OIL bOOM Canola like black gold for Manitoba
Big buildup in corn stocks sinks prices
» Page 18
Could lead to further sharp declines
October 24, 2013
» Page 33
Lack of consumer acceptance plagues biotech science World Food Prize laureates say better methods are needed for communicating science to the general public co-operator editor/des moines, iowa
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
he greatest challenge feeding the world’s growing population is not about the science needed to boost production, it is convincing the public to accept it, scientists receiving the 2013 World Food Prize said here last week. The three scientists honoured as pioneers of genetically modified crops spent much of their time defending the twodecades-old technology against concerns they say should have been laid to rest long ago. “Looking back at the begin-
ning of this science, I don’t think I could ever imagine it would have had the impact and adaptation that it has had today,” said Robb Fraley, Monsanto’s executive vicepresident and chief biotechnology officer. “And I never thought in the early stages that we would still be talking about acceptance and the consumer challenges we are talking about today.” He noted genetically modified crops developed by his company and others have an “impeccable” safety track record and been embraced by farmers in more than 30 countries all over the world. “The beauty of the science is taking all of this advancement in biology and genetic engineering and putting it in a seed. Every farmer in the world knows what to do with a seed. The barriers to adoption are very, very low and the ability to reap benefit is high,” he said. However, it continues to face opposition from consumers, activist groups and politicians. “We need to make people understand the technology has been tested and the safety has never been compromised.” What’s more, the technology has transformed plant breeding, taking it to the molecular level, as gene mapping makes it possible for scientists to select for specific traits, he said. “I am optimistic that the tools that we have in biotechnology are incredible. From the science perspective we’re seeing just the tip of the iceberg by way of new opportunities,” he said.
Protesters outside the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates in Des Moines, Iowa. Photo: Laura Rance
But at the same time as the world is called upon to double its food supply, producing more in the next few decades than it has in its entire history to feed an estimated 9.6 billion people by 2050, the backlash continues against one of the technologies that can help make that happen.
Three receive award
F r a l e y j o i n e d M a r c Va n Montagu, the founder of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology Outreach in Belgium, and Mary-Dell Chilton, founder of
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Syngenta Biotechnology Inc. in accepting the annual award recognizing individuals who have contributed to global food security. Biotech proponents celebrated the World Food Prize Foundation’s decision to honour three of its own as a muchneeded boost to the industry’s credibility. But the decision was condemned by organizations that continue to challenge the safety of genetically modified crops and worry about corporate control of the food chain.
The Occupy the World Food Prize movement, which is critical of biotechnology, was among the 30 or so organizations holding side events concurrent with the three-day-long Borlaug Dialogues. Van Montagu said he accepts that there is a segment of the population that based on personal beliefs, will never accept the technology. “There are people who believe in horoscopes; there are people who believe See BIOTECH on page 6 »
®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. 09/13-20278-01 MC
By Laura Rance
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Did you know?
Grandma proven right scientifically — oats are healthy
Picking up the pace After a late start, fall calf sales are off and running
Quaker Oats researcher touts new ‘supergrain’
Keeping clubroot out KAP looks to oilfield workers to help contain the spread
FEATURE Buried tractor case goes to court Why the tractor was buried in manure remains a mystery
CROSSROADS Food security ‘Oscars’ Golden Carrot awards honour local food champions
4 5 8 10
Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets
ats may deserve the well-earned status of “supergrain,” according to research presented a t t h e re c e n t A m e r i c a n Association of Cereal Chemists International annual meeting. According to an AACC r e l e a s e , Y i Fa n g C h u , a researcher with the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence, said there is evidence to show that oats are even more complex than previously thought. They possess a wide spectrum of biologically active compounds including carotenoids, tocols (vitamin E), flavonoids and avenanthramides, a class of polyphenols. “The polyphenols, avenanthramides, are unique to oats and have been widely used in skin-care products because of their anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effects,” said Chu. “As scientists con-
Imagine how good oats must be if combined with blueberries. photo: thinkstock
tinue to link inflammation to chronic diseases, they are also investigating whether bioactivities produced by the polyphenols in oats can be as beneficial from within the body as they are on the skin.” Oats and oat-contain ing products that meet a minimum level of oat
beta-glucan are allowed to bear a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved health claim for cholesterollowering benefits. Studies also suggest oats can enhance satiety — the feeling of fullness — and may also help reduce the risk of other chronic conditions.
Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku
11 16 42 46
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Meat and grain representatives welcome trade deal, but… There is still no text available, and negotiations could continue for another two years By Alex Binkley
to see its details, as this is only an agreement in principle.” John Manley, head of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, welcomed the deal but noted that it will take time to fully analyze it. Richard Dearden and Wendy Wagner of the Ottawa law firm Gowlings cautioned that once a final text has been agreed to it will go through a “legal scrub,” be translated into 28 languages and then ratified by Canada and the EU. The ratification process could take 18-24 months.
hile a flock of exportoriented farm commodity groups quickly issued statements endorsing the proposed Canada-Europe free trade deal, other organizations and opposition politicians tempered their support with a caution to wait until all the details are known. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Canadian Pork Council, Grain Growers of Canada and the Canola Council of Canada led the way in noting the deal could eventually lead to a $1.3-billion increase in livestock, meat and crop exports to Europe. Meanwhile dairy farmers and the National Farmers Union saw negatives in the deal from an increase in subsidized European competition. “The CETA offers tremendous potential for Canadian producers and food processors to grow exports to the EU,” said Lisa Skierka, chair of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance. “We believe the CETA could increase total agri-food exports to the EU by $1.3 billion a year,” added CAFTA executive director Kathleen Sullivan. “Even in the case of beef and pork, where the EU is particularly sensitive, the CETA could be worth $1 billion a year.”
Text not available yet
It may be months before the final text is available and Canadians finally find out what the government has committed to. The gov-
European dairies will be able to ship an additional 16,000 tonnes of cheese and 1,700 tonnes of industrial cheese tariff free annually, giving European producers some eight per cent of Canada’s cheese market. “If this deal proceeds, the Canadian government will have given the EU an additional exclusive access of 32 per cent of the current fine cheese market in Canada, over and above the existing generous access,” said Dairy Farmers of Canada president Wally Smith. “This deal would displace our local products with subsidized cheeses from EU and risk our small businesses being shut down or put out of business,” he said. “This is unacceptable.” The new cheese quotas are on top of Europe’s existing quota of 13,500 tonnes, which already accounts for two-thirds of Canada’s cheese imports, said Therese Beaulieu, spokeswoman for Dairy Farmers of Canada. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Ottawa would still compensate dairy farmers who may be hurt by the deal. The NFU said the deal amounts to a sellout of Canada to foreign corporations. “Canadians are losing the fundamental tools of economic policy. We cannot restrict the movement of capital, which makes us vulnerable to wild currency fluctuations. Except for sixmonth terms during emergencies, we cannot take measures to influence our balance of payments. This is disastrous for our economic sovereignty,” said president Terry Boehm.
Meat versus dairy European cheese and wine producers are happy about a free trade deal with Canada. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK.COM
ernment provided little additional information other than saying compensation would be available for any sectors hurt by the deal. However, the EU went further, releasing a limited analysis of the impact of tariff cuts on shipments to Canada. “The agreement will rapidly — largely at entry into force — eliminate duties on agriculture. By the end of the transitional periods, Canada and the EU will liberalize, respectively, 92.8 and 93.5 per cent of trade lines in agriculture,” the analysis said. “On prepared agricultural products (PAPs) more specifically, which are a major EU export interest and where the EU has a major export surplus with Canada, the outcome is particularly ambitious,” it said. It particularly noted the benefit for wines and spirits. The EU
already supplies about half of Canadian wine imports and as the EU is Canada’s major import source of wine — about half of its imports — the agreement would “significantly improve access.” NDP Trade Critic Don Davis said New Democrats welcomed progress towards a comprehensive deal with Europe, but noted the text had not been released. “The NDP will wait until the final deal is released, analyze its contents and engage in wide consultations with a diverse range of stakeholders — including business, labour, local and provincial governments, Aboriginal peoples, and others — to determine if the deal is, on balance, a good deal for Canada,” Davis said. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said his party is “broadly supportive of CETA, though we have yet
Spokesmen for the meat industry also noted a lack of details, but welcomed the deal. Canada wins duty-free access for up to 80,000 tonnes of pork a year, up from an existing quota for 6,000 tonnes, and 65,000 tonnes of beef. “We don’t have the details but we believe the relationship holds great potential to enhance our sector’s export opportunities through meaningful access to the EU market,” said Gary Stordy, spokesman for the Canadian Pork Council. John Masswohl, vice-president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association said, “Those of us who have been close to the negotiations think that there is outstanding access to be had for the Canadian beef sector. We calculate that potential exports of beef to the EU could exceed $600 million under the CETA.” However, the dairy industry expressed concern over the increase in quotas for European cheese.
KAP’s view mixed on Canada-EU trade deal KAP is concerned about the effect on dairy farmers, while welcoming more market access for beef and pork
eystone Agricultural Producers’ (KAP) reaction is mixed to the Canada-European Union trade pact. Increased, market access for Canadian beef and pork producers is important, but not at the expense of Canadian milk producers, KAP president Doug Chorney told reporters during KAP’s general council meeting Oct. 17. “I don’t think we should throw some farmers under the bus to save others,” Chorney said. “That’s just not what KAP is about. “We are unwavering in our support for supply management. That won’t change. That is a deeply entrenched policy.” The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), if ratified, would eventually allow the EU to export 29,000 tonnes of cheese to Canada annually, up from 13,000 tonnes. But Canadian beef and pork exporters would be allowed to export 65,000 tonnes and 75,000 tonnes to the EU, respectively, up from the current 15,000 and 6,000 tonnes. Canadian beef destined for the EU would also have to be hormone free and slaughtered in facilities that meet EU standards. “I guess our concern is it’s three or four per cent of our market by volume and that’s significant to dairy farmers,” Dairy Farmers of Manitoba vice-chair Henry Holtmann told general council. “We’re quite upset by the CETA deal.” Both Holtmann and Chorney said they wanted more details about the agreement. Chorney told general council whether one supports supply management or not it has a big impact on Canadian agriculture. According to one farm lender a significant amount of Canada’s $70 billion in farm debt is from the purchase of quota, Chorney said. “That’s a big liability on those producers who stand to lose value on their quota,” he added. “We have to be cognizant of the fact that although market access is going to be a big win in many sectors it’s going to come at a cost to supply management if it’s traded away piece by piece.” allan@fbcpublishing.com
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Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc. Proven® Seed is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. CPS CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES and Design is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services, Inc.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Whose voice should be heard?
t was hard not to smile last week when one of our African colleagues on a CropLife International tour asked a presenter to address rumours that clothes made from genetically modified (GM) crops will make a man bald and impotent. After all, after nearly 20 years of growing GM crops, the “Frankenfood” angle on the debate in our part of the world is long over. Or is it? Laura Rance The latest Prevention magazine, a Editor mainstream publication targeting aging Baby Boomers, contains a four-page advertorial sponsored by a company selling organic products. It coincides with campaigns for mandatory labelling in several U.S. states and makes pretty convincing pitch through an “all-star panel of GMO experts — a passionate filmmaker and father, a concerned mother and food activist, a registered dietitian, and the founder of an independently run organic food-manufacturing company.” The filmmaker, who is making a film called “GMO OMG,” discusses the “systematic corporate takeover of and the potential loss of humanity’s most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds.” The registered dietitian worries that there is no long-term health data and promotes a GM-free diet, for which labelling would be necessary. The mother/ food industry analyst said labels would make it easier to trace whether allergies are related to conventional soybeans or the GM varieties. And the founder of Nature’s Path, the corporate sponsor of the advertorial, opines that everyone has the right to know what’s in their food. Who do you think the average consumer is going to believe — corporate scientists (some of whom happen to be bald) who say there is no proof GMOs do any harm, or dietitians, mothers and filmmakers who say there is no proof that they don’t? All this explains why CropLife International invited 40 journalists from 23 countries to attend tours and World Food Prize events last week in Des Moines, Iowa all expenses paid. (The Co-operator participated in the tour, but paid our own travel and accommodation.) The tour was well organized and informative, although it goes without saying we heard a lot about how biotechnology will help double production to feed nine billion people by 2050 and the important role journalists play in countering misinformation spread by “activists.” In other words, giving a voice to those who oppose GM crops is tantamount to condemning the world to perpetual hunger and environmental degradation. But the outrage over this year’s choice of World Food Prize recipients isn’t limited to the ragtag cluster who staked out the Hall of Laureates last week. It includes scientists, authors and food-security advocates, many of whom challenge the focus on a single technology to solve a problem as multi-faceted and complex as world food security. The latest World Food Prize laureates tried to stake out the moral high ground with statements that biotech crops have been proven unequivocally safe. Yet a coalition of 90 scientists, physicians and academics — including a former World Food Prize winner — countered with a statement saying no such consensus exists. Both proponents and opponents accuse each other of incomplete or outright “bad” science. So much for “science-based decision-making.” From this desk, we’ve seen no compelling evidence that the traits on the market today have resulted in harm to humans or livestock. We’ve seen the amazing capacity of biotechnology tools to accelerate crop improvement, with or without GMOs. On the environmental front, we’ve seen this technology compound the existing problem of resistant weeds, because it further consolidates weed control around herbicide solutions. It further consolidates the food system period. But mostly, we’ve been critical of the biotech industry for failing to recognize that ultimately, it is food buyers — not farmers — who are its customers. That failure has resulted in the backlash, the ongoing push for labelling and the extraordinary proposition that people living in the world’s hungriest places aren’t at all sure that they help in this way. We’ll say this again. The customer is always right, even though not always rational. The only way of determining value in a market-driven economy is by what people can be convinced to buy. Thus, food marketing is more about perception than it is about science. If it were purely based on science and nutrition, there would be only one brand of yogurt, one type of bread and no need for big-box stores. World Food Prize winner Robb Fraley, Monsanto’s chief biotechnology officer, had some insightful comments (see this week’s story). He suggested that maybe the industry finally gets it. But it has a lot of catching up to do. laura@fbcpublishing.com
Making the case for biotechnology A World Food Prize laureate says sustainable intensification tools should be embraced, not banned. The following contains excerpts from a brief distributed by VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) a non-profit institute uniting 76 European research groups working in life sciences. One of this year’s World Food Prize laureates, Marc Van Montagu, is founder of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology Outreach within VIB. He co-authored this paper.
urope hesitates to support the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture. While 46 GM crops can be imported and used in food and feed, only one GM crop is commercially grown in five European countries on a small acreage. European farmers can hardly make use of the technology to improve their productivity and they lose competitively. Europe already depends on imports for 75 per cent of its protein needs. This year, the World Food Prize honours the pioneers of agrobiotechnology, a technology with a safe-use status for 17 years that increased food security and agricultural productivity. GM crops are not the miracle solution, but being part of a holistic approach, can help overcome future agricultural hurdles and could increase European farmer productivity. … Today agriculture occupies about 40 per cent of the Earth’s surface, uses 70 per cent of the water resources and is responsible for 30 per cent of the carbon dioxide production. During the coming decades, production of food, feed and fibres will be challenged on several levels. First, as a result of population growth, the arable land per capita will decline. Second, climate change and water scarcity threaten crop productivity. Third, more and
more chemical crop protection agents will be banned, leaving farmers with fewer tools to secure their harvests. To overcome these huge challenges, we should move to an integrated agricultural model that combines the best features of conventional and organic farming with the adoption of the latest (bio)technologies. … Thirty years after the proof of concept, more than 170 million ha of GM crops are grown annually. Herbicide-tolerant GM crops have stimulated the adoption of no-tillage farming, while insect-resistant GM crops protect harvests while reducing insecticide sprayings by more than 25 per cent. Virus-resistant GM papayas have saved the local papaya industry in Hawaii, while India evolved from cotton importer to cotton exporter thanks to insect-resistant GM cotton that almost doubled productivity while reducing insecticide use severalfold. In contrast to what the anti-GM movements may communicate, GM cotton is not responsible for the suicides among Indian farmers, GM crops are not responsible for the “oligopolization” of the seed market, GM crops do not harm bees or other beneficial insects and are not dangerous for human health. However, by misinforming the public, the anti-science movements spread fear that leads to political hesitancy. The results can be observed in Europe. In Europe, the current regulatory process puts the developmental costs of GM crops out of reach of public institutes and mid-size companies. Anti-globalist movements should realize that their actions push the development of GM crops into the hands of multinationals, a situation they fight against. The hostility towards the technology is also preventing the development of innovations that are essential for food security and prosperity of agriculture-based economies in less-developed countries.
November 1946
f you had finished harvesting and were looking for some extra work in 1946, you could take a job cutting pulp wood, with piecework wages of $3.75 per cord, eight-foot rough spruce and balsam. Railway fares were covered and camps were “First class — radios, movies, magazines.” Our Nov. 1 issue reported on a “new ally in warring insects” — the opening of the federal Department
of Agriculture’s Stored Product Insect Laboratory in Winnipeg. B.N. Smallman, formerly an entomologist with the Board of Grain Commissioners, was the new director. We reported that he had considerable experience managing infestation in the large stocks of grain that had built up during the war. The laboratory will officially come to an end in early 2014 with the closing of the Cereal Research Centre in Winnipeg. Manitoba Pool Elevators had reported a successful year, with annual meeting delegates at the Fort Garry Hotel receiving news of a profit of $1,341,348.74. Delegates paid tribute to founding president Colin Burnell, who had died Sept. 15 at his farm at Oakville. Among the resolutions passed were one calling for enforcement of the Lord’s Day Alliance Act and another opposed to daylight saving time. Unfortunately, farming remains a hazardous profession today, but apparently not as hazardous as 1946. We reported on a U.S. study which said that over nine years, 38,700 farmers had died at work.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Misdiagnosing the problem of global food security A popular author and food justice advocate says GM crops are the wrong pill for the world’s food disease The following is an excerpt from author Frances Moore Lappé’s p re s e n t a t i o n t o t h e B o rl a u g Dialogues, a three-day symposium that runs in conjunction with the World Food Prize awards each year in Des Moines, Iowa. Lappé was among a handful of speakers at the event who said prescribing GM crops as a cure for global hunger is a misdiagnosis. Lappé said the world today produces 2,800 calories for every person in it, despite the fact that only 43 per cent of what is produced goes directly to people. The rest goes to livestock, biofuels and other uses. She also questioned whether it was appropriate for the World Food Prize Foundation to single out the pioneers of genetically modified crops for recognition, because technology concentrates control of the food system. Her three recommendations for improving the World Food Prize criteria have been copied from the website: http://www. thepetitionsite.com/796/158/642/ realize-the-prize/.
e know that a physician’s misdiagnosis can actually kill the patient. So what is the false diagnosis that I see? The false diagnosis is that the problem is scarcity. It is a fear-driven message that there is not enough and we must narrow, narrow our focus more, more and more in order that we keep up this race with population growth. Well, why does that diagnosis make us sick? This premise of scarcity is not just in nature, but it is a premise about scarcity in human capacities as well, particularly the capacities of ordinary people. We know that both are false. We k n ow t h a t a g r o - e c o l o g y approaches have the potential to meet our needs and increase production, but we absorb this distrust of nature and of self and what we do. We go along with a power-concentrating market, driven by one rule, highest rate of return to existing wealth. Wealth and power continue to consolidate so that it hits almost unthinkable extremes in the food system, for example, three companies controlling 53 per of the global commercial seed market. So concentrating power that is disempowering billions inevitably creates
We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)
For me, genetically modified organisms not only fail to address hunger but they contribute to the concentration of power that is at the root of hunger. So I think we need to see the protest over this year’s prize, it is not just about the seed, it is about the system.
the experience of scarcity no matter how much we grow. For me, genetically modified organisms not only fail to address hunger but they contribute to the concentration of power that is at the root of hunger. So I think we need to see the protest over this year’s prize, it is not just about the seed, it is about the system. The good news is an ecological, relational way of seeing life is breaking its way through. This is going to sound New Age, but it is actually new science because what is happening is virtually every field of science is converging on this simple insight: all life exists in interacting systems so there are no parts, there are only participants. It is the quality then of relationship between all participants that really matters, not just how much quantity is produced. For human beings, for me the surest way to measure the quality of our relationships with one another is whether they enhance dignity. For what is dignity? It is knowing we count. It’s knowing we have a voice, it is knowing we have power, its root in Latin is capacity to act. So systems concentrating power deny dignity and as they fail to tap our innate need to contribute and that is a huge problem, because we need all hands on deck right now. So what keeps me going is evidence from the village to global forums that we know what does work. The systems that disperse inclusive power where transparency and mutual accountability are
Modern farming listens to consumers Re: Cam Dahl’s “The good old days — not always so good” (Oct. 3). Given recent announcements that some fast-food businesses want to reduce the use of modern veterinary drugs in the meat supply, it’s not surprising that beef producers are feeling a little defensive. Restaurants, like many other food businesses, are simply responding to changing consumer demand. Yes, maybe some consumers are a little nostalgic for the days before feedlots, growth promoters and preventive antibiotics, but no amount of “education” is going to change that trend. If beef producers don’t want to be relegated to the past, they are going to have to do what organic beef producers do — listen to consumers and give
Frances Moore Lappé was among several speakers who challenged the premise behind this year’s World Food Prize.
what characterizes our place in this. Farmers all over the world are showing us that path, rejecting dependency farming. I think of it as building knowledge-based collaborative power. We need the World Food Prize to help us break free from this failed premise. I am making three requests of the foundation that would infuse in the foundation process, what it takes to build inclusive power and transparency. We respectfully request the foundation to take these three steps to realize the prize: 1) Continue to identify and then publicly share your understanding of root causes and root solutions. Ask of any proposed solution: Does it replace dependency and extreme power imbalances with mutuality in which those most affected have a voice?
2) Make the prize selection more inclusive and transparent. Share publicly who makes the decisions and bring into decision-making those with direct experience of hunger and those fostering democratic relationships and ecologically attuned farming. 3) Strengthen World Food Prize criteria. Ask how every candidate, scientist as well as public servant, is helping to bring to life the three conditions proven essential to human social problem solving — the continuous dispersion of power, t r a n s p a r e n c y, a n d m u t u a l accountability.
them what they want. If they want an iPhone, don’t try to sell them a BlackBerry. When a consumer asks, “Where does my organic steak come from?” we as organic producers can answer — all organic meat is traceable right from the store shelf back to the individual producer and we don’t use any magic bullets, other than organic forages, grasses and grains, to finish our animals. We cannot farm like we did in the good old days, but we can still produce good food that consumers want to eat with modern-day farming practices. We can finish an animal without using genetically modified corn, antibiotics or growth promotants. Yes it takes more work — organic beef production is not a read-and-followthe-label kind of agriculture. One thing that bothers me is the lack of knowledge about organic beef production, even among other beef
producers. I hear so often, “If an animal gets sick, why don’t you treat it?” Of course we treat our animals with what is needed — in fact, Canadian organic standards require us to treat with veterinary meds when alternatives fail. If we have to use antibiotics, we simply remove the animal from our organic program. Just because a product is natural or organic does not mean it was produced with farming practices from the ’40s and ’50s. Consumers are asking, “Where does my food come from?” We as organic beef producers are ready and will answer this question. We all know what happens when someone else tells our story.
Frances Moore Lappé is the author of 18 books including the three-million copy Diet for a Small Planet.
Bryce Lobreau Organic Beef Producer, Pristine Prairie Organics Pipestone
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
FROM PAGE ONE BIOTECH Continued from page 1
the progress made in safely preserving food, there is a growing movement in society against science altering food, even if it is making it safer. “There is a growing cry that anything that is processed is bad for you,” he told a seminar on post-harvest losses. “We don’t want science in our food, we want something freshly grown. “I would argue that that is the biggest single threat to the survival of mankind.”
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that spaceships come here; that is not problematic,” he said. “But it becomes problematic if it becomes a power structure that really destroys our society — because that is what is really going on,” Van Montagu said. “If you cannot use science in society anymore because of these crazy beliefs, then there is a problem; I would even say there is a war going on that is much more serious than we were thinking before.” He said the anti-GM cam- Labelling counterproductive paign in Europe has effec- Chilton said while voluntary tively made it impossible for labelling of non-GM crops is researchers to even study GM an option that already exists for crops. “It is a very clever way organic and non-GM growers, t h a t e ve r y t h i n g h a s b e e n the push to require labelling of paralyzed.” foods containing GMOs would Yet the sector has not found be counterproductive. Like an effective way to communi- calories and nutritional concate the science to the general tent, labelling implies there is public in a manner it accepts. something different about the “If we cannot solve the commu- product that pertains to people’s nication problem, it will all be health or nutrition. lost,” he said. “I think it would be the death The backlash against science of the technology in a real sense is not limited to biotechnol- if we have obligatory labelling,” ogy. John Ruff, former presi- Chilton said. SEC_MIDGE13_T_MC.qxd 10/17/13 11:40 AM Page 1 dent of the Institute of Food Fraley said that as scientists, Technologists, said despite all they failed to realize how emo-
Robb Fraley (l to r), Mary-Dell Chilton and Marc Van Montagu discuss public perceptions of biotechnology at a World Food Prize forum. Photo: Laura Rance
tional the debate would become. “Looking back, I would say that as a company and as an industry we are science based and I think we believed that the science would be adequate to
Building better midge traps.
address the safety and some of the public concerns that we see today,” he said. “It hasn’t been. “We have always viewed ourselves as a company that produces and improves seeds that help farmers. Farmers have been our complete focus as a company as our key customers,” he said, noting it is working now to better understand the roots of consumer concerns. “Over the last year we’ve spent a lot of time engaging in conversations and really listening sessions with hundreds of groups, NGOs (non-government organizations), people in the food industry, housewives and moms to talk about how to do differently,” he said. “The key thing that struck me is that while we considered ourselves to be a seed provider, the rest of the world views us as the first step in the food chain,” Fraley said. He said the key will be reaching out to consumers in ways that haven’t been tried before. “We are going to have to engage and act differently,” Fraley said. “We don’t have the conversation through press releases, it’s going to have to be more personal and we’re going to have to be much more effec-
tive in how we outreach using social media and really where we put our energy. And that’s going to be a really big part of the change that we need to make as a company and as an industry.”
Bigger picture
Several of the conference’s main speakers emphasized that while production-enhancing technologies, including biotechnology, are important, part of the backlash is related to the focus on them as the sole solution to world hunger. “It is important to emphasize that there is enough food to feed everybody, but availability does not ensure access,” said Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a senior official with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Yemi AkinBamijo, the executive director for the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, said up to 60 per cent of what is already produced in Africa doesn’t reach the marketplace. Dealing with post-harvest losses alone would dramatically boost food availability, he said. laura@fbcpublishing.com
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Nominations must be submitted to the Manitoba Canola Growers office at 400-167 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 0T6 on or before the 15th of October and not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 31st day of October. If you do not have a nomination form and would like to run, call MCGA’s office at 204-982-2122 or print off the form from our website www.mcgacanola.org
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
HEAR research gets major funding $3.9 million is coming to U of M plant breeder Rob Duncan and his team By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
University of Manitoba research team has re c e i v e d o n e o f t h e largest-ever federal research grants to develop high-erucic acid rapeseed (HEAR). The team led by for mer Miami farm boy and now U of M professor, Rob Duncan will receive $3.885 million over five years to develop improved HEAR cultivars. Their research will also benefit canola, a closely related crop. The funding is the thirdhighest awarded under t h e Na t u ra l S c i e n c e s a n d Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Development program. NSERC is contributing $1.925 million, while industry partners Bunge Canada and DL Seeds will invest another $1.96 million. “The focus will be on developing high-yielding, superiorquality, disease-resistant, herbicide-tolerant hybrid HEAR cultivars,” Duncan said in an interview. “In the very short term we should be increasing yields, if we already haven’t, by at least 10 to 15 per cent versus the OPs (open-pollinated cultivars).” Developing blackleg-resistant cultivars is a top priority. Breakthroughs there will be applied to canola, Duncan said. In addition the project will see 14 students get their master’s or PhD degrees and commercial as well as academic experience. Tw o o t h e r Un i ve r s i t y o f Manitoba professors are part of the team — plant pathologist Dilantha Fernando and genomics expert Genyi Li. DL Seeds will contribute its expertise in hybridization and seed commercialization. HEAR, which is grown by farmers under contract with Bunge Canada, produces a unique oil with lubrication properties that can’t be duplicated by petroleum, Duncan said. It’s used in a wide range of lubricants, slippage agents, plastics, lacquers, coatings and cosmetics. “It’s really a bio- or natural industrial oil that we can grow. It’s quite a success story in
“The focus will be on developing high-yielding, superior-quality, disease-resistant, herbicidetolerant hybrid HEAR cultivars.” Rob Duncan
that it’s a renewable, industrial oil that we can produce in our fields.”
Bred out of canola
HEAR is high in erucic acid, a fatty acid. The content in conventional rapeseed is under 40 per cent, but is 50 per cent or higher in HEAR. High levels of erucic acid were one of the reasons why rapeseed oil was originally not suitable for human consumption. The University of Manitoba’s Baldur Stefasson and Agriculture Canada’s Keith Downey invented canola by reducing the erucic acid in the oil and the amount of glucosinolates in the meal.
U of M breeder Peter McVetty took over from Stefansson and focused on HEAR. Before recently retiring he released the world’s first herbicide-tolerant, hybrid HEAR cultivar, Hyhear 1 (pronounced Higher 1). Duncan, 34, who earned a PhD from the University of California, Davis, started with the HEAR program last April. He said he is gratified to receive so much funding. “Usually somebody at this stage (in their career) wouldn’t get it so it was quite exciting and great for the program,” he said “Somebody new coming in and developing it from scratch would have no chance, but it is really because of the program I
University of Manitoba plant breeder Rob Duncan and his team are getting almost $3.9 million to fund research into developing improved high-erucic acid rapeseed (HEAR) cultivars. photo: university of manitoba
was coming into and the support from the university and the team that’s set up here. Many of my staff members have been here for 20-plus years and with their expertise and knowledge they’ve made it possible.”
Daylight saving time will end in the province early Nov. 3 when clocks will be set back one hour. Under the Official Time Act, daylight saving time ends on the first Sunday in November and resumes the second Sunday in March. The official time change back to standard time will occur this year at 2 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 3 at which time clocks should be set back to 1 a.m.
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Turn back the clock Nov. 3
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Higher-off-the-hog good news spawns applause After a long stretch of losses, hog producers are finally in the black By Allan Dawson
cial hog councils say they’re the best way to handle sows. “To tell you the truth I think in the end it will be a no-win situation for producers,” Matheson said. If stalls remain there will be a huge public outcry, but if they are outlawed it will cost hog producers collectively about $1 billion to replace them — something few can afford given years of low or no profits. “My feeling is if we focus on what’s best for the animal we can’t go too far wrong,” he said. If sow stalls are banned farmers will need a lot of time to make the change, Matheson said. Other KAP delegates reported that calf prices are relatively strong this fall, thanks in part to lower feed grain prices.
KAP delegates applauded George Matheson’s good news. The Stonewall farmer reported hog earnings are finally in the black. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON
eorge Matheson hasn’t delivered much good news to KAP’s general council over the last five years, so when he did Oct. 17, the room erupted in applause. “Last year’s hog price was about $125 at this time, this year it’s about $175 and it looks relatively strong well i n t o 2 0 1 4 ,” Ma t h e s o n , a Stonewall hog farmer and the Manitoba Pork Council’s representative to Keystone Agricultural Producers told the meeting. “And of course feed prices have fallen significantly so I think we’ll be in the black.” The pork industry continues to struggle with issues, including the controversial use of sow stalls. Much of the public opposes them, while provin-
“Last year’s hog price was about $125 at this time, this year it’s about $175 and it looks relatively strong well into 2014.” GEORGE MATHESON
Delegates also said crop yields vary, but overall were above average. KAP president Doug Chorney said there were some surprisingly high yields in the Red River Valley this year, but results are more variable in western Manitoba where some farmers are struggling with excess moisture. “It’s a year where we’ve got a lot of optimism in the industry,” he said. It’s also been a good year for har vesting KAP members. As of Sept. 30 KAP had
3,353 members, up five per cent from the same time a year ago. As of Sept. 30 memberships were higher in each of KAP’s 12 districts except Districts 6 and 12. The biggest increase was in District 5 where memberships jumped 23 per cent to 255. KAP general manager James Battershill said he expects KAP will get the 3,700 members it had budgeted for by year’s end. allan@fbcpublishing.com
WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762. Oct. 25-26: Manitoba Association of Home Economists conference and AGM, Centro Caboto, 1055 Wilkes Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 1-866-261-0707. Oct. 28: Manitoba Beef Producers District 11 meeting, 6 p.m., Royal Canadian Legion, 3 Main St. E., Ashern. For more info call 1-800772-0458 or visit www.mbbeef.ca. Oct. 29: Manitoba Beef Producers District 2 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Cartwright-Mather Merry Makers Club, 600 Broadway St., Cartwright. For more info call 1-800-772-0458 or visit www. mbbeef.ca. Oct. 30: Manitoba Beef Producers District 8 meeting and elections, 7 p.m., Gladstone District Community Centre, 75 Fifth St., Gladstone. For more info call 1-800-772-0458 or visit www.mbbeef.ca. Oct. 31-Nov. 2: Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon. Call 204726-3590 or visit www.brandonfairs.com. Nov. 1: Manitoba Beef Producers District 14 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Durban Community Hall, 612 First St. N., Durban. For more info call 1-800-772-0458 or visit www.mbbeef.ca.
Nov. 4: Manitoba Beef Producers District 13 meeting, 7 p.m., Royal Canadian Legion, 19 Burrows Ave. N., Gilbert Plains. For more info call 1-800-772-0458 or visit www. mbbeef.ca. Nov. 5: Manitoba Beef Producers District 10 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Bifrost Community Centre, 337 River Rd., Arborg. For more info visit www.mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458. Nov. 5-7: Cereals North America conference, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Pl., Winnipeg. For more info visit www.cerealsnorthamer ica.com. Nov. 6: Manitoba Beef Producers District 3 meeting, 6 p.m., Community Hall, 70 Arena Rd., Elm Creek. For more info visit www. mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Railways should match capacity to market demand: Chorney KAP president says farmers must have seasonal capacity and so should railways By Allan Dawson
industry throughout the year you have to gear up to deal with that. “You cannot have farm equipment sized to do one week of farm work 52 weeks a year. It doesn’t work that way. Same thing with moving our grain. If that means you have to have cars parked part of the year the cost has to be worked into the service you are providing.”
he railways need to be more like farmers, gearing up capacity when it’s needed, says Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) president Doug Chorney. The railways prefer to move Canada’s crop to market evenly over the crop year, he said. The railways complain there are often times when surplus grain-moving capacity goes to waste. But that’s just the reality of agriculture, Chorney told reporters Oct. 17, during KAP’s general council meeting. “I told them (railways) I don’t buy that excuse,” he said. “I also have a shed full of equipment on my farm that requires seasonal use and extreme capacity in short durations. If you choose to be benefiting from the agricultural
“You cannot have farm equipment sized to do one week of farm work 52 weeks a year. It doesn’t work that way. Same thing with moving our grain.” DOUG CHORNEY
Grain transportation has and will continue to be an important issue for KAP, said Chorney, who is on the Crops Logistics Working group established by the federal government to help the grain sector find ways to measure railway service, or the lack of it. New legislation compelling the railways to reach level-of-service agreements with shippers lacks teeth, Chorney said.
Railways influence sales
Chorney said he was told by a senior grain company official that the railways have so much power they can often determine where grain will be shipped instead of the grain company. Recently there were some attractive grain markets in Chicago, but the railway wanted to ship the grain to Vancouver, Chorney said, presumably because it was more profitable for the railway.
“Traders make a deal but the railway won’t move it there, then it’s all for not,” Chorney said. With record grain production in Western Canada this fall timely grain transportation is more critical than ever, he said. “If I had a nickel for every time a train didn’t come in (as scheduled) I wouldn’t need to grow soybeans to make a living,” Chorney said. “We have to change that because the (country) terminals go to great efforts to man-up their facilities to load. It might be on the weekend and suddenly the train doesn’t show up. (Then) farmers can’t deliver grain. “If we’re growing a crop that we can’t ship to our customers it’s really all for not, so this is a critical thing we as a farm group need to keep working on.” allan@fbcpublishing.com
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KAP working on fertilizer spreading extension just in case Fall work is running late for many Manitoba farmers as the Nov. 10 deadline looms By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF / PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE
AP is working to get the Manitoba government to extend the Nov. 10 deadline for applying synthetic fertilizer and manure, should weather and soil conditions warrant. “It just speaks to the fact that fixed dates (banning fertilizer applications) don’t work well,” Ke y s t o n e A g r i c u l t u r a l Pr o d u c e r s’ p re s i d e n t Doug Chorney told reporters during KAP’s general council Oct. 17. Several years ago the Ma n i t o b a g ov e r n m e n t passed regulations banning farmers from applying fertilizer or manure to fields after Nov. 10 or before April 10. It said the measure was designed to reduce water pollution. Nutrients applied to frozen soil are more susceptible to running into waterways. Instead of using the calendar, field conditions should determine when it’s appropriate to apply nutrients, Chorney said, noting that road restrictions are now based on highway conditions instead of a fixed date. “In my opinion we don’t need deadlines,” Chorney said. “Farmers aren’t going to apply fertilizer and manure when it’s impractical or unsafe to do. You can’t incorporate fertilizer or manure into frozen ground so why would you do it?” In late March 2012 t h e Ma n i t o b a g ov e r n ment waived the April 10 restriction for applying fertilizer after a mild winter and early spring. Chorney said that was the right thing to do and expects the government to do the same this fall if fields aren’t frozen by Nov. 10. A long winter and late, wet spring delayed seeding in many parts of Manitoba this year. Mo re ov e r, M a n i t o b a farmers are growing more later-maturing crops s u c h a s s oy b e a n s a n d corn. As a result many farmers are still harvesting or doing field work, including applying nutrients. allan@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
October 18, 2013
Fall run in full swing at Manitoba auction marts
Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 74.00 - 81.00 D3 Cows 70.00 - 74.00 Bulls 84.00 - 93.25 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 110.00 - 135.00 (801-900 lbs.) 135.00 - 153.50 (701-800 lbs.) 145.00 - 160.00 (601-700 lbs.) 155.00 - 174.00 (501-600 lbs.) 168.00 - 187.00 (401-500 lbs.) 175.00 - 208.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 110.00 - 126.00 (801-900 lbs.) 115.00 - 135.00 (701-800 lbs.) 125.00 - 143.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 147.00 (501-600 lbs.) 135.00 - 153.00 (401-500 lbs.) 135.00 - 170.00 Alberta South 121.50 — 72.00 - 83.00 62.00 - 74.00 86.42 $ 132.00 - 144.00 140.00 - 154.00 147.00 - 161.00 154.00 - 169.00 162.00 - 184.00 172.00 - 196.00 $ 123.00 - 134.00 127.00 - 140.00 130.00 - 144.00 133.00 - 150.00 138.00 - 156.00 150.00 - 168.00
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
Futures (October 18, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change October 2013 129.15 0.88 December 2013 131.77 -0.41 February 2014 133.55 -0.32 April 2014 134.62 -0.33 June 2014 128.80 -0.95 August 2014 127.30 -0.70
Feeder Cattle October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014
Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Week Ending October 12, 2013 52,940 12,960 39,980 NA —
Transportation a bit tight with trucks travelling a bit farther this year
Close 165.85 166.90 166.60 165.75 165.77 166.40
Change -0.08 -1.03 -1.22 -1.30 -1.70 -0.95
Cattle Grades (Canada) Previous Year 40,866 11,896 28,970 NA —
Week Ending October 12, 2013 551 23,195 17,352 1,053 1,024 9,007 170
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Previous Year 387 19,649 13,817 729 703 4,856 129
Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
Current Week 181.00E 167.00E 170.93 173.24
Futures (October 18, 2013) in U.S. Hogs December 2013 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014
Last Week 182.77 168.89 172.35 179.48
Close 88.45 90.52 90.25 94.07 95.97
“The feeder trade was fully steady for sure — maybe a penny or two higher in some of the eastern-type calves.”
Brandon Logan
Ontario $ 97.89 - 128.70 107.30 - 125.65 52.26 - 77.73 52.26 - 77.73 69.61 - 91.71 $ 146.79 - 157.19 138.26 - 163.28 144.30 - 166.99 140.90 - 177.25 150.87 - 189.18 158.59 - 200.49 $ 120.65 - 136.21 129.37 - 143.74 130.81 - 148.24 123.79 - 150.19 129.15 - 161.34 135.30 - 172.69
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
$1 Cdn: $ .9721 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0287 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: October 18, 2013
Last Year (Index 100) 161.24 148.82 148.20 151.62
Change 1.68 1.37 0.60 1.02 1.10
ith Manitoba’s harvest winding down, cattle volumes across auction yards were significantly higher during the week ended Oct. 18, Robin Hill of Heartland Livestock Service in Virden, Manitoba, said. “We had lots of volume here this week as the fall run has begun,” he said. “It seems like everyone is a week or two later than usual with the crops going in late and the late harvest. The other thing is that we’ve had a lot of good fall pasture, where a year ago today, we were out of pastures, and the cattle came much quicker.” According to Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Initiatives’ (MAFRI) Oct. 15 weekly crop report, most crops are almost fully harvested except for grain corn, sunflowers and flax. The report added that pastures continue to be in fair shape, with some cattle also being moved to fields with crop residue. Hill noted that this five-week stretch from mid-October to late November is always extra busy, leading to some transportation concerns as well. “Transportation issues have become a little more of a problem this year, but we’re getting through it so far,” he said. “The issues are the trucks going a little farther this year. More yearlings went south this fall than last, so when trucks go south, they’re gone a day longer than usual. “If cattle go to Alberta feedlots, trucks are a lot closer than when they go down to Nebraska or wherever.” The partial shutdown of the U.S. government didn’t affect any of the early-week auctions, and now that the issue has been resolved, U.S. interest is expected to remain steady. “We never saw any difference in the trades at all,” Hill said. “It’s business as usual.” However, because of the length of transpor-
robin hill
tation to the U.S., interest in calves was low compared to yearlings. “Southern interest was very minimal in the calves,” Hill said. “It’s too much stress on the calves to send them from Manitoba or Saskatchewan down south. The yearlings are that much older, so they can take the stress of an extra day of trucking.” Looking at the feeder and butcher markets, prices remained fairly steady compared to previous weeks, Hill said. “The feeder trade was fully steady for sure — maybe a penny or two higher in some of the eastern-type calves,” he said. “Cows and bulls were steady to last week’s numbers.” However, with the expected large volume coming to auction marts across Manitoba, it’s likely that prices may see a decline. “The volume is going to be our biggest issue, as everyone is going to have big volume over the next five weeks,” he said. “Because of the volume issues, trucking issues could arise too. We’re hoping that prices stay where they are.” As the long Manitoba winter slowly creeps up, Hill said that most growers are well stocked with feed for the entire winter. MAFRI’s crop report noted that feed production was sufficient enough for winter, but there are some shortages in isolated areas in eastern Manitoba. “It looks like there’s lots of feed,” Hill said. “We had a hard season to put good hay up this year. July was a tough month to be putting good-quality hay up. It’s not quite the quality (growers want), but there’s more of it.” Brandon Logan writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and livestock market reporting.
Other Market Prices Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
Winnipeg (540 head) (wooled fats) 50.00 - 65.00 122.00 - 128.00 125.00 - 135.00 130.00 - 137.00 125.00 - 135.00 —
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of October 27, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.985 Undergrade .............................. $1.895 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.965 Undergrade .............................. $1.865 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.965 Undergrade .............................. $1.865 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.885 Undergrade............................... $1.800 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
Toronto 71.15 - 109.73 157.60 - 178.04 181.43 - 210.58 186.21 - 215.90 128.91 - 217.64 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 30.00
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Processors return to USDA data for pricing hogs chicago / reuters / To p U . S . p o r k p r o c e s s o r s Sm i t h f i e l d , Ty s o n Fo o d s In c. a n d Ca rg i l l Inc. reverted back to pricing hogs based on U.S. Department of Agriculture data, industry sources said Oct. 21, after a 16-day government shutdown had caused the
suspension of daily USDA reports. Packers use the USDA’s A g r i c u l t u ra l Ma r k e t i n g Service (AMS) daily reports to determine the prices they pay hog producers. But the reports, along with thousands of others on which the U.S. agricultural industry depend, were unavailable dur ing the gover nment shutdown, forcing packers to use alternative pricing methods. No. 1 p o rk p a c k e r
Sm i t h f i e l d p r i c e d h o g s using CME Group lean hog futures contracts during the shutdown. Tyson and Cargill calculated hog prices using data from Urner Barry, a private U.S. analytical research firm closely followed by livestock packers and traders for its meat prices and data, until USDA-AMS price data was available. Smithfield, Tyson and Cargill spokesmen were unavailable for comment.
Goats Winnipeg (125 head) Toronto (Fats) ($/cwt) Kids 150.00 - 160.00 71.48 - 249.84 Billys 150.00 - 185.00 — Mature — 131.37 - 234.23
Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 9.90 - 30.00 16.21 - 33.12
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 15
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices
Last Week
All prices close of business October 18, 2013
Canola continues trading in a narrow $15 range
CE Futures Canada canola contracts held rangebound during the week ended Oct. 18, with November contract keeping well within the roughly $15 range it’s found itself in for most of the past month. While a few fields are still remaining, the bulk of the canola harvest is finished for the year. The crop is generally expected to have ended up record large, although just how large remains to be seen. At the same time, demand also remains solid, with domestic crushers running at nearly 90 per cent capacity and talk of fresh export demand from China circulating the market during the week. Overall, canola will likely need a push from outside to break out of its recent range. On the one hand, any attempts at moving higher are bound to be met with good producer selling and a backing away of end-user bids, as both sides are aware of the large supplies that will need to be moved this year. On the other hand, farmers can easily shut the doors on their bins if prices move too low. Bargain hunting will also pick up on any moves lower, as canola remains attractively priced compared to other oilseeds. With that being the case, what happens with soybeans in the U.S. and South America could be the catalyst that breaks canola out of its nearly month-long range. Soybeans at the Chicago Board of Trade also remain rangebound overall, although the market managed to move higher during the week, with soyoil seeing the largest gains of the soy complex. Tightening U.S. soyoil supplies despite a better-thanexpected domestic crush pace accounted for some of the strength in that market. U.S. farmers are still in the midst of harvesting this year’s crop, and yield reports have generally been topping expectations. The improving yield prospects are potentially bearish for the futures, but export
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains
What happens with soybeans in the U.S. and South America could be the catalyst that breaks canola out of its range Phil Franz-Warkentin
Week Ago
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.
demand has also picked up recently, with China believed to have made some large purchases under the radar while the U.S. was in shutdown mode. The resumption of the USDA’s reporting should confirm that business. Meanwhile, South American farmers are in the early stages of planting their soybean crop, which will make weather conditions there an important factor in the futures.
Wheat gyrations
For the grains, U.S. wheat futures saw some wide price swings during the week, but eventually turned higher as worries over freezing temperatures in Argentina provided the catalyst for a bounce in all three U.S. wheat futures contracts. Weather issues delaying winter wheat seedings in the Black Sea region have also underpinned the U.S. futures recently, although actual acreage reports from Russia and Ukraine have varied widely. Corn futures in the U.S. moved off of three-year lows during the week, but held rangebound overall. While the cheaper prices have brought in some bargain hunting, the advancing U.S. harvest and generally improving yield prospects may see corn retest its nearby lows sooner rather than later. The contract low of US$4.32 per bushel is seen as nearby support in the December contract, with resistance holding at US$4.50. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, which specializes in grain and livestock market reporting.
Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business October 18, 2013 barley
Last Week
Week Ago
December 2013
March 2014
May 2014
Last Week
Week Ago
November 2013
January 2014
March 2014
Special Crops Report for October 21, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
21.40 - 22.50
Laird No. 1
20.00 - 22.50
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
16.75 - 19.50
23.25 - 23.75 —
Desi Chickpeas
21.40 - 22.50
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
Fababeans, large
Feed beans
Medium Yellow No. 1
11.30 - 11.50 6.40 - 7.00
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel) Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
5.00 - 8.60
40.00 - 42.00
No. 1 Great Northern
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
62.00 - 62.00
Yellow No. 1
37.75 - 38.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
54.00 - 54.00
Brown No. 1
35.75 - 37.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
55.00 - 55.00
Oriental No. 1
27.30 - 28.75
No. 1 Black Beans
38.00 - 40.00
No. 1 Pinto Beans
38.00 - 40.00
No. 1 Small Red Source: Stat Publishing
No. 1 Pink
— 41.00 - 43.00
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
32.00* Call for details
Report for October 18, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
Large Manitoba corn harvest underway By Phil Franz-Warkentin commodity news service canada
Manitoba farmers are in the midst of harvesting a possibly record-large corn crop, and will likely be looking to plant another large crop next year, according to Morgan Cott, an agronomist with the Manitoba Corn Growers Association. “We’re well into the corn harvest now,” said Cott, adding that the corn harvest was furthest along in south-central Manitoba. She estimated that it will likely take until early November for the corn harvest to be finished completely. Early harvest reports were pointing to average yields overall,
although lighter bushel weights were being seen in some cases. Total seedings failed to live up to expectations in the spring, due to adverse conditions at planting time in some areas. However, Manitoba still saw a record acreage base of corn to start the year at 350,000 acres, according to Statistics Canada data. The government agency is currently forecasting corn production in the province at 812,800 tonnes, which compares with the record 815,400 tonnes grown the previous year. However, with the larger area and good early-yield reports, the actual crop may still end up above the year-ago level. Statistics Canada’s next production numbers will be released on December 4, after the harvest is complete. From a pricing standpoint,
Manitoba corn prices typically follow the U.S. futures, which are currently trading at their lowest levels in three years. Even with the lower prices, Manitoba farmers should have still been profitable growing corn this past year, which will keep interest in the crop next spring, said Cott.
First big freeze seen for U.S. corn and soy Reuters / Freezing temperatures, light showers and light snow will cause some minor slowdowns in harvesting and only minimal harm to the U.S. corn and soybean crops this week, an agricultural meteorologist said on Monday this week.
Global Weather Monitoring said harvest weather, though not perfect, would not be bad overall this week. Light rain and snow is expected on Tuesday in Iowa, northern Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. There will be an inch or so of wet snow and rain of 0.25 inch or less. It should be dry the rest of the week and early next week, except for 0.20 to 0.60 inch of rain expected in roughly the southern half of the Midwest. The cold snap in the Midwest this week should not cause much harm to corn and soybean crops since they are mature and ready for harvest. Low readings of freezing or below can be expected this week in nearly all of the Midwest crop region.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Instant info. With the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app you can stay up to date on all things ag. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
Calf prices push higher as fall run finally gets underway Another year of favourable prices expected for cow-calf operations, but U.S. labelling law remains a problem
Calves move through the auction ring at Heartland Livestock Services last week. By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / VIRDEN
fter weeks of warm, wet weather that kept pastures green well into October and swaths lying in the field, a flood of calves is set to hit the market. “The fall run is here now. It took a little time to get started,” said Robyn Hill, manager of Heartland Livestock Services in Virden. Volumes in recent weeks were unusually low for this time of year, but last week’s pre-sort sale saw about 2,800 head go through the ring. Dwight Jorgensen, a young rancher from Redvers, Sask., was in the bleachers as 94 of his calves sold for good prices. After bucking the trend by building up his herd during the BSE years and finally saying goodbye to the oilpatch after seven years on the rigs, he was looking forward to ranching full time with 135 cows. “I’d like to get bigger in the future, but we’ll have to see how much help we get from the next row,” he said, gesturing at the order buyers up front.
Prices were “a lot better” than last year, noted Dale Easton, president of the Saskatchewan Angus Association. “There’s some optimism for sure. The shortage of cattle numbers is finally catching up,” said the rancher from Wawota, Sask., who had 35 head of cull calves from his purebred operation up for sale. Higher prices haven’t translated into increased demand and higher prices for bred heifers, said Easton, adding he expects that it may take a few more profitable years before the Canadian herd starts to grow again. “The younger guys just aren’t ready to step in, and the older guys are still selling out,” he said. Further back in the bleachers was Lee Strubel, also from Wawota. He was looking to buy about 600 red and black Angus calves at around 500 pounds to background on screening pellets and then grass next summer before selling them to Alberta feedlots. He used to fatten them and sell them back through the ring in Virden, but stopped during
“I’d like to get bigger in the future, but we’ll have to see how much help we get from the next row.”
debate and the federal government shutdown was weighing on his nerves due to the risk of a border closure or a stock market crash. “If the stock market crashes, it affects everything,” he said. “Hopefully, those idiots get it together.”
BSE because with a smaller pool of buyers, it was getting “too risky.” “Prices are good,” he said, noting that the red calves in his target weight were going for about $880, up roughly $80 more than last year. Strubel was wary that beef prices might be getting too high, and pushing consumers towards cheaper alternatives such as chicken and pork. “You have to remember that Mrs. Housewife has to buy this meat and she’ll only pay so much for hamburger, steaks and roasts,” said Strubel. Washington’s debt ceiling
But with feeder cattle futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange soaring, some say Canadian prices should be even higher than they are. “I think it’s fair to say that the discount is larger than normal,” said Ray Bittner, cattle market specialist for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives based in Ashern. He was reluctant to pinpoint the reason, other than possible “trepidation” related to country-of-origin labelling rules. The latest revision to COOL rules in the U.S. is knocking five cents per pound off the slaughter price for Canadian fat cattle — even for those fed south of the border, said Doug Richardson, a cattle buyer from Moosomin, Sask. “That makes a big difference
to the feeder cattle market,” he said. “We’re talking $50 to $60 per head. On a 500-pound calf, that’s 10 cents a pound.” Having to segregate Canadian cattle and clean their facilities ahead of killing on separate days means many packers have bowed out of the market for non-U.S.-born cattle, and those that continue to handle them have “arbitrarily” set a discount on Canadian cattle of five cents per pound dressed weight. “Two or three months down the road, they could say we’re going to take 10 cents off,” said Richardson. “We don’t know where we stand. That’s the whole problem.” If the uncertainty surrounding COOL legislation were to be resolved somehow, feeder cattle on the Canadian side would jump in price, he said. As less and less cattle are shipped south, the problem is getting worse because largescale packers that kill as many as 4,000 head per day are having problems sourcing enough animals to make a separate run worthwhile, he added. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Quality animals produce higher prices
Record blizzard decimates South Dakota herds
Dairy goats does attracted more aggressive bidding than meat does By Mark Elliot Co-operator contributor
olume was average and quality good at the Winnipeg Livestock Auction on Oct. 16. There were no price differences between wool and hair ewes, with even heavy wool ewes in the same price range. Buyers were interested in the classification of ewes for this sale. Prices ranged from 36 to 60 cents per pound and appeared not weight dependent of the ewe. Ram selection was limited, and bidding not as active as the last sale. Prices ranged from 62 to 75 cents per pound. Heavyweight lambs attracted strong bidding, with prices ranging from $1.14 to $1.25 per pound. An exception was a group of four 115-pound Cheviot-cross lambs, which sold for $125.35 ($1.09 per pound). Market lambs also attracted strong bidding, fetching $1.21 to $1.30 per pound. There were no differences between wool and hair lambs. Feeder lambs dominated the sale, with a slightly lower price range. The quality of these feeder lambs showed finishing had been practised before the sale, and prices ranged from $1.11 to $1.33 per pound (with no differences between wool and hair lambs). Finished lambs received slightly more than those coming off the pasture. Lambs in the 73to 75-pound range fetched $1 to $1.33 per pound. Those in the 61- to 69-pound range sold from $1.075 to $1.33 per pound. Visible finishing qualities were quite noticeable for the smaller lambs, and that was reflected in selling prices. A group of six 50-pound Dorpercross lambs brought $59 ($1.18 per pound), two 53-pound Dorper-cross lambs brought $67.58 ($1.275 per pound), and
four 54-pound Dorper-cross lambs brought $61.02 ($1.13 per pound). Dairy goat does fetched more than meat does. A 50-pound Pygmy-cross doe led the bidding, selling for $72.50 ($1.45 per pound). Quality, not breed or weight, was the main factor for the auction for goat bucks. The 65-pound Alpine-cross goat b u c k s b ro u g h t $ 7 1 ( $ 1 . 0 9 per pound), Boer-cross goat bucks ranged from $1 to $1.42 per pound, and an 85-pound Pygmy-cross buck brought $87.50 ($1.03 per pound). A limited selection of goat kids did not cause the buyers to do any wild bidding, with quality the main factor. There was no competition between dairy and meat kids, in the same weight classes, at this sale. An exception was a 25-pound Boer-cross kid which sold for $25 ($1 per pound) and two 28-pound Alpine-cross wethers that brought $27.50 ($0.99 per pound). Ontario Stockyard Report indicated lower prices for all lamb classes, after last week’s holiday season. Goat prices remained in similar range from last week.
/ lb.
animal weight
meat dairy BUCKS meat
$0.55 - $0.70 $0.55 - $0.84
101 - 130 lbs. 90 - 140 lbs.
$1.00 - $1.42
60 - 160 lbs.
65 lbs.
KIDS - Under 80 73 60 - 61 54 40 35 25 / 28 October 16, 2013
$0.99 $1.13 - $1.28 $1.24 $0.75 $0.66 $1 / $0.98 October 2, 2013
$74.34 - $118.80
$63.00 - $96.00
$34.20 - $66.00
$16.15 - $60.00
$110.20 - $153.14
$102.35 - $174.00
95 - 110
$115.90 - $136.50
$114.00 - $149.35
80 - 94
$88.80 - $127.07
$100.24 - $111.80 $48.88 - $96.80
73 - 75
$76.22 - $98.42
$78.10 - $101.40 (70 - 79 lbs.)
61 - 69
$69.88 - $89.11
$56.88 - $84.18 (60 - 69 lbs.)
50 - 54
$59.00 - $67.58
$35.50 - $69.03 (50 - 59 lbs.)
Lambs (lbs.)
Under 80
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reuters / Disaster aid will be slow to come for South Dakota ranchers who lost as many as 60,000 head of cattle during a historic blizzard earlier this month. “It’s anyone’s guess how drastic this loss will be,” said Silvia Christen of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association. “The cattle were soaked to the bone. Then the wind and really heavy snow started — it just clung to them and weighed them down. Many of them just dropped where they were walking.” She estimated that at least five per cent of the 1.2 million cattle in the state’s western third perished. The federal Livestock Indemnity Program would pay them a portion of the animal’s market value, but the program is part of the 2008 Farm Bill extension that expired Oct. 1 — the first day of the U.S. government shutdown over a budget impasse. Moreover, USDA furloughs mean there’s no one that farmers can file the paperwork with. As the snow melts, producers will also have to have carcasses hauled to rendering facilities, often at their own expense. In Rapid City, a 19-inch snowfall smashed weather records and hit herds before the animals had grown their heavier winter coats, taking an especially heavy toll on calves and pregnant cows.
Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.
1 800 728.6440 10801A-Gen Legal Trait Stewardship-AF.indd 1 7/26/13 2:33 PM
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
A checklist for fall vaccinations and processing By utilizing these procedures it is not uncommon to keep death loss very low and minimize antibiotic usage Roy Lewis, DVM Beef 911
t has been proven time and again that sickness and death are reduced by preimmunizing calves, and that vaccination is cheaper than treatment later. If you have not immunized at spring turnout for the common diseases such as blackleg (seven- or eight-way), IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, do it now. The most prevalent respiratory pathogens Mannheimia hemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and histophilus are also thrown into the mix. Most veterinarians are recommending these as the common infectious diseases to vaccinate for. The most important thing to remember is the calves ideally should have protection to these diseases before the stress of weaning occurs. If vaccinated initially at spring turnout the booster can be given right at weaning. Any other stressful procedures such as castration of the poorer bulls or tattooing are best done ahead of weaning as well. Hopefully these procedures are already done but if not don’t leave them till weaning. The only stress at weaning should be the actual weaning event itself. If using bands for castrations make sure and give tetanus vaccine as well. If the calves were NOT immunized at spring turnout the priming or initial shots must be given at least two weeks prior to the major stress of weaning.
Histophilus (ITEME) is still a dominant killer in feedlots across Western Canada, which is why vaccinating and boostering is a very worthwhile procedure.
This allows the calves to achieve m a x i m u m i m m u n i t y. T h i s requires the herd to be brought in, separated, immunized and put back together. Effort that is well worth the investment in healthier calves that go on to gain well and make good breeding stock. If doing the two-stage weaning with the nose flaps these could be put on now. Most producers can attain the protection they require by giving two main vaccinations in the fall. A multivalent viral vaccine contains protection against IBR, PI3 and BRSV the respiratory viral diseases as well as BVD. BVD is often involved in the respiratory disease complex as well as causing severe diarrhea. BVD and IBR are also the two main reproductive diseases we want to especially protect the replacement heifers from. These virals can be combined with the respiratory pathogens as well. The second vaccination involves seven-way or eightway blackleg combined with haemophilus.
Pneumonia precations
Your veterinarian may insist you use a Mannheimia/past e u re l l a va c c i n e i f h e / s h e considers the calves you are purchasing are high risk or bacterial pneumonias are a
problem with your calves. This generally is more of a problem on auction marketderived commingles calves or those which have been transported a long way. The v a c c i n e s f o r p a s t e u re l l a / mannheimia have gotten a lot more protective over the years. They come in various combinations with the other respiratory diseases as well. Your veterinarian could best advise the best combination for your farm and geographic area. Use the combinations, which minimize the number of shots necessary. The trend is always to use the modified live vaccines (where you mix the liquid to activate the powder) because they instil a better immunity in the calves and are generally cheaper. These are fragile vaccines once mixed so don’t overheat or freeze them and use any mixed product within two hours. If the modified vaccines are used in the spring at turnout and/or in the fall it is imperative the cow herd has been well protected for the reproductive diseases IBR and BVD ahead of time. As long as the cows have good immunity to these diseases the calves can be given the modified live vaccines while still sucking their mothers.
Histophilus (ITEME) is still a dominant killer in feedlots across Western Canada, which is why vaccinating and boostering is a very worthwhile procedure. A lot of the chronics in feedlots from heart abscesses to severe arthritis can be traced back to this disease. Vaccinating prior to weaning is critical to acquire the immunity necessary to protect calves from the many forms of this disease. Even though feedlots vaccinate directly upon arrival they still have a large number of cases. This is simply because it is too late and vaccinating when calves are stressed does not achieve as high a level of immunity. This constitutes a second-choice option at best. You as cow-calf producers have the option of vaccinating at the most ideal time. Follow the weather reports and try to wean when weather is the most stable. Snowstorms or times when ambient temperatures are really fluctuating are obviously not ideal times to wean. When temperatures fluctuate below freezing at night to warm during the day this allows for a natural buildup of extra fluid on the lungs. In stressed calves this is where the respiratory viruses such as BRSV will multiply causing respiratory disease. We definitely see more severe cases of BRSV in farm-raised c a l v e s t h a n i n p u rc h a s e d ones. This makes vaccination for this disease imperative if retaining ownership. This disease is often covered in what we call the five-way vaccines. Mo s t v e t e r i n a r y p r o d u c t s carry this vaccine combined with the IBR PI3 and BVD (two types) vaccine. Hence the name five-way. Re m e m b e r t o a p p l y a n endectocide together with an oral dewormer like Safeguard as this should remove all internal and external parasites improving gain and maintaining healthier calves. This is getting to be a routine procedure
now across Canada. Removing the parasites helps the calves develop a good immunity to vaccines. We always try to use subcutaneous vaccinations wherever possible to maintain beef quality. This way is easier and there is way less chance of needle breakage.
Feed transition
The transition period to get calves started on proper feed is critical. Ideally if they have had creep feed over the summer the change will be minimal. If the calves are used to the pen and know where the watering bowls etc. are change is again minimized. It is best to remove the cows and leave calves in their familiar surroundings. This is not always possible I know. Make sure water (good quality and clean water) is readily available and there is lots of bunk space. It is also good to spread the forage in several locations to get calves started. Grass hays are the best to start with as they most closely mimic the pasture situation. If grain is introduced begin very gradually and bring up over a week’s time. When all precautions have been taken still watch diligently especially the first two weeks for signs of respiratory disease and digestive upsets. Work with your nutritionist and veterinarian to assist setting up the ideal program for your calves. Specific pneumonia treatments are best left up to you and your personal veterinarian. By utilizing these procedures it is not uncommon to keep death loss very low (in the order of one per cent) and minimize antibiotic usage. For high-risk calves it is still good to give metaphylactic antibiotics on your veterinarian’s recommendations. Roy Lewis is a Westlock, Alberta-based veterinarian specializing in large-animal practice. He is also a part-time technical services vet for Merck Animal Health.
1 OCTOBER 2012 – 31 AUGUST 2013 THE REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT THE APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY MCEC WITHIN 1 YEAR AFTER THE MONTH END IN WHICH THE FEE WAS DEDUCTED. However, we would like for those eligible to apply for refunds within this time period, to do so as soon as possible, in order for MCEC to be able to process as many refunds as possible in a timely manner. THE REFUND FORM IS AVAILABLE ON THE MCEC WEBSITE: Go to www.mancec.com then click on “Forms”. Please ensure that in order to process your application quickly, all supporting documents ( receipts) are included, and the name of the applicant(s) is the same as the name on the receipts. The application also needs to be signed by the applicant(s).
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Ste. Rose
Feeder Steers
No. on offer
Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000
Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs.
No. on offer
D1-D2 Cows
Slaughter Market
D3-D5 Cows
55.00 and up
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Butcher Steers
Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
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2013-09-26 9:38 AM
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Weather now for next week.
Get the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app and get local or national forecast info. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
“ E V E R Y O N E T A L K S A B O U T T H E W E A T H E R , B U T N O O N E D O E S A N Y T H I N G A B O U T I T.” M a r k Tw a i n , 18 9 7
Starting the transition to winter Issued: Monday, October 21, 2013 · Covering: October 23 – October 30, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
ast week’s forecast started off pretty well, but the expected early-week warmup didn’t materialize as expected. Instead, we got stuck in a cool to cold northwesterly flow. This cold pattern looks like it will stick around for pretty much the rest of the month. The weather models are being quite consistent with developing a large trough of low pressure over Eastern Canada and a ridge of high pressure over extreme western regions. This means that eastern regions will see well-belowaverage temperatures, with western regions experiencing nice mild conditions. For us stuck in between these two main weather systems it means cool and unsettled conditions for the foreseeable future. For the second half of this week we’ll see a predominantly northwesterly flow across our region along with surface high pressure. This will keep us fairly cool with highs only expected to be around 5 C. With cold air in place we’ll likely see a mix of sun and clouds on most days. Overnight lows will be a few degrees below zero each night, but they could drop down to the -5 to -8 C range if the
skies clear right off. It does look like a weak system will drop down sometime on Friday, bringing with it the chance of a few showers or flurries depending on the timing of the system. Over the weekend the weather models are showing a second and much stronger system riding over the western ridge and then dropping down into our region. Confidence is not high with this part of the forecast, but the current model runs are showing this system intensifying as it moves through southern Manitoba or Saskatchewan late Sunday and into Monday. This brings the potential to see the first widespread significant snowfall this season. Whether we see snow or not with this system, temperatures are expected to get pretty cold behind this low. Highs for next week are currently forecasted to stay below freezing, with overnight lows, should we get snow, in the -15 C range – Brrr! Usual temperature range for this period Highs: 1 to 14 C Lows: -7 to 2 C Probability of precipitation falling as snow: 50 per cent Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@ bezte.ca.
Accumulated Precipitation (Prairie Region) September 1, 2013 to October 17, 2013
2 - 16 mm 16 - 29 mm 29 - 43 mm 43 - 56 mm 56 - 70 mm 70 - 83 mm 83 - 97 mm 97 - 110 mm 110 - 123 mm 123 - 137 mm 137 - 150 mm 150 - 164 mm 164 - 177 mm 177 - 191 mm 191 - 204 mm 204 - 218 mm 218 - 231 mm 231 - 245 mm Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers
Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.
Created: 10/18/13 www.agr.gc.ca/drought
This map shows the total precipitation across the Prairies from Sept. 1 through Oct. 17. You can see how dry it has been across northcentral Alberta and into Saskatchewan. Conditions were relatively dry through the remainder of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Over Manitoba, western regions were fairly wet with some regions seeing nearly 150 mm of precipitation. The Red River Valley northward into the Interlake region missed out on most of the precipitation.
Lake-effect snows are often the first of the season Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba can generate late-fall snow, but not as much as the deeper Great Lakes By Daniel Bezte CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR
ith parts of southern a n d c e n t ra l Ma n i toba seeing their first flakes of snow last weekend, I thought it would be a good time to begin a look at the topic of snow. The snow last weekend came thanks to the first Alberta Clipper of the year, which brought upwards of five cm of snow to some regions of western Manitoba. Farther east, areas to the lee of Lake Winnipeg and Lake Ma n i t o b a s a w s o m e l a k e effect snow. Manitoba occasionally sees lake-effect snows in late October and early November in the areas around Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg. So, for our first snow article I thought we should take a look at what lake-effect snow is and what causes it. Lake-effect snows are exactly that — snowfall created solely by the moisture and energy contained within a lake. Usually when we get snowfall it comes from storm systems which are areas of low pressure. These systems bring moist air and force it to rise, condense and then form snow.
With lake-effect snow you don’t need an area of low pressure; all you need is a large difference in temperature between the water and the air.
The first and most important ingredient you need for a lakeeffect snow is warm water/ moisture. Here in Manitoba our large lakes have some heat storage, but since they are so shallow they quickly lose their heat in the fall. This means we only have a short period in the late fall and early winter when open water and large amounts of heat are available. The Great Lakes, on the other hand, are much deeper and can therefore store huge amounts of energy. With the exception of Lake Erie, it is rare for any of the Great Lakes to totally freeze over during the winter. This means there is plenty of warm, moist air available, especially in early winter when the lakes are still fairly warm. The second key ingredient is cold air. While the open water can supply plenty of moisture, what really comes into play is just how cold the air is over the lake. The colder the air, the lower the air’s ability to “hold” moisture. This means that any
moisture picked up over the lake will be quickly turned into snow as it rises and cools. The third piece of the lakeeffect snow puzzle is wind fetch. This is basically the distance or length of time the wind is blowing across a lake. The longer the wind can blow across the water, the more heat and moisture it can pick up. In Manitoba, our major lakes run in a north-south direction. So for us to see any significant lakeeffect snows we need to have winds blowing from the north or northwest. The last couple of mechanisms are friction and upslope lift. As the wind blows from the relatively smooth surface of the lake to rougher land surfaces, the air encounters increased friction, which slows the windover the land, causing the air coming off of the lake to pile up. This forces the air to rise as it has nowhere else to go, which helps it to cool and form snow. In some areas the height difference between the lake and the land also helps to lift the air and cool it, thus enhancing snowfall.
Snowfall can be heavy
To summarize, as cold air moves over a body of water,
the heat and moisture from the water is picked up by the air. This warm, moist air will then begin to rise up into the atmosphere. As the air rises it expands and cools, allowing the moisture picked up from the lake to condense into ice crystals and eventually form snow which falls downwind or on the lee side of the lake. Unlike snowstorms that usually only last a day or two, lake-effect snows can, if the atmospheric conditions are just right, last for several days — creating some truly remarkable amounts of snow. In Manitoba, lake-effect snows usually only last for f e w h o u r s, b u t t h e re c a n be the occasional persistent band of snow. Usually these bands only drop a couple of centimetres of snow, but there have occasionally been larger dumps. It is hard to look back at the climate records and pull out lake-effect snows, so I don’t really have a record of what the largest ones were. Simply going by memory I would say that 20 to 30 centimetres is probably the top end for our area. If anyone has some numbers on this I would appreciate it.
Looking at the Great Lakes, record snowfalls from lakee f f e c t s n ow c a n b e t r u l y remarkable. The largest event that I was able to find occurred in Februar y 2007 when a multi-day event dropped upwards of 358 cm of snow on the Tug Hill Plateau in New York state! What is truly remarkable about these snow events is the intensity of snowfall, bringing huge amounts of snow in a short period. Here are some other record snowfall rates/accumulations from lake-effect snows. • 17.5 cm in 30 minutes at West Seneca, New York on Dec. 2, 2010 • 25 cm in one hour at Copenhagen, New York on Dec. 2, 1966 • 44 cm in two hours at Oswego, New York on Jan. 26, 1972 • 56 cm in three hours at Valparaiso, Indiana on Dec. 18, 1981 • 130 cm in 16 hours at Benetts Bridge, New York on Jan. 17-18, 1959 • 195 cm in 24 hours at Montague Township on the Tug Hill Plateau, New York on Jan. 11-12, 1997
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
CROPS KAP wants oil companies to clean equipment to fight clubroot spread Delegates also passed resolutions on water management, but won’t be organizing a mass demonstration at the legislature By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF /PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE
ilfield equipment needs to be cleaned as it enters and exits Manitoba farmland to prevent the spread of clubroot, says a resolution passed by the Keystone Agricultural Producers’ general council Oct. 17. It was one of six resolutions debated. Five were passed and one was defeated. “It’s not that big of a deal,” said Cromer farmer Carlyle Jorgensen, w h o m ov e d t h e re s o l u t i o n . Oil companies have routinely cleaned their equipment while working in Alberta fields for years, he added. Clubroot, a soil-borne disease, which can significantly cut canola yields, spreads with infected soil. The disease affects thousands of acres in Alberta where the disease was discovered 10 years ago. Two infected fields were confirmed in Manitoba earlier this year. Although the resolution passed it isn’t binding because KAP’s general council didn’t have a quorum of at least 33 delegates. All the resolutions passed will be put to KAP’s annual meeting in January for ratification, KAP president Doug Chorney said. Meanwhile, KAP is looking into when its general council meets. Traditionally it’s April, July and October. Attendance was down Oct. 17 because so many farmers are still harvesting or doing field work. A long winter followed by a wet spring delayed seeding in some areas. Also Manitoba farmers are g row i n g m o re l a t e - m a t u r i n g crops such as soybeans and corn. Chorney said he plans to run for re-election for his fourth and final one-year term. KAP presidents’ terms are capped at four consecutive one-year terms. KAP’s general council passed two “water”-related resolutions.
Cormer farmer Carlyle Jorgensen makes the case for cleaning oilfield equipment in an effort to prevent the spread of clubroot in canola. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON
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Clubroot affects thousands of acres in Alberta where the disease was discovered 10 years ago. Two infected fields were confirmed in Manitoba earlier this year. PHOTO: TOBAN DYCK
One calls on KAP to work with the federal government, the Prairie provinces, local municipalities, conservation districts and farmers “to research the long-term needs of water on the southern Prairies, with a particular emphasis on southwestern Manitoba and with the objective of maximizing the total arable acres in the province.” Delegates also passed a resolution calling on KAP to be involved in establishing the Assiniboine River Basin Commission. In 2011 the worst flooding along the Assiniboine River in more than 100 years cost the province more than $1 billion. The Prairie Innovation Network is working to set up a steering committee to do just that KAP vice-president Dan Mazier said. The first meeting is set for Oct. 30 in Winnipeg, he said. Delegates passed a resolution to assess farmland purchased by conservation groups at the commercial rates. According to the resolution conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited are outbidding local farmers for the purchase of farmland.
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“This isn’t democratic. This isn’t right. It isn’t wanted. It isn’t demanded.”
Minto farmer Bill Campbell says there’s a lot of opposition in southwestern Manitoba to the provincial government forcing municipalities to merge. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON
Delegates also passed a motion to lobby the Manitoba government to remove out-of-province ownership restrictions and the $5,000 cap on the Farmland School Tax Rebate Program. Delegates defeated a resolution calling on KAP to “organize a mass demonstration” to oppose the forced amalgamations of municipalities of fewer than 1,000 citizens. “This isn’t democratic,” said resolution mover Bill Campbell from Minto. “This isn’t right. It isn’t wanted. It isn’t demanded. It’s just not right.” Several delegates agreed with Campbell but said they couldn’t support a demonstration.
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Dauphin farmer Don Dewar said a lot of people have to attend to make a demonstration effective “and it’s getting cold.” Chuck Fossay of Starbuck said it’s better for KAP to lobby against the policy rather than risk a poor turnout. Theresa Bergsma, secretarymanager of the Manitoba Corn Growers Association, suggested a letter-writing campaign and working on the Progressive Conservative opposition to considering reversing the policy if it forms the next government. allan@fbcpublishing.com
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Canola generates billions of dollars Canola Council of Canada study says nearly a fifth of that economic activity occurs in Manitoba thanks to the province’s strength in food processing By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF
anola contributed an average of $19.3 billion to the Canadian economy — including $3.4 billion in Manitoba — during the last three crop years, says a report prepared for the Canola Council of Canada.
“The potential of this commodity is huge and Canada has the advantage because it’s a world leader in canola production and development.”
A study prepared for the Canola Council of Canada says canola contributes billions of dollars to Canada’s economy.
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“Nearly one in every $5 generated by Canada’s biggest cash crop flows to Manitoba,” the organization said in a news release. Canola’s economic impact has more than doubled in less than a decade and wages linked to the industry have more than tripled, said the study, conducted by LMC International and funded by the canola council and the federal government. Demand is continuing to grow because of the health benefits of canola oil and its attributes as an animal feed, said council president Patti Miller. “We’re just getting started,” Miller said. “The potential of this commodity is huge and Canada has the advantage because it’s a world leader in canola production and development. This is a true madein-Canada success story and an industry worthy of continued investment.” Although 85 per cent of Canada’s canola is exported either as raw seed or processed oil and meal, the commodity is responsible for about 40,700 Manitoba jobs, including onfarm employment, in related industries and in other sectors, according to the report. “Because of this province’s strength in food processing, Manitoba enjoys the largest share of the economic activity generated by the processing of canola oil into consumer products such as salad oil, margarine and shortening,” the council said. “LMC estimates that the total economic impact of this value-added activity in Manitoba is $764 million each year.” Canola’s economic contribution is highest in Western Canada where the crop is mostly grown, but it has a positive impact across Canada, and has created 249,000 direct and indirect jobs, the study says. Wages in canola-related jobs have been rising faster than the number of new canola-linked jobs. “Part of the answer is canola generates jobs that pay well,” Miller said. “LNC found the average wage linked to the canola value chain is $75,000.” In 2012, canola was worth about $8 billion at the farm gate, but added $13 billion to the Canadian economy through the purchase of canola inputs, farm machinery, bins, transportation, processing, and exports. “The impact is exponential as the effects of this activity resonate throughout the economy,” Miller said. Canola accounted for a third of farm cash receipts in 2012, and forecasts for this year’s harvest range from 16 million tonnes to nearly 17 million, shattering the canola council’s 2015 production target of 15 million tonnes. However, Miller said the goal is 15 million tonnes of “sustainable production,” which includes farmer profitability. “It’s great to break through that 15-million-tonne target but that is one year,” she said. The council is discussing new goals, she added. “Stay tuned,” Miller said. allan@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Iowa farmers look to cover crops to reduce nutrient losses A voluntary program is trying to reduce nutrient loading in the Gulf of Mexico By Laura Rance CO-OPERATOR EDITOR, PRAIRIE CITY, IOWA
H Iowa farmer Gordon Wassenaar says cover crops and zero tillage are showing benefits on this farm. PHOTO: LAURA RANCE
arvest is in full swing on Gordon Wassenaar’s farm — and so is seeding. Directly behind the combine collecting this year’s soybean crop on this farm located about an hour east of
Des Moines is a seeder sowing fall rye as a cover crop. The rye won’t be harvested. It will be sprayed out in the spring as the fields are prepared for next year’s cor n crop. Its value is preventing soil erosion and increasing soil fertility. Wassenaar, 67, said he only began planting cover crops about three seasons ago, but he’s already seeing a difference. “I a m d e f i n i t e l y s e e i n g a reduction in the erosion and we think we’re seeing an improvement in yields,” Wassenaar said. The rye not only anchors the soil, the roots pull up
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That he is noticing a benefit on his farm is a bonus, because the real push behind the strategy is an effort by Iowa corn farmers to get ahead of the regulatory curve when it comes to reducing nutrients flowing into the so-called “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. Continued on next page »
New potential for nutrient-rich Prairie fruits
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nutrients that are then gradually released back into the soil as the crop residue breaks down. “The plants look healthier — it’s just a better growing environment for the plant,” said Wassenaar, who also practises zero tillage.
9/13/2013 9:51:45 AM
STAFF / University of Saskatchewan researchers say they have found new potential in Prairie fruits, in particular, buffaloberry, chokecherry and sea buckthorn. Their study published last week in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science showed that these fruits were nutrient rich and that the potential food value is high. “There is increasing interest in the commercial development of these fruits since historically it has been thought they may provide nutritional and health benefits,” said Rick Green, vice-president, technology at POS Bio-Sciences in Saskatoon, and co-author of the study. “Our results provide evidence that these fruits do, in fact, possess such nutritional benefits and contain compounds of interest for their health and wellness attributes. Thus, our work supports the commercial development of buffaloberry, chokecherry and sea buckthorn berries.” The study found that buffaloberry contains four times more ascorbic acid than an orange. Chokecherry contains higher levels of antioxidants, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogen effects, along with cardiovascular benefits. Sea buckthorn contained high levels of lipids for a fruit, though the level varies with location and variety. All of the fruits contained high levels of total dietary fibre.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Continued from previous page
Planting cover crops is seen as one management practice that can help keep the soil and nutrients on the land where they do good instead of harm. “One of the reasons that we’re doing this is we have the challenges with the hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the Gulf of Mexico which they are blaming on fertilizer run-off in states like Iowa,” said Roger Zylstra, a local farmer and director for the Iowa Corn Growers Association. “So Iowa has started what is actually a voluntary program — we are dedicated to finding watersheds where we can go in and get as many practices as we can in place to show that we can make a difference. “We are trying to head off the fact that EPA might come in and say, ‘This is the way you are going to farm now,’” Zylstra said. Late last year, the Iowa state government formalized voluntary efforts such as Wassenaar’s into a state-wide nutrient reduction strategy that identifies critical watersheds and promotes a series of best management practices to reduce nutrient loss. The state’s strategy grew out of a Hypoxia Action Plan the federal government released in 2008, which called on 12 states along the Mississippi River to cut nutrient loads to the Gulf. The provincial Agriculture Department worked with Iowa State University over two years to develop the strategy, which is based on using scientific assessments to identify and model the effectiveness of specific practices to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus run-off. Zylstra said it’s important to find local solutions to the larger problem and avoid one-sizefits-all approaches. “Because we know what works in this area may not work 100 miles north of here,” he said. In addition to cover crops, producers are working more with nitrification inhibitors that could be used for fall and spring nitrogen applications, he said. Filter strips, terraces and grass waterways are also being explored. “It’s just the simple fact of finding the appropriate practices to put on the fields to be the most efficient in production and yet retain the nutrients in place,” Zylstra said.
A worker on Gordon Wassenaar’s farm fills a planter with rye seed.
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Roger Zylstra said cover crops are one way Iowa farmers are trying to reduce the nutrients polluting the Gulf of Mexico.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Swedish equipment firm buys Seed Hawk
Saskatchewan company’s minority owner buys full control, with eye on U.S. market By Dave Bedard AGCANADA.COM
The first snowfall — with more to come.
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small hamlet in southeastern Saskatchewan will be the base for a prominent Swedish planting and tillage equipment maker to set itself up in the North American ag market. Vaderstad-Verken AB on Oct. 17 announced it will buy full ownership of Seed Hawk, the Langbank, Sask.-based air seeder manufacturer in which it’s held a minority stake since 2006. Financial terms of the deal between the two privately held companies, won’t be disclosed, Seed Hawk co-founder Pat Beaujot said in an interview. In a release, Vaderstad CEO Christina Stark described the deal as a strategically important decision for the company, as a local presence on the North American market is “necessary for success” here. “We are convinced that continuing growth on the world market is necessary,” she said. “Through this acquisition, we achieve geographical, technological and commercial expansion, as well as positive synergy effects.” All aspects of Vaderstad’s North American sales, distribution and R+D will be handled from Langbank, about 150 km south of Yorkton, Beaujot said. The North American operations will be operated as a sister company to Vaderstad rather than as a daughter company, he added. Seed Hawk will remain a separate company, with its head office and plant at Langbank. Its current general manager, Peter Clarke, will become CEO of Seed Hawk. Beaujot and Seed Hawk cofounder Brian Dean, meanwhile, will remain on the Seed Hawk board and work on “strategic product and market development,” the company said. Stark said the continued presence of the Seed Hawk founders was “a very important part of the deal.” Beaujot added it will be “business as usual for Seed Hawk customers, dealers and suppliers as Seed Hawk will continue to be run with its core management team.” Seed Hawk began with a prototype seeder and opener, built for zero-till use at the Beaujot farm at Langbank in 1992 and displayed that summer at the Farm Progress Show in Regina. The company was incorporated that fall, named in “tribute to the hawks that follow the seeder looking for mice.” Apart from its current expansion in progress, the company now operates on over 75,000 square feet of manufacturing space at Langbank and employs over 190 people, selling zero-till seeding systems in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Make sure you don’t get a surprise from a bin of stored canola Just because it went in cool and dry doesn’t mean it’s safe Canola Council of Canada release
lot of canola went in the bin hot and will still be hot unless it has been aerated or turned to cool it down. Pockets of green seed, tough seed and dockage within an otherwise dr y and cool bin can also lead to spoilage. Damage often occurs when you least expect it. Neglected canola bins are at greatest risk. All canola should be conditioned right after harvest, and checked at least a couple of times in the first four to six weeks to make sure the temperature is cool and stable. “The safest bet is to assume that all canola is at risk. To put canola in the bin and forget about it really isn’t the best option,” says Keith Gabert, agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada. “When heating occurs, it is often a surprise because the grower didn’t expect that particular canola bin to spoil. They checked their tough canola, they checked their hot canola, but assumed the relatively cool and dry bin was safe.”
“Neglected canola bins are at greatest risk. All canola should be conditioned right after harvest, and checked at least a couple of times in the first four to six weeks.”
Better option — move it
A more effective and probably safer way to check canola is to remove at least one-third of the grain from the bin. This takes more time than probing, but it also exposes canola to cool fall air, reducing its temperature. Be hands on when moving the canola. Watch for clumping. Sniff for the musty or burned smell of spoilage. Feel for temperature differences as the grain comes out of the bin. “If anything seems off, move the whole bin,” Gabert says. “Moving canola around could be a challenge this fall if growers have no extra bins to move it to. In that case, growers may consider delivering the highest-risk canola as early as possible.” For growers holding out for higher prices, safe long-
term storage is key. “However, holding out for higher prices only works if the canola also maintains its high quality,” Gabert says. “That is why it’s important to check all bins. For bins of concern, taking time to unload a third or more of the bin to cool it down and check for damage is definitely worth the hassle when you consider its value.” The ideal canola conditions for safe long-term storage are temperatures throughout the bin of 15 C or lower, and moisture at or below eight per cent. For more on canola storage risks, go to www.canolawatch. org, the site of the CCC’s free agronom y newslet ter, and search for an article called “Top 10 risky situations for canola storage.”
Lack of attention can lead to heating and an expensive downgrade.
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Green seed and dockage increase the risk. And bins that are dry or cool on average may contain a few loads that are tough or hot. “Tough canola from a slough bottom or a little green material that gets into the bin can be enough to start isolated heating that can eventually damage a whole bin,” Gabert says. Adding to the risk this year is that, with a bumper crop, more canola may have gone into bins without aeration. Immediate aeration is recommended to lower the temperature and even out moisture. Canola not on aeration should be watched regularly. Probing grain through the bottom and top hatches is one way to check bins, particularly bins without monitoring cables. In fall and winter, moisture migrating through the grain is most likely to concentrate at the top of the central core, so probing the top will be required. Gabert recommends a composite sample of half a dozen probes. Use a probe on a pole so you can get into the central core. “Probing the top of a bin can be awkward, so please use a safety harness to reduce the risk of falling,” Gabert adds.
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13-09-17 4:39 PM
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Log-jam in grain movement has created a sweet spot for long oats Frustrated oat buyers have been bidding up prices on old oat reserves as new oat supplies must wait in line in the grain-movement network By Gavin Maguire CHICAGO / REUTERS
at futures have been on a tear lately, jumping more than 20 cents a bushel, or 6.6 per cent, since the start of the month on concerns logistical log-jams will stall the movement of new oat supplies for several weeks. That’s seen many traders putting on a long oats versus short Chicago wheat spread that is expected to press aggressively higher in the weeks ahead. The price rally has flown in the face of market expectations as supplies of the crop are actually peaking right now, thanks to the advancing harvest across the northern U.S. and Canadian Prairies. But even as oat inventories rise, buyers are having a tough time gaining access to them, thanks to a North American agriculture logistics system that is currently working at full capacity during a bin-busting harvest. Moreover, corn, soybeans and wheat typically get preference at rail, truck and storage depots, and forcing crops such as oats, sorghum and canola to wait in line. And it turns out that traders expect the wait for oat shipments to extend into the winter, given that it may take several more weeks to clear the pipeline of primary crops. For oat consumers, which include feedlots, millers and exporters, this logistical gridlock is a cause for frustration as they are forced to offer higher
Oats could be one of the top markets to watch over the coming months.
prices to growers and grain handlers for access to any old oat reserves as they try to keep their own supply pipeline flowing. But for futures traders, the supply standstill offers an opportunity to establish a long grain market position at a time when harvest progress typically makes most market participants favour the short side. It also provides small traders with a chance to put on positions contrary to what large speculators and managed
money traders have been bracing for, as both those trader groups are with net short or holding only very modest long exposure in oats. As the delayed shipments of oats start to bite, those speculative traders are expected to add further lift to oat values by either buying back their short positions or adding to long exposure.
Two-sided affair
As the main driver of oat market strength is largely superficial and tem-
porary, few traders are merely piling up long oat market exposure. Rather, they favour matching any long stances in oats with a short position in other grain markets that are expected to see supplies swell at a faster pace than oats over the coming month or so. The most popular short leg in this strategy is Chicago winter wheat, which is on the verge of its 2013 planting season and is projected to see a substantial climb in production versus a year ago, thanks to much-improved field conditions in top growing areas. U.S. wheat prices are also viewed as relatively expensive currently, especially as North American wheat supplies are expected to swell considerably in the coming weeks as the U.S. spring wheat harvest wraps up and as Canadian growers gather what is potentially the largest wheat crop in that country’s history amidst worries of a rail strike. But in time, the strike threat is expected to be alleviated, and those wheat supplies are expected to flow, which should start to apply pressure to wheat prices in the process. This likelihood of a slide in wheat values offers traders with a chance to gain on both sides of the long oats, short wheat spread, and is why so many participants have happily piled in to that strategy in recent sessions. It is also a reason why oats could be one of the top markets to watch over the coming months, and not a mere flash in the pan.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Research finds two crops can be better than one in forage production
By overcoming the production challenges of intercropping, cattle producers can reap the benefits of a pea-barley intercrop for forage By Jennifer Blair STAFF / RED DEER
ising feed costs have some livestock producers taking a closer look at a widely used, 1,000-year-old cropping practice that hasn’t yet found a foothold in Canadian agriculture. Intercropping — the practice of growing two or more different crops together — boosts yields and improves land-use efficiency, but the real benefits can be seen in grazing operations, said Sheri Strydhorst, agronomy research scientist with Alberta Agriculture. “What we find in temperate climates is intercropping is really most successful when it’s used for forage production compared to grain production,” she said. In 2004 and 2005, Strydhorst looked at intercropping faba beans, lupins, and peas with barley for forage production. While lupin wasn’t competitive enough for forage, both pea and faba bean worked “relatively well,” with pea outperforming faba bean in terms of yield, she said. “We did get higher yields with the pea-barley intercrop,” she said. “I think part of that is maybe pea is just a more competitive pulse compared to faba beans, and it’s just, in that way,
a little better suited to the intercrop.” The research found intercropping any pulse with a cereal will increase protein yield and improve forage nutritive value. “When we had the pulse-barley intercrop, they had 40 per cent higher protein yields than a full barley crop,” Strydhorst said. “What that’s equivalent to is a quality and nutritive value similar to alfalfa at pre-bloom or early-bloom stage. Where we had barley grown alone, it was similar to having alfalfa at mid-bloom.”
Logistical challenges
Despite these benefits, Strydhorst doesn’t see many producers intercropping peas with cereals for forage, and the logistical challenges may be the reason. “You’re growing two very different crop types together, so growers need to give a lot of thought to what their fertilizer recommendations are.” Producers should fertilize for the pulse crop’s needs, but not for the barley crop, she said. A preseed burn-off with glyphosate is also recommended, but there are only a few products that can be used for in-crop weed control. “Weed control in crop is certainly one of the concerns, but it’s not a hindrance when it’s for forage production because you can be harvesting those weed seeds before they drop and
An oats-barley intercrop in Manitoba. In Alberta tests, a pulse-barley intercrop had 40 per cent higher protein yields than a full barley crop.
become a big problem,” said Strydhorst, who recommends seeding into a clean field.
Seeding rates
Correct seeding rates for both the pulse crop and the cereal crop are also critical. “A lot of the intercrops done with peas and barley where things don’t work out as ideally as they could is when too high of a seeding rate is used for the barley and too low of a seeding rate is used for the pulse.”
Strydhorst’s research found seeding at a quarter-rate of barley and 1.5 times the recommended pea seeding rate worked best. “That was equivalent of targeting 53 barley plants per square metre and about 11 pea plants per square foot,” she said. “That really gives you that good mixture at the end of the day.” Producers can use a seed drill with multiple tanks, or if they don’t have that capacity, the peas can be seeded first at the
right seeding depth, and then the barley can be cross-seeded at a shallower depth. Intercropping this way usually comes with a bigger seed bill, but Strydhorst said it balances out with reduced input costs in other areas — specifically, the reduced need for nitrogen fertilizer. “There certainly are increased seeding costs with this because you are seeding your peas at that higher seeding rate, plus adding in the barley,” she said. “But producers have to remember that they’re not spending money on nitrogen fertilizer, so it’s not necessarily a downside.” Producers may also see extra nitrogen in the soil and a yield boost in the year following a pulse-cereal intercrop — but not to the extent that a sole pea crop would produce. “That cereal crop is actually using up a lot of that nitrogen.” Considering how the two d i f f e re n t c ro p s w i l l s h a re resources is the real trick to successful intercropping, Strydhorst said. “You’re trying to have two crops growing at the same time that are using resources at different times,” she said. “You do want very, very different species so that they make better use of the water and nutrients to improve the productivity.” jennifer.blair@fbcpublishing.com
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Mentor, trusted advisor, and the mainstay of the operation, he is also their forefather, uncle and friend. Within the next generation of the family, he has instilled a strong work ethic and taught them the rewards of perseverance.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Washington offers sweet deal to biofuel makers
A dark-eyed junco and a purple house finch seem to be in disbelief that it is snowing Oct. 20 near Komarno, Man.
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Manitoba Co-operator
Louis Dreyfus to build new terminal in Ukraine
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WASHINGTON / REUTERS The U.S. government is offering to sell surplus sugar to biofuel makers in a bid to alleviate the highest sugar subsidy costs in a decade. The USDA wants to reduce an oversupply that has depressed futures prices and created the possibility of a default on $260 million in government pricesupport loans. Refiners forfeited nearly 80,000 tonnes recently, rather than repay $34.6 million in loans. Another 500,000 tonnes under loans come due soon. “Whatever the USDA has done, it hasn’t been enough, and there’s still a lot of sugar in the pipeline. I’m not sure if this will be enough, or what the reaction will be this time around,” said Jerry Kramer, a Massachusetts sugar broker.
GENEVA / REUTERS / Louis Dreyfus Commodities has entered into a joint venture agreement with Brooklyn Kiev LLC to develop and manage a multi-commodity terminal in Odessa as it expands in one of the world’s top grain exporters. While Louis Dreyfus is already active in shipping grains from the Black Sea — a region which accounts for about a quarter of global wheat volumes — the terminal will help it to compete with rivals such as Bunge, which already has an export facility there. Glencore has also sought to increase its presence in the Black Sea region and last year bought a 50 per cent stake in a Russian export terminal alongside Ukrainian agricultural producer Kernel. Louis Dreyfus said that once completed in around August 2014, the terminal will have total grain storage capacity of about 240,000 tonnes. “The substantial growth in Ukrainian grain production and exports, which is expected to continue in the coming years, driven by higher yields, increasing corn crops and more efficient farming operations, requires efficient export channels,” said Jean-Marc Foucher, chief executive of Louis Dreyfus Commodities for Europe and the Black Sea.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Project to help local farmers and processors sell to institutional food buyers The Local Sustainable Food Procurement Pilot Program aims to help hospitals, schools and other institutions find ways to buy more local food By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
pilot project to get hospitals, schools and other institutions to buy food from Manitoba farmers was launched last week with the province kicking in an $81,000 investment. His department will work with Food Matters Manitoba to encourage institutions to buy more locally grown food, said Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Ron Kostyshyn. “We want to see our local producers sell more of the great products they have to offer, while at the same time, making it easier for institutional customers to get their hands on those products,” Kostyshyn said at the Golden Carrot Awards ceremony last week.
Foes of GM labelling run afoul of campaign rules Opponents of labelling GM foods have spent more than $13 million
“As a farmer myself, I know the benefits these types of programs can create and I’m happy to be a part of this.” The first phase of the Local Sustainable Food Procurement Pilot Program will e x a m i n e b a r r i e r s t o b u ying local foods, with the second phase aimed at linking farmers and purchasers. That phase will see farmers given information about Local Food Plus certification and purchasers guidance on how to source local foods. “Basically, we call it the ultimate shopping list,” said Kostyshyn, adding it’s “a perfect partner” to the existing Bu y Ma n i t o b a p ro g ra m , a three-year public awareness campaign funded jointly by the province and industry. This isn’t the first attempt
“Basically, we call it the ultimate shopping list.” Ron Kostyshyn MAFRI minister
to explore local food sourcing for institutional buyers. In 2011 the federal government committed part of a $250,000 funding allocation to the ‘Farm to Cafeteria’ project. There are many hurdles to overcome before local foods can be sold to places like hospitals or other institutions, said Stefan Epp-Koop, program director for Food Matters Manitoba.
T h e r e g i s t e r e d c h a r i t y, which promotes food security, has surveyed farmers and found many aren’t ready to become this kind of supplier. The other challenge also lies in understanding the market, he said. “It’s very difficult to even find information about how much food institutions are buying,” he said. The provincial grant will
allow the organization to hire a co-ordinator to liaise with potential institutional buyers, distributors and farmers, he said. The funding will also help secure expertise including from representatives with Local Food Plus, a national certifier of local food,the Winnipeg-based Diversity Food Ser vices, a company that shifted the University of Winnipeg over to local suppliers. “They understand the local scene,” said Epp-Koop. Only about a half-dozen farmers are currently certified as local suppliers, through Local Certified Plus, he added. “This project will expand that number, I imagine,” he said. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
Flushing weed control worth bragging about. ( In moderation of course. )
By Carey Gillam reuters
lobbying group for major U.S. food manufacturers has violated campaign finance laws in its attempt to block a measure that would require labelling of genetically modified foods in Washington state, according to a lawsuit filed by the state’s attorney general. Attorney General Bob Ferguson alleges that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) illegally collected and spent more than $7 million while shielding the identity of its contributors. Overall, opponents of ballot initiative 522, set for a public vote on Nov. 5, have spent more than $13 million to convince voters that labelling foods made with genetically engineered crop ingredients is a bad idea. GMA, which has more than 300 companies as members, said in a statement that it was surprised by the lawsuit because it has taken “great care to understand and comply with all state election and campaign finance laws.” The Yes on 522 campaign, which has spent $5.4 million backing a labelling law, said it was heartened by the lawsuit. “They don’t want to tell us who is funding the No on 522 campaign — just like they don’t want Washington consumers to know what is in their food,” said Elizabeth Larter, spokeswoman for the Yes campaign.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Golden Carrots the ‘Oscars’ for Manitoba food security projects Food Matters Manitoba recognizes 30 community projects and individuals’ efforts to bolster local food security
D.R. Hamilton School teacher Andrea MacIvor pictured with student Valenbina Dixon accepts the Youth Food Champion award at last week’s Golden Carrots, presented by Kreesta Doucette, Food Matters Manitoba executive director, MAFRI minister, Ron Kostyshyn and Healthy Living minister, Jim Rondeau. photos: supplied by Food Matters Manitoba By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
ome had never seen a live chicken when 75 meat chickens and layer hens arrived in their northern Manitoba town last spring. But by late summer, townsfolk were eating chicken and eggs they’d raised themselves and swapping tips on how to feed and care for the small flocks. The Cross Lake Chicken Club (a project among seven families jointly f u n d e d by Heifer Inter national Canada, the provincial Northern Healthy Foods Initiative and Manitoba Hydro) was one of the community projects highlighted at last week’s Golden Carrot Awards ceremony at the Manitoba legislature. “If you’d told me in college that raising chickens would be the best thing I’d ever done with kids, I would have laughed,” said Andrea MacIvor, a teacher at D.R. Hamilton School in Cross Lake who accepted the award on behalf of her students. MacIvor, who nominated her students in Youth Food Champion category, said they “became more caring, capable and competent people” as they learned to look after the birds. About 200 people attended the seventh awards event, presented annually by Food Matters Manitoba. It’s held on Oct. 16 — World Food Day — and this year saw 30 organizations and individuals recognized for their work on food security projects in Manitoba. The organization’s ‘like the Oscars’ ceremony highlights the efforts of individuals and groups undertaking special projects or simply going the extra mile to grow, process and provide food for their community.
Food Matters Manitoba has also helped families in the north to start gardens, build greenhouses, and purchase nearly 500 freezers to safely store food they’ve grown and raised. “There’s almost 1,000 gardens now in northern Manitoba,” said Healthy Living Minister Jim Rondeau, who singled out the Northern Healthy Food Initiative for special praise. “When I went to Frontier School Division this summer I saw kids excited about growing food and talking about animals and their projects,” he said. “There are now almost 200,000 pounds of vegetables growing in northern Manitoba, and 61 greenhouses. And 16 communities now have livestock, including chickens and goats.” It all plays a role to help combat the problems of chronic disease and obesity experienced in the North, he said. Just back from meetings with other provincial health ministers, Rondeau said the issue topping their agenda wasn’t disease, but food and the role it can play in mitigating health issues. “This is getting at the root cause, which is diet,” Rondeau said. Northern food security projects are among 35 projects in 50 communities that receive support from Food Matters Manitoba. Other projects supported this year have included Fruit Share and the Dig In Challenge, which distributed 89 school garden kits. The Education Food Champion award went to Debbie Versluis at Gillis School in Tyndall. Known by students as “the canteen lady,” Versluis used a grant from the Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba and Manitoba’s Healthy Together Now Initiative to start a salad bar at the school, sourc-
Cross Lake resident Anthony Keeper keeps an eye on some of the chicks supplied at the northern community last year.
ing ingredients from local growers whenever possible. Other awards were presented in northern, rural, urban, media and business categories. Cheryl Cohan, a horticultural therapist working in Shamattawa to help community members grow gardens and learn about good food, was the winner in the northern category. “ T h i s i s f o r t h e g a rd e n e r s i n Shamattawa who have grown from about four to about 40 or 50 at least,” said Cohan. The Har vest Moon Local Food Initiative, which connects farmers using sustainable practices to Manitoba eaters, was given the Rural Food Champion Award. The Brandon Community Garden Network, which now has 12 community gardens and an urban farm, was presented with the Urban Award. CBC’s Up to Speed host Ismaila Alfa
There are now an estimated 1,000 community gardens in communities across northern Manitoba including this one in Brochet.
was honoured in the media category for his work promoting good food and raising awareness about the local food industry. B e n K ra m e r, c h e f a n d ow n e r of Diversity Food Services at the University of Winnipeg, was the business category winner for his efforts to buy from local suppliers and to popularize local food at his on-campus restaurant Elements. The awards highlight the need to help people learn to grow food and increase access to healthy foods, said Kreesta Doucette, executive director of Food Matters Manitoba. “It’s the need as well as the passion for what’s possible is what inspires the champions,” she said. “A lot of the reason they undertake these projects is because there are these needs in their community.” lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
Ghosts, goblins and gifts of food Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap
ome of the spooks showing up on doorsteps in my hometown next week will be dressed up like gifts, and plan to make a gift of their loot collected afterwards too. It won’t be candy and gum. In a project they’ve dubbed ‘Treat4Cheer’ Katrina Zacharias of Roland and Jenien Riedstra of Carman are two local teens organizing ‘trick or treaters’ (adults too) to go door to door knocking for non-perishable food items to donate to the Carman Christmas Cheer Board instead. “We are looking for young people, church youth groups, families, friends and parents who are willing to join our team,” they write on their Facebook page (Treats4Cheer). “We’re hoping to cover the entire town of Carman in a few hours, so we need lots of people to help us out.” Her sister brought back the idea from University of Saskatchewan, explains Katrina. “It’s called ‘Trick or Eat’ there. She went there, and she volunteered with it there.” Katrina, her mom and younger sister did a test run last year in nearby Morris, and even with little publicity, people gave generously, says the 18-year-old. This year she and her friend Jenien, whom she works alongside at the Carman Bakery, are taking on Carman. It’s an opportunity for people of any age to dress up and have some fun going door to door Halloween night, says Katrina, “but for a better cause.” She’s been getting great feedback. “A lot of people say it’s a great idea, because they often give to the cheer board anyways,” she said. “It’s an easy way to help people give what they want to give.” And it’s a welcome boost to their larder, adds Brenda Bryson, Carman cheer board volunteer. Most years about 150 families receive hampers locally so they need lots of donations. Brenda said she was mighty impressed when the two teens called to talk over their plan. “They just said, ‘This is what we’d like to do.’ I think it is just awesome what they’re doing.” Katrina says once they know how many want to participate in ‘Treat4Cheer,’ they’ll map out the town and assign streets to small teams so no one gets approached twice. They’re hoping lots of adults get involved too. They’ll need people to drive and haul what they hope will become a heavy load of tins and boxes as the night advances, she said. We ran a few quotes on this page just last week off the World Food Day website, for inspiring us to tackle the hunger that exists in our communities and the wider world. One was ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’ Local youth in Carman, some dressed like gifts and ‘giving back’ on their festive night next week, will be doing just that.
Here’s a few recipes you might like to take to a Halloween party, or use to fuel up spooks heading out into the night October 31.
Spooky Eyeballs Looking into your plate and having it look back at you can be quite scary! These eyeballs are a perfect Halloween party appetizer or a fun dinner for the family next week. 1 egg 1/2 c. dry seasoned bread crumbs, divided 3/4 c. shredded Canadian white cheddar cheese 1 large clove garlic, minced 1/2 tsp. each dried basil and thyme leaves 1/4 tsp. fresh ground pepper 1 lb. extra-lean ground chicken 1 jar (12 oz./375 ml) queen-size pimento-stuffed green olives, drained Pasta sauce (optional)
Preheat oven to 375 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, stir together egg and 3 tbsp. of the bread crumbs, cheese, garlic, basil, thyme and pepper. Add chicken and using your hands mix well to combine. Using about 1 tbsp. of the mixture, roll into a ball and then roll into remaining bread crumbs and place on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining mixture. Push one olive into each meatball and reshape as necessary to form eyeball. Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown and no longer pink inside. Serve with pasta sauce, if desired.
Cobweb Pumpkin Pizza With Chocolate And Ricotta 1 store-bought pizza crust, 12x15 inches 1 c. bittersweet chocolate chips, divided 1 c. Canadian ricotta 3/4 c. plain pumpkin purée 1 egg 3 tbsp. flour 1/2 c. brown sugar 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp. ground ginger 1/2 c. white chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 F. Spread 1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips on the pizza crust and heat the crust in the oven for 2 minutes. Remove from oven and spread out melted chips with the back of a spoon. Whisk together ricotta, pumpkin purée, egg, flour, brown sugar and spices. Spread out on chocolatey pizza crust and bake 15 minutes. Let cool. Melt 1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips. Transfer to a small plastic bag and cut off a corner. Gently squeeze the bag of chocolate to make a spiral shape on the ricotta topping.
You can substitute extra-lean ground beef, turkey or veal for the chicken.
Repeat with the white chocolate. Using the tip of a knife, make lines in the melted chocolate spiral starting at the centre of the pizza and moving toward the edge. Space the lines roughly 2 inches apart. To create a web shape, make new lines in between the existing ones, moving from the outer edge toward the centre. Garnish with fruit or insectshaped jujubes.
Prep. time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 15 minutes. Makes: 30 meatballs.
Preparation time: 20 minutes. Cooking time: 17 minutes. Yields: 8 to 10 servings
Recipe source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Recipe source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Tips: Be sure to taste an olive before starting and if they are salty, drain and rinse them to help reduce the saltiness.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
ndrew Jackson put down his fork and knife and picked up his glass of wine. “A toast,” he said, raising his glass. There was a sudden pause in the general hubbub as the other members of the family reached for their own glasses. “Wait. I’m out of wine,” said Jennifer. She extended her glass and Brady quickly filled it for her. “OK,” she said, “go ahead Dad.” Andrew paused briefly. “Here’s to the best family,” he said, “in the entire history of the universe.” “Hear hear,” said Rose. “I’ll drink to that.” There was a protracted clinking of glasses as everyone proceeded to do just that. “Just curious,” said Brady, “but whose family are we talking about?” “The Andersons from up by Carman,” said Andrew not missing a beat. “It would have been this family right here,” he said, “but I understand that none of the Anderson children have ever shot holes in the hood of the family pickup truck, or driven the front-end loader into the machine shed without first opening the overhead door.” “Also,” said Brady, “I hear the tree house Mr. Anderson built for his kids did not fall out of the tree the first time there was a gust of wind.” Andrew raised his glass again. “Here’s to the second-best family in the history of the universe,” he said, “which is ours.” He paused keeping his glass raised. “And here’s to the newcomer,” he said. “Welcome to the Jacksons’ annual Thanksgiving Day feast, Allan. I hope you feel right at home.” The tall, undeniably handsome young man occupying the chair next to Jennifer smiled politely. “Indeed I do Mr. Jackson,” he said. “I only can’t decide which is better, the turkey or the stuffing or the gravy or the roasted carrots or the balsamic squash casserole.” “Well then Allan,” said Andrew, “you will have to keep eating till you can pick a favourite, which I suggest should be the gravy since I made that. And you don’t need to call me Mr. Jackson. We’re not that formal. Just call me Your Majesty like everyone else.” Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Now I remember why I never invite my boyfriends home for dinner.”
“It’s true, Allan,” said Rose. “Of the dozens of boyfriends Jennifer has had, you’re the first one she’s ever invited to dinner.” “I’m honoured,” said Allan graciously. “I never dreamed I’d be invited to have Thanksgiving dinner with the second-best family in the history of the universe.” “Well yeah,” said Andrew modestly. “It’s not like we’re the best. By the way, what did you say your last name was?” “Anderson,” said Allan. “My family lives up by Carman.” There was a brief pause. “Just kidding,” he said. “My name is Wright and my family moved out here three years ago. Oh, and in the history of
the universe, my family probably only ranks about 12th.” “Ah well,” said Brady. “Can’t all be top 10.” “Here’s an idea, Brady,” said Jennifer. “We’ll trade you for Allan. That’ll make our family No. 1, and probably only drop his family 400 or 500 spots.” “So Allan,” said Randy, changing the subject. “I hear you’re an artist.” Allan nodded. “I am,” he said. “And thanks to you all,” he added, “I am no longer a starving one.” “Ah yes, well, the Jackson family has always been a strong supporter of the arts,” said Randy. “And by arts, I mean curling and barrel racing.” “I tried curling once,” said Allan, “but when it was my turn to throw I forgot to let go of the rock and I slid halfway down the ice on my stomach. The guys didn’t know whether to sweep or push.” “You must have heaved it pretty good to get halfway down,” said Andrew. “I’ve never made it more than a quarter.” “And I’ve never tried barrel racing,” said Allan. “Actually I’ve never even seen barrel racing. I understand it involves horses and barrels.” “And racing,” said Jennifer. “Remember? I explained it to you the night we met.” “I don’t remember anything you said the night we met,” said Allan. “I’ve had a few nights like that myself,” said Brady. “Not like that,” said Jennifer. “It wasn’t that kind of a night.” Allan grinned. “It was a memorable night in every way,” he said “except I don’t remember what we talked about.” “I told you about all my former boyfriends,” said Jennifer. “Both of them. So you can’t ever ask me again because it’s not my fault if you weren’t listening. “I can tell you all about them, Allan,” said Brady. “Especially Fauntleroy.” “Fernando,” said Jennifer. “Anyway, you’re already an improvement over him,” said Brady. “You have a name I can remember. So, welcome to the family Albert.” “Allan,” said Jennifer. “Close enough,” said Allan. “Just don’t call me Fauntleroy.”
Late-autumn projects Finish up those yard and garden jobs before winter By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR
uring the final sunny days of autumn, as we finish putting the gardens to bed for the winter, gardeners often tackle some hardscape or building projects, perform repair work to some existing structures, add a completely new feature to the garden, or simply clean and repair objects as part of their regular maintenance schedule. One advantage to undertaking such projects at this time of year is that you have an excuse to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine — we will be forced to forgo garden activity soon enough by winter weather. Secondly, you will be thankful next spring when you are scrambling to finish all your planting that you completed these tasks ahead of time. Repair of stone and brick walls is a good project now. Add cement to fasten loose stones, but remember, when using concrete this late in the year you have to cover it on cold nights to make sure that it cures properly. Reposition bricks that have moved out of place and clean up stone or brick edging along beds and borders to ensure that these garden features look good come spring. Lifting stone edging to remove grass and weeds is easier now that the plants are no longer growing. Give wooden objects and structures a good cleaning; wooden trellises and
obelisks might need a coat of stain or paint, which is easier to apply at this time of year because the plant material that usually covers them has often been removed. See if you have space somewhere to store such objects indoors so that they will not weather during the long winter. Wooden steps and decks might be in need of a good cleaning and some additional stain. Choose a sunny day that has a breeze to undertake this task, as you will want a pressure-washed deck to dry thoroughly before stain is applied and you will want that stain to dry properly as well. Wooden planters and fences might need some repair and possibly require a cleaning and staining. Create a garden path using concrete, brick, or flat stones — the ground is still not frozen, so a good base for a pathway can be put down easily. Perhaps you have some old bricks or cement pads that you have had on hand for a while and you are looking for a place to make use of them. Now is a good time to go through your collection of decorative objects. Discard any items that are badly weathered, broken, chipped, or cracked — or things that you no longer use. Clean and repair containers. Plastic and concrete containers might benefit from a good scrubbing to remove unsightly stains and marks before being stored away for the winter, while terra cotta pots no doubt will have white mineral deposits on them that detract from
Make use of those old, concrete patio blocks you’ve been wanting to recycle to create a unique garden path. PHOTOS: ALBERT PARSONS
their appearance. Terra cotta containers are usually stored in a frost-free location because they will crack if any moisture is present in them when sub-zero temperatures occur. Clean any wrought iron fencing and railings and if rust is evident, remove it with a wire brush and repaint the spots. Finally, don’t forget your garden tools — make sure they are properly cleaned and sharpened before they are put into storage. Those prone to rust might benefit from being rubbed down with an oily cloth. Don’t forget to run the lawn mower until it runs out of gas — it is not
This obelisk has weathered during the summer and needs to be sanded and stained.
recommended to leave gas in the tank all winter. There are enough projects to keep us busy outdoors in our yards until the snow flies. Enjoy these final days working in your garden and take comfort in knowing it will go into the winter in fine shape and you will not have to deal with these maintenance issues when the busy spring season arrives. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Time for an autumn road trip? Turtle Mountain area is a scenic place to see By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor
fter the first frosts, it’s time to consider another road trip to look at the annual display of coloured leaves. Manitoba may not have the brilliant red maples of southern Ontario, but we have our own scenic parks well worth a visit. One of the areas I love most in autumn is the Turtle Mountain area, south of Boissevain. My husband and I usually try to spend several days camping there; sometimes we manage only a day trip. If we time it right, the hills are golden. For a shorter time, take a round trip, looping into North Dakota at the International Peace Gardens, and then back into Canada south of Deloraine. If you’re taking the U.S. loop, bring your passport, but you don’t require it for the Peace Gardens. Begin by dr iving south from Boissevain on Highway No. 10. Shortly a f t e r yo u e n t e r Tu r t l e Mo u n t a i n Provincial Park, you’ll see signs for Bower Lake and Adam Lake, scenic stops for camera enthusiasts. At Adam Lake I always enjoy a short walk along the lake. Ducks, geese and muskrats are often visible, and one year I discovered a young porcupine along one path. There’s also a fitness trail for the athletically inclined. (Pick up a park map at the entrance to Adam Lake.) A short distance south is the International Peace Gardens. Although the beautiful flower displays will be finished, the Sunken Gardens and Peace Tower still make good photos. Take time to drive around both Canadian and American sections. On the Canadian side, a little north of the main developed gardens, is a row of pictureworthy sugar maples. The Canadian side is mostly forested, spectacular in autumn, with small lakes and rolling hills — good for cycling, too, and stunning when the leaves are bright. The American side is a little more open. Be sure to stop at the Peace Chapel, which straddles the international border, and go inside to read the inspirational quotations. In the middle
of the formal gardens, across from the Bell Tower, is a memorial site for the 9/11 tragedies. This ‘Stroll and Contemplative Garden’ was dedicated on September 11, 2010 and contains 10, 10-foot girders from the wreckage of the World Trade Centre. Farther south on the U.S. side is the Game Warden Museum. It’s closed at this time of year, but still worth a stop to see the ‘Hall of Honours’ beside it, a memorial dedicated to wildlife enforcement officers from Canada and the U.S. who died while serving. Just south of the Formal Gardens is the conservatory/gift shop/restaurant. A large collection of cacti from the Americas and southern Africa are grown there. If you didn’t bring lunch, you can buy something here; if you brought food, find a picnic table before leaving the Peace Gardens. Those without passports may opt to drive back north and explore other sections of the Turtle Mountain Park — Max Lake, by driving west on Road 6N, and then on to Metigoshe Lake on the far-western side by driving through the park. ( This is a gravel road so I wouldn’t advise it if there has been recent rainfall.) Or drive east on No. 341 and then south on 112W to reach William Lake, another camp ground/picnic area. A walk to the Turtle’s Back viewpoint and tower is possible here for those who are fit. For the North Dakota section of the Turtle Mountains, cross the border, drive three miles south and then turn west on to Highway No. 43 (the ‘Scenic Byway’). This is a rolling, mostly forested drive, beautiful in the fall. If you have time, stop at nearby Lake Metigoshe, a summer resort centre. But there is one unique stop on the western edge of the mountains where you need to stop before driving down on to the plain below: the surprising “Mystical Horizons” structure. This is a modernday Stonehenge with a panoramic viewpoint to the west of the surrounding farmland below. Built in 2005 of pink granite, and “dedicated to Jack Olson’s vision of Century 21 Stonehenge,” it functions as a working solar calendar,
Peace Garden on the Canadian side. GAMACHE PHOTOS
Adam Lake
for it marks the summer and winter solstices and the equinox. West of the hills, where Highway No. 43 ends, turn north on to U.S. No. 14 which takes you back to Manitoba. Take Highway No. 21 to Deloraine from where you can return to Boissevain. Or, if you like to explore rural roads as we do, take a gravel road going east. We used our Backroad Mapbook, and with
several jigs and jags eventually made our way back to No. 10. Depending on wind and rain, the bright colours in the Turtle Mountains may only last a few days. But even if some of the leaves are gone, the area is still worth a trip. Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba
Old Iron Club carries on tradition Wheat sheaves threshed the old-fashioned way By Darrell Nesbitt Freelance contributor
t’s one thing to see oldtime equipment in a museum, but there’s nothing like seeing the machinery in action. That was the s e n t i m e n t e x p r e s s e d by Nancy Wright of Macungie, Pennsylvania who took in the threshing demonstration last month put on by the Strathclair Old Iron Club. “Having seen threshing machines in a museum setting before, it was truly spectacular to see them and manual labour operating,” said Wright. “The views provided by the Old Iron Club presented such a different way of life.”
Along with club members, a host of volunteers also pitched in literally — either loading a horse-drawn rack with a wheat sheaf on the end of a fork or feeding a threshing machine owned by the Old Iron Club. Orest Peech of Oakburn was among those to get involved, and recalled threshing as a young lad. Bringing back a lot of memories, the crop of wheat just north of Strathclair was cut with a binder prior to being loaded on racks and hauled to the threshers. T h e t r a c t o r s p ow e r i n g the two threshing machines included one that has worked within the Strathclair area since 1938. The Model D John Deere was purchased in
Elphinstone by the late Hugh McKerchar 75 years ago and was used by him until 1948. The second owner of the tractor was Peter Hasiuk with Jack Schoemperlen becoming the third. Restoring the tractor, David Moffett is now the fourth owner. The second tractor used in the demonstration was also a John Deere – 1953 R Diesel model owned by Larry Dyck of Newdale, who also showcased a 1944 John Deere Miniature L. For Wright, the opportunity to experience a piece of the past only added to her love of the Canadian Pra i r i e s, w h i c h s h e f i r s t encountered nine years ago. Together with Margaret
Orest Peech was one of the volunteers at Old Iron Club’s demonstration. PHOTO: DARRELL NESBITT
Boulton of Birtle, she enjoyed grabbing a pitchfork and taking part in history by tossing a few sheaves. The display showcased a different era, but just like
then — harvesting crews still work together to reap what’s sown on the Prairies. Darrell Nesbitt writes from Shoal Lake, Manitoba
32 SEC-RR2Y-KG-MB13-T_MC.qxd
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Page 1
Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield Soybeans
Produced by: SeCan Product/Campaign Name: SeCan RR2Y Soybeans WEST Date Produced: October 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
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loc a l, nationa l a nd internationa l news
Big buildup in corn stocks seen overwhelming prices Some see a low of $4.20 but say breaking that level would lead to further sharp declines
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest forecast for U.S. corn production is a record 13.843 billion bushels, above the previous record 13.1 billion set four years ago. photo: thinkstock By Sam Nelson chicago / reuters
ctive harvesting of a recordlarge U.S. corn crop likely will keep a lid on Chicago Board of Trade corn futures prices well into next year despite improving demand for the world’s chief feed grain due to the current lower price level, analysts said. Bellwether CBOT December corn, the first contract reflecting the newly harvested crop, had already plunged over $2 per bushel or over 35 per cent the past year to a three-year low of $4.32 per bushel last week. During the same time frame, U.S. corn production prospects have jumped nearly 30 per cent from last year’s drought-reduced crop leading to an expected supply buildup from a 17-year low this year to an eight-year high next year. “I am looking at building world inventories and weaker prices into the next 18 months,” said Roy Huckabay, analyst for The Linn Group, a Chicago trade house. “I see a huge U.S. corn crop that can easily be 14.1 billion to 14.3 billion bushels so there is not much rally potential,” Huckabay said. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest forecast for U.S. corn production is a record 13.843 billion bushels, above the previous record 13.1 billion set four years ago.
The huge crop is being harvested later than usual due to the record-late planting season and late-maturing crop. “Seasonal trends in years with late harvest show a tendency for corn to make a new lower low into December delivery. First downside objective is $4.26, but that may not hold if the crop really is 13.8 billion bushels,” said Bryce Knorr, senior editor for Farm Futures Magazine, referring to the Dec. corn contract delivery period that runs the first two weeks of December.
“I am looking at eventual lows in corn of $3.50 to $3.80 but suspect that will happen well into next year, maybe in March.”
Roy Huckabay The Linn Group
But output may exceed the 13.8-billion-bushel level since yield reports from the autumn harvest have been above expectations, according to analysts, agronomists and other cash grain sources.
“I am looking at eventual lows in corn of $3.50 to $3.80 but suspect that will happen well into next year, maybe in March. The crop is just too big and the export demand is not so good once you get past China,” Huckabay said.
China purchases
The lower corn prices have increased the demand for U.S. corn with China recently buying significant volumes — reportedly over a million tonnes of U.S. corn in October. But analysts are skeptical enough fresh demand will surface to counter the price-depressing buildup of corn supplies. Additionally, demand for corn to process into ethanol is seen levelling off in the coming year as oil companies are hitting up against the current “blendwall” — the upper amount of ethanol it can blend into the U.S. fuel supply. Today, about 40 per cent of the U.S. corn crop is used to produce about 13 billion gallons of the renewable fuel. “The big supply is still trumping big demand. I’d be surprised if we break out of the $4.20 to $4.80 range any time soon,” said Jeff Thompson, analyst for ED&F Man Capital. There are several factors that may keep corn prices from falling much further than current levels and also allow for the potential for at least a modest rebound of prices.
“I have felt this fall that the $4.20 level would hold the corn market,” said Arlan Suderman, analyst for Water Street Advisory. Suderman said there are several technical layers of long-term support that cross near or just above the $4.20 level “most important of which is trend line support that has held the market since 2005.” Hedge fund traders already had sold the corn market heavily short through the summer and early autumn when it became evident U.S. farmers were likely poised to produce a record crop. “I believe speculative fund managers, who are believed to be holding large short positions, are reluctant to add to those positions so close to such significant support,” Suderman said. However, Suderman cautioned that if the key $4.20 support level was broken the market could possibly fall below $4 to the $3.75 to $3.80 area. “Such a flush would likely be short lived, with end-users seeing it as a tremendous opportunity to extend coverage; both domestically and globally,” he said. Also, farmer selling would nearly dry up at the lower price levels, leading to a likely rebound of prices. “Farmers have little incentive to sell at these prices or lower, at least not until they begin to run out of money, which could be a while,” Suderman said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Tractor starts after year-long burial in manure pile
Farm operator pled guilty in December last year to a charge of possession of property obtained by crime By Dave Bedard agcanada.com
Needless to say, the tractor had depreciated by the time it was found in early June last year.
a n
i m p o r T a n T
or a few days in the summer of 2012 it may have been the most famous tractor in Western Canada, though it would never pull an implement again. But a southern Manitoba equipment dealer that bought the 2009 Case IH Steiger 485 says the unit, long since dismantled for parts, could possibly have been put back in use — even after it languished for months completely buried in manure. When it was reported missing on Dec. 21, 2010 from Leo’s Sales and Service in the RM of Rosser, just northwest of Winnipeg, the Steiger Quadtrac was valued at about $300,000. Needless to say, the tractor had depreciated by the time it was found in early June last year.
RCMP from Fisher Branch — about 150 km north of Rosser — followed a Crime Stoppers tip to a farm in the RM of Fisher, southwest of the town. RCMP said they took out a search warrant, hired an excavator and, over the next couple of days, found the tractor “buried underneath a 12- to 15-foot manure pile on the property.” RCMP photos of the dig were widely circulated. The tale of the tractor’s discovery made nationwide news and was the secondmost viewed story on AGCanada. com in 2012. The photos show a tractor in which the cab’s glass broke under the weight of the burial. “The pile of manure was like a sponge to water,” and water had collected in the unit’s major cavities, Gerald Grandmont of Leo’s later recalled.
a n n o u n C e m e n T
The tractor’s insurer had already settled with Leo’s for the unit after it had disappeared, he said, thus the insurance company owned the recovered tractor. It was put up for salvage tender, thus wouldn’t be put back into service, he added.
Still started
However, the 534-horsepower tractor could conceivably have run again, according to Bernie Chabot of Chabot Implements of Elie, Man., which bought the Steiger from the insurance company for parts. Service staff at the dealership hooked up a battery to the unit and were able to restart it, Chabot said. Two offers came in to buy the tractor whole, he said, but in any case it turned out to be worth more as parts. The engine, transmission and rear end and other major components were all salvaged and sold. “We thought (the damage) would be worse than that,” he said, noting a bit of rusting. “Even the interior of the cab wasn’t that bad,” Chabot said. “We put the seat in a payloader we have here.”
To Western Canadian Growers Seed Hawk owes our success to the growers and dealers who share our vision. Today, we want to make an important announcement to all Western Canadian farmers. As of October 15, the Swedish agricultural equipment manufacturer Väderstad has increased its stake in Seed Hawk from 49 to 100 percent ownership. This will allow Seed Hawk to expand its operations in Langbank, Saskatchewan, even more than we had planned. The company will continue to be known as Seed Hawk, and our dealer and farm customers will work with the same Seed Hawk team they are familiar with. When Väderstad was considering investing in a North American factory, the Seed Hawk management felt strongly that there was no better place to do it than Langbank, Saskatchewan, where our current manufacturing plant is located. But to make an investment of that magnitude, Väderstad wanted controlling interest in the company. When my partner Brian Dean and I looked at what having an even larger factory expansion in Langbank could do for our employees, our community and our province, we felt the best decision was for us to sell. It was very important to Väderstad that Brian Dean and I maintained active, hands-on roles in Seed Hawk. So the two of us will keep doing what we do best – strategic product and market development. We will both be part of the Board of Directors at Seed Hawk, and I am pleased to continue as the company’s spokesman. We are also pleased to announce that Peter Clarke, formerly our General Manager, is now President and CEO of Seed Hawk. He will be an ideal leader in this exciting new part of the Seed Hawk story. This is a winning combination for the future. Seed Hawk and Väderstad have always shared a passion for agriculture and a vision of innovation that is relevant to farmers and the agriculture industry. The deal with Väderstad will allow significant growth at the plant in Langbank, both in manufacturing capacity and in job opportunities at Seed Hawk. We have a great relationship with the Väderstad owners and we know their long-term thinking means that they will continue to build a very strong company in Langbank. We look forward to many more growing seasons with you. Thank you,
Founder & Director, Seed Hawk Inc.
To find more information and watch interviews with Pat Beaujot, visit SeedHawk.com
Don’t expect answers to the lingering questions, though: How did the tractor end up in Fisher? And why was it then buried in manure? Julian Friedrichs, 25, who operated the farm where the tractor was buried, pled guilty in December last year to a charge of possession of property (value over $5,000) obtained by crime. Friedrichs’ former commonlaw wife, Christin Peter, 23, was also charged in 2012 with possession of the stolen property and was not convicted, according to RCMP. Provincial Court Judge Cynthia Devine gave Friedrichs a conditional discharge with 12 months’ probation and 25 hours of community service, based on a joint recommendation from Crown and defence lawyers, and also ordered him to attend counselling. Crown attorney Kathleen Tokaruk told the court Friedrichs admitted knowing the tractor was on his property and that it was stolen, but he has denied stealing it. Defence lawyer Greg Gudelot said Friedrichs — who emigrated from Germany to Canada years earlier, bought the rural property and had tried since then to farm — “reluctantly” agreed to a request to keep the tractor there. Lawyers at the December court hearing did not name anyone as having made such a request. “I don’t know if he’s necessarily aware of why it was put there” in the manure, Gudelot told the judge, adding the tractor was never used on the farm and was buried “continuously” from when it arrived there. “It doesn’t appear... that you’ve benefited in any way from having the tractor on your land,” whether through farm use or resale, Devine told Friedrichs during sentencing. She noted he had “faced some financial disaster” on the farm and was in the process of “trying to pick up (his) socks.” The lawyers noted Friedrichs had no prior arrests or criminal record.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Canadian cheese earns top prize in global competition Lancaster, Ontario’s Glengarry Fine Cheese has been in the cheese-making business since the 1990s By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
ewly crowned the winner in a global cheese competition, a small Canadian company is proving it doesn’t take centuries to perfect a fine cheese. Lancaster, Ontario company Glengarry Fine Cheese walked away with the top prize in the prestigious Global Cheese Awards held this fall in Somerset, England, the birthplace of cheddar. G l e n g a r r y ’s L a n k a a s t e r aged loaf, a hard Gouda-style cheese aged just two years when entered in the competition, was named Global Supreme Champion at the competition. The traditionally shaped cheese is meant to be sliced and eaten directly on bread as Dutch farmers do. It has a unique profile due to the specific starter culture the plant uses to create a cheese typical of those made on Dutch farms earlier in the century, according to the company’s website. “You eat a piece of it and you want to go in a closet alone and keep eating it. It is a cheese that you will never forget the taste of,” cheese maker and company owner Margaret Peters-Morris is quoted as saying in a recent Globe and Mail article. She has been making cheese only since the early 1990s. The milk comes from PetersMorris’s farm; the dair y is located across the road from the cheese plant. A family of Dutch heritage, Gouda was their first choice when selecting a cheese to start producing, according to Glengarry Fine Cheese website. The firm now additionally produces two types of blue c h e e s e, t w o h a rd c h e e s e s including the Lankaaster, plus another called the Glengarry Fen, as well as three washedrind cheeses, and one soft lactic bloomy. One of Glengarry’s two soft blue cheeses, called the Celtic Blue, earned a bronze at the same competition this fall. “The overall love of cheese in our family propelled Margaret’s interest to add more varieties to the repertoire with trips abroad to learn more about farmstead cheese making and eventually developing recipes that are the basis of the varieties produced in the plant today,” the company’s website says. “To have an artisan plant was Margaret’s dream and is now her life’s vocation, to be on a farm making cheese in the county where she grew up.”
The Canadian cheese stood out in a competition featuring 167 categories of the world’s finest cheeses. The Global Cheese Awards, formerly called the Frome Cheese Show, has showcased top artisanal cheeses and their makers since 1861. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
The traditionally shaped cheese is meant to be sliced and eaten directly on bread as Dutch farmers do.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Hog farmers have major doubts about benefit of proposed changes It’s estimated implementing the new national pig code of production could cost farmers $500 million, and could drive many out of the business By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA
ver whelming outside i n t e re s t i n sow confinement and housing are obscuring other issues t h a t n e e d t o b e re s o l v e d in the national pig code of production, says Catherine Scovil of the Canadian Pork Council. The committee of farmers, food industry reps, and animal welfare experts developing the code was flooded with more than 4,700 comments this summer on what should be in it, Scovil, the council’s associate executive director, told the recent National Farm Animal Care Conference. The committee is sorting through the suggestions but “we’re not there yet. This will be a big change for producers,” she said, noting one of the issues to be dealt with is reducing the pain associated with tail docking and castration.
Group housing in Denmark. A Canadian Pork Council spokeswoman says sows are aggressive and Canadian farmers don’t see the benefits of the system.
While the number of comments is far greater than any other livestock production code has attracted, “there was no big consumer concer n,” she said. The comments came from overseas as well as Canada and the U.S.
“We’re trying to meet public expectations, but the process is clouded by all the noise in society,” said Scovil. “There’s no recognition of all the changes that have been made in farming in recent years.”
We want to hear from you To improve system reliability and accommodate growth and demand for electricity in southern Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro is proposing construction of two 230-kilovolt transmission lines originating at the St. Vital Station in southeastern Winnipeg. One line will run west to the La Verendrye Station on an existing Manitoba Hydro right-of-way. The other will run south to the Letellier Station and a preferred route for this line has now been determined.
Purchase of climate data company said to be huge revenue opportunity By Carey Gillam REUTERS
We encourage the public to attend an open house to share comments about this preferred route. Staff will be available to provide information and answer questions. Your feedback will help us finalize a route for regulatory approval.
November 4 4 to 8 p.m. Dominion City Community Hall 31 McKercher St. November 5 4 to 8 p.m. Cabane a Sucre 432 Joubert St.
November 7 4 to 8 p.m. Winakwa Community Centre 980 Winakwa Rd. November 6 4 to 8 p.m. TransCanada Centre 1 Rivard St.
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forced out of the business because of the extra costs of the code.” The code calls for group housing on all pig farms by 2024. The process has also raised other concerns from farmers. “There’s lots of uncertainty over how to have a conversation with consumers,” Scovil said. “They don’t understand why people without a vested interest in their farms are trying to tell them what to do.” It was hoped the pig code would be in draft form by the end of the year, but it’s more likely to appear in 2014. It will also spell out new restrictions on gestation stalls, limiting their use to 35 days of a sow’s pregnancy. But the first priority is the care and welfare of animals, Scovil said. “Any change on farm must be done in a way that protects the welfare of the anim a l s a n d k e e p s Ca n a d i a n farms strong.”
Monsanto posts loss, unveils acquisition
St. Vital Transmission Complex Round 2 Public Open House
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Some complained the process has been hijacked by animal r ights activists, a n d m a n y f a r m e r s “w o r r y the result will lead to poor animal welfare outcomes,” Scovil said. “Sow s i n g r o u p s c a n b e aggressive,” she said. “Producers don’t see the benefit of group housing.” As well, producers don’t foresee any government help or higher pork prices to cover the extra costs they will face, she said, noting changes in sow confinement and group housing will add $820 to $1,155 per sow in extra costs. O n c e s t a f f t ra i n i n g c o s t s, additional labour requirements, and adapting to other code provisions are added in, it’s estimated the change could cost the Canadian pork industry $500 million. “If this type of production is what the market wants, it should give farmers premiums,” Scovil said. “Many farmers fear they will be
13-10-18 11:55 AM
onsanto Co., the world’s largest seed company, reported a deeper quarterly loss on Oct. 16 as seed sales slipped, and announced the acquisition of a high-tech climate data firm it touted as a “transformational” growth engine. Overall, Monsanto lost $249 million, or 47 cents a share, in the fourth quarter, compared with a loss of $229 million (42 cents a share) a year earlier. Analysts on average were expecting a loss of 43 cents a share. Sales rose to $2.2 billion from $2.1 billion, but sales of its key seeds and genomics business dropped to $1.19 billion from $1.2 billion. Monsanto officials said in a conference call with investors that the acquisition of San Francisco-based Climate Corp. was a transformational event. The deal, expected to close in the current quarter, will give the seed and chemical giant a technology platform with significant growth potential, the officials said. “This is the entry ticket into a $20-billion market opportunity and it starts fast,” chairman Hugh Grant
said on the call. “It’s an important addition. It will strengthen our growth rate over the coming decade.” Monsanto and r ival DuPont Pioneer have been racing to roll out such datadriven products to help farmers boost production. The Climate Corp. weather data products will be incorporated into Monsanto’s FieldScripts precision-planting platform for farmers. FieldScripts is designed to help farmers make dozens of decisions related to planting, field management and harvesting. Monsanto plans to launch FieldScr ipts across four states on hundreds of thousands of acres at a price of about $10 per acre in 2014. Monsanto said it would likely take a year to incorporate Climate Corp. weather data into its FieldScripts platform, and company officials said they would be determining over that period how much higher they can price the FieldScripts offering, based on how much additional yield the information can give farmers. Grant said the technology could be sold to farmers planting an array of crops, whether or not Monsanto sells the seeds those farmers use.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Canary seed prices follow general downtrend Despite the good yields, production is still expected to be significantly lower than 2012-13 By Brandon Logan COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA
espite harvest nearing an end, canar y seed prices continue to downtrend due to reports of huge yields across Saskatchewan, however, Kevin Hursh, executive director for the Canaryseed Development Commission of Saskatchewan, said prices still compare favourably versus other crops. As of Oct. 17, Prairie Ag Hotwire had f.o.b. farm canary seed at 23 to 24 cents per pound, which is one cent per pound lower than two weeks earlier.
“People are talking about tremendous yields (for most cereals), and when you start doing the math at current prices, canary seed is comparing very favourably with cereals,” he said. “I would suggest it is more profitable than other cereals for this harvest.” Those tremendous yields are also true of the canary seed crop as well, Hursh said. “I think yields will be higher than the five-year average and it’ll probably be one of the better ones of all time,” he said. “I’ve talked to some producers that have had some very good yields.” Despite the good yields,
production is still expected to be significantly lower than 2012-13. According to Statistics Canada, 2013-14 production is estimated at 97,500 tonnes compared to 149,700 tonnes the previous season. As of October 17, Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly crop report had 86 per cent of the crop combined, two per cent ready to be combined, five per cent swathed, and seven per cent still standing. If growers find current prices for canary seed unreasonable, Hursh said the crop can be easily stored as it takes up limited bin space. “It’s not an urgent need for
This year’s canary seed yields may be the best ever.
producers to move it, and it is a crop that if it goes into the bin in good condition, it can be stored for years — and sometimes it is,” he said. “I think everybody is not in a tight
cash situation like they maybe were six or 10 years ago, so they don’t need the funds and canary seed isn’t a bulky crop, so it isn’t taking up as much bin space as some other things.”
Ontario premier urges food processors to think big
“We know this farm like no one else.”
ntario Premier Kathleen Wynne is calling on food processors in the province to double their exports and create 120,000 new jobs by 2020. Ontario should aim to become one of North America’s top five food and beverage manufacturers by 2020, Wynne said at the recent Summit on Agri-Food Innovation in Toronto. The Ontario agri-food sector contributes $34 billion to the provincial economy, supports more than 740,000 jobs, and exports $10.8 billion worth of product. But as in the rest of the country, imports of food and beverages — which now top $5.6 billion annually — are growing much faster than exports. A study by the Canadian AgriFood Policy Institute found the growth of Canadian food exports substantially outpaced imports in the ’90s but the trend has reversed in the last decade. The organization has commissioned a series of studies to discover why. “Our work is about understanding what is happening across this sector,” says David McInnes, the institute’s president. To do that, researchers will examine detailed trade data for 140 food and beverage types, and also look at the performance of individual companies. They will also examine the trend of closing Canadian branch plants and shifting their production to the U.S. “We need to understand the traits of success among foodprocessing companies,” said McInnes. “The purpose of the work is to isolate the factors to help companies invest, grow and export. Our country’s success will depend on how best we target growing markets, particularly export markets. For the most part, this will come down to how we effectively differentiate consumers and markets.”
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Competition offers trip to FarmTech in Edmonton
The sunsets on the water for these geese will soon be replaced with sunsets on the ice.
Farm Management Canada is sponsoring a crossCanada competition for young farmers to attend the FarmTech Conference in Edmonton in January. To enter, contestants must be young farmers and produce a video, one minute or less, that demonstrates, “What does your generation bring to the farm table?” Submissions must be received by Dec. 2. Winners will be announced Dec. 16. The winners will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the FarmTech conference. While at FarmTech, winners will report from the conference through social media. All winners will be required to work the FMC and sponsor booths for two hours each day. John Deere and the Canadian Fertilizer Institute are assisting with sponsorship of the competition. Upon return, the winner is required to write one article and produce an additional one-minute video to share insights on their experience. Winners may also be called upon to speak at FMC and/or sponsor events. For more information visit www.fmc-gac.com/ content/y-we-farmyoung-farmer-videocompetition.
New chair for Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
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Denis Bilodeau, second vice-president of l’Union des producteurs agricole, is the new chair of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association. Bilodeau has been involved with the Winnipeg-based organization for 15 years and has served as the board’s vicepresident for four terms. “I hold farm safety close to my heart. It is deeply rooted for me both personally and professionally,” said Bilodeau, who replaces outgoing chair Dean Anderson, of Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Prevention Services. Other board members are Tara Huestis, (farm safety specialist, Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I.), Lauranne Sanderson (department head, Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus), Billy Woods (farmer, Torbay, Nfld.), Charan Gill (CEO, Progressive Intercultural Community Services, B.C.), and Niels Koehncke (acting director, Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture, Sask.).
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Shortcut through the Amazon jungle expected to boost Brazilian soy exports It’s not fully paved and sinkholes abound, but upgrades to BR-163 has made it a ‘viable roadway’ and opened a new gateway for soybean exports By Gustavo Bonato and Caroline Stauffer SAO PAULO / REUTERS
new northern front is opening in the battle for a share of Brazil’s burgeoning soy and corn exports as a highway decades in the making finally opens, offering a shortcut through the Amazon jungle to northeastern waterways. The BR-163 connects Mato Grosso state’s Soy Belt to two key river ports and will boost grain exports by three million tonnes next year, offering a bit of relief to congested ports in the southeast. One of those northern ports boasts a new Bunge terminal and another is a decade-old facility run by rival Cargill, which is angling to quadruple exports through the area. Both look set to face even more competition as other companies make plans to build terminals across the sprawling nor ther n waterways, using a mix of road and barge logistics to get Brazil’s expanding harvests to market. To be sure, BR-163, long behind schedule, offers only modest relief for the moment. The 1,385-kilometre stretch of road won’t be entirely paved for a few more years and sinkholes already abound, making it a fraught journey, even for truckers accustomed to Brazil’s rutted roads. But it is now considered passable, and for the first time in years, Brazil’s overstressed transport grid has a new route. “ We’v e b e e n e x p o r t i n g through the wrong route, to Santos and Paranagua,” said Carlos Favaro, president of Mato Grosso’s soybean association Aprosoja, referring to the ports on the southern coast. Ships there had to wait for 60 days to load grains last year and some frustrated buyers cancelled orders. Northern flows are already gathering pace. In August, 14 per cent of the corn shipped from Mato Grosso, or 280,000 tonnes, left through the Port o f Sa n t a re m o n t h e A m a zon River, according to Mato Grosso state’s farm research institute, up from next to nothing in all of 2012. The benefits are easy to calculate — a journey that’s 600 kilometres shorter and a freight savings of 40 reais (C$19) per tonne.
Until recently, it trucked almost all of its soy west from Mato Grosso, away from the eastern seaboard, 1,500 kilometres to the small river town of Por to Velho, Rondonia, where it is loaded on barges that then sail east to Sa n t a re m , a n d o n t o t h e Belem port on the coast. But the BR-163 will give the company a more direct route north to Santarem. “ T h e B R- 1 6 3 h a s s o m e traffic, even though 400 kilometres still need to be paved,” said Clythio Buggenhout, Cargill’s port director. “The road is now relatively viable.” Usually, Cargill moves about 1.3 million tonnes of grains t h ro u g h Sa n t a re m , b u t i n
2014 that amount could be about two million tonnes due to the increase in road capacity from Mato Grosso, he said. The eventual goal is five million tonnes, one-fifth arriving directly by road and the rest barged from a port south of Santarem, which shaves nearly 300 kilometres off the drive. For Mato Grosso’s farmers, the opening of new routes next year is a long overdue sign of hope. “It’s not going to solve the problem because this is just the beginning — but the important thing is that shipments are definitely being made through the north of the country,” said Favaro of Aprosoja.
The road has some traffic, even though 400 kilometres still need to be paved. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK
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Many farmers have been waiting for the BR-163 to be paved for more than 30 years, and the government has acknowledged that shipping through the southeast is no longer viable. Last year roads were so clogged that some chose a 1,600-kilometre detour to the far southern port of Rio Grande. To solve the problem, in May Congress passed legislation to allow private firms to invest in public ports. No one knows the area’s potential and challenges better than Cargill.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
South Korea suspends some U.S. beef imports over growth-promoting feed additive Industry experts say U.S. will have to stop using additives if it wants to expand sales to Asia By Jane Chung SEOUL / REUTERS
outh Korea has suspended some U.S. beef imports after detecting the cattle feed additive zilpaterol, raising concerns over how the controversial animal growth enhancer has entered the global supply chain. There is a ban in much of Asia and Europe on feed additives such as zilpaterol due to concerns about the side effects of these drugs, which are used to add muscle weight to animals. Feed additives have been under the spotlight since a video surfaced in the U.S. in August, showing animals struggling to walk and with other signs of distress after taking another beta-agonist. South Korea’s Food Ministry said it halted imports
Beef being cooked at a restaurant in Seoul.
from a Swift Beef plant, a unit of food-processing firm JBS U.S.A., and asked Washington to investigate the cause of the contamination found in 22 tonnes of meat. Last month,
Taiwan had also detected zilpaterol in U.S. beef. Zilpaterol is a beta-agonist, a kind of feed additive that can add as much as 30 pounds of salable meat to an
animal in the weeks before slaughter. Another beta-agonist, Zilmax, was withdrawn from the market by maker Me rc k a f t e r v i d e o o f d i s tressed cattle fed the additive surfaced. Merck insists the drug is safe, but industry officials say U.S. meat producers will have to shun additives if they want a bigger stake in the fastexpanding market in Asia. “China will not change its stance on lean-meat drugs,” said Kong Pingtao, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine in Beijing. “Exporters have to change their practices to follow the Chinese standard as the government treats people’s health as first priority.” D e s p i t e C h i n a’s b a n o n a ser ies of feed additives,
including ractopamine and clenbuterol, unauthorized use of the drugs continues to surface. Last month, the Shenzhen Municipal Food Safety authority said a steak restaurant in the city was fined nearly $200,000 after authorities found beef containing clenbuterol. In 2011, Shuanghui, the countr y’s largest meat-processing company, was found to be purchasing pigs that had been fed clenbuterol, prompting a national outcry against what is known in China as “lean-meat powder.” A preference for eating many parts of animals, including organs, is also a factor. There are concerns that residues of these drugs remain in organs even after animals have been slaughtered.
Rothsay takeover clears Competition Bureau U.S. firm Darling Int’l to buy Maple Leaf’s rendering arm for $645M The biggest rendering firm in the U.S. has been granted the go-ahead f r o m C a n a d a’s C o m petition Bureau to buy Canada’s top rendering company. Toronto food-processing giant Maple Leaf Foods announced Aug. 17 that its $645-million deal to sell Rothsay to Texas-based Darling International will be allowed under Canada’s Competition Act. Maple Leaf now expects the sale, first announced in August, to close on Oct. 28, “subject to satisfaction of remaining conditions.” Darlin g wou ld th en get Guelph-based Rothsay’s six rendering plants in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia and its biodiesel facility in Quebec. In all, Rothsay’s operations employ about 550 people who, it’s expected, would transition to work for Darling. Maple Leaf reiterated Thursday that proceeds from the deal will initially be used to pay down debt.” The company has been in streamlining mode in recent years, aiming to focus on its prepared meats and packaged foods businesses.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Precision ag in the poultry barn
A prototype precision feeding system could increase broiler breeder chick production by up to 10 per cent By Jennifer Blair STAFF / RED DEER
recision agriculture m a y h o l d t h e a n s we r to a growing problem in Canada’s broiler hatching industry. “Every year, the broiler gets faster and heavier, and every year, the competition for feed increases,” said Martin Zuidhof, associate professor of poultry systems at the University of Alberta. “What we’re seeing in the industry now is a huge challenge to distribute feed equally to the birds within a flock.” Drawing on the principles of precision agriculture, Zuidhof has developed a prototype feeding system that gives “the right bird the right amount of food at the right time. That’s precision agr iculture, and that’s the approach I’m taking with broiler breeders now.” De ve l o p e d i n 2 0 1 1 by a team of electrical, mechanical, and agriculture engineers, Zuidhof’s prototype precision feeding system evaluates each bird in real time to determine whether it’s too heavy or too light, and then makes a feeding decision accordingly. “ We’re collecting data at a re s o l u t i o n t h a t w e j u s t dreamed about before,” he said. “ We can then decide who gets fed and record how much every bird is eating. It’s a tremendous data set from a research perspective.” Combined with an automated feeding system, the data will help reduce competition for feed and improve flock unifor mity, which is measured by the percentage of birds within 10 per cent of the mean. Typically, having 80 to 85 per cent of birds within 10 per cent of the mean body weight is a sign of good flock unifor mity — but Zuidhof wants to top that. “The hatching producers chuckled into their sleeves, I think, when they heard me say that I’d like to achieve 100 per cent flock uniformity,” he said. “I have a very small pilot flock, but I’m at 100 per cent (of birds that are) within five per cent of the mean.” But achieving flock uniformity isn’t the main goal. “We’re not actually targeting uniformity for its own sake, we’re after chick production,” Zuidhof said. “We’ve come up with a hypothesis that a very stable metabolism will yield great dividends in terms of egg production and chick production from breeders.” Evidence of this can already be seen in countries where labour is cheap and flocks are managed more closely — some get 30 to 40 more chicks per hen than here. “We’re talking at least a 10 per cent increase in chick production, which is huge. This is a game-changing technology, if we can get it to work commercially.” C
Not commercial yet
Commercial application of the technology is a ways off. In January, Zuidhof’s team will begin a 60-week trial comparing his precision-fed broilers to conventionally fed birds, followed by on-farm research
“This is game-changing technology, if we can get it to work commercially.”
A partial implementation, trials. Once the smaller-scale studies are complete, the tech- targeting either the males or nology will be tweaked for a the smallest birds in the flock, will work best, he said. commercial trial. “I think that’s a very reason“I wouldn’t be surprised if, in two years, we have a trial able way to implement this going on a commercial farm,” system initially. We’re looking s a i d Zu i d h o f , a d d i n g t h a t at different ways where we scaling the technology for a can make a substantial differcommercial operation will ence without the risk of 250 units all going down at the present challenges. “There are a hundred ways same time.” So far, Zuidhof ’s team has that we could do it. We could replace the entire feeding encountered few problems system in a barn, but I don’t with the prototype, which is think that’s the way we’re intended to run entirely on going to go initially. I can’t see its own for the whole 60-week anybody wanting to do that period the birds are in the without some major subsidy bar n. Zuidhof hopes that, MB 2012-2013 Print Ad Richer For MB Cooperator.pdf 1 2013-10-02 once perfected, the simplicfor the NSG equipment.”
A U of A researcher aims to provide precise feed requirements for each bird. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK.COM
ity of the system will resonate with producers. “It j u s t m a k e s s o m u c h sense,” he said. “When you get information in real time 5:04 PM and can act on it, that’s really
t h e p r i n c i p l e o f p re c i s i o n agriculture, and that’s what we can do beautifully with this system.” jennifer.blair@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
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TOTAL: ______________________ tion Privacy Policy, write to: Information Protection Officer, Farm Business Communications, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3H 0H1. Occasionally we make our list of subscribers available to other reputable firms whose products and services might be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive such offers, please contact us at the address in the preceding paragraph, or call 1-800-782-0794. The editors and journalists who write, contribute and provide opinions to Manitoba Co-operator and Farm Business Communications attempt to provide accurate and useful opinions, information and analysis. However, the editors, journalists and Manitoba Co-operator and Farm Business Communications, cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this publication and the editors as well as Manitoba Co-operator and Farm Business Communication assume no responsibility for any actions or decisions taken by any reader for this publication based on any and all information provided.
ADVERTISIng RATES & InfoRMATIon REgulAR ClASSIfIED • Minimum charge — $11.25 per week for first 25 words or less and an additional 45 cents per word for every word over 25. Additional bolding 75 cents per word. GST is extra. $2.50 billing charge is added to billed ads only. • Terms: Payment due upon receipt of invoice. • 10% discount for prepaid ads. If phoning in your ad you must pay with VISA or MasterCard to qualify for discount. • Prepayment Bonus: Prepay for 3 weeks & get a bonus of 2 weeks; bonus weeks run consecutively & cannot be used separately from original ad; additions & changes accepted only during first 3 weeks. • Ask about our Priority Placement. • If you wish to have replies sent to a confidential box number, please add $5.00 per week to your total. Count eight words for your address. Example: Ad XXXX, Manitoba Co-operator, Box 9800, Winnipeg, R3C 3K7. • Your complete name and address must be submitted to our office before publication. (This information will be kept confidential and will not appear in the ad unless requested.) DISplAy ClASSIfIED • Advertising copy deviating in any way from the regular classified style will be considered display and charged at the display rate of $32.20 per column inch ($2.30 per agate line). • Minimum charge $32.20 per week + $5.00 for online per week. • Illustrations and logos are allowed with full border. • Spot color: 25% of ad cost, with a minimum charge of $15.00. • Advertising rates are flat with no discount for frequency of insertion or volume of space used. • Telephone orders accepted • Terms: Payment due upon receipt of invoice. • Price quoted does not include GST. All classified ads are non-commissionable.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
The Pas
Birch River
Swan River Minitonas
Gilbert Plains
Fisher Branch
Ste. Rose du Lac Russell
Riverton Eriksdale
Rapid City
Reston Melita
Pilot Mound
Elm Creek
Ste. Anne
Lac du Bonnet
Austin Treherne
Westman Boissevain
Stonewall Selkirk
Minnedosa Hamiota
St. Pierre
Morris Winkler
Crystal City
Red River
ANTIQUES MULVEY “FLEA” MARKET. Osborne & Mulvey Ave E. Wpg. Sat-Sun-Hol. 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 40+ vendors. A/C. Debit, Visa, M/C. Table/Booth rental info:(204)478-1217. mulveymarket.ca
ANTIQUES Antique Equipment WINTER PROJECTS FOR SALE: IH W4; IH WD6; IH Farmall M; IH Farmall H; JD AR styled; JD 70 DSL, PS; JD R; JD 1929 D 2-SPD; Oliver 77 row crop, arrow front; Oliver 880 DSL; MH 44 DSL row crop; MH 55 DSL; Fordson Major DSL. (204)745-7445
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
McSherry Auction Service Ltd
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
Last issue had the incorrect date for this auction
Shoal Lake
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
Sun., November 10 @ 10:00 am Stonewall, MB - #12 Patterson Dr Email: mcsherry@mts.net 2) Clear Vision Bowser 1) Double 1) Single * Texaco Elec Pump * Air Eco Meter * Red Indian Oil Rack * • 2) Buffalo Globes * 2) Upright Coca Cola Coolers 1) mod 44, 1) mod 39 * Coin Operated Dispensers * Coffee Grinders * 8) Pedal Cars * Over 150 Signs * Clocks * Door Bars * Thermometers * Flanges * 2) Red Indian Signs * White Rose * BA * Ford V8 * Ford Wing Model T * Chev * Antelope * FireStone * Good Year * Texaco * Husky * Black Cat * 2) JD * 10) Cola Cola * Mountain Dew * 6) Orange Crush * McDonalds * Palm Ice Cream * Buffalo Oil Cans * Red Indian * Oil Jar * Air Plane Ash Tray * Railway Items *
Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433 FEATURING: • 2009 Case IH 7088 Combine pickup head, electric lift hopper extension, loaded unit only 380 hrs. • 2009 Case IH Flex head 30 ft model 2020. • 2011 New Holland 8040 Swather EZ Steer, with 30 ft Honey bee header, pickup reel, factory transport. TRACTORS: • 2009 Kubota M126X FWA, cab, 3pth, dual pro M55 loader, only 314 one owner hours at listing. • 1998 Case IH Steiger-built 9370 tractor, 3,000 one owner hours, 12 speed standard, 4 remote hydraulic return line, 20.8 x 42 duals and weight package. • 2006 McCormick XTX 185, FWA, 3pth, dual pto, 24 speed, only 3,827 hours. • 1978 Case 1370 Tractor 20.8 x 38 duals, new rad etc. $4,000 work order, 7,000 total hrs. TRUCKS: • 1996 IHC 9200 Eagle Tandem , 60 series Detroit, 10 speed, 20 ft Cancade box 66” sides, air ride, 11 x 22.5 tires. • 1995 Ford LTA Tandem, M11 Cummins 10 speed, 20 ft. x 8 ft. Cancade box 60” sides, air ride, 11x22.5 tires.
• 2004 Bourgault model 9800 chisel plow, 600 lb trip shanks with mulchers 40 ft. 12 in. spacing. • 2009 Delmar 90 ft. mid-size tine harrows. • Westfield 13” x 70 ft. top load auger. • Sakundiak 8” x 36 ft. auger with engine and selfpropelled mover.
Owner Jake Rempel 204-436-2572 See www.billklassen.com for more details Internet bidding begins at noon with auction time
See our website: www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230
Auctioneer Note: This will be Canada’s Most Exciting Adv Sale of the Decade ! Go To the Web for Pictures & Listing!
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
Inventory Reduction
Lake of the Prairie Conservation District Building
• 5 parcels of farm land presently in hay and pasture • 20 acre parcel including house, barn, shelters & bins • RM of Shellmouth-Boulton
Location: 8373 US Highway 2 East, Devils Lake, ND AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: THERE ARE NO SMALL ITEMS. The auction begins with major equipment. Live online bidding on major equipment. Registration, terms & details at SteffesAuctioneers.com.
1 6
Stuart McSherry
(204) 467-1858 | (204) 886-7027 | www.mcsherryauction.com For more details & photos: www.chescu.com Kevin & Wanda Larsen: 204-937-7647 home: 204-564-2033 Barry Chescu: 204-564-2509, 204- 937-7180 Chescu Auctions, Inglis, MB. PL # 3183202
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake McSherry Auction Service Ltd
Wood Working Along w/ Estate & Moving
Sat., Oct. 26 @ 10:00 am Stonewall, MB- #12 Patterson Dr Auction Note: More Items Than Listed
Tractors & Equip: 80 MF 245 3PH hyd 3,500 hrs Tractor * MF 235 3PH 540 PTO * MM 15’ Tandem Disc Construction & Trailers: Semi 48’ Frt Trailer * Semi 45’ High Boy Flat Deck * Atco 35’ Insulated 2 Room Office Trailer * Ditchwitch V30 4 cyl Trencher w/ Frt Blade * Blue Giant 2000 lb Battery Walk Behind Forklift Wood Working Tools: Woodrite Wood Welder * Parformax 16-32 Sander * Hinge Bore Machine * Delta 20 8” Jointer * Delta 1HP Dust Collector * General 130 14” Planer * Taco Master Pro 10” Radial Arm Saw “ One Way” 2436 Computerized, 220 V w/ Vaccum Clamp 12” Swing 36” Bed Wood Lathe * Jet Model JML 1014 Mini Wood Lathe 5” Swing 14” Bed * General Model 160 Wood Lathe 36” Bed 8” Swing * Drill Press * Delta 6” Belt 12” Disc Sander * 14” Band Saw * Powermatic 10” Table Saw * 6 Jointer * Lge Amt of Power Tools & Access * Misc: Triton Com Dehumifier * Lumber * 25 ) Sheets NEW Plywood * Truck Load NEW Patio Interlocking Bricks Rec & Yard: 80s Ford 3/4, nr * 18’ Flat Deck Tandem Trailer *15’ Al Boat * 15’ Fibreglass Boat * R Single uptop 1 Kyak * 22’ 2 Person Kyak * See Doo Shuttle w/ Trailer * Ford Garden Tractor * JD 110 R Mower * MT D Cub Cadet 10.5 HP * Troybilt RT 8HP Tiller * Stihl Weed Eater * Hand Yard Tools * New Jucuzzi Tub Antiques: 20 Gramaphones - 3 Horned * Cabinet * Table Top * Railway Lanterns * Coal Oil Lamps * Typewriter * Along w/ Household *
Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027
McSherry Auction Service Ltd
AUCTION SALE Estate & Moving
Sat., Nov. 2 @ 10:00 am
Stonewall, MB - #12 Patterson Dr 07 Coyote Sport KZ 180 BH 18’ Tandem w/ AC, Awning, Full Bath, Exc Cond * 16’ Canoe * Vehicles: 08 Pontiac Wave 4 cyl 4D, 55,809 km * 96 Chev Astro 6 cyl Passenger Van * Utility Trailer * Yard * Tools & Misc * Antiques * Hummels * Household *
Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 10 AM Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433
• IHC Utility model 674 diesel 3pth and pto • IHC model 1066 late model Diesel serial # 60913, dual pto and hydraulic excellent 18,4 x 38 rears, with IH 2350 Loader • IHC 706 Row crop Gas # 19533-S with very heavy Duty Front end loader, large bucket Formerly Schwietzer. Flax straw unit • Collector tractors in shed have not run for some time • Two---- IHC Model MD Diesel • IHC model H Narrow front • Two ----- Minneapolis Moline Model U Gas. • Massey Harris 44 -4 cylinder gas • Case 830 Diesel with cab • Case model D with Hand Clutch • Two Oliver 770 Diesels, one has run lately • Cockshutt 30 Wide Front • 1968 Chev. 50 v8 4 & 2 with good Grain master box and hoist, 900 x 20 duals licensed in 2010 • 1993 Freight Liner Conventional Highway Tractor, Cummins,13 speed, double bunk, 11 x 24.5 rubber • Home made, 36 ft Tandem High boy deck Trailer • 16 FT Deck on tandem axle Car hauler trailer with beaver tail and lift up Ramps • Collector Truck 1952 Chevy pickup with corner windows and tail gate this truck is indoors very dusty, for Photo please check our website 10 days prior to auction • 1996 Chevy Sonoma pick up standard shift • 1997 Chevy Jimmie 4 door • 1998 Chevy S-10 older pickup • Triple E 1700 Single axle camper
• 14 ft truck Van Body with over head and side walk in door • Honda 3 wheelers one Polaris ATV 4 wheeler • Garden Tractors Etc. • 2------- Ariens 5- G-14 garden tractors, maybe tillers and or mowers • 1 Ariens model GT 18 Garden Tractor, note sure about attachments • Two 50 gal field service tanks with hand pumps • Two wheel yard and other trailers • Farm King 6 ft 3pth Finish mower • Farm King model 510, 3pth rotary mower • IHC model 80 3pth single auger snow blower • 12 ft cultivators • Two antique Dump Rakes • Tools in shop etc. • Magnum 60 gal upright Air compressor • Two top and bottom roll away tool chest and much more.
Please dress appropriately. Lunch available. All purchased merchandise must be removed by November 10, 2013
See our website: www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230
BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALES Auctions Various BE AN AUCTIONEER. (507)995-7803 www.auctioneerschool.com
AUTO & TRANSPORT AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts GREAT PRICES ON NEW, used & remanufactured engines, parts & accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check us out at www.thickettenginerebuilding.ca Thickett Engine Rebuilding. Ph (204)532-2187, Russell MB.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Trucks 1983 FORD L9000 TANDEM grain truck, 20x8-ftx5ft box & hoist, new roll-tarp, Cummins 855, 9-spd fuller, new turbo, newer tires, safetied, $22,500 OBO. Phone:(204)523-7469, cell (204)534-8115, Killarney MB. 2000 FORD F250 XLT super cab, short box, 7.3 DSL, automatic, 2WD, 300,000-km, new tires w/5th wheel hitch & tailgate, very nice condition, $6,500 OBO. (204)745-7445 Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.
BREAKFAST | All are welcome for a customer appreciation breakfast that will be held from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM the morning of the auction.
FINANCING | CNH Financing is available upon approval, please call Ryan at High Plains Equipment, 701.662.7522 for terms and application. LOADOUT | All items must be removed by Nov. 20 or loading and storage fees will apply.
Complete terms, lot listing & photos at SteffesAuctioneers.com
TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. ND Sales Tax laws apply.
For information contact Ryan Schemionek, 701.662.7522, or Steffes Auctioneers Rep., Chris Bair, 605.271.7730
Steffes Auctioneers Inc., 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo ND Scott Steffes ND81, Brad Olstad ND319, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894
701.237.9173 | SteffesAuctioneers.com | IQBID.com
Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions
AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various
Saturday nov. 7th, 2013 at 1:30 Pm dSt
to be held in WhiteWood legion hall Sale featureS: 9 deeded quarters and 1 leased quarter of productive farm land in the RM’S of Willowdale and Silverwood. To be sold by Multi Parcel Bidding system * All quarters are fenced * 6 quarters are sown to tame hay and pasture * 3 quarters are summerfallow * lease quarter is native grass RM of Willowdale * NW ¼ 3-16-3-2 * SW ¼ 6-16-3-2 includes yard site with 2 storey house, barn and heated shop * SE ¼ 6-16-3-2 RM of Silverwood * NW ¼ 31-15-3-2 sells with right to lease SW ¼ 29-15-3-2 * NE ¼ 31-15-3-2 * SW ¼ 31-15-3-2 * SE ¼ 31-15-3-2 * NW ¼ 30-15-3-2 * NE ¼ 30-15-3-2
For full listing and photos www.rosstaylorauction.com For information call Jack at 403-888-0045 or 204-264-1301 For details on Multi-Parcel selling call Ross at 204-877-3834
Go public with an ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. Phone 1-800-782-0794.
HYD PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards, Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourneau, Kokudo, etc. Pull-type & direct mount available, tires also available. Pull-type pull grader, $14,900; 2010 53-ft step deck, $24,995; New Agricart grain cart, 1050-Bu, complete w/tarp, $27,500. Phone (204)822-3797, Morden MB.
75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from.
SEVERAL HO-MOUNT HAMMERS, AIR & hyd. Phone (204)376-5244, Arborg MB.
B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2
Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2
Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2 Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW
2004 HI-QUAL 36 X 22 Fabric Quonset; Agri-plastic calf hutches w/pails & doors; 2 metal calf sheds. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon. AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com
ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303
CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.
BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Electrical & Plumbing
BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Electrical & Plumbing
• Plate Heat Exchanger • Radiators • Boiler Pumps • Glycol • Push-Fit Fittings • 1/2" Oxygen Barrier Tubing & More
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO START YOUR own business? Have loads of yarn, artificial flowers, wood & metal rings, frames, books, knitting machines, 3 different sized looms, movies, records, ladies patterns, & much more. $25,000. Moving & will consider all offers before month end. Ellie or Bill:(204)475-8777. Winnipeg, MB.
We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779
Call Willy: 204-346-4335 email: biomassheat1@gmail.com AUCTION SALES U.S. Auctions
LOCATION: St. Thomas, ND- 3 ½ miles south on Hwy 81, 1/8 mile west; or from Grafton, ND- 10 ½ miles north on Hwy 81, 1/8 mile west AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Pete has retired from a successful farming career. Please note well cared for equipment with many recent updates & repairs. Major items have been kept indoors. There is a large amount of quality tools, parts & miscellaneous, be prepared as auctioneers will be selling 2 rings for part of the day. ONLINE BIDDING IS AVAILABLE: Please visit www.resourceauction.com for details on how to register in ADVANCE
FARM TRUCKS: *2005 IH 4400 tri-axle farm truck, IH DT570 engine 310hp, Allison auto trans, 5:29 ratio, steerable 3rd pusher axle, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels- good rubber, 21’ Cancade box, hoist, roll tarp, 3pc combo end gate, beet equipment & rear controls, very low miles on complete engine major, 210761 actual miles (box, hoist & pusher axle new in 2012) *2004 Sterling Acterra tandem axle farm truck, Cat C-7 engine, Allison auto trans, deluxe interior, 5.86 ratio, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels- good rubber, 20’ Loadline box, hoist, roll tarp, beet equipment & rear controls, 275642 actual miles (box, hoist & roll tarp new in 2011)
*JD 9350 30’ (3-10) 6” press drills w/ track eliminator, markers, roll tarp cover, shaft monitor, black press wheels & factory transport, kept indoors, very clean *Flexicoil System 95 30’ S-tine coil packer w/ 4 rank retractable danish tines, 5 bar harrows & P30 coil packers *Deutz Allis 1400 30’ chiselvator, walking tandems around, 3 bar harrow w/ new teeth & rear packer hitch *Alloway 2900 29’ RTS cultivator/ conditioner w/ elec/hyd depth control & walking tandems around, 4 bar Flexicoil harrow & rear packer hitch *Allis Chalmers 2600 29’ tandem disk, 9 ½” spacing, fldg wings, dual wing wheels, rear packer hitch & hyd *Flexicoil System 75 30’ trailing coil packer w/ P30 packers *Melroe 50’ hyd harrow *Melroe 30’ 2 rank multiweeder *Lindsay 45’ diamond tooth harrow on Melroe cart *Krause 19’ field cultivator w/ harrow
*2009 Fast 9610 90’ suspended boom sprayer w/ 5 boom shut off, break away end booms, 3 way nozzle bodies, hyd telescoping hitch, remote agitator switch, 20” spacing, touch down wheels, 1050 gal main tank, 100 gal rinse tank, 14.9-46 tires, Raven 450 monitor, SN#9610E 3015 49 *DMI 4250 Nutriplacer 35’ NH3 applicator w/ walking tandems, spring shanks, Raven cold flow variable rate w/ fast valve, tine closers on each shank
*Elmers 36R22 band sprayer, 500 gal tank, 3 way nozzle bodies, lift assist, Raven flow controls w/ 750 monitor, Red Ball kit, Raven dual injection system w/ 2 pumps & calibrated stainless chem tanks *Melroe 104 spray coupe w/ cab, setup to spray ditches & tree rows w/ extendable nozzle & hand wand *2) 1500 gal poly tanks w/ hose reel & pump, 2) 35 gal mixing cones w/ injectors & hand wand, steps & platform *2) Sets of dry lock couplers for chem kegs *Unused Pacer 2” pump, Honda engine
*Monosem NG Plus 12R22 vacuum planter w/ large hoppers, Gandy orbit air granular unit, liquid at plant kit w/ tank, Red Ball kit, pump & Raven controls, deluxe monitors & V-plows, kept indoors *Wic 946 6R beet harvester w/ row finder, rear elevator w/ belted apron, belted boom chain & new lifter wheels in 2012, nice condition *Artsway 1222 triple drum defoliator w/ disk scalpers, front steel flails, 2 rows of rubber, new center bearings, good condition *Elmers 12R22 danish tine cultivator, 2x4 trees, 12 rigid shanks & guide cones *M&W 1821 22’ 3pt rotary hoe w/ gauge wheels, reconditioned *12) Eversman zero pressure wheels on tool bar
*1994 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup 1/2T 4x4 pickup, A/C, tilt, cruise, 210283 miles showing, clean unit *1993 Ford F250 3/4T 2WD pickup, 460 V-8, auto trans, A/C, tilt, cruise, dual tanks, 162387 miles showing, clean unit *1977 Ford F150 1/2T 4x4 pickup, 400 V-8, auto trans, flatbed & tool box *1994 Buick Lesabre 4-door car, V-6, auto, 186000 miles showing, clean unit *1979 Suzuki 250TS dirt bike, only 4369 miles, single owner- clean
*Twin compartment drill tender w/ roll tarp, nearly new 7” non-plug auger & storage trailer *Farm King 96” 3pt 2 stage dbl auger snow blower *Woods 10’ single batwing mower *Westfield 8x56 PTO auger *Trenching spade for skid steer *Potato bucket for skid steer *Melroe pony harrow *Snowco rotary grain cleaner *3) Fuel tanks w/ pumps- 300 gal,
560 gal & 1000 gal
*Onan 5000W generator *Winpower 6.5KW PTO generator *Unused 2-wheel utility trailer
*Aaladin high pressure hot water washer w/ hose reel, completely rebuilt *Lincoln welder/generator *Nearly new 50’ welding leads *Portable air compressor *Carolina 30T press *PR new Goodyear Dyna Torque II 18.4x38 tires *Unused 14.9-46 tire chains *Large selection of quality hand, power & air tools including A/C equipment, SAE & metric impact sockets, paint guns, booster pack & more- too numerous to list *Large selection of new bolts, hardware & fittings- too numerous to list *Large selection of new & used Raven electronic accessories for auto guidance & chem application- too numerous to list *Huge selection of Ford Louisville gas truck parts, including complete rebuilt engine & automatic transmission, engine, drive line, body & other parts- too numerous to list NOTE: Visit website for complete misc listing
CARSON FARMS- Pete & Bobbi Carson, Owners 701-520-1458 or 701-257-6743
AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Main Resource Equipment Auctions
“Decades of Knowledge - Steady Innovation - Top Results”
Dennis Biliske, Auctioneer, ND Lic 237, ND Clerk 624 2702 17th Ave. S, Grand Forks, ND 58201 Ph: 701-757-4015 • Fax 701-757-4016
Website: www.resourceauction.com | Email: info@resourceauction.com
TERMS: Cash, good check in US funds. All sales final. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. Document fee on vehicle titles will apply & vehicle titles will be mailed to buyers Canadian buyers are always welcome, please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Larger purchases will require payment by wire. Most units move easily across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary. Some major units will require payment by wire transfer, please contact our office with questions.
We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.
CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com
Available at:
Paterson Global Foods Inc. Winnipeg, MB
www.dseriescanola.ca *1974 IHC 1800 tandem twin screw, 446 gas V-8, Allison auto trans, 20’ Knapheide box, hoist & beet equipment, recent engine & trans OH, 106000 miles showing *1971 Ford 900 tandem twin screw, 534 gas V-8, Allison auto trans, 20’ Strong box, hoist, roll tarp & beet equipment- NOTE: Please call for availability on this truck, as it was damaged during beet harvest; final outcome to be determined.
NH3 RATE CONTROLLER, 3 section Raven/Greenstar section control, current 60-ft/36 runcan be changed. Complete system to tractor rear plug-in. Phone (204)649-2276, cell (701)389-1042.
BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
(204) 926-9563 TRACTORS:
FARM MACHINERY Fertilizer Equipment
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 • 10:30 AM
*2005 Agco DT180A MFWD, CVT Power Max trans, BeeLine auto guidance, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, front weights, front fenders, 380/80R46 Michelin rear tires & duals, 14.9-30 fronts, 3848 hrs, single owner, SN#P265058 *2003 Agco DT160 MFWD, power shift trans, Raven Smart Trax auto guidance, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, front weights, front fenders, 380/80R46 Michelin rear tires & duals, 14.9-30 fronts, 4724 hrs, single owner, SN#LD64020 *1978 JD 8430 4WD, complete new 50 series engine- approx 1500 hrs, quad range, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, Raven Quick Trax auto guidance, 18.4-38 duals- good rubber, LED lights, 11760 total hrs, as clean as you’ll find, SN#6809 *1984 White 2-135 2WD, CAH, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, front weights, 14.9-46 duals- good rubber, approx 500 hrs on engine major, 9702 total hrs, very good condition, SN#299502-415 NOTE: All 3 row crop tractors have front guide systems
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 CASE 450C CRAWLER Dozer, 6-way blade, ROP canopy, hydrostatic trans, 16-in pads, 65% undercarriage, Cummins engine rebuilt, 0-hrs, $18,500. Phone:(204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com
OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS www.thoens.com Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, SK.
Pl # 909917
CONTRACTING CONTRACTING Custom Work FOR RENT: 24-FT. PULLDOZER daily & weekly rates avail. Call (204)745-8909 or (204)242-4588. MANITOBA BASED CUSTOM HARVESTING operation equipped w/Case IH & John Deere combines. Peas, cereals, canola, & soybeans. Flex heads, straight heads & PU headers. Professional operation fully insured. Phone:(204)371-9435 or (701)520-4036.
FRIESEN HOPPER BOTTOM FERTILIZER bin, used for grain storage. Model 1612CE serial #W1152 on skids, w/manhole, 3 view glasses, safety fill, holds 100-Ton of fertilizer or 2,750-bu. Your price only $7,995. Replacement cost $14,000+. Phone (204)325-1251 or (204)534-8011. PLAN FOR 2014, ORDER your new Brock bin with winter discounts. Pour concrete now w/bin set up as early as May. Call Valley Agro (204)746-6783.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Carts BRANT MODEL 672 PTO grain cart. Tarp, light package, Very clean, $18,000. Call:(204)871-0925. MacGregor, MB. GRAIN CARTS: BRENT 976, $29,000; Brent 974, $28,000; Brent 874, $23,000; Brent 1084, $29,000; Brent 774, $16,500; Brent 770, $15,000; Brent 674, $15,500; UFT Hydraulic drive #750, $14,000; UFT 725, $17,000; Ficklin 700 Bu, $13,000; Gravity Wagons, 250-750 Bu. Phone (204)857-8403.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS: 1/3 phase, Propane/ Natural Gas, Canola screens, various sizes. In stock & ready for delivery. Also some used dryers available. www.vzgrain.com (204)998-9915
2007 TOREQ 18000 SCRAPER 18-yd $30,000; 2008 Bobcat T250, 1,200hrs, CAH, HiFlow, Excellent Tracks, $29,000. Call:(701)521-0581.
NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
POST FRAME BUILDINGS BUILT TO LAST McMunn & Yates post frame building systems are the ultimate in post frame construction for the agricultural, commercial and industrial markets. McMunn & Yates post frame buildings are economical, functional and attractive. Our attention to detail ensure that you receive a high quality building that will last and perform for many years.
CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-962-6866 Ron Cook P. 204-638-5303 C. 204-572-5821 F. 204-622-7053 rcook@mcmunnandyates.com
Jan Ward
P. 204-478-8291 F. 204-284-8284 jward@mcmunnandyates.com
Don Hardy
Phone 306-620-8422 Fax 204-284-8284 dhardy@mcmunnandyates.com
Make it better
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
FARM MACHINERY Grain Elevators
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous JD 3970 HARVESTER, $8900; NH890, $2500; I-H 781, $2000; JD Hay head, $3000; 3R Corn head, $3000; NH 822 head 2R, $2000; NH 3R adjustable, $3000; I-H 2R corn head, $800; Harsh 350 feed cart, $5000; Mohrlang 420 feed cart on truck, $5000; KR feeder cart, $2000; Snowco feeder 150Bu cart, $750; Haybuster 256+2 bale shredder, $6000; Weigh wagon, $2500. Phone (204)857-8403.
1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts
PLOWS MELROE AUTORESET 8-18, $3000; 8-16, $3000; 7-18, $3000; 8-16 w/coulters, $4500; White 5F rollover, $3500; I-H 5-16 Semimount, $750; 3-PH JD-4-16, $1000; JD 3F 3-16, $850; JD drainage V-Plow, $1500; VFT rotary pitcher, $1250; Degelman 14-ft rock rake, $7500; Haybuster L-106 picker, $2500; Case 450 skidsteer, 1260-hrs, $18,000; Tractor cab, $600; Phone (204)857-8403.
Tractors Combines Swathers
Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers? Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers 2013 JD D450 635D Header HIDs 650 tires, Dual Knife, Full Poly, Very Low Hours. $160,000. Call: (701)521-0581. 75 CCIL SELF PROPELLED 550 swather w/cab 21-ft. bat & PU reel & crop lifters, runs good, $2,500 OBO. Phone (204)886-2528. 9260 HESSTON SWATHER W/2210 HEADER, like new, 36-ft. Big Cab power unit, 2005. W/Swath roller. Very nice shape, best swather for Canola. $70,000. (204)871-0925.
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”
www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
BOUGHT 30-FT. FOR SALE: 24.5-ft. IHC 4000 has larger tires, Macdon 9352 cab w/all wiring, complete $14,500 or will separate cab $10,250. (204)476-2649
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various 2, JD 853A all crop heads, good condition, asking $9,850 each OBO. Phone (204)746-4555.
Rebuilt Concaves
Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding
Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd. Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248
Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com
Combines FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH 1987 CASE IH 1680 combine w/3,800 engine hrs, 1015 head w/388 Westward PU, excellent condition, fully serviced, ready for the field. (204)265-3363. 1992 1680 COMBINE W/CUMMINS engine. Includes 1015 pick-up & 25-ft 1010 straight-cut header. 3,200 engine hours, well maintained in Rocky Mountain shop. New concaves & elevator chains this year. Asking $35,000. Phone:(204)725-7941. 2001 CASEIH 2388, 2,400 seperator hrs, hopper top, yield & moisture, AFX rotor, Swathmaster pickup. Excellent condition, $65,000 OBO. Killarney, MB. Call:(204)523-7469 or (204)534-8115.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere 2002 JD 9750 STS, 2350-sep hrs, bullet rotor, factory 4WD, upgraded feed accelerator, variable speed feeder house, long unload auger, extended wear package, hopper top, duals & is Green Star ready, $79,500 OBO. Phone (204)856-6907, (204)723-2662. JD 7700 COMBINE 212 & 224 headers, it c/w duals, it almost floats! Always shedded, in family since new, $6,500 OBO. Earl Cunningham (306)452-7245, Redvers, SK.
Combine ACCessories FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 1990 JD 843 CORN Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Field Ready, Fits All Deere’s, $11,500; 1997 JD 893 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Knife Rolls, Field Ready, $18,900; 1991 JD 843 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, New Chains, Sprockets, Paint, $14,900; 2002 JD 893 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, New Sprockets, Chains, Etc. Mint, $28,900; CIH 1083 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, $14,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com FLEX PLATFORMS- FALL SPECIAL- In Stock. JD 216, 920- 925- 930; JD 630- (04-06), 635 (09); CIH 1020 25-ft.-30-ft. CIH 2020 30-ft.-35-ft. Ready to Go to Work. Air Reel Flex Platform- 2001 925 w/Crary Air Reel, F.F., $18,900; 1998 930 w/Crary Air Reel, $14,900; 2003 930 w/Crary Air Reel, $19,900. 3 NH 973 30-ft., one w/Crary Air Reel. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com
STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Salvage
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 4 Wheel Drive 1976 8630 JD, PTO, 7950-hrs, good condition, $13,500 OBO. Call Brian (204)981-6480.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various Case 1070,107-HP, std trans, 6,180-hrs, $7,500; 1978 White 2-105, 6,780-hrs, 100-HP, Hydro-shift, $7,500; 1982 IHC 5088, 8979-hrs, triple hyd, 1000 PTO, 18.4x38 duals, 1100 front, W/Leon 707 FEL, $17,500. Phone (204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1975 CASE 1070 TRACTOR: 3-PTH, 5566-hrs; 1981 3/4 Ton GMC 4x4 truck: brand new tires, 52,244-kms, 5th wheel ball in box; 1999 Bobcat 873 Loader: 6036-hrs, 3 attachments - bale fork, bucket, and grapple; New Idea haybine. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon.
MURPHY SALVAGE New & used parts for tractors, combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728.
2, 18-FT DECKS W/HOIST & front storage, tie down straps, Asking $1,600/each OBO; 45-ft Morris Deep-tillage, w/NH3 shanks, Asking $2,150; Antique Oliver Cetrac crawler w/front blade, runs good, asking $1,700; 2050 IHC tandem DSL gravel truck, 15-ft box, asking $3,800; 28-ft Fruehauf flat deck semi-trailer, single axle, safetied, asking $3,000; 1978 IHC 1854 DT466 gravel truck, 5&4, 15-ft. box, asking $4,500. Phone:(204)728-1861.
FARM MACHINERY Snowblowers, Plows
48-FT HAY TRAILER WITH a converter. Phone (204)589-5438 or leave message.
GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.
6-FT. FARM KING SNOWBLOWER w/hyd chute, very good condition, $900 OBO. (204)745-7445
Tillage & Seeding Farm machinery
Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Packers
2011 PHILLIPS 45-FT. ROTARY harrow, like new. Phone (204)729-6803.
8 BALE LOW-BED, 9-FT x 26-ft, 6-in x 8-in steel beams, $1,000; 41-ft, 7-in Westfield grain auger w/Kohler 16-hwp motor w/starter, $850; 6-ft swath roller, $175. Phone:(204)748-1024.
WANTED: FINE SCREEN GRAIN dryer for drying canola. Contact (701)593-6168. WANTED JD 530 MODEL, row crop. Phone Gordon (204)268-2392.
The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
IRON & STEEL 2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956.
1984 CO-OP 806 CHISEL Plow 25-ft mounted 3 row harrows. $3,000. Phone:(204)248-2507. Notre Dame, MB.
1830 44 Ft Air Seeder with 1910 Seed Cart
JD 9120 POWER SHIFT, 1000 PTO, 3-PTH, 4 Hyd, GPS, Auto Steer, 6,900-hrs, Performax Service Inspection, $115,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com
For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747
GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519
every TUESDAY at 9 am Oct. 29th Monday, October 28th Small Animal Sale 12:00 Noon Saturday, October 26th Horse & Tack Sale 10:00 am
We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)
For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call
Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford
460 Hours Warranty Until Fall of 2014
JD 8400 POWER SHIFT, 1000 PTO, 3-PTH, 4 Hyd, 7,900-hrs, Performax Service Done, $64,900; JD 840 Loader avail, $12,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com
Please call in your consignment this Fall to enable us to promote your stock in advance to prospective buyers.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various
1974 JD 4430, CAB w/heater & A/C, new 18.4 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 540 & 1000 PTO. 12,500-hrs on tractor, engine was rebuilt at 9,000-hrs. Comes w/158 JD loader, manure bucket, dirt bucket & bale prong. W/joystick control. Asking $24,500. Phone Rob:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.
Wednesday, November 6 @ 1:00 pm Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
JD 9870 STS 2009 Combine
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere
FOR SALE: 18 REGISTERED Black Angus cows, start calving Apr 1st, 2014. Asking $1300 each. Phone (204)428-3625, Portage.
6-8 YD MISKIN SCRAPER, asking $5500. Phone (204)376-5244, Arborg MB.
1988 2096 CASE IH 2WD tractor, good condition, 10,000-hrs, $16,000 OBO. Phone Arnold (204)822-3789 or (204)362-6403.
FOR SALE: 12-FT 495 NH Haybine. Good condition, $5000; 48-ft High Boy trailer. New brakes, Lic. Safety ran out, $3000. Phone (204)828-3381.
1982 CASE IH 5288, 160-hp, cab w/heater & A/C. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 1000 PTO. Tractor’s in very nice condition, w/9,300-hrs, engine & trans. just recently rebuilt. Asking $18,500. Phone Rob:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.
Sales Agent for
2008 BOURGAULT 7200 HEAVY Harrow 84-ft $38,000. Call:(701)521-0581.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
Licence #1122 TO BE REMOVED: 3+ miles of 5 strand high-tensile electric fencing & fence line materials; 1+ mile single strand high-tensile w/off-set insulators and 3 strand barb wire: poles, insulators, line tighteners, swinging gates. 8300 PowerBox solar energizer w/new deep cycle battery and/or Speed-Rite electric energizer. Also plastic step-in fence posts & electric fence tapes, handles, insulators, & two 4-mile solar energizers. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon.
1985 CCIL 35-FT. DEEP tiller, $6,000; 1986 CCIL 40-ft. Deep Tiller /NH3 applicator, $11,000; 1982 Frigstad 41-ft. Deep Tiller w/NH3 Applicator, $7,000. E Vandevelde (204)523-4471, Killarney.
5500 INTERNATIONAL CHISEL PLOW 35-ft w/harrows. John Blue Anhydrous kit w/hitch. New pins, bearings on walking axles, $8000 OBO. Call (204)733-2446.
FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage
2008 JD 9530T, 3,100-HRS, 36-in tracks, Powershift, PTO, 4Hyd, SCVs, HIDs, AT ready. $240,000. Call:(701)521-0581.
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca
STONEY’S SERVICE, EDDYSTONE, MB. For Sale: 1979 45-ft Wilson double decker Cattle Trailer, nose decking, dog house, safety gates, real good farm trailer, $9500; 53-ft Hay trailer ready to haul hi-boy tri-axle, air ride, $10,000; 20-yd tandem Belly Dump gravel trailer, $9500. 35-ft hay trailer 12 wheels off road farm, $7,995. 30-ft hay trailer 8 wheels off road farm, $6,995. Single off road convertors starting at $1,495$2,395; Tandem off road convertors starting at $2,495$3,495. Phone: (204)448-2193, evenings.
JD Tractors • 8345 R, 1415 Hrs, FWA • 8360 R, 1104 Hrs, FWA • 9430, 489 Hrs, FWD
Seeded approx 5000 acres
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin MARK YOUR CALENDARS MB Limousin Association. Limousin advantage sale Nov 23rd, 2013 at 1:30pm. Hosted at Triple R Limousin, MacGregor, MB. The best of the best will be on offer. Steers & heifer calves, Bred heifers & proven cows w/some commercial cows. Come & check out. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Art (204)685-2628, Trav (204)838-2019, Bob (204)274-2490, Cheryl (204)736-2878, Bill (204)776-2322, Len (204)937-4980, Lawrence (204)838-2198, Kevin (204)734-4797, Brad (204)638-8554.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 80 RED COWS FOR SALE. Approx 40 will be having their 2nd calf Spring 2014, approx 40 of varying ages. All bred to Black Angus bulls starting July 1st, 2013. Priced in small groups or as a whole unit. (204)876-4798 Snowflake, MB.
2013 Unverferth 36’ Rolling Basket Harrows
BRED YEARLING HEIFERS FOR SALE Red & Black Angus cross. Exposed from June 14th -Aug 14th to easy calving bulls. Your choice $1700; 50 or more $1,650 or $1,600 for all 90. Phone (204)683-2208 St. Lazare, MB
“NEW” Never Used
2013 Harriston 8 Row Potato Planter
COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL, 130 Angus & Angus crossed cows, mainly black with a few reds, bred to Black Angus & Black Simmental bulls, $1,200/each. Call:(204)841-3633 or (204)386-2857.
“NEW” Never Used
Contact: 204-834-3704 home | 204-476-0480 cell FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
35 HEREFORD COWS & 12 bred hereford heifers. All bred to start calving Feb 1st. Will keep cows until Jan 1st 2014. Contact Glen (204)436-3377, Elm Creek.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FOR SALE: 30 ANGUS cross cows, bred to Black Angus bulls, starting to calve Jan 15th. $1500 each. Phone (204)822-3789, (204)362-6403.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
save! Renew early and
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment
FOR SALE: 40 ANGUS cows mainly Black Angus bred to Black Angus for May & June calving, asking $1,600 per cow OBO. (204)247-0388, Roblin, MB.
HIGH-LINE 7000 BALE PROCESSOR, twine cutter, $7500; NH 795 manure spreader, $3800; Gehl 315 manure spreader, side discharge, $4000. Phone (204)828-3648.
Kopp Farms Simmentals
KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.
Complete Cow Herd and Herd Bulls Dispersal Sale Monday October 28, 2013 1:00PM
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MEAT CHICKENS CORNISH CROSS, $3.00/lb; Pork two halve organic; brown egg, $2/dozen; Can deliver to Yorkton or Roblin. Ewes & ewe lambs, $125; Meat lambs, $250 Phone James Mcdermontt (306)742-4403.
View Catalogue & Sale Videos Online www.koppfarms.com Hay For Sale Big Round Bales of Brome & Alfalfa Feed Analysis Available For Information or Catalogue Inquiries call 204-843-2769 Edmunds Cell: 204-856-3064 Steven’s Cell: 204-843-0090
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted
Call, email or mail us today!
Email: subscription@fbcpublishing.com M S E R : 12345 2010/12 PUB John Smith C o m p a n y Name 123 E x a m ple St. T o w n , P r o vince, POSTAL CODE
Your expiry date is located on your publication's mailing label.
TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CATTLE?? 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 Don: 528-3477, 729-7240
Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110 LIVESTOCK Sheep – Suffolk PB Suffolk Ram Lambs: Feb. born, ROP selected, Vacc & deworm, Oak Hammock Suffolks. $400 (204)250-1944
LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale
Canadian Subscribers
U.S. Subscribers
19TH GREAT LAKES DAIRY Sheep Symposium will be held in Cambridge, Ont. Nov., 7-9th, 2013. It will feature lectures on health, nutrition, performance & genetics of dairy sheep. This is a chance to network w/other producers & processors of sheep milk. Everyone involved w/sheep milk production or processing will benefit from attending. Early bird registration ends Oct., 10th. Program & registration forms are on www.DSANA.org or Phone Eric:(519)848-5694 of Mike:(519)826-4061.
❑ 1 Year: $55.44* ❑ 2 Years $96.00*
❑ 1 Year: $150.00 (US Funds)
YOUNG RAMS FOR cross, de-wormed, (204)483-1333.
*Taxes included
Payment Enclosed ❑ Cheque
❑ Money Order
❑ Visa
SALE. very
Suffolk/Hampshire friendly. Call
WESTERN RAWHIDE 16-IN Western saddle, light roper, brown. 1 set of horse harness w/breast collar & breaching; 1 set of horse fine harness w/breast collar. 1 Gerald 4-wheel fine harness buggy; 1 Gerald 2-wheel pleasure cart; 1 metal 2-wheel pleasure cart. Phone:(204)745-2851.
PETS LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale PUREBRED CLUN FOREST RAMS for sale. Born March. Ready to breed this fall. All breeding lines from Imported British Genetics. For more information about our Cluns go to www.oakwoodgrange.ca $250-$300. Phone:(204)722-2036. (Virden area)
PETS & SUPPLIES 12 WK OLD MAREMMA puppy, will be large guardian dog, being raised w/sheep. $350. Phone (204)367-8945. BORDER COLLIE PUPS for sale. Both parents on site, 3 females blk/w & 4 males, 2 are blk/w, 2 are red/w, $125 ea, ready to go October 10th. No Sunday calls please (204)656-4430.
LIVESTOCK Swine For Sale FOR SALE: BERKSHIRE HOGS, bores & gilts plus market hogs. Also some Tamworth pigs. Delivery at cost. Contact Troy & Lee Collingridge (204)828-3317, (204)750-2759, (204)750-3082.
LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
Specialty LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden. CATTLE SQUEEZE CHUTE, SQUARE-TUBE heavy-duty panels: 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft, 16-ft, varied length gates; 16-ft light duty panels; cattle oiler: free-standing, hanging: brand new still in box; calf puller: no chains; varied tagging and castration pliers. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon.
REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots FARM HOUSE FREE APPROX 1,150-sq.ft. to be moved or salvaged, excellent for cottage, Oak Bluff. Phone (204)895-8326 or (204)895-0084. READY TO MOVE HOMES - Beautiful homes still available for fall delivery. 3 bedrooms, walk-in closet & ensuite, main floor laundry. 1,320-sqft $75,000, 1,520-sqft - $90,000. Call Marvin Homes Inc:(204)326-1493, (204)355-8484. Steinbach, MB. www.marvinhomes.ca
REAL ESTATE Mobile Homes 12 X 60 TO be moved, asking $7500. Phone (204)376-5244, Arborg MB.
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Saskatchewan TIM HAMMOND REALTY: Shire Farm RM 92 Walpole near Moosomin, 1,280-ac featuring 610 cult. acs & 625 hay/pasture acs (300-ac could be cropped), $59,550 average 2013 asmt, Grass carries 100 pair, Yard incl: 1,180-sqft bungalow (1983), 4 bed, 2 bath. 12,850-bu. steel bin storage. Excellent water & cattle facilities. MLS 462168 REDUCED to $1,240,000. Call ALEX MORROW: (306)434-8780. http://Shire.TimHammond.ca
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba 53-ACRE EQUESTRIAN’S DREAM! 200x80 insulated & heated RIDING ARENA w/40x80 barn, insulated & heated 77x24 barn, 45-ac pasture, 8 paddocks & riding trails & older 2-bdrm Modular Home. Stonewall area (minutes from Wpg) $599,900. Claudette: 1-888-629-6700 www.ljbaron.com
❑ Mastercard
Visa/MC #: Expiry:
Email:____________________________________________________ Make cheque or money order payable to Manitoba Co-operator and mail to:
Box 9800, Stn. Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7 Help us make the Manitoba Co-operator an even better read! Please fill in the spaces below that apply to you. Thank you!
If you're not the owner/operator of a farm are you: q In agri-business (bank, elevator, ag supplies etc.) q Other total farm size (including rented land)_______________ Year of birth________ q I’m farming or ranching q I own a farm or ranch but i'm not involved in it's operations or management
My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________
My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________
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3 8 1 4 9 2 5 6 7
4 2 7 8 6 5 3 9 1
9 5 6 3 7 1 4 8 2
7 6 4 1 5 3 8 2 9
8 1 3 7 2 9 6 4 5
5 9 2 6 4 8 7 1 3
1 7 5 9 8 6 2 3 4
2 3 8 5 1 4 9 7 6
6 4 9 2 3 7 1 5 8
Puzzle by websudoku.com
Puzzle by websudoku.com Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba
For Sale: RM of MCCREARY 719-acs farm (cattle, elk, bison) 1,064-sq.ft. bungalow & yard site, outbldgs. 3) PLUMAS 1,156-sq.ft. 2+ BDRM MODERN HOME 4.17-ACS, ca c vac, WORKSHOPS & MORE! 4) ARDEN 5-acs 2+ bdrm renov. Home dbl garage. Also 2-ac lot only $8,000; 5) 1 section of pastureland NE of GLADSTONE, fenced & dugouts, $269,000; 6) Acerage w/3-bdrm home w/trucker’s shed 72x36, in OBERON, $229,000. Phone Liz:(204)476-6362 or John:(204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies.
GRANT TWEED Your Farm Real Estate Specialist. Developing a successful farm takes years of hard work. When it’s time to sell there are many factors to consider. I can provide the experience & expertise to help you through the process. To arrange a confidential, obligation free meeting, please call (204)761-6884 anytime. Website; www.granttweed.com
(both parcels are in the RM of DeSalaberry)
& VERY FILTER DEPOT 75.76-ACS. BEAUTIFUL LARGE treed yard, many species. Several large buildings, rest in • Buy Hydro Used Oil • Buysee Batteries Alfalfa, & Water. Must 10-mi NE of Sel• Collect Used Filters Collect Oil Containers kirk. Reduced to •$144,000. Call Harry (204)482-7251. Southern and Western Manitoba Tel: 204-248-2110 FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Morris will be received by: HARRY WIENS LAW OFFICE 2-500 Main Street, P.O. Box 99 Winkler, MB R6W 4A4. For the following legally described property: NW 1/4 33-5-2WPM, excepting Water Control Works Plan 1242 MLTO. Being approximately 159.70-ac. CONDITIONS OF TENDER: 1.Interested parties must rely on their own inspection & knowledge of the property. 2.Tenders must be received on or before 5:00p.m. on Nov., 28, 2013. 3.Tenders must be accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the amount offered, payable to HARRY WIENS LAW OFFICE. Deposit cheques accompanying unaccepted bids will be returned. 4.Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Vendors are not obligated to sell any of the land, or to accept any Tender. 5.The purchaser(s) shall be responsible for payment of GST or shall self-assess for GST. For CONDITIONS OF SALE & further information contact: HARRY J. WIENS or JOAN FRANZ at: Ph. 204-325-4615 or by Fax. 204-325-6712. Email:harry@hjwienslaw.ca or joan@hjwienslaw.ca
Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available
Deadline for bids November 30, 2013
Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded 5 LOCATIONS to serve you!
Call For Pricing
Mail bids to: Daniel & Terry Sabourin Box 25 St. Jean Baptiste, MB R0G 2B0 204-746-4028 - cell
Phone (204)747-2904
Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba
“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696 Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261
TIRES FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used aircraft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850
Toll Free: 888-974-7246
TRAILERS Grain Trailers
Available at:
BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil • Collect OilContainers Containers • Antifreeze
Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western
Tel: 204-248-2110
Twin Valley Coop Ltd.
Birtle, MB
(204) 842-5274 www.dseriescanola.ca
HEATED & GREEN CANOLA • Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed
We BUY used oil & filters Collection of plastic oil jugs Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )
Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!
Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers
At De Dell Seeds, our seed corn prices begin at $150.00 per bag until
37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen
A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!
(519) 473-6175 WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328
The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com
FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Pembina will be received by:
We are buyers of farm grains.
351 Main St., PO Box 279 Manitou, MB. R0G 1G0
TENDERS CLOSE: November 15, 2013.
Available at:
For further information contact S. Tristan Smith at Phone:(204) 242-2801 Fax: (204) 242-2723 Email: selbylaw@mts.net
Redfern Farm Services Ltd. Minnedosa, MB
(204) 867-2679
SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw 100 ALFALFA GRASS HAY $25/bale. Phone (204)243-2634.
BIG ROUND STRAW BALES, solid core, wheat or oats, $15.00/bale. Also small square second crop alfala grass bales - no rain. Also rolled oats or barley. $150/tote, (1100-lbs). Phone:(204)886-2083.
DAIRY & BEEF HAY for sale, 3x4 square bales, delivery available. Phone (204)827-2629 before 9:00am or leave message.
FOR SALE: LARGE ROUND hay bales of mixed grasses. Call:(204)646-4226.
New “Straight Cut”
Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!
1-800-782-0794 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Wheat
We feed feed wheat, Webuy buy feedbarley, barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY MALT BARLEY oats, corn oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & canola canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE IN COME SEEUS US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN WeTHE buyfeed feedbarley, barley, feed feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We buy wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309
BOOTH 1309
COMESEE SEEUS USAT ATAG AG DAYS DAYS IN IN COME THE CONVENTION HALL THE CONVENTION HALL BOOTH1309 1309 BOOTH 2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509 204-737-2000 Phone Phone 204-737-2000
QUALITY net Komarno, MB.
*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola
Please Contact Sheldon Froese 204-371-5131 Stacey Hiebert 204-371-5930 www.canadianfarmrealty.com
LARGE ROUND EXCELLENT wrapped oat straw bales, at $15/each. Phone:(204)886-3212.
• Vomi wheat • Vomi barley • Feed wheat • Feed barley • Feed oats • Corn • Screenings • Peas • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 *6-Row* *6-Row* “Ask for grain buyer.” Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition
NE ¼ 3-2-8 WPM Excepting M. and M. (being approx. 160 cultivated acres)
2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509
SW-5-25-14W RM OF ALONSA, 70-acres tame hay. Good hunting (wildlife opportunity) Surrounded by crown land, fenced in. Tender by Nov 22, 2013. Mail to 48 Stradbrook Place, Dauphin MB, R7N 0M9.
• RM of Macdonald 800+ acres • RM of Piney 2200 acres bean land • RM of Winchester 1100 acres grain land
Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA
WANTED: LOOKING FOR CROPLAND in Argyle, Stonewall, Warren, Balmoral, Grosse Isle, St Francis, Elie & surrounding area. Please call Deric (204)513-0332, leave msg.
FARMLAND FOR SALE IN RM of Thompson, SE 1/4 of 5-5-5WPM, 159.4-acs. Contact Melvin Toews at Golden Plains Realty Ltd. Ph: (204)745-3677.
Shares consist of:
SE 8-4-4E - 160 acres SW 4-4-4E - 160 acres
Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities
GRAIN & CATTLE FARMS wanted for both overseas & Canadian buyers. Call me to discuss all options & current farmland market prices. Rick Taylor: (204)867-7551. rtaylor@homelife.com Homelife Realty, Brandon, MB.
PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various
Selling 100% shares of Corporation
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.homelifepro.com or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc.
Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. SEED SK. Agent:PEDIGREED M & J Weber-Arcola, Phone 306-455-2509 Cereal – Wheat Phone 306-455-2509
“More Wheat...Less Shatter”
FOR SALE: 2 SETS of ‘09 Super B Lode King Prestige grain trailers, c/w air lift axles, 22.5 tires, asking $53,000. 2004 Super B Lode King Prestige trailer, asking $40,000. (204)857-1700, Gladstone, MB.
TRAILERS Livestock Trailers $1000 REBATE AVAILABLE ON ALL EXISS LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. 2013 Stock on Sale. Mention ad and receive extra $500 off. 7-ft wide x 20-ft, 18-ft & 16-ft lengths. 10 Year Warranty. SOKAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Phone (204)334-6596. Email: sokalind@mymts.net
TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous ADVANTAGE AUTO & TRAILER: Livestock, Horse & Living quarter, Flat deck, Goosenecks, Tilts, Dumps, Cargos, Utilities, Ski-doo & ATV, Dry Van & Sea Containers. Call today. Over 250 in stock. Phone:(204)729-8989. In Brandon on the Trans-Canada Hwy. www.aats.ca
CAREERS CAREERS Farm / Ranch MJ MILLAR RANCH INC. Lundar, MB. Canada requires a Sheep production manager. Start date: Nov. 1st, 2013 (flexible) Deadline for applications: Oct. 5th, 2013. F/T term position (1 yr w/possibility of extension). Job Description: Funding provided by the AAFC Career Focus Program w/focus on the care & feeding of a flock of 1,250 ewes. The successful applicant will oversee all aspects of lambing production as well as the nutritional & flock health requirements. They will be responsible for set up & management of computer records using RFID technology & Farm Works Flock Management Program. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a certificate/diploma or degree in a agriculture related field (in last 3 yrs) interested in sheep & small ruminants & will work with & report directly to the owners. They will be experienced w/all aspects of sheep production, hard working, self motivated, team player. Computer literate (able to produce records on all aspects of production & sales), great communicator/problem solver & be able to perform under pressure. Please email your resume along w/3 references & expected wages to Mitch Millar: mitch@mjmillarranch.com Housing is available to successful applicants. Families welcome. Equal opportunity employer. Website: www.mjmillarranch.com
CAREERS Help Wanted GRAIN FARM NORTH OF Beausejour is looking for a truck driver w/class 1 licence. Full or part-time. Call Hans (204)265-3494 or (204)268-0262. MANITOBA SHEEP ASSOCIATION is searching for a P/T Secretary. This position will be on an “as needed” basis, approx. 4-5-hrs/week. Successful applicant will: Maintain ledger, attend board meetings & take minutes, schedule & set-up meetings, receive mail & distribute it to required persons, make bank deposits & pay monthly bills, be proficient w/computers, familiar with Excel/Word/Power Point, familiar w/social media, Twitter & FaceBook, be able to work unsupervised, receive phone calls & emails on behalf of the organization, have access to Hi-speed internet, be able to accommodate a dedicated phone line for the organization. The ideal candidate will be a self starter that has an office to conduct business from & deal with the day-to-day running of the MB Sheep Association. You will be someone who is confident dealing with government agencies, the public, other provincial organizations & the board. Please E-mail resume w/references & expected salary to Mitch Millar, Vice Chair MSA. mitch@mjmillarranch.com Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
The Manitoba Co-operator | October 24, 2013
Growing today for tomorrow. Farming, the biggest job on earth.
The population is increasing, but farmland isn’t. So the pressure is on for farmers to maximize yields and produce high-quality crops to meet the needs of a growing planet. This is why BASF is working with farmers to create chemistry that will increase the yield and quality of crops. With help from BASF, it’s in the farmers’ hands. To learn more about BASF’s commitment to sustainable agriculture, check out our videos at agsolutions.ca/sustainability.
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