Big canola crop
Crushers and exporters happy » PAGE 23
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CWB unveils plan to raise new equity CWB says it will develop a network of grain handling assets (elevators) across Western Canada By Allan Dawson staff / winnipeg
estern Canadian farmers will get $5 of equity in a privatized CWB for every tonne sold to the CWB this crop year. The offer was recently posted on CWB’s website, Gord Flaten, CWB’s vice-president for grain procurement, said in an interview. Details were issued to grain companies Sept. 19 and information is also being sent directly to farmers. “This is a unique way for farmers to own a piece of the value chain,” Flaten said. “Farmers do not have to write a cheque to pay for the opportunity. It really is cost-free for the farmers who are going to own that equity. I think that’s an attractive part of the plan.” Flaten said the privatized CWB will develop “a network of grain handling assets (elevators) across Western Canada,” but the structure of the new company will be announced later. “The concept is that farmers would own a piece of the company,” Flaten said. “We expect them to be a minority owners, but they would own an important portion of it. “The farmer-ownership piece is something we decided really needs to be rolled out operationally
see CWB } page 7
The Waldron Ranch stretches along the eastern slopes of the Rockies and supports both wildlife and 11,000 head of cattle. Photo: Kyle Marquardt
Historic conservation agreement reached for Waldron ranch Largest conservation agreement in Canadian history protects nearly 31,000 acres from cultivation, subdivision and development By Jennifer Blair af staff / red deer
piece of Alberta’s prime grazing lands may be preserved forever thanks to a historic conservation agreement between the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Waldron Grazing Co-operative. Once finalized, the agreement will allow the conservancy to purchase a conserva-
tion easement for $37.5 million from the co-op, protecting nearly 31,000 acres from cultivation, subdivision, and development. It’s the largest conservation agreement in Canadian history. “As a conservation organization, we try to conserve places that have high conservation value,” said Larry Simpson, the conservancy’s associate regional vicepresident. “The Waldron certainly fits that description.” The Waldron is in an area known as
the Last Five Miles, a small ecosystem stretching along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains that supports both wildlife and the 11,000 head of cattle that graze there. Through the agreement with the Waldron Grazing Co-operative, the conservancy hopes to preserve the last remaining stand of the Northern Great Plains from further development.
see WALDRON } page 6
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