A contract in decline?
In the land of giants Roland weighs in
» Page 30
Debating canola futures
» Page 33
october 10, 2013
‘Who’s your trapper?’ asks MTA director Trappers and landowners can work together for mutual benefit, says MTA director By Daniel Winters co-operator staff / Rossburn
rban foodies are being encouraged to get to know their farmer in order to forge direct links with their food supply. But to avoid feeding coyotes instead of customers, ranchers and shepherds should get to know their local trapper, said Neil Brandstrom, a Manitoba Trappers Association director from Eriksdale. “We need you to talk to us PHOTO: JEANNETTE GREAVES
See TRAPPER on page 7 »
Canola crop makes its 2015 target ahead of schedule Ideal conditions in much of the country has led to a bumper canola crop and pushed the Canola Council of Canada past its 2015 goal years ahead of schedule
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co-operator staff
anola industry officials were celebrating a milestone last week as harvest reports put this year’s production over 15 million tonnes two years ahead of their 2015 target. Early predictions point to a recordbreaking canola and wheat harvests across the country this fall, including in Manitoba. But the weather will need to hold out to get it all in the bin. Much of that canola is still in the swath,
but observers say farmers are making good progress. “I’m still very optimistic that we’re going to get the canola off the field,” said Angela Brackenreed, a Manitoba-based agronomist with the Canola Council of Canada. “We had about two weeks of rainy weather that wasn’t conducive to getting the crop off, and that definitely stalled things... but it looks like we’re going to have some nice weather for the rest of the week, and things are looking positive,” she said.
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Anastasia Kubinec, an oilseed specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, agrees that if the current forecasts hold, all canola should make it into the bin. “I think the canola is all down now and once it’s in the swath — especially with the weather we had this week — things mature pretty quick,” Kubinec said. But it will still be two or even 2-1/2 weeks before much of the canola can See CANOLA CROP on page 6 »
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By Shannon VanRaes