APRIL 2019
CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
First Baptist Members and Staff enjoying lunch at River Landing on a Monday visit in March.
he Staff at First Baptist have been trying out a new lunch rotatation in 2019 and it’s been a favorite new tradition. Once a month, staff and members meet around the table at one of the care communities that our members call home. The table, an ordinary, everday object is transformed. We gather around many tables daily, and in our patterned church life, and ofen we think nothing of it. In these ordinary moments we extend the table of the Lord out from the walls of our sanctuary and join in a new feast together. This is what is happening around the tables at Midweek on Wednesday nights and
around the tables of these beloved members. We are extending Christ’s table, enjoying conversation and fellowship in a new environment outside the building of First Baptist Church. So, where does church happen anyway? There is something sacred, indeed, that happens inside of sanctuaries and church buildings, but the sacred can also be found in the ordinariness of lunch around a dining room table. Thanks be to God for this new lunchtime tradition, for the legacy of these beloved members, and for finding church at all of God’s tables.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
APRIL 2019
3 Window Gazing Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
4 Lent and Holy Week 5 Missions Missions Day 2019
MAY Connections Deadline: April 15
6 Children and Preschool
Email news to marybeth@fbcgso.org.
8 Missions 9 Church Life May PrimeTime |
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
10 April Calendar Connect with Business
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Giving at FBC Greensboro February 2019 Financial Results
11 A Thousand Words 12 Midweek @FBC
FRONT DESK HELP NEEDED Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ fbcgso.org | x126.
Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / chris@fbcgso.org/ x109 Mary Beth Foust, Communications Director / marybeth@fbcgso.org / x124 Anita Cranford Media Library Director / anita@fbcgso.org / x104 Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amygkane@ fbcgso.org / x103 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x123 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x126 Autumn Culbreth, Interim Preschool Director / autumn@fbcgso.org / x106 2 | Connections
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow baker@fbcgso.org
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x117
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@fbcgso.org / x110
Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life steves@fbcgso.org / x128
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident darnysha@fbcgso.org / x115 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x120 Tony Sanders, Music Ministry Assistant Tony@fbcgso.org/ x130 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x101
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / doug@fbcgso.org / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / terri@fbcgso.org / x129 Laura Wall, Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant / laura@fbcgso.org / x121 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / alisa@fbcgso.org / x102 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ fbcgso.org / x113
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
or over 25 years, First Baptist Greensboro has been a part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The last weekend in March gave us plenty of opportunities to celebrate this partnership. March 28-29, our church hosted the 25th Anniversary General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina, thanks to wonderful hospitality offered by our team of staff (especially Steering Committee reps, Rosemary Kellam and Alisa Windsor) and volunteers. Then, on Sunday, March 31, Dr. Paul Baxley -- the newly installed Executive Coordinator of CBF Global -- was our guest, leading in Sunday School and preaching in Morning Worship. “So, what is CBF?” many of us, especially some newer to our church, might ask. CBF is a network of approximately 1,800 churches. But more than that, it is a particular way of being “Baptist.” It’s an opportunity for collaborative ministry, education, resourcing, and global mission for churches and individuals committed to historic Baptist freedoms. In an era of increasing independence and isolation, CBF and CBF-NC are reminders of the power of connection and community. When Paul Baxley is asked to communicate his vision for CBF, and why it matters to local congregations, he speaks of this connection and relationship. “I believe cooperation is essential for the faithfulness of our congregations,” he has written before. “I know it has a future -- not because it was once a reaction against fundamentalism -- but instead because it is a reflection of the image of the Triune God and an expression of the way God works within the Trinity and within the world.”
I experienced this connection powerfully last month after the young adult brother of dear friends died in Knoxville, where I led his funeral services. The young man was not a member of any church at the time of his passing, but many of his family are churchgoers, including my friends, his brother and sister-in-law. They were members and leaders of Metro Baptist in New York during my time as pastor and following. Prior to that, the sister-in-law grew up at Immanuel Baptist in Nashville, where I served as youth minister and Jenny and I remain very close to her entire family. Given the importance of church in their lives, and the sensitivity of the time, we all agreed it would be most fitting to hold the funeral in a church.
I contacted a minister friend, who once worked at First Baptist Knoxville. He immediately listed a number of ministers at First Knoxville, as well as other churches in the area, who might be willing to accommodate. The first I contacted was Rev. Pam Neal, Minister of Administration at FBC Knoxville. Despite the “away/vacation” response I received, she responded within 5 minutes, saying she had already heard about the death of this young man through her own networks, and that First Knoxville was willing to do anything they could. We planned the service for the upcoming Saturday, where First Knoxville provided pianist, sound tech, custodial support, and space for family viewing, visitation, service and private preparation. Rev. Neal herself, who was already committed and busy throughout the day on Saturday, still found ways to return to the church numerous times throughout the hours we were there, acting as another pastor to the family, bringing water, helping with logistics, helping me find quiet space for final prep, advising on my many questions on the “customs” of services at First Knoxville. At one point she found me in a quiet moment and gracefully and intuitively asked me if she could pray with me. For one Saturday last month, First Baptist Knoxville became our church, no less than if we had been lifelong members. First Baptist Knoxville, First Baptist Greensboro, Metro Baptist in New York, and Immanuel Baptist in Nashville are churches that share one primary thing in common -- a common sense of connection and community through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Because of this, there was no trust to establish or credentials to show. We were already related. The next time someone asks me, “What is CBF?” I think I might just tell the story about how in ways critical and healing, during the hardest time of a family’s life when they were far from their own homes, they had a church, and with it a reminder of the love of God who is always in relationship with us and enabling us to relate, connect, cooperate with one another.
Photo: Steeple of First Baptist Knoxville April 2019 | 3
April 7 Endurance April 14 Forgiveness
(Palm Sunday)
Love (Easter Sunday)
April 21
We hope you’ll be with us throughout the Sundays remaining in the season of Lent as we seek to clothe ourselves with love.
Midweek @FBC during Lent
During Lent, we will all gather in the chapel each Wednesday night at 6:20pm to learn more about each other and more about our faith.
Each week several church members will share their stories of how they have experinced God in their lives. We will all be challenged to “clothe ourselves” with the traits of Colossians 3:12: compassion, kindness, humility, patience and endurance. Through learning more about those who make up our congregation, we will learn more about who God is calling us to be.
Wednesday, April 17 | 6pm The Family Pilgrimage Service will include a churchwide, mediterranean inspired dinner and communion in the Fellowship Hall, a time of worship in the Prayer Garden, and final prayers and readings in the Sanctuary. Special meal reservations will be required for this service, email Marty, marty@ fbcgso.org, x. 123 Childcare will be provided. 4 | Connections
Good Friday, April 19 | 12:30pm “Biblical Way of the Cross” Service in the Chapel will be a service of prayer and song as we travel with Jesus through his last moments leading to the cross. A light soup lunch will be served at noon in Room 102. (No reservations are necessary). Childcare will be provided.
Sunday, April 21 | 10:30 am Worship with First Baptist Easter Sunday, bring a flower to adorn the cross in celebration of the Resurrected Christ.
MISSIONS MISSIONS DAY Saturday, May 4 | 8:30 am-12:00 pm Our First Baptist Church family serves and loves others in Jesus’ name on many days throughout the year but we celebrate being able to serve together on Saturday, May 4 as a way to share in ministry with our community partners and those in our church family who are homebound who can easily feel forgotten. Please sign-up to indicate interest so that we can plan and communicate details accordingly. Sign ups are available in paper format on Wednesday nights and online, fbcgso.org/missions. There are jobs for all ages, abilities and schedules. Contact Amy Grizzle Kane with questions, amygkane@fbcgso.org.
STEPUP GREENSBORO Providing free job readiness training, active mentoring, and supportive services to help individuals find and keep jobs and build stable lives.
How can you help?
• We are in need of individuals or groups to provide (or pay for) lunch for 35 participants on Thursdays May 9 and August 8. Contact Amy Grizzle Kane, amygkane@fbcgso. org if you can help. • Help empower those seeking work by asking employers about job opportunities. Contact, StepUp (336) 676-5871 or Amy Grizzle Kane. • FBC collects Interview Clothing on the 2nd Sunday of each month for StepUp to Room 201. Suggested items: men’s black/brown dress shoes, (11-14 medium and wide); white and french blue dress shirts, especially big and tall sizes, new men’s underwear and undershirts, women’s black/brown/navy conservative dress shoes, especially sizes 9-14 in wide widths, new panty hose and trouser socks, all sizes, new women’s underwear. Questions? Contact Jeff Bennett, rijeben@yahoo.com. April 2019 | 5
CHILDREN BRUNCH AND “RESURRECTION EGG HUNT” Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits and fruit. Brunch is $6 for adults and $3 for children. A Resurrection Egg Hunt will follow on the lawn. Sign up online: fbcgso.org/children.
NURSERY HELP NEEDED Did you know that it takes 9 volunteers to cover the 3 nursery rooms (infants to age 3) during worship each week? Did you know that signing up 6 times a year, or even once a month, could make a huge difference? We need more volunteers to love on our littlest ones during Sunday morning service from 10:15-11:45 each week. If you would enjoy getting to know our children and their families, we’d love to have you! Email Laura Wall to learn more, laura@fbcgso.org
PRESCHOOL THANK YOU! First Baptist Weekday Preschool would like to thank everyone that contributed to our Parents’ Night Out and Art Show Fundrasier. Many local businesses and organizations (and gracious FBC Members) contributed to our Silent Auction raising almost $2,000 for preschool programming and the Via Scholarship Fund. Preschool parents enjoyed a lovely evening out at Double Oaks Bed & Breakfast, directly across Mendenhall with live music provided by FBC’s own, Casey Cranford. Preschool artwork was also on display and available for purchase. Children studied the works of Mondrian, Klee, Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Warhol and Monet then created inspired pieces to share with their families. It was a successful night of community celebrating our preschool families. For more information about the Weekday Preschool, contact Autumn Culbreth, autumn@ fbcgso.org or (336) 274-3286 (ext. 106) 6 | Connections
CHILDREN VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | ROAR At ROAR VBS, Children ages 4-5th grade will embark on an epic African adventure that engages the whole herd. Kids will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be participating in mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 each day. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost: $20 per child, $50 family max. (includes activities, daily snacks, a T-shirt and Thursday evening dinner and celebration), $5 CD’s available of program music. Sign up: tinyurl.com/FBCVBS2019, the 140 spots fill quickly! Volunteers are also needed. Email Christina McCord, christina@fbcgso.org if you are interested.
April 2019 | 7
CHILDREN PATHFINDERS CLASS Several times a year, Christina offers the Pathfinders class for older elementary children who are curious about baptism and want to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. During our 4-week session last month, Miller and Katie were encouraged to ask ANY questions they had about faith, and they learned all about the church, being a disciple, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, forgiveness, and prayer.
July 29- August 2 9 am - 1 pm
Ages: 1-4th grade; 5th- 7th grades Registration: $30 before May 1, $40 after. Register at www.fbcgso.org/music. For more information contact Terri Vancil, terri@fbcgso.org, x129
YO U T H YOUTH LOCK-IN April 5 | 9 pm-7 am
It’s that time again! Sign-ups are open for the Youth Lock-In for grades 6-12. Cost for this event is $5 plus the cost for the opening activity. It will be a great night full of games, junk food, and Underground Church! All friends are welcome.
May 10-11 | 6 pm- 10:00 am This event is a dedicated time for FBC Seniors. More information will be available as the date approaches. 8 | Connections
The youth are looking forward to two trips this summer. SUMMER MISSION TRIP ATLANTA, GEORGIA June 23-30 Students will stay at Lydia’s House in Grant Park and have a chance to learn about racial justice, child poverty, refugee resettlement and so much more. PASSPORT MISSIONS CAMP GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA July 8-13 Students will enjoy all the fun of camp with practical mission work and meaningful spiritual engagement.
No FBC birthdays April 10, 17, 23 and 25 1 Betty Ray Troxler, David Carter, Emiley Turner 2 Bill Tutterow, Tom Cornett 3 Eleanor Gibson, Jennifer Hall 4 Maggie Martin 5 Jeanne Blakely, Sue Miller 6 Robin Stevens, Stuart Philpott, Millicent Childs 7 Anne Wilson, Kenneth Ripley, Randy Lewis 8 Norma Moore, Melissa Milligan 9 Lucille Fitzner, Frances Fickling, William Bolton 11 Hilda Hester, Scott Hondros 12 Wink Kirkman, Carla Porter, Jimmy Kesler, Parker Burke 13 Courtney Willis, Jennifer Hill 14 Jill Pegram, Lisa Riddleberger, Ben Norman, Jonathan Kalish
15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 30
Willard Dean, David Stone Romona O’Bryant Beth Wise, Taylor Kirkman Kevin Cole Sara Sears Paul Stewart, Ronny Blakely Alice Culclasure Doris Melson, Colleen Hardy, Catherine Little, Matthew Messick, Morgan Alexander, Evelyn Wall Lawrence Mann, Mark Pegram, Stephanie Cole, Joel Reynolds Betty Echerd, Julie King, Sara Beth Hardy Winfield Rose, Larry Putnam, Rosemary Kellam, Grant Leonard Ken Melton, Parker White Robert Baggett, Indigo Stephens
BEREAVED The family of Rev. Joe McLean, d. 2/27 The Family of Warren Bass, d. 3/4 Mark and Kevin Pegram in the loss of their brother-in-law and uncle, Dan Cox, d. 3/3
Wendy Stafford in the death of her sister, Elizabeth Casey, d. 2/26 Autumn Hall and Angelina Glisson in the death of their husband and sonin-law, Zane Cox, d. 3/12 Bob Godfrey in the death of his brother, Billy Godfrey, d. 3/17
MEMORIAL DAY COLUMBARIUM SERVICE May 27 | 9 am A service of rememberance will be convened outside in the Columbarium at First Baptist.
SUMMER INTERNSHIPS AT FIRST BAPTIST We are excited to offer two summer internship opportunities, one working with our Children’s Ministry and the other with FBC Youth. These internships are a great opportunity for someone considering a career in ministry to gain experience and explore calling. Internships are an opportunity for our church to support vocational training and ministerial exploration. Those interested should contact Christina McCord, christina@fbcgso.org or Chris Cherry, chris@fbcgso.org for more information. April 2019 | 9
APRIL @FBC 1 (M) PrimeTime. 9-1: 30 pm 2 (Tu) Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 3 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 5 (F) Youth Lock-In. 9 pm 7 (Su) Meeting Day. 11:45 am 7 (Su) Finance Committee, 102, 4 pm 8 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 9 (Tu) WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am 14 (Su) Community Brunch. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am 14 (Su) Easter Egg Hunt. Front Lawn, Following Brunch 17 (W) Family Pilgrimage Service. Fellowship Hall, 5:30 pm 19 (F) Good Friday Service. Chapel, 12:00 pm 21 (Su) Easter Sunday. Worship, 10:30 am 22 (F) Church Offices Closed. All Day 23 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm 24 (W) No Wednesday Night Activities.
REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
SUNDAY EVENINGS 4pm 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Handbells Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Sing an Old Song to the Lord Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro How to Give
The church relies on the consistent regular financial offerings of its members to carry out the work that God has called us to do in Greensboro and around the world. Here are several ways for each person or family to give: Online: Online giving options offer a recurring donation option by either using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks to the church or you can set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card information on the church website: www.fbcgso.org/give Mobile: You can use the Church Life app or Tithe.ly on most any device. In person: As a part of our worship service, an offering plate is passed in the pews. Most members give their offerings to the church via an envelope that is placed in the offering plate. Mail: Those who cannot attend weekly worship services often mail their checks to the church. The church office can provide self addressed envelopes if desired. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – scott@fbcgso.org | x127.
February 2019 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget $313, 632 $ 327, 884 $281, 686 $ 305, 985
Last Year $ 368, 048 $ 297, 167
Net YTD Surplus
$ 31, 946 $ 21, 899
$ 70, 881
(Net of program income)
10 | Connections
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: Baugh’s at the Lenten Workshop; Lenten workshop stole Row 2: PrimeTime celebrates St. Patty’s day Row 3: Norman Family; Staff bonding through reverse charades; FBC Youth play life size games
April 2019 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (fbcgso.org/calendarevents), email (marty@ fbcgso.org), or phone (336-274-3286 x123) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
APRIL MENU April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24
| | | |
Taco Night Asian Cuisine Mediterranean No Activities
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
Join us for a Sunday of Celebration in honor of Steve Sumerel and in thanksgiving of his life and ministry with First Baptist Greensboro. Steve will preach during worship that morning and a luncheon reception will follow.