Volume 39, Number 16 | OCTOBER 21, 2013
New canola varieties for 2014 These nine new canola varieties hitting the market in the spring of 2014 contain a range of agronomic traits BY LISA GUENTHER
s we’ve done in past years, Grainews has surveyed seed companies to round up lists of new seed varieties that will be on the market for the first time next spring. The nine new canola varieties for spring 2014 contain a range of agronomic traits. One of Viterra’s new varieties, Proven VR 9562 GC, is clubroot resistant. Bayer’s InVigor L140P and Viterra’s XCEED VT X121 CL are less likely to shatter. And each company offers new varieties with significantly higher yield than checks.
BAYER InVigor L252 Yielded 110 per cent of the checks (5440 and 45H29) in the 2011 and 2012 Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) trials. Rated R to blackleg. Maturity one day later than the checks’ average. Suited to all growing zones in Western Canada. Medium height, good standability. Oil content superior to the checks. InVigor L261 Yielded 107 per cent of new checks in 2011 and 2012 WCC/RRC trials. Resistant to blackleg. Maturity is two days later than the average of the checks. Suitable for all mid to long-growing zones in Western Canada. Tall height, good standability. Oil content equal to the checks. InVigor L160S Contains the sclerotinia tolerant trait and is also blackleg resistant. Yields 97 per cent of new checks in 2011 and 2012 WCC/RRC trials. Maturity is two days later than the average of the checks. Suited to mid to late growing zones in Western Canada. Medium height. Oil content is equal to the checks. InVigor L140P Includes pod shatter reduction trait. Yield equal to new checks in
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There are nine new canola varieties for spring 2014. Each company offers varieties with higher yields than checks. 2011 and 2012 WCC/RRC trials. Matures half a day earlier than the average of checks. Suited to all growing zones. Short to medium height, rated R for blackleg. Oil content equal to average of checks.
BRETTYOUNG 6044 RR Top-yielding mid-maturity Roundup Ready hybrid suited to all canola production regions of Western Canada. Medium height hybrid with excellent standability. It is rated R for blackleg and has a yield index of 132 per cent relative to 46A65/Q2.
VITERRA XCEED VT X121 CL Clearfield hybrid. Rated R to blackleg and fusarium wilt. Yields 125 per cent of VT Oasis CL. Matures a day earlier than VT Oasis CL. Very good standability. Bred specifically for brown and dark brown soil zones to tolerate heat and drought. Improved pod shatter resistance for straight cutting.
Proven VT 530 G Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid. Rated R to fusarium wilt and MR to blackleg. Yield is equal to Proven VR 9559G (check), and maturity is nearly a day earlier than check. Excellent standability. Proven VR 9562 GC Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid. Rated R to blackleg, fusarium wilt, and clubroot. High yielding variety (104 per cent of InVigor L130). Maturity equal to InVigor L130. Very good standability. Proven VR 9561 GS Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid rated R to blackleg and fusarium wilt. Also has sclerotinia resistance. Very good standability. Matures a day later than check (Proven VR 9557 GS), and yields 102 per cent over check. † Lisa Guenther is a field editor with Grainews based at Livelong, Sask. Contact her at Lisa. Guenther@fbcpublishing.com.
This canola was grown at the Scott Research Centre in Saskatchewan.
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