JANUARY 2016 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
Youth Choir Fundraiser Lunch January 10 12 noon
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
BASKETBALL CHEERLEADING 2015-2016 Season begins January 9
www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
February Connections Deadline: January 15 Email news to kelly@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director kelly@fbcgso.org / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / stevec@fbcgso.org / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator jessica@fbcgso.org / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions kim@fbcgso.org / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident john@fbcgso.org / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 2 | Connections
January 2016 3 Window Gazing 4-5 Connect with Adults
–Being Mortal - Community Book Study –ACCESS Offerings –Memory’s Dying Dream Photo Art Exhibit –A Silver Compassion New Year –A Gathering Community Winter Study
6 Connect with Homebound
–Homebound Ministry’s New Look
Connect with Music
–”How Romantic” Concert at FBC
Connect with Business
–December 2015 Church Conference –November 2015 Financials –Check Out Opportunities to Give Online
7 Connect with Youth & College
8 Connect with Missions
9 Connect with Children
–Youth Choir Fundraiser Lunch –Valentine Banquet –College Birthdays
–White Flag Alert –Scarves4Warmth Project –Operation Christmas Child Update
–Advent Gifts of Preparation –Pathfinders Class –Moms’ Group –Upward Season Begins January 9
10-11 Connect with One Another
–New Members: Responding to the Invitation –Welcome New Baby - John Shepard Hayes –January Birthdays –Bereaved –January Calendar –Weekday School Harris Teeter Vic Card –PrimeTime
12 Connect with the Residency Program
–Looking Ahead | John Thornton –FBC Invited to Participate in New Pastoral Residency School Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing By Alan Sherouse
n the New Year, I want to do more window gazing. When you catch yourself doing it, it can feel like an absentminded pursuit or a momentary lapse in focus. But window gazing – opening your eyes to the long, wide view – can also be one of the most purposeful and faithful practices in which we can engage. Some of you might remember that in my first sermon – as candidate for the pastorate of First Baptist on July 28, 2013 – I suggested that the windows of our church could be our central symbol, reminding us of how we are seeking to be open to the Spirit of God. When Jesus returns to his disciples in the Gospel of John, he finds that their doors (and windows) are locked in fear from all they had seen and all they can imagine about what the future holds. However, as the Spirit comes in Acts 2, it’s a very different scene. They’re expectant. They’re open. Within moments, they’re rushing out into the streets. Instead of locked inside, they seem to be leaning out the doorways and pressing against the windowpanes to see when the Spirit that Jesus promised will come and what it will bring. In that first sermon I said, “I think our response to the Spirit of God, as a church, has a lot to do with windows in the end... Might our windows become, for us, a symbol of a church that doesn’t crouch or cower, doesn’t lock or restrain, but opens itself to the Spirit of God?” The window remains a powerful symbol for us. You’ve started to see it appear in our church communication. In the New Year, you’ll notice the symbol more prominently in our messaging. You’ll see it on a new website. And it will be used even more as a new First Baptist logo. The logo design, developed with a company called Onward Strategy in Nashville, TN, was inspired by a specific window at First Baptist. We’ve passed it so many times before that perhaps we don’t notice it as regularly. It’s the window that is hung over our
Sanctuary entrance, facing Friendly Avenue, where for decades it has welcomed the light into our central space. Symbolically, it is the way by which we enter and exit our house of worship. And with both movements – inside and outside – we experience the Spirit of God. If we gaze in that window, we see a church that is active and growing, with a distinct blend of strong heritage and emerging opportunities. We see a congregation that is seeking to be ever more open and expectant toward the future, toward one another, and toward the Spirit that rushed down our streets and into our lives. And when we gaze out that window, we see a wide world where God is at work, in part through the community of First Baptist, calling us out to see the world as God sees it, love it as Christ loves it, and experience the Spirit at work through it all. This year, I want to do more gazing in and out of that window. In fact, my pastor’s column will have a new title – “Window Gazing” – as I seek to share some of what I see as I take the long view, and invite you to share with me the same. I still think our response to the Spirit has a lot to do with windows. And I’m grateful to be Pastor of a church that works to resist that impulse – which all disciples have – to crouch or cower, and instead seeks to experience the Spirit of the One who still comes to those pressed against the glass and gazing through the window. January 2016 | 3
Connect with Adult Access
Access Offerings in January begin Wednesday, January 6 at 6:15 pm
(All Access class descriptions are on these facing pages)
“Being Mortal” by Dr. Atul Gawande: A Community Book Study Event
ur “Being Mortal” book study is generating great interest in the community. Because of the popularity of the book, and because book clubs in the Greensboro area are discussing it, our 5-week study is finding resonance that shall benefit many people. Silver Compassion’s Dr. George Fuller and physician, Dr. Laura Lomax will be our primary presenters and process facilitators. These sessions will be conducted in room 108-C and will run through February 3. The following is an outline of the study:
• Jan 6: Introduction of the book and general small group and plenary group conversation about the impact the book is having in our culture and in our individual lives. • Jan. 13: The “Frontline” PBS documentary, “Being Mortal” will be viewed and discussed. • Jan. 20: A panel consisting of a Hospice practitioner, physicians, a pastor and ethicist, will discuss the scope of the book from various perspectives. • Jan. 27: The second small group and plenary group discussion of the book focusing on the latter parts of the book. • Feb. 3: A time for participants to share their narratives and an opportunity for participants to prepare Healthcare Power of Attorney and Advance Directives documents. In addition, Rev. Eric Raddatz will be hosting his photography exhibit, “Memory’s Dying Dream: Words and Images of a Mother’s Passing.” (See article below.) (Note: The deeply moving photo exhibit, “Memory’s Dying Dream: Words and Images of a Mother’s Passing” will be open for public viewing at our church during the first week of February. Exact times and location TBA. The exhibition will be the capstone of the “Being Mortal” book event, and is open to everyone. The following reflection by Rev. Raddatz will provide the artist’s view of the exhibit’s origin and meaning.)
Memory’s Dying Dream: Words and Images of a Mother’s Passing By Rev. Eric Raddatz
have found as a Hospice Chaplain for more than twelve years, death and dying remains something to which I can never become accustomed. At times it can be very difficult and troubling to observe and engage; at other times, it is an experience filled with blessing and grace. Each family’s emotions and dynamics are integrated into the fabric of the life passing. Their history, good and bad, can define the moments shared and lived in these last days. In this personal walk of faith and doubt I came to my Mother’s passing not knowing the how or the why of my reactions. As a son and also acting as caregiver with my sister, I soon realized that everything I thought I knew was lost in the emotions felt. My Mother was and is a very real part of my life and history. Her dying struggle and death defined in me a loss I never thought or believed I would live out even to this day. As an artist I discovered a need to express the multiple dimensions of loss that I was experiencing and in as many ways to hide from them. Stepping out of my comfort zone I chose to capture the images as I lived them: close, intimate and personal. With my cell phone camera I began to record the last 10 days of my Mother’s life. Sensing that the photographs would never fully define the pain deep and troubling I chose to add my thoughts, fears and love in the words written by hand, these scratching’s adding to the intimacy I was seeking. It was then that I found the whole of the life and death captured came to live in its own way, giving a life and meaning to the emptiness left behind. When sharing these moments, written and photographed, I found that many individuals, both friends and strangers, had lived the same pain and loss, though the details differed in many ways. Each wanted to tell their story, to share their feelings, to express their hope, the found blessing, and that time and faith had eased the suffering. Their tales of the loss held so quietly hidden in their hearts and souls, seldom shared, grew in me a need to bring a larger sense of community to my mother’s passing and my own story lived. My IPhone video camera in hand, I urged each to step out of their comfort zone, to share their memories of love and loss, the blessing, and the grief still within. My greatest hope is that the viewer will discover the blessing that I and my friends lived: that blessing and grief live together as one; and that death can give life.
4 | Connections
Connect with Adult Access Bible Study: Mining the Old Testament for Resurrection Hope | Chapel – Is our Christian hope for life in the hereafter based entirely upon the teachings of the New Testament? Or are there indications throughout the Bible? This study will explore major components of the Old Testament for evidence of an emerging conviction about life after death. We will investigate the Pentateuch (“the Law”) and the Prophets, plus the Psalms and other “wisdom literature” such as Job. Steve Pressley will teach the study, which will continue through February 3. The Pastor’s Roundtable | 102 – This weekly discussion-based Bible Study will be facilitated by one of our
pastors and focused on the weekly scripture passages in our sermon and worship service. We call it a table, because we seek to learn through dialogue and discussion. We call it round, because all seats are equidistant from the center and all voices are welcome.
Women’s Group | Café – Kick off the New Year right by fulfilling that resolution with yoga and meditation for all levels and experience. Our very own fitness instructor, Kim Bolton, will lead us each week in a time of centering our mind, body and spirit. Feel free to invite a friend!
Connect with Adults
A Silver Compassion New Year! By Dr. George Fuller
reetings FBC Friends! I am grateful for you beyond words. Please do not miss the magnitude of good that you all do through your many ministries. You are not only influential in your community and servants of God’s world, you are a laboratory of how multiple generations can learn and love and serve together in Christ’s calling. I’ve been in ministry 37 years and at 57 years old have four grandchildren who invite me to love the world that we will give them. You are precious to the work of God’s Kingdom! The Silver Compassion team invites adults of every age to learn to Thrive while we live in and into the Second Half of Life. As spiritual pilgrims, we know that life has a two movements. Jesus was a carpenter before John lifted Him out of the water’s of the Jordan river and He began to live as our model of fully mature, Word made flesh, potential. We can each seek the Lord and become clear on our Life Compass (Person, People, Place). We can see how to be faithful to the Person God helps us become, the People God gives us to love, in the Place God calls us. The Life Compass Protocol, you helped develop, will help us all become informed, wise and able to make plans that will support the lives we choose. We will begin the year looking at “Being Mortal”, an important book at this time in our history. Then we will have a day where we can learn the Life Compass Protocol on February 20. Throughout the entire year, we will offer classes and support so we can each choose to make plans and put them in place in ways that are appropriate to our lives. Grace will hold us and hope will call us to Thrive. We can only Thrive together. Our world has become more complex than ever and we need to rebuild the fabric of community that will support us in every stage of life. The Church, and this church in particular, will lead the way! It is our shared mission, in small ways at first, to show the world how to Thrive in the Second Half of Life. They’re waiting to see a Way that has a Truth that produces Life. We are up for it! Christ is in us! With Gratitude.
“A Gathering Community” Winter Study
estselling author Tullian Tchividjian is convinced our exhausted world needs a fresh encounter with God’s inexhaustible grace—His one-way love. Sadly, however, Christianity is perceived as being a vehicle for good behavior and clean living—and the judgments that result from them—rather than the only recourse for those who have failed over and over and over again. Tchividjian convincingly shows that Christianity is not about good people getting better. If anything, it is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. “One Way Love” calls the church back to the heart of the Christian faith—grace. It is time for us to abandon our play-it-safe religion, and to get drunk on grace. Two hundred-proof, unflinching grace. It’s shocking and scary, unnatural and undomesticated…but it is also the only thing that can set us free and light the church—and the world – on fire. This 10 week discussion using the book “One Way Love” will begin on Sunday, January 10. The book will be available in room 112 on January 3. For more information, contact Joe Garcia: garc200@triad.rr.com - 854-1662. January 2016 | 5
Connect with Homebound Ministry
Connect with Music
Homebound Ministry’s New Look By Steve Pressley
ith the departure in 2015 of Kate Kitchen and her interim successor Brenda Porterfield, First Baptist will begin to approach homebound ministry in a new and multi-dimensional way. Pastor Sherouse and the Personnel Committee have invited me to incorporate the oversight of the ministry into my Associate Pastoral job description, which will henceforth include pastoral care, senior adult and homebound ministry, bereavement ministry, Bible teaching, and Christian counsel. When church deacons gathered for their November meeting, deacon chair Jennifer Hall named several new task groups, one of which will focus upon homebound ministry. It was timely for Jenny to be thinking about the homebound. The new ministry approach will benefit from deacon involvement in the establishment of a comprehensive, sustainable communion ministry to this hugely important population. During their conversation the deacon task force advanced the following suggestion, which will be reviewed by the larger deacon body: let every deacon adopt one or more homebound members, maintain periodic communication with these persons, and assume (where necessary) the responsibility of serving the Lord’s Supper to them. Supporting deacon efforts would be the efforts of church staff ministers. These visits will incorporate (as they are available) current members of the church staff, and especially our “intern” (e.g. Patrick Cardwell) and “resident” (e.g. John Thornton) staff ministers. Brenda Porterfield said recently that she thinks the idea of instituting more regular contact between church staff and the homebound is a good one, and that she senses that it will be well-received by our homebound population!
How Romantic! Concert of Love-themed music from Classics to Contemporary
Presented by Cellist Lauren Shriver and Friends
Saturday, February 6 4 pm | Chapel
Connect with Business December Church Conference Summary
November 2015 Financial Results
The monthly Church Conference took place on Year-To-Date Budget Sunday, December 13, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. Motion 1 was Actual presented by Pat Wilson, Chair of the Missions Committee Receipts $1,439,627 and Motion 2 was presented by Richard Wiley, Chair and Disbursements $1,582,875 Charlie Adams, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee. Differential $ (143,248) Both motions were approved by the congregation.
Receipts/Distributions Budget Last Year $1,511,762 $1,442,885 $1,602,036 $1,634,750 $ (90,274) $ (191,865)
Motion 1: On behalf of the Missions Committee, I move that an amount of $2,500 be approved to support the work with Avant Ministries of Kameren Dalton and her family, funds to come from the Great Commission Fund. (Ms. Dalton is the daughter of Dr. Cliff and Carolyn Lowery and will be based in Italy.) Motion 2: On behalf of the Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that the Budget for the year 2016 in the total amount of $2,001,555 be approved. A copy of the budget is available in the church office.
Start Out the New Year & Check Out Opportunities to Give Online! Online Giving: The church website offers a safe convenient way for you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift from your checking account or with your debit or credit card. Find out more: www.fbcgso.org/give_to_fbc Automatic Bank Pay: Another easy and effective way to give online is by using your bank’s online billpay system. Simply follow the bank’s instructions to set up First Baptist Church as a new payee. Most banks do not charge a fee for this service. Their system will send a check from your account to FBC according to your instructions. 6 | Connections
Connect with Youth & College
College Birthdays: Joe Wooten | 1/13
UNCSA Mailbox 694, 1533 S. Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27127-2188 jwooten3@artist.uncsa.edu
Lydia Lewis | 1/21
2016 Valentine Banquet
Youth Missions Fundraiser
Friday, February 12 | 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Tickets are $15/person and will be on sale in the Atrium starting Sunday, January 17 and also on Wednesdays, starting January 20. The last day to buy tickets will be Sunday, February 7. Childcare is available with your reservations only (infants-5th grade). Cost is $5/child. This wonderful churchwide fellowship provides an entertaining evening for everyone, but most importantly the proceeds will help our youth share God’s love on their Music & Mission trip this summer!
69 East 14th Avenue, Apt 2B Columbus, OH 43201 lewis.1776@buckeyemail.osu.edu
RuthAnn Hardy | 1/24
Tyler Hall Room 105 East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 hardyr15@students.ecu.edu
FREE Wednesday Dinner for all College Students 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm until 6:15 pm) | Fellowship Hall
Make reservations for your meal Due Tuesday 12 pm - 274-3286, x245 or www.fbcgso.org/fellowshipmeal
Help raise funds for the Youth Choir Mission Trip to Philadelphia
Youth Choir Fundraiser Lunch Sunday, January 10 | 12 noon | 108 followed by the Church Conference Youth will work at the lunch to raise funds for their mission trip this summer.
January 2016 | 7
Connect with Missions
White Flag Alert
by Kim Priddy
s I was thinking about what to include in the New Year from Missions, I turned back to last year’s newsletter. There was a big spread on information about the Winter Emergency Shelter for women that we were running in the Wendover Avenue YWCA. This year is a little different. The YWCA is now helping to serve families (which is very much needed in our community). This winter will be a little different for us. After considering our space, as well as other locations, we came to the conclusion that we could not offer a large enough space to serve more than six or seven women. It was decided that we should take time to discern the best way to continue to help those experiencing homeless during the winter season. FBC was invited to the table along with other community agencies to help plan for our most vulnerable during extreme cold weather. The Interactive Resource Center, Greensboro Urban Ministry and YWCA came to the table to layout steps to take care of about 90 to 110 folks in our area who are living outdoors. This is above the almost 200 folks and families currently residing in shelters and winter extension shelters. When the temperature feels like 25 degrees for longer than two hours then warming stations will be opened. The intention of the warming stations is to keep people alive and safe. Space will be provided for tables, chairs, snacks and water. A white flag will be placed in front of the IRC and word will be shared among social media that people need to come inside. Folks will come to the IRC and then from there be sent out to warming stations (YWCA and GUM). There is still need for one more space that can accommodate people with legal restrictions on where they can stay (prayers needed). FBC will participate by offering financial, transportation, and volunteer resources. Last year we had 29 nights of extreme cold and doors opened. It was a honor for me to represent our church and to be with other community leaders who care for those who are most vulnerable during the winter months. Collaboration and understanding of our resources and needs made this a powerful time of planning. If you want to know more or are interested in volunteering please email me: kim@fbcgso.org.
Scarves4Warmth Project
Interest Meeting | Tuesday, January 5 | 2 pm
ome one, Come all! On January 5 our church will meet to discuss dates for the Scarves4Warmth project at FBC. Our community will come together to hand make scarves for those experiencing “Homelessness in Our Community - Changing Hearts & Lives one Scarf at a Time.” We will need help with cutting, sewing and donations of goods. Beth Shaffer is helping to coordinate this project. Contact Beth via email at scotia1314@gmail.com to find out how you can participate.
8 | Connections
Operation Christmas Child Update Thank you for filling 538 shoeboxes to send to children all over the world to share the love of Jesus. Thanks to Circle 3 for filling 140 boxes and we need to keep praying for the children and the people delivering those boxes. Thank You FBC!!
Connect with Children
Advent Gifts of Preparation By Christina McCord
ast month on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, our children led us in a worship service that was based around the theme “PREPARE”. One element of the service involved the children bringing gifts of wipes, diapers, blankets, and other necessities to help expectant moms PREPARE for their newborns. Prior to the service we did not have a location to donate these items. However, the evening after the worship service I received a message that there were two refugee women who were expecting any day and they were in great need of items to care for their new babies. Look at God! Our gifts found their home and our hope and prayer is that these women feel the presence of God and know that these items were given in love.
Pathfinders Class will begin in February
s your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus really looks like? Be on the lookout for more information about this class that is geared toward children who are in elementary school who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple of Christ and who are contemplating baptism. It will likely be a 4-week series that will take place on Sunday afternoons during lunch.
Moms’ Group
e will resume our Monday morning gatherings starting on January 25 from 9:3011:00 am. If you are a mom of a child in elementary school or younger we’d love for you to join us. Childcare is provided and great conversation and discovery is guaranteed!
Weekday School Raises Over $4k at Via Scholarship Soup Lunch
inny Carpenter, Weekday School Director, shared, “God’s gifts and presence were felt at First Baptist Church as the Weekday School Via Scholarship Soup lunch was a huge success! In a year when the scholarship is pressed to meet commitments, we raised twice as much money as we have ever raised for this event. God is Good!” Thank you for providing financial assistance to families so their children can attend our Weekday School. The Via Scholarship Fund is not an endowment and relies on funding from sources such as donations, the Consignment Sale, and the Soup Lunch to meet the growing need for assistance. Online donations to the fund, or to the general church budget that supports the Weekday School, can be made at www.fbcgso.org/give_to_fbc .
Upward Games begin Saturday, January 9
ou are invited to be a part of Upward at FBC. People are needed to be greeters, serve in the Café, help keep the Gym/Café tidy during games, sit in the stands and talk with visitors, and be in prayer for the Upward season. Join us Saturdays from 8:45 am until 2 pm in the Gym/Café. For more info: Tommy Starnes, Upward Director - tstarnes@triad.rr.com - 274-3286, x251.
January 2016 | 9
Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation
Ralph and Carolyn Gilliland (November 22) By Statement
Rudina Tahiri
(November 22) By Statement
Welcome New Baby!
January Birthdays
Brandon Walters
(November 22) By Statement
John Shepard Hayes
Born: November 27 Parents: Lane and Izzy Hayes
No FBC Birthdays January 1, 4, 12, 22
2. Henry Flannagan 3. David Rowe 5. Gracie Ellis, Billy Hedgepeth, Esther Mathews, Grant Petitt, Norma Tutterow 6. Hanna Griffin, Clifton Rainey 7. Wanda Bell, Laura Wall 8. Kate Messick 9. Robert Eagle, Daniel Perry, Betty Sharp, Carter Waban, William Woodall 10. Danny Barlow 11. Mary Delany, Gertrude Royal, Patsy Wiggins 13. Lynn Tutterow, Joe Wooten 14. Nancy Cothran, Bill Lowe, Suzanne Walke 15. Caroline Austin, Elise Berkley, Frances Bolen 16. Phyllis Anderson, Drew Cornett, Aaron Holmes, Grayson Smith 17. Jim Plyler, Tom Smith 18. Phyllis Conway, Henry Ellis, Dale Singley 19. Joshua Knight, Dick Oberhholtzer 10 | Connections
Jamie Powell
(November 22) By Statement
20. Angie Glisson, John Hardy, Kathryn Hewitt, Trisha Hooper 21. Lee Blakely, Elizabeth Bolton, Linda Denmark, Lydia Lewis, Laura Lomax, Anna McLeod, Noah Woodell 23. Randy Bowers, Dan McCormick, Donna Miller, Lynda Grace Moore, Becky Starnes 24. Sally Alexander, Carolyn Ellis, RuthAnn Hardy, Bea Joyner, Sara Pannell 25. Betty Campbell, Peggy Cheek, Sam Johnson 26. Carolyn Boyd, Anita Philpott, Pat Wilson 27. Ed Morrah, Marie Sumerel, Mark Yaun 28. Margaret Lafevers, Pat Stockard 29. Cindi Dorman, Rick Riddleberger, Jim Skidmore 30. Tony Petitt 31. Bob Connell, Launi Evenson, Dawn Gilmore, Tom Petty, Kim Priddy, Amy Smith, Ceil Sue
Jamie and David Stone
(November 22) By Statement
Jill and Brey Curtis
(December 6) By Statement
Bereaved • Launi Evenson in the loss of her friend, Lisa Kotterer, on Nov. 9 • Lynne Greene in the loss of her aunt, Hazel “Hazie” Hatchett, on Nov. 23 • Loved ones of Helen Cain, on Nov. 23 • Mark Brainerd and family in the loss of their son, Timothy, on Nov. 26 • Clyde Mitchell and Earl Mitchell in the loss of their brother, Ed Mitchell, on Nov. 30 • Hulda Arant in the loss of her brother, Robert Cochran, on Dec. 1 • Valerie Sutton in the loss of her mother, Esther Hutcherson, on Dec. 1 • Susan Bennett in the loss of her grandmother, Pearl Elliott, on Dec. 2 • Jim Skidmore in the loss of his sister, Kay Baker, on Dec. 5 • The family of Georgia Godwin, friend of Jamie Stone, on Dec. 10 • The family of Kristy Bryan, friend of Lauren Parrish, on Dec.11
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Study - 9:15 am •Bible - 10:30 am •Worship •Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19.1)
FBC offices closed for New Year’s Day. •13 (F): • (Su): Youth Parent Council Meeting. 216, 8:15 am •3 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •4, 11, 18, 25 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am •4 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •5 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •5 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •6 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm •6, 13, 20, 27 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 5:30 pm (serving begins 5 pm) 23, 30 (Sa): Upward Games. Gym, 8:45 am •9,1016, StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •10 (Su): (Su): Youth Choir Mission Trip Fundraising Lunch & Church Conference. • 108, 11:45 am •Adults •12 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •All Ages •12 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •Children •13 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm (M): FBC offices closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. •Seniors •18 Weekday •20 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm • School •26 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm Worship • •26 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •Youth •29 (F) - 31 (Su): Youth Ski Retreat. Wintergreen, WV
Link Your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the Weekday School Look for “purple sheets” outside the Weekday School Office to tell you about linking your HT VIC card. Just turn the card in with your and we will link your card for you. Every card linked to the Weekday School (#8564) contributes to our Via Scholarship fund.
• • • • •
Sunday PM @FBC
Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/ Sanctuary Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 Adult Bells - 6 pm Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311
Fellowship Meal - 5-6:15 pm Reservations - due Mon. 12 pm;
Cancellations due Tues. 12 pm. Online at www.fbcgso.org/ fellowshipmeal OR Marty Kellam -x245 or marty@fbcgso.org
•Kids’ Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Divorce Rebuildling - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311 Fellowship Meals Wednesdays: 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm)
6: Roasted Pork Loin, Stewed Apples, Mac & Cheese Kids: Corn Dog 13: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Spinach Casserole Kids: Chicken Fingers 20: Roast Beef, Carrot Soufflé, Broccoli Casserole, Kids: Mini Burger 27: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Kids: Fish Stix
Coming Up:
PrimeTime | Monday, February 1
Robert Simons: “Deep Well Giving” Central Area Manager NC Baptist Foundation Development and Trustor Services
Reservation Deadline: January 28 | Sign up online for lunch: www.fbcgso.org/seniors or contact Marty Kellam: marty@fbcgso.org | x245 PrimeTime@FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101; 12 pm: Lunch - Cost: $6/person January 2016 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Connect with the Residency Program
Looking Ahead By John Thornton
fter having spent my first two months shadowing each of the pastoral staff at First Baptist, the following projects have emerged for me to work on in the remaining time I have here as Pastoral Resident. These will be in addition to the general ministerial staff duties I have already engaged in such as worship planning and leading, visits to the homebound, and the attendance and participation in various counsels and meetings with the congregation. My first area of focus will be ministry to our growing membership of people under 40 years old. Second, I will focus on ways our church can offer hospitality to all people, making certain that anyone who walks through the doors of First Baptist knows that they are loved and desired by God because they are loved and desired by us. Lastly, I will work closely with Kim Priddy, our missions pastor, to further develop our missions efforts with a particular focus upon our work in the local community. My time here as resident has been wonderful so far, and I look forward to the ways God will use my gifts and the gifts of this congregation for the furthering of the Kingdom here.
First Baptist Invited to Participate in New “Pastoral Residency School”
n recognition of the potential of its new Pastoral Residency program, First Baptist Greensboro is among a select group of congregations invited to participate in a new program called the “Pastoral Residency School.” Hosted by Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, the program is sponsored by the Pastoral Excellence Network, which seeks “to create and foster a network of organizations committed to encouraging and supporting excellence in pastoral ministry.” A group of 5 from First Baptist will travel to Dallas mid-January to learn best practices and plan for the future. Facilitators for the program will be representatives from the two most-established Residencies in the country at Wilshire Baptist and Second Presbyterian in Indianapolis. The program also helps us in planning our program funding for the future of the program. As we look toward funding possibilities, we are happy to report we have received some generous recent donations toward the Pastoral Residency. If you are interested in giving an honorary or memorial gift to help fund the future of the Pastoral Residency, you can indicate that in the memo line of checks or in a message in online donations.