FOURTH SUNDAY will be a book club for all adults. We will gather as a group to discuss that month’s book, and how it can inform our faith. See more information on what books we plan on reading on the Formations page of this guide (pg 4).
Each Sunday of the month there will be a formation offering for adults during the time our children and youth will be participating in music and fellowship together.
FIRST SUNDAY of each month, at 4 pm, all adults are invited to a time of fellowship and formation that we are calling GATHER. Each Sunday will have a different focus and speaker to guide us in growing and learning together. Our time will be followed by a fellowship meal at 6 pm. Adults, youth and children will all meet in the fellowship hall for a delicious dinner. It is there that we will also share in the joys and concerns of our congregation, as we fellowship with and get to know one another better. These meals will require a reservation, so make sure to save a spot for you, your family, and friends now! E-mail Rosemary Kellam (rosemary@fbcgso.org) your reservation $10 a person and $30 max per family.
THIRD SUNDAY will be a Parent Social time. If you are the parent or caregiver of a child or teenager, make plans to meet the Third Sunday of each month for a social. While your children or youth are in their programs from 4-5:45, you will have the opportunity to get to know other parents, talk about parenting in a low-stress time and have a brief time of faith reflection.
BOOK CLUB September (25), October (23), November (27)
ADULT MISSIONS October (9), November (13), December (11)
Children’s Music 4 -4:45 pm Youth Group 4- 5 pm Children’s Stories & Missions 4:45 - 5:45 pm Youth Creative Arts 5-5:45 pm Adult Offering 4 - 5:45 pm
SECOND SUNDAY of each month will be devoted to a service project which will support one of our local mission partners. The projects will address issues like food insecurity, education, homelessness, and refugee needs. Representatives from our mission partners will be invited to join us and share information about their work in the community.
GATHER & FELLOWSHIP MEAL October (2), November (6), December (4)
PARENTS OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SOCIAL September (18), October (16), November (20)
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We will travel to Mayfield, KY to aid in rebuilding efforts with residential homes and the town’s Women’s Center. Mayfield experienced a devastating tornado last December and is still recovering and rebuilding. We will be helping with building efforts so carpentry and construction skills are a plus.
ALL skill levels are welcome. Sign up today at: fbcgso.org/paint-the-town-2022
As a part of our Sunday evenings at FBC, each second Sunday of the month at 4 pm, will be devoted to a time of serving with one of our mission partners. The projects will connect with issues such as food insecurity, education, homelessness, and refugees. We will be working with representatives from our mission partners who will share information about their work in our community. We hope you will make plans to join us in serving together.
Our neighborhood is having their annual 5k! We love to be a part of our neighborhood events and are looking to get a team of people together to pass out water at the race. Let Buck know if you can help with this event.
A weekend trip of service and fellowship is being planned for families over the Guilford County Schools Fall Break in Asheville, NC. We will be hosted by the Asheville Youth Mission and will be serving at the Black Mountain Home for Children. Families can arrive Friday afternoon and our trip will conclude Sunday morning after a worship service we will have for our group. “Family” is defined in the broadest sense possible! Cost and sign ups will be coming soon.
Fall 2022 | 3
PAINT THE TOWN | September 10
FBC COMMUNITY GARDEN Be on the lookout for a big fall gardening day as the seasons change. Thanks to those who helped water the garden this summer! Please let Janice Newsom (dukenewsom@aol.com) know if you’d like to help in the garden this fall.
Paint the Town 2022 will take place on September 10 starting at 8 am and we need 8 to 15 volunteers ages 14+ to help us make a home warmer, drier, and safer for a neighborhood in Greensboro. If you enjoy the blessing of a warm, dry, and safe home, consider sharing that blessing with others in our own community!
Starting October 9
To learn more about how to get involved with our Mission Partners at First Baptist Greensboro, contact Buck Cochran Associate Pastor: Missions and Community (buck@fbcgso.org)
WESTERWOOD 5K | November 6
Paint the Town is an annual one-day event when our community joins together with Community Housing Solutions to help provide decent, safe, and affordable housing to low-income households. Eligible homeowners are neighbors who are elderly or disabled and living on a fixed income who are unable to do the repairs themselves.
FAMILY MISSION TRIP | October 28 - 31

4 | Ministry Guide FORMATION FALL BOOK CLUB Join the congregation in reading a book each month of the fall! On the last Sunday evening of each month, as part of our Sunday evenings at FBC, we will gather as a group to discuss that month’s book. Each book can be found at Scuppernong Books (304 S Elm Street | (336) 763-1919) or can be ordered online. Please contact Courtney if you need help accessing a copy of the book. Make plans to read the following books and join the conversation from 4-5:45 pm on the corresponding Sunday evenings!
Starting September 7, all adults are invited to join us in the Chapel at 6 pm for Vespers. This 30 minute service will provide time to share in our Covenant of Concerns and pray for those in need. GATHER As a part of Sunday Evenings at FBC, each first Sunday of each month at 4 pm, all adults are invited to a time we are calling GATHER. Each first Sunday will have a different focus and speaker to guide us in growing and learning together. Our time will be followed by a fellowship meal at 6 pm. Reserve your meal by emailing Rosemary Kellam (rosemary@fbcgso.org). Cost is $10 a person and $30 max per family. PARENT SOCIAL Also as a part of Sunday Evenings at FBC, each third Sunday of the month will be a Parent Social time. All parents or caregivers of a child or teenager, can join in on this low-stress time. While your children or youth are in their programs from 4-5:45, you will have the opportunity to get to know other parents, talk about parenting and have a brief time of faith reflection together.
To learn more about Spiritual Formation at First Baptist Greensboro, contact, Courtney Willis Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care (courtney@fbcgso.org)

Parents! Plan to join us in the Chapel on Sunday, September 18 at 5 pm as we talk about our vision for Youth Ministry, the fall calendar, and Baker’s innovative ideas for Youth Music this fall. We’re excited for a great weekend away from home that will be full of fun, formation and new memories. Middle School Retreat is September 23-25 and sign ups will open soon at fbcgso.org/youth.
Youth Group Sundays 4 - 5 pm Youth Group on Sunday nights will feature lots of games and engaging topics of interest as we grow in our faith. We’ll get you moving, laughing, and having fun with each other before circling up together for meaningful conversation.
Fall 2022 | 5
We have lots of great things planned this fall from welcoming a new class of 6th graders, to a new Sunday night schedule, to new youth on the Leadership Team, to Middle School Retreat! The complete Youth Fall Calendar can be found at: fbcgso.org/youth. Many more details on these events will be announced closer to the dates.
For more information or if you have any questions you can contact Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor: Youth & Families (chris@fbcgso.org).
Youth Creative Arts Sundays 5- 5:45 pm Learn more on the Children and Youth music page (pg 9) in this guide about Youth Creative Arts. This is an opportunity for youth to find their place and grow their faith through music and other arts. Our annual 6th Grade Mini Retreat is back! All new 6th graders are invited to join us from 9 am-noon on Saturday, August 27. We’ll have games, snacks, and you’ll get your new Bibles. This Mini Retreat is free and you can sign up at fbcgso.org/youth.
Members of our new 2022-2023 Youth Leadership Team are invited to a morning mini retreat of games, leadership building and fun. Date of the retreat is October 8 from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please talk with Chris.

Contact Amy Starr Russell, Associate Pastor to Children and Families (amy@fbcgso.org) to learn more and be a part! More information available at: fbcgso.org/children
FALL FEST 2022 Saturday, October 22; 3-5 pm Everyone is invited to enjoy a free afternoon of games, inflatables, food, and live music! We will gather for all of the fun on the front lawn of the church. Make sure to wear your costume and join our First Baptist family for this fun event. We need LOTS of volunteers to set up, make popcorn & cotton candy, cook hotdogs, work the stations, and clean up. Sign ups will be available soon or let Amy know now that you can help!
BIBLE PRESENTATION Sunday, October 23; morning worship
Parents and children, let’s kick-off the school year together! We will bless our students and teachers in morning worship and then have some fun in the afternoon. Join us from 3 - 4:30 pm for messy games and ice cream. This will be a time for us to reconnect after our summer sabbath. This event is for children and their parents!
Pathfinders is our intentional time to help our older FBCkids ask questions and discuss baptism. For several Sunday mornings in the fall our older kids will meet with Amy to ask questions and explore the faith that is growing within them. Exact dates will be sent soon!
I am thrilled to be looking at our FBCKids fall calendar and planning all the ways we get to do life together! We will have fun. We will learn. We will encounter God in our play and in each other’s presence. Along with the rest of the church, we have an exciting new schedule this fall. We will meet for music (4-4:45 pm) and missions & stories (4:45- 5:45 pm), and each Sunday. Mark your calendars with the events listed, and be on the lookout for a more detailed schedule in the weeks to come.
Join us for the most exciting telling of the Nativity story on Sunday, December 18. There will be costumes, delicious food, and the voices of our children sharing this most sacred story.
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MERGE Merge will continue this fall for our 4th and 5th grade students! Plans are in the works and will be shared soon.
Sunday, August 28; morning worship and 3 - 4:30 pm | Picnic Shelter
On Sunday, October 23 we will present Bibles to our kindergartners and our 3rd graders. Connecting with God through our scriptures also connects us with Christians across generations. This is always a special time for our children and their families so make plans to join us.

Fall 2022 | 7
In 1952, First Baptist Weekday Preschool opened its doors for the first time on Wednesday, September 3 with Miss Dorothy Cox as the first Director. We’ve been collecting stories all summer to share about our 70 years of serving families all over Greensboro. Over this new school year, we will be sharing these stories. If you have a story you’d still like to share, we’d love to hear them! Watch our social media and website as we share about our wonderful legacy. If you are interested in enrollment, or have other questions about the Preschool, please contact Autumn Culbreth, Director (autumn@fbcgso.org) or call 336-274-3286 ext. 106.
PRESCHOOL FIRST BAPTIST WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL served over 60 children this summer during our “Summer Days” programming. Each week, our children explored a different theme, covering everything from “Down on the Farm” to “Mission Possible”. We reunited with Hilly the Cow from Southeast Dairy Association, enjoyed a visit with Porter the Therapy Dog from the Greensboro Police Department, learned from the firefighters from Greensboro Fire Department-Station 5, and made lovely music with Mrs. Melissa from Gate City Musikgarten. When we weren’t learning from leaders in our community, we were playing outside, building Magnatile towers, and making notes for FBC Homebased members. During our “Mission Possible” week, we raised $130 for Backpack Beginnings with a Lemonade Stand. We had an amazing summer learning together, and we cannot wait to start our school year right after Labor Day. We have some availability for the 2022-2023 school year, mostly in our Twos and Threes classes.

ADVENT II, PEACE, December 4: Handbells and Brass
ADVENT I, HOPE, November 27
SPECIAL DATES IN WORSHIP Worship by the First Baptist community is interactive, participatory and focused on God. We celebrate the good news of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit through ancient and modern forms as we seek a divine perspective on our lives. Although imperfectly, we have committed ourselves to worship that speaks the truth about God and makes God preeminent in our lives. Join us in person each Sunday at 10:30 am or online at fbcgso.org
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE, December 24, 5 pm
ADVENT IV, STAR IN THE EAST, December 18: Sanctuary Choir presents "Star in the East" by MalcolmDalglish, a collection of Appalachian Christmas carols accompanied by hammered dulcimer.
ADVENT III, JOY, December 11: Children and Youth
The Adult Handbell Choir is an ensemble of energetic and focused adults who love to ring handbells! The handbell choir will ring in worship every first Sunday of the month combining with the FBC brass ensemble on communion Sundays. (Brass players, let us know who you are!) If you have ringing experience and excellent music reading skills, speak to Terri Vancil about joining. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6- 6:45 pm beginning August 31.
8 | Ministry HANDBELLSGuide
CHRISTMAS MORNING SERVICE, December 25, Carol Singing with String Orchestra
Bel Canto, Greensboro's premiere choral ensemble will host their traditional Christmas concert here at First Baptist Greensboro this year. Concert and ticket information can be found at: belcantocompany.com. Tickets will not be sold at the church.
BEL CANTO HOLIDAY CONCERTS S aturday, December 10 at 8 pm | Monday, December 12 at 7:30 pm
Please contact Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor for Music & Worship (doug@fbcgso.org) or Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor for Music & Worship (terri@fbcgso.org) to get involved.
COMMUNION each first Sunday of the month, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4
The Sanctuary Choir is the anchor of music ministry at First Baptist Church and is open to all adults. College students are especially welcome! This group sings a wide variety of choral music as they lead regularly in Sunday worship services. Special seasons of the church year afford opportunities to present larger choral works such as “Star in the East.” This collection of Appalachian Christmas carols accompanied by folk instruments including the hammered dulcimer will be presented, on Sunday morning, December 18. Introduction to this music will be Saturday, September 17, 10 am - 2 pm for lunch and rehearsal at Hanging Rock State Park! If you enjoy singing the praises of God and would benefit from a warm, intergenerational music experience, come and join us on Wednesday evenings this fall! The first night of rehearsal is Wednesday, August 31 at 7 pm.

The choir is a living model of what it means to be church. It is people gathered to offer what they have – the great and the small. It is the recognition this offering yields that following Christ means considering more what we offer than what we receive. In choir, like in the church, no one exists solely on their own. Each person is held as they hold the people around them, their combined vocal timbres strengthening each other in a tower of overtones made more complete with each voice. This Fall, as we reflect on the words of Romans 12:5, we invite you to add your voice to the whole. “So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.”
DRUMS Do you like to make noise? Do you like to move? Then this group is for you. Join the drumming group to play different drums, learn different rhythms, and play along with some songs you’ll love.
While Pre-K through grade 3 continue in music, missions, and stories, 4th-8th graders can sign up to be part of this new choir opportunity. In Crossroads Choir, Middle School Youth come together with Merge kids to sing, play games, and eat good snacks. This choir is a chance to build and strengthen relationships across grade levels, and to sing with a large group. High schoolers will have an opportunity to lead during this choir time. This choir will sing publicly twice: December 11 Worship and December 18 Spontaneous Nativity. Find a friend and sign up by October 9 at: tinyurl.com/crossroadschoir
Sign-up for an art discipline by September 4 at: tinyurl.com/youthcreativearts
A new formation opportunity for youth! Get with a friend and sign up to join us each Sunday evening from September 18 - October 16, Youth will gather from 5:00-5:45 pm to meet in small groups and explore their arts discipline. Groups will stay with the same discipline all 5 weeks, and on the 6th week, lead in worship. Choose from the following art disciplines: DANCE Do you like to dance? In this group, you’ll get those steps in by dancing to songs that will be sure to keep you moving! Find a friend and make this group your home! ART Do you like painting? Drawing? Design? This group will be a super-creative space to make art for worship. So, grab your favorite brush and sign up for this group!
All kids Pre-K through grade 5 are invited to join us for music, missions, and stories on Sunday nights, September 18-October 23, 4:00-5:45 pm. In music, children Pre-K through grade 5 will make friends and grow closer to God while singing songs of the faith, moving their bodies, and playing instruments. Grades K-5 will lead in worship on Sunday Morning, October 23.
DRAMA Do you like to be dramatic? Do you like to be silly? Do you want to be on stage? Join this group and make ‘em laugh, make ‘em cry, and bring the house down with your stellar stage presence!
AUDIO/VISUAL Do you like to work behind the scenes? Want to be the one who makes the magic happen? Join the A/V team and learn how to work the sound and video systems we use for worship.
Contact Baker Lawrimore, Director of Music for Children and Youth (baker@fbcgso.org) if you would like to be a part of any of these musical opportunities.

10 | Ministry Guide FALL CALENDAR 14AUGUST Lunch on the Lawn | After Worship Youth Grasshoppers Game | 2 pm 16 Youth to Carowinds 18 Merge Welcome Party | 9 am | Skywild 22 Youth Meet to Eat | Noon | Adirondack Chairs 25 Summer Book Gathering | 7 pm Adirondack Chairs 27 6th grade retreat | 9 am - Noon 28 Back to School Sunday FBCKids Kick-Off | 3 - 4:30 pm 31 Wednesday Adult music rehearsals begin Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 4SEPTEMBER Communion 5 Office Closed 6 Preschool starts back 7 Midweek Vespers Begins | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 -8 pm 10 Paint the Town | 8 am 11 Adult Sunday School Kick-Off | 9:30 am Pastor Alan Sherouse first Sunday back from Sabbatical Church-Wide Fall Kick Off 4 - 6 pm 12 Deacon’s Meeting 14 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 -8 pm 17 Sanctuary Choir Retreat | 10-3 pm Hanging Rock 18 Happy Hearts Sunday Sunday Evenings Begin | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Parent Social (4 - 5:45 pm) Youth Parent Meeting | 5-5:45 pm 21 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 -8 pm 23- 25 Middle School Retreat 25 Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Bookclub (4 - 5:45 pm), 28 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 2OCTOBER World Communion Sunday Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), GATHER (4 - 5:45 pm), Church wide meal at 6 pm Committee Meetings 3 Deacon’s Meeting 5 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 8 Youth Leadership Team Retreat | 9 am - 1 pm 9 Church Conference | After Worship Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Adult Missions (4 - 5:45 pm), 12 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 16 Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Parent Social (4 - 5:45 pm), 19 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 22 Fall Fest | 3 - 5 pm 23 Children and Youth lead worship Children Bible Presentation Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Book Club (4 - 5:45 pm) 26 Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 28-31 Family Mission Trip
Fall 2022 | 11 FALL CALENDAR 2NOVEMBER Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 -8 pm 6 All Saints Sunday SundayCommunionEvenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), GATHER (4 - 5:45 pm), Church wide meal at 6 pm Committee WesterwoodMeetings5K 7 Deacon’s Meeting 7-11 Kentucky Mission Trip 9 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 13 Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Adult Missions (4 - 5:45 pm) 16 Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 17 Feast of Caring 20 Stewardship Sunday Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Parent Social (4 - 5:45 pm) 27 Advent I | HOPE Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm) Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Book Club (4 - 5:45 pm) 30 Advent Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 4DECEMBER Advent II | PEACE Communion, Handbells & Brass in Worship Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm, Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm) Youth Group (4 - 5 pm)Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm) GATHER (4 - 5:45 pm) Church wide meal at 6 pm Committee Meetings 5 Deacon’s Meeting 7 Advent Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 10 Youth Christmas Party Bel Canto Concert 8 pm 11 Advent III | JOY | Youth and Children lead worship Church Conference | Noon Sunday Evenings | 4-5:45 pm, Children Music (4 - 4:45 pm), Youth Group (4 - 5 pm), Children’s Stories & Missions (4:45 - 5:45 pm), Youth Creative Arts (5 - 5:45 pm), Adult Missions (4 - 5:45 pm), 12 Bel Canto Concert 7:30 pm 14 Advent Midweek Vespers | 6 pm Adult Handbells 6 - 6:45 pm | Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm 18 Advent IV | LOVE Sanctuary Choir Presents “Star in the East” Spontaneous Nativity 21 Longest Night Service | 7 pm 24 Christmas Eve football game | Noon Lake Daniel Park Christmas Eve Service | 5 pm 25 Christmas Morning Service | Carol Singing with Orchestra at 10:30 am
9:30 am Sunday School ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL
Adults are invited to join us in the Chapel at 6 pm for a Vespers service. This service will provide time to share in our Covenant of Concerns and pray for those in need.
10:30 am Worship All are welcome to worship either in person or on-line (fbcgso.org or facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro). Learn more on the Worship & Music page (pg.8) of this guide about the many opportunities that are planned for Sunday morning worship this fall.
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 fbcgso.org
6 pm Midweek Vespers September 7 - October 19 and November 2-16 at 6 pm | Advent Vespers November 30, December 7 & 14
4 - 5:45 pm Sunday Evenings at First Baptist Greensboro
Children and youth are invited to a time of community and spiritual formation geared to their age during the hour before worship. Nursery is also provided for 3 and under during the Sunday School hour and worship.
On Sunday evenings we have offerings for everyone! Each week our children and youth will have time together to grow in their faith and experience a time of music. During this same time, there will be an adult offering that will be different each Sunday evening. Learn more on Sunday Evenings page (pg. 2) of this guide.
6 - 6:45 pm Adult Handbells Starting August 31, ringing in worship on 1st Sundays 7- 8 pm Sanctuary Choir Starting August 31, adult singers leading weekly in Sunday Worship
We have a number of Sunday School classes to choose from! Learn more about the many classes that are offered at fbcgso. org/sunday-school CHILDREN AND YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL