we are greeting the fall with enthusiasm and hope, with plans for increased gathering, weekly inperson worship, and another step toward return to beloved patterns of church life. Within this guide you will find plans for the coming months of our church's life in worship, formation, missions, fellowship, and programming for all ages. We hope you will use this to make your plans and follow along in participation and support of the ministry of our church. Of course, we are also holding measures of creativity and flexibility, and we will continue to evaluate and adapt to the needs of the moment. Along with this guide, the most recent information will be available at fbcgso.org, and in our weekly newsletter (available in print and by email).
Our church's ability to continue to plan vital ministry at this time is due to the tremendous resources of space, capacity, creative lay leadership, and congregational commitment that have been so evident at First Baptist Greensboro during this season. We are grateful for your part in the life of our congregation, and look forward to life and ministry together this fall.
PA S TO R ’ S N OT E “How much longer?” is a common refrain on hikes with our children. Like many, these pandemic months have led our family outside, including to the mountains, parks and trails of our beautiful state, which are especially wondrous in the fall. Still, hiking is not everyone’s preferred past-time, so we try to choose trails that promise reward, winding toward a peak, with the rush of vista, the magnificence of expanse, and the satisfaction of accomplishment. And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the post-hike ice cream.
In the wilderness, we learn what sustains us. For the Israelites, it was the daily gift of manna. For us, such sustenance comes in the form of a variety of gifts that God has given, reminding us what is most important for sustaining our lives. One of the greatest of these is the gift of faith community. Throughout this fall, we have the opportunity to experience through worship, gathering, and growth, the promise that even in the wilderness God has provided enough, and there is still more to come.
For a while, I thought our common experience of pandemic was a mountain. For months and months we climbed, we carried the weight of so much, we put one foot in front of the other, we did our part — individually and in other parts of our lives, including the life of First Baptist Greensboro. We did all of this anticipating the ultimate peak, and the celebrations that would follow.
In the wilderness, also, we learn better how to share our lives and the responsibility of loving our neighbor and caring for the wider community. God called Moses into the wilderness to lead the people toward promise, but the task proved too much for one person, so God instructed Moses to gather 70 more, who also took on the responsibilities of leadership and care. Throughout this fall, we will continue to love one another, care for one another, and love our neighbors as a church and as we do, we hope you know how vital your gifts, resources, and energy are as new challenges and opportunities emerge before us.
But at some point late in the summer, we realized that the mountain’s peak was not the ultimate end. To be sure, there is some sense of accomplishment in these days of early fall with the promising returns to schedules and school, increased gathering, weekly in-person worship, and a plan for a more regular rhythm of church life this fall. But still, there are hills ahead — perhaps smaller, but still challenging. What we thought was a mountain is actually more like a wilderness.
Most of all, in the wilderness we learn to trust God’s presence with us. For most of us, this is not the first wilderness we’ve experienced, and it will not be the last. We know that there can be a depth of connection to God that happens in times of uncertainty and challenge. In worship and community, we can share our concerns honestly, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and experience our connection to God and one another in ways that are real and abiding, finding as the Israelites did in Deuteronomy, “I have led you forty years in the wilderness; your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandal has not worn out on your foot.” God is with us.
“If you feel you’re wandering in a wilderness, be assured you are not alone.”
It’s fitting that our experience of pandemic began during the season of Lent, March 2020, when our liturgy invites us to remember the symbol of wilderness. The wilderness is where Jesus experienced his greatest tests, his largest doubts, and his most pressing questions as he made his way for forty days amidst all the aching, hungering challenges of the wild unknown. Before him, the people of Israel wandered for some forty years, waiting for the promised land of which God spoke. Moses himself never arrived, settling only for the mountain peak and the view of what was ahead. We recognize these themes and we resonate with these questions. We have experienced uncertainty, wandering and fear in this time when we can not see or know all that is ahead. We have experienced how wilderness can change us. And we have also remembered some of what wilderness teaches us about what it means to be human, and what it means to be a person of faith.
2 | Ministry Guide
If you feel you’re wandering, be assured you are not alone. We hope this Fall Guide provides you some resources for all the ways we are journeying together as a church. How much longer we do not precisely know. But through our continued journey together we remember that in the wilderness we are never lost, for we walk always in the presence of one another and ever in the sight of God. Together in Love,
S U N D AY & W E D N E S D AY S T H I S FA L L SUNDAYS 9:15 am Children and Youth Sunday School | In-person outside on the church lawn and other outdoor spaces Our children and youth will once again be gathering together for Sunday school in person. We hope your children join us for a time of community and spiritual formation while safely gathering together outside.
9:45 am Sunday School | In-person in the Chapel or live-streamed at fbcgso.org or facebook.com/ FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro
Weekly Bible Study, led by Rev. Courtney Willis, or occasional special guests. Sunday morning Bible Study utilizes the Formations and Nurturing Faith curriculum, which is available by contacting the Church Office.
10:30 am Worship | In- person in the Sanctuary or live-streamed at fbcgso.org or facebook.com/ FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro O ur Sunday worship service continues at 10:30 in-person or online each week. Following our Gathering Covenant, we wear masks when together.
5- 7pm Youth Group & Choir | Outdoor space and Room 108
Youth Group will take place outside for games and community from 5-6 pm then transition to Youth Choir at 6pm.
WEDNESDAYS Noon - 1pm Midweek Lunch | Side lawn (in case of rain, Chapel)
2nd and 4th Wednesdays on the church lawn for lunch, prayer and a brief program or study.
5:45 - 7pm Youth Open Gym & Cafe | Gym & Cafe Simply what it sounds like! Youth are welcome to come have a low-pressure evening with open gym and & cafe time. 5:45 - 6:45pm Children’s Music / FBCKids Missions | Rooms 101, 102 & 108C Children will safely gather for Children’s Choir rehearsals. Missions will take place October 10 & November 17. 5:45 - 6:45pm Midweek Adult Study - Telling Stories | Outside on lawn (in case of rain, Chapel) This offering will be led by Rev. Courtney Willis on the importance of stories in our lives.
6 - 6:45pm Handbells | Room 108 Adult Handbell practice with Doug Vancil as we prepare for worship services this Fall. 7- 8:15pm Sanctuary Choir | Sanctuary, Room 322, Choir Room, Chapel
Led by Doug Vancil, the Sanctuary Choir will rehearse for worship services and to prepare larger works for special seasons of the church year.
Fall 2021 | 3
Wednesdays, 6 – 6:45 pm
Sanctuary Choir
Wednesdays, 7 – 8:15 pm
Music for Children
Wednesdays, 5:45 - 6:45 pm
Music for Youth Sundays at 6 - 7 pm, following Youth Group
Handbells: Adult handbell ringers will rehearse for upcoming services. At this time, we plan to distance our tables, wear masks and provide added ventilation in a large rehearsal room. Handbell ringing is the perfect music option in a pandemic — an entirely percussive musical experience with tables and bells safely distanced from each other. How great that we always wear gloves! Sanctuary Choir: The anchor of our music ministry, this adult choir sings in the morning worship services. The Sanctuary Choir also prepares larger works for special seasons of the church year. We will rehearse in masks and distanced by 15 feet throughout the sanctuary using the main floor, the balcony, and the choir loft. Children and Youth: Music activities for children and youth will also be offered this fall as part of Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon gatherings. Music Interns: We’re also excited to welcome 5 interns this Fall! Margaret Stuckey, Peyton Wheeler, Jackson Hopper, Shelby Webb, and Grace Wall. Learn more about our interns at: fbcgso.org/music-interns.
Please contact Doug Vancil, Associate Pastors for Music & Worship or Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor for Music & Worship or Baker Lawrimore, Director of Music for Children and Youth (music@fbcgso.org) if you would like to be a part of any of these musical opportunities. More information avaiable at: fbcgso.org/music
What does Scripture teach us about stories? How might we share our own stories with each other? Why does God want us to hear others’ stories? Join us on Wednesdays evenings from 5:45 - 6:45 pm for a study on Telling Stories.
Don’t forget that on Sunday mornings you can attend Sunday school in person in the Chapel or on Facebook or on our church website. Each Sunday morning at 9:30 am, Rev. Courtney Willis will be teaching using both the Formations and Nurturing Faith study guides. And if your class would like to gather on campus, contact Rosemary (rosemary@fbcgso.org)
On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays this Fall, we will gather on the church lawn at Noon to share in lunch together, hear our Covenant of Concerns prayer list, and enjoy a brief program or study. This is a great way to fellowship with one another and stay connected to the life our congregation. You may bring a lunch or sign up and purchase a lunch at fbcgso.org/midweeklunch or contact Ashley Chandler (ashley@fbcgso.org) in the church office.
During our Sunday worship and at our Midweek lunches, we gather around our church prayer list, which we call the Covenant of Concerns. We’d love to know if there are ways we can be praying for you or those in your life. The Covenant of Concerns can be viewed at any time at: fbcgso.org/prayerlist
To learn more about Spiritual Formation at First Baptist Greensboro, contact, Courtney Willis Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Life (courtney@fbcgso.org) More information avaiable at fbcgso.org 4 | Ministry Guide
CHILDREN Join FBCkids this fall, as we provid opportunities for children and their families to grow spiritually and to engage in meaningful relationships with others, both virtually and in person. Sunday School Kick-Off: In-person Sunday school resumes! Weather permitting, we will meet outside on the church campus. In the event it rains, we have numerous large rooms inside that are an option to utilize.
Fall Fest Everyone is invited to enjoy a free afternoon of fun on the front lawn of the church on October 30, 11 am - 1pm. Make sure to wear your costume and join your FBC family for lots of fun!
Bible Presentation: On Sunday, October 10, our kindergartners and third graders will receive their Bibles during our worship service. This is always a special time for our children and their families.
Pathfinder Class Sunday mornings in November you’ll find children in Christina’s office who are asking questions about baptism! Pathfinders is a class for upper elementary school age kids who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple and who are considering baptism.
MERGE, our 4th and 5th grade ministry, will have events on Sunday, October 10 & Sunday, November 21. Stay tuned for details! FBCKids Missions will take place on Wednesday evenings during Midweek on October 20 & November 17. Stay tuned for more details!
Spontaneous Nativity plans to return to in-person on Wednesday, December 15. Grab your cameras and get ready for the most adorable telling of the Nativity story you have ever seen!
Contact Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families (christina@fbcgso.org) to learn more and be a part! More information avaiable at: fbcgso.org/children
YO U T H We’re committed to providing a great, fun, and formational fall for our youth. Two weekly gatherings along with other fun events! Wednesday Night Open Gym & Cafe
Sunday Night Youth
Sunday School
Youth Group on Sunday nights will feature lots of games and some small group check-ins. We’ll get you moving, laughing, and having fun with each other before circling up in small groups to be a community with one another. At 6pm, we’ll transition to Youth Choir where we’ll use music as a door for additional spiritual formation while practicing songs for worship and next summer’s trip.
Youth Sunday School is back! We are excited to again offer Sunday morning opportunities for youth spiritual formation. Starting Sunday, September 12, Sunday School will be a weekly time to gather, laugh, and grow. We will meet outside as often as possible, and make the safest decisions we can in the event of inclement weather
Sundays 5- 7 pm
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7 pm We will open the gym and café for youth and youth leaders only. Bring your homework to do in the café. Bring your dinner or a snack. Hang out and play in the gym. This will be your time and your space from 5:45-7pm. The entire evening will be low pressure and just a chance to be with youth of all ages.
Other events coming up:
Middle School Retreat Youth Leadership Retreat September 24- 26
October 16
Sunday mornings 9:15-10:15 am
Big Game Nights
October 17 & November 14
Christmas Party December 12
More information and our full calendar for Youth Ministry this fall is available at fbcgso.org/youth, or you can contact Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor: Youth & Families (chris@fbcgso.org) with any questions. Fall 2021 | 5
MISSIONS & COMMUNITY Baptist Greensboro continues to seek to love and serve our neighbors this fall, led by our Missions First Committee and various ministry teams.
Regular service opportunities include our First Baptist Greensboro Community Garden and an emerging school partnership through Guilford Education Alliance. Our collection of needed supplies continues, with monthly “fill-the-bus” efforts planned for the fall for local partners. Our space also continues to be a resource for community partners, including the Greensboro Urban Ministry Feast of Caring and the Unity Walk of FaithAction International House. In addition to ongoing work and relationships, we are responding to critical needs of the moment. Currently, we are working with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to support Disaster Response to Hurricane Ida, as well as ongoing needs after the earthquake in Haiti. We are also partnering with Church World Service and other local organizations to prepare to welcome 200 refugees from Afghanistan to our area, along with other continuing efforts to welcome our newest neighbors who are refugees and immigrants. Work continues through the benevolence of our church. As the Missions Committee presents a Missions Budget for approval, we also provide support through numerous creative funds. Our COVID-19 Response fund supports pandemic needs in our community. Our Christian Assistance Fund provides crisis assistance, while our Christian Restoration Fund works with the IRC to assist people in moving out of poverty. Our Carter Trust Fund also works to support area Baptist churches, this year inviting applications to meet unexpected needs due to COVID-19. As this meaningful impact continues through the gifts of so many, we also anticipate welcoming a new Associate Pastor for Missions & Community Ministry to provide additional leadership for our church and its outreach. Our Search Committee and Personnel Committee are excited to introduce our newest pastor this fall. In the meantime, if you are interested in volunteering or supporting the Missions and Community efforts of our church, contact Ashley Chandler (ashley@fbcgso.org), our Ministry Support Associate for Missions.
6 | Ministry Guide
Merge Event
8 Midweek Lunch | 12 - 1 pm Children’s Choir | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 645 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7 - 8:15 pm
Youth Group & Choir | 5-7 pm
12 Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am Youth Choir | 4:30 pm Church Family Picnic | 5 - 7 pm 15 Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Children’s Choir & Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6::45 pm Handbells | 6 - 645 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7- 8:15 pm 18 Paint the Town 19 Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am
OCTOBER 3 Children and Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am Youth Group & Choir | 5-7 pm 6 Children’s Choir | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7-8:15 pm 10 K & 3rd Grade Bible Presentation Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Youth Group & Choir | 5 - 7 pm Merge Event 13 Midweek Lunch | 12 - 1 pm Children’s Choir & Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7-8:15 pm 16 Youth Leadership Team Mini-Retreat
22 Midweek Lunch | 12 - 1 pm Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Children’s Choir & Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7-8:15 pm 24-26 Middle School Retreat 26 Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am Youth Group & Choir | 5-7 pm 29 Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Children’s Choir | 5:45pm - 6:45 pm “Randall Lolley: Thanks for the Memories book release with Steve Pressley” | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7-8:15 pm 17 Children and Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:45 am Worship | 10:30 am Youth Big Game Night | 5-7 pm 20 Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm FBCKids Missions & Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Handbells | 6 - 645pm Sanctuary Choir | 7-8:15 pm 24 Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am Youth Group & Choir | 5-7 pm 27 Midweek Lunch | 12 - 1 pm Children’s Choir & Midweek Adult Study | 5:45 - 6:45pm Youth Open Gym & Cafe | 5:45 - 7 pm Handbells | 6 - 6:45 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7- 8:15 pm 30 Fall Fest | 11am - 1pm 31 Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:15 - 10:15 am Adult Sunday School | 9:30 am Worship | 10:30 am
November and December calendars can be found at: fbcgso.org/fall-calendar-2021
Fall 2021 | 7
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 fbcgso.org
GATHERING COVENANT “We will walk together in love” (from the Church Covenant of First Baptist Greensboro)
As a covenant people, we commit to share responsibility for keeping one another safe. As church members » » » »
We will not come to the church campus if we have a fever, cough or other symptoms. We will wear masks when we are together. We will consider mask optional at outdoors gathering at the discretion of the group. We will encourage and support these practices with one another and with newcomers.
As church leadership and staff
» We will provide online and outdoor gatherings so that we can learn, worship and fellowship in community safely. » We will plan outdoor gatherings that are inclusive and safe for all ages able to attend. » We will clean and sanitize after every gathering. » We will offer alternatives to practices such as passing offering plates, communion elements and bulletins. » We will monitor variants and infections and regularly evaluate and adapt plans as needed. Plans for safe gathering adopted by the Deacons, July 2020 and updated August 2021. For our most current plans visit: fbcgso.org/covid-safety