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november 21, 2013
Page 22
Farmers will pay royalties on crop instead of seed By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
he federal government is poised to sign on to an international treaty that will see farmers pay seed royalties when they sell their crop. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said last week the decision to adopt UPOV ’91 by Aug. 1, 2014 will provide plant breeders with a better return on investment and encourage more private-sector investment into developing new crop varieties. “We will have it this winter during the winter session (of Parliament),” Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz told t h e Ca n a d i a n Se e d Tra d e
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
See UPOV ’91 on page 6 »
Transmission projects anger landowners Many southern Manitoba residents fear a trio of new transmission lines will hamper their ability to farm or lower their home’s value By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff / st. malo
ural Manitobans shouldn’t expect help from their urban cousins in battling three proposed p ow e r t ra n s m i s s i o n l i n e s because they don’t care what happens in far m countr y, according to a Conservative MLA. “The people in Winnipeg don’t give a sh-- about what happens on your land,” said Emerson MLA Cliff Graydon, although he also said two newly announced power projects may be in the best interest of the province. There were similarly angry words from many of the two dozen attendees at a recent meeting organized by the Bipole III Coalition. Members of the group were caught off guard when two new projects — the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project and the St. Vital Transmission Complex — were announced this summer because as recently as this spring, Manitoba Hydro officials had indicated no new developments were on the horizon, said coalition president Karen Friesen. See NEW LINES on page 6 »
CAEPLA CEO, Dave Core, speaks to landowners during a meeting in St. Malo. Photo: Shannon VanRaes
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Canada to sign UPOV ’91
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Did you know?
Border collies headed for the unemployment line?
Getting back to basics Management key to optimizing hog farrowing rates
Robotic milkers, so why not robotic herders?
CROPS Ritz and the railways He gives their performance “A” for adequate, but shippers disagree
FEATURE Big boost in yields without GMOs An Israeli agri-tech firm says “genome doubling” is three years from commercialization
CROSSROADS Public servants on private lands Trees provide broader benefits than as windbreaks and soil protectors
4 5 8 10
Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets
esearchers at the University of Sydney in Australia have developed a robotic herder which they say does a better job than humans or dogs. A four-wheeled device nicknamed Robotic Rover has successfully herded dairy cows in tests on the university’s dairy herd. “Removing human judgment from trafficking speed will allow us to ensure that cows are only ever herded at a pace that is comfortable, even for the slowest cows,” a background document on the Robotic Rover says. So far, Rover has been operated remotely by a human but researchers think it could be automated. According to a BBC story, researchers were amazed at how easily cows accepted the presence of the robot. They were not fazed by it and the herding process was calm and effective, they said. Because the robot moved in a steady manner it allowed cows to move at their own speed which was important in reducing lameness among cattle, Kendra Kerrisk, dairy researcher and associate professor, told the BBC. Robotic Rover can be seen in action at http:// and
Herds well enough, but doesn’t fit next to you in the front seat of the truck.
75Xz-1JxmU watch?v=S4Dndp-Esd8#t=58. Based on comments on an Australian farm publication website, not all farmers are convinced about robotic superiority. “Bet the diode warmer doesn’t even lick your hand when your best cow dies, your wife leaves, or the bank forecloses,” said one.
Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku
11 16 24 28
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Richardson Pioneer donates $300,000 to three Prairie communities
KAP president angry over fall fertilizer ban
Minnedosa will get new baseball diamonds
By Allan Dawson
Minnedosa is one of three Prairie communities selected to receive a $100,000 grant from the Richardson Pioneer Century Gifts Program, the company announced last week. The western Manitoba community joins Falher, Alta., and Whitewood, Sask., as the applicants chosen from the 145 proposals received since the program was announced in the spring. While the Richardson Pioneer Century Gifts Program was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Richardson Pioneer, Canada’s largest, privately owned agribusiness, the company regularly donates more than $1 million each year to support community initiatives and organizations through the Richardson Foundation, the company says in a release. Minnedosa will use the funds to expand and develop new baseball diamonds. “At Richardson, we are proud of our long history of supporting communities across Western Canada,” said president and CEO Curt Vossen in a release. “A key part of our success has been the strength of the communities in which our customers and employees live and work and we will continue to look for opportunities to invest in projects and give back to those communities.”
Doug Chorney has some tough words for the Manitoba government co-operator staff
oug Chorney, the normally calm, cool and collected president of the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP), is steaming mad at the Manitoba government for failing to accommodate farmers wanting to apply fertilizer and manure to their fields last week. “I’m really upset because we were misled and I think it was deliberate,” he said in an interview Nov. 15. Chorney said KAP is calling for a meeting with Conservation Minister Gordon Mackintosh “where we are going to lay it on the line. I just don’t know how we can work with this government if this is the way they are going to treat farmers. It is just unacceptable.” Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship regulations prohibit Manitoba farmers from applying fertilizer and manure to fields after Nov. 10 and before April 10. Earlier this month, KAP asked the government to grant a blanket exemption to farmers so they could continue applying fertilizer and manure on unfrozen fields like it did in March 2012 when spring arrived unusually early. On Nov. 8, with forecasts for colder weather ahead, Chorney said he agreed with the government’s decision not to grant a blanket exemption on the condition it issue exemptions to farmers
on a case-by-case basis. But the government refused to grant those exemptions even though the applicant’s fields weren’t frozen. The high near Miami Nov. 13 was 13 C. “It’s unacceptable and completely unworkable for farmers to keep using this system because it has proven to be inflexible,” Chorney said. “We just think dates need to be thrown out the window completely. They make no sense for farmers. They’re basically telling farmers they have to break the law in order to run their farms. There’s no scientific or environmental justification for any of this. It’s a complete joke.” The date system, introduced in 2011, is designed to reduce nutrient run-off from fields into waterways and eventually Lake Winnipeg, which is already polluted with high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen. Nutrients applied to frozen soils are more susceptible to run-off. Chorney said farmers won’t apply nutrients to frozen land because fertilizer is so expensive. The Manitoba government no longer uses the calendar for setting truckload limits on Manitoba highways, instead basing restrictions on road conditions. Chorney said the government should do the same with fertilizer. If the government has to keep the dates it should at least be prepared to implement blanket and/or individual exemptions when conditions allow for it, he said.
“I just don’t know how we can work with this government if this is the way they are going to treat farmers. It is just unacceptable.”
Doug Chorney
It took all day for government officials last week to deny one farmer an exemption, even though his field was not frozen, Chorney said. “A farmer could get the job done in the time it takes them to look at a piece of paper,” he said. A lot of Manitoba farmers seeded late this year, delaying their fall work, including fertilizing, Chorney said. In addition, Manitoba farmers are planting more, later-maturing crops such as corn and soybeans. As a result more farmers are working later in the fall. Ironically, another government department — Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development — recommends farmers wait to apply nitrogen until soil temperatures cool off because there’s less risk of it being lost into the atmosphere, which adds more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
The value of trees
n bitterly cold and blustery winter days on the farm, there wasn’t much by way of trees to block our view of those fiery red sunsets framed by sundogs over the drifting snow. It’s a view I am glad I experienced. But as beautiful as it was, it’s not a view I miss. We grew up knowing the value of a tree. As kids, we heard more than once how every tree on the section of land my parents Laura Rance farmed had been planted and then indiEditor vidually watered by human hands. We lived in a part of the province where the pioneers joked you could say goodbye to someone in the morning and see their campfire on the horizon that night. By the late 1950s, the maturing farmyard bluff fed out to several miles of young shelterbelts separating the fields. They anchored the soil, they tamed the wind, and they provided a haven for birds, wildlife and beneficial insects. Simply by being there, they made that flat-as-a-pancake prairie landscape seem warmer and more inviting. Trees still exist out here on the prairie, surrounding remaining farmyards like little enclaves. But shelterbelts and freestanding tree bluffs are rapidly becoming a thing of the past as they are razed in the insatiable drive for more cropland. Smouldering piles of bulldozed trees are a common sight in rural Manitoba these days. No one seems to know how quickly the trees are disappearing. It’s one of those trends the governments of today don’t really want to quantify. In that context, it’s no surprise that the federal government is washing its hands of the former PFRA shelterbelt nursery at Indian Head. It’s doing it in such a way that it appears the asset will be destroyed rather than transferred as a viable entity into private hands. A business plan submitted by a coalition of farm groups hoping to take over the 112-year-old agroforestry centre was rejected after it sought $1.6 million in bridge financing. Given the government’s spending habits in other areas, it can’t be about the money. This is a political decision, a tacit admission that the decision makers in our federal Agricultural Department see no public value from trees on the agricultural landscape. On one hand, you can see government’s point. Why subsidize, even in a small way, the cost of trees for one generation only to have the next generation come along and knock them over? This open season on trees isn’t limited to agricultural areas of the Prairies. Reuters reports that deforestation in the Amazon increased by nearly a third over the past year, as illegal logging cleared 5,842 square km — an area bigger than the size of Prince Edward Island. Although technically illegal, governments seem helpless, perhaps wilfully so, to stop it. Some argue the world’s remaining undeveloped lands would be protected by introducing more technology to boost yields from existing farmland and by ensuring farmers are adequately paid for what they currently produce. We have no argument with either, provided the technologies used don’t destroy our soil and water. But the reality is, farmers get paid to produce, whether prices are high or whether they are low. Our hunch is the destruction of shelterbelts and forested areas on the Prairies accelerated when prices were high, partly because farmers had more money to invest in tree clearing. The role of trees in our ecosystem is well understood. But we are only beginning to understand how they might influence our weather. New research published by Princeton University researchers suggests that total deforestation of the Amazon may significantly reduce rain and snowfall in the western United States, resulting in water and food shortages, and a greater risk of forest fires. “The big point is that Amazon deforestation will not only affect the Amazon — it will not be contained. It will hit the atmosphere and the atmosphere will carry those responses,” wrote David Medvigy, an assistant professor of geosciences at Princeton. “By this study, deforestation of the Amazon could have serious consequences for the food supply of the United States.” Of course, shelterbelts and mixed prairie bluffs aren’t the Amazon rainforest. But neither are they benign fixtures in our environment. Government policy both intentionally and indirectly plays a key role in shaping a society’s values. In the past, particularly after the Dirty ’30s, adding trees to the landscape was considered development. These days, development means taking them out and pushing more land into production. You have to wonder what historians will say about this era in world agriculture, and whether future generations will regret our disregard for the value of trees.
Chinese corn imports set to increase Grain handlers can import corn for less than the cost of acquiring it domestically By Gavin Maguire CHICAGO / REUTERS
hey may have slowed their purchasing pace lately as agronomists and trade officials awaited greater clarity on domestic and U.S. production potential, but Chinese corn importers may soon be forced to resume buying activity after the spread between key interior prices and U.S. export corn has widened sharply recently. Questions over domestic production potential coupled with delays to export shipments expected out of Ukraine have helped underpin domestic Chinese grain prices, even as U.S. prices have been dragged lower by the ongoing harvest. This helped widen the price spread between Chinese and U.S. values by more than 10 per cent since the start of November, and could well spur Chinese grain importers to look to U.S. shipments as a way to plug supply gaps until their own production makes it to market around the end of the year. Even though China is the second-largest corn grower globally and is projected to pull in roughly 210 million tonnes of the grain this year, steady advances in industrial demand for the crop have helped sustain domestic corn prices some $150 per tonne or 40 per cent above U.S. export values for the past several months. This price spread marks an advance over last year’s $115-$120 differential — which triggered China’s largest-ever corn import purchasing campaign last summer. The country has already booked around 4.73 million tons of imports from the U.S. this crop year (Sept. 1 to Aug. 31), and since January has shipped in more than 1.6 million tons of the grain from the U.S., Argentina and elsewhere.
But statements from government officials stress that any additional import purchases are unlikely, as the country intends to remain self-sufficient with regard to its corn requirements. Further, the country struck a deal with Ukraine to secure a total of four million tons of corn over the course of 2013 and 2014 as part of a $1.5-billion loan agreement that is tied to infrastructure investments in Ukraine and elsewhere in the Black Sea region. However, bursts of heavy rains in the southern Ukraine Corn Belt delayed the harvest by several weeks, and so pushed deliveries of the grain to China to much later in the year than anticipated. This has left Chinese grain handlers in a bind, as robust domestic demand has depleted interior inventories and fanned food and feed price inflation in many areas. Concerns over the country’s own production prospects following localized floods and drought have prompted further concern, and set the stage for a potential late-year incursion by Chinese import traders on to the global corn export stage. American farmers are nearly through with harvest and a stream of supplies are already filtering out of the country’s export hubs on the U.S. Gulf and in the Pacific Northwest. Containerized shipments are also leaving the country via ports in California. Politics aside, the economics of additional corn imports make sense, as traders can purchase and transport corn from overseas for roughly 70 per cent of the current cost of cash corn in Shandong province. We have seen before that China is prepared to bend its own rules when it comes to securing corn supplies whenever domestic prices have exceeded overseas values by a wide margin. So the stage could be set for another wave of Chinese corn imports — even if that does not fully jibe with government-stated intentions. Gavin Maguire is a Reuters market analyst.
November 1961
he front page of our Nov. 9, 1961 issue featured this photo, with the caption, “ Surrounded by some of the finest of Manitoba 4-H’ers is Gary Workman of the provincial government extension branch. The 14 youths were chosen on the basis of their interest and proficiency in 4-H work to represent the province at the National 4-H Club week in Toronto Nov. 11-16 and will be accompanied by Betty Collyer and Mr. Workman of the Extension Branch. Clockwise from the bottom they are: Silvia Bertram, Lila Henderson, Robert Smith, Orval Henderson, Evelyn Graham, Joyce Rigaux, Maurice Hodgson, Robert Searle, Gary Digby, Bernadette Leifso, Meridale Dewar, Roberta Cunnington, Lois Wilton, Hubert Meir. National 4-H Club Week was held at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, and the front page also featured a photo of Alf Strachan of Carman loading his purebred Yorkshires
on a special train for Manitoba livestock to be shown at the fair. For anyone travelling to Winnipeg, an advertisement offered single rooms with bath at the Royal Alexandra hotel for $5, and a double for only $2 more.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
No greener pastures for beef producers in Europe CETA may lead to a complete restructuring of the beef industry and higher prices for meat in Canada By Ryan Lijdsman Troy Media
he phrase “game changer” is bandied around to describe everything from public policy to hockey players. And while the Canada-EU free trade agreement actually is a “game changer,” it will not be the saviour of the beef industry. It may, in fact, lead to a complete restructuring of our beef industry, eliminate smaller producers and force Canadian consumers to pay high EU prices for their meat. Beef sells in the EU for up to triple the price in Canada, mainly due to higher production costs both for transportation and to adhere to EU regulations. To attain those higher EU prices, Canadian exporters will also end up with those higher production costs. Following the foot-and-mouth and BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) crises, the EU refocused its quality control system from the end product to one that provides full transparency from farm to fork, including environmental standards of production and animal welfare. Growth hormones are banned and a strong emphasis is put on process controls throughout the food chain. The opposite is true in Canada, where growth hormones are standard and quality control is sector based with a focus on the end product. Producers use the Canadian Cattle Identification Program (CCIA) to tag their animals and verify age and birth place. CCIA is an industry-initiated and established system designed solely to contain and eradicate animal disease and is not mandated by law. At the feedlot and processing plant, Animal Identification and Premises Identification (PID), is used to enable animal traceability and determine, in the case of a disease outbreak, which animals came into contact with each other. Again, animal welfare, feed considerations and life cycle quality control are not mandated. Fundamental changes will be required if Canadian suppliers expect to compete with the EU’s largest beef supplier, Brazil, and other international suppliers for the EU market, including raising livestock without hormones. In fact, Brazil has a competitive advantage because of its high quality, low-production costs, and its
We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: (subject: To the editor)
photo: thinkstock
early buy-in to infrastructure changes required by the EU. For Canada, doing so will translate into both a slower growth cycle and more feed and direct costs of up to $50 per head. There will also be much higher indirect costs because of the need to join and adhere to the mandated CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)-administered program and “to provide evidence to the certifying veterinarian that Canadian beef products are derived from animals that have never been treated with any growth-enhancing products during their raising period.” Producers must enrol their calves in the CFIA program within six months of birth and the cattle must be raised under special requirements that include specific feed and space requirements which must be certified by an approved CFIA veterinarian. The cattle will also need be segregated from other non-EU-destined cattle, checked at intervals for the presence of implanted hormones and slaughtered separately at the beginning of a shift. Meat identity and traceability is maintained at all times.
Bipole surveyors ignoring biosecurity protocols Manitoba Hydro is not following the regulations on the new Environment Act Licences that were just issued to them for Bipole III. The surveyors that Manitoba Hydro have hired are not cleaning their equipment before entering pedigreed seed land. The surveyors came when there was still crop in the fields and never asked permission before they entered our crops and they never inspected their equipment for weeds and debris. Issues with cross-contamination of seed from one crop being dragged from one field to the other are huge concerns, which may pose a varietal
Fundamental changes will be required if Canadian suppliers expect to compete with the EU’s largest beef supplier, Brazil, and other international suppliers for the EU market, including raising livestock without hormones.
What sounds good in Ottawa and in Brussels doesn’t always make sense on the back 40. Canadian producers could achieve EU standards but it will mean a complete and costly transformation of an industry, from producers, feed suppliers, feedlots, meat-processing facilities and exporters. In addition, Canadian consumers will have to be willing to pay higher prices for their beef or accept a twotiered system where high-grade beef goes to Europe and a lower quality and rejected beef stays in Canada. The fact is, despite enjoying most favoured nation (MFN) status for EU beef exports, Canada has never filled its current quota and has only four facilities that are approved to proc-
ess the high-quality, grain-fed prime cuts the EU demands. Combined, Australia, U.S., New Zealand and Uruguay — which also enjoy MFN status — only fill about two-thirds of their quota. The market is simply not big enough to absorb more supply unless new sales come at the expense of other suppliers, one of whom, Brazil, enjoys a distinct advantage. We need to ask ourselves: are we prepared to do all of this for a market that we do not, and never will, have a competitive advantage in?
purity problem in a pedigreed seed crop planned the following crop season. Farmers also fear clubroot getting into their fields. If Manitoba Hydro is not going to follow the rules and regulations of the Environment Act Licences then we do not want the Bipole III Hydro transmission, Hydro towers and lines coming on our pedigreed seed land. Pam Pugh Portage la Prairie, Man.
“Stop picking on livestock producers.” Although some members of our group are vegetarian and probably eat tofu, I am not one of them. We are a varied group of individuals with the common goal of improving the life wherever possible of all animals. The Manitoba Co-operator has been ‘serving Manitoba farmers since 1925’ and my letters are in response to articles I see in the paper. I am most pleased to see that Mr. Sterling is aware of a variety of animal welfare issues and look forward to his support in these other areas. Leslie Yeoman, co-founder, The Humane Education Network (THEN), Winnipeg, Man.
Not all animal welfare advocates eat tofu I would like to respectfully respond to Brian Sterling’s Nov. 14 letter
Ryan Lijdsman is a Canadian-based international business consultant.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Consultation on variety registration reforms coming to a head
NEW LINES Continued from page 1
“The lesson I’ve learned is you can’t trust the government and you can’t trust Hydro,” said Friesen, whose farm will be affected by the massive Bipole III line and may be affected by the St. Vital project. S h e’s u r g i n g l a n d o w n ers and producers to come together under the umbrella of the Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline L a n d ow n e r s A s s o c i a t i o n s, a n o n - p ro f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n that represents people facing expropriation. “You should have the right to say no,” said the organization’s CEO, Dave Core, who addressed two other community meetings the day before the St. Malo gathering. “We’re not antidevelopment here. Our role is to get your property rights as landowners respected and make sure we address all the liabilities, risk and costs that are imposed along with this.” Following the meeting, Core was swamped with questions as people weighed their options. “Our family farm is affected, the line looks like it is going to go through,” said Russell Calder, who farms with two brothers and several nephews near Letellier and is considering joining the landowners’ association. His land is already impacted by a transmission line built in the 1960s — for which his father and uncle were paid $300 per tower. “I don’t like that we don’t have any say in this... so we’re
UPOV ’91 Continued from page 1
A s s o c i a t i o n’s s e m i - a n n u a l meeting in Winnipeg Nov. 13. “We’re looking at time frames in the parliamentary calendar and that’s the best date we have so far working with the House Leader’s office to get it on the agenda after we come back from Christmas break,” he said triggering applause. “That still gives us opportunity and time to get it in place for the next crop year.” UPOV ’91 is the acronym for the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, which was struck in 1991. Previous Canadian governments failed to pass legislation enacting UPOV ’91 in 1992 and 1998. The pros and cons of UPOV ’91 have been hotly debated in meeting rooms and hallways as the grain sector seeks ways to encourage more private company research, especially in cereals.
End point
UPOV ’91 paves the way to socalled, “end-point royalties,” collected when farmers sell their grain. Some farmers say paying a royalty based on what they produce, instead of the seed they buy, reduces their risk. If they harvest a poor crop, they pay less with an end-point royalty, whereas now they pay up front when they buy seed or herbicides linked to the seed. However, critics fear UPOV ’91 could prevent farmers from saving seed, resulting in higher production costs.
By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
“The lesson I’ve learned is you can’t trust the government and you can’t trust Hydro.”
Karen Friesen
CAEPLA CEO, Dave Core Photo: Shannon VanRaes
going to have to decide what to do now,” said Calder, adding he only learned that the St. Vital Transmission Complex was heading his way 10 days earlier. The new line could be built within 60 feet of the existing lines on his property. “And we have a 60-foot air seeder that doesn’t go between the hydro poles,” said Calder. “We’re stuck with this mess.” Others at the meeting weren’t farmers, but homeowners who would see the new power lines cut in front of their houses. “I’m retired, but what if I want to sell? Who knows how much this will devalue the property... what if it affects
your health?” asked Camille Nault, who lives a few miles south of St. Pierre Jolys. Nault said it’s too early to tell if Core’s organization is the right one for him, adding he needs to first learn more about the six per cent commission applied to successful settlements attained through the association’s ratification process. The membership fee is only $150, and there is no commission charged unless the lines cross your property and a settlement is negotiated, said Core. Some landowners wait to see if the proposed routes fall on their property — holding out
Ritz told reporters the same people who oppose UPOV ’91 also criticize Ottawa for not spending enough on varietal research. “You can’t have one without the other in my estimation,” he said. “The biggest howl would be farmers can’t save seed. Well, they can’t save seed now if they sign a contract. It would be the same situation under UPOV ’91. There’s still the ability to save seed. If you sign a contract you have to honour the contract.” “... at the end of the day, we have to put that (UPOV ’91) in place if we’re going to draw investment here in new seed varieties.” UPOV ’91 allows farmers to save seed if the government authorizes it, National Farmers Union president Terry Boehm said in an interview Nov. 15. But it also gives plant breeders the right to control their varieties through the entire production, processing and retail chain. “We’re going to fight this,” Boehm said. “This is just a big sell-out to the biggest corporations in the world. “The Canadian Seed Trade Association would prefer total control over seed and Ritz is essentially facilitating this through UPOV ’91. It makes it possible for a cascading (royalty) rate.” CSTA president Peter Entz said Ritz’s decision on UPOV ’91 “is very significant.” UPOV ’91 “is very farmer friendly,” added Entz, who is also Richardson International’s assistant vicepresident of seed and traits.
The association has also been facilitating industry discussions on ways for variety developers to get a better return on their investments, including changes to Canada’s variety registration system.
hope it will be pushed onto their neighbour’s land — before looking at options, said Core. But there is strength in numbers, he said. “The best deal we can get, will see the most landowners participating,” he said. The Bipole III Coalition has also published an open letter to Premier Greg Selinger, calling on the government to reconsider the new power projects, and asserting they will lead to significant increases in the cost of electricity. Friesen said both former Conservative premier Gary Filmon and former NDP premier, Ed Schreyer contributed to the letter, sharing their concerns. “And how often to you think that happens?” Friesen said.
Who should pay?
Most everyone agrees more investment is needed, especially wheat. But views vary on who should pay. The NFU says the federal government should, as it traditionally has. According to Boehm private company research is inefficient. He said one study shows only 10 per cent of company earnings from seed sales goes back into research, whereas publicly funded research has a 12:1 return. Don Dewar, interim chair of the proposed Manitoba Wheat and Barley Association, said Ottawa has been cutting research. Meanwhile, farmers in countries such as Australia, have been spending more. “If we really want to increase investment we need to have a way for the developers to get a reward for their work,” he said. “And one of the things in UPOV ’91 allows them to do that. But you could do it with a contract too.” But if farmers invest more because of UPOV ’91 they should also discuss the merits of owning all or part of the resulting varieties, Dewar said. “Do we want the canola system or do we want the farmers to own part of the system?” he said. “If we’re going to end up pay-
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz wants to bring in legislation to implement UPOV ’91 — a policy, he says will encourage more investment in developing new crop varieties for Canadian farmers. photo: allan dawson
ing this $3 or $5 a tonne between levies and royalties, do we want to have some say in what comes out of that or do we just want to feed somebody else? It’s not that farmer-owned will be cheaper seed, but you’re going to provide some competition and have some input on what you get.” UPOV ’91 allows farmers to save seed, Dewar said. “It’s just that you have to keep paying for the technology every time you use it.” The Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) doesn’t have a position on UPOV ’91, said president Doug Chorney. An end-point royalty makes sense so long as it isn’t too expensive, he said.
Implementing UPOV ‘91 is one way Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz hopes to encourage private investment in plant breeding — the other is reforming Canada’s crop variety registration system. Last year Canada exported a record $47 billion in agricultural products, Ritz told the semi-annual meeting of the Canadian Seed Trade Association in Winnipeg Nov. 13. “Many of those dollars depend on an efficient and responsive and effective varietal registration system,” he said. “There’s no question the system has delivered for the industry and for Canadian farmers over the years. Today by developing consensus on next steps we continue to build on that success.” The consultation process began in February when Ritz asked chairs of the committees that recommend new varieties for government registration to propose ways to streamline the system. Citizens were also invited to submit their views. “We still have people in different camps (on variety registration), but we’re probably very close (to a position),” CSTA president Peter Entz said in an interview after Ritz spoke. Critics says the current system, especially for registering new wheats in Western Canada, takes too long, delaying and even preventing farmers from accessing new, higher-yielding wheats. Supporters say the process is important for maintaining Canada’s high-quality wheat brand. They say it also protects farmers and end-users from bad varieties. “There are people who say we should’ve done it three years ago and others who say we should never do it,” Ritz told reporters last week. A working group struck by the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT) has proposed a number of reforms for wheat registration, including shortening pre-registration trials by one year and instead collecting 24 site-years of data over three years. Other proposals include: • Making up to four site-years of foreign data acceptable if collected in from U.S. states adjoining Prairie provinces; • Dropping the priority disease assessments to five from seven — fusarium head blight, leaf, stem and stripe rusts and common bunt; • The committee as a whole, which now votes on every candidate cultivar, would automatically endorse candidate receiving ‘Do Not Object’ or ‘Support’ at evaluation team level meetings; • Candidates not supported by all three teams would be referred to the Cultivar Voting Panel as opposed to the whole 75-member committee. The voting panel would consist of seven representatives from each team, plus representatives from the Canadian Seed Trade Association and Canadian Seed Growers Association. The proposals are being reviewed by the PRCWRT, and if ratified, could be in place when the committee meets in Winnipeg in February.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Health Sciences Centre Foundation in Winnipeg has 100,000 reasons to say thanks to the Agribusiness community in Manitoba. Through the very generous support of the agriculture industry, over $100,000 was raised in support of the Health Science Centre Foundation at the 2013 Celebrity Human Race held in September. Thank you to the following sponsors for their tremendous support of the HSC Foundation, funding projects to improve patient care for all Manitobans at HSC Winnipeg, Manitoba’s flagship hospital. You are helping bring hope to life!
Agribusiness and Agri-Food Division
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762. Nov. 27: Pesticide Applicator School 2013, Assiniboine Community College, 1430 Victoria Ave. E., Brandon. For more info call 204-725-8700, ext. 6716, or email Nov. 28: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 7 meeting, 1:30 p.m., Brandon Research Station. For more info call 204-697-1140. Nov. 28: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 1 meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mountview Centre, 111 S. Railway Ave. E., Deloraine. For more info call 204-697-1140. Dec. 3-5: GrowCanada Conference, Hyatt Regency, 700 Centre St. SE, Calgary. For more info visit www.growcanadaconfer Dec. 9: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 10 meeting, 7:30 p.m., Arborg Bifrost Curling Club, Arborg. For more info call 204697-1140.
Long list of resolutions as municipal leaders gather for 15th annual AMM convention Councillors, reeves and mayors meet in Brandon next week By Lorraine Stevenson
The convention takes place Nov. 25 to 28 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon.
unicipal leaders will debate the merits of nuclear power to meet Manitoba’s long-term energy needs when they meet in Brandon for their annual convention next week. A resolution from the Local Government District of Pinawa asks delegates to press Manitoba Hydro to consider “all options,” including a nuclear power station as part of its ongoing investigation into alternative power sources. The Public Utilities Board has directed Manitoba Hydro to look at options to northern dam projects and Bipole III. This isn’t the first time nuclear
power has been a topic for discussion among local leaders — a similar resolution passed in 2006, then was dropped in 2009 after Manitoba Hydro announced its long-term commitments to hydraulic generation and expanding wind power. The impact of this summer’s one per cent hike in the provincial sales tax is on the agenda, as are two separate resolutions on Bill 33, the contentious act
requiring municipalities with populations under 1,000 to merge. Those municipalities face a Dec. 1 deadline to put forward their amalgamation plan — although it’s not known how many will do so. The 38 resolutions up for debate also include calls for i m p r ov e d d i s a s t e r f i n a n cial assistance, more timely responses for development plans, meeting the training needs of volunteer firefighters, and boosting provincial funding for rural palliative care programs. The City of Thompson has put several resolutions forward this year, including two expressing its concerns for the negative impacts of VLTs and misuse of alcohol among its residents. Another resolution from the
northern city includes a call for a longer season for provincial parks. Delegates to the 15th annual convention of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities will also hear from newly appointed Municipal Government Minister Stan Struthers, who took over the renamed department from Ron Lemieux in a cabinet shuffle last month. This is the final of the four-year terms served by municipal leaders elected in 2010. Manitobans go back to the polls Oct. 22, 2014 to re-elect local governments and school boards. The convention takes place Nov. 25 to 28 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon.
Dec. 9-11: Canadian Forage and Grassland Association conference, Pomeroy Inn and Suites, Olds College, 4601-46th Ave., Olds, Alta. For more info call 204-726-9393 or visit events/current-events/. Dec. 10: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 4 meeting, 1:30 p.m., Real Canadian Superstore, Hwy. 12 N., Steinbach. For more info call 204-697-1140. Dec. 10: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 5 meeting, 7:30 p.m., Community Centennial Centre, 11 Thompson Ave., Garson. For more info call 204-697-1140. Dec. 11: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 6 meeting, 1:30 p.m., Fair Board Office, Portage la Prairie. For more info call 204-6971140. Dec. 11: Keystone Agricultural Producers District 3 meeting, 7 p.m., Legion Auxiliary Hall, 28 First St., Carman. For more info call 204-697-1140. 2014 Jan. 14-16: Red River Basin Commission’s Land and Water International Summit, 1635-42nd St. S., Fargo, N.D. For more info visit www.redriverbasincommission. org. Jan. 29-31: Keystone Agricultural Producers annual meeting, Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204697-1140 or visit
Feb. 4-5: Manitoba Beef Producers 35th annual general meeting, Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave. W., Brandon. For more info visit Feb. 24-25: Wild Oats Grainworld 2014 conference, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Pl., Winnipeg. For more info visit Feb. 25-27: Canola Council of Canada annual convention, San Antonio, Texas. For more info visit April 28-29: Advancing Women: Life Skills for Leadership-Women in Ag Conference, Deerfoot Inn, 1000-11500-35th St. SE, Calgary. For more info visit www.advanc
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Trade deal to hit dairy farmers hard The Dairy Farmers of Canada estimates milk quota will have to be cut by more than two per cent, and producers will collectively see an annual $150-million drop in income By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA
he proposed trade deal with Europe could cost Canadian dairy producers $150 million a year in lost income, according to the Dairy Farmers of Canada. Details of the Comprehens i v e E c o n o m i c a n d Tr a d e Agreement (CETA) are still b e i n g h a m m e re d o u t a n d it’s expected to be two years before the deal is ratified by the European Union’s 28 member nations. But once in effect, European cheese makers would receive an additional tar iff-free access of 18,500 tonnes over and above the current 13,471 tonnes they’re allowed. Translate that back into milk production and the impact on Canadian dair y producers is “much more significant than what has been
DFC president Wally Smith says if the entire tariff-free quota is used, the EU will capture 7.5 per cent of the Canadian cheese market. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK
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re p o r t e d ,” D a i r y Fa r m e r s president Wally Smith told the Commons agriculture committee. “The loss to the dairy farmers is real,” Smith said. “The additional access is equivalent to a 2.25 per cent cut in farm quota, representing a farm income loss of nearly $150 million a year.” T h a t’s e q u i va l e n t t o t h e e n t i re m i l k p ro d u c t i o n o f Nova Scotia, he noted. Ot t a w a h a s p ro m i s e d t o compensate those affected and the Dairy Farmers of Canada has begun discussions on that issue, said Smith. “DFC is trying to work with the gover nment to ensure that there is no impact on Canadian dairy farmers and cheese makers,” he said. “In spite of all the negative emotion amongst Canadian farmers resulting from the CETA agreement, the DFC leadership is intent on engaging in constructive dialogue with government to mitigate the negative impact to our industry.” It was initially estimated that while the deal would allow Europe to capture onet h i rd o f t h e “f i n e c h e e s e” market in Canada, it would amount to just four per cent of the overall cheese market. But Smith said that if the entire tariff-free quota is used, the EU will capture 7.5 per cent of the Canadian cheese market. And it will be r iding on the coattails of the marketing efforts of Canadian dairy farmers, he added. “The domestic cheese market has been a priority market segment with a yearly strategic investment totalling $30 million dedicated to developing this market across Canada,” Smith said. “Over the last decade we have invested heavily into developing and growing the specialty cheese market, and we have been successful. What has happened, by giving that access to the European Union, not only are you costing the farmers directly on their income, and having to reduce production, you are also taking away the investment that’s been made to grow that speciality market.” It will also have a wider economic impact as the Canadian dair y sector accounts for 218,000 jobs, and pays more than $3 billion in local, provincial and federal taxes annually, according to DFC. The organization also dismissed any idea that more Canadian cheese might head across the Atlantic. Canada has been unable to fill the existing duty-free quota of 4,000 tonnes of aged cheddar and to match the highly subsidized European milk prices Canadian farmers would have to sell their milk to processors at $28 a hectolitre, said Richard Doyle, the group’s executive director. “Quite frankly, not a single producer in this country, based on our cost of production, could actually recover their cash costs,” he said. “No return on investment and no return on labour.”
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
November 15, 2013
Local interest helps ease transportation pressure
Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 70.00 - 76.00 D3 Cows 68.00 - 72.00 Bulls 84.00 - 90.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 100.00 - 127.00 (801-900 lbs.) 115.00 - 143.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 155.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 160.00 (501-600 lbs.) 140.00 - 170.00 (401-500 lbs.) 150.00 - 193.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 100.00 - 126.00 (801-900 lbs.) 110.00 - 131.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 137.00 (601-700 lbs.) 125.00 - 148.00 (501-600 lbs.) 135.00 - 156.00 (401-500 lbs.) 140.00 - 163.00
Alberta South $ 124.50 - 125.50 — 65.00 - 75.00 60.00 - 70.00 84.05 $ 130.00 - 142.00 135.00 - 147.00 139.00 - 155.00 146.00 - 164.00 154.00 - 175.00 169.00 - 193.00 $ 118.00 - 130.00 122.00 - 136.00 124.00 - 138.00 128.00 - 144.00 134.00 - 151.00 142.00 - 165.00
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
Futures (November 15, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change December 2013 132.97 1.30 February 2014 134.52 0.97 April 2014 134.95 0.75 June 2014 129.05 0.83 August 2014 127.57 0.52 October 2014 129.67 0.60
Feeder Cattle November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 August 2014
Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Week Ending November 9, 2013 51,513 12,417 39,096 NA 599,000
With fall work done, local buyers are back at markets
Ontario $ 100.67 - 132.95 107.79 - 128.70 51.56 - 74.16 51.56 - 74.16 68.55 - 88.96 $ 122.87 - 158.14 140.27 - 162.32 128.90 - 162.49 138.89 - 171.31 144.44 - 184.68 146.63 - 192.14 $ 116.01 - 134.08 114.04 - 145.90 118.81 - 139.53 122.82 - 144.96 128.93 - 158.02 132.05 - 167.66
Close 165.02 165.20 164.90 165.65 165.90 167.05
Change 0.40 0.08 0.08 -0.55 -0.67 -0.20
Cattle Grades (Canada) Previous Year 46,901 13,400 33,501 NA 627,000
Week Ending November 9, 2013 534 21,435 15,912 733 810 11,470 234
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Previous Year 397 22,921 15,201 994 760 5,866 13
Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) Current Week 171.00 E 159.00 E 160.98 164.64
Futures (November 15, 2013) in U.S. Hogs December 2013 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014
Last Week 173.63 160.96 163.92 168.38
Close 85.60 89.80 92.10 97.22 98.47
Last Year (Index 100) 158.12 146.68 146.73 152.73
Change -1.95 -1.60 -1.07 -0.23 -0.58
Sheep and Lambs Winnipeg (640 head) (wooled fats) — Next Sale is Nov. 20 — —
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of November 17, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.955 Undergrade .............................. $1.865 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.940 Undergrade .............................. $1.840 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.940 Undergrade .............................. $1.840 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.855 Undergrade............................... $1.770 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
anitoba’s fall run continued during the week ended Nov. 15, with most auction yards seeing strong volume again, according to Rick Wright of Heartland Order Buying Co., who noted an increase of local buyers due to most harvest activity being completed for the year. “Volumes were strong,” he said. “Of course, the last week of October and first week of November are normally the two biggest weeks in Manitoba historically, so it was no surprise that volumes were still big. There were more local buyers buying this week too. “The fall work was done, and while there’s still some corn out there, the feed is up and done. There are a number of things that affect when these guys come to town to buy, but certainly they were there this week.” According to Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, producers across the province are heading into the winter with adequate to above-average feed supplies from forage crops. Additionally, prices of other feeds such as corn and barley are significantly weaker than last year due to extremely large production. December corn on the Chicago Board of Trade closed Friday afternoon at US$4.215 per bushel and Lethbridge barley was priced at C$154.86 per tonne at the end of the week. The increase of local buyers also eased transportation issues that have been felt all fall, Wright said, because they are able to take their cattle straight home. “That helps with the shortage of trucks we deal with every week, because the local guys can take them right home,” he said. “Transportation has been an issue all fall, but it really came to light in the last two to three weeks.” Volumes are expected to be strong throughout most of November, as a late harvest had
rick wright
the fall run start a little later than it normally does. “We’ll see pretty good volumes right to the end of November this year, because the fall run is being compressed,” Wright said. “It’s running a week and a half behind where it would normally run for a lot of areas.” There was good U.S. buying again during the week, as a weak Canadian dollar, which has been hovering in the US95-cent range for two weeks now, gave a boost to U.S. interest. Lots of yearlings are going across the border, Wright said. “There’s also lots of American interest to buy calves to background here and take down south. Most will be here to stay for 60 to 90 days and moved in the spring. “The weak Canadian dollar helps with future contracts for the spring and also helps with the immediate cash sales.” The loonie opened the week at US95.44 cents, before closing slightly higher on Friday at US95.77 cents. In terms of market value, Wright said feeder prices were strong yet again this week, but butcher cattle were slightly down, due to large volume seen at this time of the year. “The cow market was just one to two cents lower, but that’s seasonal and volume related,” he said. “We’re past the grilling season, so it’s supply and demand. Supply has reached demand, so it’s a little lower, and it’s going to stay that way the rest of the fall.” Brandon Logan writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Other Market Prices $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
“We’ll see pretty good volumes right to the end of November this year, because the fall run is being compressed.”
Brandon Logan
Hog Prices E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
$1 Cdn: $ .9562 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0458 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: November 15, 2013
Toronto 71.33 - 92.54 124.77 - 161.26 154.62 - 175.26 154.19 - 183.65 103.14 - 196.69 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 20.00
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Extra EU aid comes too late for French meat sector slump paris / reuters / France’s aim to point almost one billion euros in European subsidies at str uggling livestock farmers will do little to heal its ailing meat-processing sector, with cheaper competitors already eroding its market share. France is the European Union’s biggest poultr y producer and third largest for pork, with its western
region hosting the bulk of farmers and others in the supply chain, attracted by easy access to ports to import feed and boost exports. But its pole position is now under threat as Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium gain market share, even in France, using more efficient plants and cheaper labour. “In other European c o u n t r i e s , t h e y d o n’t play by the same rules,” said Frederic Bossard, a pork farmer in Lusanger, Western France, adding that many other countries did not have a minimum
wage and employed east European workers at lower costs. In a bid to boost the sector, President Francois Hollande early in October pledged almost one billion euros ($1.4 billion) of mainly EU farm grants to livestock farmers he said faced lower income, higher r isks and heavier con straints than other farmers. Bu t t h e a i d , p a r t o f a re v a m p o f t h e E U ’s Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) for 2014-20, will target farmers, not the industry and only apply from 2015 due to talks delays.
Winnipeg (225 head) Toronto (Fats) ($/cwt) Kids — 72.70 - 215.44 Billys — — Mature — 69.85 - 189.79
Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 12.00 - 27.00 23.36 - 43.96
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 13
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices
Big supplies still sit heavy on canola values U.S. wheat futures may be finding a bottom Phil Franz-Warkentin CNSC
CE Futures Canada canola held rangebound for the most part during the week ended Nov. 15, but dropped sharply on Friday to settle with losses overall. The January contract tested the psychological $500-per-tonne level a couple of times during the week, but never managed to settle above that chart point. A firmer tone in the outside vegetable oil markets, including CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) soyoil and Malaysian palm oil, was also supportive. However, Canada’s record-large crop continues to overhang the market, with any attempts at moving higher being met with increased selling and a downturn in demand. The next resistance comes in at around $505 if canola manages to bounce above $500, but it will take a weather scare in South America or some other similar outside influence to spark a rally as most factors are pointing down for the time being. First and foremost, Canada grew a recordlarge canola crop this year that was likely over 16 million tonnes. Farmers are storing what they can in hopes of getting better prices down the road, but end-users are well aware of the big supplies and will need that outside catalyst in order to get more aggressive in their buying. Second, South America is in the middle of planting its latest soybean crop, and conditions so far look close to ideal for a possibly record-large crop. The U.S. soybean harvest is nearing completion. Farmers there will also store what they can, but supplies are still relatively large.
Week Ago
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
Ongoing uncertainty in the global economy is yet another bearish influence overhanging the commodity markets in general, although any resulting weakness in the Canadian dollar would serve to limit the impact on canola prices.
Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business November 15, 2013
Wheat moves lower
In the U.S., soybeans, corn and wheat all posted losses for the week. For beans and corn, the declines were tied to profit-taking after initially moving higher. News the U.S. was considering reducing its ethanol mandate, which would lead to a reduction in demand for corn as a feedstock as well, put further pressure on corn. The three U.S. wheat contracts, meanwhile, have been trending lower for the better part of the past two months and remained stuck in that trend. However, there were signs that the wheat futures were starting to find a bottom, with U.S. prices said to be looking more favourable internationally once again. Short-covering was also starting to come forward in wheat. Soyoil and oats were the two bright spots in the U.S. grain and oilseed markets during the week. Oats supplies are relatively sufficient to meet the demand, but logistical issues getting the crop into delivery positions were keeping it propped up so far. The relative strength in soyoil was linked in part to the strength in the Malaysian palm oil market. Good export demand for the tropical oil kept prices near their highs for the year, while the possibility of supply disruptions due to the damage caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines was also underpinning that market. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at
Last Week
All prices close of business November 15, 2013
Last Week
Week Ago
December 2013
March 2014
May 2014
Last Week
Week Ago
January 2014
March 2014
May 2014
Special Crops Report for November 18, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
22.00 - 23.00
Laird No. 1
20.00 - 22.00
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
13.75 - 17.75
23.00 - 24.00 —
Desi Chickpeas
21.90 - 23.00
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
Fababeans, large
Feed beans
Medium Yellow No. 1
12.30 - 12.50 6.40 - 6.85
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel) Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
5.00 - 8.60
42.00 - 42.00
No. 1 Great Northern
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
64.00 - 64.00
Yellow No. 1
37.75 - 38.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
55.00 - 55.00
Brown No. 1
35.75 - 37.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
50.00 - 50.00
Oriental No. 1
27.30 - 28.75
No. 1 Black Beans
38.00 - 38.00
No. 1 Pinto Beans
37.00 - 39.00
No. 1 Small Red Source: Stat Publishing
No. 1 Pink
— 40.00 - 40.00
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
32.00* Call for details
Report for November 15, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
U.K. wheat area to rise 22 per cent london / reuters / Wheat area in the U.K. is projected to rise 22 per cent for the 2014 harvest to 1.98 million hectares, the Home-Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) said Nov. 13, issuing the results of a survey of farmers’ planting intentions. “This autumn we’ve had good drilling conditions across the U.K. and, as a consequence, we are looking at a return to a more normal cropping mix for harvest 2014,” HGCA analyst Jack Watts said in a statement. Wheat area fell to 1.63 million hectares for the 2013 harvest after heavy rains wrecked autumn plantings and forced many farmers to switch to growing spring barley.
For the 2012 harvest, wheat area was 1.99 million. “The return of a more normal U.K. wheat area is the first step to the U.K. returning to the export market, although yields and quality remain weather dependent,” Watts said. Britain was a net importer of wheat for the first time in more than a decade in the 2012-13 season following a poor-quality harvest in 2012. Spring barley area was projected to drop 40 per cent to 534,000 hectares for the 2014 harvest as farmers switch back to growing winter crops. The survey projected the secondhighest-ever rapeseed area at 740,000 hectares, up three per cent from the 2013 harvest.
Canadian lowest offer in Iraq’s 50,000-tonne wheat tender hamburg / reuters / Canadian wheat was offered at the lowest price of $345 a tonne c. & f. free out (CIFFO) in Iraq’s tender to purchase a minimum 50,000 tonnes of milling wheat which closed on Sunday, European traders said Nov. 18. The offer was made for 100,000 tonnes. No purchase has yet been made, traders said. Offers must remain valid until Thursday, Nov. 21. The lowest offer for Australian wheat was 150,000 tonnes at $349.29 a tonne ciffo, traders said.
The lowest offer for U.S. wheat was $369.44 a tonne CIFFO for 50,000 tonnes, traders said. The tender had sought supplies from Australia, the United States and Canada only. Iraq is one of the world’s largest importers of wheat, much of which goes to supply a massive national food rationing program. Volumes sought in Iraq’s tenders are traditionally nominal, and it frequently buys more than the amount in tenders. In its last reported wheat tender on Oct. 24, Iraq’s state grain board purchased 150,000 tonnes of Australian and Canadian wheat after also seeking offers for 50,000 tonnes.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
LIVESTOCK h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G
Farrowing rate
Going back to basics and attention to detail Five key areas of management were found to need improvement on farms surveyed Bernie Peet Peet on Pigs
aximizing farrowing rate requires a focus on the basic aspects of management and close attention to detail, Steinbach, Manitoba-based veterinarian Dr. Blaine Tully told delegates at the recent Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop. He was describing the findings from his work carrying out fertility assessments on swine farms across Canada over the last three years. “Very few of our conclusions reveal ‘new’ information about sow reproduction,” he said. “In other words, 95 per cent of farms with suboptimal fertility and therefore reduced farrowing rates have very similar deficiencies in the execution of basic breeding barn tasks.” This applies to all types and sizes of farm, whether using natural service or AI, he added. Tully stressed the importance of farrowing rate on overall breeding herd output and profit. “Maximizing farrowing rate and achieving a consistent level allows breeding targets to be set and achieved, driving uniform pig flow for customers downstream, right through to the packer,” he pointed out. “Suboptimal farrowing rate will increase the cost of production by increasing nonproductive days (NPDs). On many farms, we also find a link between reduced farrowing rate and litter size.” He noted that the opportunity cost of a five per cent reduction in farrowing target on a 1,000-sow unit was about $71,000 annually in the breeding herd alone. Tully said that the value of the fertility audit was in viewing procedures with an outside set of eyes and providing a different perspective. It also allows
“In other words, 95 per cent of farms with suboptimal fertility and therefore reduced farrowing rates have very similar deficiencies in the execution of basic breeding barn tasks.” Dr. Blaine Tully
Boar exposure should be provided to gilts from 180 to 210 days of age and the date of observed estrus recorded, says Manitoba vet Dr. Blaine Tully.
the relevant farm protocols to be reviewed in the light of what is observed on farm and the results achieved.
It’s the boar’s fault!
Boar management is top of Tully’s list of five key areas of management that are found to need improvement on the farms he has surveyed. Too often the boar is blamed for poor outcomes, when in reality he is not being managed properly. “The boar has three main jobs — stimulation of the female brain, help with heat detection and stimulation during and after insemination, which assists semen transportation up the reproductive tract,” he explained. “In order for the boar to perform all of these tasks well, he needs to be trained and managed from an early age to drive a high libido.” Tully stressed the importance of using boars that produce a large amount of frothy saliva, containing pheromones which stimulate the sow’s brain and impact the release of reproductive hormones. The Chinese Meishan breed is an ideal boar for stimulation as
it is smaller and early maturing, has a very high libido and produces lots of pheromones, Tully said. In addition, he suggested, a number of different boars should be used for heat detection, because sows show varying levels of attraction for different boars. It is essential to allow boars used for heat detection and stimulation in AI systems to serve sows or gilts naturally once per week, Tully believes. This helps to maintain libido and keep them keen, he says.
Sow and gilt management
Second on Tully’s list is management of the sow after weaning, in particular maximizing feed intake from weaning to breeding. “Feed a lactation diet with a higher energy and protein level than the gestation diet, feed sows twice per day and group sows by condition to prevent the bigger sows stealing from thinner sows,” he advised. “Much of the success in the breeding barn will depend on the energy balance and body condition of weaned sows following lactation.”
Tully also recommended boar stimulation of weaned sows daily following weaning, in order to stimulate the onset of estrus. He noted that this also results in more effective detection of sows with a short weanto-estrus interval. The gilt development program is the third important area of management and farms should have a well-defined protocol, which includes acclimatization procedures, boar exposure, recording of dates of estrus, feeding and weight/age at breeding, Tully said. “Boar exposure should be provided from 180 to 210 days of age and the date of observed estrus recorded,” he suggested.
Breeding techniques and protocols
Problem area No. 4 is the techniques used during insemination, notably hygiene, sow stimulation and semen storage. “The stockperson should provide the stimulation given by the boar during natural service,” Tully said. “This includes back pressure and kneading the sow’s flanks. Another good stimulus is to rub the udder,
which releases oxytocin, which stimulates sperm transport.” Once insemination is complete, he advised that a ‘followup’ boar is placed in front of sows for further stimulation. Finally, Tully said, breeding protocols and the way in which they are being implemented should be reviewed periodically. “Veterinarians visit many farms where the intended protocol, be that for biosecurity, vaccination, feeding or breeding is not actually followed through consistently by all farm staff,” he noted. “I find that helping staff to understand some of the basic reproductive physiology behind the breeding protocols helps to keep motivation high, and prevent deviation from some of the intended procedures. Once a level of understanding about why we do certain things in the barn is reached, then fine tuning of the procedures can take place.” Bernie Peet is president of Pork Chain Consulting of Lacombe, Alberta and a director of U.K.-based Pig Production Training Ltd.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Ste. Rose
Feeder Steers
No. on offer
Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000 800-900
Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs.
Slaughter Market No. on offer D1-D2 Cows
D3-D5 Cows
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Butcher Steers Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Case of cattle starvation ‘exceptionally unusual’ By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff
The case of a rancher who starved dozens of animals to death in southwestern Manitoba is “exceptionally unusual,” says the head of Manitoba Beef Producers. “From what I have read about the case, I know this is not how beef is raised in Manitoba or anywhere in Canada for that matter,” said Cam Dahl, the association’s general manager. “This is why we have a code a practice, and it’s important that producers read it, and the producers I know abide by it.” Thomas Jeffery McLean pleaded guilty to more than a dozen counts under the Animal Care Act last week, following the deaths of 67 animals in his care in 2011. This sort of abuse just doesn’t make sense, he added. “The producers who I know are in this business because they’re very fond of animals, and it’s not in their interest and it’s not in their nature,” he said. Dahl said he believes this is the largest incident of this nature to have ever occurred in Manitoba.
“The producers who I know, are in this business because they’re very fond of animals, and it’s not in their interest and it’s not in their nature.” Cam Dahl
Rancher’s fate rests with judge in cattle starvation case A complicated family feud over an inheritance has left the courts to decide whether cattle were deliberately starved By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff
rancher accused of deliberately starving cattle to death over an inheritance feud has pleaded to 13 offences under the Animal Care Act. With tears welling up in his eyes, Thomas Jeffery McLean, 49, told provincial court Judge Mary Kate Harvie last week he was “ashamed” of his actions. Harvie delayed sentencing, seeking time to consider additional submissions. The 49-year-old for mer rancher could face fines in excess of $100,000 and a lifetime ban on owning or caring for animals after causing the starvation deaths of 67 cattle. Another 50 cows and two bulls seized from property in the Rural Municipality of Louise in the spring of 2011 were so emaciated, they received a body condition score of a mere 1.6 (on a scale of one to nine) when they were transferred to the Killarney Auction Mart. Animal welfare officers were first c a l l e d i n a f t e r Mc L e a n’s b r o t h e r complained to the Chief Veterinarian’s office. Prosecutor Shaun Sass told Harvie that the Crown believes McLean deliberately stopped caring for the herd after learning his brother would inherit much of the farm he had expected to get following his mother’s death. “He d i d e v e r y t h i n g t o t r y a n d devalue the herd because of the ongoing estate issues,” said Sass. “This was an attempt, through his negligence, to make sure whomever, however the estate was divided, ends up getting nothing from it.” He noted that rather than compost the dead animals or call a deadstock removal company, McLean stored many carcasses in a large garage on the property. “It is not proper to put cattle on a concrete floor in a roofed building, on and around tractors and machinery,” Sass said. “These animals were placed here intentionally, and that fur-
1 NOVEMBER 2012 – 31 AUGUST 2013 THE REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT THE APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY MCEC WITHIN 1 YEAR AFTER THE MONTH END IN WHICH THE FEE WAS DEDUCTED. However, we would like for those eligible to apply for refunds within this time period, to do so as soon as possible, in order for MCEC to be able to process as many refunds as possible in a timely manner. THE REFUND FORM IS AVAILABLE ON THE MCEC WEBSITE: Go to then click on “Refunds”. Please ensure that in order to process your application quickly, all supporting documents ( receipts) are included, and the name of the applicant(s) is the same as the name on the receipts. The application also needs to be signed by the applicant(s).
“He did everything to try and devalue the herd because of the ongoing estate issues.”
Shaun Sass
thers the concern that Mr. McLean was doing this on purpose to try to devalue the estate.” Necropsies and examinations by veterinarians confirmed most of the animals died after months of starvation, although one heifer died slowly during an unassisted labour and was found left as she died with the dead calf still half wedged in the birth canal. Other calves were born to starving mothers, left too weak to stand and nurse, or in pens so clogged with mud they couldn’t reach their mothers for nourishment, leaving them to die of exposure. Mc L e a n c o u n t e r e d h i s a c t i o n s weren’t those of a man determined to settle a score, but rather those of a desperate individual whose resources h a d b e e n d e p l e t e d by t w o y e a r s of legal wrangling over his mother’s estate. “Too proud to ask for help — too stupid some might say,” McLean told judge Harvie. Defence lawyer Gavin Wood said McLean, who had cared for the herd since 1987, stored the carcasses in the garage to avoid being shamed in the eyes of his southwestern Manitoba community. “He’s got a pride here that has led to this situation,” said Wood. He also described some of McLean’s behaviour as “puzzling” and said he believes he was suffering from depression at the time. He said another factor was the loss of control of 90 acres of alfalfa to his brother in early August 2010, who then applied Roundup to the fields.
“Over the course of the winter of 2010, 2011, Mr. McLean gradually ran out of foodstuffs for the cattle,” said Wood. The desiccation of the alfalfa f i e l d s f o l l owe d c o m p l i c a t e d l e g a l p r o c e e d i n g s t h a t s a w M c L e a n’s brother become the sole execut o r o f t h e i r m o t h e r’s e s t a t e a n d McLean lose his right to live in the family home. A portion of the herd was also determined to belong to the brother. But because McLean still owned a substantial portion of the herd, it wasn’t in his interest to neglect the cattle, Wood said. He said the inheritance dispute also meant McLean could not sell off any adult animals to reduce feed requirements. Sass said McLean could have called on provincial agriculture officials for assistance in feeding the animals if he could no longer afford hay. Whether or not McLean intended to use the deaths of the animals to lower the value of the estate will now be central to sentencing. According to justice officials, this will be the first major case to be sentenced since 2010 amendments to the Animal Care Act that increased potential fines and jail terms. Among the 13 charges are failure to provide adequate care, providing inadequate medical attention, and confining animals where there is risk. If the case had gone to trial, prosecutors had intended to seek jail time.
Probiotics could serve as alternative to antibiotics in pig feed The probiotic inhibited pathogenic E. coli from establishing Staff
erman researchers have found that piglets fed probiotic Enterococcus faecium showed reduced numbers of potentially pathogenic Escherichia coli strains in their intestines, the American Society for Microbiology says in a release. Researchers were looking for alternatives to antibiotics for reducing pathogens in the intestines of young pigs following the EU’s ban on using antibiotics as growth promotors in 2006. “We found a clear reduction of E. coli strains possessing typical genes for extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC),” said researcher Carmen Bednorz of Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany. The reduction was particularly noticeable in strains that
adhere to the intestinal mucosa (and less so in the feces), which was “very interesting,” she says, because “ExPEC typically harbour a lot of adhesion genes that promote colonization of the mucosa. “Our data suggest that the feeding of probiotics could substitute for antimicrobials as growth promoters,” says Bednorz. “This could help to reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance,” she adds. The study was published ahead of print in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. In the study, Bednorz and her collaborators compared piglets fed with E. faecium to those in a control group. They collected more than 1,400 samples of E. coli from piglets of different ages,
file photo
and from different parts of the intestine. The results suggest that E. faecium inhibits pathogenic E. coli from becoming attached to the intestinal mucosa.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Strawberry foot rot is on the increase in feedlots An infection previously mostly found in dairy cattle is showing up in some western feedlots Roy Lewis, DVM Beef 911
t has come to my attention that “strawberry foot rot” or “hairy heel wart” or “Montellaros disease,” which was once considered a dairy disease is now making its way into feedlots in Eastern Canada. The disease is potentially caused by a treponema bacteria. The infection starts at the back of the hoof on or near the bulbs of the foot and works its way down. It causes a reddened, raised wart-like lesion surrounded by long hair, hence the descriptive names. It can be confused by the true foot rot, which starts between the toes at the front of the hoof. Both conditions make cattle very sore but with strawberry foot rot the first cases go unnoticed because there is not much swelling evident at first. Cattle generally contract this disease from constant exposure to moisture which is why some dairies have a high incidence of it. Feedlots can have outbreaks, especially when moist and cattle need to move through sloppy manure to get to feed bunks. The excessive moisture combined with those cattle immunosuppressed and abrasions to the feet will result in strawberry foot rot. It is important to be recognized early, as the organism is sensitive to a fairly broad range of antibiotics. Tetracyclines are one of the families of antibiotics that are effective. They are injectable early, or wrapping the area in gauze soaked with tetracycline has also proven beneficial. Some dairy practitioners have even gone to spraying, especially the backs of the feet with a tetracycline liquid. Treatments of topical lowstrength iodine, chlorhexidine or peroxide have also at times been effective. The cattle are extremely sore with this condition and often it affects both hind feet. Affected calves just want to lay around so subsequent weight gain is severely affected. In some feedlot calves the condition becomes so severe that shipping (once antibiotics are withdrawn) or humane euthanasia are the only solutions, so it is important to recognize it early. If any foot trimming or hoof care is attempted on these cases, thoroughly disinfect and clean the instruments. Also clean yourself, as it may be zoonotic (transferrable to humans) and lead to infections of the hands and arms.
The most effective preventive in the dairies has been first to maintain good hoof care and keeping the nutrition sound. Trace minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus as well as vitamins A, D and E have been associated with good feet integrity. There is a vaccine in the U.S. against it which is somewhat effective apparently but it is not available in Canada yet. The other preventives in dairies and that may need to be adapted for feedlots are foot-
Cases of strawberry foot rot may go unnoticed because there is not much swelling evident at first. PHOTO: LELY
baths with various products in them to routinely keep the treponema and other organisms at bay. Products such
as formaldehyde (one gallon 37 per cent in 19 gallons of water), copper sulphate (five lbs. in nine gallons of water) or even dry footbaths of lime with tetracycline powder have been tried. With footbaths it is critical that two long footbaths be strung together so the first one simply washes off organic material and the second is the treatment footbath. Footbaths must be long enough and wide and deep enough so the affected area is treated. Copper sulphate does not do well in organic material that is why the pre-wash is critical. Ideally it is best to have a space between water baths to allow the organic material to run off and upon exiting the water bath best to have the cattle in a dry pen for 15-30 minutes but I know that might be hard to implement. It’s best if the footbaths are in
the nine- to 15-feet-long range, three feet wide and six inches deep. This way the entire foot is exposed and this may be repeated daily or some do it twice weekly. I have personally seen a few Ontario feedlots where the footbaths were easily rigged up in the processing alley and the cattle could almost be trained to run through it after a couple of times. This seems to be keeping the organism at bay. Treatment rates vary from daily to a couple times a week until clinical signs subside. Going aggressively after the bad ones early with the tetracycline wraps is also worth the effort and the individual care will pull these through. Dairy producers under the advice of their veterinarians are also spraying the bulbs of the feet with Lincospectin and avoiding the water baths but
this may not be practical in a feedlot, though could be done to the clinical cases. Strawberry foot rot is also emerging as a significant disease in some feedlots out west, similar to the emerging sporadic condition necrosis of P3 documented recently. We need to work on prevention by controlling wet conditions and communicate with each other advancements in either prevention or treatment of this very painful, contagious and production-limiting disease. Talk to your veterinarian and be ready to implement their best management practices to minimize the incidence of hairy heel wart in your feedlot or dairy. Roy Lewis is a large-animal veterinarian practising at the Westlock, Alberta Veterinary Centre. His main interests are bovine reproduction and herd health.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
iPhone ready. The Manitoba Co-operator mobile app is available for iPhone mobile phones. Download the free app at
“ E v e r y o n e tal k s ab o ut the weathe r , but n o o n e d o es a n y th i n g ab o ut i t . ” M a r k Tw a i n , 18 9 7
Expect plenty of arctic air Issued: Monday, November 18, 2013 · Covering: November 20 – November 27, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
ith most regions now having at least a light covering of snow, it’s definitely starting to look like winter. Combine the snow cover with a couple of shots of arctic air and this forecast period is going to start feeling like winter too! The area of low pressure expected to help bring mild weather to our region this week ended up being much weaker, thanks to last weekend’s low being stronger than expected. As a result, we only saw a slight warm-up early in the week before arctic air pushed in behind the low by mid-week. A weak area of low pressure is forecast to slide southeastward behind this first push of arctic air late Thursday and through the day on Friday. This system will bring some clouds and maybe a few flurries, but doesn’t look like it will bring any measurable snow. A second arctic high will push south behind this low over the weekend, bringing sunny skies and cool tempera-
tures. By Sunday the high will be to our southeast, which will allow the winds to become southerly. This will start to bring in milder air, especially over western regions. This warm-up will only last a day or two as an area of low pressure sliding by to our northeast will drop a cold front through the region by next Tuesday. Behind this front we’ll see another arctic high build in, dropping temperatures back down to the bottom end of the usual temperature range for this time of the year. Looking further ahead, the weather models show a slow warming trend for later next week as the arctic high slides to our southeast, but once again, it doesn’t look like the mild air will stick around as another area of arctic high pressure looks ready to drop southward by the end of next week. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, -10 to 2 C; lows, -21 to -6 C.
Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at
This issue’s map shows the total amount of snow cover across the Prairies as of Nov. 18. The map was originally created by Environment Canada, but I do a lot of “cleaning up” to make the map more readable. For this reason some of the data has been lost, so the map should only be used to give a rough idea of how much snow cover there actually is.
What are the odds for big snowfalls? A single-day snowfall of a foot or more only comes along about every 30 years By Daniel Bezte co-operator contributor
s we’ve been learning over the years, certain weather-related questions sound simple enough, but when you actually start to look at the question, it becomes tougher to figure out. Take trying to figure out when winter actually begins: the tough part is how to define just what constitutes the start of winter. Should it be the first significant snowfall? How about when the high temperature consistently stays below 0 C? Should we simply use the astronomical date of Dec. 21, or maybe just stick to the meteorological date of Dec. 1? I think most people across the Prairies would agree winter doesn’t really arrive until you have snow on the ground, so for us, I use this as our measure of when winter arrives. Even narrowing it down to this still has some problems. What if, for example, it snows five cm on Oct. 22, then by Nov. 8 it has all melted and we don’t receive any more snow until Dec. 4? Did winter start on Oct. 22 or Dec. 4? I call this situation a false start to winter and I would record the winter in this example as starting on Dec. 4. Once I determined this, I went through the snowfall records for Winnipeg,
Table: When winters began
Earliest start
Oct. 27, 1972
Oct. 6, 1959
Oct. 6, 1959
Dec. 16, 1939
Dec. 15, 1974
Dec. 14, 1981
Nov. 14
Nov. 14
Nov. 10
Nov. 3-26
Nov. 2-27
Oct. 29-Nov. 22
Average Usual range
Brandon, and Dauphin, and came up with the results you see here in the table. From the table we can see all three regions of agricultural Manitoba have seen winter start in October and as late as mid-December. Winnipeg and Brandon both have an average date for snow to stick around of Nov. 14, with Dauphin being four days earlier at Nov. 10. The “usual range” is a measure of the standard deviation around the average. It indicates the range of days within which we should expect winter to begin. If winter begins before or after these dates, it’s a fairly unusual year. Another question I often get is whether we’re going to get a lot of snow this winter, and are we going to see any major snowstorms? I often have a tough time with this question; as those of you who regularly read my articles have probably already figured out, I really like snowstorms, at least if I don’t have to
go anywhere! So, I tend to be a little biased when talking about the probability of snowstorms. If we look back over previous years’ snowfall events in our three different regions, I found that large single-day snowfalls are fairly rare events. When I looked at the number of times Winnipeg, Brandon and Dauphin received more than 10 cm of snow in one day over the last 70 years, I was surprised to find out that on average, all three locations have this occur a little less than twice per winter. When we bump up the singleday snowfall to 15 cm or more, this occurs on average a little less than once per winter. If we increase the single-day snowfall to 20 cm or more, the frequency drops down to around once every five years. Finally, to show how rare really big snowstorms are in our region, if we take a look at the probability of receiving 30 cm or more in one day, we would find that this kind
Finally, to show how rare really big snowstorms are in our region, if we take a look at the probability of receiving 30 cm or more in one day, we would find that this kind of event only occurs once every 30 or so years.
of event only occurs once every 30 or so years. One thing that I need to point out is, from December to February, agricultural Manitoba, on average, receives about 50 cm of snow. So all it takes is one big storm and we’ll be at average or even above average for the winter. This is why it’s so hard to predict whether winters will be wet or dry: often it only takes one storm to make a wet winter! Another point to make about these types of statistics is that if you get a 30-cm snowfall, it doesn’t mean the chances of seeing another large snowfall that winter are any smaller. A second question that comes up with the talk of snow is cold temperatures: just when will they move in? The answer to that is almost always tied to when the snow moves in. While we can get some cold temperatures without snow covering the ground, to
get extremely cold temperatures and sustained cold temperatures we need to have snow cover. Snow cover acts in a couple of ways to contribute to colder temperatures. First of all, it insulates the ground, trapping the ground heat and preventing it from warming up the air above it. Secondly, snow has a very high albedo — that is, it reflects a very large proportion of the sun’s energy. So instead of the sun’s energy being absorbed by the ground and then released to warm the air, it gets reflected and we don’t warm up much during the day. Finally, snow, simply put, is cold! We really notice this in the spring, but having snow on the ground at any time of the year acts like a refrigerator to keep temperatures down. In the next issue we’ll take our annual look at weather-related gift ideas for the upcoming holiday season.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
anada’s railways are doing an “adequate” job moving this year’s record crop to market, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz told an industry conference last week. “The increase in volume means the logistics system must fire on all cylinders to ensure farmers’ products are making it to market on time. To date our system is proving effective in handling the workload,” Ritz told the Canadian Seed Trade Association’s semi-annual meeting. But he said the government will continue to monitor the situation through its Crop Logistics Working Group. However, owners of plugged grain elevators disagree. The 5,000 cars a week CP and CN Rail are shipping to export ports is close to their best historical performance, Western Grain Elevator Association WGEA executive director Wade Sobkowich, said in an interview Nov. 15. “But when you compare it to what the industry needs, then it falls short of what we need. So we’re in the process of communicating our issues to the ministers of transport and agriculture.” As of week 16, CN had committed to deliver 5,289 cars, but orders for almost 8,400 cars went unfilled and added to the thousands of unfulfilled orders from past weeks, Sobkowich said. CP Rail is even further behind, he said. Country elevators are, on average, 92 per cent full across the West, while export terminals have lots of space, Sobkowich said. After speaking to the Canadian Seed Trade Association’s semi-annual meeting in Winnipeg Nov. 13 Ritz told reporters the railways could always do better. But when asked if they’re doing a good enough job Ritz replied: “I think it’s adequate to this point.” When asked about the growing backlog of grain shipments Ritz said: “They’re running at peak capacity. I’m not an apologist for the railways but I do agree with Claude Mongeau (CN president and chief executive officer) when he says putting more cars on the freeway during rush hour really doesn’t make it more efficient.” Sobkowich said that since most grain shippers are captive the railways have no incentive in surge capacity, because they are guaranteed to get the traffic anyway. The federal government promised its new legislation forcing the railways to give shippers service agreements would address rail service complaints. But Sobkowich said grain companies haven’t signed agreements because the legislation lacks teeth. That was news to Ritz. If the legislation isn’t
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz says Canada’s railways are doing an “adequate” job moving this year’s record crop to market. The Western Grain Elevators Association says it’s not good enough and farm groups agree. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON
effective the government is willing to look at it, he added. Ritz said the cap on how much the railways can earn shipping grain could be a factor. “I’ve never been a cheerleader for the revenue cap,” he said. “I think in a market-driven economy that’s something that needs to be looked at. When you’re looking at competing with oil, with potash, with coal, with timber on the rail lines and then you have a cap on one commodity, guess which ones the railways aren’t going to haul?” But Sobkowich defended the cap, which some say should be called an “entitlement.” “I think removing the revenue cap is a very risky proposition because when we look at other industries that don’t have a revenue cap they’re negotiating with the railways to get good rates and to get better service. We’re negotiating with the railways to get better service,” he said. Western Canadian general farm organizations are also worried about the grain backlog, Doug Chorney, president of the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP), said in a news release. KAP, the Agricultural Producers of Saskatchewan, Alberta Federation of Agriculture and the British Columbia Agriculture Council discussed grain transportation and other issues when they met Nov. 14 in Abbotsford, B.C.
“This is unacceptable,” Chorney said. “Farmers have been asking for better rail service basically since farming began on the Prairies and now this situation underlines the fact that nothing has really changed.” Ritz said he is loath to add more regulations. “Unless someone wants to start laying double track across Canada, which I don’t see happening in the near future, we have the system that we have. When I compare it with others around the world, it works as well as can be expected. There’s (sic) always more things that can be done.” Examples include shipping more through Churchill and the United States and processing more grain in Western Canada, Ritz said. During his formal address Ritz said the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization predicts the world’s farmers will have to produce more than one billion tonnes of cereal grains over the next 40 years to feed the growing population. Sobkowich agreed but he said a properly functioning transportation system is equally pivotal. “We can’t be left with product in our system and on our farms year over year. It’s not going to do,” he said.
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By Allan Dawson
The Western Grain Elevators Association and Western farm leaders disagree
Ritz rates current rail service for grain ‘adequate’
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Caterpillars attack Brazil crops The leading soybean-producing state is under siege sao paulo / reuters Infestations of the Helicoverpa caterpillar in Brazil’s Grain Belt prompted the Agriculture Ministry to declare a state of emergency Nov. 18 in the leading soy state of Mato Grosso, highlighting the potential risk to large parts of the crop. The ministry’s head of supply, Antonio Andrade, also declared an emergency in the state of Bahia, a smaller but important producer state where difficulty controlling pests caused financial losses for producers last year. State governments will draw up guidelines for dealing with the pest that is believed to be a serious threat to crops. Production costs in areas where the caterpillar is most prominent are going to rise for farmers as fighting the pest often involves multiple applications of insecticide and destruction of plant material that host to the caterpillar. Brazil, one of the world’s biggest exporters of soybeans and corn after the United States, is nearly finished planting what is expected to be a record soy and bumper corn crop that will start harvest in early 2014. The caterpillar can also destroy cotton crops.
Past and future collide as Mexico fights over GMO corn Opponents say the genetically modified varieties will contaminate traditional landraces By David Alire Garcia mexico city / reuters
fter pioneering the cultivation of corn thousands of years ago, Mexico must overcome the weight of history to give the go-ahead to allow genetically modified strains into its fields. Religion, culture and science are competing for primacy in the debate on how acceptable corn produced by genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is in a country where farmers first domesticated maize about 8,000 years ago. Last month a federal judge in Mexico City created a stir by ordering a temporary halt to any new GMO corn permits, accepting a lawsuit brought by opponents of the crop. It was widely interpreted as a definitive ban on the commercial use of GMO corn in Mexico, but experts say it will likely just delay any resolution into 2014 or beyond. With Mexican output falling short of demand, GMO backers are keen to open the door to firms such as Monsanto, which have applications pending to plant some 2.5 million hectares of GMO corn, an area roughly the size of Rwanda. The Agriculture Ministr y must first finish designating the “centres of origin” where GMO corn farming would be banned, and set other safety regulations before permits can be issued. And it must also wait until the legal wrangling has been settled since the federal judge sided with opponents, finding that GMO corn has already been planted illegally in Mexico. “It’s a very controversial topic,” Agriculture Minister Enrique Martinez said recently. “This will have a final resolution that adheres to what the scientists decide.”
Growing Innovation Program Call for Proposals Deadline: December 2, 2013 Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (MAFRD) is issuing a call for proposals under the Growing Innovation – Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative for innovative industry led research and development activities in crop, livestock, environment and food. Projects must work to enhance the competitiveness and profitability of Manitoba’s agriculture, agrifood and agriproduct sectors by accelerating the pace of innovation including discovery phase through to pre-adoption and technology transfer phases. Who can apply? Agricultural producers, agribusiness including co-operatives, agricultural organizations or not-for-profit organizations. When to apply? The application deadline is December 2, 2013. Complete program information and application forms are available online at or by visiting your local MAFRD GO Office.
MAFRD – ARDI Program Deadline Publication: MB Co-operator Ad size: 4"x5.5" Insertion Date: Thurs, Nov 14, 21
A corn farmer holds corncobs during a protest in Mexico City January 2013. Farmers protested against the growing of transgenic or genetically modified corn, as it is one of the primary food staples of Mexico and Central America. Photo: REUTERS/Bernardo Montoya
The science is hotly disputed. Proponents of GMO corn say studies show that production will rise, and costly inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers would fall. They add that GMO crops have proven safe for human consumption. O p p o n e n t s , m e a n w h i l e, contend that large-scale GMO plantings will contaminate native strains of the grain and harm biodiversity. They also point to toxins that protect GMO corn against pests that may be linked to elevated insect mortality, which could undermine pollination. Mariano Ruiz, a deputy agriculture minister in the previous government who backs GMO corn, said the case will likely reach Mexico’s Supreme Court and cause at least a year’s delay. Although President Enrique Pena Nieto’s administration has avoided taking a firm position on its commercial use, Ruiz believes it supports GMO corn. And in his view, there was no question about the legitimacy of large-scale planting. “There isn’t a legal vacuum, there’s a delay in the application of the law,” he told Reuters.
Born of corn
Despite its humble origins, corn is by far the planet’s most produced grain, dwarfing both wheat and rice output. Mexico now plants 7.2 million hectares of corn annually to grow mostly white corn, which is used for human consumption, including the country’s staple tortillas. Last year its farmers produced some 21 million tonnes of corn, or about three per cent of global production. But the country consumed roughly 30 million tonnes, making up the difference with U.S. imports. Mexico already imports tens of thousands of tonnes of GMO yellow corn each year, largely for animal feed, and permits planting of other GMO crops, mainly cotton and soybeans.
“It’s a very controversial topic, this will have a final resolution that adheres to what the scientists decide.” Enrique Martinez Agriculture minister
Supporters of GMO corn like Mexico’s corn farmers’ federation argue it can boost yields by up to 15 per cent.a Their peers in the United States, Brazil and Argentina — the world’s top three corn exporters — are already producing large quantities of GMO corn. But the crop has a unique place in Mexico. The 49 landraces of corn, or distinct strains improved over time by traditional methods, and thousands of individual varieties, are often tied to specific indigenous groups and religious ceremonies. Scientists say modern corn comes from teosinte, a tiny wild grain native to southern Mexico. The ancient Maya believed the gods made the first humans out of corn, after rejecting earlier clay and wood forms. “The women and men of corn saw as much as the gods,” reads the Popol Vuh, the sacred text of the Maya, who still live in Mexico. “Their glance ranged over the whole world.”
Legal limbo
In 2009, during the previous administration of President Felipe Calderon, changes to Mexico’s biosafety law allowed biotech crop developers for the first time to experiment with GMO corn trials in approved regions of Mexico. Since then, dozens of pilot permits have tested GMO corn strains for their tolerance to herbicides as well as resistance to
insects and drought. But Calderon left office without approving large-scale GMO corn plantings. Those corn permits could have been approved as early as February, but the change of government led to a delay. GMO corn backers like Alejandro Monteagudo of industry lobby AgroBIO, argue Mexico has no reason to fear tinkering with DNA in search of larger yields and hardier plants. “The government’s biosecurity measures allow us to be calm that (commercial GMO corn plantings) are done legally and with no impact on the environment or biodiversity,” he said. But opponents say Monsanto’s proprietary seeds essentially privatize corn production and threaten age-old farming practices by making farmers buy new GMO seeds rather than harvest them from Mexico’s current crops. Unsurprisingly, they applaud the judge’s ruling last month. “This decision is unprecedented,” said Aleira Lara, the head of Greenpeace Mexico’s sustainable agriculture campaign. Greenpeace, which is not a party to the case, will immediately file a separate suit if the Agriculture Ministry approves any permits as the court case proceeds, Lara said. The extended political and legal fight leaves five applications for commercial-scale GMO cornfields in limbo. Monsanto has submitted two applications, both of which seek 700,000 hectares for GMO corn in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, the country’s largest corn-producing area. The Mexican unit of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, part of DuPont, has three bids, each of which would cover about 350,000 hectares in northeastern Tamaulipas state. Meanwhile, Dow AgroSciences de Mexico, part of Dow Chemical, has one application for 40,000 hectares in Tamaulipas.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Dry soil a concern for some Pastures need more moisture further west By Terryn Shiells
Richard Phillips has taken over as president of the Canadian Grains Council at a difficult time in his own life and one of rapid change in the grain sector By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA
ry soil conditions heading into winter could cause problems next spring. “There are some concerns with pasture recovery and just starting up the season next year,” said Trevor Hadwen, agro-climate specialist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. “In terms of native pasture, the dry fall doesn’t allow the recharge of the soil moisture, which doesn’t allow the plants to prepare as well for the winter as they normally would.” The biggest area of concern is a region starting in central Alberta and stretching into Saskatchewan, he said. There are some dr y regions in Manitoba as well, but many areas in the south and southwest received some good precipitation this fall. “The southwest (region of Manitoba) has received quite a bit of rain, getting a few of those storms that were popping up from North Dakota,” Hadwen said. Though the soil is too dry in Alberta now, it’s likely that things will improve in spring, said Drew Lerner of World Weather Inc. in Kansas. “ We’v e h a d s o m e snow events already (in Alberta) which helped to pad the dryness a little bit and it kind of suggests that maybe we’ll see some improvement in the spring,” said Lerner. “A lot of the snow that fell will help to keep frost out of the ground, so when we do get into the spring thaw, the moisture will go into the ground fairly quickly.” It’s still a wait-and-see kind of situation in Saskatchewan, though Lerner said he expects average snowfalls during the first half of winter across Western Canada, and that should keep winter wheat crops covered, he said. “I think in general, the crop will probably be in fairly good shape,” he said. “There will be some very impressive bouts of cold that will occur, but I think we’ll have sufficient snow on the ground to take care of that. So, when it comes to the spring, we should at least get a fair start to the season.”
Memory assistance. Network
New grains council head faces personal and professional challenges
ichard Phillips was expecting plenty of challenges when he took over as president of the Canadian Grains Council. But July 31, his last day as executive director of Grain Growers of Canada, brought him a challenge he hadn’t expected. His doctor told him he had an advanced case of bladder cancer. What was to have been a quiet summer for him and his wife turned into the agony of surgery and treatments. By mid-November, he was able to start working part time, but admits his energy fades and the days following a treatment are low points. However, he doesn’t spend much time in an interview feeling sorry for himself and in conversa-
tion is soon running through the issues facing the council and grain industry. His predecessor, Dennis Stephens, focused on major issues such as the presence of genetically modified traits in grain shipments and removing barriers to the international shipments of grain. For Phillips, the pivotal issue will be the shape of the country’s grain industry now that the Canadian Wheat Board — the face of the Canadian grain industry in many countries — no longer has monopoly over wheat and barley exports. “We have to take a good look at where we are going,” said Phillips. “There is a real need for us to be co-ordinated so we don’t confuse the customers. They want to buy Canadian grain and not have to be pitched for grain from particu-
lar provinces. We have to focus on what’s best for the customer.” Two new organizations — Cereals Canada and the Barley Council of Canada — have been created this year, and that has implications for the Canadian Grains Council, he said. “We have to sort out the role of the council,” said Phillips. “Is it to be a council of industry councils or does it have another purpose?” For example, his organization could assist new councils in dealing with research issues and other services to farmers, he said. It also needs to consider how smaller, non-grower members — such as the railways, grain-handling terminals, ports and farm supply companies — might best fit into the scheme of things. Other issues high on his agenda are the rail transportation system, which has been strained by this
Richard Phillips
year’s bumper crop in Western Canada, and the revamping of the Canadian Grain Commission, which has raised concerns with its plan to increase fees.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
U.S. farmland buyers more selective but still pay for prime The biggest buyer at this recent sale was Archer Daniels Midland By Christine Stebbins CARLINVILLE, ILLINOIS / REUTERS
uyers of U.S. farmland appear undaunted by falling grain prices, paying top dollar for prime parcels coming up at autumn auctions although showing a more cautious tone than in recent years, farmland auction participants said at a sale last week. “It’s more dependent on where a farm is located than the general land market. The person the farm is near matters more than the type of farm,” said Bruce Huber, an Illinois real estate broker who handled a sale in central Illinois last week. “Last year, it was just up, up, up.” If the sale of the 535-acre (217-hectare) grain farm in Carlinville, Illinois, for $14.5 million is any indication, farmland values in the most productive areas of the Grain Belt will stay steady during harvest, the traditional season for farmland auctions. The farm in question, which included grain storage facilities for more than four million bushels, was sold in seven tracts with the top parcel of 200 acres bringing in $13,600 an acre. “We decided $13,000 was our top dollar. We exceeded our expectations. But I’m glad we did it,” said David Fullington, a local CPA who organized a partnership of farmers to make the successful bid for that parcel, which will be farmed by one of the buyers’ sons in the coming year. The sale price was as strong
“It’s more dependent on where a farm is located than the general land market. The person the farm is near matters more than the type of farm, last year, it was just up, up, up.” BRUCE HUBER
Illinois real estate broker
as a year ago when corn was at $8 a bushel versus the $4 being paid today. Corn prices have been the catalyst for sky-high U.S. farmland values in recent years. Why the strength? The usual reason: the neighbours wanted the farm. “We wouldn’t have bought this if we didn’t own other land,” said Fullington, who said top-grade land four years ago had been selling for $4,000 an acre. “It would have been a poor investment for somebody to go out and buy land for the first time.” Huber said he had seen a common theme at this autumn’s grain land auctions in Illinois, typically the nation’s No. 2 corn and soybean grower behind Iowa. If the farm is in the right spot, and the land is good quality, farmers are paying top prices and quickly — the 200-acre parcel, a $2.72-million sale, was done in 15 minutes, Huber said.
A combine drives over stalks of soft red winter wheat during the harvest on a farm in Dixon, Illinois last July. U.S. farmland prices remain high and holding, but buyers are more selective. PHOTO: REUTERS/JIM YOUNG
But if those factors are not present, sales go slow and often disappoint sellers. “There is more variability this year,” he said. “If you want $13,000 or $14,000, you’re going to sit on it for a while. A year ago, that wasn’t the case.”
Hard lessons
There is a wide audience for farmland prices this season. Federal Reserve policy-makers, farm bankers who use land as loan collateral, seed and fer tilizer dealers and equipment makers like John
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Deere are closely watching land sales as an indicator of future farmer spending at a time grains prices — if not revenues, given higher yields — have fallen back. Jason Henderson, a Purdue University agricultural economist, said the Illinois auction was in line with what many have expected. “Farmland values are holding pretty flat from where they have been. Usually the big moves in land values come in the fourth quarter, so we’re right in the middle of it,” he said in an interview. “My scenario as to how I think it’s going to play out: we’ll get a little softness. Then those far mers will sit there and decide, ‘Is this the top of the market or not?’ Those who were on the fence thinking about selling, if they think this is the top, then they’ll put it on the market.” Prime grain land in Illinois, Iowa and other Midwest states rose 20 to 30 per cent in 2012 alone. Soaring demand for corn from ethanol makers, strong demand from China and other importers, and rockbottom U.S. interest rates have all combined to feed the farmland boom. But skyrocketing land values have stirred nightmare memories of the ruinous land bubble of the 1980s, when overleveraged farmers lost their farms a s i n t e re s t ra t e s j u m p e d . Farmers who lived through those times remember them well. Many were among the m o re t h a n 1 0 0 o n l o o k e r s who sat in the old Macoupin County courthouse in Carlinville last week to watch the auction.
For some, the sale was a sober reminder of the bad old days and bitter lessons repeated. The property had been owned by Rick Rosentreter, an ambitious young farmer who grew his grain operation from a few thousand acres to 30,000 acres in just a few years. But it was fuelled by debt and the bankers who had lent to him foreclosed. “The tone of the sale was great,” said Huber. “The reason for the sale was not. There was stress.” Rosentreter was not present for the sale. Seth Baker, a broker with real estate company Schroeder Huber, said the young farmer’s meteoric rise and fall drew some interest in the event. But he said that when the bidding opened, it was the productive value of the land, not seller distress, that made the day. “There have been some sales that went well, others not so well over the past few months. We were on the high end of what we expected,” Baker said. “Outside of Tracts 5-6, which sold relatively low due to access issues, all of the other tillable ground brought exceptional market value for class B, B+ soil types.” Other big buyers were also neighbours of Rosentreter, including the Behme family, which bought a 40-acre tract for $11,500 an acre. But the biggest buyer was a neighbour from 90 miles (145 km) to the north in Decatur — Archer Daniels Midland, the biggest grain processor in the country. ADM bought a 30-acre parcel that included 20 grain storage bins for $9.1 million.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Brazil likely to lose briefly held top corn export title in 2014
Drought in 2012 crimped production in the U.S., but it is poised to reclaim its top export position SAO PAULO / REUTERS
razil’s corn exports in 2013 have surpassed last year’s record as the agricultural superpower gained international market share with U.S. stocks still low, but the United States is set to make a huge comeback in 2014. Brazil exported 20.8 million tonnes of corn between January and Nov. 10, according to trade data, passing the 19.77 million tonnes shipped abroad in all of 2012 when drought crimped production in the United States, the top producer and exporter of the grain. For the 2012-13 crop year, Brazil exported 22 million tonnes of corn while the U.S. exported 18.58 million tonnes, according to USDA. But Brazil’s exports will likely fall off in December and January, analysts said, and the United States should reclaim its spot as the top corn exporter, according to the U.S. Agriculture Department. Brazilian corn exports usually start trailing off at the end of the year, when logistics make the U.S. crop more accessible, but last season was atypical, analysts said. “Last year, with the damage in the United States, prices jumped to $7.50 (per bushel) and the whole world bought from Brazil at any pr ice,” said Paulo Molinari of Brazil-based Safras & Mercado consultancy. Now, prices on the Chicago Board of Trade are around $4.30 per bushel on promises of an abundant supply from the Northern Hemisphere as the U.S. harvests a record crop. Brazil’s corn production has increased 60 per cent in the past 10 years, culminating in a record 80-million-tonne crop in the 2012-13 season that left the country with far more corn than it can use domestically. Most analysts believe the next corn crop will be smaller with farmers preferring to plant soybeans and cotton. The USDA expects Brazil to produce 72 million tonnes of corn in the 2013-14 season and export 20 million tonnes for that crop year. The United States is forecast to export 35.6 million tonnes in the 2013-14 marketing year. Molinari said an agreement for Brazil to export corn to China inked last week is not likely to increase exports by much. Brazil’s Agriculture Ministry believes China could eventually take up to 10 million tonnes of Brazil’s corn as pork and poultry consumption rises, but it will take time for Brazil to gain a share of the market which is dominated by the United States.
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BrettYoung™ is a trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited. Elite® is a registered trademark of La Coop fédérée. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not glyphosate tolerant. Genuity®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup Ready 2 Yield® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. 13028 10.13
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Churchill exports up after longerthan-usual shipping season OmniTRAX says exporting crude oil through Churchill would help ensure the port’s viability By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
he Port of Churchill, which closed for the season Nov. 12, was open almost two weeks later than usual and exported more than 600,000 tonnes of grain. Merv Tweed, president of OmniTRAX Canada, which owns the port and the Hudson Bay Railway that serves it, said that while this year’s performance is encouraging, the port must still diversify if it is to survive. That’s why OmniTRAX wants to export light sweet crude oil, said Tweed, who recently resigned as the member of Parliament for Brandon — Souris to head the firm. “I use the example of a shopping mall with anchor tenants,” Tweed said in an interview Nov. 15. “Grain would be one of our anchor tenants and we’re hoping oil would be the other and then that would allow us to do all the other things people want to do up here.” Oil exported through Churchill would be shipped to Rotterdam to be refined, Tweed said. Last year Churchill exported just under 432,500 tonnes of grain; the 10-year average is about 450,000 tonnes. Churchill exported 656,298 tonnes in 2010 and the record was 729,000 tonnes sent in 1977. This was Churchill’s longest shipping season since OmniTRAX purchased the port in 1997, Tweed said. The port also loaded a couple of Panamax ships, which can carry 55,000 tonnes of grain. Tweed said OmniTRAX is struggling to find rail cars to get grain into place at the northern terminal for next year’s shipping season. Until last year almost all the grain shipped through Churchill came from the Canadian Wheat Board. There were dire
Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.
“If we were to have a coast guard icebreaker then that opens up a whole new area of possibilities.” Merv Tweed
predictions that exports through the port would dry up when the board’s monopoly was ended last year. But the federal government stepped in with a $25-million shipping subsidy allocated over five years to assist with the port’s transition. “What it does, is give us the opportunity to attract new grain companies and prove to them we can do what we say we’re going to do and give us the opportunity at the end of the day when the program expires,” Tweed said. This year five grain companies shipped wheat, durum and canola through Churchill. “We’re hoping we can expand that variety and supply markets we haven’t reached before,” he added. Churchill, Canada’s only northern seaport, is about 1-1/2 days closer to some markets than Thunder Bay, Tweed said. “To the shipping companies that’s a lot of money and a lot of savings,” he said. Although Thunder Bay can load small ocean vessels, much of the grain shipped from there is transferred to other terminals along the St. Lawrence Seaway, adding cost. Churchill’s disadvantage is its short season. This year the first ship arrived Aug. 4 and the last vessel usually sails by Oct. 31. This year’s Nov. 12 departure could be a sign of longer seasons to come. Arctic weather expert David
Churchill exported more grain this year than last and had its longest season since at least 1997, says Merv Tweed, president of OmniTRAX Canada, which owns Manitoba’s only seaport. photo: allan dawson
Barber of the University of Manitoba has said Churchill’s shipping season could be extended by a month due to global warming. “If we were to have a coast guard icebreaker, then that opens up a whole new area of possibilities,” Tweed said. So would oil shipments — something environmental groups oppose. They question the safety given much of the Hudson Bay Railway is built on unstable permafrost. But Tweed said the railway has shipped petroleum products safely to Churchill’s fuel storage facility for years. Gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel is then shipped from Churchill to communities further north. “We continue to move forward,” Tweed said. “We are having a series of community meetings with people along the rail line and listen to what they have to say and are showing them what we’d like to do and taking the feedback and adjusting accordingly.
“We have a company that is going to evaluate our business plan, safety plan and environmental plan. Whatever suggestions they make to improve it we’ll follow. We have taken a lot of steps to make it credible.” The dream of establishing a northern seaport in Manitoba goes back more than a century. The Canadian Northern Railway laid track from Winnipeg to Hudson Bay Junction in 1908, but declined to head north despite federal government aid. With more government funds the next year, the railway began laying track to Nelson on Hudson Bay, but work ceased during the First World War. When construction resumed it was decided to go farther north to Churchill. The Hudson Bay line was completed in September 1929 at a cost of $45 million. But it wasn’t until 1931 that the grain terminal at Churchill began operating.
NGO sees gold mine in recycled grain bags HELP International finds creative, lucrative use for old grain bags By Daniel Winters co-operator staff
ld, used grain bags are big, bulky, and present a disposal headache for farmers. But for Rodney Sidloski, the CEO of Weyburn, Saskatchewanbased Help International, they are a potential gold mine. “We can potentially see a retail value of up to $4,000 out of a bag that brand new only cost the farmer about $1,000,” said Sidloski. “Imagine that, from a recycled product.” With the help of a handful of interns from foreign universities who assist a number of agroforestry-related projects at his eight-acre site, Sidloski has developed a streamlined process for turning the bags into long-lasting mulch pads that can prevent weeds and grasses from choking out newly planted tree seedlings. In the past six weeks, he and his team have repurposed about 20 bags by cutting them into two-foot squares with an x-shaped slit in the middle for the tree to grow up through. Because they are made from
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Tests at HELP International show that recycled rubber tire rings allow weeds to gradually infiltrate the planting site of a hybrid poplar. The recycled grain bag rings after the same period of time do a better job of protecting the seedling. photo: HELP International
such high-quality, heavy plastic, the pads make newly planted trees virtually maintenance free for up to 20 years, he said. In researching the idea, he has even found that at $2 each, the plastic squares compete favourably with a similar product made from shredded rubber tires that cost about $18 each, and much more in terms of effort and energy to recycle.
“You can make 2,000 pads from one single grain bag that are of much higher quality,” he said, adding that he is exploring a Canadian and United States patent for the idea and has arranged marketing and distribution across the Prairies through an undisclosed retail chain this spring. The mulch pads will be marketed to appeal to urban landscapers and gardeners planting
single trees, but not farm shelterbelts. They also work well for transplanted garden crops such as tomatoes, he added. “We think the government could be a bit more visionary in protecting the environment and promoting industry, rather than spending money to send valuable products out of the province to be recycled in a really environmentally unfriendly way,” said Sidloski. Resembling a beached whale when full of grain, grain bags weigh nearly 182 kg empty and are made of a high-quality polyethylene plastic. At 10 mm in thickness, they are twice as thick as regular construction vapour barrier, and almost as heavy-duty as pond liner. Slit open, they are about 10 metres wide and up to 107 metres long, and contain an average of 2,700 square metres of very useful material that has “101 uses,” said Sidloski. “It’s unbelievable, really. There are all kinds of industries that require plastic membranes. It doesn’t have to be sent out to Alberta and melted down,” said Sidloski.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Australia to revert to Asia to sell big wheat crop
a sky’s the limit
Lower protein will shift market focus to nearby Asian buyers By Gus Trompiz geneva / reuters
ower expected protein in a large Australian wheat crop will encourage a shift in the country’s exports back towards nearby Asian buyers after unusually high sales to the Middle East last season, grain handler CBH Group said. CBH nudged up its estimate of the country’s 2013-14 wheat harvest to 26 million tonnes, from 25.9 million two weeks ago, and sees potential for more upward revisions, Sean Cowman, the group’s marketing manager for the Middle East and Africa, said. Like others in the market, co-operative CBH increased its outlook for the ongoing Australian wheat harvest due to favourable conditions in western and southern belts that have offset frost and drought damage in the east. Last season, the Australian crop was 22.1 million tonnes. High protein levels at a time of short supply from Black Sea exporters such as Russia fuelled Australian sales to the Middle East in 2012-13, but the new marketing campaign should see Asian destinations come back to the fore, Cowman said. “It will be a more traditional year with Asia,” he told Reuters ahead of a presentation on Wednesday at the Global Grain conference in Geneva. “The thing the Australian farmer will be looking at, apart from the weather, will be Chinese demand.” A burst of buying by China in 2013, after weather damage to its own wheat crop, has already brought large sales for Australia, but Cowman said Australian exporters would be watching for competition from India after the authorities there moved to cut the floor price for selling state reserves. The Middle East and Africa claimed 43 per cent of Australian wheat exports in 2012-13, against 20-30 per cent in previous years, led by strong sales to Iraq, a major buyer of highprotein wheat, he said. “Indications are that the (new) Australian crop will be a mid- to low-protein crop,” he said, estimating that two-thirds of the harvest would show 11.5 per cent protein or lower, assuming 11 per cent moisture.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
LOCATION: Indoors at the Alerus Center, 1200 S. 42nd St, Grand Forks, ND (Just off I-29) AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The auction will take place in the Alerus Center ballroom by huge video screen & photographs. All units will be on hand for inspection on the Alerus Center Lot- go outside to “look & touch” come inside to “bid & buy”. Running inspection from noon to 5pm November 25th and 8am to 10am auction day. Please be prepared as there will be two auction rings SPECIAL NOTES: : All items must be removed by December 4, 2013 at 1pm- loading dock on site. Alerus Center is equipped with hotel & restaurant facilities. We will accept absentee bids until 6pm November 25th!
ONLINE BIDDING: Please register in advance to bid live online by visiting IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS IS A VERY PRELIMINARY LISTING! AS THIS AD WENT TO PRESS WE WERE ADDING MANY UNITS & GATHERING NUMEROUS SPECS. PLEASE SEE FOR ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS & CHANGES TO DESCRIPTIONS! FOR MORE PHOTOS, INFO & UPDATES- VISIT OUR WEBSITE WHICH WILL BE UPDATED OFTEN UNTIL AUCTION DAY!!! FINANCING AVAILABLE: Nearly ALL of our late model combines, tractors and heads are eligible for conventional, low or no interest financing to qualified U.S. buyers. Please call in advance for details on specific program units or visit our website for breakdown. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE & LARGE BELTED TRACTORS
*2012 JD 9560RT belted ag tractor, 560hp, 18/6 power shift trans, premium radio, 5 hyd, 30” Durabilt tracks-95% rubber, 7” touch screen display, Auto Trac ready, deluxe light pkg, 2600lb front weight pkg, only 237 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#901592 *2010 JD 9430T belted ag tractor, 425hp, 18/6 power shift trans, radar, 4 hyd, 36” Durabilt tracks- excellent rubber, Auto Trac ready, HD drawbar, Xenon light pkg, front weight pkg, only 1013 hrs, SN#912302 *2011 JD 9430 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, deluxe leather interior, active seat, buddy seat, elec mirrors, 5 hyd, 1000 PTO, radar, Auto Trac ready, HID light pkg, HD drawbar, 710/70-42 duals90% rubber, only 620 hrs, SN#025248 *2011 JD 9330 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, active seat, buddy seat, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd, diff locks, Auto Trac ready, HID lights, rear weight pkg, 710/7042 duals- 90% rubber, only 742 hrs, SN#023827 *2009 JD 9530 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, active cloth seat, buddy seat, elec mirrors, 5 hyd, radar, Auto Trac ready, HID lights pkg,800/70-38 duals- 80% rubber, rear weight pkg, only 1306 hrs, SN#13676 *1997 JD 9400 4WD, 24 spd trans, 4 hyd, diff lock, radar, Auto Trac ready, 710/7038 duals -75% rubber, weight pkg, 5908 hrs, clean, SN#001966 *2000 JD 9200 4WD, 24 spd trans, 4 hyd, diff lock, radar, 20.8-42 duals90% rubber, rear weight pkg, recent eng OH & rubber, only 3998 hrs, clean, SN#030523 *2002 New Holland TJ325 4WD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd, Auto Steer, 20.8-42 duals, 3890 hrs, SN#RVS001545 *1998 JD 9200 4WD, 24 spd trans, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 3 hyd, diff lock, 20.8-42 duals, front & rear weight pkg, 2720 hrs, SN#010623 *1994 Cat 65C belted ag tractor, power shift, 4 hyd, 36” tracks, JD ATU- no globe, ISO, GPS navigation ready, local tractor, always shedded, 6612 hrs, SN#2ZJ00622 *1991 Case IH 9280, power shift, 4 hyd, 20.8-42 triples- excellent matched rubber all around, EZ Steer auto guidance, 8205 hrs, SN#JCB0028444 *1976 IHC 4386 4WD, CAH, factory 3pt, 2 hyd, 18.4-38 duals, 5454 hrs showing, clean older tractor, SN#3U000597 *1976 IHC 4366 4WD, CAH, 3 hyd, 18.438 duals, 9789 hrs showing, clean older tractor, SN#2U010245 *1975 JD 8630 4WD, CAH, quad range, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, JD factory front hyd dozer, 23.1-34 tires & duals, 10318 hrs showing, SN#2105
*2010 JD 8245R MFWD tractor, IVT trans, instruction seat, active seat, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, Auto Trac ready, front weights, 380/90R50 duals, 380/85R34 fronts, second owner local tractor, 2451 hrs, SN#2790 *2009 Case IH MG245 MFWD, deluxe cab, power shift, instruct seat, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, creeper, radar, auto guidance ready, 380/80-38 fronts, 380/90-54 duals, weights, 3255hrs, SN#Z7RZ05097
*2003 JD 8230 MFWD, deluxe cab, active seat, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, front weights, HID lights, 320/90R54 duals70% rubber, 320/85R34 fronts, 4351 hrs, SN#12915 *2004 Case IH MX210 MFWD, deluxe cab, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch. 540/1000 PTO, 5 hyd, HID lights, front weights, 380/90R50 rear duals, 380/85R34 front duals, 4996 hrs, SN#JAZ131639 *2002 JD 7810 MFWD, CAH, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd w/ power beyond, 740 self leveling loader w/ bkt, field office, like new 18.442 rear duals, new 14.9-30 fronts, 6470 hrs, SN#P073028 *2001 JD 8410T belted ag tractor, narrow gauge, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, 16” belts40%, Auto Trac ready, front weights, second owner local tractor, 5602 hrs, SN#902344 *1998 JD 8400T belted ag tractor, narrow gauge, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, 16” belts- 60%, Auto Trac ready, front weight bracket, 6553 hrs, SN#902196 *1979 JD 4440 tractor, CAH, quad range, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, front tank & weights, 18.4-38 tires, 12157 hrs, SN#16066 *1978 JD 4440 tractor, CAH, quad range, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd, front tank, 18.4-38 tires, 13248 hrs, SN#10424 *1977 IHC 1486, CAH, 3pt, PTO, 2 hyd, 10.8-38 duals, 2767 hrs on engine major
*2010 Case IH 9120T track combine, corn/grain/bean, RWD, 36” rubber tracks, rock trap, lateral tilt feeder, AccuGuide w/ Nav II controller, AFS antenna, 24’ unloading auger, HID lighting, 890 sep hrs, 973 eng hrs, SN#YAG209769 *2010 Case IH 8120, lateral tilt, AccuGuide w/ Nav II controller, AFS antenna, 24’ unloading auger, axle ext, 620/70R42 duals, 890 sep hrs, 921 eng hrs, SN#Y9G208165 *2011 Case IH 8120 RWD, corn/ grain/ bean, full auto steer, lateral tilt feeder, long auger, color touch screen, chopper, 670/70R42 duals, large rear rubber, 1102 sep hrs, 1353 eng hrs, loaded, SN#YAG210713 *2010 Case IH 8120 RWD, corn/ grain/ bean, full auto steer, lateral tilt feeder, long auger, color touch screen, chopper, 670/70R42 duals, large rear rubber, 1763 sep hrs, 2216 eng hrs, loaded, SN#Y9G207968 *2009 Case IH 8120 RWD, corn/ grain/ bean, full auto steer, lateral tilt feeder, long auger, color touch screen, chopper, 670/70R42 duals, large rear rubber, 1160 sep hrs, 1545 eng hrs, loaded, SN#Y9G205733 *2009 Case IH 7120, corn/grain/bean, Y/M monitor, color screen, rock trap, lateral tilt feeder, long auger, chopper, 650/42 duals, 650 sep hrs, 850 eng hrs, loaded, SN#Y9G207148 *2008 Case IH 8010, lateral tilt feeder, rock trap, full auto steer, Y/M, PRO 600 screen, 650/42 duals, long auger, chopper, 1220 sep hrs, 1685 eng hrs, loaded, SN#HAJ202327 *2009 Case IH 7088, field tracker, rock trap, Y/M monitor, AFS ant w/ Pro 600 color screen, ext wear rotor, chopper, 520/85R42 duals, axle ext, 24’ unload auger, only 750 sep hrs, 997 eng hrs, SN#Y9G001456
*2009 Case IH 7088, CAH, standard chopper, Pro 600, Y/M monitor, auto crop setting, HID stadium lights, 800/65R32 drive tires, 18.4-24 rears, 860 sep hrs, 1124 eng hrs, SN#Y8G000514 *2006 Case IH 2388, AFX rotor, Y/M moisture, Ag Leader GPS & Mapping, 20.8-42 duals, AHHC, F/A, bin ext. ext sieve adj. very well equipped, clean, 1114 sep, 1520 eng hrs, SN#HAJ295941 *2004 Case IH 2388, spec rotor, field tracker, chopper, rock trap, hyd feeder reverser, grain bin ext, Universal Display Plus Yield monitor, Trimble auto steer ready, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 steering tires, 1727 sep hrs, 2266 eng hrs, SN#JJC0274856 *2003 Case IH 2388, AFX rotor, chopper, rock trap, auto reel spd, AHHC, chaff spreader, F/A, Y/M monitor, grain bin ext, 30.5-32 drive tires, 1865 sep hrs, 2652 eng hrs, SN#JJC0273986 *1998 Case IH 2388, spec rotor, fine cut chopper, razor rock beater, auger ext, 30.5x32, hopper topper w/ roll tarp, speed up kit for auger, upgrade kit for fan, new poly feeder chain, total rebuild on feeder house, 2 sets of grates- wide & narrow, 2500 sep hrs, 3300 eng hrs, SN#JJC0199102 *1995 Case IH 2188, RWD, spec rotor, chopper, rock trap, 30.5-32 singles, 5500 sep hrs, 6900 eng hrs, $24000 work order on thresher components, SN#JJC0189997 *1996 Case IH 2188, spec rotor, chopper, rock trap, 3 strand feeder chain, HD feeder drum, keystock & slotted grates, large & small wire concaves, hopper topper, F/A, corn/grain/bean combine, 3478 sep hrs, 4500 eng hrs, SN#JJC0192145 *1996 Case IH 2188 RWD, specialty rotor, rock trap, chopper, bin ext, duals, 3397 sep hrs, 5055 eng hrs, SN#JJC0191580 *1994 Case IH 1688, rock trap, fdr rev, chopper, spec rotor, SN#JJC0121045 *1994 Case IH 1688, rock trap, fdr rev, chopper, spec rotor, 4590 eng hrs, SN#JJC0120913 *2001 New Holland TR99, twin rotor, elec rock trap, lateral tilt fdr, chopper, hyd fdr rev, SN#565908
*2010 JD 9770 combine, Bullet Rotor, corn/bean/grain, contour master, rock trap, Y/M monitor, Auto Trac ready, Hi Torq reversible variable spd feeder, bin ext, AHHC, hyd F/A, chaff spreader, auto reel spd, grain loss monitor, touchset roundbar concaves, 21’ unloading auger, 20.8-38 duals, 18.4-26 rears, only 645 sep hrs, 890 eng hrs, SN#736728 *2011 JD 9670 combine, Bullet Rotor, corn/bean/grain, contour master, rock trap, Y/M monitor, Auto Trac ready, Hi Torq reversible variable spd feeder, bin ext, AHHC, hyd F/A, chaff spreader, auto reel spd, grain loss monitor, touchset roundbar concaves, 22’ unloading auger, Xenon lighting, 20.8-42 duals, 18.4-26 rears, only 439 sep hrs, 586 eng hrs, SN#740852 *2009 JD 9770, Bullet Rotor, corn/ bean/grain, contour master, rock trap, Y/M monitor, Auto Trac ready, bin ext, hopper topper, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, 24’ unloading auger, ext wear pkg, HID lights, 800/65R32 drive tires, 480/85R26 rears, only 600 sep hrs, 906 eng hrs, SN#H09770S730932 *2008 JD 9870, Bullet Rotor, RWD, corn/bean/grain, Y/M monitor, Auto Trac ready, bin ext, hopper topper, fine cut chopper, 5 spd feeder, grain loss monitor, auto reel spd, AHHC, HID lights, power tailboard, 520/42 duals, 28L26 rears, 1024 sep hrs, 1607 eng hrs, SN#S726016
*2008 JD 9860, Bullet Rotor, corn, grain, bean, contour master,Y/M monitor, Green Star ready, chopper, var spd feeder, grain loss monitor, auto reel spd, HHC, 520/42 duals, 600/26 rears, 1282 sep hrs, 1824 eng hrs, SN#715909 *2008 Lexion 585R, track machine, RWD, corn/bean/grain, 3D sieves, dual cyl spd, contour feeder, straw chopper, variable spd feeder, AHHC, F/A, auto pilot, grain loss monitor, yield mapping, Y/M monitor, on board computer, 208” unloading auger, auto reel spd, 1199 sep hrs, 1697 eng hrs, clean, SN#57800733 *2008 Lexion 595R, track machine, RWD, 3D sieves, dual cyl spd, auto contour feeder, straw chopper, variable spd feeder, AHHC, F/A, auto pilot, grain loss monitor, on board computer, 3XL unloading auger, auto reel spd, 1199 sep hrs, 1697 eng hrs, clean, SN#57900362 *2004 JD 9660 Walker, RWD, bin ext, AHHC, auto reel spd, grain loss monitor, 800-32 drive tires, 28L-26 rears, 60% rubber, 1791 sep hrs, 2656 eng hrs, used in wheat only, SN#W705345 *2000 JD 9550 Walker, AHHC, DAS, DAM, bin ext, chopper, chaff spreader, 30.5x32 tires, 2420 sep hrs, 3550 eng hrs, SN#685937 *1996 JD 9600 RWD combine, DAM, DAS, HHC, chopper, chaff spreader, bin ext, 2622 sep hrs, 3710 eng hrs, 18.438 duals, SN#665735 *1994 JD 9500, DAM, DAS, HHC, F/A, duals, chopper, bin ext, 3633 eng hrs, SN#X655262 *1990 JD 9600, DAM, DAS, HHC, F/A, duals, chopper, bin ext, 4623 eng hrs, SN#X637700
*2012 Case IH 3412 12R30 corn head w/ knife rolls, hyd deck plates, AHHC & field tracker, only used 1 season, SN#YBS023118 *2012 Capello 1222 12R22 chopping corn head w/ AHHC, knife rolls & hyd deck plates, single owner, CIH AFX adap, SN#8221 *2012 Capello 1222 12R22 chopping corn head w/ knife rolls & hyd deck plates, single owner, CIH AFX adap, SN#8228 *2011 Geringhoff NS1222 12R22 corn head w/ knife rolls & hyd deck plates, 1800 acres, single owner, SN#7067111222/B *2010 Geringhoff NS1622 16R22 corn head, SN#7182101622 *2008 Geringhoff RD630 corn head, 2 sensor head sight hdr height, red poly, 88 series CIH mounts, reconditioned, 3500 total acres, SN#92927630 *2007 Geringhoff RD1222 12R22 corn head w/ AHHC & rotodisc chopping head, SN#915871222 *2005 Harvestec 8R30 chopping corn head, CIH adapter, SN#5095 *JD 8R22 corn head, 5 yrs on new recondition & GVL II poly- clean
*2011 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper head w/ finger reel, knife reverser, F/A, skid plates & slow spd transport, SN#YBZN14524 *2011 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper head w/ finger reel, F/A & slow spd transport, SN#YBZN15381 *2011 Case IH 3020 35’ flex head w/ Crary air reel, 3” cut, F/A, in cab control, good poly & new sickle, SN#YBZL57374 *2009 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper, 3” cut, F/A, finger reel, SN#Y9ZN11297 *2008 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper, 3” cut, F/A, finger reel, SN#Y8ZN10714 *2008 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper, 3” cut, F/A, finger reel, SN#Y8ZN10678 *2008 Case IH 2020 35’ flex head, 3” cut, F/A, finger reel, SN#CBJ041578
*2009 JD 635F 35’ flex head w/ Crary wind system, 3” cut, F/A, full finger auger, pickup reel & good poly, SN#730800 *2009 Case IH 2020 30’ flex head w/ bat reel, Crary wind bar, 3” cut, AHHC, F/A & field tracker, 23/2588 adp, SN#Y9ZL52029 *2008 Case IH 2020 35’ flex head w/ AFX adapter, SN#CBJ041334 *2008 Case IH 2162 40’ draper head w/ pickup reel & skid plates, SN#Y8ZN10964 *2008 Cat F540 40’ flex head w/ auto reel spd, AHHC, F/A & field tracker, SN#44100519 *2006 Case IH 2052 40’ draper head, 3” cut, finger reel, F/A, slow spd transport, SN#CCC0014771 *2005 Case IH 2042 30’ draper head w/ built in transport, SN#CCC0013199 *2004 JD 630F 30’ flex head w/ full finger auger, AHHC, F/A, auto reel spd & contour master, SN#707216 *2004 Gleaner 8000 25’ flex head, Crary air reel, SN#AN84307 *2001 Case IH 1020 25’ flex head w/ finger reel, AHHC & F/A, SN#JJC0325638 *Case IH 1020 30’ flex head w/ Crary air reel, 3” cut, F/A, good shape, SN#JJC0218782 *2001 Macdon 972 25’ draper head w/ Case IH adapter, SN#142185- adapter SN#122372 *2002 JD 925F 25’ flex head, SN#F69673 *2002 JD 925F 25’ flex head, SN#F69627 *1998 Case IH 1020 25’ flex head, SN#JJC0316529 *1996 Macdon 962 30’ rigid draper head, SN#108160 *1992 JD 925F 25’ flex, F/A, HHC, poly, reel wraps, hkp for 8820/9600, SN#646164 *JD 930F 30’ flex head w/ Crary air reel, full finger auger, 3” cut & F/A, SN#687152
*2008 Case IH 2016 pickup platform w/ Swathmaster pkp & AFX/CR adapter, used very little, like new, SN#22481 *1995 Case IH 1010 25’ rigid head *Case IH 1010 18’ rigid head w/ sunflower pans *Case IH 1010 rigid head, SN#JJC0124113 *1991 JD 930 30’ rigid head w/ Sund pkp, converted to edible bean head, SN#P641207 *JD 912 pickup platform w/ 6 belt pkp *JD 912 pkp platform for parts *Case IH 1015 pickup head *Case IH 1015 pickup head w/ 397 Westward pkp *1981 JD 222 22’ flex head w/ pkp reel, SN#489948 *1978 JD 212 pickup head w/ 5 belt pkp, SN#323310 *Sund 11’ pickup *2000 Macdon 871 adapter, fits JD combines, SN#134617
*3) Unused America 435 35’ 6-wheel header trailer *3) Unused America 430 30’ 4-wheel header trailers *2) Unused America 425 25’ 4-wheel header trailers *Hart 30’ single header transport *2) 2-wheel header transport *4-wheel header transport for storage
GRAND FORKS AREA EQUIPMENT & TRUCK AUCTION For more information call 701-757-4015 office, 701-215-2058 Dennis
Main Resource Equipment Auctions 2702 17th Avenue S • Grand Forks, ND 58201 Fax 701-757-4016
Phone 701-757-4015
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
*2005 IH 9200i tandem, Cummins ISX 430hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, good 11R24.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, new 20’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate & rear controls *2005 IH 9200i tandem, Cummins ISX 430hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, good 11R24.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, new 20’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate & rear controls *2001 Freightliner Columbia tri-axle, Detroit 60 series 470hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, full third lift tag, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, new 21’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate, rear controls & beet equipment *1999 Kenworth T-800 quad axle, Cat C-10 350hp, Eaton 8LL trans, 4:88 ratio, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels, full 3rd lift tag, pusher 4th, full locking rears, new HMI 24’ box & hoist w/ comb end gate, roll tarp, rear controls & beet equipment, heavy spec truck, only 237440 actual miles, sharp *1997 Kenworth T-600 tri axle, Cat 3406E 475hp, Eaton 8LL trans, 3:70 ratio, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels, full 3rd lift tag, full locking rears, new HMI 22’ box & hoist w/ comb end gate, roll tarp, rear controls & beet equipment, 605274 actual miles, sharp *1995 IH 8200 triaxle, Cummins M11, 9 spd, full 3rd lift tag, 23’ Loadline box, hoist, combo end gate, roll tarp & rear controls, approved equipment for heavy haul, 1 season on brakes, 450000 miles showing *1975 IH Loadstar tag tandem, 404 V8 engine, 5/2 spd, 20’ B&H box, 10.00-20 tires- 50% *1985 Ford 9000 twin screw water truck, Detroit 6V92 engine, 9 spd, 2) 1500 gal tanks, new Honda pump, 11R22.5 tires, new steer tires, 50% tires & brakes, full service records, DOT inspected
*2007 Peterbilt 379 day cab, Cat C15 475hp, 10 spd, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, low air susp, 4:11 ratio, alum deck plate, , 200 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 623000 miles showing *2007 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C13 430hp, 10 spd, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, low air susp, 3:90 ratio, alum deck plate, air slide 5th, 192 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 327000 miles showing *2007 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C13 425hp, 10 spd, custom interior, air ride cab, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, air ride susp, 3:70 ratio, alum deck plate, air slide 5th, dual tanks, dual chrome stacks, 188 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 877000 miles showing *2006 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C15 435hp, 10 spd, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, low air susp, 3:70 ratio, air slide 5th, dual alum tanks, dual stacks, 226 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 564283 miles showing *2006 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C13 425hp, 10 spd, custom interior, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, air ride susp, 3:70 ratio, alum deck plate, air slide 5th, dual tanks, dual chrome stacks, 178 WB, 11R22.5 low pro tires, alum wheels, 959000 miles showing *2007 IH 8600 day cab, Cummins ISM 385hp, 10 spd, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, air ride susp, air slide 5th , 168 WB,11-22.5 tires, alum/steel wheels, 570252 miles showing *2006 Freightliner CST12064ST Century 120 day cab, Detroit 60 Series 14L 515hp, 10 spd, tilt & telescope wheel, air ride susp, 3:42 ratio, air slide 5th,, 230 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 755000 miles showing *2004 IH 9200i day cab, Cummins ISX 435hp, 10 spd, deluxe interior, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, air ride susp, alum deck plate, air slide 5th , dual alum tanks, single stack, 161 WB, 11R22.5 low pro, alum wheels, 287000 miles showing *2004 Kenworth W900 Aero cab sleeper, Cummins ISX 475hp, 10 spd, engine brake, tilt & telescope wheel, smart wheel, air ride susp, 3:55 ratio, air slide 5th wheel, 255 WB, 11R22.5 low pro tires, alum wheels, 903372 miles showing *2002 Freightliner FL112, 24” single bunk flattop sleeper, Cat C12, 13 spd, air ride, 220 WB, dual alum tanks, wet kit, 11R24.5 tires, 1043612 miles showing *2002 Mack CH613 day cab, Mack engine 427hp, 10 spd, wet kit, dump valve, 743000 miles showing *1999 Mack CH513, E7 355/350, 10 spd auto shift, hot shift PTO, 4:11 ratio, 40000 lb rears, mud scrapers, 340000 miles showing *1998 Peterbilt day cab, Cummins M11, 10 spd, 11-22.5 tires *1997 Freightliner FLD112 day cab, Cummins M11 350hp, 18 spd, hot shift PTO, 25 gal reservoir, 4:11 ratio, 40000 lb rears, set back front, grip tires, mud scrapers, 431000 miles showing *1996 Volvo, Cummins M11 400hp, 10 spd, virgin rubber all around, new windshields, 3 yr old batteries, 601800 miles showing *1994 Mack CH613 semi tractor, 48” midrise sleeper, Mack engine, Eaton Fuller 13 spd, 285/75R24.5 tires, alum wheels, 1100748 miles showing *1989 IH 8300, Detroit 11.1 engine, like new tires, need trans work *1986 Volvo integral sleeper, Big Cam III Cummins engine 350hp, 13 spd, 4:44 ratio, new air compressor & dryer
*1985 Ford 9000 twin screw, Cat *Case IH 730B 18’ 7 shank disk ripper engine, Road Ranger trans, wet kit, 5th w/ front disks, rear disk leveler & lead wheel, good matching rubber, DOT’d shanks, SN#JFH0020379 *1984 IH 9670 COE, Big Cam III Cummins *Case IH #14 V-ripper, 3pt or pull type, engine 400hp, 13 spd, 4:10 ratio cover boards, cast iron points, low acres HOPPER BOTTOMS, LOW BOY & *JD 980 44 ½’ field cultivator w/ OTHER SEMI TRAILERS: walking tandems around, 3 bar -Expect 2 Additional Hoppersharrow & wing gauge wheels, *2012 Timpte 42’x72”x 96” alum SN#X001762 hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, *Flexicoil System 92 60’ auto fold 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, air ride w/ harrow packer w/ 5 bar sections scale & roll tarp *JD 1650 16’ heavy tandem disk w/ *2010 Timpte 42’x72”x 96” alum twin cyl lift, notched blades & dual hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, wheels 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, air ride w/ *JD 1060 62’ 5 fold field cultivator scale, roll tarp, very low miles, single w/ walking tandems around, 3 bar owner harrow, single point depth control & *2011 Timpte 42’x66”x 96” alum wing gauge wheels hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, air ride w/ *Alloway RTS 43’ field cultivator/ conditioner scale & roll tarp *2007 Neville 40’ steel hopper bottom *Degelman 43’ 3 bar harrow for cultivator trailer, ag hoppers, 102” wide, 26” hopper clearance, 60” sides, roll tarp, *Case IH 8600 30’ air disk drill, 6 ½” spacing, hyd markers, dry fert, track 24.5 tires, steel disk wheels eliminators front & back, small & large *1997 Timpte 42’ x 66” x 96” alum 1000 PTO shafts, PTO fan hopper bottom trailer, 11R24.5 tires, *JD 9350 30’ press drill w/ 6” spacing alum wheels, spring susp, roll tarp & factory transport, kept indoors *1999 Eager Beaver 52’ x 102” 50T NGB detachable low boy trailer, tri- *IH 620 28’ press drill w/ liquid attachment on transport axle, fixed axle, steel composite, wood deck, 24’ well, outriggers, 255/70R22.5 *Great Plains folding drill w/ grass attachment & solid stand tires, alum wheels *1994 Timpte 42’ x 96” x 72” hopper PLANTERS & PICKETT ONE bottom trailer w/ air ride, new tarp, STEP: 11-24.5 tires on all alum rims, good *JD 1790 16R30/31R15 interplant tires & brakes Maximerge Plus vaccum planter *1992 Wilson 41’x84”x96” alum w/ CCS central fill, pneumatic down hopper bottom trailer, 11R24.5 tires, pressure, Seed Star w/ display, new alum wheels, roll tarp variable seed openers, Keeton firmers, *1979 Timpte 40’ hopper bottom trailer new depth arm bushings, Precision corn w/ roll tarp & good brakes & soybean plates, very nice condition, SPRAYERS, FLOATERS & SN#705399 *2012 Pickett One Step 12R22 bean CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT: cutter/windrower, cushion shank, *2012 TopAir 2400 pull type sprayer on movable draper, center & end delivery, tracks w/ 132’ suspended boom, hyd approx 900 acres, excellent condition boom leveling, 2400 gal poly tank w/ hyd pump drive, 4-way nozzle bodies, *JD 7200 24R22 Maximerge II vacuum planter on Friesen front fold bar, fence row nozzles, in cab tip pressure nearly new 1.6bu poly boxes, herb/ transducer, 5 sensor sonar & touchdown insecticide, markers, monitor & wheel autoboom, JD ISO rate controller, accessories, clean unit JD ISO steerable hitch, 16” belts, boom *Late model JD 7300 12R30 Maximerge lights, SN#B30440114 II vacuum planter w/ vertical fold, lift *2012 TopAir 2400 pull type sprayer on assist, 1.6bu poly boxes & corn/bean/ tracks w/ 132’ suspended boom, hyd beet plates boom leveling, 2400 gal poly tank w/ hyd pump drive, 4-way nozzle bodies, *Late model JD 7300 12R30 Maximerge II vacuum planter w/ lift assist, 1.6bu fence row nozzles, in cab tip pressure poly boxes & corn/bean/beet plates transducer, 5 sensor sonar & touchdown wheel autoboom, JD ISO rate controller, SWATHER, DRYER, SEED JD ISO steerable hitch, 16” belts, boom CART, GRAIN CART & GRAIN lights, SN#B30440115 HANDLING: *2008 Case IH SRX160 pull type sprayer *2006 MacDon Premier 2952i turbo/ w/ 120’ suspended booms, front fold, diesel self propelled windrower, 1600 gal poly tank, monitor, hyd pump 972 25’ draper platform w/ 6 bat finger drive, agitator & 14.9-46 tires, single reel, F/A, 3-way table & self leveling owner, SN#Y8S005067 cutter bar, spindle type rear wheels, *2003 Apache 890 self propelled 16.5-16.1 rears, 540/65R24 fronts, 772 sprayer w/ 90’ booms, 800 gal tank, engine hrs, 597 header hrs, very clean, 450 Raven, Trident air bar & rear duals, SN#168580 SN#906-2398 *2000 Ag Chem Rogator 1254 self *2001 American 2420 380BU auto batch grain dryer, rated at 11400Bu/ propelled sprayer, stainless tank, day- dry & cool, twin fan, single phase, 100’ boom, 3 way nozzle bodies, Raven pre-burner vapor conversion, Kittleson controller, 275/90R54 duals, 4201 hrs, controls, nice unit, single owner, low well equipped SN#125008600 hrs, SN#0292RB2001 *2002 Spray Aire 3400 pull type sprayer w/ 90’ Trident suspended *2012 Parker 3620 Seed Chariot, 360 unit capacity, Honda engine, roll tarp, booms, front fold, hyd boom leveling, scale, triple axle trailer, unloading 1000 gal poly tank, monitor, hyd pump conveyor- New Unused drive &13.6-38 tires, SN#34192 *2012 Rem 2700 grain vac w/ *1996 Ag Chem Terragator 854 self complete hose pkg, only 259 hrs, like propelled sprayer, 90’ booms, hyd new, SN#0967 boom leveling, 800 gal stainless tank, markers, 14.9-46 tires, 4051 hrs, *2011 Rem 2700 grain vac w/ complete SN#8516746 hose pkg, nice unit *1998 Ag Chem Terragator 1903 dry *2011 Brandt 1545 grain belt conveyor fert floater, Cummins L10 engine w/ hyd mover & 30hp Kohler engine 350hp, 18 spd Eaton Torque Boost trans, *Brandt 10x60 auger w/ swing away Soilection 6 bin box, 70’ air booms, hopper Falcon 2 controller & elec roll tarp, 5257 *Orthman 700bu grain cart hrs, SN#1906935 *Ag Chem Terragator 1603 dry fert *Westfield J208-51 8x51 grain auger w/ 10hp Baldor elec motor floater, Cat 3208 engine, 10 spd trans, single box, 60’ air booms, flip tarp, 4250 *Westfield J207-41 7x41 grain auger w/ 7 ½hp Baldor elec motor, very eng hrs, SN#1602350 good condition *Brandt 4000 90’ suspended boom sprayer w/ 5 section boom control, *Westfield J207-31 7x31 grain auger w/ 5hp Baldor motor 1600 gal tank, clean water tank, mix tank, single nozzle bodies, touchdown *Brandt 1585 conveyor, PTO or electric wheels, adj axles & windshields, *KBH self contained stainless steel 380/85R46 tires field conveyor w/ 20hp Kohler TILLAGE EQUIPMENT & DRILLS: engine, used for fertilizer, like new *Case IH Tigermate II 50 ½’ field *Farm King steel drum canola roller cultivator w/ five section fold, walking tandems around, wing gauge HAY & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: wheels, depth control, new 3 bar harrow *2009 Macdon A30-S 18’ mower/ conditioner, swing hitch, new twin & new sweeps, SN#JFH0003834 sickles, new guards, steel conditioner *Ezee On 3800 36’ cushion gang disk rollers, new set of extra sickle guards, w/ 11” spacing, 25 ½” front blades, 24 single owner, used for 3 seasons on ½” rear blades & scrapers, SN#40992 alfalfa, excellent reel, stored inside *Ezee On 4600 32 ½’ cushion gang disk *2003 New Holland 1475 hay w/ 12” spacing, 26” front blades, 27” conditioner w/ 2300 Series 18’ head, rear blades & rigid scrapers,SN#45368 new tires, new cyl for lift system, 2 yr old *Wishek 842T 24’ heavy duty spring hydro pump, 1 yr on sickle & guards, oil cushion disk w/ 11” spacing, front changed this year blades measure 27”, SN#249426 *Buffalo model 7200-1254 high capacity corn & feed roller mill, PTO, *JD 2200 45’ 5 fold field cultivator 5000 bu/hr, SN#20077200688 w/ walking tandems around, depth control, 3 bar harrow, wing gauge *Haybuster 2650 1000 RPM round bale wheels & casters processor, SN#26FJ237250 *Wilrich 4400 35’ spring std chisel *Unused America bale wagon plow, walking tandems around, new *Unused America hay feeder sweeps, 3 bar harrow *Unused America silage feeder *Late model Flexicoil S82 70’ 5 bar adj *SturD self contained portable harrow w/ down pressure springs & crowding tub w/ alleyway, transport auto fold, good unit & Reel Industries head gate *Case IH 9300 9 shank ripper w/ all *Vern’s portable steel loading chute new points, SN#824352 *Wilson wheel corral, SN#13152 *JD 2700 18’ disk ripper w/ front disks *Vern’s self feeder w/ creep racks & & rear disk levelers, SN#X00730 transport
*Large cattle squeeze chute *Powder River calf table *16’ & 24’ livestock panels
*2012 Wells Cargo 7x14 tandem axle enclosed cargo trailer w/ ramp gate & side door, used very little *2000 Ford F450XL SD service truck, Power Stroke V8 diesel, auto trans, spring susp, Stahl 3200LRX crane, 11000 lb rears, 165 WB, 255/70R19.5 tires, all steel wheels, 206126 miles showing *2004 Chev 2500HD Silverado 4x4 crew cab, Duramax 6.6L diesel, Allison auto, power seats, locks, windows & mirrors, cold air intake, chip along w/ programmer, 8” lift kit, 35” all terrain tires, 20” Rockstar rims, less than 500 miles on new tires & batteries, 90000 actual miles *2002 GMC C6500 service truck, 8.1L gas, Allison auto, a/c, power steering, 10’ service body w/ low sides, low profile 255/19.5 tires, set up to pull gooseneck trailer, 130000 miles showing *1998 Peterbilt tri axle dump truck, Cummins M11, 10 spd, 16’ gravel dump box, 11R22.5 tires *1983 Ford LN7000 tandem axle fuel & lube truck w/ 8.2L diesel fuel pincher engine, 7 product tanks, elec start air compressor, generator, hose reels & front tool room *1979 IHC S-1954 tandem twin screw, Detroit diesel, 13 spd, 19’ gravel dump body, 10.00-20 rears *2001 Dodge 1500 1/2T 4x4 quad cab pickup, V8 5.9L, 188000 miles showing, runs great *1998 Chev 2WD pickup, good tires, 150000 miles showing *Shop built triaxle bumper hitch trailer *JD 28’ tandem axle donahue trailer *Bert’s pickup service body w/ fuel tank, 12Vpump, tool box, generator & crane *3) 7000lb trailer axles w/ new spring & mounting hardware, new rims & tires *2) Shurlock truck endcaps, 5) tarp bows & assorted Shurlock parts *19’ x 8’ sheet of plastic bedliner *2001 Pontiac Bonneville 4 door, 188000 miles
*Unused Stout full back 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *2) Unused heavy duty walk through pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused receiver plate *2) Unused quick attach plates *Unused 102” snow bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused 96” snow bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *72” x 28” angle blade skid steer attachment
*Woods 9204 17’ finishing mower w/ new blades, SN#1331 *Bushhog 2615 Legend 16’ double batwing rotary mower w/ chain kit & pneumatic tires, 1000 PTO *MM Z antique tractor, repainted, has not been started for 8 yrs *5) Unused 12’ pull type box blade/ killifer *Unused heavy duty 12’ pull type box blade/killifer *5) Unused 10’ pull type box blade/ killifer *2) Unused 10’ 3pt pull type box blade/ killifer *2) Unused 9’ 3pt pull type box blade/ killifer *Nissan 1222 rod weeder *2) 2010 EZ GO 48V elec golf carts w/ club canopy & charger *Kohler 80KW 120 amp generator w/ Power 549 International propane engine *Coleman Powermate 5000 10hp generator *Erskine 8’ 2 stage snowblower w/ 540 PTO *Erskine 4020 84” rear mount snowblower w/ hyd spout *1000 gal fuel tank w/ hand pump on skids *560 gal fuel tank on skids, no pump *Tuthill fuel pump w/ big hose, filter & nozzle *Endura fuel 25 gal tank w/ pump *1760 gal poly water tank *Fargo Products markers for JD 30’ notill drill, fits 50, 60 & 90 series *1974 Enduro F7 KAW175 motorcycle, runs well *1975 Street G3 KAW100 motorcycle, runs well *7’ x 7’ dock leveler w/ 1’ beaver tail *3) 1000 gal fuel tanks w/ fresh paintno pumps or leaks *JD 380 9’ 3pt sickle mower *PR 320/80R54 rear tires on JD inside rims- 50% *PR 320/80R54 rear tires on JD dual rims- 50% *PR 320/85R34 front tires on JD rims50% *Firestone 420/80R46 tire *6) Cast center wheels for JD tractors
*Ashland I-110 11yd hyd push off scraper, SN#16255 *Cat 70 12-15 yd hyd conversion push off scraper *Cat 60 11 yd hyd conversion push off scraper, SN#4F4529 *HyGrade model 1400 14’ multiangle blade w/ 2 endcaps, steerable rear axle & weight box, SN#JM1002-114 *3) JD Greenstar GPS kits w/ original brown box display units & Starfire ITC receivers w/ SF-1 Activation LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS: *1) JD Greenstar GPS kit w/ 2600 color touch screen, Spray star & Starfire ITC *2010 Ag Chem RG1386 Rogator, 1300 receiver w/ SF-1 activation & RTK gal stainless tank, 120’ boom, 5 way *AGPS GPS screen w/ Tile Pro, receiver nozzle bodies, air ride cab, Viper Pro/ & base station Smart Trax auto auro steer, auto boom, *Eagle ditching & leveling laser w/ 3 well equipped, SN#A1386CNVST1091 receivers & all accessories *2009 Ag Chem RG1286 Ro Gator, 1200 *Tripod for RTK set up gal stainless tank, 120’ booms 10” *Stabilaser portable telescoping laser spacing, 5 way nozzle bodies, Viper/ stand Smart Trax, light bar & ultrasonic auto *2) Outback S3 GPS guidance systems boom, well equipped, 2 sets of tires, *Outback S3 & eDriveTC SN#A1286ENU001081 *SSR 12” rotary water pump w/ *1998 Lexion 485 combine, track discharge hose machine w/ 35” belts & RWD, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & 620/75R26 rears, 3D sieves, auto SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS: contour, Cebis auto pilot, quantimeter, *2011 JD 310SJ 4x4 loader backhoe, var spd rotor, SN#08ZW00473 ext hoe, EROPS w/ A/C & heat, pilot controls, QC GP bkts, 18” backhoe bkt, *1999 Bourgault 5710 40’ air seeder, 350# trips, 3” rubber press, new towers, breaker line, only 799 hrs, single owner, hoses & manifold, eagle beak carbide local unit, SN#1T0310SJVB0201760 tips, new hyd depth controls, 3225 TBH *Liftall MT80 rough terrain forklift, gas tank w/ dry fert, twin comp, hyd fan engine, 3 stage mast, sideshift, ROPS, drive, 21.5L16.1 rubber- offset axles, SN#76282 monitor & d=fill auger, SN#AH-2564 *Whiteman B-16 walk behind concrete dumper w/ 13hp Honda engine, *2011 Honey Bee 4555 45’ flex draper, U2 finger reel, storage transport, SN#220718 headsight bands, Lexion adapter, *Wacker WB16AF concrete dumper w/ SN#4555113116 13hp Honda engine, SN#5007684 *2009 Honey Bee 3655 36’ flex draper, *Used thumb for mini excavator U2 6 batt finger reel, transport, auto *Supra walk behind plate compactor reel spd & header control, cross auger *3) Unused Lowe 750ch hyd augers w/ & AWS wind system, Lexion adapter, various 9”, 12” & 15” bits & skid steer SN#3655093177 quick attach *Unused Stout 66” brush/grapple *2007 Honey Bee 4555 45’ draper head w finger reel, transport, AHHC, auto bucket w/ skid steer quick attach reel height, SN#4555073134 *Unused Stout XHD84 brush/grapple *MacDon 963 36’ draper head w/ bucket w/ skid steer quick attach batt reel, new center draper & guards *Unused Stout HD72 rock/grapple in 2010, transport, Lexion adap, bucket w/ skid steer quick attach SN#159505 *Unused Stout HDU72 brush/grapple *MacDon 962 30’ draper head w/ bucket w/ skid steer quick attach R72 Gleaner low hook adapter, *Unused Stout 72” grapple bucket w/ SN#121286 skid steer quick attach *JD936D 36’ draper head w/ finger reel *Unused Stout SG13R stump grinder w/ & transport, SN#686547 skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout 84” material bucket w/ *JD 914 7 belt pkp platform, SN#670212 double cut edge & skid steer quick *1989 AC Gleaner 8R30 hugger corn head, SN#83013391R8990 attach *Unused Stout 96” snow bucket w/ *Misc R62/R72 Gleaner parts & rotor *6) Unused Agco White 8000 series double cut edge & skid steer quick planter units attach *Unused Stout receiver plates; Unused LARGE SELECTION OF FARM, Stout regular skid steer plate; TRUCK, TRACTOR & COMBINE Unused Stout solid skid steer plate; TIRES GOOD SELECTION OF Unused Stout grapple add-on FARM MISC & TOOLS VISIT *2) Unused Stout walk through 48” WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach LISTINGS!!!
For more information call 701-757-4015 office, 701-215-2058 Dennis, 701-317-0418 Yard Phone
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TERMS: Cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, approved check in US funds. All sales final. Statements made
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Canadian buyers are always welcome, please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Some purchases require payment by wire. Most units move easily across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary.
“Decades of Knowledge - Steady Innovation - Top Results”
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
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1/16 JD TOY COLLECTION including precision, Lindman Crawlers, Case Steamer. Also the 10 Key Series. Send for complete list Box 1023, Morris, MB R0G 1K0, (204)746-8282.
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ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303
Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 CASE 450C CRAWLER Dozer, 6-way blade, ROP canopy, hydrostatic trans, 16-in pads, 65% undercarriage, Cummins engine rebuilt, 0-hrs, $18,500. Phone:(204)525-4521 SINGLE OWNER RM INVITES tenders to purchase 1966 D6C dozer also 1983 613B scraper. Maintenance records available. Send tenders to RM of Edward attn Lisa Pierce to Box 100 Pierson MB, R0M 1S0 or by email
ENGINES 855 CUMMINS, 7000-MI on complete overhaul plus new injection pump, water pump, turbo. 335-HP decompression start. Asking $6000. Phone Don (204)767-2334 evenings.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests
Available at:
Paterson Global Foods Inc. Winnipeg, MB
Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!
1-800-782-0794 AUCTION SALES U.S. Auctions
FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
(204) 926-9563
FARM MACHINERY Grain Elevators
80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.
OPEN: Monday, Nov. 25 / CLOSE: Thursday, Dec. 5 Location: 3593 E Hwy 12, Willmar, MN
Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers?
OPENING Saturday, November 23 CLOSING Tuesday, December 3 PREVIEW Monday – Friday from 8AM – 5PM & Saturdays from 8AM - 2PM
LOADOUT Thursday, December 5. 24 Hour Advance contact needed
LOCATION: 14830 Hwy 17, Grafton, ND 58237
Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various
Rebuilt Concaves
Monday, November 25th from 10AM – 3PM
Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding
PREVIEW: Monday – Friday from 9AM – 4PM LOADOUT: Monday, Dec. 9 through Friday, Dec. 13, from 9AM – 4PM
Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd.
Come to the open house and register early for the upcoming online auction, enjoy pork chops on a stick and door prizes. Register for the pedal tractor giveaway! 15% off toys & clothes, 10% off JD hand tools, $20 off any Stihl product over $159.
Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248
Check out A & I online parts store
Complete terms, lot listings and photos at
Haug Implement
For information contact Ashley Huhn at Steffes Auctioneers, 701.238.1975
IQBID is a division of Steffes Auctioneers Inc. 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfield, MN | Ashley Huhn MN47-002 Eric Gabrielson MN47-005, Randy Kath MN47-007,
320.693.9371 | |
Hanson’s Auto & Implement
Available at:
Strathclair Consumers Coop Strathclair, MB
(204) 365-2491
Brian, 701.360.4061 or Chris, 701.360.3641
or Contact IQBID Territory Rep. Dave Krostue at 218.779.6865 ND Sales Tax Laws Apply. See complete terms, lot listings and photos at
IQBID is a division of Steffes Auctioneers Inc. 2000 Main AveE, West Fargo, ND 58078 Scott Steffes ND81 | 701.237.9173 |
A great way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Various
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted
CARBIDE DRILL POINTS & openers for air drills. VW Manufacturing Ltd Dunmore (Medicine Hat) (403)528-3350 US: Loren Hawks Chester, Montana (406)460-3810
Case 1070,107-HP, std trans, 6,180-hrs, $7,500; 1978 White 2-105, 6,780-hrs, 100-HP, Hydro-shift, $7,500; 1982 IHC 5088, 8979-hrs, triple hyd, 1000PTO, 18.4x38 duals, 1100 front, W/Leon 707 FEL, $17,500. Phone (204)525-4521
30-FT WHITE TANDEM DISC, new front blades, also a New Holland 116 Haybine. Phone Jack: (204)526-2857. Holland, MB.
FOR SALE: JD 610 41-ft. deep tiller w/Summers mulchers & ammonia kit, $12,000 OBO. Phone (204)745-7445.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
PLOWS MELROE AUTORESET 8-18, $3000; 8-16, $3000; 7-18, $3000; 8-16 w/coulters, $4500; White 5F rollover, $3500; I-H 5-16 Semimount, $750; 3-PH JD-4-16, $1000; JD 3F 3-16, $850; JD drainage V-Plow, $1500; VFT rotary pitcher, $1250; Degelman 14-ft rock rake, $7500; Haybuster L-106 picker, $2500; Case 450 skidsteer, 1260-hrs, $18,000; Tractor cab, $600; Phone (204)857-8403.
$265,000 OBO 577 engine and 438 sep/ it has 620/70R42" duals and 28L-26 2 speed rear axle, complete auto guide, ESP, chopper with spreader, yield and moisture loaded. Phone 320-748-7277 | Cell 320-305-9002
Combine ACCessories FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 1500 NH COMBINE, W/GAS motor, motor in good running condition, would consider selling motor only. Phone:(204)434-6386.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere FOR SALE: JD 1840 c/w high-low JD 146 loader, 3-PTH, 540/1000 PTO, 6-ft. bucket & bale forks, 8,300-hrs, good running condition, $12,000 OBO. (204)278-3308. FOR SALE: JD 2130 3-pt., re-built engine w/146 loader, painted; JD 2750 MFWD, 3-pt., 245 FEL, painted; JD 2950 MFWD, 3-pt., painted, w/265 FEL; JD 3155 MFWD, 3-pt., w/265 FEL; JD 4020 Synchro; JD 4250 MFWD, powershift w/o FEL; JD 4455 MFWD, 3-pt., quad shift; JD 4440 Quad, fact duals; JD 4450 2WD, 3-pt., 15-SPD; JD 4450 MFWD, Quad shift; JD 4450 MFWD, 15-SPD, power shift, w/wo FEL; JD 4640 2WD, 3-pt., 3 hyd, Quad shift, 8 front weights w/bracket. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. Mitch’s Tractor Sales Ltd. St. Claude, MB. Call: (204)750-2459.
2008 DEGELMAN BALE KING 3100 bale shredder, RH discharge, w/controls, not used last 2 seasons, as new, asking $12,500. Phone (204)534-7401.
We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.
TD9 PARTS FOR SALE including dozer tracks & other misc parts. Phone (204)378-2763.
BELT ELEVATOR, 80-ft long w/undercarriage, PTO driven, excellent cond, $7,500; 5 tanks for liquid fertilizer storage, choice of 15,000-gal. or 20,000-gal. capacity. Hutch cleaner w/unload auger. Phone Morris:(204)746-8851.
EZ-ON MEDIUM DUTY DISC, 20-26-ft, others considered; Late model 5020 JD tractor; NH 1475 haybine; L3 Gleaner combine. Phone:(306)876-4707.
JD 3970 HARVESTER, $8900; NH890, $2500; I-H 781, $2000; JD Hay head, $3000; 3R Corn head, $3000; NH 822 head 2R, $2000; NH 3R adjustable, $3000; I-H 2R corn head, $800; Harsh 350 feed cart, $5000; Mohrlang 420 feed cart on truck, $5000; KR feeder cart, $2000; Snowco feeder 150Bu cart, $750; Haybuster 256+2 bale shredder, $6000; Weigh wagon, $2500. Phone (204)857-8403.
WANTED: 80-HP (+) TRACTOR w/ or w/o loader. Phone (204)242-2362.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FLAIL CHOPPER OR DIRECT cut forage harvester, right hand bar, rake or twin bar rakes; NH 276-278 or similar small square baler; JD 410 round baler working or parts. (204)266-9059 call or text.
WANTED JD 530 MODEL, row crop; Also looking for an International Super WD6. Phone Gordon (204)268-2392.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
JD 4230, CAB-AIR, $12,950; JD 2950, cab, FWD, 3-PT, new front tires, $17,950; JD 4630, Cab, duals, $12,950; JD 4430, cab-air, $11,950; JD 3130, cab, 3PT, $9,250. JD 830, running, $6,950. For pics, see: Phone: (204)746-2016 or (204)746-5345.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
Why would you buy a used John Deere? For the same reasons you’d buy new.
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. New, Used & Re-man. Parts
Tractors Combines Swathers
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts” The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: E-mail: FARM MACHINERY Salvage
There are many reasons to buy a pre-owned John Deere tractor or combine, and they all come down to one thing. Value. Technology. Consider–a 3-year old John Deere 8R. When it came off the line it was AutoTrac™ Ready and JDLink™ enabled*. With one phone call to your dealer, you can begin using precision technology to help reduce inputs, improve yields, and get more done in less time.
GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.
Uptime. You can’t make money standing still. Pre-owned John Deere equipment, like a 9770 Combine, comes fully supported by your John Deere dealer. The pay-off: reliable, consistent performance, backed by an unrivaled dealer network.
MURPHY SALVAGE New & used parts for tractors, combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728.
Resale value. John Deere tractors and combines are among the best in the industry at holding their value. So when the time comes and you’re ready to trade up to another used or new John Deere tractor or combine, your investment delivers yet again.
Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage AC 3400 DOUBLE DISC (22-in) 34-ft; Powermatic tine harrows 130-ft; 8-in PTO grain auger 56-ft; 10in x 70-ft PTO auger w/hopper; Richard Wilcox 14x20 overhead door 1 glass panel w/hardware; Portable Lincoln welder w/Chrysler 6-cyl engine. Phone toll free 1-866-736-2609 for info.
Now is a great time to buy. Visit MachineƟ to search our impressive selection of used John Deere equipment, then schedule some time with your John Deere dealer and ask about special pre-owned deals and incentives. Special Ɵnancing also available through John Deere Financial. New or new-to-you, Nothing Runs Like a Deere.™ *Activation/subscription required. Some additional accessories and/or components may be required. See dealer for details.
57240-3MCO_8.125x10.indd 1
10/29/13 7:37 AM
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
save! Renew early and
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
The Icynene Insulation System®
Friday, November 29th at 11:00am Complete Herd Dispersal for Wayne Peters of Plumas, MB 130 Black Angus cows bred Black Angus & Black Simmental 1/2 of the cows are age verified 40 cows are coming with their 4th calf or younger 15 are Bred Heifers Bulls were with the cows from May 15th till Sept 15th -------------------------------------------------29 Black Angus Heifers Bred Black Angus To Start Calving mid March & April -------------------------------------------------Complete herd dispersal of 80 mostly Red & Tan cows coming with their 2nd calf Bred to papered Red Angus & Hereford Bulls Bulls where exposed May 30th age verified -------------------------------------------For more info phone Gerald Manager at the Mart at (204)385-2537 Dave Nickel Auctioneer at (204)637-3393 License # 1108
• Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
IRON & STEEL FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
Looking for a hand around the farm? Place a help wanted ad in the classifieds. Call 1-800-782-0794.
Call, email or mail us today!
Your expiry date is located on your publication's mailing label.
For pictures and videos click on
Friday, December 6th at 11:00am Complete Herd Dispersal of of 80 Red & Tan cows most of these are coming with their 2nd calf Bred Red Angus & Hereford Bulls where exposed June 1st Plus other small dispersals For more info Phone Gerald at the mart (204)385-2537 Dave Nickel auctioneer (204)637-3393 License # 1108 Stretch your advertising dollars! Place an ad in the classifieds. Our friendly staff is waiting for your call. 1-800-782-0794.
M S E R : 12345 2010/12 PUB John Smith C o m p a n y Name 123 E x a m ple St. T o w n , P r o vince, POSTAL CODE
GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519
every TUESDAY at 9 am Nov 26th Saturday, November 23rd Bred Cow Sale 10:00 am Monday, November 25th Sheep & Goat Sale with Small Animals & Holstein Calves 12:00 Noon
❑ 1 Year: $55.44* ❑ 2 Years $96.00*
❑ 1 Year: $150.00 (US Funds)
*Taxes included
For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call
❑ Cheque
❑ Money Order
❑ Visa
Every Friday 9AM
SPECIAL BRED COW SALE Monday, December 9 Complete herd dispersal booked See next issue for details
NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wednesday, December 4 @ 1:00 pm
See our ad in the Sheep Section for Sale Details
Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM We have 7 to 10 local buyers and orders and 7 to 8 regular order buyers on our market.
“Where Buyers & Sellers Meet”
MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747
Licence #1122
Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519
Payment Enclosed
We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)
U.S. Subscribers
FARMER’S & RANCHERS Plan to attend the complete dispersal of 260 Cows & Heifers For Barry & Coreen Magnusson. Sat., Dec 7, 2013 11:00am at the Ashern Auction Mart. Sale consists of Approx. 220 SimX Cows - bred to red Sim bulls; Approx. 38 SimX Heifers - bred Black Angus. Bulls are to pasture on May 22 & out on Aug 13. 80-90 day calving period. Cows & Heifers on complete health program & done with Ivomec this fall. Also included in this sale are 17 Char Cows bred Char (belonging to Bob Harris) Animals will be preg checked at the Auction Mart. Pictures can be viewed at: or Auctioneer’s Note: Farmer’s & Ranchers, take this opportunity to replace your older & cull cows with top quality replacement cows. For more info call: Barry (204)364-2337 home, (204)378-0030 cell. Buddy (204)768-0018. Kirk (204)768-0019. NOTE: He also has oat & wheat straw bales for sale!
Sales Agent for
or contact 204-447-2266
Canadian Subscribers
Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
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My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________
My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________
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1 9 4 6 8 2 5 7 3
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8 3 1 4 7 9 6 2 5
9 6 2 8 3 5 4 1 7
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Puzzle by
6 4 1 8 3 8 1 4 9 7 1 2 5 Puzzle by Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
Bred Cow & Heifer Sale
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
35 HEREFORD COWS & 12 bred hereford heifers. All bred to start calving Feb 1st. Will keep cows until Jan 1st 2014. Contact Glen (204)436-3377, Elm Creek.
FOR SALE: 30 YOUNG cows bred Red Angus, to calve Mar5-Apr30, full vaccination program, $1,600 OBO. Also 6 Red bred heifers. Howard McDonald: (204)834-2931 or (204)724-5673.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford
FOR SALE: RED ANGUS & Red Angus Cross bred heifers, bred to easy calving Red Angus bulls, March/April calving. Phone: (204) 873-2530 or (204) 825-8419.
Friday, November 29, 11 am
Highway #1 West, Whitewood, Sask. * DISPERSAL OF 65 Red Angus x Simm cows bred Char and Char X cows bred Red Angus * DISPERSAL OF 60 Black cows and Heifers bred Black, lots of 2nd - 4th calvers * DISPERSAL OF 60 Bwf/Black cows bred Hereford & Black * 30 Purebred Red Angus cows and heifers bred Red Angus * 95 Black/Black baldy heifers (few Purebred horned Hereford, Most bred Black or Red Angus) For more information please call Whitewood Livestock at 306-735-2822 or check our website at for more information and pictures on this sale *** Next Bred Sale - December 13th***
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus 20 PB ANGUS COWS & heifers for sale. You pick out of 40+; culls already gone. Call Don (204)422-5216, evenings. Top producing Black and Red Angus Breeders present the 25th Annual Keystone Klassic Red and Black Sale Sat. Dec. 7, 1:00pm at the Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Featuring fancy heifer calves and an elite selection of bred females. For a catalogue or more info contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (PL # 116061) at (306)220-5006. View the catalogue online at
November 28, 2013
at Grande Clairiere, MB Sale at Grande Clairiere Hall at 2 pm
REDS/BLACKS/BALDYS SIMMENTALS & ANGUS • 45 Bred Heifers • 20 Bred Cows 3-5 yr old Cows Bred to Maple Lake Bulls Viewing anytime at the farm, See Pasture Tour on website: Call Gerry Bertholet 204-858-2086 or 204-741-0340 Andrea 204-483-0319 Ward Cutler 204-851-2614
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus
FOR SALE: REGISTERED POLLED Hereford Heifers, bred to calving ease Hereford bull, to start calving in April. Also Registered Black Angus heifers bred to Black Angus bull. Call Don (204)873-2430
Round up the cash! Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin MARK YOUR CALENDARS MB Limousin Association. Limousin advantage sale Nov 23rd, 2013 at 1:30pm. Hosted at Triple R Limousin, MacGregor, MB. The best of the best will be on offer. Steers & heifer calves, Bred heifers & proven cows w/some commercial cows. Come & check out. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Art (204)685-2628, Trav (204)838-2019, Bob (204)274-2490, Cheryl (204)736-2878, Bill (204)776-2322, Len (204)937-4980, Lawrence (204)838-2198, Kevin (204)734-4797, Brad (204)638-8554.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Shorthorn
130 Age Verified, Black and Red Angus cows bred for early March Calving
Garrett and Laura Calverly 204-741-8224 or 204-858-2260
60 young Red, RBF, Black and Char cows bred for April Calving
Workman Annual Sale Dec. 7 Bred Cow Sales Dec. 12 and 16 Or visit the website at DEALER LICENCE #1361
TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CATTLE?? 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 Don: 528-3477, 729-7240
Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110
Bred shorthorns for sale Selling at Heartland Livestock Services, Virden, MB on Dec 6th, 2013, 80+ head of commercial bred shorthorn heifers. For more info contact Greg Tough 204-748-3136
FOR SALE: 30 HEAD of PB & percentage Simm heifer calves, weaned since Oct 23rd, vacc & Ivomec’d, weight 725-800-lbs. Boynecrest Stock Farm (204)828-3483 or (204)745-7168 Stephenfield, MB.
SIMM/ ANGUS OPEN HEIFERS & Simm open heifers. Contact (204)767-2327.
SIMMENTAL & SIMMENTAL RED Angus heifers bred Black for February calving. Phone (204)748-1366
Harvest Hoedown Simmental Sale Monday, November 25th
at 1:00 PM in Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa MB for more info contact Jay Good 403-556-5563 or Darren Paget 403-323-3985
Please visit our website for more information Or give us a call at 403-638-9377
Simmental Bred Females Spring Creek Simmentals will sell 110 head of cows and bred heifers at their 40th Anniversary Sale at Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB on Saturday, November 23 at 1:00pm. For a catalogue, call Brian McCarthy at (306)435-3590 or (306)435-7527, or see it online at
Redfern Farm Services Ltd. Minnedosa, MB
(204) 867-2679
Wednesday, December 4 @ 1:00 pm This sale will feature: • Dispersal of 150 open Crossbred Boer Nannies. Excellent quality and condition 2 to 5 years old • Dispersal of 55 Cheviot Ewes x Bred Ewes 3 to 5 years old, vaccinated. Over 200% lambing Bred Ramboulet and Cheviot. For April 1st lambing. • Various consignments of Breeding Rams. • 30 - Ewe Lambs • 90 - 2nd Lambers • 3/4 Dorset, 1/4 Ram Romonof
**Open and Choice Quality**
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus FOR SALE: REGISTERED BLACK Angus heifers, bred to calving ease Black Angus bull, to start calving in April. Also Registered polled Hereford heifers bred to Hereford bull. Call Don (204)873-2430 HERD DISPERSAL 18 BLACK Angus heifers, 7 young Black Angus cows for sale. Bred to easy calving Black Angus bulls. Will be preg checked & vaccinated. Call Jeff (204)612-1734.
130 BRED HEIFERS, BLACK Angus, Angus Hereford cross, some Red Angus. From our own range calving herd, bred to calving ease, Black Angus & Angus Hereford cross bulls. Start calving mid-Feb. All shots, Ivomec. $1,200. (204)873-2525, Clearwater.
80 BRED COWS FOR SALE. Approx 40 will be having their 2nd calf Spring 2014, approx 40 of varying ages. All bred to Black Angus bulls starting July 1st, 2013. Priced in small groups or as a whole unit. (204)876-4798 Snowflake, MB.
80 RED ANGUS CROSS, Charlois cross, due to calve March/Apr. Bred to PB Red Angus. These cows are 2nd calvers & are age verified. Call Ed:(204)385-2672.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus HAMCO CATTLE CO has for sale a strong group of Red Angus bred heifers, A.I.’d & bull bred to calve Feb, Mar, & April 2014. Contact Albert, Glen, or Larissa Hamilton (204)827-2358 or (204)526-0705 or David Hamilton (204)325-3635.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais PB BULLS & HEIFER calves born Feb & Mar. Also 1 1/2-yr old bulls. Phone Jack: (204)526-2857. Holland, MB.
BRED YEARLING HEIFERS FOR SALE: Red & Black Angus cross. Exposed from Jun 14-Aug 14 to easy calving bulls. Your choice: $1,700/ each; 50 or more, $1,650/each, or $1,600/each for all 90. St. Lazare, MB. Phone: (204) 683-2208. FOR SALE: AN AWESOME group of fully vacc Red, Red White face, Blacks & Tans Char bred heifers. Bred to proven easy calving Red Angus bulls, hit the ground running & yet wean heavy. My 2012 calves off 1st calf heifers weaned at 635-lb steers & 588-lb heifers, bred for 60 day calving starting Mar 6th, 2014, your pick $1,700. Also have a select package of all black heifers bred to Black Angus 45 day breeding program to start Apr 1st, 2014, your pick $1,750. All heifers have been preg checked using ultrasound. I guarantee if you come to have a look you won’t be disappointed. Call Jason (204)724-6093 or (204)466-2939.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden. FOR SALE: BALE KING 3100 Bale processor, excellent condition, will do partial trade for JD-4240 or JD-4040 w/loader. HAY FOR SALE: 1400-lb ALFALFA/Brome round bales. Phone:(204)733-2436, Ochre River. KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.
ORGANIC Organic – Grains M&M ORGANIC MARKETING: Now buying milling oats & these feed grains: oats, flax, soybeans, peas. Phone:(204)379-2451.
ORGANIC Organic – Grains LIVESTOCK Sheep Auctions
Licence #1122
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2013 crop year. If interested, please send an 8lb sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1 *Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale
For more information, please contact Sandy at:
306-975-9251 306-975-1166
PERSONAL MISSING A GREAT RELATIONSHIP? CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS can help. Confidential, Photos & Profiles to selected matches, Affordable, Local. Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.
REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots
LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale
1,400-SQFT HOME, FULL BASEMENT, attached & detached garage, 4 other bldgs, 2-ac lot, garden plots, shows like new. Phone:(204)768-3044 or (204)302-9106.
PUREBRED CLUN FOREST RAMS for sale. Born March. Ready to breed this fall. All breeding lines from Imported British Genetics. For more information about our Cluns go to $250-$300. Phone:(204)722-2036. (Virden area)
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba
Horses LIVESTOCK Horses – Donkeys 2 MATURE FEMALE STANDARD Jennys, 2 standard 2013 Jennettes, 1 2013 standard Jack. Good guardians, experienced w/cattle, sheep & goats. Phone:(204)425-3131. 3, 2013 MAMMOTH JENNY’S for sale, 2 black, 1 blond. Check out: or Call Don:(204) 422-5216.
LIVESTOCK Horses Wanted WANTED: BELGIAN & PERCHERON COLTS/FILLIES Contracting now for 2013 delivery. Serious inquiries only, please. (360) 791-1868
Swine LIVESTOCK Swine For Sale FOR SALE: BERKSHIRE HOGS, bores & gilts plus market hogs. Also some Tamworth pigs. Delivery at cost. Contact Troy & Lee Collingridge (204)828-3317, (204)750-2759, (204)750-3082.
GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, Home Professional Realty Inc. GRAIN & CATTLE FARMS wanted for both overseas & Canadian buyers. Call me to discuss all options & current farmland market prices. Rick Taylor: (204)867-7551. Homelife Realty, Brandon, MB.
Available at:
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted
P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
FOR ALL YOUR MUSICAL instruments & accessories, shop Hildebrand Music, Portage La Prairie Mall. (204)857-3172. Large variety of student & professional instruments, famous name brands, new arrivals weekly, strings, sound equip, keyboards, percussion, band & wireless.
For more information or to leave an order call: 204-694-8328 or 204-207-0747
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental
November 28, at 11:00 AM MJ Stock Farms, Wawanesa Jack 204-824-2104 & Gord 204-729-5274
HERD DISPERSAL OF 40 young Charolais & Charolais cross cows. Bred Charolais for Mar 04 calving. (204)638-8502 or (204)648-5186, Dauphin.
LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
FOR SALE: WOODSIDE 160-ACS fenced pasture w/1982 built bungalow, 1056-sq.ft, efa, $164,000. 2) PLUMAS 1,156-sq.ft. 2+ BDRM MODERN HOME 4.17-ACS, ca c vac, WORKSHOPS & MORE! 2) ARDEN 5-acs 2+ bdrm renov. Home dbl garage. Also 2-ac lot only $8,000; 4) 1 section of pastureland NE of GLADSTONE, fenced & dugouts, $269,000; 5) GLADSTONE, 157-acs Lakeland, fenced, arable. older home, outbldgs, $360,000. 6) Acerage w/3-bdrm home w/trucker’s shed 72x36, in OBERON, $229,000. Phone Liz:(204)476-6362 or John:(204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies. KOMARNO 1,200-AC BEEF RANCH, solid 3-bdrm home; Inwood 1,020-ac, ranch only $500,000; Fisher Branch 574-ac grain, 1,800-sqft bungalow; Eriksdale 640-ac, right on Hwy 68, $150,000; Dallas 1,000-ac, presently hayland, good for grain; 2,061-ac N of Fisher Branch, 600-ac cultivated, very reasonable; 1,260-ac Red Rose, 500 in hay, only $360,000, offers. See these and others on sells Manitoba farms, so list yours now. Call Harold: (204)253-7373. Delta Real Estate. GRANT TWEED Your Farm Real Estate Specialist. Developing a successful farm takes years of hard work. When it’s time to sell there are many factors to consider. I can provide the experience & expertise to help you through the process. To arrange a confidential, obligation free meeting, please call (204)761-6884 anytime. Website;
640-ACS PICTURESQUE FARM LAND adjacent to Turtle Mountain near Boissevain in the RM of Morton. All land is well drained, could all be broken, or left for good wildlife viewing, or wildlife hunting. Can be purchased as a package or in separate units. SW 3-2-20 80-acs, 50-acs broke, rest wooded pasture, w/10-yr old home, 2,400+ sq.ft., 30-ft.x80-ft. biotech; SW 3-2-20 80-acs w/50-acs broke, the rest wooded pasture, w/restored older home, 3,900+ sq.ft.; NW 3-2-20 160-acs w/69-acs broke, the rest partially wooded pasture; NE 4-2-20 160-acs w/94-acs broke, rest partially wooded pastures; SE 4-2-20 160-acs w/125-acs broke, rest wooded pasture. (204)534-6979 FARM LAND FOR SALE: 4 quarters hay land & 4 quarters pasture, $500,000. Phone (204)646-4226 FARM LAND FOR SALE. SW 33-5-2W, 160-acs, SE 33-5-2W, 160-acs in the RM of Morris. Deadline for bids December 13, 2013. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Mail bids to Bill Rempel, Box 81 Rosenort MB, R0G 1W0. Ph:(204)746-2092, Fx:(204)746-2112. FOR SALE 320-ACS IN the RM of Clanwilliam only 1-mi east of Otter Lake, & 3-mi from Riding Mountain National Park. One of the quarters is bush & native pasture & would be great for recreation or hunting. The other quarter has 120-acs of cultivatable land & is presently sown to hay. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER. Sealed tenders in writing for the purchase of the property described below will be received by Adam Accounting Services Inc. as follows: PROPERTY FOR SALE: (owned by Andre Mangin) PARCEL 1: NE 17-7-7W, PARCEL 2: SE 7-7-7W (Land & Buildings) CONDITIONS OF TENDER: 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection of the property. Specific questions pertaining to the property should be directed to Andre Mangin at (204)828-3446. 2. Parties will tender on Both Parcels or Individual Parcels. 3. Tenders must be received at the address below before 12:00 Noon, Friday, November 29, 2013. Please mark the envelope “Tender”. 4. Tenders must be accompanied by a $15,000 deposit cheque payable to McCulloch Mooney Johnston LLP. Deposit cheques accompanying unacceptable bids will be returned. 5. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SALE: 1. The bidder(s) whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering the terms and conditions of the sale. 2. Possession date will be December 31, 2013. Vendor shall retain residence until June 30, 2014. 3. The successful bidder will be responsible for all realty taxes following December 31, 2013 (the adjustment date.) 4. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on or before the date of closing or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the purchase is not paid by the possession date or under such acceptable conditions, the deposit paid shall be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. Adam Accounting Service PO Box 480, 175 Broadway St, Treherne, MB R0G 2V0. George Adam (204)723-2544. FOR SALE: 604-ACS OF vacant land, of which 500-acs is good grain land, only 12-min from Brandon in the RM of Daly. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. GUY & SUSAN JOHNSON of Eddystone, MB intend to sell private lands: SW 11-25-12W; NW 11-25-12W; NE 10-25-12W FR; SE 10-25-12W FR; NE 02-25-12W; NW 02-25-12W; SE 02-25-12 W; SW 02-25-12W; NE 03-25-12W; SE 03-25-12W; NW 05-24-12W; SE 05-24-12W; NW 17-24-12W; SE 33-23-12W to John & Deana Martin & Katherine Lansdell who intend to acquire the following agricultural Crown land leases: N1/2 28-23-12W; NE 29-23-12W; E1/2 32-23-12W; N1/2 33-23-12W; SW 33-23-12W; W1/2 3-24-12W; Sec 4-24-12W; NE 5-24-12W; NE 08-24-12W; SE 08-24-12W; Sec 09-24-12W; NW 08-12-24W E1/2; SW 10-24-12W, SW 16-24-12W; NE 17-24-12W; SW 08-24-12W E1/2; SE 17-24-12W; SW 17-24-12W E1/2 by Unit Transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this purchaser please write to: Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578. LARRY & PHYLLIS HENRY of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB intends to sell private lands: NE 31-24-12W, NE 30-24-12W, SW 32-24-12W to John & Deana Martin & Katherine Lansdell who intend to acquire the following agricultural Crown land leases: Sec 7-23-11W, S1/2 18-23-11W, W1/2 20-24-12W Sec 29-24-12W, S1/2 31-24-12W, NW 31-24-12W, W1/2 31-24-12W, NE 18-23-18W, W1/2 12-25-31W by Unit Transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this purchaser please write to: Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578. N1/2 NW 35-20-24 W1 NE of Rossburn, MB: Land is rolling has approx 38 arable acs & the balance is bush & water, $45,000. Karen Goraluk Salesperson (204)773-6797. NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate SW-5-25-14W RM OF ALONSA, 70-acres tame hay. Good hunting (wildlife opportunity) Surrounded by crown land, fenced in. Tender by Nov 22, 2013. Mail to 48 Stradbrook Place, Dauphin MB, R7N 0M9. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794
DAIRY & BEEF HAY for sale, 3x4 square bales, delivery available. Phone (204)827-2629 before 9:00am or leave message.
LAND FOR SALE Selling 100% shares of Corporation
Deadline for bids November 30, 2013 Mail bids to: Daniel & Terry Sabourin Box 25 St. Jean Baptiste, MB R0G 2B0 204-746-4028 - cell REAL ESTATE Land For Rent
Collection of plastic oil jugs Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )
� �
HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Fax Tenders To: 1-204-745-6525 or send to Golden Plains Realty Box 1019 Carman, Manitoba R0G 0J0 Attention: Melvin Towes Tel: 1-204-745-3677
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Campers & Trailers FALL CLEARANCE SALE, Save Now! Good selection 5th wheels & travel trailers. Call John Williams @ GNR Camping World:(204)233-4478 or Toll Free:(800)448-4667. Email:
STRAW FOR SALE: 5 x 6 hard core round bales of barley & oat straw. $12/bale loaded. Also have corn straw available, $15/bale loaded. Call (204)738-2251
PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various
FOR SALE: ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, Brome, Clover, hay & pasture blends, millet seed, Crown, Red Prozo. Free Delivery on Large Orders, if Ordered Early. Leonard Friesen, (204)685-2376, Austin, MB.
Phone: 204-526-2145 Toll Free: 1-866-526-2145 Email: * Pasteur - High yield
CWRS Wheat
Other Crops
Early Booking, Early Pay, and Volume DISCOUNTS! Maximum Discounting Before Jan. 10/14 on select purchases.
De Dell Seeds
Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers
It’s all the PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various
We are your
neonicotinoid alternative!
Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers
No GMOs, No Neonicotinoids… No Problem!
Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available
All you need is De Dell Seed!
Call For Pricing Phone (204)747-2904
“Working Hard To Earn Your Trust” Hulme Agri Products Inc. 685-2627 Inland Seed Corp. 683-2316 J.S. Henry & Sons Ltd. 566-2422 Jeffries Seed Service 827-2102 Keating Seed Farms 773-3854 Kletke Seed Farms 886-2822 L&L Farms 324 5798 MB Seeds 746-4652 Miller Agritec 267-2363 Nickel Bros. 773-6734 Pitura Seed Service Ltd. 736-2849 Pugh Seeds Ltd. 274-2179 David Hamblin 746-4779 Redsper Ent. 328 5346 Riddel Seed Co 227-5679 Rutherford Farms Ltd. 467-5613
Bob Wiens Seine River Seed Sierens Seed Service Smith Seeds Southern Seeds Ltd Swan Valley Seeds T&S Seeds Timchishen Seeds Triple “S” Seeds Ltd. Unger Seed Farm Ltd. Westman Aerial Spray Wheat City Seeds Wilson Seeds Ltd. Zeghers Seed Farm
736-2951 355-4495 744-2883 873-2248 776-2333 734-2526 548-2117 376-5116 546-2590 467-8630 763-8998 727-3337 246-2388 526-2145
New “Straight Cut” 204-825-2000 |
Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen
A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!
HEATED & GREEN CANOLA • Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed “ON FARM PICK UP”
1-877-250-5252 SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Grain Wanted We are buyers of farm grains.
P: (519) 473-6175 | F: (519) 473-2970
Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba
“More Wheat...Less Shatter” Manitoba Cardale Dealers
37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email:
De Dell Seeds has never used neonicotinoids as our standard seed treatment.
Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded 5 LOCATIONS to serve you!
“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696 Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261
Toll Free: 888-974-7246 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Wheat
FOR SALE: USED OIL furnace w/200-gal. oil tank. Reason for selling, replaced with electric furnace. Phone (204)822-4382.
TRAILERS Grain Trailers
FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used aircraft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850
• New Cardale! • Conlon Barley • Carberry • Souris Oats • Glenn • Lightning Flax • Kane • Meadow Peas • Harvest • Red Millet Brett Young - Canola’s and Forages Canterra - Canola’s North Star Seed - Forages Delmar Legend - Soy beans
Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA
Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!
TANKS WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328
WANTED: #2 SOYBEANS OR better. Excellent price. Call Nate:(204)372-6081 or (204)372-6056.
LARGE ROUND ALFALFA/GRASS BALES, avg weight 1,650-lbs. Good quality, reasonable priced to move quickly, 900 first cut, 100 second cut Phone:(204)212-0751. Kelwood, MB. LARGE ROUND BALES, APPROX Phone (204)857-7156, Portage.
The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~
New Cut” t h g i a r “St
John M. Smith Seed Depot 825-2000 Agassiz Seed Farm Ltd. 745-2868 Avondale Seed Farm Ltd. 877-3813 Boissevain Select Seeds 534-6846 Catellier Seeds 347-5588 Clearview Acres Ltd. 748-2666 Court Seeds 386-2354 Dauphin Plains Seeds Ltd.638-7800 David Kohut Ltd. 483-3063 Durand Seeds Inc 745-7577 Ellis Farm Supplies Ltd. 824-2290 Ens Quality Seeds 325-4658 Fisher Seeds Ltd. 622-8800 Friesen Seeds Ltd. 746-8325 Gagnon Seed Service 447-2118
Flexible contracting options available as well.
306-229-9976 (cell) 306-975-9295 (office)
BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers • Collect Oil Containers USED • Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110
Attractive oil premiums and free seed delivery and on-farm pick-up.
For more information, please contact Carl Lynn P.Ag. of Bioriginal at:
Farm Land for Rent by Tender R.M. of Lawrence Legals: West 1/2 15-26-15WPM, W 1/2 22-26-15WPM, NE 1/4 21-26-15 WPM Acres: 780 - Cultivated Two Crop Years - 2014 and 2015 Directions: All land is located 13 miles north of St. Rose & boarders Highway 276 Payment Dates: April 1st & November 1st Tenders Close: December 6, 2013
Great profit potential based on yield, prices and low input costs.
FOR SALE: BROME ALFALFA 4x6 round bales, no rain, baled w/Claas baler cut & conditioned. Call Edmund (204)843-2769 Amaranth, MB.
• Vomi wheat • Vomi barley • Feed wheat • Feed barley • Feed oats • Corn • Screenings • Peas • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.” *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition
We feed feed wheat, Webuy buy feedbarley, barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY MALT BARLEY oats, corn & canola oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE US IN COME SEE US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN WeTHE buyfeed feedbarley, barley, feed feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We buy wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309
2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone204-737-2000 306-455-2509 Phone Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Agent:PEDIGREED M & J Weber-Arcola, SEED SK. Phone 306-455-2509 Cereal – Wheat Phone 306-455-2509
FOR SALE: 2 SETS of ‘09 Super B Lode King Prestige grain trailers, c/w air lift axles, 22.5 tires, asking $50,000. 2004 Super B Lode King Prestige trailer, asking $37,500. (204)857-1700, Gladstone, MB. NEW EMERALD GRAIN TRAILERS made in MB 36-ft. 2 hopper t/a air ride 24.5 tires on bud wheels manual tarp. Starting as low as $34,000 or lease to own for as low as $725 per mth. Side chutes & dual crank hopper openings avail. Financing avail o.a.c For more details call Glenn (204)895-8547.
TRAILERS Livestock Trailers $1000 REBATE AVAILABLE ON ALL EXISS LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. 2013 Stock on Sale. Mention ad and receive extra $500 off. 7-ft wide x 20-ft, 18-ft & 16-ft lengths. 10 Year Warranty. SOKAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Phone (204)334-6596. Email:
TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous ADVANTAGE AUTO & TRAILER: Livestock, Horse & Living quarter, Flat deck, Goosenecks, Tilts, Dumps, Cargos, Utilities, Ski-doo & ATV, Dry \Van & Sea Containers. Call today. Over 250 in stock. Phone:(204)729-8989. In Brandon on the TransCanada Hwy.
CAREERS Farm / Ranch MCMILLEN RANCHING LTD a large PB livestock operation & grain farm, is seeking honest, reliable persons to join our team. Experience w/livestock, operating machinery & 1A license an asset. F/T year round positions available or part time. Excellent wages, modern equipment, housing provided. Send resume by fax (306)928-2027 or e-mail or call Lee (306)483-8067.
CAREERS Help Wanted SEASONAL FARM WORKERS SOUGHT for asparagus & potato related duties. Position will be seasonal full-time, 40+ hrs/week. Wage $10.45/hr. Period of employment anticipated to be from April 15, 2014 until September 30, 2014. Job description includes cutting seed potatoes & all potato harvesting duties. Also, work includes cutting & packing of asparagus. Must be willing to work long hours & do repetitive tasks, as well as bending & some heavy lifting. Applicants must be able to work in a variety of conditions in outdoor environment & must be able to work well with others. Education requirements not applicable, experience an asset. Location of work is MacGregor & Area, Manitoba. Please apply in writing to Northern Potato Co. Ltd., Box 33, Bagot, MB R0H 0E0. WANTED: A HERD MANAGER. We have a modern 200 cow milking herd in the Lake Francis, MB area. We are looking for a hard working, responsible, patient individual. Breeding, herd health & computer data some responsibilities in addition to some milking. Housing is available. Please phone (204)383-5249 to express your interest or for more info.
(both parcels are in the RM of DeSalaberry)
We BUY used oil & filters
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2014 growing season.
Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities
Shares consist of:
SE 8-4-4E - 160 acres SW 4-4-4E - 160 acres
*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola
PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Various
es Containers
2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
CARDALE “More Wheat...Less Shatter”
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Questions about the weather?
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Submit your weather photos to be included in our Photo of the Week feature. Visit our website for details.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
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Israeli agri-tech firm aims for big boost in crop yields without GMOs Genome doubling process occurs naturally in plants but can dramatically increase yields By Ori Lewis and Rinat Harash moshav sarona, israel / reuters
n Israeli enterpr ise which aims to boost global crop yields without the aid of genetic modification will sow its first commercial seeds within three years, the company pioneering the technique has told Reuters. Seed technology firm Kaiima Bio-Agritech says it has developed a way to greatly speed up the multiplication of the genome of crops, known as genome doubling, without changing their DNA, or genetic fingerprint. It is as if a piece of string were thickened into a rope by adding more fibres of the same material, making it stronger and more durable. In agriculture, it means enhancing seeds so that they produce more plentiful and robust crops. Kaiima has kept secret how it has achieved its breakthrough and says it has filed a number of patents worldwide. Independent experts contacted by Reuters declined to comment on the work, saying they did not have enough details. In a tour of Kaiima’s experimental crop fields in northern Israel, company officials displayed examples of what they said were crops improved by its new technique. Doron Gal, Kaiima’s chief executive officer, said that by 2050, farmers will need to meet the “daunting challenge” of producing 70 per cent more food than they do currently to sustain a growing world population. Kaiima, the Hebrew word for sustainability, said that by 2016 it expects to be able to deliver to growers the basis for producing seeds for enhanced wheat, corn and rice for food and castor for biofuel and biopolymer production. Israel is considered a world leader in agricultural technology development with irrigation techniques, hothouses and computerized animal feeding systems among leading exported products, the Israel Export Institute said. In c o m e f ro m a g r i - t e c h exports in 2011 amounted to $3.4 billion, out of a total of $91.7 billion in Israeli exports for that year, according to official figures. Kaiima, founded in 2007, said in September that it had raised some $65 million in equity from international investors. It does not have any plans for an IPO in the foreseeable future. “Our plan is for this funding to finance our operation through 2016 when we are
“Our plan is for this funding to finance our operation through 2016 when we are going to be able to bring our product to the market...” Doron Gal
Kaiima’s chief executive officer
going to be able to bring our product to the market... we will produce seeds together with partners that will be similar in price to regular seeds,” Gal said.
Enhanced crops
Genome doubling evolves in nature, but only over thousands of years. Scientists have been trying since the 1940s to speed up the process, but had not been able to avoid damage to a crop’s core characteristics. Gal said Kaiima had managed to achieve a crop’s stability by respecting the integrity of its original DNA. Kaiima expects that its technology will result in an initial 25 per cent improvement in crop yields. Asked by Reuters about Kaiima’s breakthrough claim, five experts in the field of agricultural genetics at leading Israeli academic institutions declined to comment, saying they did not have enough information about the company’s work. One scientist confirmed Gal’s statement that attempts to speed up genome doubling had been tried for decades, but added that neither he nor any other researcher he knew of had managed to unlock the secret for doing it successfully. Stronger plants have been developed during genome doubling attempts in the past, but Gal said their lack of genetic stability meant they could not produce seeds for subsequent generations. Kaiima’s main centre is based in a cluster of portable cabins in a farming community in northern Israel’s agricultural heartland. The company has taken over a number of fields at various locations in the area for its crop experiments. In its rice crop trial, Kaiima planted seed variants and breeders picked out the best results to continue laboratory work on the most successful strains. Alon Lerner, Kaiima’s senior breeder, displayed an enhanced yield of bigger
A researcher stands in an experimental rice field belonging to seed technology firm Kaiima Bio-Agritech, near Kfar Tavor in northern Israel. Kaiima says it has developed a way to greatly speed up the multiplication of the genome of crops, known as genome doubling, without changing their DNA, or genetic fingerprint. Photos: REUTERS/Baz Ratner
A researcher at seed technology firm Kaiima Bio-Agritech holds two corn seedlings, one that he says was not modified (l) and one after modification (r), at the firm’s laboratories in Sarona, in northern Israel October 21, 2013.
plants and grains. He said they had received the same amount of water and nutrition as crops to which the technology had not been applied. Kaiima’s recent injection of cash has come from three new investors: Horizons Ventures, which manages the private technology investments of Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, the World Bank’s private-sector arm International Finance Corp. (IFC) and Infinity Group, a China-focused private equity fund. It also received new funds from existing investors that include DFJ, DFJ-Tamir Fishman, Mitsui, KPCB, Oberlee and Musea Ventures.
An employee of seed technology firm Kaiima Bio-Agritech holds a rice stalk in an experimental field near Kfar Tavor, in northern Israel October 21, 2013.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
New report says improved food literacy key to a healthier life Conference Board of Canada says too many people can’t understand nutrition labels, make a meal in their kitchen, or stick to a food budget to reduce waste By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
mproved food literacy would improve the health of Canadian adults and children, says a new report from the Conference Board of Canada. The number of books, television programs and websites dedicated to food — not to mention diets — continue to multiply, but our understanding of food isn’t necessarily getting better, says the 46-page report. “It is unclear whether households’ attitudes, skills and knowledge about food — their food literacy — have developed along with that interest. In reality, Canadians’ food literacy may not be as high as it could and should be.” Being able to interpret nutrition labelling on foods is one area of concern. Canadians, especially those lacking numeracy skills, struggle with them despite efforts to raise awareness about Nutrition Facts tables, says the report, entitled a. The low percentage of children and adolescents regularly participating in family meal preparation is another concern and may be leading to more “deskilled” generations to come. Canadians also waste a lot of food, and the report suggests the root of the problem may be that relatively few households have and follow a food budget. “Many households could improve their planning and purchasing habits,” it says. Food safety is another area of concern. While individuals generally know how to store, handle and prepare food, the report says, “they do not always put that knowledge to use” and “tend to mistakenly believe that their risk of exposure to foodrelated hazards in the home is minimal.” As well, immigrants and some
Report cites concerns related to the “normalization” of processed and packaged foods” and concerns that the next generation’s food choices will be limited because they lack confidence to prepare food. photo: thinkstock
Aboriginal peoples face additional barriers to food literacy, it says. Lack of food skills in youth also persists into adulthood, increasing the risk of ill health for the next generation, it says. “Many of the most common chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and others (such as oral diseases, and bone and joint disorders) — are linked to unhealthy diets aand
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subsequent overweight and obesity rates,” the report notes. The issue also spills into other areas. “ Fo r e x a m p l e , w h e t h e r new production and processing technologies that promise improvements to safety, yields, and/or environmental performance will be permitted for use, or are actually put into use, depends to some extent on whether households understand and have confidence in those technologies.” There’s not a lot of data on
Canadians’ food literacy, but numerous studies elsewhere have found health levels improve when people have a better understanding of nutrition and food preparation. A Health Canada review of international cooking skills literature has also concluded “that there is an association between food literacy and dietary quality, frequency of family meals and involvement in food preparation activities among adolescents and young adults.” The report makes a series of
recommendations, including making nutritional information more effective and accessible for household use; tailoring food literacy programs to high-risk populations and community needs fostering hands-on parental involvement in food literacy programming; creating guiding principles for advertising to children; and incorporating food literacy into school curricula. The report stresses that nutrition education for children is especially important as a positive influence on children’s food-related knowledge and skills, eating and physical activity behaviour, and health status. The latter is something Canadian home economists have long advocated. The Ontario Home Economics Association recently called for mandatory home economics education in Ontario schools. A Manitoba assessment of foods and nutrition studies in schools also concluded updating the home economics curriculum could significantly improve children and youth’s skills and understanding of their food system. Improving food literacy has also been a key theme in other policy proposals attempting to map out a long-term national food strategy. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture says government should ensure every Canadian child by age 16 should know how to plan and prepare at least six nutritious meals. A 2009 report from the Canadian AgriFood Policy calls for a ‘whole of society’ approach that puts an informed consumer at the centre of a healthier food system.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
CFGB supporters hold a cattle auction The first-ever Manitoba cattle auction in support of Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) will take place December 10 at the Grunthal Livestock Auction Mart. Livestock farmers are donating the cattle, which will be auctioned off to support the CFGB’s hunger-alleviation programs in the developing world. At 1 p.m., buyers will have the option of purchasing either beef cattle or dairy cattle, with proceeds going to the CFGB. “It’s a great way for both sellers and buyers of cattle to be able to contribute to the work of the CFGB in a way that is meaningful for them,” says Harold Penner, regional co-ordinator for Manitoba. “It was great to see the auction mart people immediately offer to donate their services to make this possible.” Traditionally, it has been grain-growing projects in Manitoba that have raised money for the CFGB. But organizers are hoping to turn the auction into an annual event — something that is already a regular occurrence in other parts of Canada. The CFGB auction will be part of a normal auction Tuesday at the Grunthal Auction Mart. Things will proceed as usual, except that, at 1 p.m., the donated cattle will be brought out and sold. Money raised by the sale of those cattle will go to the CFGB. Donations from farmers of beef or dairy animals are warmly accepted, and cash donations are also welcome. Both farmers and nonfarmers are encouraged to attend with their families and enjoy the event. Coffee and doughnuts will be available. Upon request, donors of cattle will receive a tax receipt for the value of the animal. Anyone wishing to donate can do so by calling the Grunthal Auction Mart, or by showing up to the auction mart with their cattle as usual and letting the receiver know which animals are for the CFGB.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Alberta and Nova Scotia couples earn 2013 Outstanding Young Farmers titles Honorees are selected for their progressive approach to farming and communities Staff
arm couples representing Alberta and Nova Scotia were proclaimed Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2013 at a ceremony Nov. 15 held in conjunction with Agribition in Regina. Alberta farmers Michael Kalisvaart and Karen Jansen joined James and Amanda Kinsman of Nova Scotia in sharing the top prize. Kalisvaart and Jansen, who began farming in the early 1 9 9 0 s, ow n Kalco Far ms, an 11,000-acre grain and oilseed far m at Gibbons, Alta. Michael is also chairman of Providence Grain, a
farmer-owned, independent grain company the couple has heavily invested in, and which has grown from two elevators to five, plus four agro-retail locations in the past decade. Parents of three children ages 17, 14 and 11, Kalisvaart and Jansen were chosen by judges as an outstanding farm couple for their investment in local infrastructure, s t r o n g i n d u s t r y p a r t n e rships and adoption of ‘lean management’ principles to ensure highly efficient work p ro c e s s e s o n t h e i r f a r m . Michael is the second generation of his family to farm in Canada. His parents emigrated from the Netherlands
to begin a mixed hog and grain farm here. James and Amanda Kinsman run Windcrest Farm, a dairy and cash crop farming operation near Berkwick, Nov a S c o t i a . Ja m e s t o o k over the farm early in his life after his father became unable to continue, meeting not only that considerable challenge, but going on to expand the farm into a larger operation. Parents of two-year-old twin daughters, the Kinsmans today milk 190 purebred registered Holsteins while cropping 2,000 acres of cor n, soybeans, wheat a n d g row i n g h a y l a g e f o r their cows. Windcrest Farm
has received other industry awards over the years for farm productivity that has tripled in the last 20 years. This is the 33rd year of the Outstanding Young Farmer awards, given annually to Canadian farmers under 40 who derive a minimum of two-thirds of their income from their farm operations. M a n i t o b a ’s p r o v i n cial winners at this year’s OYF event were Tyler and Dorelle Fulton, who run a cow-calf operation at Birtle. The couple has operated their farm as a joint venture with Tyler’s parents these past six years, and balance t h e i r 4 5 0 - c ow b e e f h e rd with a backgrounding beef
lot and hay export business. The Fultons have five-yearo l d t w i n s a n d a re a c t i ve community volunteers with the local school and library boards. Honourees at both provincial and national levels are chosen for the progress made during their farming career in areas such as conservation practices, production history, financial and management practices and community contributions. The awards have been presented annually since 1980 when the program was launched by the Canadian Junior Chamber/ Jaycees.
Six killed as tornadoes rip through U.S. Midwest The unusual lateseason storms moved dangerously fast By Mary Wisniewski
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fast-moving storm system triggered multiple tornadoes on Sunday that killed at least six people and flattened large parts of a town in Illinois as it tore across the Midwest, authorities said. The tornadoes levelled scores of homes and demolished entire neighbourhoods. Some 80 tornado reports were received, along with 358 reports of damaging winds and 40 reports of large hail, according to Rich Thompson, a lead forecaster with the weather service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. Traffic was halted briefly at Chicago’s two major airports, and tens of thousands of people in several states lost power. The National Weather Service confirmed preliminary EF-4 tornado damage in Washington County in southern Illinois, with winds of 166 to 200 miles (267-322 km) per hour. The unusual late-season storms moved dangerously fast, tracking east at 60 miles per hour (97 km/h), with the bulk of the damage spanning about five hours, Thompson said. Wind damage threats continued across Pennsylvania and New York.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
U.S. crop price decline cools farmland value boom Analysts are looking for weakness in the market — and finding some By Christine Stebbins chicago / reuters
alling crop prices from a bumper 2013 harvest dampened buyer interest in U.S. Plains and Midwest farmland in the third quarter, slowing price gains after years of record advances, regional Federal Reserve data showed Nov. 15. The Kansas City Federal Reserve, surveying 219 farm bankers in its leading region for wheat, corn and cattle, said farmland price gains in the quarter were only one to three per cent higher on average from the second quarter, compared to the usual double-digit annual growth seen in previous years. The St. Louis Fed, in its quarterly survey of 47 bankers in the south-central Midwest and Delta area, said farmland prices eased six per cent from the prior quarter with more weakness expected.
“Farmland values are holding pretty flat from where they have been. Usually the big moves in land values come in the fourth quarter, so we’re right in the middle of it,” Jason Henderson, a Purdue University agricultural economist and former Kansas City Fed economist, said in an interview this week. “My scenario as to how I think it’s going to play out: we’ll get a little softness. Then those farmers will sit there and decide, ‘Is this the top of the market or not?’ Those who were on the fence thinking about selling, if they think this is the top, then they’ll put it on the market.” The Kansas City Fed district includes Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and parts of Missouri and Colorado, a top region of wheat, corn, cattle,
“While district farmland values increased on the whole in the third quarter of 2013, this upward trend was not expected to continue.”
Chicago Federal Reserve
sorghum and grazing. With drought still lingering in the Plains, the sur vey of farm bankers said irrigated cropland values rose 22 per cent from a ye a r a g o, n o n - i r r i g a t e d cropland increased 19 per cent, while ranchland values were up 15 per cent. The Kansas City Fed said that it will be carefully watching the value of farmland in the fourth quarter against cash rents, a key indicator of far mland
returns tied mainly to crop prices.
Crop prices
The U.S. Agriculture Department projects 2013-14 season corn prices at $4.10 to $4.90 a bushel versus $6.89 last year, with wheat at $6.70 to $7.30 a bushel versus $7.77 a year earlier and soybeans at $11.15 to $13.15 versus $14.40. “ Fa r m l a n d v a l u e g a i n s have continued to outpace
increases in cash rental rates, highlighting the potential for a future adjustment in farmland values,” the Kansas City Fed said. “The ratio of non-irrigated cropland values to cash rents, historically less than 20, recently reached 27 in the district. Irrigated cropland values have also risen significantly faster than cash rents in recent years.” One farm banker in southeastern Nebraska, quoted by the Kansas City Fed, summed up the cautious view of Plains lenders. “With normal grain production in the Corn Belt, farmers’ cash flows are going to get much tighter. With lower grain prices, we expect land prices and cash rents to go down 10 to 20 per cent over the next few years,” the banker said.
Upward trend down
Those findings were in line with the rich crop region east of the Plains in the heart of the Corn Belt. The Chicago Federal Reserve Nov. 14 said in its own survey of farm bankers in Iowa, Illinois and the upper Midwest cropland prices were up 14 per cent year on year but only up one per cent from the previous quarter as of Oct. 1, with values actually easing one per cent in the quarter on Iowa, the top corn state. “While district farmland values increased on the whole in the third quarter of 2013, this upward trend was not expected to continue,” the Chicago Fed said. Policy-makers, farm bankers, sellers of seed and feed and equipment to farmers, and farmers themselves have been watching farmland auctions carefully this fall in the Midwest to pick up any pronounced weakness in the market after the sharp decrease in grain prices from last year’s records. Farmland is the basic collateral for farmer loans and economists have expressed concern for months that a farmland “bubble” may pop as it did in the 1980s, hurting what has been one of the healthiest sectors of the U.S. economy.
Farm auctions
While third-quarter surveys by the Fed bankers should allay fears of any sharp break in U.S. farmland prices, the autumn harvest season in the Midwest and Plains is usually when most farm owners put land up for sale. Most farmland buying is from neighbouring farmers, who are flush with cash at harvest. U . S . i n t e re s t r a t e s a l s o remain near record lows, and grain producers have used record prices in recent years — fuelled by the biofuels boom and rising exports to Asia — to retire debt. So analysts have said that the key indicator to watch in the fourth quarter will be how much land comes on the market.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Brazil government figures confirm spike in Amazon deforestation Satellite data shows a reversal in the progress towards protecting the world’s largest rainforest By Paulo Prada rio de janeiro / reuters / staff
eforestation in the Amazon increased by nearly a third over the past year, according to Brazilian government figures released Nov. 14, confirming a feared reversal in what had been steady progress over the past decade against destruction of the world’s largest rainforest. Satellite data for the 12 months through the end of July showed that deforestation in the region climbed by 28 per cent compared with a year earlier. Although scattered, the total land cleared during the period amounted to 2,256 square miles (5,843 square km), an area bigger than Prince Edward Island. The figure, boosted par tly by expanding farms and a rush for land around big infrastructure projects, is the second-lowest annual tally since Brazil’s space agency began tracking deforestation. But it fulfilled predictions by scientists and environmentalists, based on preliminary figures compiled through the year, that destruction was on the rise again. “You can’t argue with numbers,” said Marcio Astrini, co-ordinator for the Amazon campaign at the Brazilian chapter of Greenpeace, the environmentalist group. “This is not alarmist — it’s a real and measured inversion of what had been a positive trend.”
Brazil tracks the amount of land cleared each year as part of its efforts to protect the Amazon, a western European-sized jungle that is an abundant source of the world’s oxygen and fresh water and considered by scientists to be a crucial buffer against climate change. The measurement year for the satellite data starts each August, during the Amazon dry season, when overhead imagery is freest of clouds. The reasons for the rebound in deforestation are numerous. Changes to Brazil’s forestry laws have created uncertainty among landowners regarding the amount of woodland they must preserve. High global prices for agricultural commodities have also encouraged growers to cut trees to make way for farmland. Loggers, squatters and others are also rushing to exploit land around big infrastructure projects, including railways, roads and hydroelectric dams under construction in the Amazon. Izabella Teixeira, Brazil’s environment minister, dismissed criticisms that government policies had led to the increase. She pointed to the longterm decrease in deforestation over the past decade and said the overall trend was “positive.” The government’s goal, Teixeira told a news conference in Brasilia, “is to eliminate illegal deforestation in the Amazon.”
A military policeman walks past trunks of trees recently cut illegally from the Amazon rainforest, inside Jamanxim National Park near the city of Novo Progresso, Para state. Initial data from Brazil’s space agency suggests that destruction of the vast rainforest — the largest in the world — spiked by more than a third over the past year, wiping out an area more than twice the size of the city of Los Angeles. Photo: REUTERS/Nacho Doce
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GREAT GORP PROJECT Triathlete creates home-grown energy bar » PAGE 44
The pros and cons of applying in dry soil » PAGE 17
OCTOBER 11, 2012
Communications breakdown added to emergency Firefighting made more dangerous without communications By Lorraine Stevenson CO-OPERATOR STAFF
olunteer firefighters racing to reach fire-threatened Vita last week passed hundreds of vehicles headed the other direction and wondered what they were headed into, said veteran firefighter Alain Nadeau. “I’ve been doing this for 33 years and this was the scariest I’ve seen,” said the weary La Broquerie fire chief on Friday after an exhausting week. The air was so smoke filled around the southeastern village “we could barely breathe,” he said. See GRASS FIRES on page 6 »
ising corn acres and severe drought in the Midwestern United States may crimp supplies of popular corn seed varieties for the com-
ing year. “It’s really short,” said Ron Rabe, a Dekalb agronomist, who gave a brief talk on corn production in Manitoba at a recent WADO field tour. Derek Erb, who farms near Oak Bluff and sells Pioneer Hi-Bred corn
Corn seed might be tight next spring Rising demand and dismal growing conditions in the drought-stricken United States may limit supplies seed, said farmers looking to secure seed for next spring should act quickly to secure their supplies, even if it means placing orders earlier than usual. Pioneer Hi-Bred’s top varieties, which include D95 and D97, account for roughly half the acres seeded in the province. Erb said that with the harvest and quality testing still underway in some areas, it’s difficult to estimate how much corn seed will be available for next year. One thing’s for sure, waiting until Ag Days in January to secure supplies will
be too late. “I would pretty much bank on that,” said Erb. Dry conditions throughout the province have seen the corn harvest arriving about a month earlier than usual, and seed orders have started coming in sooner than usual too. Even with the possibility of a shortage of corn seed, Erb doesn’t expect the price of Pioneer’s supplies to rise much more than it has in recent years. Rob Park, of RJP Seeds in Carman, who deals in Hyland seed varieties, See CORN SEED on page 6 »
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Impasse over food stamps may cripple Farm Bill progress Decoupling consumer programs from farm supports might be the end of Farm Bills By Christine Stebbins MINNEAPOLIS / REUTERS
he chances of the U.S. Congress passing a fiveyear Farm Bill by year’s end are a little better than 50-50 given the gridlock over food stamps for the poor, a top farm policy expert said November 11. “There is a slightly better chance than 50-50 that we will get a bill rolled into a budget at the end of the year. But it’s no better than that,” Barry Flinchbaugh, a Kansas State University agricultural economist who advises legislators shaping the U.S. Farm Bill, told Reuters on the sidelines of a farm bankers’ meeting in Minneapolis. The Farm Bill, already a year behind schedule, is the master legislation that directs government supports for farmers and food aid programs. The bill is now with a conference committee of 41 members of Congress who are hammering out the difference between the House and Senate bills. The biggest difference: the Senate wants a $4-billion cut from food stamps while the House wants to reduce the program by $40 billion. “Food is the only division. The other issues can be settled,” said Flinchbaugh, citing variations in how they address crop insurance for farmers along with other subsidies. Historically, the conference committee reconciles differences and brings a compromise to a final vote. That process has been hampered by the deep divisions between the Republican-controlled House and the Senate, where Democrats are in the majority. “There is a way perhaps we can get past this food stamp gridlock. We cut food stamps $6 billion to $8 billion and then we put in all these caveats the far right wants to put in the food stamp program, like work requirements and drug tests,” said Flinchbaugh, who has advised on farm policy for over 40 years. The government extended the expired 2008 Farm Bill last year. Leaders of the House and Senate agricultural committees have a self-imposed deadline of reaching agreement by Thanksgiving and the White House has threatened to veto a bill with large food stamp cuts. If Congress fails to pass a new bill, a second extension is likely, Flinchbaugh said. “There is some talk we will do that for two years because we don’t want to be messing with this during an election year,” Flinchbaugh said. “Or, we implement the permanent legislation.” Without a new law, U.S. farm policy will be dictated by an underlying 1938 permanent law that would bring back the concept of “price parity” which led to sharply higher guaranteed crop prices, Flinchbaugh said. “It’s normally been the safeguard to push the Congress to act,” Flinchbaugh said. “But I’ve never seen a Congress like this one. So it’s very hard to predict. “Consumers are the biggest losers without a Farm Bill,” he added. Given the impasse on this Farm Bill — which tradition-
ally has had bipartisan support — some farm analysts are suggesting this could be the last Farm Bill, ending 80 years of U.S. farm policy designed to protect farm price and income. “If we remove food and nutrition bills from the Farm Bill this is the last one,” Flinchbaugh said. “If we keep the consumer-farmer coalition together there will be future Farm Bills. “There are 400 urban districts in the House of Representatives and 35 rural districts. When you’re a minority like farmers — granted they are a potent minority because they produce food — but you remove nutrition and food stamp programs from the Farm Bill, the leverage is over. “Another thing, if you take food stamps and nutrition programs out of the Farm Bill you’re removing about 85 per cent of USDA’s budget. Can USDA sur vive with 15 per cent of its budget? Likely not,” Flinchbaugh said.
Food pantry handler Kenneth Willis fills bags of food for the Emergency Assistance Program at the Chicago Catholic Charities in Chicago, November 1, 2013. One of every seven Americans took a hit when a $5-billion cut in food stamps, the first across-the-board reduction in the history of the decades-old federal program, took effect. Farm Bill negotiators are debating even deeper cuts. PHOTO: REUTERS/JIM YOUNG
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
The champion bull for the National Hereford Show (first on left) was HF 503W Kingdom 236Y shown by Jay Holmes and Shelia Kirk Mission Ridge Herefords of Raymore, Ont. Reserve (middle) went to MHPH 521X Action 106A of Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords & Taboo Polled Herefords of Mississauga, Ont.
Morgan Barnes of Haldimand County, Canfield took the champion oat sheaf award. The competition is sponsored by 4-H Ontario, Grain Farmers of Ontario and the Ontario Forage Council and is meant to show crops to the Toronto audience of the Royal Winter Fair. PHOTOS: BRUCE SARGENT
Opening ceremony for the TD Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic. There is a flag for each province represented (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and P.E.I.) and a placard for every county club.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Chinese state media kick into high gear to ease GMO food fears Winning acceptance won’t be easy in a country gripped by food scares By David Stanway and Niu Shuping beijing / reuters
hina’s state media are w o r k i n g ov e r t i m e t o persuade the public that genetically modified food is safe, apparently softening up the population for a policy switch to allow the sale of such food to ensure its 1.35 billion people have enough to eat. In the past 30 years, China’s urban population has jumped to about 700 million from under 200 million, driving up demand for meat and staples such as rice that scientists say only GMO can satisfy. Imported GMO soybeans are already used as feed for animals but winning acceptance for the more widespread use of GMO may be a hard sell in a country frequently in the grip of food scares — just this year over baby milk powder and chemicals in chickens, for instance. GMO food faces opposition even at the top levels of Chinese bureaucracy, with a senior national security official likening it to opium. But state media is taking up the fight. The Comm u n i s t Pa r t y m o u t h p i e c e, the People’s Daily on Nov. 11 rejected rumours that eating GMO food could alter human DNA, and news agency Xinhua ran an investigation last week debunking tales that GMO corn consumption had reduced sperm counts. Zhang Qifa, known as China’s “father of GMO r ice,” recently criticized the Ministry of Agriculture for refusing to approve strains that have cost billions of yuan in research over the past decade. Beijing granted safety certificates for its first genetically modified rice in 2009 but has so far refused to authorize commercial production until the public is onside. The certificate for Zhang’s pest-resistant “Bt” rice will expire next year, meaning researchers have to reapply, a process that could take years. “Right now, China’s GMO rice production has ground to a halt... I personally think we have missed opportunities to develop,” Zhang said, adding that GMO commercialization wasn’t a matter for the public and should begin without delay. Huang Dafang, a researcher with the Biotechnology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was unimpressed with the media campaign. “We have not seen any signs of progress, only the continuation of the debate.” Scientists have been at p a i n s t o s h ow t h a t G M O is already part of the food chain: China is the world’s top importer of GMO soybeans, used as feed, and also imports GMO corn from the United States and elsewhere. T h e U . S . De p a r t m e n t o f Agriculture has forecast China’s rice imports would reach a record high of 3.4 million tonnes in 2013-14
and researchers say China is facing a growing food gap that can only be properly addressed through the use of GMO. But while policy-makers h a v e e x p re s s e d o p t i m i s m about GMO crops and scientists have long urged the government to allow new strains of GMO rice, Beijing will not move until it is sure the risks are minimal and that, crucially, the public is behind it.
A new kind of opium
T h e d e b a t e h a s n’t b e e n entirely one-way, with influential researchers still urging caution, especially when it comes to staples like rice and wheat. “Many have said there are no risks to GMO food but the risks may not even be dis-
covered in three or five years but actually over three to five generations,” said Jiang Changyun, research director at the Industrial Development Research Institute, who wants the government to improve food labelling so that people can decide themselves whether to eat GMO or not. The debate has moved into the realms of national security, with Peng Guangqian, deputy secretary-general of the National Security Policy Committee, likening GMO food in August to a new kind of opium being forced upon China by western companies. Writing in Global Times, a tabloid backed by the People’s Daily, Peng said companies such as Monsanto and DuPont were dumping GMO products on China.
“Many have said there are no risks to GMO food but the risks may not even be discovered in three or five years but actually over three to five generations.” Jiang Changyun
Research director at the Industrial Development Research Institute
Wang Xiaoyu, an official at the Heilongjiang Soybean Association, said GMO soyoil consumed in southern parts of the country was linked to high cancer rates. However, another worry, he conceded, was that imports of cheap GMO soy had led to a fall in local production, since many planters were unable to compete.
Huang of the Biotechnology Research Institute complained that the scientific debate had been hijacked. “GMO is a scientific matter and should not be debated at the social level. If China’s Three Gorges dam and nuclear power were decided by p u b l i c d e b a t e, n e i t h e r would have been established,” he said.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Experimental bird flu vaccines show promise in early trials Companies are using new technologies to accelerate production By Sharon Begley and Ben Hirschler NEW YORK/LONDON / REUTERS
he first human tests of experimental vaccines against a deadly strain of avian flu, using novel technology that could produce millions of doses very quickly, has produced protective antibodies in the vast majority of recipients. Encouraging results i n e a r l y- s t a g e t r i a l s w e re announced for separate vaccines from Swiss drugmaker Novartis and Novavax, a biotech company based in Rockville, Maryland. Details of the Novavax vaccine were published online in the New England Journal of Medicine late on Nov. 13,
while Novartis disclosed its positive findings the next day. “These are ver y preliminary results, but it appears for the first time that we may have a vaccine that would work against an outbreak” of avian flu, said Robin Robinson, director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, the federal agency in charge of developing countermeasures against public health emergencies. Because other candidate vaccines against avian flu have failed, “this is a ver y important milestone,” he said. “We have a promising vaccine where before we had none.” The H7N9 strain of avian flu emerged in China last winter. There had been 45
deaths from 137 confirmed cases this year as of late October, according to the World Health Organization. Cases and deaths, often from severe pneumonia, both peaked in March and April. But public health experts fear the virus could come storming back this flu season. After no reported cases of H7N9 in China in August or September, there have been four since early October. A mortality rate of one-third suggests the virus is highly lethal. The WHO says there is currently “no indication” the virus can be transmitted from person to person, and so cannot become a pandemic. But flu strains can quickly undergo genetic changes that
SAVE 23%!
make them transmissible between people. In the Novartis clinical trial, 400 healthy adult volunteers received two doses of either a dummy injection (placebo) or different formulations of the experimental vaccine — either with or without an adjuvant, a chemical compound that turbocharges the immune system. Of those given the adjuvanted vaccine, 85 per cent had a protective immune response, against only six per cent for those getting the vaccine without the adjuvant. The Novavax study involved 284 volunteers who also received vaccine formulations with or without an adjuvant. At the heart of the vaccines are two proteins, dubbed H7
and N9, that stick out from the virus and give it its name. The Novavax vaccine tr iggered production of antibodies against the “H” protein in 81 per cent of the volunteers who received the vaccine with the high level of adjuvant, and antibodies against the “N” in more than 90 per cent. Antibodies are molecules produced by the immune system that attack invaders. The studies did not expose volunteers to the virus, which is considered unethical, to see if the antibody levels warded off infection. “But these antibody levels are very likely to be protective,” said Dr. Louis Fries, Novavax’s vice-president for clinical and medical affairs, who led the Novavax study.
China rejects U.S. corn cargo for unapproved GMO
On your gifts of…
Manitoba Co-operator
The variety is approved for export to other countries By Karl Plume REUTERS
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hina rejected a cargo of U.S. corn because it contained a genetically modified variety that is not approved for import, a trade source said Nov. 18. The shipment contained Syngenta AG’s Agrisure Viptera corn, also known as MIR 162, the source said. “It’s confirmed. It’s one cargo and MIR 162 was the problem,” said the source, who asked not to be identified. China has not yet signed off the variety but is expected to approve it later this year or in 2014, according to traders. It is approved for import by numerous U.S. trading partners, including Mexico, the European Union and top corn importer Japan. “Syngenta is not aware of any such incident,” said Paul Minehart, head of Corporate Communications-North America for Syngenta Corporation. Agrisure Viptera, designed to offer enhanced protection against crop-damaging insects, is widely grown in the United States so traces of the grain may have been commingled with approved corn strains in a shipment to China, traders said. A bulk corn shipment from Argentina was cleared for import earlier this year despite it containing traces of MIR 162. China is expected to import a record-high seven million tonnes of corn in the 2013-14 marketing year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. After shifting from a corn exporter to a net importer in 2010, China has become one of the world’s top three corn markets, buying nearly all of its imports from top exporter the United States.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
In win for Big Oil, U.S. proposes biofuel mandate cuts The EPA is seeking a 16 per cent cut in renewable fuels goal versus the 2007 mandate By Timothy Gardner washington / reuters
he Obama administ ra t i o n h a s proposed slashing federal requirements for U.S. biofuel use in 2014, bowing to pressure from the petroleum industry and attempting to prevent a potential fuel crunch next year. The Nov. 15 decision was the first cut to renewable fuel targets written into a 2007 law, and was seen as a clear win for oil refiners and a loss for biofuel producers. It followed a prolonged lobbying blitz on both sides of the issue. The plan follows the Environmental Protection Agency’s warnings that the country was approaching a point where the so-called Re n e w a b l e F u e l St a n d a rd (RFS) would require the use of more ethanol than can be blended into gasoline at the 10 per cent level that dominates the U.S. fuelling infrastructure. Re f i n e r s h a v e s a i d t h i s “blend wall,” if left in place, would force them to export more fuel or produce less gasoline, leading to shortages and higher prices at the pump. In response, the EPA proposed to cut overall use of renewable fuels, made mostly from U.S. corn and to a lesser extent from soybeans, grasses, crop waste and Brazilian sugarcane, to a range of 15 billion to 15.52 billion gallons. Within that range, the agency proposed a specific goal of 15.21 billion gallons, which is more than 16 per cent less than the 18.15 billion gallons contained in the law that governs the RFS, and below this year’s 16.55 billion gallons. The proposed goal matches the number contained in a draft that was leaked and circulated in October. U.S. gasoline demand had been expected to rise every year when Congress passed the law in 2007, but it peaked in 2008 and has been anemic since, partly because fuel efficiency of U.S. cars and light trucks has risen steadily. “This unanticipated reduction in fuel consumption brings us to the point where the realities of the fuel market must be addressed to properly implement the program,” a senior administration official told reporters in a teleconference about the proposal. The impending blend wall problem had led to a surge in prices for ethanol credits, known as renewable identification numbers or RINs, from a few cents a year ago to almost $1.50 at mid-year. The surge had threatened to push up gasoline prices as the extra RINS costs for refiners would have been passed on to consumers. The proposed change in advanced biofuels implies a
corn ethanol mandate of 12.7 billion to 13.2 billion gallons, down from the previous 2014 mandate of 14.4 billion gallons. “We are astounded by the p r o p o s a l re l e a s e d by t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o d a y. I t reflects an ‘all of the above, except biofuels’ energy strategy,” said Fuels America, a coalition of alternative energy producers. The group termed the blend wall a fictional narrative, “created by the oil industry to stifle competition.” The EPA expects to release a final rule next spring after a 60-day public comment
per iod. After that ethanol backers could unleash legal challenges to soften or reverse the changes.
Raw corn is shown as it is unloaded for processing at the Lincolnway Energy plant in the town of Nevada, Iowa, Dec. 6, 2007. The U.S. is moving to lower required biofuel use, which is lowering demand for corn and soybeans used to produce it. photo: REUTERS/Jason Reed
Corn falls to new lows
Biofuels stocks were mixed following the announcement. Chicago corn futures fell to new lows for the day, down 1.1 per cent at $4.21-3/4 per bushel, although the impact was muted because the Nov. 15 announcement was similar to the leaked proposal from October. Prices this month hit their lowest point in more than three years. The price of soybeans, used to make biodiesel, dropped 2.5 per cent.
Biofuels backers were livid at the announcement. A representative for Archer Daniels Midland Co., one of the largest ethanol producers, said companies had invested in renewable fuel projects “on the basis of firm legislative commitments” and across two presidential administrations,
presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush. A lower mandate to produce corn-based ethanol could cost grain growers at the farm gate. Livestock producers, by contrast, were jubilant at the prospect of lower feed prices, but called on lawmakers to do more.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
China doesn’t want to keep them down on the farm
The government would like more workers in cities, but farmers have no incentive to give up title to their land By Kevin Yao chengdu, china /reuters
an Yingyu is one of China’s 200 million migrant workers and like many he is stuck: he does not want to return to his village but also cannot become a legal resident in the city of Chengdu, where he has worked for nearly 20 years. His dilemma highlights a key issue for China’s reformist leaders as they look for ways to encourage more people to move to cities to help turn a creditand investment-driven economy into a consumer-powered one. If rural Chinese are given formal rights to their land, they could cash in its value and feel more secure about moving to work in cities. If they are given residency status in cities, rather than having it tied to their home village, they would have access to social welfare, making it more likely they would spend more or move their family to live in the cities too. Without reform of land and residency rights, a government urbanization drive may fall behind, endangering broader economic reform and even risking social unrest. “I won’t go back to work the land, but I cannot afford to buy a property here — prices are too high,” said Tan, pointing to towering apartment blocks in the southwestern city of Chengdu. Top leaders are meeting in secret in Beijing to plot an economic agenda for the next decade, and will be looking at pilot schemes in Chengdu and elsewhere that are testing land and residency reform for clues on what changes to make. But the Chengdu pilot program and others that allow farmers to lease or sell their land have shown the process is slow and tangled with problems. Reforms in the 1980s assigned farmland to households but reserved formal ownership to
The organizing committee of the 2013 Manitoba Farm Women’s Conference would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous and valued support, which greatly contributed towards the success of this year’s conference
“I won’t go back to work the land, but I cannot afford to buy a property here — prices are too high.”
Tan Yingyu
the village collective. Land certificates are imprecise at best and many rural households lack documentation, although Beijing has tasked the provinces with registering title to land nationwide over the next five years. The lack of clear land rights makes many farmers vulnerable to land grabs by local administrations for development, a major source of government revenue and equally a major source of discontent among farmers who say they are not compensated fairly.
Another dilemma
Closely tied to land reform is a need to relax a rigid household registration system, which means Tan has no access to social welfare, such as medical care, outside of his home village. The lack of status reduces the incentive for rural Chinese to move to urban areas. Tan does not want to formally cut his ties with his village because he cannot sell the fifth of a hectare of land his family has tended for more than 50 years. It is now looked after by a relative. But until he cuts his ties, he cannot register as a resident of Chengdu, where he trades in second-hand furniture and appliances. Land reform and household registration are two key issues if China is to succeed in its plan to persuade 390 million rural dwellers — equivalent to the U.S. population — to migrate to urban areas.
PLATINUM SPONSORS Portage la Prairie Consumer’s Co-operative Portage la Prairie Credit Union Backswath Management Inc. Manitoba Canola Growers RBC BSI Insurance/Red River Mutual Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Development Manitoba Cooperator Golden West Radio Agri Post 730 CKDM 101.1 The Farm
GOLD SPONSORS Farm Credit Canada MNP Net Set Communications Monsanto Canada 880 CKLQ/94.7 Star FM (Brandon) Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety
SILVER SPONSORS Oil Mart Wall Grain Handling Systems Ltd Manitoba Beef Producers Rocky Mountain Dealerships Inc. (Calgary) RM of Hanover Manitoba Minister Responsible for the Status of Women RM of Rosser Keystone Agricultural Producers Portage Agri-Sales Ltd. Manitoba Pork Council
Land reform and household registration are two key issues if China is to succeed in its plan to persuade 390 million rural dwellers — equivalent to the U.S. population — to migrate to urban areas. photo: thinkstock
That itself is central to the broader plan to develop an economy led more by domestic consumption as Beijing looks for new economic drivers after three decades of double-digit growth. Even if farmers or rural households do not want to lease or sell their land, the lack of recognized legal rights reduces their incentive to develop businesses where they live. The pilot programs in Chengdu and other cities have been testing reforms of the established land rules, rooted in China communist ideology, and the household registration system, which dates back to 1958. The project in Chengdu allows farmers or village landholders to sell their land rights on an exchange, getting cash in return. But the watchword is caution. “The steps cannot be too big,” said Hou Peng, a senior offi-
cial at the Chengdu Agriculture Equity Exchange. “Land reforms are very complicated. The interests of many people will be affected,” Hou told Reuters in an interview inside the exchange’s new building, where big electronic screens display land deals. Hou said land reform has to be gradual to maintain social stability by ensuring farmers do not rush to sell their land before they have secured long-term jobs in cities. The last thing that the central government would want is cities filling rapidly with unemployed migrants.
One option being considered is to allow farmers to use land rights to secure bank loans, or turn them into shares in largescale farming companies, government economists say. Possibly the biggest difficulty
reformers have to overcome is an inherent conflict of interest on the part of local authorities where migrants are registered. Compensating them fairly for land sales would help achieve national urbanization goals. But seizure of farmland by local governments, with little or no compensation, is widespread and sparks tens of thousands of protests a year. A Tsinghua University survey showed that 64 million Chinese households have had their land seized or homes demolished over decades of rapid urbanization, leaving many feeling disaffected. “The government says it is building the new countryside, but the purpose is to appropriate our land for their own development,” said one 62-year-old farmer. His house was demolished earlier this year and he has been promised a new home in two or three years.
Eli Lilly unit raises prices on ractopamine, farm animal drugs Demand has surged after a competing product was pulled off the market By P.J. Huffstutter chicago / reuters
li Lilly & Co.’s Elanco A n i m a l He a l t h u n i t will raise the price of its beta-agonist feed supplements by two to three per cent on Nov. 26 amid strong demand from beef feedlots, a company spokeswoman told Reuters Nov. 13. The price increase — which the company said will apply to all of Eli Lilly’s products for cattle, hogs and other food animals — comes amid strong demand for its Optaflexx ractopamine-based feed additive for cattle, which helps bulk up the amount of meat on a beef carcass prior to slaughter.
T h e m ov e i s p a r t o f a review of its agricultural product pricing, market conditions and production costs that Elanco regularly conducts for all products, said company spokeswoman Colleen Parr Dekker. The price increase, though, will not apply to newer non - b e t a g o n i s t p ro d u c t s released in 2012 or this year, she said. S a l e s o f E l a n c o’s c a t tle feed additive Optaflexx in the United States began surging in late August, a f t e r r i v a l Me rc k & C o. announced its decision to temporarily suspend sales of its Zilmax beta-agonist additive. Merck’s announcement came after meat processor Tyson Foods said it
would stop buying Zilmaxfed cattle amid concerns the livestock drug was potentially causing health problems for some cattle. E lanco’s pr ice increase will likely not have much of an impact on meat producers, nor cool demand for the drug-maker’s beta-agonist feed products — particularly among cattle feedlot owners. Retail beef prices re m a i n a t re c o rd h i g h s , w h i l e t h e n a t i o n’s c a t t l e herd is the lowest level in more than 60 years. E l a n c o “ i s c l e a r l y t a king advantage of the lack of competition” for betaagonists,” said Jim Robb, director of the Livestock Marketing Information Center in Denver, Colorado.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Shelterbelts suffer from being a public service in private hands Survey identifies social benefits of shelterbelts, but finds less value as an agricultural asset By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
photo: laura Rance
e s u l t s f r o m a s m a l l s u r v e y, answered mostly by farmers in a southern Manitoba municipality, may give others reason to rethink the role of shelterbelts on their farms. The esthetics and ‘a sense of place’ provided by shelterbelts are their main benefit, said over half of the respondents who say it’s the broader community that benefits most from the presence of trees in the rural landscape. T h e re s u l t s we re g l e a n e d f ro m responses of 103 residents of the Rural Municipality of Stanley in a survey asking questions about the multiple functions of shelterbelts. It was conducted by master’s of science candidate with B.C.-based Royal Roads University Louise Bellet for her soon-to-be-published thesis and done with help from the Stanley Soil Management Association and the municipality. Three hundred surveys were mailed out and 103 responded. Most respondents were male and over the age of 50. Bellet’s research cites many of the ecosystem-enhancing functions of shelterbelts, including their role in sustaining soil biological activity and providing habitat pollinators such as bees and birds. Her survey has additionally quantified the social and ecological services of shelterbelts. Taken together, Bellet said the results show shelterbelts provide conservation and societal benefits as well as agricultural. “Shelterbelts benefit the whole community and the sustainable management of the landscape,” she said. “And it’s important to remember who answered the survey. It is acreage owners and farmers predominantly. They recognize that shelterbelts play this important role.” The survey asked questions about the perceived benefits and risks associated with shelterbelts. People were asked to rank their responses. Not surprisingly, most rank soil conservation and erosion control as the shelterbelt’s most important function, Bellet said. “Soil conservation was ranked the highest at an 8.8 out of 10,” she said. “It’s the most well-known function of shelterbelts. When people think shelterbelt they think soil.” Other functions largely related to agricultural productivity, including ecosystem enhancement were also ranked highly. But they also cause problems related to their interference with farm equipment, and debris, weeds and snow that accumulates in the row. The main risk associated with removing them wasn’t soil erosion, however. Most respondents just said losing trees from the landscape makes it a windier environment, Bellet said. They also said it was a loss of bird habitat. The majority (64 per cent) of respondents said the wider community benefits most from shelterbelts and
nearly three-quarters ranked the overall importance of shelterbelts to the municipality at seven or higher. “Having this structure of trees in the landscape really helps connect people, and promote a sense of place and welcome,” she said. By contrast, just 27 per cent said the main benefits of shelterbelts accrue to farmers and only nine per cent said shelterbelts provide environmental benefits. Bellet said results raise the question of how, if trees on the rural landscape have value to others besides the farmer, the wider public contribute to their maintenance. Right now, people perceive shelterbelts as a private landowner’s property, she said, adding that people don’t feel they are entitled to say what farmers should do on their own land. “People do say they are sad when they see a shelterbelt being pulled over, but there’s been very little voice expressing disagreement about what’s going on.” There’s also the question of the wider public’s willingness to pay to maintain shelterbelts. “Pretty much 50 per cent of people were not willing, and 50 per cent were willing to pay,” she said. She thinks the responses may reflect both difficulty understanding how to put a money value on trees or how the public would pay. But it also boils down to these being private assets with wider perceived public benefits. Respondents said local municipalities are the key agency that can influence how farmers manage trees. Bellet said she hopes her research will expand the definition of a shelterbelt and encourage more thinking around community-wide stewardship incentives to help conserve them. “ The definition of a shelterbelt shouldn’t be about just windbreaks and soil protection,” she said. “It should be about the whole benefit they provide to the community, as something that makes the prairie thrive.” Her recommendations include developing a land planning guide for farmers for future optimal placement of shelterbelts. She also recommends that specific supports be made available to farmers to maintain and renovate shelterbelts. Richard Warkentin, a technician with the Stanley Soil Management Association, said Bellet’s survey results support its work. Unfortunately, right now it’s considerably easier to hire a bulldozer and crew to have trees taken out than it is to trim, thin and maintain tree rows, he said. “There’s a big lack of decent equipment that can renovate shelterbelts rather than eliminate them.” As long as farmers see more benefit in removing shelterbelts, and lack these supports to maintain them, the net loss will continue, he said. “Certainly we see more coming down than going in,” he said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
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Fair trade for your table Manitoba Council for International Co-operation wants us to think about the benefits that come from fair trade product purchases Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap
ridgehead coffee kept me awake for years. Now that I’m out of university, I no longer need it to pull all-nighters when writing term papers due the next day. But I still drink fair trade coffee. Today it’s Kicking Horse, a brew sold by the B.C. company of the same name and one of many trying to get a better deal for the world’s 25 million coffee farmers. Annual coffee consumption worldwide is around 400 billion cups — that’s 12,000 cups per second — but the financial return for growing the labour-intensive crop is often meagre. A fair trade approach means paying a guaranteed minimum price and also entering into longer-term trading relationships that provide other benefits to farmers. This month, the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation (MCIC) is reminding us what the impact of switching our purchases to fair trade products can have. Its ‘Fair Trade Challenge’ asks Manitobans to sign up for 30 days and commit to consuming products certified as ‘Fairtrade’ in a ‘core challenge’ (coffee, tea and chocolate for 30 days) or a school challenge (be ‘fair aware for three minutes a day’). There are also office, holiday and baker challenges. About 1,000 Manitobans have signed up for one or more of the challenges. The baker challenge has been especially popular, with nearly 90 people committed to using the fair trade ingredients in their home baking. More fair trade products are now available to more people so this is a good way to raise awareness about it, said MCIC director Janice Hamilton. Your local co-op likely stocks certified fair trade coffee
and chocolate nowadays. Other fair trade products such as sugar, spices, cocoa, dried fruit, and olive oil are also now available either online or through stores committed to local products. Vita Health and some Mennonite Central Committee thrift shops carry fair trade products, as do chains such as Costco, Safeway and Sobeys. Demand for fair trade products is growing because more people appreciate their impact, said Hamilton. “It’s when people become aware of the difference it can make in the producer’s life, that they are more interested in doing it, even if it costs a little bit more,” she said. “People send their kids to school when they have a little more money.” When the appalling use of child labour in cocoa harvests of the Ivory Coast was exposed in the early 2000s, a lot of us started to think twice about a simple purchase of a chocolate bar, for example. Fairtrade-certified alternatives now available include chocolate from the U.K. company Green & Black’s; Camino, a Canadian brand; and the Fairtradecertified Dairy Milk line from Cadbury.
Companies must register with Fairtrade Canada in order to use the Fairtrade logo on products sold in this country. The certification ensures that products are coming from suppliers that meet specific standards around labour law, environmental sustainability and business governance. The 26 Fairtrade-certified wines available through Manitoba Liquor Control Commission stores, for example, come from wineries where employees share in the profits and have input into the company’s decision-making. Liquor Marts have been recognized twice by Fairtrade Canada for its commitment to carrying these products, and so has Fresh Carrot in Gimli and Ten Thousand Villages in Winnipeg. Gimli, by the way, is one of 17 official fair trade towns in Canada, which means its local council uses Fairtrade-certified products and supports other fair trade initiatives in the community. MCIC’s Fair Trade Challenges wrap up at month’s end. But the seasonal spend-a-thon called Christmas is beginning. It’s a good time to be thinking about how our dollars can make a difference in other farmers’ lives.
Want to learn more?
• You can learn more about the Fair Trade Challenge and other activities in Manitoba at this site. • You’ll find more product info, a fair trade finder, and recipes on this site. It also explains the certification process in detail. • This is the website for the Canadian Fair Trade Network. • This website belongs to Camino, a Canadian brand of fair trade products. You can find baking products to shop online for at this site.
Shorter days and colder temperatures mean it’s time to eat hearty. This dish is easy to make and works for supper, breakfast or brunch.
Beefy Huevos Rancheros If you prefer a smoky, fiery version, add a teaspoon or so chopped canned chipotle peppers. 1 lb. extra-lean or lean ground sirloin 1 large sweet pepper, diced 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 can (14 oz./398 ml) tomato sauce 1-1/2 c. frozen corn kernels 1 c. shredded mild cheddar cheese
1 large onion, diced 2 tbsp. chili powder 1 can (28 oz./796 ml) diced tomatoes 1 can (19 oz./ 540 ml) kidney or black beans, drained and rinsed 6 eggs
Cook beef, onion, sweet pepper, chili powder and cumin in large deep skillet or sauté pan over mediumhigh heat for eight to 10 minutes or until meat is thoroughly cooked and any liquid has evaporated. Drain if necessary. Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans and corn. Cook over medium-high heat until boiling. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, covered, for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Spread into a 9x13-inch baking dish. Make 6 to 8 wells in meat mixture; gently break an egg into each; sprinkle cheese over top. Bake in 400 F (200 C) oven until chili is bubbling and until egg whites are set, about 25 minutes. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK
Source: Canada Beef Inc. (
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
hat are you drawing sweetheart?” Jennifer Jackson turned her attention from her own half-finished work of art to study the work her little niece Allison was intently concentrating on beside her. Allison paused, her bright-red crayon poised over the sheet of copy paper on the table in front of her. “A picture,” she said. “Well sure enough, it IS a picture,” said Jennifer leaning in for a closer look. “But what is it a picture of?” Allison gave a little giggle. “I don’t know that,” she said. “It isn’t finished. But it looks like it’s going to be something red.” “Maybe it’ll be Clifford,” said Jennifer. “The big red dog.” Allison shook her head. “I can’t make Clifford the big red dog, because my paper isn’t big enough.” She put down her crayon. “I need another colour. Maybe yellow.” She rummaged through the crayons on the table and picked up a green one. “Or blue,” she said. “That’s a green one,” said Jennifer. Allison studied it for a moment. “It might be blue,” she said, and bent over her picture once more. Jennifer returned to her own work and there was a brief period of silence while they concentrated on drawing. “I was a blue jay,” said Allison. “Were you really?” said Jennifer. “When were you a blue jay?” “On Hawolleen,” said Allison. “Halloween, you mean,” said Jennifer. “I told Mommy I wanted to be a blue jay and she said she didn’t know how to make a blue jay costume. So Daddy said she should make a big blue letter ‘j’ and put it on me and then when people asked what I was I could just say I was a blue ‘j.’” Allison stopped working for a second to look at her picture. “It IS green,” she said. “I thought it might be blue.” “Did you have fun on Halloween?” asked Jennifer. “I got lots of candy at the mall,” said Allison. “But I was a little bit sad,” she added. “Oh? Why were you sad?” said Jennifer. “Because I didn’t get any money,” said Allison. “People don’t give out money on Halloween,” said Jennifer. “They only give candy. And anyway, if you already got lots of candy why would you need money?”
“I like money,” said Allison. “What do you do with it?” Jennifer wanted to know. “I p u t i t i n m y p o c k e t ,” s a i d A l l i s o n . “Sometimes I like to take it out of my pocket, and then I put it back in.” Jennifer reached into the pocket of her jeans. “Would you like to have a nickel?” she said. Allison stopped colouring and looked up at Jennifer. “Is that money?” she said. Jennifer nodded and put a nickel on the table in front of her niece. “You can have it,” she said. “Why?” asked Allison.
“Because I like you,” said Jennifer. “And I don’t like nickels.” Allison picked up the coin. “How come you don’t like nickels?” she asked. “Um… because I don’t like the picture,” said Jennifer. “It’s a picture of a big ugly bucktoothed rodent, you know.” Allison studied the coin for a moment. “The other side has a beaver,” she said. Jennifer laughed out loud. “You’re hilarious,” she said. “I just love babysitting you.” “ You shouldn’t call it babysitting,” said Allison. “I’m not a baby anymore.” “That’s true,” said Jennifer. “Andy is a baby,” said Allison. “That’s why he’s still sleeping. Watch this,” she added, as she scribbled rapidly on her picture. “I can draw really fast. Fifty kilometres an hour. Can I have a cookie?” “Can I have a cookie what?” said Jennifer. “Please,” said Allison. “Yes you can,” said Jennifer. “You can have a cookie. And you can have milk with it if you want.” “OK,” said Allison. “Where’s Mommy?” she added. “Your Mommy and Daddy went to a movie with my Mommy and Daddy,” said Jennifer. “You mean with Grandma and Grandpa,” said Allison. “Yes that’s what I mean,” said Jennifer. “I like movies,” said Allison. “My favourite movie is ‘Nemo.’ Did you see ‘Nemo’ once?” “I saw it with you last week,” said Jennifer. “I like it a lot.” She set a plate and a cup in front of Allison. “There’s your cookie and your milk,” she said. Allison looked up. “Thank you,” she said. “I just love your face,” she added. Jennifer smiled. “That’s nice,” she said. “What do you like about it?” Allison thought about that for a second. “I don’t like anything about it,” she said. “I just love the way it looks.” Jennifer reached over and tousled the little girl’s hair. “Well, I love everything about you,” she said. Allison reached for the plate. “I know,” she said. “But right now I have to eat a cookie.” Jennifer smiled. “Yes you do, darling,” she said. “Yes you do.”
Looking for an unusual plant? Prayer plant will provide eye-catching foliage and interesting behaviour By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR
e indoor gardeners are always on the lookout for unusual plants, but often what we are seeking is some unique feature in their appearance. Rarely do we even think about how a plant behaves. We tend to consider them as living things that just sit there and grow, while we appreciate their foliage and/or bloom. A few plants, however, are renowned for their actions, most notably several carnivorous plants that have gained notoriety. There is a plant whose actions are quite unique, and it does not come with the reputation of its carnivorous cousins — nor does it come with the unpleasant smell associated with many such plants. The name says it all — the prayer plant. This plant (its proper name is Maranta, although sometimes it is called Calathea) has the unusual habit of folding up its leaves every evening just like it is praying. The following morning it will open its leaves once
This is a popular plant for both its foliage and unique behaviour. PHOTO: ALBERT PARSONS
more for a day before folding them up in prayer again as evening approaches. We are all familiar with the photosensitive reactions of plants: the turning of sunflower heads to constantly face the sun; the budding of Christmas cactus plants as daylight hours decrease in the fall; or the col-
our change in the bracts of poinsettias when they are subjected to long periods of darkness. The behaviour of the prayer plant is unique, however, in the movement of its foliage as a reaction to decreased light as night approaches. Its leaves are produced in pairs on its short stems so that each leaf has a partner immediately beside it so that they can close onto each other. While the leaf behaviour is what attracts us to the plant, the leaf colour is also a drawing card. The leaves are dark green with bright-red veining and/or darker green spots. The leaves are oval and about eight to 12 cm long. Although the plant may flower, the flowers — which are pink — are small and insignificant. Prayer plants are small and compact, suitable for tabletop display, and they are good houseplants b e c a u s e t h e y a re c o m f o r t a b l e i n temperatures that are found in our homes during the winter. They like moderate to low, indirect light so they can be displayed in many
locations in the home and are not restricted to just the windowsill. In fact, the windowsill may not be the best place for prayer plants as they object to fluctuations in temperature, which might easily occur near windows in the winter. They like humidity and moist soil — the soil should not be allowed to dry out, although it should be kept evenly moist, not sodden. The most common complaint about prayer plants is the browning of leaf edges. To avoid this problem do not let the soil become dry, mist the plant regularly — or more conveniently, use a pebble tray, do not locate the plant in too bright light, and leach the soil of a buildup of salts regularly by allowing water to run through the soil and out the pot’s drainage holes. Any brown edges can be made less noticeable by trimming them off with a pair of sharp scissors. If you want a plant with both eye-catching foliage and unique behaviour, try a prayer plant. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba
The Manitoba Co-operator | November 21, 2013
Reena answers more questions Plus, reader feedback and some handy tips Reena Nerbas Household Solutions
Dear Reena,
Any tips on how to keep my potatoes fresh for a long period of time? I am tired of throwing out potatoes. – Thanks, Borcan
Hi Borcan,
When storing potatoes choose ones that are firm and free of sprouts, green skin or spots. Green potatoes may contain a substance called solanine, which is bitter and can be toxic. If potatoes have turned green, trim off the green areas before using. To prevent potatoes from greening, they should be stored in a dark, cool place that is well ventilated. Potato sprouts are poisonous; cut off the sprouts and the potatoes are fine for eating. Store an apple with potatoes to prevent sprouting. When a potato grows an “eye” the potato starts to shrivel. This means the potato shrinks and the outside skin gets old… just like people. Next time you see a potato growing an “eye,” take a knife and cut the eye off. The potato will not shrivel up as quickly. Avoid storing potatoes with onions, because when close together, they produce gases that spoil both.
Tater Tips:
• No need to throw potatoes or potato peels into the garbage, they are easy to compost. In the winter collect left over fruits and veggies into an empty ice-cream bucket and leave outside to freeze. When spring arrives; dump the contents of your buckets into your compost pile. • Use boiled potato water to kill weeds or to make yummy-tasting gravy. • After you empty the water out from boiled potatoes, place the saucepan over low heat back onto the stove and shake the potatoes a few times. This prevents potatoes from sticking and keeps them fluffy. • Instead of boiling potatoes for just one meal; boil additional potatoes with their jackets on. Once cooked, store them in the fridge. Next time you decide to make potato casserole, potato soup or potato salad, prep is a cinch. Taken from: Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets.
Don’t store potatoes with onions, because when close together, they produce gases that spoil both. photo: THINKSTOCK
Hi Reena,
I need a suggestion for a painless way to remove bandages. My eight-year-old screams every time I begin to pull the bandage off. – All the best, Vanessa
Hi Vanessa,
Dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in oil (olive or baby) and rub it against the bandage. This will allow the bandage to fall off. Another option is to remove the bandage after she has taken a warm bath; water and warmth help loosen the glue that holds bandages onto skin.
Dear Reena,
hint is to secure lids on pens when not in use. A home-schooling teacher once told me that she always keeps ballpoint ink pens in sealable bags when not in use to keep them working longer.
Dear Reena,
I am a seamstress and often use velvet ribbon for finishing edges of dresses and blouses. Often the ribbon frays, unravels and curls up, leaving the ends unfinished looking. Your input would be much appreciated! – Thank you, Mavis
Hello Mavis,
How can I prevent my ballpoint ink pens from drying out? It seems that in the winter they stop working after only three or four uses. Love your books. – Mariam
Good for you for keeping up the art of handmade apparel! When you prepare velvet ribbon for cutting, run a bead of clear nail polish across the ends. After it dries, cut through the coated area. Your edges will no longer fray, ravel or curl.
Dear Mariam,
Fabulous Feedback from Readers:
The ballpoint pen has replaced the fountain pen as the most popular tool for everyday writing, due to its reliability and convenience. When it comes to most things in life you often get what you pay for, and ballpoint ink pens are no exception. One
I recently received this little anonymous gem on my voicemail:
Hi Reena,
Just want to let you know that last week I noticed ballpoint ink on my leather couch.
Freelance contributor
• Since I have hard water, when canning, I add 2 tbsp. vinegar to the pot when boiling snap lids, 2 to 3 tbsp. into the canner, and 2 tbsp. into the pot when blanching tomatoes. This softens the water and eliminates the hard water scum. • For cleaning stove burner pans, grimy oven windows or burnt casserole dishes, mix a thin paste of equal parts of white vinegar and cream of tartar and apply. Leave on for 30 minutes or more and clean with a
scouring pad, rinsing with cool water. Lemons are useful for so many things: • Rub lemon juice into cutting boards to eliminate odours, or to get rid of stains. Leave until odour is gone or stain disappears. • For fridge odours, pour lemon juice on cloth or sponge and leave in fridge till odour is gone. • Use 1/4 cup lemon juice per wash load to get a cleaner wash (vinegar gets the same result). • Rubbing with lemon juice disinfects germy hands. • Wipe the stains on counters
Tips of the Week:
• When using paint trays for household painting jobs, try slipping an empty (and very clean) plastic bag over the tray before pouring paint. Instead of having a paint tray to clean up, it’s a simple job to remove the plastic bag and discard. • Buff out scuffs on suede using a cardboard emery board or a piece of light sandpaper. Proceed gently, making sure not to damage suede. Or place the affected area of the suede over steam from a kettle of boiling water to raise the nap and then carefully brush out with a suede brush. • Before filling a plant container with potting soil, first lay a coffee filter on the bottom inside of the pot and then add the soil on top. This will prevent the soil from draining out of the drainage holes when you water the plant. I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming. Missed a column? Can’t remember a solution? Need a speaker for an upcoming event? Check out my videos/blog/website:
Reader’s Photo
Handy hints for the home By Joanne Rawluk
I used non-bleach, non-gel toothpaste on the area and the ink came out instantly!
with lemon juice to clean and disinfect. If the stains are stubborn, mix in vinegar and water to wipe down. • Put 1/2 lemon inside a chicken when roasting for flavouring and tenderizing. Can also mix lemon juice with your favourite herbs and rub under the skin for more flavour and to retain moisture. • A cut lemon on top rack of the dishwasher is a good rinse agent. Secure it so it stays put through the cycles. Joanne Rawluk writes from Gypsumville, Manitoba
This one didn’t make it off the tree before the snow. PHOTO: CINDY MURRAY