 2. It’s a Fossil Fuel. It is a natural resource made from the remains of many tiny sea organisms. It takes millions of years to form. Today large amounts of oil are trapped deep beneath layers of rock. a. Bio fuel b. Oil c. Wind Energy d. Coal 3. The use of moving water from waterfalls and dams to produce electricity. a. Solar Energy b. Hydroelectric Energy c. Wind Energy d. Geothermal Energy 4. It’s a Fossil Fuel. A natural resource made from remains of dead swamp plants from millions of years ago. The higher the temperature and pressure, the better the type of coal that forms. a. Oil b. Solar Energy c. Bio fuel d. Coal 5. Energy that comes from the water or steam that has been heated by magma. a. Wind Energy b. Solar Energy c. Hydroelectric Energy d. Geothermal Energy


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

6. Fuels produced from plant and animal products. Such as wood, animal waste, soybeans and corn. a. Bio fuel b. Wind Energy c. Oil d. Coal 7. A resource that cannot be replaced once it is used up. Examples: Oil, Natural Gas, Coal. a. Hydroelectric Energy b. Solar Energy c. Geothermal Energy d. Nonrenewable Resources 8. Wind Turbines use moving air to generate electrical energy. a. Wind Energy b. Bio fuel c. Solar Energy d. Oil 13.

Multiple choice questions

9. the amount of living matter in a given habitat; organic matter, especially plant matter, that can be converted to fuel a. biomass b. Wind c. turbine d. hydropower 10. Energy contained in the motion of air across Earth's surface. a. clean energy b. Wind c. wind energy d. renewable energy 11. The average temperature of the earth's surface increasing throughout the 21st century a. global warming b. Wind c. turbine d. Solar cells


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

12. The energy produced from moving water. a. hydropower b. clean energy c. turbine d. biomass 13. … extended periods of sunshine to produce electricity. a. clean energy b. Solar cells require c. global warming d. Solar cells 14. An environment which is in harmony with its resources. Recycling ensures that natural resources such as water, air and energy are constantly being rejuvenated so that the natural resources are in harmony with the environment a. wind energy b. global warming c. renewable energy d. Sustainable Environment 15. … made from burning of fossil fuels, cause the global warming a. Carbon Emissions… b. global warming… c. turbine… d. biomass… 16. … energy released from the fission reactions heats a closed loop of water that heats another body of water. a. In a nuclear power plant… b. Sustainable Environment… c. clean energy… d. Solar cells… 17. Energy that does not release greenhouse gasses a. renewable energy b. clean energy c. geothermal energy d. wind energy


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

18. Energy from sources that are replenished over short time scales or that are perpetually available. a. renewable energy b. wind energy c. geothermal energy d. clean energy 19. The heat stored underground, contained in either rocks or fluids. a. clean energy b. geothermal energy c. renewable energy d. wind energy 20. … convers the sun's energy into electricity. a. Clean energy… b. Biomass… c. Solar cells require… d. Solar cells… 21. Wind, Hydro, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Geothermal a. Solar cells require b. Identify five types of clean energy which have been commercialised. c. clean energy d. In a nuclear power plant 22. The movement of air within the atmosphere a. turbine b. Wind c. biomass d. wind energy 23. A machine with blades that rotates. Often used to create energy a. biomass b. Wind c. hydropower d. turbine


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau


The footprint. Activity 1

If you are at school try to discuss with your classmate if you have ever been in a situation where you have realized that your actions have been more pro-environment than against it. If you are at home do the same with a member of your family. Try to give 2 or 3 examples. But, the big question is: do you know how big your carbon footprint is?. Here we propose you an easy activity to find it out. Working in groups, you’ll need to enter in this website and follow the instructions . This website is an initiative of the

non-governmental organization (NGO) WWF. If you visit its website

( you’ll see that its main aim is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: 

Conserving the world’s biological diversity

Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable

Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

Before doing this activity, read activity 2, because you’ll need to write down data from the website in order to do activity 2.


The footprint. Activity 2 a) Which fields is the test focused on?

b) Why does the amount of fish and meat you eat have an important impact on your carbon footprint?

c) Can you reduce your food footprint by buying more organic and local food?

d) What is the best way to reduce emissions from your car?


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

e) Travelling from London to Edinburgh the amount of CO2 released by a plane user, by a car user, by a train user, and by a coach user is:

f) How much can you reduce the amount of your heating energy by turning down one degree your thermostat?

g) What’s the percentage of energy reduction for lighting when using energy efficient bulbs?

h) Why is it so important to compost our kitchen and garden waste?


How many hours would we be able to run an energy efficient bulb by recycling just one aluminum can?


And finally, write down the results of your test:

o How many planets is your footprint?

o What is the percentage of your footprint in each field (food, travel, home, stuff)?

o How many tones of CO2 do you produce per year?


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau


Footprint. Activity 3

Working in groups research about these topics: 

Kyoto Protocol

Global warming and climate change

Kinds of clean energies

In each topic you must use at least a book, a magazine, a website and the presentations displayed on the library walls.


Footprint. Activity 4

According to the topic you have researched, do a Power Point presentation where you explain your conclusions and the relationship between your research and the answers in activity 2 .


Footprint. Activity 5

Show and explain your presentation to the other groups.


Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau

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