Connections - December 2014 Newsletter

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DECEMBER 2014 // // 336.274.3286

first baptist church greensboro


Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city i and d our world.

The Longest Night‌ The Brightest Day

Artist: Ric Daly

One Lighted Window | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

January Connections Deadline: December 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / / x226 Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister for Children and Families / / x241 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238

2 | Connections

December 2014 3 Insight 4-5 Advent 2014 6 Connect with Giving

–December Special Offering – CBF Global Missions –Christmas Eve Offering –Greensboro Urban Ministry Holiday Honor Cards

Connect & Read

–New Books in the Main Library

7 Connect with Adults

–Drinking from the Wells of God’s Good Grace –Scripture and Stage Invites Others to Participate in “Celebrate Life” Class –First Care Team Update

8 Connect with Missions

–WE! Shelter Ministry: An Opportunity for Everyone –Bell Ringers Are Needed! –Shalom!

9 Connect with Business

–November Church Conference –October 2014 Financial Update –FBC 2015 Budget Presentation

10 Connect with One Another 11 December Calendar 12 Connect with Youth & College –Youth Christmas Party –Winter Ski Retreat –College Birthdays


Walking in Darkness


he prophet Isaiah – whom we might call the prophet of Advent – knew the light of God’s presence. But he also knew darkness. One of the reasons Isaiah speaks so deeply to us in the Advent season is because we know both of those things, too. In Isaiah 9, the prophet describes the righteous reign of the coming king visiting “people who have walked in darkness.”

That’s us. We have known not only the light of God’s presence, but also the dimness when God appears to be absent. We have walked through it and lived through it. We have fumbled about in the dark, trying to find the light switch. And we have cried out with the prophet, “God, why don’t you open the heaven and come down?” (Isaiah 64:1). Our instinct when we find ourselves in the midst of such darkness is to search for the light. We can’t find it quickly enough. In some ways, we’re all still afraid of the dark. Barbara Brown Taylor, the noted author and preacher that many of us enjoy and appreciate, has urged another approach. In her recent book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, Taylor offers a spirituality of the dark, asking, “Doesn’t God work in the nighttime as well?” After all, it was God who created day and night (light and dark) and

declared the whole of it “good.” Night can give us courage. It can help us see the world in new ways. It can offer us quiet space for reflection on things unseen and uncertain. As Taylor reminds, “Often, it is while we are in the dark that we grow the most.” This is the origin of our Advent theme, “The Longest Night.” While everything around us rushes toward the light of Christmas, we will take the time and space to remember the nighttime of Advent. Instead of being preoccupied with flipping the switch and turning the lights on, we’re taking time through worship, community and service to come to know the God who is present and working in the night as well. Multiple opportunities for involvement are found on the following pages, and we hope you and yours will plan to be a part of this Advent season, “The Longest Night.” Faith is a long night, especially for those of us waiting and anticipating the hope of the coming Christ. At times this waiting is, as St. John of the Cross has written, a “dark night of the soul.” It’s like “whistling in the dark,” Frederick Buechner describes. Or, as the prophet Isaiah described before any of the rest, it’s like “walking in the darkness.” Once you’ve walked through the darkness, you know how much light can mean. So this Advent we echo Isaiah’s hope and faith, and anticipate the coming Christmas: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2)

Commitment Season


ovember was Commitment Season at First Baptist, as we all considered our commitments of time, talent and resources to the ministry of our church in the year ahead, as we seek to be an Open Church that is open and responsive to the Spirit of God in our midst.

Thanks to ALL who have completed Commitment Cards, which will help us to plan our ministries in the coming year. If you have not yet completed your Commitment Card, please find one on informational tables at the church, or complete the online Commitment Card found on our homepage. December 2014 | 3

ADVENT 2014 The Longest Night…The Brightest Day Advent Devotion Guide


ur very own devotion guide is ready and available to you. It contains over 20 devotions written by FBC members and mission partners. In addition, member produced art, photos, and reflections can be found throughout the book. The Longest Night…The Brightest Day Devotion Guide is available to pick up at the church in the Education Office and will also be available online beginning November 30, the first Sunday of Advent. Each week provides five devotions: Day One focuses on weekly theme as it is reflected in a work of art. Day Two focuses on the week’s biblical passage. Day Three provides a devotional thought that centers on a key events of the Christmas story. Day Four provides a personal Christmas story or reflection. Day Five is a personal experience that brings to life the “Longest Night…Brightest Day” theme. We hope you and your family will use this devotion guide and set aside time, along your church community, as we share in this churchwide time of reflection during Advent.

One Lighted Window by Ric Daly

King of Justice

Margaret Petty, Advent Song 2014

King of justice, true Lord of light, Hope that shines in the world’s darkest night, Seize our hearts, reign within, cast out fear, cast out sin, Help us walk by your love and might. Peace and righteousness now embrace, -Lovingkindness and truth, face to faceHeaven’s high, looking down, Bethlehem, little town, Where is born Jesus, Lord of grace. Glory be to our God on High, Through His Son our salvation is nigh, By His Spirit we live, we rejoice, we forgive, For our faults did this Christ-child die. Now He reigns, this the Living Word! By true faith, hope and love -not the swordShall we know and be known, One day kneel at His throne, with all voices in one accord. Alleluia, Christ is come, King of justice, true Lord of light!

How to Write an Advent Hymn by Margaret Petty

It begins with Scripture, reading daily, to ponder the life-giving, eternal message thoughtfully, prayerfully. A text takes shape, then, a melody, and finally, harmony and instruments, musical elements to carry the words into time and space. To be honest, we must recognize: all the creative efforts in the world are not enough to give God the honor He is due. The Father who reigns in the heavens, because of His boundless love, sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. For that reason alone... But He also gives us the Spirit of Christ, to take residence in us, patiently transforming our lives by the brightness of His light: eternal hope, peace, joy, love. Why would the Lord accept my feeble human efforts? But gracious God that He is, not only does He welcome our sacrifices of praise, He rejoices over us, with singing! In this season of Advent anticipation, may it be in our hearts, as it is in heaven: Soli Deo Gloria!

The Advent song for 2014 was composed by Margaret Petty for First Baptist Church. A verse was written specifically for each Sunday of Advent. 4 | Connections

Connect with Advent

Morning Meditation during Sundays in Advent FBC Chapel | 8:30 am November 30, December 7, 14, 21 A time of contemplation, stillness, and meditation that will allow us to draw close to others and God during Advent.

1st Sunday of Advent

HOPE |november 30

We will be reminded this day that the month-long journey to the manger will require time, patience, seeking, listening, following, and anticipation. The celebration comes at the end!

Friday, December 5

Festival of Lights | Youth Bell Choirs 6 - 7:30 pm

Come downtown to the 300 block of South Elm Street to hear our youth bell choirs play for the Greensboro community.

2nd Sunday of Advent

PEACE |december 7

3rd Sunday of Advent

J OY |december 14

Worship will be led by our children and preschoolers.

Caroling to the Homebound | 3 - 5 pm

We will start out in the Atrium and each caroling group will determine their carpool needs and head out with song sheet and food bag in hand!

Open House at the Sherouse Home| following Caroling, 204 Isabel Street

Wednesday, December 17 Bake-Off | 5 pm, 108

Announcing the 1st annual FBC Bake-Off! Compete in any of three categories: Cookies, Cupcakes and Cakes, or Brownies and Bars. Ten entries per category. Sign-up online:

Carol Sing with Orchestra | 6:30 pm

Saturday, December 20

Blessing of the Family | 5 pm

For FBC Families with Preschoolers and Weekday School Families. A special evening of dinner, activities, and visiting the Holy Family at the manger as we ask for God’s blessing on young families.

Our youth will lead us in worship. We will hear their unique perspective through music, witness, and scripture of the Peace that Christ brings. We will share communion, served by our High School Senior class of 2015.

4th Sunday of Advent

Advent Workshop | 12 noon, 108

Longest Night Service | 5 pm

An Advent Workshop with lunch and Advent learning stations for children and families will follow worship. $5/ person and $20 max per family.

december 24 | Christmas Eve

NC A & T University Choir Concert |

LOVE |december 21

Our combined choirs will lead a service of lessons and carols emphasizing the Love of Christ. Rev. Monica Hix will be preacher.

Carols and Communion by Candlelight – 5 pm

january 4

4 pm, Sanctuary

College Day at Christmas

FBC is hosting the A & T University Choir. The community is invited to attend.

Epiphany Service | 7 pm Join us for this service of renewal.

December 2014 | 5

Connect with Giving December’s Special Offering: CBF GLOBAL MISSIONS


e Baptists have a long history of giving a gift for world missions in honor of Jesus’ birth. Many of us grew up giving through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions. In many parts of the world believers call it their “Birthday Gift for Jesus”. In December we will give our special offering for Global Missions which supports CBF field personnel (missionaries) such as Ralph and Tammy Stocks who serve in Romania. Jesus told his followers to “go forth and make all nations my disciples, baptizing people everywhere… and teach them.” (Matt 28:18-20 NEB) God has called some people to leave home and family to take the gospel into all the world, but God has called the rest of us to pray for them and to give so that they can serve where God has called them. Would you pray about the gift you and your family will give this December to take the Gospel around the world.

Christmas Eve Offering


ur Christmas Eve Offering this year is traveling overseas! This past spring we sent our youth and chaperones to sing and serve in Romania. Many of our youth described this missions trip as life changing. We have the opportunity to change lives in Romania through our Christmas Eve offering by providing monies to help at Project Ruth and purchase transportation for Alex Ghitsa. Alex, who visited us with the Stocks in October, serves as the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Stoborasti along with three additional mission churches and helps with Project Ruth. He is in desperate need of his own transportation to help him serve the people in his area. The Christmas Eve offering will help support the ministry of our missionary friends in Romania.

Give Greensboro Urban Ministry Holiday Honor Cards for Christmas


he Honor Card is a marvelous way to recognize a friend, family member, client or employee, while at the same time giving a meaningful gift to someone in need. Your minimum donation of $5 per card allows you to show your support for the community while acknowledging others during the holidays. What better way to show you care during the holiday season than to show your support of the community? What greater gift than to help those in need? Cards are available for purchase in the church office. Make checks payable to: Greensboro Urban Ministry.

Connect & Read New Books in the Main Library

*= Gift Books

• Angels Walking by Karen Kingsbury • Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown • Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers • The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life by Rick Warren, et al • Distortion by Terri Blackstock • Edge of Eternity (Book 3 of the Century Trilogy) by Ken Follett • The Long Way Home by Louise Penny • All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr • The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg • Yankee Doodle Dixie by Lisa Patton • The Hurricane Sisters by Dorothea Benton Frank • The World’s Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne • Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good by Jan Karon • The Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber 6 | Connections

• • • • • • • • •

Rose Harbor in Bloom by Debbie Macomber Whistlin’ Dixie in a Nor’easter by Lisa Patton The Boomer Burden by Julie Hall Dirty Little Secrets of World War II: Military Information No One Told You About the Greatest, Most Terrible War in History* by James F. Dunnigan and Albert A. Nofi To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking* by Harold S. Kushner 800 Days on the Easter Front: A Russian Soldier Remembers World War II* by Nikolai Litvin One, by One, by One: Facing the Holocaust* by Judith Miller Turning the Tide of War: 50 Battles that Changed the Course of Modern History* by Tim Newark Stalin’s Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War II on the Eastern Front* by Konstantine Pleshakov

Connect with Adults

Drinking from the Wells of God’s Good Grace

by Patrick Cardwell, Pastoral Intern


ver the past few weeks, our church has offered the generous treat of listening to a music box focused on what it means to be committed – fashioned in 1886 (Charlie and Kathryn Hewitt). All to each other, to our community, to God. And these individuals have received me into their homes, over the course of the Old Testament, we are told the welcomed me into the church they helped build, story of God’s commitment to the people of Israel, a and allowed me to drink deeply from the wells that story told by many voices. One such voice heard at they have spent a lifetime digging. I’m grateful for the beginning of Deuteronomy these people, these saints who have foretells the splendor of the gone before, who have carried on the Promised Land to which God is tradition of commitment to their faith, leading the people. It is “a land to this church, to ensuring a future in with large, flourishing cities you ministry for people listening to the call did not build, houses filled with all of God. May we be as committed to kinds of good things you did not God’s continued work as they have provide, wells you did not dig, been. and vineyards and olive groves So as we are reflecting on what you did not plant…” (Deut. 6:11). it means to be committed, let’s also And over the past few weeks remember to be committed still to those here at FBC Greensboro, I have who have been committed to us, even been drinking from wells I did not (FBC’s homebound) have before we were here. Let’s remember dig. allowed me to drink deeply to be committed to our homebound When Alan and I first started members who have committed from the wells that they have themselves to the dream of a church imagining what my internship spent a lifetime digging. experience here would look filled with all kinds of good things. A like, we agreed that one place church that reaches out to a flourishing I could fit well would be in the homebound ministry. city in need of a drink of water from the wells of God’s With visits organized by Kate Kitchen, I have been good grace. And as my first semester wraps up at 1000 able to visit some of our most experienced members W. Friendly Avenue, I’m left with a feeling of genuine of the church, learning from a man 80 years my senior gratitude for the blessings poured out by this church into (D.B. Cobb) to “live and let live,” admiring a retired my life. I’m grateful for these wells I did not dig, for the newspaper writer (Martha Long) who still keeps an sweet water of God’s grace, and for the opportunity to eye on her beloved city of Greensboro, and being share it with others.

Scripture and Stage Invites Others to Participate in “Celebrate Life” Class


he Scripture and Stage Sunday School Class will be providing the narration for the upcoming “Celebrate Life!” presentation on Sunday evening, March 1, 2015. We invite those who are interested in participating in the narration to join Scripture and Stage during the Sunday School time from December through March as we prepare. All preparation will take place during the Sunday School time; minimal time will be needed beyond class time. Participants should plan to: • Attend most of the Scripture and Stage Sunday School classes from December through March • Be familiar with and/or memorize much of the narration • Bring their creativity and enthusiasm Questions/Information: Alan Tutterow, Scripture & Stage class | 545-5418

First Care Team Update


irst Care is a team that contacts members who have been recently dismissed from the hospital by providing a followup ministry through a phone call or a card. Serving on the team is rewarding and only requires about an hour per month. If you would like to become a member of the First Care Team, contact Norma Tutterow at 299-2930. Norma is serving as the new team coordinator of First C.A.R.E. Our heartfelt thanks go to Phyllis and Mack Conway for their many years of excellent leadership of this team. December 2014 | 7

Connect with Missions

WE! Shelter Ministry: An Opportunity for Everyone

Bell Ringers Are Needed!

“The longest night.”



or homeless women in our community, those words are not a focal point for Advent, but something they experience every night. With nowhere to stay, the nights are long. Our church stepped forward six years ago to provide shelter and food for women, and once again we have the opportunity to work with the YWCA and other congregations to support the Winter Emergency! (WE!) Shelter for Women. This year the shelter will host approximately 18 women, and there is an opportunity for everyone to be involved to provide warmth, rest and companionship to our homeless neighbors. You may wonder why our congregation has committed to this ministry. First and foremost, it’s an opportunity to follow Christ’s command to feed the hungry and provide shelter to those in need. In addition, it is a way for us to be involved in our community’s effort to provide a safety net for our fellow neighbors. Pray about how you and your family can support the shelter. Singles, couples, youth, and even children – there’s an opportunity for everyone. We need to fill approximately 130 volunteer slots each month (December through March) to provide food and shelter for our guests. Won’t you answer the call to be involved – just see how you can bless and be blessed through this ministry!

WE! Shelter Volunteer Opportunities FBC is responsible for Sunday, Tuesday & Friday nights from December thru March 31: Check-in/Greeter (2/night): Open the shelter and welcome each resident (5:30-7:30 pm) Hospitality Volunteers (2/night): Greet residents and assist with various needs (5:30-9:30 pm) Dinner Hosts (2-3/night): Prepare dinner off site, deliver and serve dinner for 25-30 (arrive 6:15 pm) Lunch Bags (up to 20/night): Prepare a picnic-style lunch bag for (deliver by 8 pm on Tuesday, Friday or Sunday night) Shelter Location: 1807 E. Wendover Avenue (east of Hwy 29 before English Street) Training for volunteers is available. See the FBC website for additional information. Click on WE! Shelter and use the SignUp Genus hot buttons to sign up to serve. Contact Catherine Little (856-0623 or or Geneva Metzger (288-1877 or for further information. 8 | Connections

rab your family or a friend join us for ringing the Salvation Army Bell at Belk (entrance facing Harper’s restaurant) at Friendly Shopping Center. Shifts Needed: Volunteer bell ringers are needed on December 18 and 19 from 10 am - 8 pm in two hour shifts. Online Sign-up:

Shalom! by Kim Priddy


eace is not something that we often feel or experience amidst the Christmas Season but it is my prayer for you and your family this year. Lately I have found myself reflecting on my childhood during Christmas and comparing it to my adulthood Christmas seasons. Although the Season of Advent felt like eternity and Christmas Eve felt even longer as a child, I remember being more at peace and present in the moment. As a child I can remember the joy, anticipation, smells, decorations, and celebrations that surrounded Christmas and now I seem to rush through the season—there is shopping to do, Christmas cards to write, wrapping presents, Christmas cards to mail, and going to Christmas gatherings—oh— and do not forget the tree! So this season I am going to challenge myself and anyone else to take a deep breath and find peace and presence this Christmas. I pray for keen awareness to the smells, sights, sounds, and feelings of Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Connect with Business November Church Conference The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, November 9, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following actions were taken– Pat Wilson, Missions Committee Chair made the following motions: • Motion 1 – On behalf of the Missions Committee, the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that an expenditure of $3,500 be approved to purchase technology for Bessemer Elementary School, monies to come from the Great Commission Fund. Items to be included are laptops, camera and LCD projector. • Motion 2 – On behalf of the Missions Committee, the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that an expenditure of $4,000 be approved to assist in general operating expenses for the Zimbabwe Theological Seminary, monies to come from the Great Commission Fund.

Financial Update

Sunday, December 14–

The October financial summary is below. Receipts & Distributions



Last Year

YTD Budget Receipts $ 1,300,068 $ 1,398,178 $ 1,278,122 YTD Budget Disbursements $ 1,481,909 $ 1,482,049 $ 1,469,507 YTD Budget Deficit $ (181,841) $ (83,871) $ (191,385)

Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person – $20/family max.

FBC 2015 Budget Presentation


he proposed budget was approved by the Finance Committee and the Diaconate at their November meetings. The summary presentation below indicates that a small change in the Mission Committee budget will be made prior to the congregational vote on December 14, 2014. A significant change in presentation is that the budget shows total cash coming in and total cash going out rather than just showing the net expenditures as we have done in prior years. The reason for the change is to provide greater understanding in how the church finances operate to support the ministry of the church. The Revenue section shows tithes and offerings, ministry activity income, and net asset reserves releases. In addition to tithes and offerings, the church receives activity fees, mission trip payments, facilities use and parking fees, and other income. This other income has been labeled “Ministry Activity Income” in the proposed budget. In addition, the church receives regular undesignated memorial gifts and bequests and temporarily restricted donations that are deposited into reserve accounts. For 2015, the church plans to use $140,030 of reserve funds as follows: • $90,000 to fund major repair/capital improvements items from undesignated bequests. • $9,500 to fund WE! Shelter expenses ($4,000), and Grace Community Fellowship meals ($5,500) from mission reserve accounts. • $40,530 to fund the expanded missions program pastoral compensation from the Gawthrop reserve account. Detailed budget information was made available at the November church conference, is available at the church, and will be communicated by email and will be available on the church website. Questions can be directed to Larry Putnam, Finance Committee chair, Scott North, Church Administrator, or any member of the finance committee. December 2014 | 9

Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation

Amber Haith (on October 26) By Baptism

Anna McLeod (on November 2) By Statement

A loving church family is important to me and I had been looking for one where I can be a part of that body, yet my own unique servant leader.

December Birthdays 1. Jennie Counts, Lucy King, Millie Power, Ethan Schneider, Vivian Schneider, Cynthia Stone 2. Beth Absher, Robyn Cothran, Ann Leonard, Mary Rakestraw, Betty Stockton, Ann Vaden 3. Holden Biffle, Jerri Edwards, Scott Lyle 4. Todd Garcia 5. Andrew Marsh 6. Blanche Hodge, Ryan Powell, Kathy Simmons 7. Nancy Gee 8. Dot Melton, Autumn Rainey, Ann Teague, Anthony Webb, Gayle Wiley 9. Sandra Canipe, Don Cunningham, Jim Fogleman, Steven Key 10. David Garrett, Timothy Newman, Nelle Wimbs 11. Lee Blakely, Casey Cranford, Marietta Mobley 12. Ray Anderson, Andrea Harrell, Ginny Young 13. Morgan Hall 14. Sue Bias, Betsy McLean, Coolidge Porterfield, Ruth Ward, Holly Messick, McKenna Stutts,

Welcome New Babies! Molly Suggs

Born October 22 Parents: Scott & Sarah Suggs FBC Grandparents: John and Susan Suggs

Jack Noland Putnam

Born October 22 Parents: Larry & Heather Putnam FBC Grandparents: Larry and Carol Putnam

Ben Woody (on November 2) By Statement

After having jogged past FBC for years, I decided to sit in on a service. The scripture readings, hymns, and sermons of the first handful of services I attended seemed almost tailored specifically to my life. So, I joined, because it’s where I feel like I have been called to be. 10 | Connections

15. Tobie Pierce, Joshua Sumner 16. Beverly Broach, Raleigh Cothran, Margaret Wilson 17. Kate Stephens 18. Shirley Headspeth, Lois Hutchison, Ty Lindsay 19. Emerson Culbreth 20. Patrice Justafort, Dianne Nickles, Hannah Porter 21. Clyde Collins, Erin Stephens 22. Lynn Donovan, Randi Harned, Reid Hix 23. Ted Barlow, Agnes Moore, Ann Powell, Elias Rainey, Tony Rider 24. Mary Apple, Catherine Pressley 25. Jack Cagle, Ed Parkerson, Jeff Smith 26. Phillip Barbee, Melissa Sample, Janelle Snider 27. No FBC Birthdays 28. Gladys Boroughs, Richard Hardy 29. Pamela Baggett, Luke Lynch, Rick Schneider, Everett Sheffield 30. Sylvia Ledford, Polly Norris, KatyBeth Schmid 31. Steve Cothran, Larry Pegram, Rachel Shackelford, Wilson Vo

Emma Frances Goocey

Born October 27 Parents: Joshua & Rozanna Vancil Goocey FBC Grandparents: Doug and Terri Vancil

Lucy Josephine Culbreth

Born November 1 FBC Parents: Chris & Autumn Culbreth

Eliana Quinn Waters

Born November 11 Parents: Josh & Erika Waters FBC Grandparents: William & Gina Waters

Bereaved • Larry Canter in the loss of his brother, Clyde Canter, on October 18 • Dan Kennedy in the loss of his mother, Irene Kennedy, on October 26 • Jeff Duckworth in the loss of his mother, Kay Duckworth, on October 31 • Martha Hicks in the loss of her uncle, John Patterson, on November 3 • Doris Edmonds in the loss of her son, Chris Edmonds, on November 7 • Neal Persinger in the loss of her father, Don Phillips, on November 7 • Gina Waters in the loss of her cousin, Nick Hardgrove, on November 13 • Joyce English in the loss of her sister, Colleen Orndorf, on November 14

What’s happening @ FBC this


•1 (Mon): PrimeTime. 108, 9 am - Lunch •2 (Tues): Widow’s Support Group. 209, 2 - 3:30 pm •2 (Tues): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •5 (Fri): Festival of Lights. 6 - 7:30 pm •6, 13, 20, 27 (Sat): Shower Ministry. Gym, 3 - 5 pm •7 (Sun): Advent II | Peace. Worship led by FBC youth •7 (Sun): Advent Workshop. Featuring lunch and Advent learning

stations for children and their families after Worship, 12 noon 7 • (Sun): NC A & T University Choir. Sanctuary, 4 pm •9 (Tues): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •9 (Tues): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •14 (Sun): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •14 (Sun): Advent III | Joy. Worship led by FBC children/preschool •14 (Sun): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. Fellowship Hall, 12 noon 14 (Sun): Caroling to the Homebound. 3 - 5 pm & Open House • at the Sherouse home •14 (Sun): Youth Christmas Party. 6 pm, (see back page) •16 (Tues): Widow’s Support Group. 209, 2 - 3:30 pm •17 (Wed): Bake-Off. 108, 5:00 pm •17 (Wed): Carol Sing with Orchestra. 6:30 pm •20 (Sat): Blessing of the Family. 108/Sanctuary, 5 pm •21 (Sun): Advent IV | Love. Lessons and Carols led by FBC Choirs •21 (Sun): Longest Night Service. Sanctuary, 5 pm •24 (Wed): Christmas Eve. Carols and Communion by Candlelight, Sanctuary, 5 pm •25 (Thur) & 26 (Fri): Church offices closed | Christmas holiday

Fellowship Meal Menus December 3: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato and Cole Slaw Kids: Fish Stix December 10: Grilled Chicken Breast Quarter, Au Gratin Potatoes and Broccoli Florets / Kids: Chicken Tenders December 17: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans / Kids: Mini Burgers No December 24 & 31 meals

Regular Weekly Schedule

• • •

Sunday AM @FBC

Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209)

• • • • • • •

Sunday PM @FBC

Youth Handbells: Grades 6-12, 4 pm, Sanctuary/319-D Youth Choir: Grades 6-12, 5 pm, 311 Children’s Handbells: Grades 4-5, 5 pm, 319-D Youth Discipleship, 6:20 pm, 301 Adult Bells I, 6 pm Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm, 311 Instrumental Ensemble (3rd Sundays), 7 pm, Sanctuary


Meal - Dinner is •Fellowship served between 5-6:30 pm /

Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •

There will be no Wednesday night activities on December 31.

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth December 2014 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


NO. 179

Connect with Youth & College

Youth Christmas Party

College Birthdays: Robyn Cothran 12/2 | Flagler College Campus Box 234, 3300 Poinsett Hwy, PO 1027, St. Augustine, FL 32085-1027

Sunday, December 14 6 - 8 pm

Raleigh Cothran 12/16 | 4 Country Woods Court, Greensboro, NC 27410

Our youth Christmas party will be at the home of Joshua and Jacob Knight: 1712 Forest Valley Road (315-5419). • High Schoolers bring an appetizer • Middle Schoolers bring a dessert (Want to participate in our White Elephant gift exchange? Please bring a gift from home for less than $5.)

Erin Stephens 12/21 |P.O. Box #8535, 1834 Wake Forest Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 /

Winter Ski Retreat January 23-25 Snowshoe, WV

Cost: Approx. $185/person Make sure to include a lift ticket and skis on your Christmas list so you can join us for our annual Winter Ski Retreat! This is always a time for fellowship and fun in the great outdoors so don’t miss it. A $75 deposit reserves your spot so register online today.

Randi Harned 12/22 | 16 Snowgoose Cove, Greensboro, NC 27455 Elias Rainey 12/23 | 1601 E. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411-0002

Susanna Trotter 12/28 |

109 Stadium Drive, Parker Form Room 107, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

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