FEBRUARY 2016 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
first baptist church greensboro
Eat lunch and support the Christian Assistance Fund
Sunday, February 7 after Worship | Fellowship Hall
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Artwork: “Cross-Eyed” by Judy “JJ” Jacobs
February 2016
www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
March Connections Deadline: February 15 Email news to kelly@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director kelly@fbcgso.org / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / stevec@fbcgso.org / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator jessica@fbcgso.org / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions kim@fbcgso.org / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident john@fbcgso.org / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 2 | Connections
3 Window Gazing 4 Connect with Worship
5 Connecting
6 Connect with Missions
7 Connect with Adults
8 Connect with Children
9 Connect with Youth
–Lenten Season –Last Words Sermon Series –40 Days Devotions
–Tough Talk Tuesday –Back 2 School with Steve Cothran –Lauren Shriver and Friends Concert –Cheering on the Carolina Panthers
–Agape Meal –Blood Drive –Y Family Shelter –White Flag Response –UnSheltered Lives Play
–PrimeTime –Explore 1st –Access Classes –Life Compass Planning - Silver Compassion Seminar
–Pathfinders –Mom’s Group –Spring Consignment Sale –Worship Folders –Lenten Workshop –Palm Sunday, Brunch & Egg Hunt - Mark your Calendar! –Upward Celebration –Valentine Banquet –Unidiversity –Super Bowl Party –DiscipleNOW Weekend
10-11 Connect with One Another
–New Members –Birthdays | Bereaved –January Calendar –Winter Weather Policy –PrimeTime
12 Connect with Business
–Committee on Committees Seeking Nominations –January Church Conference –Year End Financial Update –February Community Lunch and Church Conference Cover Art: “Cross-Eyed” by Judy “JJ” Jacobs www.judyjacobsart.com | jj@judyjacobsart.com
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing By Alan Sherouse The View from Here
or the last couple years, I have had the opportunity to serve on the Missions Council of our primary denominational partner – the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship – this year serving as its Chair. The Council is charged with advising on vision and strategy for the missions enterprise of CBF. This has been an exciting task, especially in this, CBF’s 25th anniversary year. As Steven Porter – Coordinator of Global Missions for CBF – has said, we find ourselves in a “new missionary situation,” which has rapidly changed in recent years. At one time, the efficacy of Christian mission efforts was measured more clearly in numbers: people baptized, missionaries sent, churches started, orphanages built, etc., all supported through large central offerings, which have enabled the presence and ministries of the missionaries who serve with our denomination. However, missions has increasingly become a more freelance effort. Money that once went to a central offering is often divided among a number of ministries and partnerships dear to congregations. Many new churches have started to run their mission efforts independent of any denominational umbrella. And each of us as individuals find our benevolence divided among many needs. Funds that once went to a central offering in a denominational envelope are now divided among multiple “envelopes” – a local organization, a friend serving abroad, a grandchild traveling on a short-term mission trip, and more. In addition to financial shifts, multiple factors have coalesced to make us more aware of our global connection and mutuality. Missions is more about partnership and cooperation globally than ever before. We recognize more and more what we have to learn from one another about the abundant love of God in Christ. A new situation calls for renewed vision and strategy. After a period of planning and prayer, CBF has focused its renewed and clarified vision on three primary Mission Commitments:
1. CULTIVATING BELOVED COMMUNITY: We cultivate communities of reconciliation and hospitality that serve as instruments, signs and foretastes of the kingdom of God. 2. BEARING WITNESS TO JESUS CHRIST: We bear witness to the gospel through words that invite faith in Jesus and actions that embody the way of Jesus. 3. SEEKING TRANSFORMATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: We seek to transform systems that suppress the capacity of individuals and communities in order to recognize, claim and celebrate the God-given gifts of all people and places.
These three commitments are carried out with sensitivity to three primary contexts: GLOBAL POVERTY, GLOBAL MIGRATION, and the GLOBAL CHURCH. At a recent meeting of the Missions Council, I spent some time with Sam Harrell, the new Associate Coordinator of CBF Global Missions. Sam and his wife, Melody, have lived and worked in Kenya for 25 years, as some of CBF’s finest Field Personnel (missionaries), before recently coming to the United States to serve in this new role. Confessing the challenge of this shift, Sam described how just before returning he was passing through a village where he had worked for nearly a decade. On this particular day, as he told them of his transition, the community decided it was A recent meeting of the CBF Missions Council in Decatur, GA time for him to receive his tribal name. More than wells dug, or churches started, or communities organized, missions is about how through the longterm, wholesale work of the gospel, we are given renewed names and identities. First Baptist Greensboro is a part of that, as a portion of our budget goes to CBF Global Missions. Through our financial gifts, our prayers, and our leadership we participate in the longterm presence of people like Sam and Melody, or like our friends Ralph and Tammy Stocks who serve in Romania, or like Kirk and Suzie who just completed an 18 year Bible translation project in SE Asia, or like so many others who carry out a vision of ministry and partnership that we can trust. In this 25th Anniversary year, I’ve been proud for First Baptist Greensboro, with its wonderful heritage of missions support and leadership, to play a small part in the renewed plan of CBF Global Missions. The annual General Assembly of CBF comes to Greensboro this June, and we will have more opportunity to learn about CBF’s longterm vision and strategy for a fresh and even more excellent way of participating in God’s mission, and how that mission might even give us all new names. February 2016 | 3
Connect with Worship
The Lenten Season
Ash Wednesday Worship February 10 6:15 pm Mid-week Vespers services | Wednesdays at 6:15 pm | Sanctuary
Prayer, Meditation, Proclamation, Music • February 10: Ash Wednesday Service for all ages | Alan Sherouse • February 17: “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing” | Steve Sumerel • February 24: “I assure you today you will be with me in paradise.” | John Thornton • March 2: “Dear woman, here is your son.” | Kim Priddy • March 9: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” | Steve Cothran • March 16: “I Thirst” - A Visual Via Dolorosa | Steve Pressley
Holy Week Services | March 20 - March 27
• Palm Sunday, March 20: Children’s Sunday • Wednesday, March 23 (no evening activities) • Maundy Thursday, March 24: Table Service and Communion in Fellowship Hall at 6 pm • Good Friday, March 25: Tenebrae Service in Sanctuary featuring F. J. Haydn’s setting of The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross at 7:30 pm • Easter Sunday, March 27
Last Words of Christ on the Cross
February 14 February 21 February 28 March 6 March 13 March 20
4 | Connections
Lenten Sermon Series Sundays @ 10:30 am
Forgive Them You Will Be With Me Woman, Here is Your Son Why Have You Forsaken Me I Thirst Into Your Hands, It Is Finished
40 Days of Lent
During the Lenten Season, we will be sending out daily messages of inspiration via text or email. You can sign up to receive messages in either of two ways or both! Via TEXT: text @lent40days to 81010. You can opt out at any time by replying, “unsubscribe@ lent40days.” Via EMAIL: send an email to lent40days@mail.remind. com. To unsubscribe, reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Contact: Kelly Stephens kelly@fbcgso.org | x223
How Romantic!
Tough Talk Tuesday February 16 | 7:30 pm Gibb’s Hundred
od is not scared of our questions. Too often we think our doubts come as a threat to stability. But the Bible is filled with people who questioned God. Abraham traveling the wilderness, the disciples following Jesus. Even Jesus himself in the Garden of Gethsemane questioned God’s goodness. Questions can serve to help us grow in our faith no matter how small or unstable it might be. Starting in February, Pastoral Resident John Thornton will be leading a monthly gathering called “Tough Talk Tuesday.” A time of guided conversation in which we welcome doubt, discussion, and even *gasp* disagreement. The point is not to walk away having “gotten it right,” but to see how God can use our questions to further our faithfulness in following Jesus Christ. The first Tough Talk Tuesday will be February 16 at 7:30 pm at Gibb’s Hundred (117 West Lewis Street). Our first open-ended discussion will be on the different ways people read and the understand the Bible as both a challenging and beautiful book.
Back 2 School
by Steve Cothran t had been a long time since I’d written a paper or bought a textbook, and I wasn’t completely sure what I was getting myself into so I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. I thought it might be best to keep it quiet as long as possible…especially since there was a very real possibility that either school or I might rethink the wisdom of this decision and reverse the whole process. But the first semester went surprisingly well so it looks like I’ll keep on going! After being asked several times in the past few weeks questions like “I didn’t know you were going back to school. Where are you going and what are you studying?” I realize that this is probably the best place to give you a little update. For several years I’ve realized a need to reenergize my brain, and for me that works best under guidance and in groups… As a result, this fall I began the Doctor of Ministry program at Campbell Divinity School. This 3-year program involves group and individual study, reading, research, presentations, papers, and the culmination of the degree is a project designed for each student’s specific ministry context. This past fall, our class met every other Thursday-Friday. The spring semester begins this week and is similar, but with fewer trips to campus. My goal is to gain knowledge and skills to better serve FBC students and families as well as the larger Body of Christ. I’m grateful to Nancy for her encouragement and support and to each of you for your interest, your kind words, your prayers, and your provision.
Concert of Love-themed music from Classics to Contemporary Presented by Cellist Lauren Shriver and Friends
Saturday, February 6 4 pm | Chapel
Cheering on the Panthers by Kim Priddy
......is what brought us all together on Sunday, January 17. The Panthers played the Seattle Seahawks and both teams received cheers, jeers, and prayers. This was our second watch party bringing together congregation members and friends from our community. As we have talked about getting to know friends in our community who are currently experiencing homelessness, I am often asked about suggestions for topics of conversation. This Sunday was really easy as everyone talked about the teams, coaches and quarterbacks and their ability to carry their team to victory. As much as it was easy and fun, there was so much more to it. After the game (and the Panthers had won), our friends were taken back to the IRC, I went to Hallmark to buy birthday cards. The store clerk asked if I watched the game. I could have answered “Yes” and headed out the door, but instead, I took the time to explain to her that my church had opened its doors to our community friends for worship, chili and to watch the football game together. Her first response was a puzzled look and then she said “how cool.” I then found my spirit agreeing “yes, very cool.” I am excited to be a part of a faith community that is willing to meet people where they are and break cornbread together. We gathered around a rather large screen with strangers who are becoming friends. It would have been way easier to have either watched the football game at the IRC and at our home with the company of people we know well, but where is the adventure in that idea. I hope the Carolina Panthers continue to win and am even more hopeful that we will continue to forge friendships. February 2016 | 5
Connect with Missions
Serving Opportunities…
Agape Meal- Serving Community Dinner Sunday, February 21, 4 - 6 pm
We will be serving our second Agape meal this month. This community dinner serves to build fellowship among our congregation members and community friends. We are in need of servers and table hosts. Servers will help to get drinks and food to the table. Our table hosts will sit at the tables and engage folks just as if they were in their own home and around their own table with friends. Sign-up online at bit.ly/agape-meal-feb2016 or contact Kim Priddy - kim@fbcgso.org | x295.
Blood Drive
Sunday, February 7 | 12 noon - 4 pm | Gym
Support the Community Blood Center of the Carolinas and give blood! Sign-up online at bit.ly/blood-drive-feb7 or contact Rosemary Kellam to make your appointment - rosemary@fbcgso.org | x225.
Winter at the Y
The Family Shelter at the YWCA is filled to capacity with families needing help. You can help by providing a dinner or much needed supplies. Contact Cookie Hamilton at 676-7213 or Nancy Davis at hamanddave581@gmail.com to reserve a date. Needed Supplies: sandwich meat, cheese slices, juice boxes (100% juice), instant oatmeal or grits, paper products (plates, bowls, dessert plates, plastic cutlery, napkins, paper towels), laundry products (pods for washers), antiseptic wipes. Leave items in the gray container in the Atrium or deliver to the Y on East Wendover.
White Flag Response
Donations and Drivers Needed
Want to be part of this community ministry? You can donate or volunteer at bit.ly/white-flag-response. You can also volunteer and help FBC provide transportation from the IRC to the YWCA. Contact John Thornton if interested in this ministry - john@fbcgso.org | x236.
Souper Bowl Sunday, February 7 After Worship Fellowship Hall
Warm your body and your soul with delicious homemade soups at our Annual Souper Bowl Lunch. The cost for lunch is your donation to the Christian Assistance Fund. All proceeds will benefit those in our community in need of financial assistance. This fund is a vital ministry for our church and our community. The Christian Assistance Fund is funded through designated giving only and in 2015 assisted 193 families and disbursed almost $32,000. Contact: Rosemary Kellam, rosemary@fbcgso.org | x225.
First Baptist Church Greensboro presents Un/Sheltered Lives
Friday, Feb. 26 6:15 pm Meal | 7 pm Play Saturday, Feb. 27 6:15 pm Meal | 7 pm Play Sunday, Feb. 28 12:15 pm Meal | 1 pm Play
“Un/Sheltered Lives” is a one-act play focusing on individuals struggling with homelessness and ways we can support and connect with them. It will be performed in the Fellowship Hall (room 108) and a light meal will be served before the curtain. Tickets - $10/person (meal & play) Online at bit.ly/unsheltered-lives or Main office of FBC Greensboro
Proceeds from the play will be used for the benefit of persons experiencing homelessness in Greensboro. 6 | Connections
Connect with Adults
PrimeTime at FBC – Connecting with our Senior Adults PrimeTime takes place on first Mondays and gives opportunities to our seniors to be challenged in their faith and service while enjoying the fullness of life in their “prime time” years. PrimeTimers also take day trips to interesting places. PrimeTime includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101; 12 pm: Lunch - Cost: $6/person Meal Reservation Deadline: Thursdays before PrimeTime Mondays | Sign up online for lunch: www.fbcgso.org/seniors or contact Marty Kellam: marty@fbcgso.org | x245
Coming PrimeTime Programs:
February 1 | Robert Simons: “Deep Well Giving” Central Area Manager of NC Baptist Foundation Development and Trustor Services
March 7 | Dr. George Fuller: “Discovering Joys in Life” (in Music & Word) Learn more about FBC…
Sunday, February 21 following Worship (includes lunch) | Cafe More info: Jessica Hartman jessica@fbcgso.org - x231
xplore 1st is designed for anyone wanting to learn more about our community of faith. We explore the workings of our church by giving participants the opportunity to have conversation with pastoral staff and leaders. We also explore what we share in common with other congregations and those things which set up apart. If you know someone who might benefit from Explore 1st, let them know of this coming session.
Adult Access Classes Wednesdays | 6:15 pm • Women’s Group (Café) • Pastor’s Round Table (102) • “Being Mortal” (108-C) • Bible Study: Mining the Old Testament for Resurrection Hope (Chapel)
Classes conclude February 3 for special Lenten Services
Life Compass Planning - a Silver Compassion Seminar!
Saturday, March 5 | 9 am - 4 pm | Fellowship Hall
veryone (all ages) is invited to come to the Life Compass Planning seminar. Learn how we can mutually support one another in EVERY STAGE OF LIFE and how we can do this intentionally as families, churches, friends and communities. We don’t have to let the needs of the Second Half of Life, or one of those common life quakes be the occasion for planning. Let’s use the wisdom of those who have come before us, an understanding of aging in America (and we are all aging), the needs in each stage of life, and the resources available to form a Life Plan that will help us all Thrive. (John 10:10) The Life Compass Planning Seminar will give you a complete system for mapping out the Life you choose. The Silver Compassion Team hopes you will come and bring friends to this seminar so they will have these resources too. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to be good stewards of all that has been entrusted to us and our elders deserve to be honored as we glean their wisdom and support them through their transitions. Sign up online at bit.ly/fbc-lifecompass. The cost is $25 and includes lunch and all materials. Several key changes have been made since the last seminar and review will be good for those who have already attended. Coming Soon: Classes targeted at each stage of life. Available on Mondays and Wednesdays. — George and the Silver Compassion Team
Life Compass Planning Seminar
Saturday, March 5 | 9 am - 4 pm $25/person (includes lunch and seminar materials)
Sign-up online: bit.ly/fbc-lifecompass February 2016 | 7
Connect with Children
Coming Up In Children’s Ministry Family Lenten Workshop
Sunday, March 6 | 5-7 pm This workshop is designed for families and their children to help them to understand the significance of Lent and Holy Week. We will begin with dinner and then move to the Children’s Wing for the workshop. There will be different stations that families rotate through and will include interactive prayer experiences, crafts, and other meaningful activities. The cost is $6 per person for dinner and supplies. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. Sign-up at bit.ly/lenten-workshop-2016
Palm Sunday, Brunch, and Egg Hunt | Sunday, March 20
Children will be an important part of this service through a processional, waving palms, singing, and a prayer experience for the congregation. Following worship we will have brunch and a “Resurrection Egg Hunt.” More details to come but mark your calendars so you don’t miss this special Sunday!
Save the date for VBS, July 11-15
Worship Folders Each Sunday morning there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship! 8 | Connections
Pathfinders Class Sunday Morning in February | 9:15 am
Is your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus really looks like? This class is geared toward children who are in elementary school, who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple, and who are contemplating baptism. We will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:1510:15 in the “Green Room” on the Children’s Wing. Please email Christina at christina@fbcgso.org to let her know if your child will be attending.
Moms’ Group | Mondays at 9:30-11 am | Room 319
If you are a mom of a child in elementary school or younger we would love for you to join us. Childcare is provided and great conversation and discovery is guaranteed! Invite a friend and join us! Sign-up at bit.ly/moms-group or contact Christina McCord - christina@fbcgso.org | x241.
First Baptist Church Weekday School
Second Time Around Consignment Sale
March 11 March 12
Friday | 9 am - 7 pm Saturday | 8 am - 1 pm (1/2 Price Day)
he Weekday School’s semi-annual consignment sale features kid’s Spring/Summer clothing & shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers and more! Mom’s Spot is a great place for ladies to consign your like-new clothing, shoes, & accessories! Registration begins February 8 and consignors will earn 60% to 70% of their sales! The remaining profits go to the Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund. There are many opportunities to shop, consign, and volunteer so find out how you can be involved in the Weekday School ministry to our community. www.fbcgso.org/consignment_sale | fbcsecondtimearound@gmail.com
Upward Celebration
Sunday, February 28 | 3 pm | Sanctuary Featuring professional magician, David Lucas
Everyone is invited as we celebrate the end of another great season in our Upward Ministry. We proudly celebrate the kids, youth, and adults who bring this ministry to our community. David Lucas will be our featured entertainer at the Celebration. David’s personality connects with his audiences. An unforgettable moment in a performance was when he stole a wrist watch from a volunteer. Imagine their reaction when David magically produced a gift for the volunteer…their own wrist watch!
Connect with Youth
2016 Valentine Banquet
Youth Missions Fundraiser
Friday, February 12 | 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall
icket cost: $15/person. Tickets are on sale Sundays in the Atrium and Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall through Sunday, February 7. Childcare is available with your reservations only (infants-5th grade). Cost is $5/child. Please feed your child before the event or bring a bagged dinner. School-aged children will come into the Fellowship Hall for the entertainment part of the banquet. This wonderful churchwide fellowship provides an entertaining evening for everyone, but most importantly the proceeds will help our youth share God’s love on their Music & Mission trip this summer!
Unidiversity 2016 | “reFocus” July 18-23 University of Tennessee
Grow in your faith during an incredible week of fun learning about God with friends from churches all over the southeast. Early registration (now thru April 1) is $335/person. After April 1, the cost is $350/person if space is available. A non-refundable $75 deposit reserves your spot for the week. Sign-up online: www.fbcgso.org/youth For more info about Unidiversity: www.unidiversity.org
Youth Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 7 6:15 pm until half-time, Café Youth are invited to watch the Carolina Panthers take on the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl 50! Everybody needs to bring food and drinks to share as we cheer on a favorite team! Boys: Something salty & drink Girls: Something sweet & drink
DiscipleNow Weekend March 18-20
Mark your calendar and sign up for DiscipleNow. We will spend a retreat weekend in area homes with friends laughing, eating and growing closer together. We will also join with youth in churches around Greensboro for worship and missions. Cost: $40/person (includes meals, lodging, Bible study materials, activities, and t-shirt.) Sign-up: www. fbcgso.org/youth February 2016 | 9
Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation
Allen Kopp
Responding to the Invitation
Norma Adams
(January 3) By Letter
(January 17) By Statement
This being my first experience with such a large church, I was made to feel very welcome from my first visit. I’m looking forward to the new opportunities to serve my new church home.
I worship God, hear about a relationship with Jesus Christ, enjoy the fellowship and appreciate choices for Bible Study. I also look forward to serving in the many outreach opportunities that are available.
February Birthdays No FBC Birthdays February 4, 6
1. Bill Crawford, Chris Ripley, Tina Stutts, Catherine Tate 2. Marie Jones, Diffee Lambert, Anna Stephens 3. Janice Grannum, Ernie Ohlson 5. Kent Gilliland, Margaret Petty, Susan Steelman 7. Phil Hix, Norene Hunt, Art Shackelford 8. Quint Bradford, Jimmy Ennis, Raina Gould, Bill Johnson, Ben Miller, Cecil Mills, Rachel Perry, Lollis Reynolds 9. Vivian Rallings 10. Tom Gurley, Jan Hill, Paige Kalish, Ann Pember, Natalie Smith 11. Chris Carter, Ruth Ivey 12. Tommy Vancil 13. Alex Hauselman, Freda Rushton, Gina Waters 14. Claudia Tutterow 15. Stuart Allen 16. Marty Kellam, JJ Moore, Benjamin Walters 17. Clay Gooding, Cliff Lowery 10 | Connections
Keep us Updated!
f you have had any changes to any contact information: phone, email, and address please let us know. If your children move, get married, go to college or graduate - - we need to know that too! Send all updates and changes to Rosemary Kellam in the main office at rosemary@fbcgso.org or 274-3286, x225. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/ password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go to www.fbcgso.org to get started!
Bereaved 18. Joyce English, Leroy Hartgrove, Cheryl Kaufman, Emily Skenes, Elsa Troxler 19. Cooper Harrell, Lynn Huneycutt 20. Ward Burch, D.B. Cobb, Arlene McCraw, Mark Messick 21. Don Atkinson, Virginia Royal, Wesley Thacker 22. Frank Irvin, Brenda Porterfield, Jack Sherouse 23. Elizabeth Eagle, Kyleigh Pegram, Caleb Wilson 24. Susan Bowers, Emily Golden 25. Courtney Frost 26. Christian Adkins, William Hardy, John Pearce, Kevin Pegram, Ann Webb, Dixie Wimberley 27. Becky Mungo, Bettie Johnson 28. Michael Carpenter, Lindsay Hill 29. David Culclasure
• Bill Lowe in the loss of his wife, Sharyn, on December 23 • Loved ones of Donna Forrester, former FBC Youth Minister, on December 31 • Ansel Boiter, Jr. in the loss of his mother, Mary Carter, on January 5 • Ruth Howerton in the loss of her brother-in-law, R.L. Maxwell, on January 8 • Loved ones of Burr Hutchison, on January 8 • Loved ones of April Clodfelter, on January 11 • John Hardy, Sr. in the loss of his wife, and John Hardy, Jr., Jim Hardy, and family in the loss of their stepmother, Doris Hardy, on January 13 • Family of Mary Ruth Apple, on January 20 • Loved ones of Cliff Normandy, on January 23
College Birthdays
Courtney Frost | ECU February 25 1924 Exchange Drive, Apt. 1231A Greenville, NC 27858 frostc12@students.ecu.edu
David Culclasure | NCSU February 29 125-D Hunt Club Lane Raleigh, NC 27606 david.culclasure@gmail.com
•1 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am •2 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •2 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •3 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm •3, 10, 17, 24 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 5:30 pm (serving begins 5 pm) 13, 20, 27 (Sa): Upward Games. Gym, 8:30 am •6,6 (Sa): “How Romantic!” Concert. Chapel, 4 pm •7 (Su): Souper Bowl. 108-C, 12 noon • •7 (Su): Blood Drive. Gym, 12-4 pm •Adults •7 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •All Ages •7 (Su): Youth Super Bowl Party. Café, 6:15 pm •Children •8 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •Seniors •9 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •Weekday •9 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am School (W): Ash Wednesday Service. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •10 •Worship •12 (F): Valentine Banquet. 108, 6:30 pm •Youth (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •14 (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •14 •17 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm 17, 24 (W): Mid-Week Vespers Service. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •20 • (Sa): Upward Skate Night. Gym/Cafe, 6-8 pm •21 (Su): Agape Meal. 108-C, 4 pm •23 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •23 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •26 (F): “Un/Sheltered Lives” Dinner & Play. 108, (6:15 pm Dinner & 7 pm Play) •27 (Sa): “Un/Sheltered Lives” Dinner & Play. 108, (6:15 pm Dinner & 7 pm Play) •28 (Su): “Un/Sheltered Lives” Dinner & Play. 108, (12:15 pm Lunch & 1 pm Play) •28 (Su): Upward Celebration. Sanctuary, 3 pm Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Bible Study - 9:15 am •Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
•Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/ Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311
Fellowship Meal - 5-6:15 pm Reservations - due Mon. 12 pm;
Cancellations due Tues. 12 pm. Online at www.fbcgso.org/ fellowshipmeal OR Marty Kellam -x245 or marty@fbcgso.org
•Kids’ Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm (current classes conclude on Feb. 3) •Divorce Rebuildling - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
Fellowship Meals Wed: 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm)
3: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans | Kids: PB&J 10: Ash Wednesday – PANCAKE COOKOFF “Breakfast for Dinner” 17: Fried Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw | Kids: Fish Stix 24: Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Pinto Beans, Steamed Broccoli Florets Kids: Chicken Leg
FBC’s Winter Weather Policy… What you need to know: In all cases, we encourage our church members to use their best judgment and exercise caution when deciding whether or not to travel to church during winter weather. Any decision to change our normal schedule is made by the Pastor in consultation with other ministers and church leaders. When considering change, we utilize the following guidelines. If no change is posted, the schedule will continue as normal. Sunday Morning – Given the centrality of our corporate worship, we hardly ever close, and only in cases of the most severe weather. Any change to the church schedule will be posted on the church website, the church Facebook page, and to local news by 7 am on Sunday morning. Wednesdays and Weekdays – We rarely close, and do not directly follow the Guilford County Schools schedule. Any change to the schedule will be posted to the church website and local news by noon by Wednesday whenever possible. February 2016 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Connect with Business February Community Lunch followed by Church Conference - Sunday, February 14
Committee on Committees Taking Nominations
t is time for us to consider who we will nominate to serve in key leadership positions for our church in the coming year. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Finance Committee, Treasurer, Moderator as well as other standing committees. You are encouraged to submit your own name for any position for which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected. Nominations are due by Friday, February 12. Forms are available on information boars at the church or submit nominations online at bit.ly/COC-2016. Committee on Committee members: Gayle Adams, Chris Carter, Carolyn Clontz, Kristie Ellis, Jim Frost, Dan Kennedy (chair), Laura Lomax, Deanna Pegram (vice chair), Kathy Sample, Robb Wells, Melinda Woods, and Luther Yaun.
January Church Conference Summary The Church Conference took place Sunday, January 10, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following motion was presented by Richard Wiley, Chair of the Finance Committee and approved by the congregation. Motion: On behalf of the Endowment Trust Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $2,000 ($1,000 for each of two semesters) from the Randall Lolley Endowment Fund be approved in support of the theological education of Steve Cothran.
2015 Year End Financial Update:
At the time of newsletter publication, preliminary year-end results included: December 2015 offerings: $268,541, an increase compared to December 2014 of $260,194. 2015 Offerings: $1,708,167, an increase compared to 2014 of $1,703,080. While the annual offerings did not reach our budget goal of $1,758,000, we are encouraged by these numbers and the strong close to 2015, especially given that this was not a great year for the stock market, and this has negatively affected some of our peer institutions. To hold a relatively flat budget sets us up for a promising 2016, in which we anticipate more growth and opportunity for the church, and will be working to further our education and emphasis on generosity in the congregation.