Connections - June 2014 newsletter

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JUNE 2014 // // 336.274.3286

first baptist church greensboro


June 16-20 9 am-12 pm

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

what does it mean?

jan richardson, artist // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 July Connections Deadline: June 16 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / x226 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Monica Hix, Pastoral Assistant / x231 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Assistant Pastor: Missions / x295 Virginia Reynolds, Assistant Pastor: Children and Families / / x241 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Susanna Trotter, Summer Children’s Coordinator Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238

2 | Connections

June2014 June 2014 3 Insight | by Alan Sherouse 4-5 Congratulations Graduates! –Baccalaureate Sunday –High School, College, and Graduate Students

6 Connect with Adults & the Community –Wednesday Grace Fellowship Meal –Growing in Christ @ FBC: Oasis is Back –FBC - Bessemer Elementary School Partnership

7 Connect with Youth –Youth June Calendar –Introducing Josh Owens – Summer Youth Intern – “Come to the Table” in Asheville

8 Connect with Children –VBS – “Worship in the Arts” Camp –Summer Children’s Coordinator

9 Connect with Children –Children’s Ministry Transition –New Children’s Library Books

10 Connect with One Another –Connect with Business

11 June @ FBC –Fellowship Meals –Looking Ahead to July –Explore First

12 Connect with Missions –Downtown Prayer Walk –Downtown Discernment Update

For I will pour out water to quench your thirst... (Isaiah 44.3)



June 8 is Pentecost Sunday, commemorating the Pentecost worship series is found below. coming of the Holy Spirit to the followers of Jesus, as One of the things that the Spirit means is “beginning,” described in Acts 2 when “everyone present was filled as Pentecost is often called the “birthday of the church.” We with the Holy Spirit.” celebrate the many signs of new life and beginning in the According to the Christian liturgical calendar, Pentecost life of our church. This newsletter is full of them. We share is considered the third most important holiday of the year. pride for our graduates and the new opportunities that Yet, I suspect that few of us are making early reservations stretch before them. We give thanks for new and growing for Pentecost brunch. No one’s exchanging Pentecost gifts ministries, both inside and outside our church. We pray or wicker baskets filled with Pentecost goodies. Much for the Spirit’s guidance as we continue to consider a new ambiguity still surrounds this day and the Spirit whose ministry opportunity downtown. We celebrate the ministry activity it commemorates. With all the uncertainty, it’s of our Assistant Pastor for Children & Families, Virginia tempting for us to leave Pentecost to those who seem so Reynolds, as she follows the winds of the Spirit toward an comfortable with its noise and bluster, its expanding call to the community. And we strange languages, and its unrestrained gear up for all the energy and excitement behavior that can look like drunkenness, or In some ways, we are of a summer schedule for our children foolishness, or both. In some ways, we are and youth, including this summer’s Bible like those perplexed like those perplexed bystanders at the first School coming up in a few weeks! All of it is bystanders at the Pentecost who observe all the wind, flame evidence of the Spirit at work. fi rst Pentecost and commotion and ask, “What does this Perhaps the surest evidence of the Spirit is who observe all the all mean?” (Acts 2:12) found in the lives of those early followers Throughout the Sundays of June (June of Jesus. Acts 2 describes it this way: Awe wind, flame and 8-29) we will focus on that question – came upon everyone…All who believed were commotion and ask, “What does it mean?” – and consider the together and had all things in common…they “What does this all significance of the Spirit for each of us broke bread at home and ate their food with as individuals, and all of us as a gathered glad and generous hearts, praising God and mean?” (Acts 2:12) community of First Baptist. Tracing some having the goodwill of all the people. And of the work of the Spirit throughout the day by day the Lord added to their number book of Acts, we will see how it enlivened the community those who were being saved. of the early church, changed the course of murderous If such words can be said of us, we will know what the Saul, and empowered Peter to do the very things he had Spirit means, and that it has once again rested on everyone. seen Jesus do in this world. More information about our

What does the Spirit Mean? Sunday Sermon Series

All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this mean?’ (Acts 2:12)

• June 8–New Understanding (Acts 2:1-21) • June 15–New Community (Acts 2:42-47) • June 22–New Direction (Acts 9:1-20) • June 29–New Life (Acts 9:36-43)

June 2014 | 3

Sunday, June 1

Baccalaureate Sunday

10:30 am - Worship 7 pm - Concert with Youth Choirs and Handbells

Congratulations Graduates! College and Graduate School Luke Arno

Master of Music in Music Theory University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Larry Burroughs

Master of Music in Trumpet Performance Morehead State University

Kevin Cole

BS in Business Administration & Minor in Human Resources Guilford College

Alice Culclasure

Master of Arts in Museum Studies Seton Hall University

David Culclasure

Kyle Caitlin Milligan

BS in Advertising & Public Relations/Minor in Graphic Design Liberty University

Caroline Parham

BS in Education - Elementary (K-6)/Reading Concentration East Carolina University

Kelsey Peeler

BS in Entrepreneurship & Minor in Dance Western Carolina University

Kim Priddy

Masters of Divinity Wake Forest School of Divinity

Allen Putnam

BA in History & Classical Archaeology University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

BS in Hospitality Management University of South Carolina

Bob Faub

Baxter Riddleberger

Doctorate of Musical Arts (DMA) University of North Carolina-Greensboro (12/2013)

Lesley-Ann Hix

BFA in Art & Design University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Seth Wilson

Master of Divinity McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University

BA in Broadcast Journalism University of South Carolina

Reid Hix

Sarah Frances Young

BS in Agricultural Business Management North Carolina State University 4 | Connections

BA in Public Health University of South Carolina

H i g h S c h o o l G r a d u a t e s

Robyn Cothran

Western Guilford High School

Northern Guilford High School

Leah Frost

Zach Isom Homeschooled

Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School

Kelly Kennedy

Tyler Messick

James O’Bryant

Dillon Peeler

Western Guilford High School

Northwest Guilford High School

Northern Guilford High School

Lindsey Kalish

Northeast Guilford High School


Hannah Persinger Grimsley High School

Nick Powell

Northwest Guilford High School

Elias Rainey Ragsdale High School

Stephen Rich Grimsley High School

Not pictured: Hannah Faub


Caldwell Academy

Hannah Ferris Erin Stephens Grimsley High School

Wilson Vo

Grimsley High School

Clay Young Caldwell Academy

June 2014 | 5

Connect with Adults & the Community

Growing in Christ @ FBC


Oasis is Back– Summer time and the

5th Wednesday Grace Fellowship Meal – Expanding the Ministry!


irst Baptist Church provides a meal on the 5th Sunday of every Wednesday through Grace Community Church to 250 folks in our community. We have been asked to serve once a month and to do this we need more volunteers. We are in need of two more leaders and volunteers to help prep the food. The leaders are responsible for emailing volunteers and transporting the food. Each leader would be asked to serve once every quarter. Please contact Jack Steelman ( ) or Jim Frost ( ) with questions. Come check out this ministry...they have been serving since 2009!

iving is easy….well, we are going to try to make it a bit easier for the many dedicated Sunday School teachers who work so hard all year to bring quality Bible study to you each week. Teachers should have the opportunity to take a break in the summer, and Oasis is our way to facilitate this. Available each Sunday of June, July, and August, Oasis is an on-going Sunday School class that is open to whole Sunday School classes to attend. Whether it is for a week, a month, or for the whole summer, teachers are encouraged to take a break by taking advantage of this program. Oasis will begin at 9:30 am in the Chapel, allowing individual classes time to meet first and take care of business before the joint class starts. Lead by Dr. Sumerel and other teachers, Oasis takes the scripture that is to be the focus of the sermon for that Sunday, and engages the participants in an experience of encounter with the passage. Attention will be given to utilize various teaching styles and methods. Take a break…come to the Oasis and stay for a while…it’s all part of the journey.

FBC – Bessemer Elementary School Partnership BY KIM PRIDDY


irst Baptist Church has an exciting opportunity to partner with Bessemer Elementary School in becoming “community” with their students, staff, and families. Bessemer is located on Huffine Mill Road and serves 400 children through pre-k to 5th grade. Virginia Reynolds discovered a wonderful way for our church to reach out to their school when she served as a “Principal for a Day” through Guilford Education Alliance. She and the principal, Mr. Dixon, began dreaming and discussing about how we could partner and minister to the young children and to the families that live in that community. One of the starkest needs is reaching children who are entering kindergarten and have not attended preschool. Some of these children have never been in a classroom before they begin school and do not have experience with numbers, letters, or basic social skills. In August, FBC and Bessemer are going to team up together and offer a two week “get ready for school” camp from August 4-7 and August 11-14 from 9 am to 1 pm. We will need volunteers to come serve/provide breakfast and lunch, be buddies with these new students, and help to read and count in learning centers. Details will be out soon on how you can volunteer. In a short period of time, we have already begun building relationships. On Friday, May 9, some of our congregation members went to serve breakfast to the teachers and staff of the school to say thank you for their dedication to the children they teach. The staff was very appreciative and the children were delighted in seeing that their teachers were being cared for that morning. Some other opportunities to serve at Bessemer will be volunteering during field day on Wednesday, June 11 or Thursday, June 12. There are morning shifts available during 8:30 am to 12 noon. Email me ( ) if you are interested in field day opportunities, proctoring EOGs or would like to volunteer at Bessemer in other ways. Ensuring an education for these children is a huge gift and one that can never be taken from them; the rewards are too numerous to count. We are called to “love and serve thy neighbor” and I cannot think of a more fun and creative way than to be with these children. 6 | Connections

Connect with Youth

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Youth parents and kids: Keep this list of events to reference. Times are subject to change. If in doubt, contact the FBC youth department (church phone: 274.3286, x235/x288) or check the website:

June 13-15 – Middle School Trip to Asheville/Ken Medema June 16-20 – VBS: 9 am - 12 noon each day June 22-27 – Middle School Summer Missions Week, Nada, KY Tuesday, June 3, 7 am: Arise! at Grace UMC Tuesday, June 10, 7 am: Arise! at Grace UMC Tuesday, June 17, 7 am: Arise! at Grace UMC Tuesday, June 24, 7 am: Arise! at Grace UMC

Ongoing Event: Arise! @ Grace UMC– Join us Tuesdays at 7 am and feed the hungry! Drop-off at 7 am at Grace UMC – Pick-up at Grace UMC at 9:30 am (438 West Friendly Avenue).

Pray for FBC youth who are attending these upcoming June events... Middle School Trip to FBC Asheville/Ken Medema, June 13-15 Middle School Summer Missions Week, June 22-27: Kate Austin, Adair Garner, Alex Hauselman, Joshua Knight, Rebecca Little, Christopher Lyle, Luke Lynch, Grace Mihindou, Lindsey Pegram, Kaitlyn Rainey, Ellie Rider, Melissa Sample, Cassie Starnes, Matt Sumner, Megan Webb, Virginia Wells, and Bowen Young

Summer Youth Intern – Welcome Josh Owens


osh Owens is a recent graduate of Campbell Divinity School where he earned the Master of Divinity degree earlier this month with a concentration in Christian Education and Biblical Studies. Josh also earned his undergraduate degree at Campbell, played tight end on the Campbell University football team, and has been a leader in Campus Ministry at Campbell. Prior to his work with Campus Ministry, Josh served as Youth Pastor for seven years at his home church, First Baptist Roseboro, NC. Josh says that he is looking forward to serving in Greensboro this summer and getting to know the students as well as learning from our staff. His goal is to help others recognize and achieve the calling that God has placed on their lives. Through ministering to students, he encourages them to use their influential lives for the good of Christ’s kingdom. Some of Josh’s biggest hobbies are spending time with students, working in local community theater, and anything involving sports, especially the Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Bobcats, Atlanta Braves, and NASCAR. Josh also loves sitting down with a good book and a cup of coffee, relaxing with friends, and listening to good music.

Sunday, June 15 FBC Asheville The combined Children’s Choirs and Middle School Choirs of First Baptist– Greensboro and Asheville will join together with Ken Medema to present his musical “Come to the Table”. June 2014 | 7

Connect with Children


June 16-20 • 9 am-12 pm

• On Friday, families are invited to join VBS at 11 am on the front lawn for lunch and a closing assembly. • Children Pre-K (ages 3-5) through 5th grade. • Cost: $15/child ($40 family maximum). Scholarships available by request. • Register NOW! Online - or contact Kelly Cornet (340-3875 or ). Forms are also available on the information boards at FBC or print a PDF from the website. • Register by June 8 to get a VBS T-shirt. Grab a hammer, find a paintbrush, and put on your creative thinking cap! At Workshop of Wonders (WOW) VBS, kids will imagine and build with God! Discover how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Experience the love of Jesus. Start an adventure. Use your imagination and creativity to build your faith. Meet people from the Bible who used what they had to produce something amazing with God. Use your heart, mind and imagination to participate in the creative life of God, the one who works wonders.

Summer Children’s Coordinator – Welcome Susanna Trotter


irst Baptist is happy to introduce Susanna Trotter as our Summer Children’s Coordinator. Susanna will work with our Pastoral Staff and Children’s Ministry Team to coordinate ministry to children and their families through the summer months, while helping to plan for our school year programming. A note from Susanna - - I am very excited for the opportunity to join First Baptist Church this summer as the Summer Children’s Coordinator. I look forward to building on the strong foundation already established and contributing fresh ideas for the Children’s Ministry. I hope to use this summer to discern a possible future in ministry and know that this church will assist me along my journey. First Baptist Church holds a special place in my heart and I am so honored that I can give back to such a caring and supportive congregation.

...Engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship

July 28 – August 1 9 am – 1 pm, Closing Concert Friday at 1 pm Two Tracks (based on entering grade for fall of 2014): 1) Grades 3-5 & 2) Grades 6-8 • Classes offered in drama, visual arts, world instruments and sacred dance taught by professionals in our city. • Fees: $30 through June 8; $40 after June 8. Enroll a guest for ½ price. • Information/Register online: or email

Worship Leader – Dr. Michael Hawn, University Distinguished Professor of Church Music and Director of the Sacred Music Program in Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. Dr. Hawn is a student of global music and cross-cultural worship and extraordinarily gifted in bringing congregational song to life!

Choral Director – Rozanna Vancil Goocey, daughter of FBC Greensboro (and the Vancils). Rozanna received a Bachelor of Sacred Music from East Carolina University and was a student of Dr. Hawn while pursuing a seminary degree at Perkins School of Theology at SMU. Rozanna is currently the Director of Music Ministries at Trinity United Methodist Church, Durham, NC. 8 | Connections

Connect with Children

Children’s Ministry Transition


n May 4, Rev. Virginia Reynolds announced her decision to resign from her position as Assistant Pastor: Children & Families at First Baptist. In her comments to the congregation, Virginia shared:

Last September, this church home ordained me, blessing my call as a minister of the gospel wherever that might take me. Since that time, I have been exploring ways to carry the gospel ministry out to our community and have come to sense that my calling is moving to pursue this opportunity more intentionally. As a church, we celebrate Virginia’s growing sense of call to be what she has termed a “community missionary” serving with the most vulnerable in our community, particularly children at risk of falling through the cracks of our educational system. We look forward to seeing the impact of her ministry in our wider community. We also celebrate her nearly 7 years of faithful and dedicated ministry to our congregation at large, and especially to our children and their families. We hope you will join as we mark this transition and celebrate these last 7 years at a reception for Virginia and her family on June 4 (info to right). Please continue to pray for God’s leadership in the midst of this transition as we give thanks for the work of the Spirit in Virginia’s life, and in the life and ministry we’ve shared together these last seven years.

You are invited to a Reception Honoring Virginia Reynolds Wednesday, June 4 5:30 - 7 pm, Fellowship Hall We will celebrate Virginia and her work with our Children’s Ministry program. Instead of the Wednesday Fellowship Meal, we will enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres and fellowship with one another beginning at 5:30 pm. At 6:15 pm we will have a special time of recognition honoring Virginia.

Note: In the midst of this transition, we are considering plans for interim leadership of our Children’s Ministry during the school year. More information and discussion will be shared later this summer, but any questions can be directed to Alan Tutterow, Personnel Chair, or Alan Sherouse, Pastor.


• About Average by Andrew Clements • Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger • I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 by Lauren Tarshis • I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2001 by Lauren Tarshis • Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney • Lucky Ducklings by Eva Moore • The Night Before Easter by Natasha Wing • The Night Before St. Patrick’s Day by Natasha Wing • The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee by Tom Angleberger • The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger

• The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett by Tom Angleberger • Wag! By Patrick McDonnell • What Was the Gold Rush? by Joan Holub • What Was Pearl Harbor? by Patricia Demuth • Who Is Jane Goodall? by Roberta Edwards • Who Was Christopher Columbus? by Bonnie Bader • Who Was Sally Ride? by Megan Stine • Who’s Looking at You? by Stephane Frattini June 2014 | 9

Connect with One Another If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:26)

Responding to the Invitation

Wesley and Patsy Thacker (on May 4) By Letter

Bereaved • Frank Benditz and Teresa Allen in the loss of Winifred Benditz, on April 30 • Kelly Stephens in the loss of her aunt, Dolly Swaim, on May 3 • Ken Brannon in the loss of his aunt, Dot Bartlett, on May 4 • Tina Stutts in the loss of her father, Leonard Glashow, on May 18 • The family of Bobby Gilreath, on May 21 • Ken Brannon in the loss of his cousin, Dr. Bill Ewing, on May 21

June Birthdays 1. Abigail Cranford 2. Fran Connell, Lynne Greene, Thom Little, Charlie Patterson, Billie Reeves 3. Clara Jennings, Johnny Jones, Landon Schneider 4. D.C. Thompson 5. Teresa Allen, Pam Key 6. Nancy Alford, Ginny Barnes, Hilary Leonard, Rick Randleman, Kay Smith 7. Avery Howerton, Angela Perry 8. Jolyn Kelley 9. Christopher Rider 10. Tyler Carter, Varnell Moore, Chuck Sample 11. Phyllis Sykes 12. Dickie Payne 13. Jess Grassi, Davis Smith, Joe White, Jr. 14. John Curlee, Jenny Milynn, Lindley Sample, Dot Walker, Sandy Witt 15. Jim Burch, Carolyn Case, Kathy Edwards 16. Bunny Godfrey, Chrissie Idol, Will Wooten 17. Lesa Vinson 18. Robert Angell, Brandon Harris, June Hicks, Jeff Perry, Ben Sutton, Rhonda Woodell

19. Yvonne Johnson 20. Hazel Macon, Stephen Stanley 21. Clara Bennett, Jennifer Frazier, Margaret Oberholtzer, Tami Payne, John Weeks, Jr. 22. John Mobley, Marilue Sheffield 23. Libby Shull 24. Martha Long, Tori Vaughan 25. Charles Hartis 26. Angie Messick, Andrew Petitt, Lindsay Worsley, Gilbert Wylie 27. Guy McCall, Jr., Carter Parham, Al Snider 28. Darlene Biffle, Rick Manning, Steve Pressley, Della Sherouse, Bill Stone 29. Eric Fisher, Chartee Plyler, Bob Russell, Audrey Thompson, Kathy Troxler 30. No FBC Birthdays

College Birthday Will Wooten 6/16 1678 North 21st Street, Apt. 1 Arlington, Virginia 22209

Stay Connected with Your FBC Family! If you have had any changes to any contact information: phone, email, address, etc., let us know. Send all updates and changes to Rosemary Kellam ( / 274-3286, x225). You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go online and check it out:

Connect with Business

May Church Conference

Sunday, June 8–

he monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, May 18, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Jack Swanson, presided. Several reports were heard, however, no formal actions were taken.

Community Lunch followed by Church Conference


April 2014 Financial Update Receipts & Distributions Actual Budget April Budget Receipts $ 562,759 $605,256 April Budget Disbursements $ 619,685 $589,861 YTD Differential $ (56,927) $ 15,396 10 | Connections

Last Year $539,427 $545,118 $ (5,691)

12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person – $20/family max.

in g n i m Bloo

e n @FBC u J

•Sunday, June 1 – Explore 1st. 9:15 am, Fellowship Hall •Sunday, June 1 – Baccalaureate Sunday. 10:30 am, Sanctuary (See pages 4-5) •Sunday, June 1 – Youth Choir Concert. 7 pm, Sanctuary (See page 4) •Wednesday, June 4 – Reception for Virginia Reynolds. 5:30-7 pm, Fellowship Hall (See page 9) Saturdays, June 7, 14, 21, 28 – Shower Ministry. 3 pm, Gym Sunday, June 8 – StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium. Sunday, June 8 – Pentecost Sunday. 10:30 am, Sanctuary Sunday, June 8 – Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 12 noon, Fellowship Hall (See page 10) June 13-15 – Middle School Trip to FBC Asheville/Ken Medema (See page 7) June 16-20 – VBS (See page 8) June 22-27 – Middle School Summer Missions Trip to Nada, KY (See page 7)

• • • • • • •

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday @ FBC

•Bible Study - 9:15 am •Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209) Wednesday @ FBC

•Fellowship Meal - Dinner is

served between 5-6:30 pm / Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or

•Bible Study - 6 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm Key:

Looking Ahead to July • Saturdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28: Shower Ministry, Gym • Sunday, July 13: StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection, Atrium • July 13-20: NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir Tour • Sunday, July 20: Community Lunch followed by Church Conference • July 21-26: Unidiversity, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • July 28-August 1: Worship in the Arts (see page 8)

Interested in Church Membership? Sundays through June 8 9:15-10:10 am, Fellowship Hall Our Explore First class is for those interested in learning more about First Baptist and church membership. Attend any or all of the gatherings. All are invited, from recent visitors to regular attendees.

June Fellowship Meal Menu Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm • 4: Reception Honoring Virginia Reynolds (See page 9) • 11: Barbeque, Whole White Potatoes and Cole Slaw / Kids: Corn Dog • 18: Beef Tips over Rice and Broccoli Spears / Kids: Mini Burgers • 25: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato and Cole Slaw / Kids: Fish Stix

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth June 2014 | 11

First Bapt ist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401


Connect with Missions Downtown Discernment Update


ur recent round of Downtown Discernment meetings yielded important insights about the opportunities and challenges that exist in the possibility of a downtown ministry site. Our Ad Hoc Committee continues to discern and consider the possibility. The committee has divided into two working groups considering both the Vision and the Feasibility of such a ministry. We are researching analogous ministries, meeting with community partners, and responding to congregational feedback as we contemplate steps forward. As a next step, the congregation is invited to another round of roundtable discernment meetings (dates below) to discuss the emerging Mission and Vision of a downtown ministry. In addition to the upcoming meetings, know that our committee and ministers remain open and excited to hear your feedback individually.

Meeting Dates: June 18th(Wed) at 6:15pm June 22nd (Sun) at noon June 29th (Sun) at 9:15am

Committee Members: Blake Absher Jim Clontz April Eller John Gee Matt Messick

Janice Newsom Tony Petitt David Rowe Becky Starnes Robb Wells

Join the Downtown Prayer Walks The FBC Greensboro Downtown Discernment Ad Hoc team invites you to come out on Tuesday nights at 7 pm and take a stroll thru downtown Greensboro while praying about what kind of mission God would have FBC pursue. We will meet in front of a different downtown location each week. June Schedule (Tuesdays @ 7 pm): June 3 - Natty Greene’s, 345 S. Elm June 10 - Cheesecake’s By Alex, 315 S. Elm June 17 - Int’l Civil Rights Museum, 134 S. Elm June 24 - Triad Stage, 232 S. Elm

Contacts: • Laura Lomax & • Kim Priddy - / 274-3286, x295

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