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Put the brakes on

Kale-ryegrass combo tested for fall grazing » Page 35

Go slow with varietal review: KAP » Page 8

November 7, 2013


New forage insurance to take effect in 2014




New animal care codes may only intensify scrutiny of livestock sector

By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff / ashern


nterlake ranchers attending the Manitoba Beef Producers district meeting here became the first in the province to get details on a new suite of forage insurance programs offered under AgriInsurance in 2014. “I have to say I am thrilled,” said MBP general manager, Cam Dahl. “I really do think the forage insurance program that was announced is going to make a significant difference.” Under the new programs, producers will be able to choose

The revised codes have sparked producer concerns about who will pay for things like enhanced housing, but experts say the public will likely want many more changes By Alex Binkley co-operator contributor / ottawa


ithin days of the wrap-up of this year’s National Farm Animal Care Council conference, news reports surfaced about a disturbing case of abusive treatment of layer chickens at two Alberta farms. The controversy over the secretly filmed scenes shown on CTV’s “W5” was a reminder of the “strong emotions surrounding animal abuse,” said Jackie Wepruk, the council’s general manager. It also drove home the importance of completing the codes, she said, noting work on the layer industry code won’t be finished before funding expires at the end of the year. “So then we will be waiting in line to see if we can get the funding,” said Wepruk. “We have no idea when it might come through.” The “ W5” program showed hens, including dead ones, crowded in cages and chicks being killed by being hit against hard surfaces. The Egg Farmers of Canada called the practices shown in the video an “aberration,” CBC reported.

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See FORAGE on page 7 »

Livestock production in the spotlight Livestock producers hoping new animal care codes will satisfy public concerns about their industry are going to be disappointed. Expert after expert at the recent National Farm Animal Care Council conference said

the codes are just a start, and will likely increase scrutiny of the industry. In this special report, the Manitoba Co-operator’s Ottawa correspondent takes a further look at what was said at the conference and what it means for the livestock sector.

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But experts at the conference had warned that reacting to such incidents after the fact isn’t enough. They said the industry has to be proactive and step up efforts to talk to Canadians about what it is doing to promote humane treatment. See NEW CODES on page 6 »

®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. 09/13-20278-01 MC

Flooded ranchers are skeptical


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Did you know?

LIVESTOCK Try a little understanding

Is that tail wagging to the left or right?

Know what triggers sheep behaviour

One direction says keep your distance, the other says it’s OK to come closer


Cell Press release


CROPS Outlook bright for agriculture Kraft lecturer says “feeding the world” mantra great opportunity


FEATURE A century of rural retail Boissevain men’s clothier says quality and service are timeless


CROSSROADS So you think you can dance? Rural youth are discovering they can, thanks to Bob Williamson

4 5 10 11

Editorials Comments Livestock Markets Grain Markets

ou might think a wagging tail is a wagging tail, but for dogs there is more to it than that. Dogs recognize and respond differently when their fellow canines wag to the right than they do when they wag to the left. The findings reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology show that dogs, like humans, have asymmetrically organized brains, with the left and right sides playing different roles. The discovery follows earlier work by the same Italian research team, which found that dogs wag to the right when they feel positive emotions (upon seeing their owners, for instance) and to the left when they feel negative emotions (upon seeing an unfriendly dog, for example). That biased tail-wagging behaviour reflects what is happening in the dogs’ brains. Left-brain activation produces a wag to the right, and right-brain activation produces a wag to the left. But does that tail-wagging difference mean something to other dogs? The latest study shows that it does. The researchers showed dogs videos of other dogs with either left- or right-asymmetric tail wagging. When dogs saw another dog wagging to the left, their heart rates picked up and they began to look anxious. When dogs saw another dog wagging to the right, they stayed perfectly relaxed. “The direction of tail wagging does in fact matter, and it matters in a way that matches hemispheric activation,” says Giorgio Vallortigara of the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences of the University of Trento.

photo: thinkstock

Vallortigara doesn’t think that the dogs are necessarily intending to communicate those emotions to other dogs. Rather, he says, the bias in tail wagging is likely the automatic byproduct of differential activation of the left versus the right side of the brain. But that’s not to say that the bias in wagging and its response might not find practical uses; veterinarians and dog owners might do well to take note.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

A new name and a new direction Manitoba’s agriculture minister sets a course for economic development and value-added products in rural areas By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


or the third time since taking office in 1999, Manitoba’s New Democrats have changed the name of the provincial department responsible for agriculture. During a mid-October cabinet shuffle, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives became Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (MAFRD). “Rural development goes hand in hand with agriculture... so we’re refocusing on the rural economy and the name change reflects that,” said Minister Ron Kostyshyn, who retained the portfolio during the shuffle. “The biggest thing is how can we — through our new definition — provide opportunities for farm-related industry, the rural economy and small communities.” T h e d e p a r t m e n t’s n a m e began as simply Manitoba Agriculture. Food was added in 1999. Rural Initiatives was tacked on in 2003. Kostyshyn made it clear that valued-added products would be central to the new push for the development of the rural economy, citing hopes for new products in the biomass sector, such as flax-based building materials. “We wanted to get the message out that initiative was the seed, rural development is now — let’s work together, let’s bring your ideas forward,” he said. The minister did not comment on what costs might be associated with name change, including new signs, stationery and promotional material. “It will be a transition, no doubt about it, but it’s not going to happen overnight,” he said, adding, “We’re there to work with the rural economy, not that we weren’t before, but we want to just reset that button and send a message out — let’s work with your ideas and hopefully we can develop the rural economy.”

Farm stress line offers online counselling Chat Support Line an alternative for those who may feel uncomfortable calling the stress line By Lorraine Stevenson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


armers and others living in rural or northern communities who need to talk to someone can now reach out through a new confidential online counselling service offered by Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services. In addition to their telephone lines, they are now offering an online Chat Support Line to anyone who may prefer this way to communicate, says MFRSS program manager Janet Smith. The MFRSS continues to provide its traditional telephone service. This is a new option and has been added as an alternative for those who, for any reason, feel they cannot pick up the phone, Smith said. “Even though our telephone line services are confidential, this seems to be a less stigmatizing way for some of reaching out for help.” Smith said MFRSS has been piloting the Chat Support Line for about a year and finds it is a very good way to communicate with a counsellor. People seem to be less inhibited when they are writing down their concerns, she said. “People tend to be very honest about what’s going on. You might just feel a little less restricted about what you can say.” Users of the Chat Support Line are linked with a counsellor to have the private and confidential online conversation in ‘real time.’ Like the telephone service, this is a safe and completely confidential service with MFRSS’s trained counsellors listening, providing support in non-judgmental ways and enabling the expression of feelings, thoughts and options. Users do not identify themselves but are required to register a postal code and indicate their gender to use the service. They must also agree to terms of service including the use of respectful language and avoiding chit-chat. Smith said the MFRSS staff started thinking about offering the Chat Support Line after observing that more people of all ages seek help through other online venues such as Facebook, email and Twitter. Other counselling agencies say

Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services now offers a Chat Support Line for those who would prefer communicating in writing instead of speaking on the phone. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

online counselling has increased use of their services. “So we thought we should really try this in our centre too,” she said. The Chat Support Line is available during MFRSS’s operating hours from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. For more information about the Chat Support Line or any other MFRSS’s free counselling services log on to www.rural support.ca or call 1-866-367-3276 toll free. The MFRSS also offers a volunteer training program, Farmer-to-Farmer Information and Support Group, and a Suicide Bereavement Support group. The MFRSS also makes available a variety of resources including books, videos and articles related to agricultural behavioural health.

“Even though our telephone line services are confidential, this seems to be a less stigmatizing way for some of reaching out for help.”


Program manager Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services


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“We’re there to work with the rural economy, not that we weren’t before, but we want to just reset that button and send a message out — let’s work with your ideas and hopefully we can develop the rural economy.”

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


As we remember…


don’t know a lot about my grandfather’s experiences as a sergeant with the horse brigade in the First World War. He didn’t talk about it with us; I doubt he talked about it much to anyone. It just wasn’t done in those days. I do know that while he never fought in the trenches, his brigade was charged supplying the front lines and he received recognition for front-line duty. I also know Laura Rance that in his army-issued spurs, the rowels Editor had been replaced with nickels. A lifetime later, after he’d returned to Canada, taken up dairy farming, married and raised four kids, served a quarter-century as the secretary of the Winnipeg District Milk Producers Association and retired, he gave me a book titled The Horseman’s Friend and Veterinary Adviser. It was a special edition, with an added chapter on “The Breeding in Canada of Horses for Army Use” (circa 1900) written by J.G. Rutherford, Canada’s chief veterinary officer. It advised breeders on what to look for and encouraged them to consider raising horses for military supply. “While the supply of horses suitable for military use has always, even in times of peace, been a serious question, the experience of our South African troubles has given it an importance altogether new and somewhat startling,” the chapter begins. An online article by the South African Military History Society says the British army sent 520,000 horses and 150,000 mules to help defend its Empire in the Boer War (1899-1902), of which 350,000 horses and 50,000 mules perished. The British were looking for more and, according to Rutherford, the Dominion hadn’t been contributing “her fair share.” Those service animals were later honoured with a statue in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, a memorial that carries these words — “The greatness of a nation consists not so much in the number of its people or the extent of its territory, as in the extent and justice of its compassion.” It seems an odd tribute to lowly creatures. But it speaks to the reality that in those times there was a strong connection — a relationship — between humans and the animals with which they worked. In combats that spared neither man nor beast, they shared each other’s pain. A poignant account of that relationship is found in this First World War excerpt cited in an article by G.R. Duxbury in the Military History Journal. It comes from a letter written by a gun driver, who was later killed in action, talking about his horses. “I had driven them for three years. I tell you I could talk to them just as I am talking to you. There was not a word I said that they did not understand. And they could answer me — they could indeed. I was never at a loss to know what they meant. When I was astride one of them — why, I only had to THINK what I wanted him to do and he would do it without being told. “Early in the Retreat from Mons (the long, fighting retreat by Allied forces to the River Marne, on the Western Front early in the First World War) a big shell crashed right into the midst of the section. The driver in front of me was blown to bits, but I was thrown clear unhurt. My gun was wrecked, I was ordered to take the place of a casualty in the other. As I mounted the fresh horse to continue the retreat I saw my two poor horses with the blood coming from them struggling and kicking on the ground to free themselves. I could not go back to them. I tell you it hurt me. Suddenly a French chasseur dashed up to them, cut the traces and set them at liberty… “Those horses followed me for four days. We stopped for hardly five minutes, and I could not get back to them. There was no work for them, but they kept their places in the line like trained soldiers. They were following me to the very end, and the thought occurred a thousand times, ‘What do they think of me on another horse?’ Whenever I looked, there they were watching me so anxiously and sorrowfully as to make me feel guilty of deserting them. Whenever the word ‘Halt!’ ran down the column I held up my hand to them and they saw it every time. They stopped instantly. “Whether they got anything to eat I do not know. I wonder whether they dropped out from sheer exhaustion. I hope to heaven it was not that. At any rate one morning when the retreat was all but over I missed them. I suppose I shall never see them again. That’s the sort of thing that hurts a soldier in war.” As we take time November 11 to remember the sacrifices of those who served in combat, we acknowledge their contribution to the freedoms and choices we have today. Perhaps one of the lessons of that time is a reminder that our changing and evermore complex relationship with animals — as companions, service animals, and food sources — reflects our own humanity. What we do to them, we do also to ourselves. laura@fbcpublishing.com

Politics versus long-term value: Buffett By Alan Guebert


n a recent television interview, famed Wall Street investor Warren Buffett characterized the October federal government shutdown as “totally irresponsible” and said the failure of leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives to raise the nation’s debt ceiling until moments before possible default was “just plain stupid.” Unlike most stock market billionaires, Buffett wasn’t talking “his position”; the tough opinions were tied to his patriotism, not his investments. “The debt ceiling is a political weapon of mass destruction,” he told TV interviewer Charlie Rose, “it shouldn’t exist. It’s nuts. It’s like nuclear weapons; it can’t be used, and both (political) parties should say, ‘It’s off the table,’” in future budget talks — including current talks between House and Senate negotiators. And the national debt, asked Rose, isn’t it a national calamity? Today’s net national debt, explained the Oracle of Omaha, is about 70 per cent of gross domestic product. Just after the Second World War, he noted, it was “something like 120 per cent,” so we can “handle the debt relative to our current output” today. The problem, Buffett continued, “isn’t that the country has become poorer. It’s, in fact, become richer. A lot richer. The problem is that we’ve overpromised in some cases and are unwilling to raise the revenue (to pay) for some of the promises we’ve made.” A balance between the two — the need to trim some of the promises and increase some revenues — is the best, fairest way to secure the future, he suggested. Buffett, of course, is famous for becoming one of the richest people in the history of the world through “value investing,” buying securities of firms he believes are fundamentally undervalued in the market.


According to a recent Wall Street Journal analysis, Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, invested $25.2 billion in six firms after the 2008 stock market collapse (Swiss Re, Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, General Electric, Bank of America and Mars/Wrigley). To date the total return on these six investments stands at $9.95 billion, or 40 per cent. This market and this Congress do not seem to get his fundamental message: bypass short-term fads and invest in long-term value. For proof, look at the companies Wall Street has fallen madly in love with lately. Social networking Facebook has a market value of $122 billion, projected earnings of 0.18 cents per share and, as such, a share price 218 times more than earnings. Twitter, the newest social network, is about to “go public,” and sell shares in the company. If the offering goes as expected, Twitter will raise $11 billion even though the firm has no profit whatsoever. Meanwhile, Apple, a company that actually makes something, saw its stock price slapped 13 per cent lower Oct. 29, the day after it reported a nine per cent drop in quarterly earnings. Apple did make money, a net profit of $7.5 billion in just three months. And it has $147 billion in the bank, in cash, right now. The short-termers in Congress are little different than the stock jockeys of Wall Street. They chase after fads, fashion and public opinion with little thought to long-term value or long-term impact. And, in the process, they’ve short sold America and, especially, American farmers and ranchers who have been waiting two years for a timely, updated Farm Bill. That’s totally irresponsible. In fact, it’s just plain stupid. The Farm and Food File is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact Alan Guebert at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com

November 1971


pparently some things are cheaper than they used to be — today a pressure system such as this one advertised in our Nov. 4, 1971 issue can be had for around $400. Adjusted for inflation, $139.95 for this system is equivalent to $818 today. In his editorial ahead of Nov. 11, editor Bill Morriss took issue with American plans to detonate a hydrogen bomb underground in one of the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska, ignoring a vote of condemnation by the Canadian Parliament and a protest by one of the original Greenpeace vessels. The Americans had said it was not Canadian business. Morriss countered that Americans had considered the islands Canadian business in the Second World War, when he had been stationed with the RCAF in Alaska for a year to protect the Aleutians from Japanese invasion. Five of his fellow RCAF members had been killed in the campaign. In that issue, we reported that the British Parliament had voted to join what was then called the European Common Market. Here in Manitoba, Agriculture Minister Sam Uskiw announced that an Egg Producers Marketing Board would be established Dec. 15. He said the

new system would “ensure the maximum number of egg producers have a sufficiently large and cost-free quota to enable them to earn a decent living.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Oil at 600 yuan a barrel It’s time to get loonie and de-Americanize our currency By Ryan Lijdsman edmonton, alta. / troy media



he U.S. debt ceiling debacle laid bare the inherent and true costs to international trade from the outdated world reserve currency system. Virtually every international transaction that non-American businesses complete, from importing Chinese-made TVs to the proposed selling of Canadian LNG to Malaysia, must be done in U.S. dollars. The Canadian loonie does not directly convert into the Chinese renminbi or the Malaysian ringgitand; their currencies do not convert into the Canadian dollar. China and many other countries are moving away from this U.S.-dominated system to a basket of reserve currencies that includes the Chinese renminbi (yuan). China is also making direct currency swaps with trading partners that support and encourage their bilateral trade. If Canada does not adopt similar reserve currency reforms, its companies will be at a long-term competitive disadvantage in Asia and around the world. The origin of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency was the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. The greenback was guaranteed by gold and other currencies were made fiat ones (having no intrinsic value but declared legal tender by their governments) and pegged to the value of the dollar. This system initially worked quite well, but became unsustainable as global trade grew and more dollars were required than could be guaranteed by gold reserves.

We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)

Consumers are voting with their dollars I’m writing in response to Cam Dahl’s recent article “The good old days — not always so good.” It seems to me that Cam doesn’t get the point of the current food movement. It has nothing to do with “romanticized trends” or producing food as it was produced in the ’30s. No one is crying out for houses with “no running water, wood heat, a standard of living below poverty, etc.” This is not a fight. The best part of what’s happening with food today is it’s bringing people together. Hunters and vegan-hippies, right-wingers and lefties alike have finally found some common ground. Everyone has the right to know where the food we eat comes from and can easily become activists in creating sustainable agriculture by doing only one thing — paying for what they want. Our money is our vote and, if today’s

In the 1970s, the U.S. reached an agreement with the House of Saud to accept only dollars for its oil, maintaining the U.S. dollar’s supremacy in trade and eliminating the need for it to be guaranteed by gold. Since then, the world has been on an informal Black Gold standard, known as the petrodollar. Trading oil in U.S. dollars made it the logical choice for countries and international business to use for other trade and firmly established it as the world reserve currency. China understands and acknowledges the risk of a U.S.-dominated financial system on its stability

photo: thinkstock

and future growth. It is rapidly moving towards a more internationalized yuan and has made currency swaps with nearly 20 countries including Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, the EU, and the United Kingdom. But not with Canada. These swaps are becoming increasingly important to China’s bilateral trade. By moving to a direct swap, it saves at least one per cent on transac-

marketing trends are any indication, we’re voting for “Local. Organic. Hormone free.” Cam refers to recent trends as the “indulgences of a rich society.” Yes, organic food costs more, initially. Organic farmers get no government subsidies or handouts so budget for the fact that your tax dollars are paying for all that “cheap” food. Paying more for sustainable healthy practices now can cost us less in the long run. I’m particularly upset by the argument that sustainable farming practices will have a negative impact on those who are unable to pay more for food. We produce 1.5 times enough food for everyone on the planet, yet nearly a billion people go hungry while over a billion are malnourished. Something is wrong with the current system! Cam asks, “How can anyone consider it humane not to treat an animal that has become sick?” I, personally, don’t have a problem eating meat from an animal that has received an antibiotic treatment because it was actually sick. What I do have a problem with are animals being fattened up quickly with a high-grain diet, forcing their rumens (the specialized stomach chamber in grazing animals’ stomachs that digests fibrous foods, such as grass) to become too acidic. This is only one example of the current need for preventive, blanket antibiotic treatments. Hopefully, when he says modern agriculture should “show our urban cousins the effort we make to protect the environment and to care for our animals,” he doesn’t persuade himself into believing that his ill-

tion costs and reduces its U.S. political risk exposure. In the case of China-Japan bilateral trade, the saving is estimated to be US$3 billion per year. There are also spillover effects including the simplification of bilateral investment and the creation of new opportunities for smalland medium-size companies. Currency swaps taken individually are not of great importance, but the combined impact is resulting in a transformational change to the world financial system. In the first quarter of 2011, the Chinese renminbi surpassed the Russian ruble in trading volume for the first time. This year, Britain became the first G-7 country to set up an official currency swap line with China. Vene z u e l a , Su d a n a n d Angola are expected in the near future to sell oil in the yuan. Both Russia and Iran are already using it for oil sales to China. This helped accelerate a new US$85-billion ChinaRussia oil and gas deal that will be transacted in rubles and yuan, not U.S. dollars. Canada’s bilateral trade with China was nearly $70 billion in 2012. Without a direct currency swap it loses at a minimum $700 million a year in transaction costs and is adding a level of complexity that is harming investment. When China wants to buy resources from Canada it has to pay

informed article has done this. I found a lot of his “arguments” insulting and illogical. Heather Hagen Minnedosa, Man.

GMOs are no solution to food problem

The article, “Lack of consumer acceptance plagues biotech science,” failed to mention the projected, but largely unrealized, increase in food production due to biotech science and it failed to mention the fact that thalidomide was shown to be perfectly safe until years later when it had ruined the lives of many people. Obviously consumers are wiser than the genetic modifiers who cannot convince people to buy their product. The article talks often about the need for more food, but nothing I have read convinces me that GMOs will help this problem. Also, saying that the short-range safety record indicates no long-range problem is overlooking history. The 2013 World Food Prize ought to have been given to urban food producers who have a greater hope of feeding people than do GMOs. Save us from short-sighted, profit-oriented companies. Barry Hammond Winnipeg, Man.

Perspectives on CETA Two interesting perspectives are offered in the Oct. 31 articles about the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement with the EU. The first by beef producer Ian Robson has

It is not enough anymore to simply sign free trade agreements and blindly believe that trade will grow. Canada must become proactive in its approach to trade.

the transaction costs to convert its currency into U.S. dollars then U.S. dollars to Canadian dollars, something it is less willing to do every year and something it does not need to do with a growing number of other countries that directly compete with Canada in the resource sector. It is not enough anymore to simply sign free trade agreements and blindly believe that trade will grow. Canada must become proactive in its approach to trade. It is time to move away from the antiquated U.S. reserve currency model and to think not only in terms of oil at $100 per barrel, but also in terms of it at 600 yuan per barrel. Doing so will create the conditions for a more successful trade relationship with China and other Southeast Asia countries that are quickly embracing a new basket of reserve currencies that includes the renminbi and new multipolar trade models. Ryan Lijdsman is a Canadian-based international business consultant. www.troymedia.com

an eyes-wide-open attitude when he states quite clearly that the EU accepts only beef that is hormone free and that Canadian beef falls short of this requirement. Currently Canada has a minimal supply of beef that can in fact be exported to the EU regardless of any free trade deal. Trevor Atchison, president of the Manitoba Beef Producers acknowledges this issue and clearly states that a change regarding the use of hormones will have to be developed along with a system of certification. On the other hand you have Karl Kynoch of the MPC talking about a great new heavily populated market, good news apparently as Manitoba exports about 85 per cent of its pork. He fails to mention that the EU has already, or is in the process of transitioning to open or group housing in lieu of sow stalls used here. What happened in Australia may also happen in the EU. Retailers in Australia refuse to sell imported pork that is raised in the stall system in order to support their own farmers who have been mandated to open or group housing. What happens to the 85 per cent of exported pork market if EU retailers make the same stand? Both these subjects clearly show how far Canada is down on the animal welfare global curve and that we had better pick up the pace or lose out. The countries that acknowledge the concerns of their purchasing public are the countries that will benefit, whether change is voluntary or government mandated. Leslie Yeoman, Co-founder, The Humane Education Network (THEN), 106 Lipton Street, Winnipeg, Man.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Show us you care, Tim Hortons tells farmers

NEW CODES Continued from page 1

“ We n e e d t o e n g a g e Canadians in an open, positive and honest conversation, like we’re sitting across from one another over coffee,” said Cr ystal Mackay, executive director of Farm & Food Care Ontario. “Farming and food are not typically among the top-ofmind issues keeping consumers up at night. But their attitudes and perceptions related to agr iculture do have an increasing impact on what they buy.” But many producers are concerned about who will foot the bill for changes aimed at re d u c i n g p u b l i c c o n c e r n s about animal welfare. Manitoba Egg Farmers have banned the installation of conventional cages after Dec. 31, 2014. While enhanced housing provides birds with more space, perches, scratching surfaces and private nesting boxes, they cost 20 to 25 per cent more. Hog producers face

“Farming and food are not typically among the topof-mind issues keeping consumers up at night. But their attitudes and perceptions related to agriculture do have an increasing impact on what they buy.” CRYSTAL MACKAY

Executive director of Farm & Food Care Ontario



Consumer perceptions and attitudes about how animals are treated in agriculture increasingly influence what they buy, officials warn. PHOTO:©THINKSTOCK

even higher costs — an extra $820 to $1,155 per sow — for group housing and reduced use of gestation crates. Add in additional labour and training costs, and it’s estimated the change could cost the Canadian pork industry $500 million.

Bu t t h e y a l s o ra i s e t h e bar, Weary told conference attendees. “Canada is a world leader in the development of animal care codes and with that comes both rising expectations and new opportunities around farm animal care,” he said. That’s why the codes need to be considered “a work in progress,” added Caroline Ramsay, the co-ordinator for the assessment framework, a tool for objectively determining whether the codes are benefiting animals. “With them in place, we have to start asking where we go next,” she said. “Farm groups will have to think about the future now that this framework is in place and anticipate

Who pays?

Should those costs fall entirely on producers? “How much of it is a public good and how much should commodity groups be expected to pay for?” Wepruk asked. The new codes, along with an Animal Care Assessment Framework are “tremendous a c h i e v e m e n t s ,” s a i d D a n Weary, an animal biology professor at the University of B.C.





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where the pressure for change will come from.” The assessment framework is expected to be ready next year, and livestock groups will be required to use it. The process will be closely watched, she predicted. “It’s likely the rest of the food chain will be pushing for an assessment of the effectiveness of the care programs,” said Ramsay.

Intense scrutiny

Scrutiny of the livestock industry is not only intensifying, but taking the sector on to new ground. The livestock industry is under a lot of pressure from “the rest of the world” to get better at measuring animal pain, said University of Calgary professor, Ed Pajor, an expert in animal welfare and behaviour. There are procedures for animals such as dehorning and castration to reduce suffering, but researchers are trying to accurately measure pain in livestock and looking at how it can be reduced further, if not eliminated, he said. “Have we done everything possible to make the process animal welfare friendly?” Pajor asked conference attendees. Among the alternatives under study is gene editing, which could produce animals requiring fewer stress-creating procedures. Pajor noted the EU wants to end castration of male pigs using current techniques by 2018. “Pain mitigation in livestock production will be more important in the coming years,” he said. “That will include less stress for animals at weaning. We need more research on this and that will take time.” In the meantime, farmers must look for ways to reduce animal stress, he added. “It would be a dangerous strategy for the industry to do nothing until more research can be conducted,” said Pajor. “A g r i c u l t u r e i s a l r e a d y regarded as being slow to change. Agriculture has to change to avoid animal welfare activists. Producers will be heavily scrutinized.” — with files from Shannon VanRaes

he food-service industry is under pressure from shareholders, consumers, and activists to get behind improved animal welfare practices, says Tim Faveri, director of sustainability and responsibility for Tim Hortons. “Ever y quick-ser vice chain like ours is hit with animal welfare resolutions at annual meetings and in the social media,” Faveri said at the recent National Farm Animal Care Conference. To respond to those demands, his sector needs proof that animal care codes are making a difference down on the farm. “ Fa r m a n i m a l c a r e today is part of a growing focus on corporate social responsibility and sustainability in the food-service sector,” he said. “One of the most important aspects of this is being clear and transparent with the customer. We interface with the customers and we have to be able to tell the story about where our products come from.” Faveri acknowledged farmers and food suppliers are already suffering from audit fatigue on welfare and environment issues. But his advice was to get used to it. “This is about a journey — not a destination,” he said. “It has to be a journey of continuous improvement.” He praised the Canadian livestock sector for developing new animal care codes, saying the animal welfare debate between farmers and consumers is not highly polarized here compared to the U.S. He also said the food industry has to be careful not to let all the certification costs fall on producers. But passing on those costs will be a challenge, said Susie Miller, director general of the Sector Development and Analysis Directorate at Agriculture Canada. “Consumers are willing to only pay so much more for their food,” she said. Nevertheless, the livestock industr y has to “keep moving” on developing the codes and showing that they are working, Miller said. “They have to be transparent and keep up with the science being developed around animal welfare,” she said. “And you have to keep working at the credibility of the codes. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Change takes time, costs m o n e y, a n d re q u i re s commitment.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

FORAGE Continued from page 1

Farmer-run helplines key to preventing ‘wrecks’ By Alex Binkley co-operator contributor / ottawa

Alberta and Ontario have established farmer-run helplines for struggling livestock producers and their accomplishments indicate similar services are needed across the country, says the man who runs the Alberta operation. “Every province should have one of these,” Darrell Dalton, interim registrar of the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, told the National Farm Animal Care Conference. Alberta Farm Animal Care was launched in 1993 by 17 livestock groups and the vet college at the University of Calgary. Its board has representatives from all livestock groups plus vets and provincial agriculture officials. Its ALERT line allows people to confidentially report situations when they fear livestock aren’t being properly cared for, instead of calling the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “When a report is received, we get volunteer producers in the area to pay the producer a visit,” said Dalton. “They find everything from farmers in financial distress to having mental problems. A lot of times we can help the producer, but if there are dying or distressed animals, we have to turn the situation over to the SPCA.” Ontario started its Farm Animal Care Helpline through Farm & Food Care, said Kristen Kelderman, the organization’s animal care co-ordinator. It offers a similar service, calling in the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals only as a last resort, she said. But it can’t deal with every incident, she added. “The helpline does not have the mandate or resources to respond to the estimated 1,400 farm animal calls answered by the OSPCA every year,” she notes. Dalton said his organization tries to intervene before farms “become wrecks,” and has vets who are willing to work with struggling producers who aren’t clients. “They don’t heal the animals but help educate the farmer,” he said. The Alberta group is also working on a euthanasia project that is an alternative to an inspector or police officer shooting a distressed animal with a revolver. It has purchased 25 special euthanasia devices with Growing Forward 2 money while the province has acquired 25 for the use of “vets accredited for emergency slaughter.” These kinds of services should be seen as a public good and be eligible for government funding, Dalton said. “The biggest barrier to expanding this program is funding,” he said.

between select hay insurance, which provides quality and production guarantees for different forage types on an individual basis, and basic hay insurance, which insures against production losses on a whole-farm basis at a lower cost. Other options include a harvest flood option for coarse hay, if excess moisture prevents harvest, and individualized relative feed values for alfalfa producers. Existing features such as forage establishment insurance and pasture insurance will continue to be available to producers. However, the option of 50 per cent coverage is no longer on the table. “The trigger was 50 per cent of your comparable production, so I consider having half a crop a disaster, and when you have half a crop you still don’t have 50 per cent of your comparable and there’s still no payout — so how effective is that?” said Rheal Bernard, a manager with Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC). “Now it is effective... there are only two triggers, which are at 70 and 80 per cent,” he said, adding he believes the

new programs will lead to more producers purchasing forage insurance. “I definitely, truly believe that we have a product that is salable, and we hope to double our acres,” Bernard said. “It offers more flexibility, you can select some crops and deselect others under one program... and it’s affordable, the premiums are lower than under the old program.” The response from farm organizations to the new programs was enthusiastic. “It’s certainly something our members have been asking for — and it appears MASC has responded to most of their requests in creating this revolutionary program,” said Doug Chorney, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers. “It means that producers in this province will now have a good risk management tool for both forage crops and pastures.” Wanda McFadyen, executive director of the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association, participated in the consultation process leading up to the new forage insurance programs. “It will be a huge benefit to our members,” she said. But reactions were more

mixed when it came to the brand new hay disaster benefit, which is provided to those with either select or basic hay insurance. “It’s meant to cover the associated costs with a province-wide shortfall; basically it’s meant to replace ad hoc programming,” said the MASC representative. The hay disaster benefit is triggered when 20 per cent of insured producers have a yield that is less than 50 per cent of a province’s long-term average. Flooding in the years 2003 and 2009 would have triggered the benefit had it existed at that time. However, many in attendance at the Ashern meeting experienced severe flooding in 2011. They believe the new benefit leaves them high and dry. “We saw flooding because water was diverted from Winnipeg,” said Reg Schwartz. “Now those acres are probably totally uninsurable.” Others questioned how effective the trigger level would be in providing protection. “I have concerns with the disaster component,” said rancher Rick Yanke. “Especially when they talk about a province-wide trigger, because quite often

“To make it affordable for everyone else, we kind of had to... limit our liabilities in some instances.” Rheal Bernard

there’s a problem in one area of the province while other areas are fine... I thought it should be more of a regional trigger.” Bernard said the trigger point is substantial because the producer pays no premium for the disaster benefit. It’s fully funded by the federal and provincial governments. But he acknowledges it isn’t perfect. “To make it affordable for everyone else, we kind of had to... limit our liabilities in some instances where we’re not accepting cattails, we’re not accepting black dirt as insurable, whereas in the past... they possibly could have insured those acres,” Bernard said. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

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2013-10-29 12:10 PM


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Go slow on variety registration changes Rob Brunel says more time is needed to assess the impact of the changes already made By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


he Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) doesn’t want any radical changes to how Canada registers new crop varieties, especially milling wheat. “We’re really just looking for some tweaking of the registration process,” said Ste. Rose du Lac farmer Rob B r u n e l w h o c h a i r s K A P ’s G r a i n , Oilseeds and Pulse Committee. “We feel there are ways to improve upon it, but really feel they don’t need to be any drastic changes.” The committee met Oct. 29 in Winnipeg to discuss the registration process currently under review by the federal government. The public has until Nov. 30 to express its views. KAP is preparing its submission. Some farmers and seed companies say the current registration system delays the introduction of new, higheryielding varieties. But others maintain the current approach is an integral part of the quality control system responsible for Canada’s reputation as a supplier of high-quality wheat. “As an industry we have to decide what our Canadian wheat brand is worth, and if it is worth saving, and how can we do so?” Brunel said. In his view, recent changes to Australia’s variety registration system cost that country its reputation for selling high-quality wheat. Currently new milling wheat varieties in Western Canada undergo at least two years, and usually three, of independent pre-registration testing. During that time agronomic, disease susceptibility and milling and baking data is collected. If the wheat devel-

“We’re really just looking for some tweaking of the registration process.”


oper believes the new variety has merit he or she will present the data to a committee of experts, including farmers, who vote whether it should be recommended for registration. Critics say the process is time consuming and potentially subjective. Supporters counter it takes time to gather data and that the process is transparent and fair, protecting farmers and end-users from poor varieties. The registration system has recently undergone a lot of changes and not enough time has passed to assess the impact, Brunel said. For example in 2008 kernel visual distinguishability (KVD) was dropped as a prerequisite for registering new milling wheats in Western Canada. Ending KVD was supposed to make it easier for wheat breeders to develop higher-yielding varieties. In 2009, the federal government implemented a new “flexible” threetiered crop registration system. Now if those representing a specific crop value chain agree they can drop the current requirement for pre-registration merit assessments. The introduction of an open market for wheat Aug. 1, 2012 has also resulted in more flexibility, Brunel said. Now grain buyers and farmers are free to negotiate wheat prices, no matter what

class the variety is in. As a result some wheats that are higher yielding, but lower in milling quality, are as economically attractive has high-quality, lower-yielding milling wheat. “There are a lot more options in the open system we have now, but hard red spring wheat has certain qualities that some want and we don’t want to jeopardize the quality of that class,” Brunel said. Some obser vers say Canada can keep its reputation for producing highquality wheat, while allowing farmers to grow lower-quality, higher-yielding varieties. The key is a registration system that assigns new wheats to the right class and grain-handling and transportation system that keeps them segregated. A discussion paper prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Canadian Grain Commission lays out four options for the registration system. Option 1: The status quo. Option 2: Streamline the process by requiring all crops meet minimum registration requirements with the option for some crops to have merit assessment through an independent assessment process. Option 3: Streamline the process by

KAP doesn’t want any radical changes to the variety registration system, says Rob Brunel, chair of KAP’s Grain, Oilseeds and Pulse committee. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON

maintaining a minimum level of federal government oversight similar to the current Part III and eliminate any merit assessment or performance data. Option 4: Withdraw federal government oversight allowing the industry or third parties to fill the role. Crop purity standards would still be required and overseen by CFIA. Find the discussion paper at: <http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/about-us/ public-opinion-and-consultations/ crop-variety-registration-engagement/ crop-variety-registration-in-canadaissues-and-options/?id=1374783569676>. allan@fbcpublishing.com


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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

More talk of Canada signing UPOV ‘91 If it happens should farmers own the research their checkoffs help fund? By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF

While some see Canada’s variety registration system as an impediment to introducing new wheat varieties, others say the culprit is a lack of a return on investment. To address the latter there’s increasing speculation the Canadian government will sign UPOV ‘91 (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) — an international agreement that provides stronger rights for plant breeders, including the ability to collect end-point royalties when farmers deliver grain to the elevator. “UPOV ‘91 could be contentious in the farm community depending on your appetite to invest in research,” said Ste. Rose du Lac farmer Rob Brunel who chairs KAP’s Grain, Oilseeds and Pulse Committee. “That becomes another checkoff.” Delegates at KAP’s general council meeting last month discussed whether farmers should own all or part of the new crops their funds help generate. “I think that will be the biggest question we have to decide on as producers,” Brunel said. “Are we going to accept an end-point royalty and are we going to own T:21.6”

Winter market in downtown Winnipeg a test run for more? Views sought on offering a year-round farmers’ market By Lorraine Stevenson CO-OPERATOR STAFF

this research or just pay for this research? “Personally, if I am going to pay a checkoff I’d prefer to have some ownership in that versus just continuing to pay for it.” The National Farmers Union is vehemently opposed to UPOV ‘91. “When it comes to companies patenting crops, it isn’t a partnership it’s control and there’s more expense as a result,” said Deleau farmer and NFU Region 5 coordinator Ian Robson. “And that’s all we’ve been getting now even without the new model. “My canola seed is nearly $60 an acre for next year. We used to pay $15 to $20 an acre for the same yield.” The NFU has asked Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn not to approve a checkoff for a new wheat and barley association in Manitoba. It wants the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to collect the checkoff for farmers to fund wheat and barley research. “We know from observing existing crop commissions that the direction of their work can be easily captured by agribusiness interests and this frequently does not actually help farmers,” Robson said in a release. allan@fbcpublishing.com


mid-November farmers’ market coming to the Manitoba Hydro Place Gallery in downtown Winnipeg is a one-day-only event, but it could be the start of things to come, say its hosts. On Nov. 14, the Downtown BIZ’s farmers’ market will offer an indoor location enabling Winnipeggers to stroll the vendors’ booths and shop for the fresh produce and crafts they offer regardless of weather. The holiday market is the latest event of the downtown markets that began operating this year and which have proved more successful than anyone first imagined, says a Downtown BIZ spokesman. The summer weekly markets, which ran from July to September, had hundreds of visitors and there were vendors on waiting lists. After the Nov. 14 market, organizers want to continue discussions with vendors, producers and farmers about the feasibility of doing this throughout the year, said Jason Syvixay. “We want to hear from the community and as many people as possible to see if there’s a need,” he said. “The November 14 market is the only one that’s lined up (for winter) so far, but we’re having ongoing discussions with vendors and producers and farmers about

Downtown BIZ wants to hear from those interested in a permanent farmers’ market established in downtown Winnipeg. PHOTO: SHANNON VANRAES

the feasibility of a permanent one.” The Downtown BIZ market launched in July this year. It was supposed to end in early September, but was so busy and popular organizers added three more days that month. It was hugely popular, both with visitors and vendors. “People kept talking about it so we said let’s try November as a pilot to see if it works,” said Syvixay. The indoor market, which featured 40 vendors throughout the summer months, was spearheaded by Downtown BIZ with support from Manitoba Hydro, CentreVenture, and 102.3 Clear FM. These groups are also “very excited” about the prospects of a

year-round market in downtown Winnipeg, said Syvixay. “If this is something that people really want all year round that’s something that we’ll definitely explore,” he said. The Nov. 14 winter market will be held from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Manitoba Hydro Plaza (by Edmonton Street and Graham Avenue) and will feature a selection of fresh produce as well as crafts, baked goods, and gifts. Downtown BIZ promotions of the farmers’ market say it has added “a unique destination” to the downtown and contributed to the vibrancy of downtown Winnipeg streets and sidewalks, attracting business for nearby stores and restaurants. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg

November 1, 2013

Cattle values stay strong despite fall run volumes

Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 73.00 - 77.00 D3 Cows 68.00 - 73.00 Bulls 84.00 - 90.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 110.00 - 134.00 (801-900 lbs.) 130.00 - 147.25 (701-800 lbs.) 135.00 - 150.00 (601-700 lbs.) 145.00 - 162.00 (501-600 lbs.) 155.00 - 179.00 (401-500 lbs.) 175.00 - 195.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 100.00 - 127.50 (801-900 lbs.) 120.00 - 141.50 (701-800 lbs.) 125.00 - 144.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 150.00 (501-600 lbs.) 128.00 - 153.00 (401-500 lbs.) 135.00 - 160.00


Alberta South $ 123.00 - 124.00 124.00 69.00 - 80.00 60.00 - 71.00 85.89 $ 132.00 - 143.00 139.00 - 152.00 144.00 - 159.00 150.00 - 166.00 156.00 - 175.00 170.00 - 195.00 $ 119.00 - 131.00 125.00 - 138.00 128.00 - 141.00 131.00 -146.00 136.00 - 156.00 145.00 - 170.00

($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Futures (November 1, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change October 2013 134.50 1.70 December 2013 132.72 -0.15 February 2014 134.20 -0.12 April 2014 133.77 -1.15 June 2014 128.60 -0.52 August 2014 126.92 -1.18 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

Feeder Cattle October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014

Tyson’s moratorium has less impact on Manitoba markets Phil Franz-Warkentin

Ontario $ 101.06 - 130.52 116.44 - 128.08 51.60 - 77.89 51.60 - 77.89 68.93 - 90.30 $ 131.38 - 156.89 133.78 - 157.64 137.65 - 164.78 144.31 - 174.30 151.39 - 191.31 156.73 - 199.78 $ 113.94 - 135.32 121.56 - 144.91 118.59 - 145.00 126.72 - 155.38 134.19 - 163.98 143.24 - 170.88

Close 165.32 164.37 163.67 164.50 165.75 165.85

Change -0.23 -2.58 -3.03 -1.30 -1.05 -1.45

Cattle Grades (Canada)

Week Ending October 26, 2013 48,401 12,666 35,735 NA 618,000

Previous Year­ 39,047 12,202 26,845 NA 646,000

Week Ending October 26, 2013 555 19,672 16,708 929 928 9,071 124

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Previous Year 288 17,880 13,387 749 774 5,351 17

Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture

(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

Current Week 177.00 E 163.00 E 169.81 174.21

Futures (November 1, 2013) in U.S. Hogs December 2013 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014

Last Week 177.64 165.59 171.34 171.79

Close 89.17 92.02 93.37 98.00 99.20

Last Year (Index 100) 163.36 151.18 151.34 157.42

Change -0.43 0.17 0.45 1.35 0.35

Other Market Prices


“Hopefully some guys background and we’ll still have something to sell in the spring.”


allan munroe Killarney auction mart

attle auction yards across Manitoba were busy during the week ended Nov. 1, with the fall run in full swing and prices looking relatively strong. There were so many animals to move during the week that the Killarney Auction Mart held a rare second weekly sale just to keep on top of things. “There are tremendous volumes moving through the system right now,” said Allan Munroe at the Killarney market. He added, “The market is staying incredibly strong, given the volumes we’re seeing.” The demand for all of the animals is primarily coming from the East, with Ontario buyers looking to source as many cattle as they can “if they can find the trucks,” he said, noting a major bottleneck in the logistics. “It’s always a challenge (at this time of year), but I think this year is a little tougher.” The lateness of this year’s harvest likely has something to do with both the large numbers of cattle and the logistical issues getting them out of the province. The fall run is probably three weeks behind, with everyone getting off the combine and looking to sell ahead of the winter at the same time. Cattle numbers are up on the year, but prices are also strong as well. Munroe said six-weight steers were averaging $158 per hundredweight, which compares with the

U.S. feedlot cattle placements rise as feed costs declined chicago / reuters

Winnipeg (head) (wooled fats) — — Next Sale November 6 — —

Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of November 3, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.975 Undergrade .............................. $1.885 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.960 Undergrade .............................. $1.860 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.960 Undergrade .............................. $1.860 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.875 Undergrade............................... $1.790 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.

Toronto 64.53 - 91.45 117.40 - 144.68 157.80 - 175.91 152.69 - 173.37 112.58 - 223.71 —

SunGold Specialty Meats 20.00

Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15

best prices a year ago of about $147. The situation is similar with heifers, as the spread between steers and heifers is much tighter this year compared to last year. “Hopefully some guys background and we’ll still have something to sell in the spring,” he said. Some producers lost money backgrounding over the past winter, he said, and were looking to move their animals instead this year. However, at the same time, feed supplies are much more plentiful, which should aid profitability for those who do background this year. O n t h e b u t c h e r s i d e, t h e m ov e by Tyson Foods in the U.S. to no longer take Canadian slaughter animals was putting some pressure on markets, although the company is still buying feeder animals from Canada. The fact that not many cattle were finished in Manitoba to begin with was also distancing the province from the impact of the Tyson decision to some extent, Munroe said. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.


By Theopolis Waters and Meredith Davis

Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

$1 Cdn: $ .9576 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0443 Cdn.


(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle

Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers

EXCHANGES: November 1, 2013


he number of cattle placed in U.S. feedlots in September increased one per cent from a year earlier, a government report showed Oct. 31. Analysts attributed the rise to lowerpriced corn, which reduced the cost of fattening cattle in feedlots. Also, higher prices for slaughter-ready cattle improved margins and drew more animals into feedlots. The U.S. Department of Agriculture showed September placements at 2.025 million head, up one per cent from 2.004 million a year earlier. Analysts, on average, expected a 1.2 per cent increase. Although up from last year, September placements were the second lowest for the month since USDA began the current data series in 1996. USDA reported the feedlot cattle supply as of Oct. 1 at 10.144 million

head, down eight per cent from a year earlier. Analysts, on average, expected a 7.3 per cent drop. The supply has been declining and is now at the lowest level for the month in 15 years. The number of cattle marketed to packers in September was up six per cent from a year earlier at 1.695 million head. Analysts viewed the report as neutral to mildly bullish for Chicago Mercantile Exchange live cattle futures. “There was not much difference between the estimates. It is pretty neutral for the market,” said Ron Plain, University of Missouri livestock economist. The September marketings were encouraging, which were slightly higher than trade expectations, he said. The increase in cash prices during the last two weeks in September and improved feedlot profitability as corn became more affordable attracted cattle into feedyards, said Allendale chief strategist Rich Nelson. The placement data suggests the trend of low placements will continue into the first half of 2014, which should help support deferred CME live cattle futures, he said.

Goats Kids Billys Mature

Winnipeg (head) (Fats) — — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 85.95 - 214.35 — 110.66 - 225.52

Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 10.00 - 26.00 12.08 - 40.16

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 14


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices


U.S. markets rangebound pending new USDA estimates Canola futures also remain aimless in the meantime

Last Week

All prices close of business November 1, 2013

Week Ago

Year Ago


Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)




Coarse Grains


Terryn Shiells CNSC


anola futures on the ICE Futures Canada trading platform moved lower during the week ended Nov. 1, though the market bounced around on both sides of unchanged throughout the week. Spillover pressure from the losses in Chicago soybeans, the advancing U.S. soybean harvest and expectations of a recordlarge South American oilseed crop were bearish. The large Canadian canola supply situation also continues to overhang the market, as many traders still believe that the crop is larger than Statistics Canada’s record-large estimate of 15.963 million tonnes. How big the 2013-14 Canadian canola crop turns out to be won’t be confirmed until Dec. 4, when StatsCan releases its next production report. However, general weakness in the value of the Canadian dollar, as it remained below the US96-cent mark during the week, was supportive, as was spillover support from the gains seen in outside vegetable oil markets. But overall, canola futures were lacking direction during the week amid a lack of fresh news. Though there are still fundamentals at play, most of them have already been priced in, or are close to being priced in. Canola futures should continue in a choppy, directionless pattern until some fresh news is released — namely the Nov. 8 world agricultural supply-and-demand estimates (WASDE) report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Until then, any gains will be seen as good selling opportunities — and losses as good buying chances. The Nov. 8 report will be USDA’s first in two months, as there was no October data released due to the U.S. government shutdown. Because the market was missing the October information, even more importance will be placed on the Nov. 8 data. Traders in the U.S. are also waiting for the upcoming WASDE report before making any big moves, so Chicago corn and soybeans and all three wheat futures should also continue in a rangebound pattern overall until it is released.

For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.

Chicago soybean futures moved sharply lower during the week, with much of the selling linked to the advancing U.S. soybean harvest and expectations of a record-large South American soybean crop. There is still a little bit of uncertainty surrounding how big the U.S. crop will be, due to the missing USDA October report, but yields and production estimates should be confirmed in the Nov. 8 report. Pre-report expectations are calling for a 3.298-billionbushel soybean crop, which is up from USDA’s previous estimate of 3.149 billion bushels. Some traders expect that the U.S. corn crop will be larger than 14 billion bushels this year, which is why the Chicago corn futures continued their downtrend slide during the week. USDA’s current estimate calls for a 13.843-billion-bushel corn crop. All three U.S. wheat futures moved lower during the week, as traders didn’t see any reason to keep prices up at recent highs amid a lack of fresh news. Oversold price sentiment and speculative selling were also bearish for wheat futures. The upcoming USDA report will also be important for U.S. wheat futures, as it will help shine some light on how big the global wheat crop will be. There have been reports of problems for wheat crops in the Black Sea region, Argentina and Australia recently. The report should show how much of an impact those recent problems will have on global wheat production. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business November 1, 2013 barley

Last Week

Week Ago

December 2013



March 2014



May 2014




Last Week

Week Ago

November 2013



January 2014



March 2014



Special Crops Report for November 4, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market

Spot Market

Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)

Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)

Large Green 15/64

20.00 - 21.00


Laird No. 1

20.00 - 21.00

Oil Sunflower Seed

Eston No. 2

14.25 - 18.25

21.75 - 23.75 —

Desi Chickpeas

21.90 - 23.00

Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)

Green No. 1

Fababeans, large

Feed beans

12.30 - 12.50

Medium Yellow No. 1

6.40 - 7.25

Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel) Feed Pea (Rail)

No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans

5.00 - 8.60

42.00 - 42.00

No. 1 Great Northern

Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)

No. 1 Cranberry Beans

64.00 - 64.00

Yellow No. 1

37.75 - 38.75

No. 1 Light Red Kidney

54.00 - 54.00

Brown No. 1

34.75 - 37.75

No. 1 Dark Red Kidney

55.00 - 55.00

Oriental No. 1

27.30 - 28.75

No. 1 Black Beans

40.00 - 40.00

No. 1 Pinto Beans

40.00 - 40.00

No. 1 Small Red Source: Stat Publishing

No. 1 Pink


— 40.00 - 40.00

Fargo, ND

Goodlands, KS



32.00* Call for details

Report for November 1, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association

CME defends end-of-day settlement rules Open outcry traders say the new rules make the pits irrelevant By Tom Polansek chicago / reuters


ME Group Inc. chief executive Phupinder Gill on Nov. 1 denied that the exchangeoperator changed its settlement rules to give electronic grain traders an advantage over veterans of the Chicago trading floor, who have sued the company, saying its new rules are killing their business. Gill testified as the trial opened in a lawsuit filed by traders who work in the open-outcry pits on the Chicago Board of Trade’s 140-yearold agricultural trading floor. They sued CME in June 2012 to halt new

end-of-day settlement rules that factored in transactions executed electronically, where most of the volume takes place. Prior to the change, CME had a centur y-old tradition of settling futures prices for crops like corn and soybeans based on transactions executed in the pits. CME, the largest U.S. futures market operator, owns the CBOT. T h e s e t t l e m e n t m e t h o d s we re changed “to reflect where the activity took place,” in electronic markets, Gill said in response to a question by the plaintiffs’ attorney on the first day of a trial over the rules in Chicago.

T h e U . S . Co m m o d i t y F u t u re s Trading Commission, which oversees CME and the CBOT, expressed concerns about the practice of basing end-of-day settlement prices solely on open-outcry activity, he told Cook County Circuit Cour t Judge Jean Prendergast Rooney. Open-outcry traders have argued CME should not have implemented the new methods without a vote of approval by a majority of certain holders of CBOT memberships. The lawsuit represents the last stand for traders on the floor, who traditionally did much of their business at the close of trading and say the new procedures are making the pits irrelevant.

Anthony McKerr, a plaintiff in the case and a trader in CBOT’s corn futures pit, testified that his income had dropped more than 80 per cent because of the revised rules. Before the change, floor traders had already seen business dwindle during the past seven years as a vast majority of trading has migrated to electronic platforms. Lawyers for CME said it did not need members to vote on the settlement rules. And the new methods did not encourage customers to trade in electronic markets as opposed to the pits, said Al Hogan, a lawyer representing the exchange operator.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

LIVESTOCK h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G

Making sheep behaviour work for you Gord Schroeder says sheep are intelligent animals and their behaviour becomes a lot less frustrating when you understand what triggers their actions By Alexis Kienlen staff / edmonton

An effective handling system can save labour and stress.  photo: ©thinkstock

Structure your sheep operation to save time and labour Anita O’Brien says saving a few minutes here and there during the day really adds up over the course of a year By Alexis Kienlen staff / leduc


good handling facility for sheep is well worth the investment, says veteran sheep producer Anita O’Brien. “Handling facilities don’t have to be fancy, just effective,” O’Brien said at the recent Alberta Sheep Breeders Association conference. The producer, who runs 425 ewes on her pasture-based operation in Ontario, estimates her facility saves her 45 minutes a day — or nearly 40 hours over the course of a year. For example, having a digital scale allowed her to increase the number of lambs she can weigh to 170 per hour from 80, said O’Brien, a former sheep and goat specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture who has been working with sheep for 25 years. Having a visible permanent mark on sheep also saves time when handling them, she said. A good facility goes hand in hand with an effective cull strategy in creating an efficient operation, she said. Detailed records allow her to identify poor performers, such as ones that have parasite problems and

“On a small flock, on an annual basis, we’re saving 37.5 hours of labour by having a handling system.” Anita O’Brien

Sheep producer and former sheep production specialist

need to be dewormed several times a year. O’Brien uses pregnancy scans and culls every ewe that does not get pregnant or raise a lamb. Ewes are also culled for age, broken teeth, inadequate udders, or the inability to maintain body condition. Ear notches are used to mark cull sheep. “Once that’s done, I don’t check the records to know if she was a good ewe in the past,” said O’Brien. “She’s a cull today. This makes it easier and allows you to not get involved in the emotions. This sounds heartless and ruthless, but it works for our system.” T h e re a s o n s f o r c u l l i n g a re recorded to highlight potential problems in the flock. Ewes that need extra help at lambing time are bred to terminal sires, so their genetics are not kept in the flock. “All those lambs off of her are going to the market,” she said. Ewes are broken into ideal group sizes for lambing, and O’Brien synchronizes her ewes and lambs out over shorter, tighter time periods. “One of our big expenses in our breeding system is what we’re paying for rams,” she said. “I strongly believe one of the easiest ways of managing lambing time labour is to pull the rams out. Set it out for what works for you, and then be committed to pulling the rams out of the ewes so you don’t have stragglers for weeks and weeks after lambing should be over.” Rams on her operation are usually left with ewes for two cycles or approximately 34 days. This translates to a lambing per iod of 40 days, making management throughout the rest of the year eas-

Anita O’Brien, sheep producer and former sheep and goat specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture.   Photo: Alexis Kienlen

ier as lambs can be in much tighter groups, she said. To save time and labour, O’Brien tries to restrict the use of feeding pails in her operation, and she recommends raised feeding floors or feeders that are easily accessible from a barn alley. Communal hay feeding that covers four lambing jugs or small areas are also efficient. An automated watering system, preferably one that provides ewes with constant access, is a good investment and saves labour, particularly at lambing time. O’Brien matches forage storage to the flock size and picks bale sizes that best suit the needs of the flock. Her animals stay on pasture for as long as possible. Lastly, she said she is a big believer in using herding dogs to save labour. akienlen@fbcpublishing.com

Sheep aren’t stupid — just misunderstood. The woolly animals are as intelligent as pigs and cows, and if you understand how they relate to stimuli, they’re much easier to manage, Gord Schroeder said at the recent Alberta Sheep Breeders Association conference. “If you’re working with sheep and you want them to do something, change the environment,” said Schroeder, executive director of the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board and a 28-year veteran of the sheep industry. “When they are doing something, they are responding to something. You need to figure out what the response is and what they want.” Sheep are highly social, so ones that isolate themselves from the flock may have health issues. Knowing their flight zone and understanding their instinct to move towards other sheep makes herding less stressful for both animal and shepherd. Chutes should be designed so they only see others moving forward in front of them, and sheep will avoid areas that are in shadow or poorly lit. “The easiest way to move sheep is to put your chute in a direction that is facing the outside lit area,” said Schroeder. “They will work much better that way.” Sheep respect solid barriers, and will not jump plywood or panels. They bunch up to protect themselves, so it’s best not to have corners in chute systems or alleyways, and they don’t like it when the flooring texture changes, so it should be consistent, said Schroeder, who said he finds gravel or straw bedding is superior to concrete flooring. “If it changes, they will stop moving or balk,” he said. “Every time something changes in your chute system, they will stop and examine it before they continue to move.” When grazing sheep on grass, Schroeder uses an electric fence about 18 inches high, decorating it with ribbons to pique the sheep’s curiosity. One touch is usually sufficient as they have good memories, he said. Other factors to consider is that sheep have excellent hearing and are therefore very sensitive to loud noises, and they have lousy depth perception, so even a puddle can make them balk as they’re not sure how deep it is. If a newborn lamb needs to be warmed in a bath, then Schroeder always places the animal in a plastic bag so its mother will recognize its scent. A mother can be tricked into adopting an orphan by smearing a stool from one of her lambs on the orphan’s rear end, and then preventing the ewe from smelling the tail of her own lamb for a couple of days. After two days in an extension pen, she will usually accept the orphan because of the similar scent. akienlen@fbcpublishing.com

Gord Schroeder, executive director of the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board.   Photo: Alexis Kienlen


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



Roundworm is one of pasture’s mainstays Heavy or resistant infestations are particularly hazardous to foals, but can be tricky to treat Carol Shwetz, DVM Horse Health


easures taken to l e s s e n t h e b u rd e n of equine Ascarids, also known as roundworms, are wrought with pitfalls due to the tenacious nature of the roundworm, its increasing resistance to chemical dewor mers, and the naive population of horses it targets. Roundworms are typically a problem in young horses, especially foals, weanlings and yearlings, where it can take advantage of inexperienced immune systems. Adult horses develop a good immunity and thus rarely have a problem. However, they do retain enough worms to continually shed eggs onto the pastures. Due to the particularly hardy nature of the roundworm egg, pastures can accumulate an unusually high number of Parascaris eggs over the years. Eggs can remain infectious in the environment for several years even under the harshest of conditions. The egg also possesses a sticky coating which enables it to travel on a horse’s hair coat and remain on buildings, fences and feeders. It is likely that foals become exposed very early in life as they nuzzle their dam during nursing or snuff around in their newfound environment. The adult roundworm is large and easily visible to the naked eye. It can be 20 to 30 cm in length and resembles a large earthworm. Ascarids

live in the small intestine where the female is a prolific egg layer, laying up to 200,000 microscopic round eggs a day. The eggs are passed out in the feces and remain in the environment until ingested. When ingested, the eggs hatch into the larval form and continue with their life cycle migrating through the lining of the intestinal wall into the internal organs. Once the larvae reach the lungs, they are coughed up and swallowed back into the digestive tract where they mature into the adult roundworm. Considerable damage can occur in the liver or lungs as a result of larval migration. Heavy burdens of adult roundworms in the gut have the ability to block the intestinal tract and trigger life-threatening colic. This colic can also be triggered by a deworming treatment when the paralyzed worms fall away from the intestinal lining and create an impaction. Young horses harbouring the migratory phase of the parasite often exhibit signs of respiratory distress, including fever, coughing and nasal d i s c h a r g e. In a d d i t i o n t o respiratory illness and varying degrees of colic, common symptoms of roundworm infestation are poor body condition, depression, loss of appetite, anemia, failure to thrive and gain weight, a rough hair coat, pot-belly, and diarrhea. Roundwor m infestations become common when foals are raised on the same pastures year after year. Therefore the soundest course to reduce infestation in young stock is

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.

Horsemeat found in canned beef at two U.K. retailers The product was canned in Romania earlier this year

The roundworm is often referred to as the “spaghetti” worm.

accomplished by raising foals on different pastures from year to year. It is also advisable to segregate yearling and two-year-olds from mares with foals. Deworming expectant mares 30 days before foaling further reduces the new foal’s exposure to parasites. In addition to pasture hygiene, a strategic dewormi n g p ro g ra m i n vo l v i n g a l l horses out at pasture is often necessar y. Parasite resistance to chemical dewormers is becoming an extremely important problem. Levels of resistance have been documented to ivermectin, moxid e c t i n a n d m o re re c e n t l y pyrantel. Resistance has not yet been confirmed in benzimidazole drugs. The label on this class of drugs will show the active ingredient to be either fenbendazole, oxfenbendazole, or oxibendazole. Currently it appears to be the best choice for Parascaris treatment on many premises. D e w o r m i n g i s g e n e ra l l y started when foals are seven to eight weeks old, and treatment is performed at regular intervals until the foal is about one year old.

Extra care is taken when young stock becomes heavily infested. Decision-making can become increasingly complicated as levels of infestations rise, a foal’s health declines, and resistance is discovered. Deworming heavily infected foals with a potent dewormer may cause shock or obstruction to the bowels. As a result veterinarians generally recommend a double course of fenbendazole. The first dose at half-strength has been shown to kill a proportion of the worms, part i a l l y re d u c i n g t h e w o r m burden. A followup higher dose is then given a week or two later to remove the remainder. Ve t e r i n a r i a n s a r e u s u ally asked to intervene when resistance to chemical dewormers becomes apparent and/or when young stock becomes heavily infested. Decision-making takes into account farm history, age and health of animals infested, deworming schedules, and fecal egg count analysis. Carol Shwetz is a veterinarian specializing in equine practice at Westlock, Alberta.

london / reuters A batch of canned sliced beef containing horsemeat has been removed from the shelves of retailers Home Bargains and Quality Save, Britain’s Food Standards Agency said Oct. 31. Routine tests by local government trading standards officers in Lincolnshire, eastern England, found the product, which was manufactured in Romania in January this year, contained horse DNA at a level of between one and five per cent. “Horsemeat is not identified in the ingredients list and therefore it should not have been present in the product,” the agency said in a statement. The beef tested negative for the drug phenylbutazone, or ‘bute,’ the anti-inflammatory painkiller for sporting horses which is banned for animals intended for eventual human consumption as it is potentially harmful, the agency said. A scandal broke around Europe in January when traces of horse were found in frozen burgers sold in Irish and British supermarkets, including those run by market leader Tesco.

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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013










Ste. Rose


Feeder Steers









No. on offer

















Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000































































900-1,000 lbs.







































































Feeder heifers

Slaughter Market No. on offer D1-D2 Cows









D3-D5 Cows

45.00 and up








Age Verified









Good Bulls

















Butcher Steers Butcher Heifers









Feeder Cows









Fleshy Export Cows









Lean Export Cows









* includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

U.S. cattle heading to slaughter are slimmer but prices have never been higher Analysts say record cattle and beef prices should continue well into next year By Theopolis Waters chicago / reuters


attle are entering U.S. packing plants slightly thinner than a year ago as feedlots rush the animals to market to cash in on record-high prices and are no longer feeding them the growth promotant Zilmax, analysts and economists said. The lighter cattle produce less beef at a time when there are fewer cattle going to slaughter. The combination of less beef and fewer cattle should mean record cattle and beef prices at least through the coming year, analysts said. Recent droughts in the U.S. Midwest and Southwest plus record-high feed prices caused a reduction in the U.S. cattle herd, which is now the smallest in more than 60 years. Year-to-date U.S. cattle slaughter, as of Oct. 26, was down 1.5 per cent from the year-earlier week, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That decline helped drive prices for some slaughter-ready cattle in late October to an all-time high of $132 per hundredweight (cwt). Slaughter steer prices, on average, for 2013 are on pace to set a record for a fourth straight year at roughly $125.70

per cwt. Another record is expected in 2014, with prices averaging around $129.75, said Ron Plain, a University of Missouri economist. During the week of Oct. 5, the latest weight data from USDA showed steer weights on a carcass basis at 875 lbs., down five pounds from the same period a year ago. During that same period, heifers shed 11 pounds to 796 lbs. “Rising prices for slaughter cattle have resulted in a return to profitability at the feedlot level. This, then, is encouraging them to sell cattle more quickly, holding down weights,” said Elaine Johnson, analyst with CattleHedging.com in Denver, Colorado. Other analysts and economists noted a marked decline in cattle weights after Merck & Co. decided in August to pull its feed additive Zilmax off the U.S. and Canadian markets. Zilmax, the widely used and most potent among a host of muscle-building livestock additives known as beta-agonists, can add upwards of 30 pounds of beef on cattle during their last few weeks in feedlots. Merck opted to suspended Zilmax for further testing after the country’s leading meat processors Tyson Foods Inc. and Cargill Inc. stopped buying cattle

“Rising prices for slaughter cattle have resulted in a return to profitability at the feedlot level. This, then, is encouraging them to sell cattle more quickly, holding down weights.” Elaine Johnson

in September given the additive, citing animal welfare concerns. Since early September, some feedlots switched to using a less-potent beta-agonist called ractopamine, made by Eli Lilly & Co.’s Elanco Animal Health unit and sold under the brand name Optaflexx. Additionally, some feed yards mitigated year-to-year weight declines by using more less-costly feed — the result of this autumn’s bumper crop harvest. Both options require more time to grow cattle to heavier weight than Zilmax, said economists. “The driving force of the current year-to-year decline in dressed steer and heifer weights is the removal of Zilmax, and largely the switching over to Optaflexx,” said Denver-based Livestock Marketing Information Center director Jim Robb. He said the use of other beta-agonists

mitigated the decline in carcass weight that would have possibly fallen as much as 25 lbs. had the industry removed both Zilmax and Optaflexx. David Hales, president of Texas-based Hales Cattle Letter, said in a recent newsletter to his clients that cattle feeders seem to be relearning how to effectively market their cattle with Zilmax no longer a part of the feeding equation. Supplies of slaughter cattle in early October were much tighter than anticipated and are expected to remain scarce into December, said Hales. “We suspect carcass weights peaked during the week of Oct. 5 and will gradually work lower through the balance of this year,” said Hales, citing forecasts for a wetter, colder second half of the fourth quarter than a year ago, which should affect the performance of cattle in feeding pens.

Using genomics takes out cattle efficiency guesswork Genomics help determine how animals gain and can result in a more efficient cattle herd By Alexis Kienlen staff / edmonton


espite all the talk about genomics, many in the cattle industry are confused by what it all means. But the bottom line is pretty simple, says William Torres, researcher at Cattleland Feedyards in Strathmore. “Cattle all gain different — you don’t know what is underneath the skin,” Torres told attendees at the recent Livestock Gentec conference. “All you’re doing is guessing where they are going to be 150 or 200 days from now. If you use genomics, you’re taking the guessing game out of the equation. You’re going to more accurately manage and predict how the cattle are going to perform.” Torres is bull evaluator, cattle manager, and researcher with Cattleland Feedyards, operated by the Gregory family. Its for-profit research facility is home to North America’s largest bull test centre and Torres has managed about 38

contract research projects involving about 65,000 head since joining the company in 2008. Much of that research involves genomics and residual feed intake, also known as net feed efficiency. “It is defined as the difference between an animal’s actual feed intake and what is expected for feed requirements — you know, what you think it’s going to eat and what it actually ate,” he said. Since feed efficiency is a heritable trait, genomics can be used to select better animals. “If you point out to producers the difference in amount of feed consumed and then you start translating that to dollars, that’s when you start getting people’s attention,” he said.

Tracking consumption

At Cattleland, researchers use the Alberta-developed Grow Safe System, which uses a second electronic identification tag to record feeding data. Since only one animal can eat from a bunk at a time, the system tracks both how much

each one eats and how often they come to feed. Although Cattleland has eight pens with 40 nodes, each test takes about 100 days and producers must book a year in advance to get a cow into the facility. On the genomics side, Cattleland works closely with Saskatoon’s Quantum Genetics to track leptin production in cattle. The hormone, present in fat tissue, acts on the brain to regulate food intake and body weight. In cattle, there are three leptin variants: CC, CT and TT. Cows with the CC version are lean animals that have low body weight, TTs are the ones that put on fat and are more desirable, and those with CT are in between. The difference is huge — Cattleland has found TT animals will reach the same end point about 45 days sooner than CC animals. “That’s 45 days less feed and 45 days less on earth,” said Torres. “So less management, less manure, and less headaches because I can get them to market faster.

“The other thing is that we know what the yield is going to be and we can predict what the grade is going to be. So we were able to work out better prices with the packing plant and we got paid a little bit more and then passed that back on to our producers, who were bringing us these animals.” The leptin trait affects weaning weight, milk production, accumulation of back fat, yield grade, quality grade, and feed intake. TT animals have more back fat at the end of spring and prior to weaning, which relates back to a good body score condition and fertility.

“We use what is called a Q-sort system designed for feedlots,” Torres said. Cattleland staff also measure back fat while using the system, and also consider the age and sex of the cattle as well as the hide colour. The system sorts the animals into four different groups. Animals in each group are given different feeding regimes and marketing dates. “This increases the carcass value and we know how to feed the cattle more efficiently,” said Torres. akienlen@fbcpublishing.com


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The potential to gain is all hidden under the skin, says a feedlot researcher.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


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“ E V E R Y O N E T A L K S A B O U T T H E W E A T H E R , B U T N O O N E D O E S A N Y T H I N G A B O U T I T.” M a r k Tw a i n , 18 9 7

Expect a dry start to the month Issued: Monday, November 4, 2013 · Covering: November 6 – November 13, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor


ast week’s forecast turned out pretty good, with the only issue being the area of low pressure forecast to track across the southern Prairies last weekend. The low did develop as expected, but it tracked a good 200 to 300 km farther north than originally expected. This allowed warmer air to push farther north, bringing fairly mild temperatures to southern and central regions over the weekend and keeping any snow well to our north. This forecast period looks to start off cool and quiet, with no major storm systems anywhere near our part of the world. With the lack of snow cover, any day we can get a little sunshine should allow temperatures to climb to around the 3 to 5 C mark. There is a weak system expected to track quickly through our region on Friday or Saturday, bringing with it clouds and a few showers or maybe some flurries depending on the exact track and timing of the system. Behind this system we’ll be in a west-northwesterly flow that will keep temperatures right around average from Sunday through to

Wednesday. There will be a few weak systems moving through this flow that will keep skies partly to mostly cloudy during this period, and the odd shower or flurry cannot be ruled out. The weather models have been fairly consistent with bringing an upper-level low into the Pacific Northwest sometime early next week. This low is expected to help develop a strong surface low in the Colorado/Wyoming area by Tuesday or Wednesday. The models are all keeping this storm to our south, but at this time of the year it is always wise to keep an eye on these storms. Looking further ahead, the weather models aren’t showing any strong push of cold air right through to at least Nov. 20, but — and there is always a “but” — I’ve also seen the models switch from a warm to a cold pattern quicker than you can say “snow!” Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, -3 to 7 C; lows, -11 to -2 C. Probability of precipitation falling as snow: 80 per cent. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.


1 Month (30 Days) Percent of Average Precipitation (Prairie Region) October 2, 2013 to October 31, 2013

< 40% 40 - 60% 60 - 85% 85 - 115% 115 - 150% 150 - 200% > 200% Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers

Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.

Created: 11/01/13 www.agr.gc.ca/drought

This issue’s map shows the amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during October compared to the long-term average. Eastern regions of Manitoba were very dry while western regions were wet. Farther west, much of Saskatchewan and north-central Alberta were dry with southeastern Saskatchewan and western Alberta being wet.

Warm and dry or cold and snowy November? October 2013 came in slightly colder than average; precipitation varied by region By Daniel Bezte CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR


t the end of September we looked back at what was a pretty darned nice month! At the time I compared this September to the one in 2009, then hoped that we wouldn’t follow 2009 with a really cold October. Well, it turns out October 2013 wasn’t that cold, but it wasn’t that warm either. Thinking back on the weather for October, to me it didn’t seem as though it was that cold. Sure, we had that cold snap late in the month, but it didn’t last for more than a couple of days. Yet when I looked at the numbers for the month it turned out all three main regions (Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg) had mean monthly temperatures about 1 C below the long-term average. Brandon was the cold spot, with a mean monthly temperature of 3.6 C, which was 1.3 C below average. Dauphin was the next coldest at 3.9 C, 0.8 C below average. Winnipeg was the warmest, with a mean monthly temperature of 4.5 C, 0.8 C below average.

Precipitation is always the toughest thing to predict for any month and November is probably one of the hardest months, as we transition from fall into winter.

Looking back at the temperatures in a little more detail, I found the first half of October saw above-average temperatures, with highs peaking near or even slightly above 20 C on Oct. 9 to 11. Along with the warm daytime highs during the first half of the month, overnight lows also remained fairly mild, with only a few nights dropping a couple of degrees below 0 C. By the middle of the month we started to see a gradual cool-down take place and by the 20th, daytime highs were struggling to make 5 C and overnight lows were now routinely in the -2 to -7 C range. These cool temperatures continued pretty much to the end of the month, resulting in our below-average overall temperatures. Precipitation was a little less uniform across the region dur-

ing October. In the Winnipeg region conditions were very dry, with only seven millimetres of precipitation officially recorded. This was well below the longterm average of 36 mm. The Dauphin region saw near-average amounts of precipitation, with Dauphin recording 33 mm — close to the long-term average of 36 mm. The Brandon region was the wet spot with 41 mm recorded, compared to its average of 28.

Who called it?

Overall, I would say October came in slightly colder than average with near- to slightlyabove-average amounts of precipitation over western regions, with below-average amounts in the East. Looking back at the different forecasts for October it would appear no one was able to get Octo-

ber’s monthly forecast right. Everyone except the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac had called for above-average temperatures, but it also called for above-average amounts of precipitation. So, even though the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac didn’t call for the dry conditions over eastern regions, I guess it would be the closest to being correct. Now, on to November’s forecast: according to Environment Canada, November 2013 will see above-average temperatures along with near-average amounts of precipitation for all regions, except the far northwest, which will see aboveaverage amounts. The Old Farmer’s Almanac also calls for above-average temperatures and near-average amounts of precipitation. Over at the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, it calls for almost the exact opposite of the first two forecasts. It calls for below-average temperatures with the mention of cold conditions several times along with above-average amounts of snow. Finally, here at the Cooperator, I am calling for temperatures to be above

average as the lack of an early snow cover should allow temperatures to remain on the mild side at least for the first couple of weeks. There are some hints of colder weather moving in during the second half of the month, but the overall trend over the last week or so is toward milder conditions. Precipitation is always the toughest thing to predict for any month and November is probably one of the hardest months, as we transition from fall into winter. With that in mind, it currently looks as if November will see below-average amounts of precipitation as the pattern does not look to be that active over the next couple of weeks. If we do see a transition to cold weather for the second half of the month, these transitions are usually accompanied by a day or two of stormy weather that could bring significant amounts of precipitation, but that’s a lot of “ifs,” so I’ll just stick with my original forecast. Next issue we’ll take a longer look ahead and see what the different forecasts are calling for the rest of the winter.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

CROPS Big opportunities in agriculture, GM crops Feeding an exploding population is a problem that’s attracting investment and revenue to the sector, says the Fifth Annual Daryl F. Kraft Lecture series speaker By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


he “nine billion people problem” is a big opportunity for agriculture, especially developers of genetically modified crops, including wheat, North Dakota agricultural economist Bill Wilson says. Crop consumption is growing at a faster rate than yield increases and agricultural research is earning a 25 per cent return on investment. “That’s why agriculture is booming today,” the North Dakota State University agricultural economist and this year’s Daryl F. Kraft Lecture series speaker, said Oct. 30 at the University of Manitoba. “That’s why everybody is investing billions of dollars into agriculture. And that’s why it’s such a great opportunity for all you young people who are entering agriculture today. “It’s a pretty positive story.” The United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimates food and feed production will have to increase 70 per cent to feed a population of nine billion people by 2050. Crop yield increases now average just 1.5 per cent a year versus 3.5 per cent in the 1960s, despite farmers applying five times as much fertilizer, said Wilson, who spends much of his time consulting for companies around the globe. While crop yields continue to increase in North America they have stagnated in Europe and are falling in Australia, he said. Biotechnology, which Wilson described as a “game changer,” will play a big part in reversing that trend. That’s why all the major seed companies are investing billions of dollars into genetically modified (GM) crops with traits such as drought tolerance, increased nitrogen efficiency and higher yields. Most of their investments are in the United States because of strong laws protecting intellectual property, Wilson said. However, AgriBio, an Australian public-private venture, is four or five years ahead in developing drought-tolerant GM wheat. It yields 20 per cent better than conventional wheat under dry

North Dakota State University agricultural economist Bill Wilson sees big opportunities for agriculture and seed developers. Wilson, the Fifth Annual Daryl F. Kraft Lecturer, spoke at the University of Manitoba last week. He received his PhD there in 1980. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON

growing conditions. AgriBio wants a 25 per cent yield advantage before commercializing it. Resistance to GM wheat started softening after the doubling and tripling of spring milling and durum wheat prices in 2008, Wilson said. “At that time the bakers in America and bakers in other parts of the world said, ‘we’ve got to do something about this technology because what currently exists is not serving us very well,’” he said. “So they held hands, arm in arm and worked with the other entities and embraced the development of new technologies in wheat.” Wilson told reporters opposition to GM wheat still exists “but it’s not insurmountable.” GM technology is changing the geography of crop production, Wilson said — an observation not lost on Manitoba farmers who are steadily increasing their corn and soybean acres. Corn and soybean production is steadily moving north and west. Cass County North Dakota has the

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most soybean production in the U.S., Wilson said. The state, once famous for its spring milling and durum wheat has seen acres of those crops fall 40 and 20 per cent, respectively. It’s no surprise given last year’s estimated returns for corn was $175 an acre and soybeans $100 per acre compared to $50 an acre for wheat. Private seed companies are now turning their attention to wheat, he said. In the U.S. universities have done most of the wheat variety development until now. In Canada it has been the federal government through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. “It seems as though we’re having a lot of momentum towards privatization of breeding around the world,” Wilson said. “This occurred in Australia five or six years ago. “There seems to be pressure in this country (Canada) to do something... and my guess would be towards further privatization in one way or another.” In the U.S. joint public-private partnerships make sense, Wilson said, because the universities have the germplasm and the companies have the technology, “they have money and they have the motivation... and at the end of the day we’re (universities) very poor marketers of these types of technologies.” With great opportunity comes increased risk. Grain markets are now much more volatile than they used to be, Wilson said. “That means you can’t be winging it by the seat of your pants in farm management,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong,” he told reporters. “There’s no fat hog there. For people who are smart, for people who are smart investors, smart farmers, smart in technology, it’s a good business. I don’t want to be a raging bull because people lose money doing that.” But he said there’s a reason why U.S. financial guru Jim Rogers says instead of getting MBAs, young people should get agriculture degrees. allan@fbcpublishing.com

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Agricultural economist Daryl Kraft remembered By Allen Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF

The Daryl F. Kraft Memorial Endowment Fund was established in the memory of respected University of Manitoba agricultural economist Daryl Kraft who died in 2003. In addition to funding an annual lecture on agricultural policy, the endowment provides a prize for an agricultural policy paper prepared by an undergraduate student and a fellowship for a graduate student. During his career Kraft served as the major adviser to nearly 40 master’s degree students. In May 2003 he received the Teaching Award of Merit from the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. Kraft was liked and his work respected. Both the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Canadian Society of Agricultural Economics recognized Kraft’s excellence in research. The Canadian Society of Agricultural Economics named him a fellow in 1999. The University of Manitoba presented him with an outreach award for community service and extension activities.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Harmonization effort a flop, business coalition charges


A 2011 initiative on harmonizing cross-border regulations has made ‘little or no progress’ Jim MacNair of Carman was presented with an honorary life membership at the recent Manitoba Association of Agricultural Societies convention in Brandon, honouring his “long and meritorious service with Manitoba Agricultural Societies in the Dufferin Agricultural Society.” MacNair has volunteered for the DAS for the past 56 years. Two of his three daughters, Crystal Jochum (l) and Coral Meggison (r) were there to help him accept the award. SUPPLIED PHOTO


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espite the backing of President Barack Obama a n d Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r Stephen Harper, a cross-border initiative to harmonize Canadian and American regulations has made paltry progress, says the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition. Announced with considerable fanfare by the two leaders in 2011, the Regulatory Cooperation Council has made “little or no progress,” the coalition says in a letter to Robert Carberry, assistant secretary of the council’s secretariat. “Out of the thousands of regulations that affect companies manufacturing and selling products in each country, only a handful have been aligned to allow for a product to be designed, manufactured, approved, and sold in both countries through a single process,” the letter states. Among the 27 national industry associations that signed the letter are the Canadian Meat Council, BIOTECanada, the Canadian Animal Health Institute, Food and Consumer Products of Canada, the George Morris Centre, the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association and the Association of Farm Equipment Manufacturers. The concerns have previously been delivered privately to the council, said Mathew Wilson, vice-president of national policy for Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. “The conversation is ongoing,” he noted. “The regulators in both countries control the agenda and some are more open to change while others are not interested.” Business leaders from both countries have pointed to the regulatory streamlining that Australia and New Zealand have accomplished as a model for the North American neighbours to emulate, he said. When the council was created, it was given 29 priority areas to work on, and it should commit to wrapping those up during the next year, the letter says. It also calls for the federal cabinet to press for speedier progress on an issue that has been an irritant to business since the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement was signed a quarter of a century ago. “Despite the FTA, and deeply integrated industries and supply chains, regulators did not align to meet modern business realities in the vast majority of instances,” the letter states. MAKE HEALTH LAST VOLUNTEER TODAY

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Foreign worker hiring headache?


Churchill enjoys busy shipping year By Phil Franz-Warkentin COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA

Churchill is nearing the end of a busy grainshipping season, with the tonnage moving through the northern port expected to come in well above the previous year. “We’ll be wrapping up in the next 10 to 12 days,” Darcy Brede, president and chief operating officer of OmniTRAX, said last week. More than 500,000 tonnes of grain and oilseeds had moved through the port as of the end of October, and the final tally should exceed 600,000 tonnes, said Brede. That compares to 460,000 tonnes last year and the fiveyear average of about 550,000. October’s shipments of 270,000 tonnes would likely set a monthly record, he added. Wheat accounted for most of the grain loaded during the season, with some durum and canola also moving, said Brede. Following the demise the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk in 2012, Ottawa set up the $25-million, five-year Churchill Port Utilization Program to encourage shipments. Five companies used the port this year, and while the CWB is still a major customer, Richardson International was the biggest shipper this year, said Brede. “The logistics are a little more intense because there are more customers,” said Brede. “But when it comes to operations, we love problems like that.” Aside from grain movement, the shipping season also included three vessels loaded with resupply shipments for the northern territory of Nunavut, said Brede. Potential exports of crude oil are still being investigated, he said, and many potential customers have expressed interest as the port has good access to the European market, said Brede. Stakeholder meetings are currently taking place, and a test shipment will likely take place in 2014. A test run originally set for this fall was postponed in order to allow for further consultations.

Farm labour shortages continue to be a problem across Canada and especially on the Prairies where oil dollars lure workers away from farms By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


ill Martin’s phone has been ringing off the hook. The vice-president of Saskatoonbased Farmers of North America got 30 calls in the first two days after his organization launched a new initiative last month to streamline the process of getting temporary foreign workers. “Members started calling in immediately after receiving notifications,” said Martin. “The feeling I had was kind of, ‘Oh, we’ve hit a sensitive spot here.’” Prairie farmers have been scrambling for years to find and retain workers, many of whom are lured away by high wages in the oilpatch. “The labour situation has become more difficult in recent years,” Martin said. “Farmers just can’t compete with oil money. They just can’t do it.” After surveying their members and hearing the challenges they faced, the company looked for a business part-

ner adept at navigating the regulations around temporary foreign workers. It has now joined forces with International Labour Canada, a company that brings in workers from areas in Eastern Europe, such as Ukraine, as well as from Ireland. But it’s not cheap — with the fee typically running about $4,000 per worker. Nor can you expect to save on wages, which range from $14 to $34 an hour, minus some expenses. “To be clear, this is not an inexpensive option for farmers,” Martin said. “Anyone who might claim Canadian farmers want to use the program to get cheap labour are either misinformed or flatly malicious.” But given the current labour shortage, farmers don’t have much choice, he said. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture estimates the country is short by roughly 30,000 seasonal farm workers, and the federal government also recognizes the problem. But the regulatory burden is daunting. “You know, Immigration Canada, and Employment Canada may ver y well

“I’ve run across numerous examples of farmers telling me that, ‘Yeah, we’ve tried this before. We’ve tried to do it on our own and we’ve spent three years trying to jump through the hoops, and we ultimately gave up in frustration.’”


say that this is a simple process... but it’s not,” Martin said. “I’ve run across numerous examples of farmers telling me that, ‘Yeah, we’ve tried this before. We’ve tried to do it on our own and we’ve spent three years trying to jump through the hoops, and we ultimately gave up in frustration.’” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

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WHO confirms four more cases of Middle East virus LONDON / REUTERS Three more people in Saudi Arabia have become infected with the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus and one has died, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Oct. 31, and it also confirmed the first MERS case in Oman. In a disease outbreak update, the Genevabased United Nations health agency said the four new cases bring the number of people worldwide struck by the MERS virus to 149, of which 63 have died. Health authorities and scientists are still trying to figure out what kind of animal “reservoir” may be fuelling the MERS outbreak. The virus, which is from the same family as the one that caused a deadly outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS in 2002, is thought to have originated in bats. One study published in August found strong evidence that it is widespread among dromedary camels in the Middle East. MERS, which was unknown in humans until this earlier year, has also since been reported in people in Tunisia, France, Germany, Italy, and Britain. The WHO said the patient in Oman is a 68-year-old man from Al Dahkliya region who became ill on Oct. 26. “Investigations are currently ongoing to determine what exposures might be responsible for his infection,” it said. The three patients in Saudi Arabia, one woman and two men, all had underlying medical conditions but all reported having had no contact with animals before falling ill. One of the Saudi patients, however, was reported to have been in contact with another person infected with MERS. The WHO says MERS patients to date have most commonly had respiratory disease as their primary illness. Diarrhea is commonly reported among the patients and severe complications include kidney failure and acute breathing difficulties. “Health-care facilities that provide care for patients suspected or confirmed with MERS... should take appropriate measures to decrease the risk of transmission of the virus to other patients, health-care workers and visitors,” it said.

The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


The combines were still at work along Highway 10 near Erickson Oct. 26.


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*Source: 2012 Field-Scale Canola Performance Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

CN rail reaches tentative deal with Teamsters union

The agreement with 3,300 Teamster employees has yet to be ratified but it should keep the trains running TORONTO / REUTERS


anadian National Railway Co., the country’s largest rail operator, agreed to a new labour contract for some 3,300 conductors, trainmen, yardmen and traffic co-ordinators represented by the Teamsters union, the railway said Oct. 31. The tentative three-year deal, the details of which were withheld pending ratification, comes after a week of talks with government-appointed mediators. It averts the possible disruption of a cross-country network that ships goods ranging from lumber to crude oil. Talks had earlier stalled over issues such as working longer hours and having less rest time

between trips, the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference union had said. Montreal-based CN, which reported market-beating quarterly profit Oct. 29, has said that none of its proposals would compromise worker health or safety. The Teamsters’ previous contract expired on July 22. Labour peace at the railways comes at a particularly good time for Canadian farmers, who have a record crop that must move to market. The Grain Growers of Canada had asked the government to take “swift and decisive” action in the event of a strike. Canada’s government has been quick to intervene in recent years, sending unionized staff at railways and air-

lines back to work several times. Last May, it used legislation to end a Teamsters strike at Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd., Canada’s No. 2 railway, forcing 4,800 engineers, conductors and traffic controllers back to their jobs. That strike, over pension funding, would have cost the Canadian economy an estimated $540 million in economic activity each week, the labour minister said at the time. CN’s labour issues come amid a renewed focus on rail safety in Canada. The company’s main line was closed for several days after 13 cars on a mixed-freight train derailed on Oct. 19, causing one car with propane to

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explode and three others to catch fire. There were no injuries in the incident, which the Transportation Safety Board linked to emergency brakes.



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Safety issues are particularly sensitive after a July crude oil train derailment and explosion in Lac-Megantic, Quebec killed 47 people.

Shipley takes the wheel at agriculture committee By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA


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ntario Tory MP Bev Shipley is the new chair of the Commons agriculture committee, replacing former Brandon MP Merv Tweed, who resigned his seat to become president of OmniTRAX Canada. The 66-year-old Shipley, first elected in 2006, was a member of the committee for several years before moving to the international trade committee. Discussion of the tentative free trade deal with Europe is likely to dominate upcoming committee hearings, he said, adding it will likely focus on the U.S. country-of-origin labelling law in the new year. Tyson Foods recently announced it will no longer import finished cattle from Canada because of changes to the COOL regulations have increased the cost segregating animals and labelling the meat from them. Shipley said he also wants the committee to look at ways to reduce the costs of government regulation on farmers. A farmer before entering politics, he pointed to the time it takes to register new products and get generic products on to the market as examples of regulations adding unnecessary costs for farms. With the next federal election not scheduled until the fall of 2015, Shipley, a cash cropper and purebred dairy cattle breeder, has two years to put his stamp on the committee. Traditionally it has been one of the least partisan committees in Parliament. Meanwhile, longtime NDP Ag Critic Alex Atamanenko has announced that he will not be running in the next election.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Corn prices continue to trend lower — posting a three-year low A record U.S. corn crop and tripling of carry-out stocks is putting pressure on prices David Drozd Market Outlook


orn on the nearby weekly futures contract has lost 50 per cent of its value since rallying to a record high of $8.433/4 in August 2012. Cash prices are closer to $3.50 per bushel — a price not seen since July 2010. Pressuring the market is the United States Department of Agriculture’s estimate of a record 13.84-billion-bushel U.S. corn crop and a 1.86-billion-bushel carry-out for the 2013-14 crop year. This certainly alleviates the tight ending stocks situation experienced during the 2012-13 crop year when supplies were drawn down to 661 million bushels. The last time the U.S. had a corn carry-out similar to this year’s forecast was in 2009-10, when the ending stocks were 1.7 billion bushels. During that period, the nearby futures contract traded between $4.20 and $3.20 per bushel. Some are surprised prices have declined to current levels, especially farmers who may be growing corn for the first time. Last year’s record-high prices resulted

in corn being one of the crops having the highest return. This inspired first-time growers to try their hand at producing a crop of corn this year. Others may not have been surprised by the downturn given the reversal pattern that materialized on the monthly nearby futures candlestick chart, at the market’s high, 15 months ago.

Introduction to candlestick charting

Candlestick charting provides an insight into market activity that is not readily apparent with the conventional bar-type charts. When you see a black candle you know the sentiment is bearish. When the candle is white, it is bullish. The Japanese are regarded as the true pioneers of market technical analysis. They began trading forward rice contracts (Futures) in 1654 and by the year 1750 had developed quite a refined system for analyzing the markets. These same techniques have evolved over 2-1/2 centuries into an amazingly powerful modernday charting method called candlestick. The Japanese method of charting is called candlestick because the individual lines resemble candles.

CBOT corn monthly nearby Chart as of October 30, 2013

Basic construction of a candlestick line

The daily line shows the open, high, low and close. The thick part or candle is called the real body. It highlights the range between the open and close. If the close is above the open, then the body will be white. When the real body is black this simply means the close was below the open. The lines above and below the real body represent the high and low ranges for the period and are called shadows. A long black body illustrates a bearish period in the market with an opening near the day’s high and close near the day’s low. A long white body is the opposite of a long black body and shows technical strength with an opening near the low and a close near the high in a wide range period. Spinning tops are lines with small real bodies. The small body represents a tight range between the open and close. Spinning tops are regarded as neutral in most situations. However, when combined with other patterns they can be very significant; such was the case when the harami developed at the top of the corn market.

Harami lines

The harami line is similar to an inside day used in bar chart analysis. However, this interpretation suggests a waning in momentum and a possible trend change. As illustrated in the accompanying chart, the short black body of the harami must be contained by a long real white body preceding it. A reversal pattern of any kind is more significant when it not only occurs at a market high, but when it appears on a long-term chart such as a monthly or weekly chart. Having a basic understanding of candlestick charting is

an invaluable tool for being alerted to the major turns in the market. Send your questions or comments about this article and chart to info@ag-chieve.ca. David Drozd is president and senior market analyst for Winnipeg-based Ag-Chieve Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are solely intended to assist readers with a better understanding of technical analysis. Visit Ag-Chieve online at www. ag-chieve.ca for information about grainmarketing advisory services, or call us toll free at 1-888-274-3138 for a free consultation.

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2013-10-28 4:04 PM


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

New U.S. beef import rules could also help U.S. exports

Remembering those who served

The EU has welcomed the move, saying it could reopen a market that has been closed to its beef since 1998 washington / reuters


he United States issued new impor t r ules for cattle and beef Nov. 1 that will comply with international standards for the prevention of mad cow disease, saying the step could ultimately boost U.S. beef exports. The European Union said the U.S. move would bring a welcome reopening of a market closed to its beef since January 1998. Lawmakers and industr y groups also welcomed the news, saying it would help the United States regain access to markets that have been closed for decades. World trade in beef was jolted in the 1980s by the discovery of mad cow disease, a fatal brain-wasting disease in cattle, formally known as bovine spongiform encepha l o p a t h y. M a n y n a t i o n s restricted imports, some of which remain in place, out of fear of a human version of the illness. “Making these changes will further demonstrate to our trading partners our commitment to international standards and sound science, and we are hopeful it will help open new markets and remove remaining restrictions on U.S. products,” said USDA chief veterinarian John Clifford. As an example of the new revisions, the U.S. Departm e n t o f A g r i c u l t u re s a i d boneless beef could be imported because research has shown the meat poses a negligible risk of mad cow disease. Until now, imports were restr icted from most nations that had reported a case of the disease. The USDA said the new revisions, which will be published in coming days and take effect 90 days afterward, would not weaken U.S. safeguards. “ This effort is crucial to breaking down other countries’ unfounded trade barriers, and reopening trade markets that are closed to U.S. beef,” said Debbie Stabenow, chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Stabenow said Mexico employed a non-scientific limit on U.S. cattle exports by refusing to allow entry of animals over 30 months of age. She said U.S. producers lose an estimated $100 m i l l i o n a ye a r because of the limit. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association said the new rules were “great news for the U.S. cattle industry and integral to our efforts to further expand international trade.”

Veteran’s photos line the walls at the Royal Canadian Legion in Ashern.   Photo: Shannon VanRaes

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2013-10-29 1:15 PM





The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

U.S. meat-labelling law now Farm Bill target Legislators say the risk of international sanctions is too high to justify By Charles Abbott WASHINGTON / REUTERS


embers of a select House-Senate panel have targeted for potential repeal a U.S. meatlabelling law that Mexico and Canada have challenged as a violation of world trade rules, and that U.S. meat packers also oppose. The country-of-origin labelling (COOL) law requires labels on packages of beef, pork, poultry and lamb sold in U.S. stores to carry specific information on the source of the meat. The U.S. terms it a “consumer information” program.

While favoured by consumer groups, COOL has been a lightning rod for dispute for more than a decade. Congress approved meat-origin labelling in 2002, but it did not become mandatory until 2009. The United States rewrote the regulations this year in an attempt to satisfy a 2012 World Trade Organization ruling, but has been challenged again at the WTO. At the first negotiating session on a final version of the new $500-billion U.S. Farm Bill, several lawmakers said COOL should be revised or repealed, in part because of the risk of international sanctions.

“I am hopeful that working together we can prevent the imposition of tariffs on a wide array of products important to many states,” said House Agriculture Committee chairman Frank Lucas in an opening statement. Under congressional protocol, he chairs the Farm Bill talks. Canada and Mexico say the law led to a decline in sales of their cattle and hogs because of additional costs to handle them. U.S. meat packers say COOL is a bookkeeping headache that also drives up costs. Defenders such as the National Farmers Union and the Consumer Federation of America say COOL helps shoppers

make informed decisions on their meat purchases. They said there is no need for Congress to intervene. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says COOL is not a food safety or traceability program. Foreign food products must still meet U.S. food safety standards. Republican Senator Pat Roberts from Kansas, one of the largest U.S. cattle states, said he would support a House provision that was under development and expected to be a repeal clause for COOL. Senate Agriculture chairwoman Debbie Stabenow said COOL “clearly is one of the issues” for Farm Bill negotiators.

As the Farm Bill conference kicked off, negotiators, with a target of completing work before year-end, remain divided on potential cuts to food stamp funding, but agree on many other elements of the legislation. President Barack Obama has listed the Farm Bill as one of three priorities for completion this year. The administration has not spelled out how it will take part in the bill’s final stages. Conservative Republicans want to cut food stamps by $39 billion over a decade, the largest cuts in at least a generation and 10 times the amount proposed by the Senate.

*Source: 2012 Field-Scale Canola Performance Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Eat your salmon and flax, but watch the pills Researchers say omega-3 supplements may be too much of a good thing


hen it comes to omega-3 fatty acid, the dose may make the poison, say researchers at Oregon State University. “Overall, we support the dietary recommendations from the American Heart Association to eat fish, particularly fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, lake trout or sardines, at least two times a week, and for those at risk of coronary artery disease to talk to their doctor about supplements,” OSU associate professor, Norman Hord said in a release.

Flaxseed, either consumed directly or as a feed supplement for meat and eggs, is also a source of omega-3s. Studies have shown that omega-3s are associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the OSU researchers say that excess consumption of omega-3 supplements on top of dietar y sources can lead to inflammation such as colitis and reduced immune response. They say an increasing amount of products, such as

eggs, bread, butters, oils and orange juice, are being “fortified” with omega-3s. Hord said this fortified food, coupled with fish oil supplement use, increases the potential for consuming these high levels. “We’re not against using fish oil supplements appropriately, but there is a potential for risk,” Hord said. “As is all true with any nutrient, taking too much can have negative effects. We need to establish clear biomarkers through clinical trials.”

Fish oil capsules — that’s probably too many for one day.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



Cut in food stamps hits low-income Americans By Charles Abbott and Lisa Baertlein WASHINGTON/LOS ANGELES / REUTERS

A mixed field of combined barley/winter corn awaits.


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One of every seven Americans felt the pinch Nov. 1 when a $5-billion cut in food stamps, the first across-the-board reduction in the history of the decades-old federal program, took effect. But if conservative Republicans in Congress get their way, this week’s pullback may be just a taste of what’s to come for some of the almost 48 million Americans who receive benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. SNAP, the largest U.S. anti-hunger program, is designed to help poor people — most of them children, disabled or elderly — buy food. But enrolment has doubled and the program’s cost has nearly tripled since 2004, and has remained at record levels even as the economy improves and unemployment declines. Critics say the surge shows reform is vital as part of federal deficit reduction. Defenders say the high enrolment is a sign of the weak recovery from the 2008-09 recession and sluggish job growth. The cuts Nov. 1 reflect the expiration of benefits authorized by the 2009 economic stimulus package, just as other temporary elements of the package — including a two-year payroll tax “holiday” — have ended over time. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a think-tank that explores ways to reduce poverty, said benefits would drop by an average of seven per cent, or $10 per person per month. In fiscal 2012, the average benefit per person was about $133 per month, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Ukraine loads first maize cargo to China KIEV / REUTERS /Ukraine’s state-run grain firm GPZKU is loading a 70,000-tonne maize cargo for China, the first-ever Ukrainian maize shipment to the Chinese market, a government source said Oct. 31. The source said about 40,000 tonnes of maize have been loaded as of Oct. 31 onto a vessel in Ukraine’s Black Sea Port of Yuzhny. Ukraine’s Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysyazhnyuk told Reuters this month that the former Soviet republic would ship its first maize cargo to China by the end of October. He said a second vessel must leave Ukraine by Nov. 30.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Grain buyers busy during U.S. government shutdown Corn and soy net exports were sharply above trade estimates during the 16-day blackout CHICAGO / REUTERS


hina and other big grain importers embarked o n a c o r n a n d s oybean buying spree dur ing the U.S. government’s 16-day shutdown last month, taking advantage of a lapse in mandatory reporting of their deals, data showed Oct. 31. Figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which had halted collection of required weekly grain export sales information during the shutdown, showed purchases in the three weeks to Oct. 24 had far outstripped analysts’ expectations, despite weeks of market chatter about unusually large purchases. “It does play out the notion that when nobody is watch-

Pigeon King trial underway Investors lost an estimated $20 million By Jim Romahn CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR


he jury trial of Arlan Galbraith, founder of Pigeon King International, began Nov. 4 in Kitchener, Ont. and is expected to last until Christmas. He started the business in 2001, attracted thousands of investors to buy breeding pairs for about $500 and signed contracts to buy back all of the offspring at highly profitable prices, but declared bankruptcy in June, 2008. About $20-million worth of contracts became worthless after the bankruptcy. Investors from the Mennonite communities across Nor th Amer ica were prominent in the business. Galbraith is insisting on representing himself without a lawyer, defying persistent advice from the judge who handled the preliminary hearing. Galbraith faces charges of fraud and violating the Bankruptcy Act. In i t i a l l y, p o l i c e s a i d investors simply made a bad business decision, but laid criminal charges after 2-1/2 years of investigation.

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ing, the Chinese will be in to buy,” said Citigroup futures specialist Sterling Smith. Sales of corn and soybeans for the three-week per iod both topped 4.5 million tonnes, exceptionally high even on a pro rata weekly basis. A slump in prices that took benchmark U.S. corn prices to their lowest in three years probably also spurred buying. All sales to export U.S. grain must be reported to the USDA on a weekly basis, and larger one-off deals must be reported daily. This system was instituted following the 1972 “great grain robbery” in which the Soviet Union quietly arranged a series of big export deals that drove up U.S. prices.

But that system went on hold during the shutdown. Only on Oct. 31 was the USDA able to release tabulated sales made during the three weeks up to Oct. 24, publishing the data in a single batch rather than as three separate weeks.

Topping 4.5 million

Net export sales of soybeans for the current marketing year (2013-14) totalled 4,742,000 tonnes, well above the high end of a range of estimates at three million tonnes. C h i n a , t h e w o r l d’s l a rg est buyer of soybeans, bought nearly half of the soy (2,112,300 tonnes), and there was a large sale of 550,800 tonnes to an unknown destination. Mexico, Russia, Indo-

nesia, Taiwan and Japan also bought large volumes. Corn sales likewise were huge at 4,555,500 tonnes for the current marketing year, nearly twice as large as the high end of 2.5 million in the range of trade estimates. Me x i c o a c c o u n t e d f o r a large purchase of 1,689,400 tonnes and also bought 734,400 tonnes for delivery during the next marketing year (2014-15). “A big surprise was the very big sales to Mexico,” Smith said. “All in all, these export numbers should provide at least some suppor t to the market.” Japan also was a big buyer, and China purchased 777,600 tonnes of cor n dur ing the three-week period.

“Those are big export numbers, but the market reaction is muted,” a Chicago trader said. “I’m also hearing there was more U.S. corn export business done overnight, and that shouldn’t be too surprising at these low values (U.S. corn prices).” C h i c a g o B o a rd o f Tra d e corn futures have fallen to the lowest level in three years as U.S. farmers continue harvesting what is likely a recordlarge crop approaching 14.0 billion bushels. The three-week total for wheat exports stood at 1,308,800 tonnes, below the low end of estimates at 1,500,000 tonnes. “Wheat sales were about as expected — market neutral,” Smith said.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Recommended malting barley varietal list released

There are several up-and-coming varieties that could become dominant players in the future Staff


h e Ca n a d i a n Ma l t i n g Barley Technical Centre has released the list of recommended malting barley varieties for the upcoming crop year. The recommendations are based on the varieties expected to be selected by grain and malting companies for both domestic and export markets for the 2014 harvest, the centre says in a release. Four two-row varieties, AC Me t c a l f e, C D C C o p e l a n d , C D C Me r e d i t h , a n d C D C PolarStar, are expected to represent 80 to 85 per cent of the anticipated selections. There are five up-and-comers, Newdale, Major, Bentley, Merit 57 and CDC Kindersley, that will represent 15 to 20 per cent of the selections next year and could become dominant variSEC_CAR11_T_MC.qxd 8/26/11 eties in the future, it says.

Recommended six-row varieties are Legacy, Tradition and Celebration. The list is published on behalf of the members of the CMBTC, and other companies that have provided their input. CMBTC members are Alberta Agriculture, Alberta Barley Commission, Alfred C. Toepfer Canada, The CWB, Canadian Grain Commission, CANTERRA SEEDS, Cargill AgHorizons, Fedoruk Seeds, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Manitoba Liquor Control Commission, Molson Coors, Parrish & Heimbecker, Richardson International, SABMiller, Saskatchewan Agriculture, Prairie Malt Limited, the Public Malt Barley Breeders, SeCan, Syngenta Canada and Viterra. “I would once again like to thank all of our members as well as the industry for helping 4:23 PM Page 1 us put together this list as it is

important information for the producer, aiding them in making their seeding decisions for the coming year,” said CMBTC managing director Rob McCaig in a release. “With the changes made to marketing of Canadian malting barley the generation of this list was a challenging collaborative effort between all parts of the malt barley value chain,” he said. “With these changes the list becomes even more important in providing the farmer with a clear indication of the requirements of the domestic and international maltsters and brewers.” The recommendations are based on feedback CMBTC members received through contacts with domestic and international maltsters and brewers as well as test malting and brewing results from the centre’s pilot-scale malthouse and brewery. “The list clearly

indicates the increasing acceptance of our new Canadian barley varieties by the international and domestic barley users,” McCaig said. The CMBTC, which started in

August 2000, is an independent, non-profit organization funded by members of the malting barley and malt industry. For more information on this year’s list go to: www.cmbtc.com.

Recommended Malting Barley Varieties 2014-15 These recommendations are based on the varieties expected to be selected by grain and malting companies for both domestic and export markets from the 2014 harvest. Seeding decisions should be based on agronomic considerations and feedback from your grain company representative, local elevator operators and malting companies. This list is published on behalf of the members of the CMBTC, and other companies that have provided their input. Varieties not listed are not recommended. The varieties are listed in descending order to the amount expected to be selected next crop year.

Recommended Two-Row Barley Varieties




AC Metcalfe4


CDC Meredith4



CDC PolarStar5 **



CDC Copeland4




The four varieties above will represent 80 to 85% of the anticipated selections. The varieties in the table below represent 15 – 20% of the anticipated selections and it is expected that several of them will become dominant varieties in the future.

VARIETY Newdale3 Major1


Merit 575


Increasing Increasing


CDC Kindersley4


Note: Norman, Cerveza, CDC Landis, ABI Voyager, and AAC Synergy are not yet being grown for the commercial market. Production is limited to quantities required for testing and market development. **CDC Polarstar is available only through a closed loop Identity Preserved program offered by Prairie Malt Limited/Sapporo Breweries and their agents.

Recommended Six-Row Barley Varieties VARIETY Legacy1,2,3

DOMESTIC Established

EXPORT Established







CDC Mayfair and CDC Anderson are not yet being grown for the commercial market. Production is limited to quantities required for testing and market development. Please talk to your local malting company selector in regards to demand for Lacey and Robust. “Domestic” as used in this publication, means barley selected for domestic processing into malt to supply domestic brewers as well as for malt destined for export. “Export” is that malting barley designated for markets outside of Canada including the U.S., shipped as unmalted grain.

The following companies have pedigreed seed distribution rights for those varieties that are footnoted: 1-Viterra; 2- BARI-Canada; 3 – FP Genetics; 4 - SeCan; 5 – CANTERRA SEEDS

The CMBTC and its’ members recommends the use of Certified seed to ensure varietal purity and to increase opportunity for selection. CMBTC Members: Alfred C. Toepfer (Canada) Ltd., CANTERRA SEEDS, CWB, Canadian Grain Commission, Cargill AgHorizons, SABMiller, Richardson International, Parrish and Heimbecker, Prairie Malt Limited, the Public Barley Breeders, Syngenta Canada Inc, SeCan, Manitoba Liquor Control Commission, Alberta Agriculture, Saskatchewan Agriculture, Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Molson Coors, Alberta Barley Commission, Fedoruk Seeds, FP Genetics and Viterra. Other organizations providing input to this list: BARI-Canada, BMBRI

Questions? Call your selector, seed company, grain handling company, or contact the CMBTC at 204-984-4399 (cmbtc@cmbtc.com)

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Four communities — Brookdale, Mentmore, Oberon and Ingelow — combined their resources to erect this monument to war veterans in Brookdale. Each community is represented on a side.   photo: jeannette greaves


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Food giants pour millions into defeating GMO labelling measure Vote was to be held Nov. 5, with a recent poll showing a close race By Eric M. Johnson and Carey Gillam Reuters


ajor U.S. food and chemical companies are pouring millions of dollars into efforts to block approval of a ballot initiative in Washington state that would make it the first in the United States to require labelling of foods containing genetically modified crops. Despite early strong support for the measure, a recent poll suggests sentiment against the measure, known as I-522, is growing amid an onslaught of corporate-financed advertising ahead of the referendum which was to be held Nov. 5. Voters will decide whether many common grocery items containing ingredients from genetically altered crops should be labelled as such. Supporters say labelling foods made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) would provide information for consumers to make informed shopping choices. Food and chemical companies say the wording would suggest something is wrong with genemodified ingredients that the companies believe are safe. Many foods are made with crops that have been genetically altered. Corn and soy, two top biotech crops, are key ingredients in processed foods from cereal to chips to cookies. The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), which represents more than 300 food and beverage companies, has put roughly $11 million into fighting the measure, or roughly half of the nearly $22 million raised by opponents of labelling, according to Washington Public Disclosure Commission figures as of Oct. 29. That far outstrips the roughly $6.8 million raised by supporters of the labelling initiative, according to the commission. “They are making this the most expensive race and are desperately adding last-minute money to try and buy this election,” said Liz Larter, spokeswoman for “Yes on 522” campaign, a reference to the ballot measure’s number.

federal government wrestle with whether to require labelling. A similar labelling measure narrowly failed in the 2012 election in California by a vote of 51.4 per cent against to 48.6 per cent in favour.

Heavy spending

A consortium that includes General Mills, Nestle USA, PepsiCo, Monsanto, DuPont and other corporate giants, are the key contributors to the nearly $22 million raised to campaign against the bill. Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company and top developer of biotech crops, has put in nearly $5.4 million to fight the labelling, including $540,000 added on Monday. In September, one poll showed

support for labelling led opposition by 45 percentage points. But another survey released on Oct. 21 showed support leading by only four points. David Bronner, president of Escondido, Calif.-based Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps and a supporter of labelling, said the ballot initiative may lose in Washington state, but he sees eventual victory in some state or on a federal level. The soap company is the chief financial backer for the pro-labelling campaign, contributing more than $1.7 million. It makes an array of cleanser and lotion products it markets as organic. “We’re in this for a long haul,” Bronner said. “Even if we lose here we’re still feeding the national debate and conversation. We’ll get it eventually.”

A consortium that includes General Mills, Nestle USA, PepsiCo, Monsanto, DuPont and other corporate giants, are the key contributors to the nearly $22 million raised to campaign against the bill.

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Legality contested

State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a Democrat, said in a lawsuit filed Oct. 16 that the grocery group illegally collected and spent more than $7 million while shielding the identity of its contributors. But the GMA and other opponents say they have corrected any finance filing irregularities and they are trying to turn back a measure that would confuse consumers and have numerous consequences. “It would require tens of thousands of common food and beverage products to be relabelled exclusively for Washington state unless they are remade with higher-priced, specially developed ingredients,” said Brian Kennedy, GMA spokesman. “The measure will increase grocery costs for a typical Washington family by hundreds of dollars per year.” The outcome of the Washington vote will be closely watched around the country as more than two dozen U.S. states and the

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



U.S. judge tosses lawsuit to block horse slaughter By Tim Gaynor REUTERS

Burning stubble and roadsides near Warren last week reduced visibility for drivers.



A U.S. federal judge tossed out a lawsuit Nov. 1 that sought to block inspections of horses destined for slaughter, potentially clearing the way for the resumption of equine killing for human consumption. A U.S. district judge in New Mexico threw out a lawsuit by the Humane Society of the United States and other animal protection groups lodged in July that sought to permanently halt the slaughter of horses. The suit alleged that the Department of Agriculture failed to carry out environmental reviews before it gave approval to Roswell, New Mexico-based Valley Meat Co., Responsible Transportation, in Iowa, and Rains Natural Meats, in Missouri, to slaughter horses for human consumption. In a 33-page ruling, Chief United States District Judge Christina Armijo concluded “that the grants of inspection were properly issued.” She dismissed the lawsuit, and denied a request for permanent injunction sought by the plaintiffs. The groups alleged in the suit that horses are given medications not approved for livestock so the waste products of slaughter plants may include pollutants. Following Armijo’s ruling, their lawyers lodged a notice to appeal the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. The Humane Society of the United States said in a statement it would “not only appeal the decision, but also work with the states to block the plants from opening in Iowa, Missouri and New Mexico and step up its efforts in Congress to stop the slaughter of American horses.” Horsemeat cannot be sold as food in the United States, but it can be exported. The meat is sold for human consumption in China, Russia, Mexico and other countries and is sometimes used as feed for zoo animals. Congress effectively banned horse slaughter in 2006 by saying the USDA could not spend any money to inspect the plants. Without USDA inspectors, slaughterhouses cannot operate. The ban had been extended a year at a time as part of USDA funding bills, but the language was omitted in 2011. Groups have argued for years about whether a ban on slaughter would save horses from an inhumane death or cause owners to abandon animals they no longer want or cannot afford to feed and treat for illness. Nearly 159,000 horses were exported from the United States to Canada and Mexico during 2012, most likely for slaughter, officials said.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Good growing conditions allow producers to replenish forage supplies Alfalfa yields of 1.5 tonnes, or more, per acre were reported across the Prairies By Brandon Logan commodity news service canada


good year has allowed Prairie producers to replenish forage sup-

plies. “For the most part, yields were average to above average,” said Daphne Cruise, regional crops specialist for Saskatchewan Agriculture. “It looks like we’re still fairly average in terms of quality.” Alfalfa and alfalfa/brome hay, which make up the majority of forage crops in Saskatchewan, averaged 1.7 tonnes per acre — far above the 10-year average of 1.2 tonnes per acre, she said.

The big crop was desperately needed. “A lot of producers, by the time it came to putting cattle on pastures this past spring, had quite decreased stocks, and in some cases, depleted stocks,” said Cruise. “I think going into the winter, it sounds like everybody has enough hay, but I don’t think there’s a lot of surplus out there.” Manitoba is also reporting adequate to above-average feed supplies, according to Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Initiatives. In the Interlake, yields for alfalfa were 1.75 tonnes per acre for the first cut, 0.66

tonnes per acre for the second cut, and 0.25 tonnes for the third and final cut. Alfalfa/ grass and tame hay yielded 1.5 tonnes per acre on the first cut and 0.66 tonnes per acre on the second cut. Native hay was one tonne per acre for the only cut and greenfeed was two tonnes per acre for its only cut. It’s t h e s a m e s t o r y i n Alberta, said Ken Ziegler, forage specialist with Alberta Agriculture. “Overall, we’ve had good yields and no hungry pockets throughout the province,” he said. “Many years there would be districts that have timely rains and good yields, while another district a few hours

“I think going into the winter, it sounds like everybody has enough hay, but I don’t think there’s a lot of surplus out there.” Daphne Cruise

Regional crops specialist for Saskatchewan Agriculture

away would have missed the rains and their yields would be less than what would be considered acceptable. We didn’t experience that here this year.” Most producers in Alberta saw two or three cuts, leading to strong supplies for producers heading into winter, he said.

“This would certainly take care of any carry-over deficiencies,” he said. “I think we’re in a good position. Another factor playing in is the cost of grain. Grain is plentiful and cheap this year, so that’s certainly going to be an alternative for livestock producers to top up as need arises.”

Kansas State and Bayer to develop hybrid wheat Bayer will have access to K-State’s extensive germplasm stocks Staff


ayer Crop Science and Kansas State University (K-State) have signed a wheat germplasm and technology licence agreement to promote the further improvement and development of hybrid wheat. “Hybrid wheat is a difficult technical challenge, but the payoff will be in a substantial potential for increased yields for growers,” Ernie Minton, associate director of research for K-State Research and Extension said in a release. K-State’s Wheat Genetic Resource Center (WGRC) will help identify traits that are potentially useful for hybrid wheat production and that are naturally available in their extensive collection of grass species which are closely related to cultivated wheat. Bayer will work with K-State researchers and scientists to develop a traitdiscovery pipeline for efficient hybrid wheat crop production using K-State’s genetic stocks. The agreement allows Bayer CropScience to license K-State’s germplasm and related intellectual property rights. “Wheat is an ancient crop that has gone through much change and continues to undergo change. With this agreement, our expertise in wheat genetics and genomics, combined with Bayer’s global expertise and wheat leadership, will help one of the world’s most important crops to advance,” John Floros, dean of the College of Agriculture said in the release. As part of the collaboration, K-State also will establish an endowed chair for wheat genetics research and breeding. The endowed chair will be named for Bikram Gill, university distinguished professor of plant pathology and director of the Wheat Genetic Resource Center.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762. Nov. 7: Value of shelterbelts for Prairire communities, Morden Friendship Centre, 306 North Railway Ave., Morden. For more info call: 204-362-0352. Nov. 7: Manitoba Beef Producers District 6 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Royal Canadian Legion, 291 Assiniboine St. W., Oak Lake. For more info visit www.mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458. Nov. 7-9: Dairy Sheep Association of North America symposium, Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre, 700 Hespeler Rd., Cambridge, Ont. For more info visit www.dsana.org.

This country road east of Deloraine in the Turtle Mountains invites a ramble.

Nov. 8: Manitoba Beef Producers District 4 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Ukrainian Home of Vita Hall, 209 Main St. N., Vita. For more info visit www.mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458.


Nov. 12: Manitoba Beef Producers District 12 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Westlake Community Hall, Hwy. 68, Eddystone. For more info visit www.mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458.

Get ahead and stay ahead

Nov. 13: Manitoba Beef Producers District 9 meeting and elections, 6 p.m., Sungro Centre, 360 Veterans Lane, Beausejour. For more info visit www.mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458. Nov. 14: Manitoba Beef Producers District 1 meeting, 6 p.m., Community Hall, 40 First Ave., Medora. For more info call 1-800772-0458 or visit www.mbbeef.ca. Nov. 15: Manitoba Beef Producers District 5 meeting, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall, 224 Second Ave., Carberry. For more info visit www. mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458.

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Nov. 17-19: Manitoba Farm Women’s Conference, Canad Inns, 2401 Saskatchewan Ave. W., Portage la Prairie. For more info visit www.manitobafarmwomens conference.ca. Nov. 18: Manitoba Beef Producers District 7 meeting, 6 p.m., Community Hall, 315 The Drive, Shoal Lake. For more info visit www. mbbeef.ca or call 1-800-772-0458. Nov. 20: Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA) “Current & Connected” conference, Heritage Centre, 100 Heritage Trail, Niverville. For more info call 1-877-474-2871 or visit www.cafanet.com. Dec. 3-5: GrowCanada Conference, Hyatt Regency, 700 Centre St. SE, Calgary. For more info visit www.growcanadaconfer ence.ca/2013. Dec. 9-11: Canadian Forage and Grassland Association conference, Pomeroy Inn and Suites, Olds College, 4601-46th Ave., Olds, Alta. For more info call 204-726-9393 or visit www.canadianfga.ca/ events/current-events/. 2014 Jan. 14-16: Red River Basin Commission’s Land and Water International Summit, 1635-42nd St. S., Fargo, N.D. For more info visit www.redriverbasincommission.org. Jan. 29-31: Keystone Agricultural Producers annual meeting, Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204697-1140 or visit kap.mb.ca.

BrettYoung™ is a trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited. Elite® is a registered trademark of La Coop fédérée. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not glyphosate tolerant. Genuity®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup Ready 2 Yield® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. 13028 10.13

Feb. 4-5: Manitoba Beef Producers 35th annual general meeting, Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave. W., Brandon. For more info visit mbbeef.ca.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013




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Boissevain men’s wear store still going strong after a century in business Service and honesty are the keys to success for one of rural Manitoba’s few remaining family-owned and -operated retail clothing stores

Rural retail circa 1898. Welch’s Men’s Furnishings occupied the same location in Boissevain until 2000, when Wayne and Ken Pringle moved the operation to a new, larger shop on South Railway Street. PHOTO: SUBMITTED By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / BOISSEVAIN


entury farms are rare enough, but family-owned rural retailers that have managed to survive — and even thrive — in the era of big-box megastores are even harder to find. Pringle’s Men’s Wear, one of three retailers awarded the province’s new Century Recognition Business Awards, has managed to buck the trend. About a decade ago, at a time when the decline of mom-and-pop stores started to pick up speed, Wayne Pringle and son Ken were moving out of the old store the business had occupied since 1898 and into a new location that was twice as large. “Our business gets bigger every year — we draw from a huge area,” said Wayne. “There’s basically no men’s wear stores left anymore in rural Manitoba. Years ago, every small town used to have one.” On a Wednesday afternoon, the immaculately dressed elder Pringle could be seen gliding noiselessly across the carpet of his 5,000-square-foot store, cracking jokes, answering phone calls, and serving a steady stream of customers with a ready smile. He and his brother Del bought the operation in 1963 from the founding family that owned Welch’s Men’s Furnishings, which originally specialized in shoe sales and repairs when it opened shop in 1894.

Third generation

Now, three generations of Pringles work in the store, along with a handful of staff. There’s a wide variety of work clothes, shoes, and sporting goods — not to mention about 150 complete men’s dress suits on their rack that are a notch or two higher in quality than those sold by the chain stores about 40 minutes away in Brandon. And they also do trophy engraving, sharpen skates, and repair the newfangled hockey sticks that cost $300 each. After 51 years in the business, Wayne has learned a thing or two about retail. Service is the key to beating the bigbox giants. That means no commission sales, and honesty in all dealings. If something looks ridiculous on a customer, he tells them. But gently, of course. “I’ve been to those big stores. It’s all, ‘Oh yeah, everything looks good on you.’ And I think, ‘God are they colour blind or what?’” Wayne said with a laugh. In a small town with a shrinking population, a retailer can’t afford to lose a single customer, said Ken, who began his retailing education three decades ago in “the school of Wayne” at the age of 12. “A lot of people can’t work with their parents, but for us, we get along good,” said Ken, who has since

brought his own son Jay into the operation. The two key factors were his father’s patience and his willingness to let him make his own mistakes, he said.

Staples sell

For example, when they started going to annual trade shows to book the year’s orders and stay abreast of the latest trends, Ken naturally was drawn to items that caught his fancy — not the “staple” articles that sell and pay the bills. “He used to say, ‘If you only buy the things that you like, you won’t be in business long enough to see a season’s change,’” said Ken. Tradition, and the store’s long history, add to the atmosphere at Pringle’s. Displayed atop high shelves are wool suits from the 1920s, a pair of the famous high-top felt boots that oldtimers still insist are without equal in terms of winter warmth, a collection of antique hockey skates, and a wooden tennis racket. As a kind of good-natured prank, the store also has a few pairs of women’s fancy high-button-up leather shoes on a top shelf. From another time, they appear to be within an arm’s reach, but sadly out of reach, for some. “Ladies often say, ‘I wouldn’t mind buying a pair of those.’ I tell them, those little shoes are probably 75 to 100 years old, and I don’t have them

Wayne Pringle holds the Century Recognition Business Award his store received for 100 years in business. PHOTO: DANIEL WINTERS

for sale,” Wayne said with a mischievous grin. Old Mr. Welch, the previous owner, was a rich merchant, and when they took over, there was a lot of unsold inventory in storage that he hadn’t gotten rid of, he added. That won’t cut it today. When a line of shoes has dwindled from over a dozen pairs to just a few sizes left, Wayne whips out his red marker and slashes the price. “Once you get down to one size 7 and one 9, what good is that to you? You’ve got to get rid of old stock. So you dump them out,” he said, adding that even though he takes a loss on those items, they draw in the bargain hunters and boost store traffic. Ironically, the decline of the rural retail trade in neighbouring towns has boosted their fortunes. Wayne recalled how just a few years ago, Pringle’s was part of a buying group called Westman Clothiers that had six shops in Russell, Virden, Neepawa, Minnedosa and Souris. “We’re the only store left. They’ve all closed. The people who fold blame the cities. But we carry good lines, and I know that we can compete with the cities,” said Wayne. This year’s other winners of the Century Business award were Brown & Rutherford Co. in Winnipeg and Reesor’s Jewellery of Brandon. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Taiwan detects more U.S. beef with banned feed additive There are concerns zilpaterol is still being used despite the manufacturer’s decision to pull it from the market TAIPEI / REUTERS


aiwan detected cattle feed additive zilpaterol in U.S. beef, the third such incident in less than a month in Asia, heightening concerns across the region over banned animal growth drugs. Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration said Oct. 29 it found the beef tainted with the growth enhancer in a restaurant owned by Wowprime Corp., prompting authorities to increase checks on U.S. meat imports. An official at Wowprime said it had destroyed all of the 203 kg of tainted U.S. beef.

There is zero tolerance for feed additives such as zilpaterol in much of Asia and Europe due to concerns about the side-effects of such drugs, which are used to add muscle weight to animals. Feed additives have been the focus of attention since a v i d e o a p p e a re d i n t h e Un i t e d St a t e s i n Au g u s t showing animals struggling to walk and with other signs of distress after taking a growth drug. South Korea suspended some U.S. beef imports after detecting zilpaterol in meat supplied by a unit of JBS U.S.A. earlier this month

and authorities in Taiwan found U.S. meat with the same drug. The detection of the additive has raised concerns that it may still be in the supply chain despite drug maker Merck & Co. halting sales of Zilmax, the top-selling zilpaterol-based additive, on Aug. 16. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has said a Swift Beef Company plant in Cactus, Texas, is not eligible to ship beef to South Korea after the country detected growth drug in meat supplied by the company. Zilpaterol is a beta-agonist, a kind of feed additive

that can add as much as 30 pounds of salable meat to an animal in the weeks before slaughter. Originally developed as asthma drugs for humans, beta-antagonists — in a d e c a d e o f u s e — h a ve helped bolster the ability to produce more beef with fewer cattle in the United States. Ever since the video of distressed cattle appeared, t h e C h i c a g o Me r c a n t i l e Exchange has said it will no longer accept deliver y of cattle fed Zilmax to conform with exchange guidelines for deliveries against CME live cattle futures.

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Cargill bans Zilmax from beef supply until issues resolved The announcement scuttles efforts by the manufacturer to reintroduce it to the marketplace By P.J. Huffstutter CHICAGO / REUTERS


argill Inc., one of the w o r l d ’s l a r g e s t b e e f processors, threw a wrench into Merck & Co.’s plans to reintroduce its feed additive Zilmax, stating it will not accept Zilmax-fed beef into the Cargill supply chain “until we are 100 per cent confident the animal welfare issues are resolved.” Cargill told Reuters Oct. 30 its ban on Zilmax applies both to beef it processes, as well as to cattle in its own feedlots. In addition, Cargill said it will not use Zilmax-fed beef “until Asia and other trading partners accept it in their markets.” Pharmaceutical giant Merck told Reuters Oct. 29 that it is seeking to reintroduce Zilmax, the controversial feed additive temporarily pulled from the market in August after reports that it caused lameness in cattle. A spokeswoman for Merck’s Animal Health unit said that while “it is too early to speculate on when we will resume sales for Zilmax in the U.S. and Canada,” Merck was pushing for ward with its quality control program to ensure the drug was being properly used. Merck did not immediately respond to request for comment on Cargill’s action. Me rc k’s Au g u s t d e c i s i o n came after Tyson Foods Inc. said it would stop accepting Zi l m a x - f e d b e e f a f t e r c a t tle were obser ved arr iving for slaughter with signs they were having difficulty walking or moving. Reuters had reported in August that, at a major cattle industry conference, an animal health expert from JBS USA had shown a video of lame cattle arriving at its slaughterhouses. Merck’s audit over how its p ro d u c t h a s b e e n u s e d i n the field is ongoing, according to the company. Merck was “committed to completing this as quickly as possible, while also ensuring it is conducted appropriately and with rigorous scientific measures,” company spokeswoman Pamela Eisele said in an email. Among other steps, Merck has formed an advisory board that includes representatives from meat processors, cattle feeder operations, producers, veterinarians, academics and industry consultants to review animal safety research data on Zilmax. The company declined to say who had been appointed to the board, which convened for the first time in October.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

It’s a highly nutritious and long-season forage, but can kale handle winter? STAFF / RED DEER


razers growing kale for forage will soon see how the crop handles an Alberta winter. “It’s supposed to handle the cold really well and still stand. We got -10 here the other day and heavy frost, and she’s still going,” said Crossfield-area grazer Graeme Finn at the recent Foothills Forage and Grazing Association crop tour. Finn has grown brassicas in his native Australia, and he’s keen to know if kale, a member of that plant family, grown with a ryegrass for forage will work in Alberta’s climate. “It hasn’t got a lot of bulk, but it’s got huge feed value,” he said. “This would work really well for rotational grazing.” Brassica crops were used in a number of feeding trials in the 1980s, said Grant Lastiwka, an Alberta Agriculture livestock/forage business specialist. At the time, they weren’t able to compete with the higher-yielding cereals that were available, but the results may be different this time around, he said.

“We’re looking at it again with some new cultivars and a little bit of a fresh face to see where it fits into our industry,” said Lastiwka. One of the benefits of a brassica grown with a ryegrass is the extended grazing opportunity, as both maintain their quality and continue to grow late into the fall. The mix has 16 per cent crude protein and high energy levels. “What we’re seeing there in that combination is truly a nice fit for calves to really give them some excellent fall performance when they’re off their mothers and to help keep the costs down as we graze them later into the fall,” Lastiwka said. And because kale will regrow, it offers grazers a summertime forage option as well. In his trial, Finn seeded in mid-June to see how the kale will overwinter, but had he seeded in May, he might have been able to get two or three grazings out of it over the summer, according to Lastiwka. “Grazing earlier in the year could have been a good

Kale is an increasingly popular vegetable for humans, but some varieties have animal feed potential as well. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

opportunity to have a highquality forage in the middle of the summer and then have it regrow so that we can get more grazing days out of it in the late fall, when its quality truly is a resource that other forages don’t have as much of,” said Lastiwka. Overwintering in the plants could be “problematic,” said

A 67-year-old farmer is the second victim this month BEIJING / REUTERS


A kale-ryegrass combination offers grazers extended grazing opportunities in the fall and a summertime forage option, too By Jennifer Blair

China reports second H7N9 bird flu case in October

PGG Seeds agronomist John Snider, who is conducting trials of some brassica genetics in Alberta. “These are temperate plants, but I wouldn’t have brought them up here if I didn’t think they had a chance.”

hina confirmed a new human case of the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu Oct. 23, the second infection reported in October after a summer lull. A 67-year-old farmer in Jiaxing city in the eastern province of Zhejiang has been hospitalized with the virus, the official Xinhua news agency said, citing provincial health authorities. Zhejiang has recorded the highest number of H7N9 infections anywhere in China. About 45 people have died from H7N9 flu, which was unknown in humans until the first cases were detected in people early this year. Chinese authorities have reported at least 136 l a b o r a t o r y- c o n f i r m e d human cases of the H7N9 infection. While there were only a handful of H7N9 cases during the summer months after a surge in April, flu experts warn that the threat posed by the virus has not passed.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Producers given graphic warning of threat of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Transportation presents pork producers with significant challenge when it comes to keeping Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea from crossing the border By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff / portage la prairie


hotos of skeletal, fecesstrewn piglets flash across a large screen during a recent pork producer meeting, graphically illustrating the devastating effects of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED). “We want people to see this and know how serious it is,” council chairman Karl Kynoch told the audience at the William Glesby Centre. “Everything you can do to keep this virus out of here will benefit the entire industry.” Although no cases have b e e n re p o r t e d i n Ca n a d a , about 800 American farms in 18 states have been hit so far. As that number rises, so do concerns the disease will cross the border via contaminated transport trailers or trucks. “Transportation we think is the highest risk area for the disease,” said Miles Beaudin, the council’s manager of quality assurance. “It’s spreading rapidly and it’s not seasonal.” Transmission occurs primarily through the ingestion of fecal matter, but Beaudin noted airborne transmission has occurred where there is

a heavy virus load and barns are close together. “But cross-contamination of fecal matter is our biggest concern,” said Beaudin, adding the risk is greatest when transport trailers have not been properly cleaned and disinfected. Kynoch noted Maple Leaf Foods is using large plastic “condoms” to protect loading docks and trucks from fecal contamination during off-loading. Boots, clothing and sorting boards should also be disinfected and separated to prevent cross-contamination. Heat is an effective way to disinfect, with the virus beginning to die off at 122 C, although a temperature of 140 C is recommended.

“Just keeping this disease out of your barn could be the difference between actually making a profit for the next 12 months and not making a profit.” Karl Kynoch




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Trucks coming from the U.S. are the major concern. “The Americans don’t have as tight biosecurity as we do, so they may have common shuttles between sows and nursery, and nursery and finisher... so you can see how infections do cross over,” Beaudin said. If a herd is infected, it won’t take long to notice. In neonatal pigs, the disease needs as little as eight hours to incubate, with death often occurring in about five days. “It’s basically like Draino,” said Beaudin, explaining the virus strips the intestines of their villi — the tiny fingers of cells that allow water and nutrients to be absorbed. The disease also strikes sows and feeder pigs, although with less mortality. It is possible to boost the herd’s immunity by implementing a feedback program using the blended small intestines of piglets that have died from the virus mixed with nonchlorinated water. With this system, all breeder pigs are fed about one tablespoon of the intestine slurry once a day for a week to inoculate against future infections. In feedback trials, PED was controlled in groups of sows

11:30 – 12:00 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Boot camp Shea Fust The Recovering Farmer - Sleepless in Manitoba Gerry Friesen, Signature Mediation * 1 Break Marketing with Social Media - Panel Discussion moderated by Lynda Lowry, Food Development Centre * 1 Break and Checkout Dignitaries Luncheon Survival of the Small Farm: An Online Journey Across Manitoba Kalynn Spain, Freelance Farmer Be Well Story - Manitoba Canola Growers


A slurry is made from piglet intestines to prevent future infections.  photo: Matt Ackerman

that received the feedback treatment at least three weeks before farrowing. Despite the gory effects of the virus on pigs, Beaudin said it’s integral for the public to know the coronavirus that causes PED isn’t a food safety concern. “It’s important to note that PED is not zoonotic, which means it does not affect people or other animals,” he said. But an outbreak will affect a producer’s bottom line, Kynoch said. “It’s been a tough last three or four years, and now we’re finally making profits,” he

said. “Just keeping this disease out of your barn could be the difference between actually making a profit for the next 12 months and not making a profit.” He added the number of pig deaths in the U.S. has actually increased the price of hogs. “I think going forward we need to take advantage of that and we need to do everything possible to keep those biosecurity protocols as high as possible and keep this out of the barns,” he said. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

Breeding a bigger and better dandelion German researchers say dandelion milks can make car tires

Those aren’t weeds — they’re raw material.  photo: thinkstock


old on before you fill the sprayer tank next spring — German scientists say they have found a new source of rubber to make tires — dandelions. T h e G e r m a n re s e a rc h organization FraunhoferGesellschaft and tire manufacturer Continental say they’ve officially started a five-year joint project to commercialize the manufacture of tires from dandelion rubber. The first prototype test tires are scheduled to be tested on public roads over the next few years. The researchers have been

growing several hectares of a high-biomass dandelion variety particularly rich in rubber, which they say matches the quality of the conventional product from rubber trees. “We have amassed tremendous expertise in dandelion harvesting over the last few years. With the aid of DNA markers, we now know which gene is responsible for which molecular feature. This makes it possible to cultivate especially high-yield plants m u c h m o re e f f i c i e n t l y,” researcher Dirk Prüfer said in a release.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

Maple Leaf posts thirdquarter loss


Earnings well below analysts’ expectations By Rod Nickel REUTERS


anadian food processor Maple Leaf Foods on Oct. 30 reported lower-thanexpected results for the third quarter, hurt mainly by weakness in its meat business. Excluding special items, the company, which is undergoing a major restructuring, posted a loss of one cent per share, compared with a year-earlier profit of 13 cents. Analysts on average had expected earnings of eight cents a share, according to Thomson Reuters. The Toronto-based company, one of Canada’s biggest pork processors and bakers, said revenue slipped 2.5 per cent to $1.15 billion. Analysts had forecast $1.2 billion. Shares of Maple Leaf fell 1.5 per cent to $15.07 in early trading. Maple Leaf ’s results missed expectations mainly because of poor performance in the meat division, said analyst Robert Gibson of Octagon Capital. “This is a very challenging period of transition for the Maple Leaf organization, as the short-term impact of volatile protein market conditions, combined with the significant cost of change, has been material,” chief executive officer Michael McCain said in a statement. Maple Leaf is carrying out a multi-year program to upgrade its meat operations by modernizing some plants and shutting down others as it seeks to boost profits and better compete with U.S. rivals. Third-quarter net income from continuing operations fell to $14,000, or a loss of two cents a share to common stockholders. The company posted earnings of $11.4 million, or six cents a share, a year earlier on that basis. Maple Leaf has begun an auction for its 90 per cent stake in Canada Bread Co. Ltd. It targeted Mexico’s Grupo Bimbo, one of the world’s largest bread makers, and private equity firms, as potential buyers, according to several people familiar with the matter. In August, Maple Leaf struck a deal to sell its Rothsay rendering business to Darling International Inc. for $645 million. Canada Bread also said earlier that it would sell its fresh pasta business Olivieri to Spain’s Ebro Foods SA for $120 million.

Snow Oct. 18 in the Turtle Mountains didn’t bother these horses.

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Maple Leaf is carrying out a multiyear program to upgrade its meat operations by modernizing some plants and shutting down others as it seeks to boost profits and better compete with U.S. rivals.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Old-time dance fever sweeping across southern Manitoba Bob Williamson has sparked a revival of dances such as the foxtrot and polka in southern Manitoba

Dancing at Glenboro School.  photos: Ed Torz, Baldur-Glenboro Gazette By Shirley Case co-operator contributor


t began with an impromptu lesson for a couple of students, but an old-time dance craze has been started by shops teacher Bob Williamson — and it’s spreading across southern Manitoba. Williamson, who came out of retirement to teach at Glenboro School, surprised two students hanging around the shop door by asking, “Why don’t you learn how to dance?” Perhaps the hit TV show “So You Think You Can Dance” helped them overcome their initial reluctance, because they decided to try. Williamson, who plays violin and piano, taught them to waltz and polka. Then he asked them to demonstrate their new skill at a variety evening at the Cypress River church. Their waltz on stage, gracefully performed, drew a good round of applause. But when they started to polka, audience members were soon on their feet, clapping and keeping time with the music. It was a huge success and the talk of the town. Things snowballed from there. Williamson asked Glenboro School principal Kevin Newton for permission to teach more students and enlisted other teachers (after educating them on the basic steps). So before recess, students now practise their polka steps: “1,2,3; 1,2,3... Now go for recess.” Bob gets each class for 10 minutes a week, at a time arranged with the teacher to be least disruptive to their schedule. There they all learn to dance with a partner. The rules are firm. Everyone is polite. The boy must ask, “May I please have this dance?” and the girl must reply, “Yes, you may.” “I’m not trying to take away from sports, but dance has its own positive impact,” Williamson said. He often starts with younger students who tend to be less inhibited. As for the older ones, he’s not above bribing them with cookies or doughnuts to get them started. Once he gets them dancing, most of them are hooked and willingly continue. They learn five dances: waltz, polka, foxtrot, schottische and butterfly. Some of the teachers are now playing for the dance sessions. Student teacher Kelsey Adams mastered the drums to become a vital part of the program. She is so enthusiastic that she says she will teach dance wherever she goes.

The excitement has spread to neighbouring towns. Williamson now has classes (or sessions being run by local dancers and musicians) at Swan Lake, Manitou, Baldur, Bruxelles, and Holland. Even adults are asking to get in on the action so classes were held for them over the winter. Community dances now have three generations on the floor, ranging in age from five to folks in their 70s and 80s. In April, they held a dance marathon with students dancing in all five schools for half an hour before noon. Henry Martens, a longtime dance musician from Baldur whose band has played for some of the dances is impressed by the contagious enthusiasm. “Dance has three things going for it: the social aspect, music therapy and exercise,” he said.

Bob Williamson playing the fiddle at Glenboro.

The rules are firm. Everyone is polite. The boy must ask, “May I please have this dance?” and the girl must reply, “Yes, you may.”

Williamson, who gives freely of his time and resources, is modest about this accomplishment, calling it a “team effort.” But even he is impressed by the “tidal wave” of interest. Dance has given many students a much more enthusiastic attitude overall, said Newton. Dancing “gives kids an opportunity to experience new challenges and learn new skills, as well as gaining confidence as they work in a different way with their peers,” says Newton. The requests continue to roll in, as does the positive feedback from students, parents and other teachers. Williamson’s enthusiasm is contagious. He was asked recently to give dance lessons in Deloraine and he has added three new schools in his area for this year. As well, he’s planning to have a street dance in an area community sometime in the spring.

Bob Williamson works with two young students at the Belmont hall.

Dancing at Baldur School.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

We need sun and regular watering too Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap


inspected the houseplants the other day and what a sorry, dried-up mess they were. I’m surprised any survived. After all, they were rarely watered, and sat behind blinds keeping out the hot sun much of the summer. Deprived of sunlight and liquids, the rest of us don’t thrive either. Statistics Canada studies have found about two out of three Canadians suffer from low vitamin D. The reasons vary. Many of us aren’t exposed to the sun often enough, and we don’t eat enough vitamin D-rich foods. Those with darkly pigmented skin don’t produce the “sunshine vitamin” in their skin so readily, nor do most adults over age 50. Health Canada recommends adults over 50 take a supplement of 400 IU/day. Vitamin D has long been known for its role keeping bones and teeth healthy. Ongoing

research says the benefits may also include fighting infections, reducing risks for heart disease and even preventing diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and some types of cancers (especially colorectal cancer). Dietitians say most of us can get enough vitamin D if we eat enough vitamin D-rich foods (even if we’re using sunscreen and wearing hats). More frequent watering wouldn’t hurt the lot of us either. The exact amount of fluid needed depends on our age, gender and level of activity, but generally men should consume about 12 cups of liquid a day and women nine. Signs we aren’t drinking enough can range from dry lips and mouth to increased heart rate and low blood pressure. That headache or general crankiness we think is from stress may be from dehydration too. Not every bird flies south, and most of us aren’t going to spend winter in a sunny spot sipping fruity drinks. Don’t end up like my houseplants. Here’s a few tips for staying healthy and well watered during the drier, darker months ahead. PHOTO : DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA



How much D a day?

Take a sip — often

Most people can get enough vitamin D if they eat enough vitamin D-rich foods, even if they protect themselves from the sun by using sunscreen and wearing a hat, but Canada’s Food Guide now recommends specific supplements for women who may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, adults over 50 and those who smoke or are on restricted diets.

Drink a glass of water in the morning or before going to bed, keep water nearby where you work, and drink a glass of water before each meal. Make sure you have a drink with each meal, such as a glass of low-fat milk, soy beverage or water.

Which foods? Only egg yolks and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna, naturally contain substantial amounts of vitamin D. Cow’s milk, infant formula, and margarine have added vitamin D as required by the Canadian government. Other common food sources include yogurt and cheese made with vitamin D-fortified milk. Goat’s milk, plant-based beverages and some orange juices may also have vitamin D added. Check out the Nutrition Facts table on food labels to see if a packaged food has vitamin D. A food has a lot of vitamin D if it has at least 15 per cent Daily Value (DV ) for vitamin D per serving.

How much is too much? The total daily intake from food and supplements combined should not exceed: 1,000 IU for infants zero to six months; 1,500 IU for infants seven to 12 months; 2,500 IU for children one to three years; 3,000 IU for children four to eight years; 4,000 IU for children over nine years of age and adults (including pregnant or lactating women). Source: Dietitians of Canada (www.dietitians.ca)

What’s the best source? Fluids include water and other beverages such as milk, juice, coffee and tea. Water is one of the best fluid choices, but it is a myth that you need eight cups a day to stay healthy. Coffees and teas are not dehydrating. Limit caffeine to about 400 mg per day. That is equal to three cups of black coffee or four cups of black tea per day.

Why is it important? Fluids help control body temperature, aid digestion, circulate nutrients through the body, and cushion organs and joints. Our bodies lose water by sweating, breathing and eliminating waste. If you lose more fluid than you take in, you can get dehydrated.

Watch out for... Signs and symptoms of mild dehydration are: thirst, dry lips and mouth, flushed skin, tiredness, irritability, headache, dizziness, fainting, low blood pressure, increased heart rate and dark strong-smelling urine.

Delicious Salmon Vegetable Chowder Soups are great ways to get more fluids and this easy-to-make one is also chock full of healthy ingredients including vitamin D. Salmon is also rich in heart-healthy, disease-fighting omega-3s. 1 tbsp. butter 1/2 c. chopped onion 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 tsp. dried thyme 1/4 tsp. dried basil 1 can (10 oz./284 ml) condensed chicken broth 1 c. peeled, diced potatoes 1/2 c. corn (niblets) 1/2 c. diced zucchini 1/2 c. diced carrots 2 c. milk 8 oz. uncooked salmon filet, cut in small chunks 1/2 c. grated Canadian cheddar cheese

In heavy saucepan, sauté onions, garlic and herbs in butter five minutes until still transparent. Add broth and all vegetables. Simmer, uncovered, until vegetables are cooked 15 to 20 minutes. Add milk and salmon. Simmer, until salmon is opaque, five to seven minutes. Do not boil. Season to taste. Divide into 4 bowls, sprinkle with cheese and enjoy. Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes. Yields: 4 servings. Recipe source: Dairy Farmers of Canada

RECIPE SWAP If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap, Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013



o, I’ve been thinking.” Andrew Jackson leaned back in his chair and gazed out of the dining room window as he spoke. A blue jay landed in the old elm tree in front of the house and squawked noisily for a few seconds before heading on its way, and a flock of geese winged its way south over the mostly leafless woods at the edge of the pasture. Rose looked up from her book. “That can’t be good,” she said. “Sometimes I can’t help myself,” said Andrew. “I do try to keep it to a minimum.” “I know you do darling,” said Rose, “and I appreciate the effort.” “I was thinking about moving,” said Andrew. Rose sighed. “You really shouldn’t do that,” she said. “You’ll just get yourself all depressed. Just because we’re going to have to move doesn’t mean we have to think about it.” Andrew nodded. “I agree that your approach has its merits,” he said, “but I worry that if we don’t think about it at least a little, then when the time comes we will spend a lot of time standing around and saying things to each other like, ‘I wish we had thought of that sooner.’ And anyway, what I was thinking was that maybe there is a way for us to move without actually having to ‘move,’ if you get my drift.” Rose gave her husband a blank look. “I completely fail to get your drift,” she said, “and if your plan has anything to do with filling thousands of balloons with helium and attaching them to the house so we can fly it to where we’re going, then I will have to forbid you watching any more movies with your granddaughter.” “Helium-filled balloons!” said Andrew. “What a great idea!” “I shouldn’t have said anything,” said Rose. “You’re right,” said Andrew. “It’s not really a practical solution. Not like my solution, which is the most practical solution I’ve ever come up with for anything.” “Go ahead then,” said Rose. “Let’s hear it.” Andrew leaned forward in his chair. “Musical houses,” he said. “We should play musical houses.”



Rose was silent for a moment. “You really should stop this thinking,” she said. “It doesn’t make any sense. How would we play musical houses? And with whom?” “We would play with Randy and Brady obviously,” said Andrew. “Randy and Jackie are going to move in here anyway. So Brady and Amanda can move into Randy and Jackie’s place, and we move into Brady and Amanda’s place. And instead of moving everybody’s stuff, we just trade even up.” There was another pause. “I don’t think I can fit into Amanda’s clothes,” said Rose. “That’s where your plan falls apart.” Andrew looked crestfallen. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he said, but then he brightened. “I know,” he said. “I’ll just buy you new clothes.”

“All of them?” said Rose. “All of them,” said Andrew. “Well then, musical houses it is,” said Rose. “I can’t believe we didn’t think of it sooner.” “She paused. “What about the fireplace and the hot tub? Last time I was at Brady’s house it didn’t have either of those.” “I’ll put them in myself,” said Andrew. “We’ll build a sunroom onto the back of the house with a built-in hot tub and a fireplace. It’ll be like our own little couples resort.” “I like all of it,” said Rose, “except the part about you putting in the hot tub and the fireplace yourself.” “Are you questioning my abilities?” said Andrew. “Questioning’s not the right word,” said Rose. “We should hire professionals for that, that’s all I’m saying.” “I can accept that,” said Andrew. There was a long pause. “Of course,” said Rose eventually, “this will only work if Brady and Amanda want to move out of town.” “Amanda wants to move out of town,” said Andrew. “I know because I asked her. So no worries there, because Brady will be happy to go along.” He paused for a moment. “So here’s what we do,” he continued. “We go to Europe on vacation for a month. As soon as we’re gone, Randy and Jackie move in here and Brady and Amanda move into their place. Then the contractors go in and put the addition onto the house with the fireplace and the hot tub. A month later we come back but instead of coming here we just go to our new place in town. So instead of moving, we have a vacation.” “You’re completely crazy,” said Rose. “Crazy like a fox,” said Andrew. “Crazy like a crazy person,” said Rose. “Sometimes it’s fun to live in a fantasy world for a little while,” said Andrew. Rose picked up her book. “I’m with you on that,” she said, and went back to reading.

Important to have good lighting Each room has unique needs to be considered Connie Oliver Around the House


ood lighting is an important part of a home and each room will have its own needs based on: • The activities performed in the room; • How much natural light the room has; • The desired ambience of the room (romantic, bright, etc.); • Any features or accessories/artwork that need accent lighting (fireplace, art, feature wall). For installed lighting you may want to visit a lighting store for guidance on where, how much and what kind of lighting is needed for each room. Once you have a plan you can choose the styles and finishes, and you may have to hire a professional electrician to ensure that the job is done to code. Kitchens usually require a more complex lighting plan because so many tasks are performed there. Use good, overhead lighting that will light the entire space for chores such as wiping down cupboards or washing the floor. Recessed lights, like the ones in the photo, are unobtrusive yet provide the necessary general lighting that a kitchen requires. Task lighting for detail-oriented chores like washing dishes or chopping

vegetables will keep the shadows away while performing these daily tasks. Pendant lights over an island or sink are both functional and decorative, and under-cabinet task lighting is also unobtrusive yet effective. In the bedroom, a warm light that is flattering and restful is best. The use of a dimmer switch for the main ceiling light is a good idea and proper reading light is a must if you read in bed. In the bathroom, good lighting is required around the vanity mirror for daily tasks — maybe sconces placed near face height. An overhead light on a dimmer switch will allow for general lighting as well as subdued lighting for relaxing in the tub. Dining rooms are one of the easiest rooms to light. Because most of the action happens around the table, a chandelier or pendant light over it will meet the majority of the lighting requirements. A dimmer is a great idea for the dining room as well. You can use lower light for dinner parties or flood the room with light for a casual homework station. A home office requires plenty of task lighting. An overhead light on a dimmer switch is useful to add brightness to the room when working on cloudy days, and lamps on a desk or work table are essential to reduce eye strain. Accent lighting can add a decorative touch to an otherwise utilitarian space.

Kitchens require lots of different lighting because of all the different tasks that are done there. PHOTO: COURTESY OF DULUX

If hard-wiring new light fixtures is not in the budget then lamps and candles can help. There are lots of stylish options in table and floor lamps so consider them a decorative accessory as well as additional lighting. Candles and candleholders are also available in many styles, colours and scents. Candles are great for ambient light-

ing or to add a soft glow in the evening. When not in use, a stylish candleholder will still add a decorative element to the room. If safety is a concern, purchase noflame candles, which provide similar light to the real thing without the worry. Connie Oliver is an interior designer from Winnipeg


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


Visit the Shilo museum With Remembrance Day approaching, this may be a good destination By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor


good spot to visit in the fall, especially as Remembrance Day approaches, is the Central Museum of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (the RCA Museum), located at Shilo. My husband and I visited there recently and were impressed with the display of artifacts, weapons and historical details about Canada’s past. We hadn’t planned it that way, but arrived just before the official opening of a new display in September. A white United Nations tank was being driven into the museum just as we arrived. The RCA Museum, a building more than 2,200 square metres in size, was founded in 1962 to preserve the heritage of Canada’s Gunners, and today it is Canada’s National Artillery Museum. There are five sections to it: the National Artillery Gallery, the Gregg Gallery, and three smaller ones — CF Heritage, the Weapons Vault and the Manitoba Gallery. Those interested in weapons can check out the variety of guns, while those more interested in Canada’s history can read up on those details. The National Artillery Gallery is laid out in historical order, beginning with symbolic fortress gates and a nine-pounder smooth bore cannon. Next is a

nine-pounder gun used against the forces of Louis Riel during the 1885 Northwest Rebellion, at the battles of Fish Creek and Batoche. As you proceed there are various dioramas, a German mortar that had been captured at the Battle of Vimy Ridge and an interactive exhibit where visitors can command a detachment. As you wander around the exhibits you will discover information and weapons from the Boer War and then from the First World War, from the inter-war years, and from the Second World War. Scattered here and there throughout the displays are panels outlining the lives of some famous Canadian Gunners. Reading the information there will help visitors focus on the people involved, not just the weapons. Further displays add details about the Korean War, the Cold War Period, and Canada’s work with the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. Also throughout the displays are lifelike mannequins, which help give a size comparison with the various weapons and emphasize that people, not just weapons, were involved in all these wars. One section of the museum is used for temporary exhibits — usually displayed for two to three months. The new exhibit that opened in September is called “Wars in Yugoslavia,” and deals with the

Canadian peacekeeping tour in the regions of the former Yugoslavia, and present-day Bosnia and Croatia. Canadian troops served there with the United Nations troops over a 21-year period, trying to bring peace to this troubled region. Over 40,000 Canadians served in the area, of which 23 were killed and 115 wounded. The grand opening of the exhibit w a s a c o m m e m o ra t i o n o f the Battle of Medak Pocket in Bosnia, which occurred 20 years ago in September 1993. It runs until November 15, so it will still be there during Remembrance Day ceremonies. Previous temporary exhibits included a Diamond Ju b i l e e e x h i b i t , a n d o n e about the Canadian troops doing peacekeeping work in Afghanistan. The Shilo museum is open year round, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Summer hours, from Victoria Day to Labour Day, include weekends at the same hours.) Regular admission is $5 for adults. The museum also includes a gift shop with a variety of items. If you haven’t visited before, consider a trip now, perhaps as a way to remember the sacrifices of our nation’s armed forces. Check out http://www.rcamus eum.com/ for more information. Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba

A nine-pounder cannon.  GAMACHE PHOTOS

UN tank on display.

Remembrance Day poppy By Albert Parsons Freelance contributor



have a large vegetable garden on my brother-inlaw’s farm near Basswood, Manitoba and greatly appreciate having the space to grow things I could only dream of growing in my small town garden. My brother-in-law and his wife use a portion but that still leaves more than enough space for my wife and I to grow all the things we want to. When my brother-in-law tills the garden in the spring, he leaves patches of self-sown poppies and bachelor button seedlings. Our gardens are planted to accommodate these. During the summer these flowers put on a grand display of colour; the great swaths of red and blue attract butterflies and bees to the garden and every time I go out there I stand and admire the beauty.

The flowers eventually go past and by August many of them are removed, but there are always a few new seedlings appearing here and there throughout the garden and these we leave in place as we go about our weeding. In late summer these individual plants or small clumps of bachelor buttons and poppies burst into bloom; their vivid colour being just as appreciated this late in the growing season as it was in early summer. I snapped this poppy picture in full bloom when I was out to the garden in mid-September. The sight of the brilliant-red petals and black centres of the flowers caused me immediately to think of Remembrance Day. So I share this photo of a most enduring symbol as we remember those who gave their lives for our country, enabling us to enjoy the freedoms we have today. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba

May we never forget

Thoughts on Remembrance Day

By Joanne Rawluk

By Addy Oberlin

Freelance contributor


he poppy, representative of the men and women who have served in our armed services, is worn to give tribute to the heroes of this land — heroes who have laid their lives on the line for our country. We often take for granted those who serve at home and abroad, whether at war or peacekeeping. Wearing of the poppy and the services that will take place on Remembrance Day serves to remind us of those who give their time and lives for our country’s freedom and for all

Canadians. The loneliness, hardships and sacrifices are remembered as we pause for a moment on November 11. We thank God for them and applaud their bravery and valour. We also remember those left behind; the families left without a father, mother, or the children who grow up missing a parent. As we honour them this year may we be grateful and appreciate each one who enlists, each veteran who died and each one who serves in our military today. They truly are heroes. May we never forget. Joanne Rawluk writes from Gypsumville, Manitoba

Freelance contributor


emembrance Day came into being after the First World War and the poppy was significant because they were blooming during the worst battles in Flanders fields. It is still popular till this day. We live in a free country although there have been quite a few wars since then in other areas. Do we realize what our troops have gone through over the years in trying to obtain or maintain peace in other countries? Many soldiers have come home maimed, hurt and some-

times mentally disturbed for the rest of their lives. We have a responsibility to remember those who gave their life and we need to look after those who need help even to this day. My memories are fond of the Canadian soldiers who came to our little country Holland and set us free from the oppressor. We need to keep Remembrance Day as a special day to be thankful to God for the willingness of the soldiers to give up their freedom at home and fight for the freedom of others. Addy Oberlin writes from Swan River, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013


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Pinzgauer Red Poll Salers Santa Gertrudis Shaver Beefblend Shorthorn Simmental South Devon Speckle Park Tarentaise Texas Longhorn Wagyu Welsh Black Cattle Composite Cattle Various Cattle Wanted LiVeSTOCK hORSeS Horse Auctions American Saddlebred Appaloosa Arabian Belgian Canadian Clydesdale Draft Donkeys Haflinger Miniature Morgan Mules Norwegian Ford Paint Palomino Percheron Peruvian Pinto Ponies Quarter Horse Shetland Sport Horses Standardbred Tennessee Walker Thoroughbred Warmblood Welsh Horses For Sale Horses Wanted LiVeSTOCK Sheep Sheep Auction Arcott Columbia Dorper Dorset Katahdin Lincoln Suffolk Texel Sheep Sheep For Sale

Sheep Wanted LiVeSTOCK Swine Swine Auction Swine For Sale Swine Wanted LiVeSTOCK poultry Poultry For Sale Poultry Wanted LiVeSTOCK Specialty Alpacas Bison (Buffalo) Deer Elk Goats Llama Rabbits Emu Ostrich Rhea Yaks Specialty Livestock Various Livestock Equipment Livestock Services & Vet Supplies Miscellaneous Articles Miscellaneous Articles Wanted Musical Notices On-Line Services ORGAniC Organic Certified Organic Food Organic Grains Personal Pest Control Pets & Supplies Photography Propane Pumps Radio, TV & Satellite ReAL eSTATe Vacation Property Commercial Buildings Condos Cottages & Lots Houses & Lots Mobile Homes Motels & Hotels Resorts FARMS & RAnCheS British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Pastures Farms Wanted

Acreages/Hobby Farms Land For Sale Land For Rent

Oilseeds Pulse Crops Common Seed Various

ReCReATiOnAL VehiCLeS All Terrain Vehicles Boats & Water Campers & Trailers Golf Carts Motor Homes Motorcycles Snowmobiles Recycling Refrigeration Restaurant Supplies Sausage Equipment Sawmills Scales

FeeD/GRAin Feed Grain Hay & Straw Hay & Feed Wanted Feed Wanted Grain Wanted Seed Wanted Sewing Machines Sharpening Services Silos Sporting Goods Outfitters Stamps & Coins Swap Tanks Tarpaulins Tenders Tickets Tires Tools

SeeD/FeeD/GRAin pedigreed Cereal Seeds Barley Durum Oats Rye Triticale Wheat Cereals Various peDiGReeD FORAGe SeeDS Alfalfa Annual Forage Clover Forages Various Grass Seeds peDiGReeD OiLSeeDS Canola Flax Oilseeds Various peDiGReeD puLSe CROpS Beans Chickpeas Lentil Peas Pulses Various peDiGReeD SpeCiALTy CROpS Canary Seeds Mustard Potatoes Sunflower Specialty Crops Various COMMOn SeeD Cereal Seeds Forage Seeds Grass Seeds

TRAiLeRS Grain Trailers Livestock Trailers Trailers Miscellaneous Travel Water Pumps Water Treatment Welding Well Drilling Well & Cistern Winches COMMuniTy CALenDAR British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba CAReeRS Career Training Child Care Construction Domestic Services Farm/Ranch Forestry/Log Health Care Help Wanted Management Mining Oil Field Professional Resume Services Sales/Marketing Trades/Tech Truck Drivers Employment Wanted

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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.

The Pas

Birch River

Swan River

AUTO & TRANSPORT AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts GREAT PRICES ON NEW, used & remanufactured engines, parts & accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check us out at www.thickettenginerebuilding.ca Thickett Engine Rebuilding. Ph (204)532-2187, Russell MB.

Minitonas Durban







Gilbert Plains



Riverton Eriksdale





Rapid City






Pilot Mound Crystal City

Elm Creek


Ste. Anne



Lac du Bonnet

AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various



Austin Treherne

Westman Boissevain

Stonewall Selkirk





Erickson Minnedosa



Lundar Gimli

Shoal Lake



2000 FORD F250 XLT super cab, short box, 7.3 DSL, automatic, 2WD, 300,000-km, new tires w/5th wheel hitch & tailgate, very nice condition, $6,500 OBO. (204)745-7445

Fisher Branch

Ste. Rose du Lac Russell

St. Pierre


Morris Winkler Morden




Red River

OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS www.thoens.com Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, SK.

BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Electrical & Plumbing

BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Electrical & Plumbing


• Plate Heat Exchanger • Radiators • Boiler Pumps • Glycol • Push-Fit Fittings • 1/2" Oxygen Barrier Tubing & More

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers 2013 JD D450 635D Header HIDs 650 tires, Dual Knife, Full Poly, Very Low Hours. $160,000. Call: (701)521-0581. 9260 HESSTON SWATHER W/2210 HEADER, like new, 36-ft. Big Cab power unit, 2005. W/Swath roller. Very nice shape, best swather for Canola. $70,000. (204)871-0925.

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various

Rebuilt Concaves

Call Willy: 204-346-4335 email: biomassheat1@gmail.com BUILDINGS


Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding

Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd.



ANTIQUES Antiques For Sale


Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com


FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories

1/16 JD TOY COLLECTION including precision, Lindman Crawlers, Case Steamer. Also the 10 Key Series. Send for complete list Box 1023, Morris, MB R0G 1K0, (204)746-8282.

75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from.

3 CEDAR DEMOCRAT completely restored, Oak, Leather seats, mint. Wooden wheel wagon, rubber tire wagon, bobsleigh w/box to fit all. (204)564-2513 Dropmore, MB.

Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2

Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2 Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW

ANTIQUES Antique Equipment


WINTER PROJECTS FOR SALE: IH W4; IH WD6; IH Farmall M; IH Farmall H; JD AR styled; JD 70 DSL, PS; JD R; JD 1929 D 2-SPD; Oliver 77 row crop, arrow front; Oliver 880 DSL; MH 44 DSL row crop; MH 55 DSL; Fordson Major DSL. (204)745-7445

ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303

BUILDINGS AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com

AUCTION SALES Auctions Various BE AN AUCTIONEER. (507)995-7803 www.auctioneerschool.com

1500 NH COMBINE, W/GAS motor, motor in good running condition, would consider selling motor only. Phone:(204)434-6386.

B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2

MULVEY “FLEA” MARKET. Osborne & Mulvey Ave E. Wpg. Sat-Sun-Hol. 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 40+ vendors. A/C. Debit, Visa, M/C. Table/Booth rental info:(204)478-1217. mulveymarket.ca


Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248

CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.




FARM MACHINERY Fertilizer Equipment


FLEX PLATFORMS- FALL SPECIAL- In Stock. JD 216, 920- 925- 930; JD 630- (04-06), 635 (09); CIH 1020 25-ft.-30-ft. CIH 2020 30-ft.-35-ft. Ready to Go to Work. Air Reel Flex Platform- 2001 925 w/Crary Air Reel, F.F., $18,900; 1998 930 w/Crary Air Reel, $14,900; 2003 930 w/Crary Air Reel, $19,900. 3 NH 973 30-ft., one w/Crary Air Reel. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779


Available at:

Strathclair Consumers Coop Strathclair, MB

(204) 365-2491

Dealership Liquidation




Location: 121 North Main Street, Makoti, ND

BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Rensch’s Garage is closing its doors after 95 years in business. They would like to thank their customers for their support and patronage. This will be a wonderful opportunity to purchase good quality farm machinery, shop equipment and new parts. Live online bidding on major equipment. Major equipment sells at 12:30PM. Registration, terms & details at SteffesAuctioneers.com.

S A L E O R DER 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM

Parts & Shop Support Items Major Shop Equipment Major Equipment Finish with Parts Inventory

Available at:

Paterson Global Foods Inc. Winnipeg, MB

For Complete Terms, Lot Listing and Photos Visit SteffesAuctioneers.com!

(204) 926-9563 www.dseriescanola.ca CONTRACTING CONTRACTING Custom Work


RENSCH GARAGE INC. Wayne or Darwin, 701.726.5698 Or Brad Olstad at Steffes Auctioneers, 701.237.9173

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. ND Sales Tax laws apply

Steffes Auctioneers Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND Brad Olstad ND319, Scott Steffes ND81, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894 | SteffesAuctioneers.com | IQBID.com

FOR RENT: 24-FT. PULLDOZER daily & weekly rates avail. Call (204)745-8909 or (204)242-4588.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 CASE 450C CRAWLER Dozer, 6-way blade, ROP canopy, hydrostatic trans, 16-in pads, 65% undercarriage, Cummins engine rebuilt, 0-hrs, $18,500. Phone:(204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com

1990 JD 843 CORN Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Field Ready, Fits All Deere’s, $11,500; 1997 JD 893 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Knife Rolls, Field Ready, $18,900; 1991 JD 843 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, New Chains, Sprockets, Paint, $14,900; 2002 JD 893 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, New Sprockets, Chains, Etc. Mint, $28,900; CIH 1083 Corn Head, 8 Row, 30-in., Totally Reconditioned, $14,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com PLAN FOR 2014, ORDER your new Brock bin with winter discounts. Pour concrete now w/bin set up as early as May. Call Valley Agro (204)746-6783.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Carts GRAIN CARTS: BRENT 976, $29,000; Brent 974, $28,000; Brent 874, $23,000; Brent 1084, $29,000; Brent 774, $16,500; Brent 770, $15,000; Brent 674, $15,500; UFT Hydraulic drive #750, $14,000; UFT 725, $17,000; Ficklin 700 Bu, $13,000; Gravity Wagons, 250-750 Bu. Phone (204)857-8403.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS: 1/3 phase, Propane/ Natural Gas, Canola screens, various sizes. In stock & ready for delivery. Also some used dryers available. www.vzgrain.com (204)998-9915 NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Elevators 80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.


HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories


1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”

www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts

Tractors Combines Swathers NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts

2007 TOREQ 18000 SCRAPER 18-yd $30,000; 2008 Bobcat T250, 1,200hrs, CAH, HiFlow, Excellent Tracks, $29,000. Call:(701)521-0581. FOR SALE: TD09 4-CYL angle dozer, needs undercarriage, not running at present. Phone: (204)745-7548. SINGLE OWNER RM INVITES tenders to purchase 1966 D6C dozer also 1983 613B scraper. Maintenance records available. Send tenders to RM of Edward attn Lisa Pierce to Box 100 Pierson MB, R0M 1S0 or by email admin@rmofedward.ca


Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers? Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031

STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Salvage GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. MURPHY SALVAGE New & used parts for tractors, combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

FARM MACHINERY Snowblowers, Plows

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted

6-FT. FARM KING SNOWBLOWER w/hyd chute, very good condition, $900 OBO. (204)745-7445

FLAIL CHOPPER OR DIRECT cut forage harvester, right hand bar, rake or twin bar rakes; NH 273-278 or similar small square baler; JD 410 round baler working or parts. (204)265-3476 call or text.

Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage 2008 BOURGAULT 7200 HEAVY Harrow 84-ft $38,000. Call:(701)521-0581. AC 3400 DOUBLE DISC (22-in) 34-ft; Powermatic tine harrows 130-ft; 8-in PTO grain auger 56-ft; 10in x 70-ft PTO auger w/hopper; Richard Wilcox 14x20 overhead door 1 glass panel w/hardware; Portable Lincoln welder w/Chrysler 6-cyl engine. Phone toll free 1-866-736-2609 for info.


WANTED: 40 OR 45-FT grain trailer. Phone: (204)638-8415.


WANTED: 80-HP (+) TRACTOR w/ or w/o loader. Phone (204)242-2362. WANTED JD 530 MODEL, row crop. Phone Gordon (204)268-2392.

The Icynene Insulation System®

FOR SALE: JD 610 41-ft. deep tiller w/Summers mulchers & ammonia kit, $12,000 OBO. Phone (204)745-7445.

• Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®

2008 JD 9530T, 3,100-HRS, 36-in tracks, Powershift, PTO, 4Hyd, SCVs, HIDs, AT ready. $240,000. Call:(701)521-0581. FOR SALE: JD 1840 c/w high-low JD 146 loader, 3-PTH, 540/1000 PTO, 6-ft. bucket & bale forks, 8,300-hrs, good running condition, $12,000 OBO. (204)278-3308. FOR SALE: JD 2130 3-pt., re-built engine w/146 loader, painted; JD 2750 MFWD, 3-pt., 245 FEL, painted; JD 2950 MFWD, 3-pt., painted, w/265 FEL; JD 3155 MFWD, 3-pt., w/265 FEL; JD 4020 Synchro; JD 4250 MFWD, powershift w/o FEL; JD 4455 MFWD, 3-pt., quad shift; JD 4440 Quad, fact duals; JD 4450 2WD, 3-pt., 15-SPD; JD 4450 MFWD, Quad shift; JD 4450 MFWD, 15-SPD, power shift, w/wo FEL; JD 4640 2WD, 3-pt., 3 hyd, Quad shift, 8 front weights w/bracket. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. Mitch’s Tractor Sales Ltd. St. Claude, MB. Call: (204)750-2459. mitchstractorsales.com JD 8400 POWER SHIFT, 1000 PTO, 3-PTH, 4 Hyd, 7,900-hrs, Performax Service Done, $64,900; JD 840 Loader avail, $12,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com JD 9120 POWER SHIFT, 1000 PTO, 3-PTH, 4 Hyd, GPS, Auto Steer, 6,900-hrs, Performax Service Inspection, $115,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com


SELLING FAST - BOOK NOW Don’t be disappointed!


DELUXE WOOD & WATER OUTDOOR FURNACES CSA APPROVED Now available North American wide at prices never seen before



This is not a misprint!! FC30HD Unit plus accessories

Mastercard, Visa &Interac available

You receive base pump, rad hose, insulation, fittings, rust inhibitor PLUS our FC30HD (can heat 1 building) WOOD WATER FURNACE Some claim this is “North America’s Hottest Deal!”

Friesen Built Inc. 1-204-388-6150 • Toll Free 1-855-897-7278

2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 4 Wheel Drive

FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.


30-FT WHITE TANDEM DISC, new front blades, also a New Holland 116 Haybine. Phone Jack: (204)526-2857. Holland, MB. 8 BALE LOW-BED, 9-FT x 26-ft, 6-in x 8-in steel beams, $1,000; 41-ft, 7-in Westfield grain auger w/Kohler 16-hwp motor w/starter, $850; 6-ft swath roller, $175. Phone:(204)748-1024. JD 3970 HARVESTER, $8900; NH890, $2500; I-H 781, $2000; JD Hay head, $3000; 3R Corn head, $3000; NH 822 head 2R, $2000; NH 3R adjustable, $3000; I-H 2R corn head, $800; Harsh 350 feed cart, $5000; Mohrlang 420 feed cart on truck, $5000; KR feeder cart, $2000; Snowco feeder 150Bu cart, $750; Haybuster 256+2 bale shredder, $6000; Weigh wagon, $2500. Phone (204)857-8403. PLOWS MELROE AUTORESET 8-18, $3000; 8-16, $3000; 7-18, $3000; 8-16 w/coulters, $4500; White 5F rollover, $3500; I-H 5-16 Semimount, $750; 3-PH JD-4-16, $1000; JD 3F 3-16, $850; JD drainage V-Plow, $1500; VFT rotary pitcher, $1250; Degelman 14-ft rock rake, $7500; Haybuster L-106 picker, $2500; Case 450 skidsteer, 1260-hrs, $18,000; Tractor cab, $600; Phone (204)857-8403. TD9 PARTS FOR SALE including dozer tracks & other misc parts. Phone (204)378-2763.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted

LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions



For pictures and videos click on


or contact Myles Masson 204-447-2266



Friday, November 15th


Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:00 pm Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM


Please call in your consignment this Fall to enable us to promote your stock in advance to prospective buyers.

every TUESDAY at 9 am Nov 12th,19th & 26th Monday, November 11th No Sale - REMEMBRANCE DAY! Saturday, November 23rd Bred Cow Sale 10:00 am

Sales Agent for


We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)

For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747

Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519

For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call

EZ-ON MEDIUM DUTY DISC, 20-26-ft, others considered; Late model 5020 JD tractor; NH 1475 haybine; L3 Gleaner combine. Phone:(306)876-4707.

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122


FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

MB. Livestock Dealer #1111

LIVESTOCK Horses – Donkeys

LIVESTOCK Swine For Sale

PB BULLS & HEIFER calves born Feb & Mar. Also 1 1/2-yr old bulls. Phone Jack: (204)526-2857. Holland, MB.

FOR SALE: BERKSHIRE HOGS, bores & gilts plus market hogs. Also some Tamworth pigs. Delivery at cost. Contact Troy & Lee Collingridge (204)828-3317, (204)750-2759, (204)750-3082.

35 HEREFORD COWS & 12 bred hereford heifers. All bred to start calving Feb 1st. Will keep cows until Jan 1st 2014. Contact Glen (204)436-3377, Elm Creek. FOR SALE: REGISTERED POLLED Hereford Heifers, bred to calving ease Hereford bull, to start calving in April. Also Registered Black Angus heifers bred to Black Angus bull. Call Don (204)873-2430

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin MARK YOUR CALENDARS MB Limousin Association. Limousin advantage sale Nov 23rd, 2013 at 1:30pm. Hosted at Triple R Limousin, MacGregor, MB. The best of the best will be on offer. Steers & heifer calves, Bred heifers & proven cows w/some commercial cows. Come & check out. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Art (204)685-2628, Trav (204)838-2019, Bob (204)274-2490, Cheryl (204)736-2878, Bill (204)776-2322, Len (204)937-4980, Lawrence (204)838-2198, Kevin (204)734-4797, Brad (204)638-8554.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental SIMM/ ANGUS OPEN HEIFERS & Simm open heifers. Contact (204)767-2327.

80 RED ANGUS CROSS, Charlois cross, due to calve March/Apr. Bred to PB Red Angus. These cows are 2nd calvers & are age verified. Call Ed:(204)385-2672.


PUREBRED CLUN FOREST RAMS for sale. Born March. Ready to breed this fall. All breeding lines from Imported British Genetics. For more information about our Cluns go to www.oakwoodgrange.ca $250-$300. Phone:(204)722-2036. (Virden area)

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais


LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale

2 MATURE FEMALE STANDARD Jennys, 2 standard 2013 Jennettes, 1 2013 standard Jack. Good guardians, experienced w/cattle, sheep & goats. Phone:(204)425-3131.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various

Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519

Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110

HERD DISPERSAL 18 BLACK Angus heifers, 7 young Black Angus cows for sale. Bred to easy calving Black Angus bulls. Will be preg checked & vaccinated. Call Jeff (204)612-1734.

Hit our readers where it counts… in the classifieds. Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifed section. 1-800-782-0794.


FOR SALE: REGISTERED BLACK Angus heifers, bred to calving ease Black Angus bull, to start calving in April. Also Registered polled Hereford heifers bred to Hereford bull. Call Don (204)873-2430

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford

Introductory Doorcrasher Special

STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.

Case 1070,107-HP, std trans, 6,180-hrs, $7,500; 1978 White 2-105, 6,780-hrs, 100-HP, Hydro-shift, $7,500; 1982 IHC 5088, 8979-hrs, triple hyd, 1000 PTO, 18.4x38 duals, 1100 front, W/Leon 707 FEL, $17,500. Phone (204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com

Stretch your

Factory Direct Outlet


FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various

Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 Don: 528-3477, 729-7240

www.maplelakestockfarms.com Call Gerry Bertholet 204-858-2086 or 204-741-0340 Andrea 204-483-0319 Ward Cutler 204-851-2614


FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive

1976 8630 JD, PTO, 7950-hrs, good condition, $13,500 OBO. Call Brian (204)981-6480.


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus www.penta.ca


• 45 Bred Heifers • 20 Bred Cows 3-5 yr old Cows Bred to Maple Lake Bulls Viewing anytime at the farm, See Pasture Tour on website:

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere

LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted

November 28, 2013

at Grande Clairiere, MB Sale at Grande Clairiere Hall at 2 pm


FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus

80 RED COWS FOR SALE. Approx 40 will be having their 2nd calf Spring 2014, approx 40 of varying ages. All bred to Black Angus bulls starting July 1st, 2013. Priced in small groups or as a whole unit. (204)876-4798 Snowflake, MB. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL, 130 Angus & Angus crossed cows, mainly black with a few reds, bred to Black Angus & Black Simmental bulls, $1,200/each. Call:(204)841-3633 or (204)386-2857. FOR SALE: 30 ANGUS cross cows, bred to Black Angus bulls, starting to calve Jan 15th. $1500 each. Phone (204)822-3789, (204)362-6403. FOR SALE: 30 YOUNG cows bred Red Angus, to calve Mar5-Apr30, full vaccination program, $1,600 OBO. Also 6 Red bred heifers. Howard McDonald: (204)834-2931 or (204)724-5673. FOR SALE: 40 ANGUS cows mainly Black Angus bred to Black Angus for May & June calving, asking $1,600 per cow OBO. (204)247-0388, Roblin, MB. FOR SALE: AN AWESOME group of fully vacc Red, Red White face, Blacks & Tans Char bred heifers. Bred to proven easy calving Red Angus bulls, hit the ground running & yet wean heavy. My 2012 calves off 1st calf heifers weaned at 635-lb steers & 588-lb heifers, bred for 60 day calving starting Mar 6th, 2014, your pick $1,700. Also have a select package of all black heifers bred to Black Angus 45 day breeding program to start Apr 1st, 2014, your pick $1,750. All heifers have been preg checked using ultrasound. I guarantee if you come to have a look you won’t be disappointed. Call Jason (204)724-6093 or (204)466-2939. HERD DISPERSAL OF 40 young Charolais & Charolais cross cows. Bred Charolais for Mar 04 calving. (204)638-8502 or (204)648-5186, Dauphin. HERD DISPERSAL SALE: Angus crosses Red & Black 50 cows, 10 bred heifers, 10 open heifers & 3 bulls, quiet. Call evenings (204)638-8561.

LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted


P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123 LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden. KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.

ORGANIC ORGANIC Organic – Grains

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2013 crop year. If interested, please send an 8lb sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1 *Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale

For more information, please contact Sandy at:

306-975-9251 306-975-1166 purchasing@bioriginal.com

PETS PETS & SUPPLIES 12 WK OLD MAREMMA puppy, will be large guardian dog, being raised w/sheep. $350. Phone (204)367-8945. BORDER COLLIE PUPS for sale. Both parents on site, 3 females blk/w & 4 males, 2 are blk/w, 2 are red/w, $125 ea, ready to go October 10th. No Sunday calls please (204)656-4430. FOR SALE: AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD x Border Collie pups. Black & white in color, ready Nov 10th. $50/pup. Phone:(204)838-2397.

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots 1,400-SQFT HOME, FULL BASEMENT, attached & detached garage, 4 other bldgs, 2-ac lot, garden plots, shows like new. Phone:(204)768-3044 or (204)302-9106. FARM HOUSE FREE APPROX 1,150-sq.ft. to be moved or salvaged, excellent for cottage, Oak Bluff. Phone (204)895-8326 or (204)895-0084.


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

READY TO MOVE HOMES - Beautiful homes still available for fall delivery. 3 bedrooms, walk-in closet & ensuite, main floor laundry. 1,320-sqft $75,000, 1,520-sqft - $90,000. Call Marvin Homes Inc:(204)326-1493, (204)355-8484. Steinbach, MB. www.marvinhomes.ca

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba FABULOUS WORKING CATTLE RANCH. Mostly newer facilities w/320 deeded acs & 320 leased acs w/1,124SF, 2 bdrm built 2010, attached insulated double garage, 44’x32’ heated & insulated work shop, older barn, elec fencing & more. Balmoral, $645,000. Call Claudette @ L.J. Baron Realty, www.ljbaron.com, 888-629-6700 For Sale: RM of MCCREARY 719-acs farm (cattle, elk, bison) 1,064-sq.ft. bungalow & yard site, outbldgs. 3) PLUMAS 1,156-sq.ft. 2+ BDRM MODERN HOME 4.17-ACS, ca c vac, WORKSHOPS & MORE! 4) ARDEN 5-acs 2+ bdrm renov. Home dbl garage. Also 2-ac lot only $8,000; 5) 1 section of pastureland NE of GLADSTONE, fenced & dugouts, $269,000; 6) Acerage w/3-bdrm home w/trucker’s shed 72x36, in OBERON, $229,000. Phone Liz:(204)476-6362 or John:(204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies. KOMARNO 1,200-AC BEEF RANCH, solid 3-bdrm home; Inwood 1,020-ac, ranch only $500,000; Fisher Branch 574-ac grain, 1,800-sqft bungalow; Eriksdale 640-ac, right on Hwy 68, $150,000; Dallas 1,000-ac, presently hayland, good for grain; 2,061-ac N of Fisher Branch, 600-ac cultivated, very reasonable; 1,260-ac Red Rose, 500 in hay, only $360,000, offers. See these and others on manitobafarms.ca. Manitobafarms.ca sells Manitoba farms, so list yours now. Call Harold: (204)253-7373. Delta Real Estate. GRANT TWEED Your Farm Real Estate Specialist. Developing a successful farm takes years of hard work. When it’s time to sell there are many factors to consider. I can provide the experience & expertise to help you through the process. To arrange a confidential, obligation free meeting, please call (204)761-6884 anytime. Website; www.granttweed.com

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.homelifepro.com or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc. GRAIN & CATTLE FARMS wanted for both overseas & Canadian buyers. Call me to discuss all options & current farmland market prices. Rick Taylor: (204)867-7551. rtaylor@homelife.com Homelife Realty, Brandon, MB.

REAL ESTATE Land For Sale FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Pembina will be received by:


351 Main St., PO Box 279 Manitou, MB. R0G 1G0 PROPERTY

NE ¼ 3-2-8 WPM Excepting M. and M. (being approx. 160 cultivated acres) TENDERS CLOSE: November 15, 2013.

For further information contact S. Tristan Smith at Phone:(204) 242-2801 Fax: (204) 242-2723 Email: selbylaw@mts.net FARMLAND FOR SALE BY Tender: The SE1/4 10-10-4 WPM located in the RM of Portage la Prairie, consisting of approximately 156-acs of cultivated farmland, is hereby offered for sale by tender. Interested parties must forward formal tenders, together w/certified cheque for 5% of the tender price payable to “D’Arcy & Deacon LLP in Trust” on or before Nov. 21st, 2013. The Purchaser shall rely entirely on their own inspection of the property & shall be responsible for payment of the GST or shall self-assess for GST purposes. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Closing of the sale & transfer of possession of the property shall be Dec. 15th, 2013 or earlier by mutual agreement. For further info please contact John C. Stewart at (204)925-5368. Tenders should be submitted to: D’Arcy & Deacon LLP 2200-One Lombard Place Wpg, MB R3B 0X7 Attn: John C. Stewart Tenders Close: Nov. 21st, 2013



FOR SALE 320-ACS IN the RM of Clanwilliam only 1-mi east of Otter Lake, & 3-mi from Riding Mountain National Park. One of the quarters is bush & native pasture & would be great for recreation or hunting. The other quarter has 120-acs of cultivatable land & is presently sown to hay. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.

FALL CLEARANCE SALE, Save Now! Good seNOTRE USED lection 5th wheelsDAME & travel trailers. Call OIL John Williams @ & GNR Camping World:(204)233-4478 or FILTER DEPOT Toll Free:(800)448-4667. Email: johnw@gnrcw.com

GUY & SUSAN JOHNSON of Eddystone, MB intend to sell private lands: SW 11-25-12W; NW 11-25-12W; NE 10-25-12W FR; SE 10-25-12W FR; NE 02-25-12W; NW 02-25-12W; SE 02-25-12 W; SW 02-25-12W; NE 03-25-12W; SE 03-25-12W; NW 05-24-12W; SE 05-24-12W; NW 17-24-12W; SE 33-23-12W to John & Deana Martin & Katherine Lansdell who intend to acquire the following agricultural Crown land leases: N1/2 28-23-12W; NE 29-23-12W; E1/2 32-23-12W; N1/2 33-23-12W; SW 33-23-12W; W1/2 3-24-12W; Sec 4-24-12W; NE 5-24-12W; NE 08-24-12W; SE 08-24-12W; Sec 09-24-12W; NW 08-12-24W E1/2; SW 10-24-12W, SW 16-24-12W; NE 17-24-12W; SW 08-24-12W E1/2; SE 17-24-12W; SW 17-24-12W E1/2 by Unit Transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this purchaser please write to: Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.

Campers & Trailers

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• Buy Batteries

Advertise unwanted in the Classifieds. • Collectyour Used Filters equipment • Collect Oil Containers Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our Southern and Western Manitoba friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! Tel:for 204-248-2110 1-800-782-0794. Manitoba Co-operator classifieds, 1-800-782-0794.

N1/2 NW 35-20-24 W1 NE of Rossburn, MB: Land is rolling has approx 38 arable acs & the balance is bush & water, $45,000. Karen Goraluk Salesperson (204)773-6797. NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate www.north-star.ca SW-5-25-14W RM OF ALONSA, 70-acres tame hay. Good hunting (wildlife opportunity) Surrounded by crown land, fenced in. Tender by Nov 22, 2013. Mail to 48 Stradbrook Place, Dauphin MB, R7N 0M9.


We BUY used oil & filters Collection of plastic oil jugs Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )


FOR SALE: 604-ACS OF vacant land, of which 500-acs is good grain land, only 12-min from Brandon in the RM of Daly. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.

WANTED: LOOKING FOR CROPLAND in Argyle, Stonewall, Warren, Balmoral, Grosse Isle, St Francis, Elie & surrounding area. Please call Deric (204)513-0332, leave msg.

The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

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FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

Why would you buy a used John Deere? For the same reasons you’d buy new.

REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 640-ACS PICTURESQUE FARM LAND adjacent to Turtle Mountain near Boissevain in the RM of Morden. All land is well drained, could all be broken, or left for good wildlife viewing, or wildlife hunting. Can be purchased as a package or in separate units. SW 3-2-20 80-acs, 50-acs broke, rest wooded pasture, w/10-yr old home, 2,400+ sq.ft., 30-ft.x80-ft. biotech; SW 3-2-20 80-acs w/50-acs broke, the rest wooded pasture, w/restored older home, 3,900+ sq.ft.; NW 3-2-20 160-acs w/69-acs broke, the rest partially wooded pasture; NE 4-2-20 160-acs w/94-acs broke, rest partially wooded pastures; SE 4-2-20 160-acs w/125-acs broke, rest wooded pasture. (204)534-6979 75.76-ACS. VERY BEAUTIFUL LARGE treed yard, many species. Several large buildings, rest in Alfalfa, Hydro & Water. Must see 10-mi NE of Selkirk. Reduced to $144,000. Call Harry (204)482-7251. FARM LAND FOR SALE: 4 quarters hay land & 4 quarters pasture, $500,000. Phone (204)646-4226 FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Morris will be received by: HARRY WIENS LAW OFFICE 2-500 Main Street, P.O. Box 99 Winkler, MB R6W 4A4. For the following legally described property: NW 1/4 33-5-2WPM, excepting Water Control Works Plan 1242 MLTO. Being approximately 159.70-ac. CONDITIONS OF TENDER: 1.Interested parties must rely on their own inspection & knowledge of the property. 2.Tenders must be received on or before 5:00p.m. on Nov., 28, 2013. 3.Tenders must be accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the amount offered, payable to HARRY WIENS LAW OFFICE. Deposit cheques accompanying unaccepted bids will be returned. 4.Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Vendors are not obligated to sell any of the land, or to accept any Tender. 5.The purchaser(s) shall be responsible for payment of GST or shall self-assess for GST. For CONDITIONS OF SALE & further information contact: HARRY J. WIENS or JOAN FRANZ at: Ph. 204-325-4615 or by Fax. 204-325-6712. Email:harry@hjwienslaw.ca or joan@hjwienslaw.ca FARMLAND FOR SALE IN RM of Thompson, SE 1/4 of 5-5-5WPM, 159.4-acs. Contact Melvin Toews at Golden Plains Realty Ltd. Ph: (204)745-3677. FARM LAND FOR SALE. SW 33-5-2W, 160-acs, SE 33-5-2W, 160-acs in the RM of Morris. Deadline for bids December 13, 2013. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Mail bids to Bill Rempel, Box 81 Rosenort MB, R0G 1W0. Ph:(204)746-2092, Fx:(204)746-2112.

LAND FOR SALE Selling 100% shares of Corporation Shares consist of:

SE 8-4-4E - 160 acres SW 4-4-4E - 160 acres (both parcels are in the RM of DeSalaberry)

Deadline for bids November 30, 2013 Mail bids to: Daniel & Terry Sabourin Box 25 St. Jean Baptiste, MB R0G 2B0 204-746-4028 - cell

There are many reasons to buy a pre-owned John Deere tractor or combine, and they all come down to one thing. Value. Technology. Consider–a 3-year old John Deere 8R. When it came off the line it was AutoTrac™ Ready and JDLink™ enabled*. With one phone call to your dealer, you can begin using precision technology to help reduce inputs, improve yields, and get more done in less time. Uptime. You can’t make money standing still. Pre-owned John Deere equipment, like a 9770 Combine, comes fully supported by your John Deere dealer. The pay-off: reliable, consistent performance, backed by an unrivaled dealer network. Resale value. John Deere tractors and combines are among the best in the industry at holding their value. So when the time comes and you’re ready to trade up to another used or new John Deere tractor or combine, your investment delivers yet again. Now is a great time to buy. Visit MachineƟnder.com to search our impressive selection of used John Deere equipment, then schedule some time with your John Deere dealer and ask about special pre-owned deals and incentives. Special Ɵnancing also available through John Deere Financial. New or new-to-you, Nothing Runs Like a Deere.™ *Activation/subscription required. Some additional accessories and/or components may be required. See dealer for details.

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10/29/13 7:37 AM

De Dell Seeds…


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

save! Renew early and

We won’t pull the wool over your eyes! PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Various


Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2014 growing season.

De Dell Seeds…


Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available

Great profit potential based on yield, prices and low input costs.

� We won’t pull the wool � Available at: over your eyes! Redfern Farm Attractive oil premiums and free seed delivery and on-farm pick-up.

Flexible contracting options available as well.

For more information, please contact Carl Lynn P.Ag. of Bioriginal at:

Call For Pricing Phone (204)747-2904

Stretch your advertising dollars! Place an ad in the classifieds. Our friendly staff is waiting for your call. 1-800-782-0794


Brandon, MB


Hit our readers where it counts… in the classifieds. Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifed section. 1-800-782-0794.


Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!



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685-2627 683-2316 566-2422 827-2102 773-3854 886-2822 746-4652 267-2363 773-6734 736-2849 274-2179 746-4779 227-5679 467-5613

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736-2951 355-4495 744-2883 873-2248 776-2333 734-2526 548-2117 376-5116 546-2590 467-8630 763-8998 727-3337 246-2388 526-2145


Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. Manitoba’s best-read farm publication.

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We provide Cardale seed for your growing projects

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De Dell Seeds

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Manitoba Farmers, This is Will Van Roessel’s Cardale vs Carberry results last year - Seed Growers experienced similar or even better results this year. I believe Cardale may work just as well on your farm. Best of luck as you plan for 2014.


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My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________

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8 7

Puzzle by websudoku.com Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

5 LOCATIONS to serve you!

Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition We feed barley, feed wheat, Webuy buy feed barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY BARLEY MALT oats, corn oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & canola canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE IN COME SEEUS US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN WeTHE buyfeed feedbarley, barley, feed feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We buy wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309

BOOTH 1309

COMESEE SEEUS USAT ATAG AG DAYS DAYS IN IN COME THECONVENTION CONVENTION HALL HALL THE BOOTH1309 1309 BOOTH 2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509 204-737-2000 Phone Phone 204-737-2000

*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola

Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded

SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Grain Wanted *6-Row* *6-Row*




2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509


“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696

Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. FARMERS, RANCHERS, Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509

Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261


Toll Free: 888-974-7246 SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw DAIRY & BEEF HAY for sale, 3x4 square bales, delivery available. Phone (204)827-2629 before 9:00am or leave message.


STRAW FOR SALE: 5 x 6 hard core round bales of barley & oat straw. $12/bale loaded. Also have corn straw available, $15/bale loaded. Call (204)738-2251

TANKS FOR SALE: USED OIL furnace w/200-gal. oil tank. Reason for selling, replaced with electric furnace. Phone (204)822-4382.



FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used aircraft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850


TRAILERS Grain Trailers

HEATED & GREEN CANOLA • Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed “ON FARM PICK UP”


Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers

37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen

FOR SALE: 2 SETS of ‘09 Super B Lode King Prestige grain trailers, c/w air lift axles, 22.5 tires, asking $50,000. 2004 Super B Lode King Prestige trailer, asking $37,500. (204)857-1700, Gladstone, MB.

we are e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g our team! Sharpe’s markets 4 core product lines: liquid fertilizer, dry fertilizer, crop protection products & seed. 6 locations: Angusville. Langenburg. Moosomin. Rocanville. Stockholm. Wapella Sharpe’s has full time positions available throughout the company as Sales Agronomists & Operational personnel. Ag background & ag education are preferred. Applicants must be self motivated and enthusiastic with a positive desire to achieve. RESUME DEADLINE: SUNDAY NOV. 10TH Sharpe’s Soil Services Ltd. C/o CEO Dan McKenzie Box 880 . Langenburg SK . S0A 2A0 P: 306-743-2677 F: 306-743-5409 E: dan.mckenzie@sharpes.ca Please include references.

Our Vision: To be recognized as the most trusted provider of business and crop production solutions to help our customers succeed in their business.


TRAILERS Livestock Trailers $1000 REBATE AVAILABLE ON ALL EXISS LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. 2013 Stock on Sale. Mention ad and receive extra $500 off. 7-ft wide x 20-ft, 18-ft & 16-ft lengths. 10 Year Warranty. SOKAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Phone (204)334-6596. Email: sokalind@mymts.net


TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous ADVANTAGE AUTO & TRAILER: Livestock, Horse & Living quarter, Flat deck, Goosenecks, Tilts, Dumps, Cargos, Utilities, Ski-doo & ATV, Dry Van & Sea Containers. Call today. Over 250 in stock. Phone:(204)729-8989. In Brandon on the Trans-Canada Hwy. www.aats.ca

A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!

Your essential ag equipment source… AgDealer.com provides unmatched access to thousands of ag equipment deals from across the country!

Let us help you find what you’re looking for. Visit agdealer.com today.

WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328




MCMILLEN RANCHING LTD a large PB livestock operation & grain farm, is seeking honest, reliable persons to join our team. Experience w/livestock, operating machinery & 1A license an asset. F/T year round positions available or part time. Excellent wages, modern equipment, housing provided. Send resume by fax (306)928-2027 or e-mail mrl@sasktel.net or call Lee (306)483-8067.

CAREERS Help Wanted WANTED: A HERD MANAGER. We have a modern 200 cow milking herd in the Lake Francis, MB area. We are looking for a hard working, responsible, patient individual. Breeding, herd health & computer data some responsibilities in addition to some milking. Housing is available. Please phone (204)383-5249 to express your interest or for more info.


New “Straight Cut”



 North America’s largest source of Canadian new and used farm equipment with $600,000,000 worth of machinery listed.

CAREERS Farm / Ranch

We are buyers of farm grains.

• Vomi wheat    • Vomi barley   • Feed wheat    • Feed barley   • Feed oats    • Corn   • Screenings    • Peas   • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”




QUALITY net Komarno, MB.


IS SEEKING A MANAGER The successful candidate must possess a good working knowledge of the cattle industry, meet the public well, good computer skills (a knowledge of the Auction Mart System an asset) Duties include: Oversee the daily operations of the auction mart including: All hiring & employee relations Financial operations (billing & banking) Attend all required meetings & events Resolve any issues arising between the auction mart & buyers & sellers Coordinate receiving, invoicing, penning & loading of buyers & sellers cattle Must be bondable Salary negotiable We thank all those who apply & advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted Closing date: November 25th, 2013 Apply to: Gladstone Auction Mart PO Box 318 Gladstone, MB R0J 0T0

CAREERS Professional

Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA

LARGE ROUND ALFALFA/GRASS BALES, avg weight 1,650-lbs. Good quality, reasonable priced to move quickly, 900 first cut, 100 second cut Phone:(204)212-0751. Kelwood, MB.

LARGE ROUND EXCELLENT wrapped oat straw bales, at $15/each. Phone:(204)886-3212.


CAREERS Professional



LARGE ROUND BALES, APPROX Phone (204)857-7156, Portage.

CAREERS Management


 26,000 fully searchable listings making it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.  Each month over 37,000 producers follow up a reference provided by AgDealer with a purchase, phone call or visit.

Check out the AgDealer print editions for local inventory and regional special offers.



“More Wheat...Less Shatter”





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©2011 Farm Business Communications




The Manitoba Co-operator | November 7, 2013

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