Mardi Gras
FEBRUARY 2017 | | 336.274.3286
2017 Valentine Banquet Youth Missions Fundraiser To support this summer’s mission trip to Louisiana‌
first baptist church greensboro Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Souper Bowl Sunday, February
at the
following Worship in 108
Eat lunch and support the Christian Assistance Fund! | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
March Connections Deadline: February 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x225 Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
February 2017
3 Window Gazing – The View from Here
4 Connect with Worship
–Ordination of Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey –Epiphany Sermon Series –Ash Wednesday Worship Service –Remember Your Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers
5 - 7 Connect with Missions
–Souper Bowl Lunch –Valentine Banquet –Youth Summer Mission Trip –Winter Missions Opportunities –Thank You from BackPack Beginnings!
8 - 9 Connect with Adults
–A New Side of FRONT –Wednesday Night Adult Classes for February –Silver Compassion/Life Compass Sessions this Month –February 6 PrimeTime
10 Connect with Children
11 Connect with Youth
–Mom’s Group –Pathfinders Class: Discerning Baptism –Peacehaven Project –Worship Folders –Save the Dates: Family Lenten Workshop, Palm Sunday, Brunch, and “Resurrection Egg Hunt”, and Vacation Bible School –Summer Mission Trip –Unidiversity 2017 –Youth Super Bowl Party –FBC Church Basketball League MS Boys’ Games Schedule
Connect with College
–Wednesday Night Dinner –Get Involved in the Music Ministry! –College Students Need a Ride? –College Messaging/Facebook Group
12 - 13 Connect with One Another
–Reflections on Wednesday Night Meals –New Members | Birthdays | New Baby | Bereaved
14 February Calendar
Connect with Business
–January Church Conference Summary –February Community Lunch/Church Conference –Committee on Committees Taking Nominations –2016 Year-End Financial Update
15 A Thousand Words…
16 Upward Celebration Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
his past fall, I attended a two-day meeting in Washington, DC for faith leaders invited to discuss the relationship between faith and public life. Arriving on the earliest flight from PTI to Reagan, I found myself at the hotel by 8 am, well ahead of our noon start. On that beautiful fall day, I walked from the hotel past the White House and down the National Mall, finally stopping on my pilgrimage at the Lincoln Memorial. From the time I was a child, I’ve always been a “plaque reader.” I’ve always taken my time at monuments and museums so, as I have many times throughout my life, I stopped to read Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, which is etched on the Memorial’s north wall. I was especially moved to see that in a deeply divided nation filled with his critics and nearing the end of Civil War, our 16th President vowed to lead “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right… to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” We find ourselves in challenging times as our
country’s deep divisions and discord have been so fully revealed through this political season. Our newly inaugurated President and other elected leaders take office amidst competing visions for our corporate life as a nation. Through it all churches and communities of faith attempt to simultaneously speak words of comfort and words of truth and challenge. This is especially vital – and perhaps especially challenging – in a church like ours. Rev. Scott Black Johnston – Pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, where President Trump and his family have planned to attend throughout his presidency, has called churches like ours “purple churches.” That is – neither “red” nor “blue,” Republican nor Democrat – we seek unity while knowing we will never have uniformity. We find such unity not through lock-step agreement or partisanship, but by following Jesus Christ who compels us to worship, become disciples, share the gospel, and serve the poor, the sick, the imprisoned and the vulnerable (Matt 25:31-36).
As people of faith – as a community of faith – what can we do? • Pray. We can continue to lift our prayers for “all who are in high positions,” as 1 Timothy urges, that they might be safe, just, and inspired by the love and righteousness of God. Our prayers are an acknowledgment that God holds us all in Love and Strength, and that God is at work, as ever, seeking the good and calling us to do the same. • Be Active. Our prayers and faith inspire us to lives of action. Beyond the partisan engagement that swells every four years, we can remain active and engaged in those matters to which we feel directed by the Spirit. We can use the means available to us to act according to our faith and conscience on behalf of those things most important to us. • Continue Conversation. Depending on our persuasions, it would be easy to drift to the poles of triumphalism or cynicism – either savoring victory or withdrawing in rancor, all the while sneering at those with whom we disagree. Conversation is one antidote. We can listen to understand one another, and assume positive intent in one another until it is proven otherwise. Church is the very place where we might have a chance to dialogue, with mutual love and respect, about things that divide us, finding common good where it is to be found. • Seek inspiration. From friends, from family, from community, from church, from beauty, and most of all from our lives of faith, we can seek the inspiration that helps us to continue to imagine the “kingdom of God” come to earth, while finding how our gifts can be used in service to such a vision. • Be subject, but be diligent. Paul urges in Romans 13 that we “be subject to rulers.” Of course, that is not the only biblical statement about governing authorities. Notably, some years later, Revelation 6 warns that the powers of this world are themselves subject to the day of the Lord. People of faith subject themselves ultimately to a higher authority. As such, it is for us to continue to be subject to Jesus Christ at all times and above all else. In all these things we can find reasons to give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5). We draw our breath each day and step out into a land where we experience immense measures of freedom. Many of us have enough – more than enough, in fact – and we are free and equipped to share and to advocate for what is important to us. Compelled by our faith, we can live in such a way that is peaceful, faithful, honest and just – free of malice, full of charity, and looking always for what is right. These are just the sort of things so needed from people like us in times of transition, and at all times. February 2017 | 3
Connect with Worship Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey was Ordained to the Gospel Ministry
er ordination took place on Sunday, January 22 at College Park Baptist Church. Lesley-Ann grew up at FBC Greensboro and we congratulate her as she follows the Lord’s leading in her life. Below are photos from her ordination service.
Ash Wednesday Worship Service March 1 | 6:15 pm | Sanctuary All ages are invited to join us on Ash Wednesday as we mark the beginning of Lent. The aim of Ash Wednesday worship is threefold: to meditate on our mortality, sinfulness, and need of a savior; to renew our commitment to daily repentance in the Lenten season and in all of life; and to remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered death and sin. Ash Wednesday worship is filled with gospel truth.
Remember Your Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers
During the Epiphany season, we will be discovering together a “New Year, Old Promises” as Alan leads us in a sermon series focusing on the enduring promises God holds with God’s people. 4 | Connections
ould you like to remember your loved ones on a special day or honor someone for the blessing they’ve been in your life? Placing flowers in the Sanctuary on a Sunday morning allows you to do just that, while sharing the beauty of your gift with the entire congregation. Contact Jane Anne Hayber in the Music office | x239 for details and available dates.
Connect with Missions
Souper Bowl
Sunday, February 5
following Worship in 108
at the
Eat lunch and support the Christian Assistance Fund!
arm your body and your soul with delicious homemade soups at our Annual Souper Bowl Lunch. The cost for lunch is your donation to the Christian Assistance Fund. All proceeds will benefit those in our community in need of financial assistance. This fund is a vital ministry for our church and our community. The Christian Assistance Fund is funded through designated giving only. Contact: Rosemary Kellam, | x225.
Who FBC’s Christian Assistance Fund helps… An illness, a layoff, or major repair can alter someone’s life in a devastating way. The Christian Assistance Fund was created to assist families in crisis. The fund provides one-time emergency assistance for rent, utilities, and medical emergencies when clients are unable to receive help from one of our partner agencies. The Christian Assistance Fund also contributes monthly to our Weekday School’s Via Scholarship fund providing scholarship monies for children who might otherwise be unable to afford preschool. Additionally, the fund contributes monthly to Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, providing medication and medical treatment to the uninsured. Please join us as we support this vital ministry at our annual Souper Bowl Lunch.
The following are true stories of how the Christian Assistance Fund has helped real people get their lives back on track: • This mom of three children worked two jobs. She and her husband had gotten behind paying bills and were struggling. Her cashed paycheck was stolen out of her purse, which was the daycare payment. The daycare had worked with them as they had struggled to pay on time. The director stated that she had to be paid $127 immediately or the couple would lose the daycare for their children. • This young lady lived in a shelter. She had been approved for Section 8 housing and had some mental health issues and issues handling her funds. She needed assistance with her rental deposit. She needed $200. • This single mom had three children. She had a steady job (seven years) and had paid her rent on time for five months at her new apartment. Her car broke down in November and she fell behind. She had November rent due and DSS had agreed to help with $300. She needed an additional $275 to stop the eviction. With this help she got on track. • This 39-year-old single client needed $144.63 for a Duke Power bill. She had lived at her address for nine years and the property manager said she was current and had been a very good tenant. She lost her job of 20 years when the business was sold and had been living on unemployment since. She was enrolled in school to earn her GED and get retraining so she could secure a new job.
February 2017 | 5
Connect with Missions
Mardis Gras
2017 Valentine Banquet Youth Missions Fundraiser
Friday, February 10 | 6:30 pm | Fellowship Hall Ticket cost: $15/person. Tickets are on sale Sundays in the Atrium and Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall through February 5. Childcare is available with your reservations only (infants-5th grade), cost is $5/ child. Please feed your child before the event. School-aged children will come into the Fellowship Hall for the entertainment part of the banquet. The proceeds will help our youth share God’s love on their mission trip to Louisiana this summer! See below for the trip details.
Youth Summer Mission Trip to
Shreveport, LA June 23 - July 1
6 | Connections
FBC youth will be working with friends at FBC Shreveport to reach out to their community through local organizations that help the homeless, repair homes, and provide children’s services.
Connect with Missions
Winter Missions Opportunities Volunteers are needed to help with a variety of local missions. Read below to see how you can help.
FBC Winter Emergency Women’s Shelter
tarting in mid-December, the New Jerusalem Winter Emergency! (WE!) Shelter has provided support for approximately 15 women from our community who are experiencing homelessness. God’s blessings have been upon the people and the place as the women receive shelter, food, and rest, as well as help finding apartments, jobs, and other services. FBC volunteers have provided food, lunch bags, company and compassion to the women and have, in turn, experienced blessings as well. Located at 2505 Fairview Street in Greensboro, the Shelter Ministry provides an opportunity for FBC members to volunteer on Monday nights between now and the end of March. We have an experienced pool of volunteers who would love to partner with anyone who has not been to the Shelter to “show you the ropes” and make sure you know what to expect. Each Monday evening, we need FBC volunteers for: • Greeters (5 - 7:30 pm) • Hospitality Hosts (5 - 7:30 pm or 7 - 9:30 pm) • Preparing Dinner (deliver around 6:15 pm) • Preparing lunch bags (deliver between 5 - 7:30 pm) A NEW volunteer opportunity every morning (except Sundays): Our FBC bus is being used to transport the women from the Shelter to downtown, and we need DRIVERS. A volunteer drives the bus to the shelter, picks up the women, drives them to Greensboro Urban Ministry on Eugene Street and returns the van and key to the church. No special Driver’s License is required. The complete time to volunteer as a driver is from 7 am until approximately 7:45 am. Contact Gayle Wiley ( or 336-852-2768) or sign-up online: Drop off your donations: Donations such as paper products, cereal, cleaning products, and coffee can be dropped off in the box in the FBC Atrium. To volunteer: Geneva Metzger - | 288-1877 Catherine Scott-Little - |404-5684
Winter at the Y The YWCA Greensboro Family Shelter program provides shelter, food, case management, and holistic support for families experiencing homelessness. Each family develops a plan to achieve educational goals, optimal health, financial stability, pay off debts, and save money to move into permanent housing. More info: Cookie Hamilton - 676-7213 Nancy Davis - 674-2884 |
White Flag Response On dangerously cold nights this winter, the Interactive Resource Center, YWCA, and Greensboro Urban Ministry will declare White Flag emergency conditions when temperatures drop to a wind chill of 25 degrees or colder for two hours or more. FBC participates by offering transportation and volunteer resources. More info: John Thornton - | x236
Thank You from BackPack Beginnings! by Parker White
ackPack Beginnings is thankful for First Baptist Church’s continued support of our mission and programs. Your support assists us in feeding, clothing, and comforting over 6,000 local children annually. The Christmas Eve offering will be used to continue our efforts at Rankin Elementary, Wiley Elementary, and Gillespie Park Elementary, where First Baptist Church volunteers deliver the food each week. The money will be used to purchase food to feed the 190 children in our Food BackPack Program at these three schools. With 67% of children in our school system being low income – that is over 49,000 children possibly needing food assistance – we continue to work hard to grow each of our 4 programs. BackPack Beginnings anticipates serving over 51 schools this month, up 6 from December. By ensuring food and basic necessities are given directly to children in need, we make a positive and lasting impact on their health and well-being. Thank you for allowing us to make this impact! To learn more about our programs and ways to get involved, please visit February 2017 | 7
Connect with Adults
A New Side of FRONT by Steve Sumerel
am very pleased to announce a new twist to FRONT. Dr. Jason Myers, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College will be our very special guest presenter for the spring minisemester. (See the seminar graphic and more information on Dr. Myers beside this article.) FRONT was initially designed to be a continuing education process for our Sunday School teachers, and although that remains its primary mission, it has always enjoyed broader participation. For these sessions in March, I would like to open the doors even wider by extending a church wide invitation and encouraging anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the historical context from which the Gospels emerged to plan to attend. Unlike other FRONT sessions, there will be no homework or reading assignments, no text books to purchase, and no reservations are required. Please do not miss this opportunity to explore the depths of our understanding of Jesus and His place in history.
About FRONT Speaker Dr. Jason Myers:
r. Jason Myers is the assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College and is now in his second year at the college. He received his Ph.D. from Asbury Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 2015. His dissertation focused on the theme of obedience in Romans. His interest in the Apostle Paul has led to numerous presentations, a forthcoming book on Paul for IVP (2017) co-written with his advisor Dr. Ben Witherington III, and teaching in India, Nigeria, Estonia, Turkey, and Italy. Jason is active in both the academy and the church and has preached and taught at several churches in Greensboro. Jason is married to his wife Lisa who is a fitness professional and a certified personal trainer and attempts to keep him in top physical shape. They recently celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary.
Wednesday Night Adult Classes for February | 6:15 - 7 pm • Chapel Bible Study, led by Dr. Pressley, will explore one of Paul’s most personal letters thru the study, “2 Corinthians: Letters to a Problem-Church.” Paul had a tender love for what is deemed a “problem church.” The Chapel Bible study will conclude at Easter.| Chapel • Rev. Courtney Willis leads the study, The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E. Powell. Parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith – a faith that will stick with them into adulthood. Participants are encouraged to purchase the book but it is not a requirement for class attendance. | 108-C • Rev. Courtney Stamey will lead “Exploring Spiritual Practices.” Participants will learn about spiritual practices such the labyrinth, lectio divina, contemplative prayer, and more. This fun class is aimed at deepening spirituality and trying out new practices. Drop in for a week, or all four. | 102 8 | Connections
Connect with Adults
Silver Compassion/Life Compass Sessions this Month by George Fuller
reetings my friends! I hope your new year is unfolding well and you are finding joy in the adventure of your life in Christ. Silver Compassion starts the year with a new nonprofit status and mission statement: “Silver Compassion is a nonprofit organization that helps aging adults and their families navigate the complexities of the second half of life through education, collaborative planning and by connecting to vital community resources.” In a collaborative effort, First Baptist will host Life Compass events as well as participate in events hosted by other community partners. The February schedule illustrates this arrangement well. There will be two events: The first hosted by First Baptist, the second hosted by Spring Arbor.
Thursday, February 23 from 3-4:30 pm in FBC room 102
Topic: The Power of Your Life Compass Description: This presentation describes how we can Thrive in Life by making sure you are living in harmony with the Person we want to be, the People we want to share life with, and in the Place we call home. Bring your friends and those you would like to support in living well. Come and greet our guests from the community who will be there.
Thursday, February 23 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Spring Arbor, 5125 Michaux Road
Topic: Life Compass Plan Introduction
Description: If you are a caregiver, future caregiver or wanting to plan ahead for all life may hold, come to this gathering. You will be given practical insights and information so you can Plan to Thrive. In this meeting we will present a brief introduction to the Life Compass Plan and give everyone the First Folder, a big help in securing your advance directives, to protect you and your loved ones in the times when we are the most vulnerable. We hope to see you there! Thank you all for the investment you have made in the birth of Silver Compassion!
PrimeTime February 6:
FBC’s Pastoral Residency Program
ebruary’s PrimeTime program will feature FBC’s pastoral residents, Courtney Stamey and John Thornton. Below is more about them and the Pastoral Residency Program at FBC. Bible Study will feature “What Jesus Said about Life” taught by Steve Pressley.
Reverends Courtney Stamey and John Thornton, FBC’s pastoral residents.
Pastoral Residency at FBC
The Pastoral Residency is a 2-year transition-intoministry program providing immersive experience in both congregational and community ministry within the controlled environment of a teaching congregation. Residents gain experience in a range of ministry opportunities crafted in consideration of both the church’s vision and the participant’s vocational goals. Rev. Courtney Stamey’s 2-year Residency is unique in that it provides an immersive experience in congregational ministry and a community ministry focus with Peacehaven Community Farm, splitting her time between both ministries. Courtney said this about her pastoral residency at FBC: “This residency excites me because it seems to reflect the real trajectory of the people of God, spread beyond church walls.” Rev. John Thornton feels called to pastoral ministry as a vocation that brings together his passions for church, community, education, advocacy, and scholarship. At FBC, John participates in the broad pastoral ministry and leadership of the church, while also focusing on three areas of ministry identified early in his tenure: young adult spiritual formation, hospitality, and pastoral support to those experiencing chronic economic needs. PrimeTime includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 - Cost: $6/person Reservation deadline: Thursday, February 2 Sign up for lunch online: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245 February 2017 | 9
Connect with Children
Moms’ Group starts back on February 16
Peacehaven Project
Sunday, February 19
oin us on Thursday mornings at FBC! Courtney Willis will lead us in great conversation, selfdiscovery, and spiritual growth. We meet in room 319 and free childcare begins at 9:15 am. Invite a friend and join us!
Moms of children infant to elementary age
Thursdays | 9:30 -11 am
3 - 4:30 pm
lementary children are invited to participate in a craft and games time with the core members at Peacehaven Farm. We are excited to engage in community with our friends at Peacehaven. There is limited space so RSVP to Christina McCord - | x241 if your child will be attending.
Worship Folders Each Sunday morning there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship!
Family Lenten Workshop
Sunday, March 26 | 5 - 7 pm
Pathfinders Class: Discerning Baptism
s your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus really looks like? This class is geared toward children who are in older elementary school who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple and who are contemplating baptism. We will meet on Sundays from 9:15-10:15 am, February 26 thru March 26. Contact Christina McCord - | x241 if your child will be attending.
10 | Connections
This workshop is designed for families and their children to help them to understand the significance of Lent and Holy Week. We will begin with supper and move to the children’s wing where there will be different stations that families rotate through, and will include interactive faith experiences, crafts, and other meaningful activities.
Palm Sunday, Brunch, and “Resurrection Egg Hunt” | Sunday, April 9
Children will be an important part of this service through a processional, waving palms, singing, and a prayer experience for the congregation. Following Worship will be brunch and the “Resurrection Egg Hunt.”
Vacation Bible School | July 10-13
Connect with Youth
Summer Mission Trip
June 23 - July 1 | Shreveport, LA
e will be working with friends at FBC Shreveport to reach out to their community through local organizations that help the homeless, repair homes, and provide children’s services. The cost for the week will be between $300-$350/person (proceeds from the FBC Valentine Banquet will help make this trip possible). Reserve your space online today with a $50 deposit:
Unidiversity 2017
July 17-22 | UT Knoxville
his incredible week of worship, discipleship, and fun with long-time friends from around the country reminds us of our interconnectedness with each other through our common bond in Christ. We will learn, celebrate, and grow together throughout the week as we focus on this amazing gift that we have been given. Cost for Unidiversity is $350/person. Reserve your space online today with a $50 deposit:
Youth Super Bowl Party
Sunday, February 5 6:15 pm until half-time, Café Youth are invited to cheer for their favorite team! Everybody needs to bring food and drinks to share as we cheer on a favorite team!
Boys: Something salty & drink Girls: Something sweet & drink
FBC’s Church Basketball League MS Boys’ Games Schedule
Play Date Time/Opponent
2/4 Bye Week 2/11 10:15 am/Cornerstone BC 2/18 9 am/Mt. Pisgah UMC #1 2/25 9 am/Friendly Ave BC 3/4 Tournament - TBD
Bye Week Cornerstone BC - Away FBC - Summerfield - Home Friendly Ave BC - Away
Come enjoy the fun!
Watch your email for more details coming soon!
Connect with College Wednesday Night Dinner
Join with our partnering church, FBC Greensboro every Wednesday night for FREE dinner from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in their Fellowship Hall - 1000 W. Friendly Ave. You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245
More info: CBSF Collegiate Minister, Adam Horton
Get Involved in the Music Ministry!
Join the choir, play in the Instrumental Ensemble, or ring Handbells. Contact Doug or Terri Vancil if you want to find your place in FBC’s Music Ministry. Doug Vancil - | x237 Terri Vancil - | 238
College Students Need a Ride?
Meet in the parking lot off of Gray Drive, in between the Student Health Center and Phillips-Hawkins dorm (across the street from Moore-Strong, near the Zippy Car parking spaces). Look for a car with the FBC name on it. Pick-up is at 10:15 am for the worship service.
College Messaging:
Receive important information: Via TEXT: text@collegegso to 81010 Via EMAIL: send an email to
Facebook Group:
Join our Facebook group: First Baptist Church Greensboro - College Ministry February 2017 | 11
Connect with One Another
Reflections on Wednesday Night Meals by Courtney Stamey
really do believe in Wednesday Night Meals. Of course I believe they exist in the material sense because each week I sit down in my physical chair, with my physical food, and in my physical body. But, I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is at work on Wednesday Nights. When I sat down at the very first meeting with the “revamp team” I expressed how that the theological backing behind fellowship meals needed to be clear. Attributes of welcome, hospitality, and health are incredible and are being exemplified in our revamp. However, when I write that we “get a brief taste of the banquet Christ has prepared for us,” I mean it. Our scriptures, particularly Luke, show us how important table fellowship was to Jesus. As followers of Christ we model this importance through the ethical principles of welcome, re-formation, abundance, intersectionality, and community...At the Table. After much planning and work by a tremendous team we launched the re-vamp on January 4th, and it was greater than I anticipated. The intergenerational nature of our church was truly on display that wintery night, and the same the following week. The publicized 5:30 pm start time offered flexibility to those who work late, while the availability of serving at 5 pm met the needs of those who dine early. The “Children’s Extras” corner brought smiles beneath our rainbow tinted window bulletin board. Our prayer time called us to pray for a specific concern Attributes of welcome , during a moment of silence, hospitality, and health are binding us to one another. An ample salad bar and choices incredible and are being for main dish provided a exemplified in our revamp. hospitable response to dietary needs and preferences. Folks sat together who did not previously know each other. Smiles were shared as the salt and pepper were passed. Above all else, I got the feeling that people wanted to be there. They were not there for convenience, but instead chose to take their seat at the table seriously. They were not simply present, but enjoying the presence of each other and the Holy Spirit in our midst. I really do believe in Wednesday Nights. If you have not joined us, please be our guest for your first week. Your seat is waiting.
12 | Connections
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Whether you are a first time attender or a lifetime participant we invite you to find your place at the table.It is at the table where we have community. We want you here; your place at the table is waiting.
Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm Feb. 1: Taco Night Feb. 8: BBQ Chicken Feb. 15: Loaded Baked Potato Feb. 22: Pasta Night
Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc.
Reservations are encouraged for meals
Connect with One Another
Responding to the Invitation We are so excited to welcome you as members of our church family! We look forward to continuing to get to know you and serving alongside you!
Parker and Robert White (January 8) By Statement Children: Avery and Perrin
February Birthdays (No FBC birthdays February 4, 6, 12)
1. Bill Crawford, Chris Ripley, Tina Stutts, Catherine Tate 2. Marie Jones, Diffee Lambert 3. Ernie Ohlson 5. Kent Gilliland, Margaret Petty, Susan Steelman 7. Phil Hix, Norene Hunt, Arthur Shackelford 8. Quint Bradford, Raina Gould, Bill Johnson, Ben Miller, Cecil Mills, Rachel Perry, Lollis Reynolds 9. Vivian Rallings 10. Jan Hill, Paige Kalish, Ann Pember, Natalie Smith 11. Chris Carter 13. Alex Hauselman, Jennifer Klaiber, Freda Rushton, Gina Waters 14. Claudia Tutterow 15. Stu Allen 16. Marty Kellam 17. Clay Gooding, Cliff Lowery 18. Joyce English, Leroy Hartgrove, Elsa Troxler 19. Cooper Harrell, Lynn Huneycutt 20. Ward Burch, Arlene McCraw, Mark Messick
Courtney and Stephen Willis (January 8) By Statement Son: Berkley
1. Wesley Thacker 2 22. Brenda Porterfield, Jack Sherouse 23. Elizabeth Eagle, Kyleigh Pegram, Caleb Wilson 24. Susan Bowers, Emily Lewis, Marguerite Miller, Rob Terrell 25. Courtney Frost 26. William Hardy, Eden Holmes, Kevin Pegram, Ann Webb 27. Bettie Johnson 28. Michael Campbell 29. David Culclasure
Bill and Marguerite Miller (January 15) By Letter
• Loved ones of Doug Peoples, former FBC Minister of Music, on December 18 • Loved ones of Martha Long, on December 21 • Joye Brannon in the loss of her sister-in-law, Peggy Smith, on December 28 • Don White in the loss of his mother, Linda C. Dion, on December 29 • Loved ones of Dr. Elmer Puryear, on December 30 Welcome New Baby! • Loved ones of Polly Norris, on Margaret “Maisy” Turner January 4 Donovan • Kaye Tutterow in the loss of her Born: December 20 mother-in-law, Anna Wilkins, on Parents: January 7 Allison and Andrew Donovan • Alan Sherouse in the loss of his grandfather, Charles Proctor, on January 11 College Birthday: • Terri Battle in the loss of her brother, Caleb Wilson | February 23 J. D. Brookshire, on January 17 University of Tennessee • Cary Root in the loss of her friend, 1817 Andy Holt Avenue, Room 212 Bob Lambeth Knoxville, TN 37916
February 2017 | 13
15, 22 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •1,108,8, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •Adults 1 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up. Kitchen, 5 pm • 11, 18, 25 (Sa): Upward Games. Gym/Café, 8:45 am - 2 pm •All Ages •4,5 (Su): •Children Bowl. 108, 12 noon •5 (Su): Souper •Seniors Super Bowl Party. Café, 6:15 pm • 5 (Su): Youth •Missions Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm • •Weekday •6 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch School •6 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •Worship •7 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •Youth •7 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •8 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •12 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •12 16, • 23 (Th): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11 am •14 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •14 (Tu): WMU Group 4. 204, 10:30 am •15 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm (Su): Peacehaven Project. Peacehaven Farm, 3-4:30 pm •19 22 • (W): Explore 1st. Café, 5:30-7 pm •23 (Th): Silver Compassion. 102, 3 pm (Sa): Upward Celebration. Gym, 6 pm •25 26 Pathfinders Class. Children’s Wing. 9:15 am • 28 (Su): (Th): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm • 28 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm • 28 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Study - 9:15 am • BWible orship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
• Youth Bells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 • Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Wednesdays@FBC
Fellowship Meal Reservations • Reservations due Mon. 12 noon
Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Kids’ Programming - 6 pm Adult Classes - 6:15 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
• • • •
Connect with Business February Community Lunch followed by Church Conference – Sunday, February 12
Committee on Committees Taking Nominations
t is time for us to consider who we will nominate to serve in key leadership positions for our church in the coming year. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Endowment Trust Committee, Finance Committee, Treasurer, or Church Clerk. You are encouraged to submit your own name for any position for which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected. Nominations are due by Sunday, February 12. Forms are available on information boards at the church.
Committee on Committee Members:
Fred Binder, Gene Cox, Nancy Culclasure, Trisha Hooper, Laura Lomax (chair), Randy McDaniel, Stephen Porter, Ann Webb, Robb Wells, Judyth White
2016 Year-End Financial Update:
January Church Conference Summary The Church Conference took place on Sunday, January 15, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Scott Culclasure presided. The following motion was presented and approved by the congregation. Motion: Upon examination of her experience, call to ministry, and theology, the Ordination Council unanimously recommends that Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey be ordained to the gospel ministry by First Baptist Church Greensboro, in conjunction with College Park Baptist Church. The service will be held at College Park Baptist on January 22 at 6 pm.
At the time of newsletter publication, preliminary year-end results included: December 2016 offerings: $269,738, an increase compared to December 2015 of $268,699. While the annual offerings did not reach our budget goal of $1,708,326, we are encouraged by these numbers and the strong close to 2016. 14 | Connections
A Thousand Words…
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram
Parents and kids enjoy Open Gym on a snow day
Lunch with staff and church members at Friends Home
Some of the FBC group at the Habitat 30th Anniversary Breakfast
Building an Eiffel Tower of cookie while learning about CBF missionaries in France
Snow Church
Bob Kelley receiving Habitat of Greensboro’s Founders’ Award
Ordination Council for Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey February 2017 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Everyone is invited to the
Upward Celebration Saturday, February 25 | 6 pm | FBC Gym Featuring entertainment by
Remix Education
veryone is invited to help celebrate the end of another great Upward season. We celebrate the accomplishments of Upward participants, parents, coaches, and volunteers who make this ministry a success. Remix Education is a Lexington-based mascot entertainment organization that provides unique programs using hilarious mascot skits, crazy stunts, interactive games, and motivational speaking. They have performed all around the nation and also in India, Haiti, and Africa and are excited for all that the Lord has in store!