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Volume 40, Number 15 | SEPTEMBER 30, 2014



SAFER GRAIN STORAGE Whether you’ve got enough storage space this year after last year’s bumper crop or you need temporary solutions, try these four tips BY ANDREA HILDERMAN


e were probably all expecting a tough harvest, despite hoping for the luxury of good weather and an open fall. Rain, frost and even snow in early September likely mean there will be an even greater need to ensure grain storage management strategies are well in hand. “Just because you are done combining does not mean you are done managing the crop,” says Joy Agnew, an agricultural engineer and project manager of agricultural research services at the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. “Grain requires regular monitoring while it is in storage to ensure it does not go out of condition — that is going to be the challenge from here on out.” Considering the value of the inputs and the hours and months of time and effort put into producing the crop, this is good advice. But surprisingly, it is advice that is often not heeded as carefully as it should be.

Publications Mail Agreement Number 40069240

1. BRING IT IN DRY Grain going into storage should ideally be binned clean and dry. It’s debatable if that will be entirely possible this fall, and if not there should also be the means to either dry the grain or to aerate the bin throughout the storage period and a plan in place to monitor the grain in the bin on a regular basis. “Temperature cables are very popular and cost effective to monitor the temperature of the grain throughout the bin,” says Agnew. “The cables are put in place before the bin is filled and a reader hooked up on the outside provides a temperature profile of the grain in bin at any time.” This technology, like any other, is constantly advancing. Now there are wireless systems that will send email or text notifications when the temperature rises beyond pre-set limits. For farmers harvesting damp or wet grain, there will be added work to ensure the grain does not degrade or spoil in storage. “Ideally grain should go into storage dry,” says Agnew. “If that is not possible, natural air drying with the right capacity fans, even

under conditions of high humidity and low temperatures will draw off a lot of moisture. Any airflow through damp grain is beneficial.” Getting the grain cooled off is important to prevent any further degradation in quality. Turning grain in the fall or winter can have beneficial outcomes when it comes to mixing and cooling. Avoid turning grain in the spring when temperatures are on the rise.

0.1 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of airflow per bushel. A 5,000 bushel bin would require about 500 cfm from fans to cool the grain. Natural air drying requires at least 10 times that amount of air to dry grain in storage — one cfm per bushel of grain or 5,000 cfm for a 5,000 bushel bin. Aeration fans could never achieve those air flow rates. Moisture removal would be minimal and grain would spoil.



“The next biggest misconception out there is the difference between aeration and natural air drying,” says Agnew. “Drying and cooling are very different and it’s critical farmers know this as there is a lot at stake if they don’t.” Aeration is cooling only and is a valuable part of grain storage management. Natural air drying, on the other hand, will actually remove moisture from the grain but requires much higher airflows than aeration fans can typically provide. High capacity fans are required to dry grain in the bin. Aeration requires about

Because of winter logistics problems and the 2013 bumper harvest, many farmers may need temporary storage for their 2014 production. “Grain storage bags are quite popular with farmers in recent years,” says Agnew. “Bags offer a convenient storage option, however, they also require diligent management to ensure the grain is maintained in good condition over the storage period.” Bags are prone to damage by wildlife so weekly monitoring is recommended

In This Issue


Wheat & Chaff ..................


Features ............................


Crop Advisor’s Casebook


Columns ........................... 16 Machinery & Shop ............ 26

Protect your crop sale


John Deere’s 9R tractors get new features SCOTT GARVEY PAGE 36

Cattleman’s Corner .......... 35 FarmLife ............................ 41


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Wheat & Chaff STAMPEDE




’m sure our farm is not the only one where harvest got off to a pretty slow start this year. Here in southeastern Saskatchewan we were spared that early-September snow, and we didn’t actually get our swather stuck in a field (well, not so we needed a tractor), but things have not been running smoothly, to say the least. Between weather delays and machinery breakdowns, at the end of one rough day my husband did the math and said, “At this pace, we’ll be done in only 420 days!”

“Elmo said it couldn’t be fixed. So I fixed it.”


Write, Email or Fax

But after a painful start, things picked up near the end of September. The weather improved. The combine finally learned its lesson and started to behave. Then the trees turned that gorgeous blazing yellow that we don’t always get, making the place look like something from a movie. For now, we’ve taken Ritchie Brothers off our speed dial, and we think it’s going to be possible to finish this year’s harvest sometime before we seed next year’s crop. But there’s no doubt that, even when the combine header isn’t breaking down, life on the farm is just a little more stressful this year than it’s been other years. Falling grain prices are leaving us with very little room to make mistakes. There’s not going to be a lot of room for expensive new solutions that might

not work, or high-input crops that might not grow here. Once harvest is over and the combine is put back in the shed, this could become the Winter of the Cursed Spreadsheet, as farmers across the Prairies recalculate their bottom lines, trying to squeeze some profits out of these commodity prices. Spreadsheets, transportation delays, fusarium, snow in September. Sometimes it seems like a plot to keep us from enjoying this life at all. But then, last night my uncle from Ontario came in late from trucking grain in the field. “Wow,” he said. “I’ve never seen so many stars as you have out there. You don’t see anything like that down East.” Wow, indeed. Bring on those spreadsheets. We can take it. Leeann

You might win this contest if…


here’s still time to enter. The writers of the “You might be from the Prairies if…” cartoons that we’ve been running on Page 2 have written a second book. Win one of the five copies in this picture by sending us your funniest “You might be from the Prairies” line. No need to draw a cartoon, just send in one sentence that makes us laugh about our Prairies lives. †

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CST) 1-800-665-0502

U.S. subscribers call 1-204-944-5568 or email: If you have story ideas, call us. You can write the article and we’d pay you, or we can write it.


Phone Leeann Minogue at 306-861-2678 Fax to 204-944-5416

You might be from the Prairies if this is the view from your front step.

Email Write to Grainews, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1


Ask for hearts

When you renew your subscription to Grainews, be sure to ask for six Please Be Careful, We Love You hearts. Then stick them onto equipment that you, your loved ones and your employees operate. That important message could save an arm, a leg or a life.

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Find us on Twitter: Leeann Minogue is @grainmuse Lisa Guenther is @LtoG Lee Hart is @hartattacks Scott Garvey is @machineryeditor


Fendt’s 700 Series tractors BY SCOTT GARVEY


n the last issue of Grainews, we took a look at several of AGCO’s new tractors, including the 800 and 900 Series Fendts. However, a sentence in that article incorrectly stated those were the only two model lines of the Fendt brand available here, in Canada. Of course, the 145 to 240 horsepower 700 Series tractors have been on the ground here for some time. This year, those 700 Series tractors also get updates just like the larger models. All six 700 Series tractors are now available with the Profi and ProfiPlus option packages that include heavier front axles. The heavier axle is an ideal feature to mate with the new Fendt high-tech CargoProfi front-end loader that offers some cutting edge features, such as the ability to provide a weight readout of the bucket load. A new four-speed 1000E PTO option is available that allows the tractor to run PTO implements at lower engine speeds. LED lighting packages are now available and inside the cab the 700 Series get the new 10.4B Varioterminal with uses a new mount to get it in just the right position for any operator.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /

Wheat & Chaff Photo contest

Farm safety


Move harvest equipment safely

This beautiful photo came from Dorothy Anna Stahl. Dorothy says, “I went for a evening walk and discovered this robin’s nest. A few days later I went back and found the eggs hatched with four baby robins.” She took the photo near MacGregor, Manitoba. Dorothy, thanks for sharing this! We’ll send you a cheque for $25. Send your best shot to Please send only one or two photos at a time and include your name and address, the names of anyone in the photo, where the photo was taken and a bit about what was going on that day. A little writeup about your farm is welcome, too. Please ensure that images are of high resolution (1 MB is preferred), and if the image includes a person, we need to be able to see their face clearly. Leeann


very harvest, collisions between farm equipment and passenger vehicles result in expensive repairs, injuries and sadly even deaths. However, by taking time to discuss how to safety transport agricultural equipment, farmers and equipment operators can minimize the risk of a collision. Glen Blahey is a Health and Safety Specialist with CASA. “There are three common types of collisions involving farm equipment and a typical road vehicle: Rear-end, passing and left-turn collisions.” A typical tractor travels less than 40 kilometres per hour. Farm machinery is long and wide. Motorists can underestimate the length, width and speed of farm machinery, often with disastrous results. Rear-end collisions occur when motorists come up on farm equipment too quickly. Passing collisions often occur because motorists attempt to pass without having a clear view of oncoming traffic. Left-turn collisions happen because motorists often think the equipment operator is pulling over to allow the vehicle to pass but the operator is actually making a wide left turn. What can farmers do to prevent collisions? The first step is having a conversation with all equipment operators and truck drivers about how to safely and efficiently move farm machinery on public roadways. In March, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture launched “Let’s Talk About It!” a Canadian Agricultural Safety Week campaign focused on encouraging farmers to talk about farm safety. As a part of the campaign, CASA developed the Toolbox Talks, a series of brief, informal talks that help farmers discuss with their workers and their families about safely conducting farm tasks. Some quick and easy tips to remain safe: Be Visible. If motorists know slow moving farm machinery is on the road, and how that

machinery is likely to move, the chance for a collision is reduced. A Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblem is a triangular, bright-orange sign with a red border. It must be placed at the centre or to the left of centre of all slow moving farm vehicles and equipment. Make sure the SMV emblem is clean and visible. Lighting is also important. Tractors and other self-propelled equipment must have at least two headlamps visible from the front, two red tail lamps visible from the rear and two flashing amber warning lamps visible from both the front and the rear of the machine. Proper turning signals should be available and used at all times. Some provinces have other lighting requirements, check with your provincial department of transportation. Be Cautious. When operating farm machinery on a public road, drive as far to the right as possible to give motorists room to pass, but stay on the road. Travelling on the shoulder presents its own hazards — it may be soft or have obscured hazards like culvert openings or depressions. Equipment operators should never allow extra riders on farm machinery. If something goes wrong, the extra rider is the most likely person to die. And always remember to buckle up your seat belt. Be Alert. Only properly trained and licensed drivers should ever operate farm machinery. While it goes without saying that no one should ever operate farm machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it’s also true that anyone who is overly tired should also avoid driving. Farm workers following these guidelines minimize the chance of a collision. CASA wishes all farmers a safe, healthy and productive harvest season. For more information on Toolbox Talks, visit Do you have any questions about safety? Contact CASA at info@ † Canadian Agricultural Safety Association —

You might be from the Prairies if...

By Carson Demmans and Jason Sylvestre

Your parents still remember when power was installed.

Weather Lore

Slow moving vechicle — SMV — on the road. Notice the triangular sign on the back left.

Agronomy tips… from the field

I’ve looked at clouds Post-harvest weed control timing


louds will tell you which way the wind is blowing way, way up there. Sometimes, the wind blows in different directions at different levels of the atmosphere. When you see clouds moving in a direction opposite to that of the wind on the ground you may think your eyes are playing tricks on you, but what you are seeing is wind shear. And what you will be getting could be colder weather. When clouds move against the wind, It’s called a wind shear; Could be that cold weather, Soon will be here. †

Shirley Byers’ book “Never Sell Your Hen on a Rainy Day” explores over 100 weather rhymes and sayings. It is available from McNally Robinson at:


iming is critical to get the most from your post-harvest herbicide application. And that typically requires a bit of patience. There’s always a temptation to spray perennial and winter annual weeds soon after harvest. But herbicides work best on actively growing weeds. Right after harvest, weeds are recovering with few leaves to absorb the herbicide. Give them time and they’ll have fresh leaves and new stem growth, ideal

for treatment with glyphosate or a glyphosate tank-mix. Weather also plays an important role in the effectiveness of your post-harvest treatment. Rain, for instance, can spur weed growth, making the weeds more susceptible to a post-harvest treatment. Frost, on the other hand, can be a positive or a negative. A hard frost can kill the above-ground portion of the plant. You need at least 60 per cent healthy leaves for a glyphosate treatment to be worth-

while. But a mild frost triggers perennial weeds to prepare for winter and shuttle nutrients to their roots, taking glyphosate along for the ride and giving you maximum weedkilling potential. Last, adjust your sprayer for optimal coverage and distribute threshed straw so the herbicide reaches the weeds. If you can’t hit the weeds, the application is pointless! † This agronomy tip is brought to you by Rob Klewchuk, technical lead, Western Canada for Syngenta Canada Inc.



/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Cover Stories Grain storage

1 6 6 6 D u b l i n Av e n u e , W i n n i p e g , MB R 3 H 0 H 1 w w w. g r a i n e w s . c a PUBLI SH ER

Lynda Tityk Associate Publisher/ Editorial director

John Morriss

Edi tor

Leeann Minogue fiel d Ed ito r

Lisa Guenther Cattleman’s Corner Editor

Lee Hart Farm life Edito r

Sue Armstrong Machinery EDITOR

Scott Garvey Pro duction Di recto r

Shawna Gibson Des igne r


Lynda Tityk

See the Canadian Grain Commission’s website for safe storage guidelines by crop:

Circul at ion manag er



safer grain storage just to check on the integrity of the bags. Additionally, fencing and signage is a good idea to prevent snowmobile accidents — white bags are very hard to see in the snow. The single biggest concern with bags is their integrity. They have much greater surface area that can be damaged that any other sort of storage available. Another drawback of bags is that there is no potential for air flow. “Bags are only a temporary storage solution,” says Agnew. “The grain should not be stored longer than six to eight months, and it should be unloaded before the weather starts to warm up in the spring.” On the other hand, grain will cool down much faster in a bag than in a bin, depending on the prevailing air temperature.

“Take the time to prepare the site sufficiently for bag storage,” says Agnew. “You will have to access the area over the winter to check the bags and test the grain, and come spring, you will need to be able to access the bags to unload the grain. Grain should be stored in bags no more than six to eight months.” Additionally, it is advisable to orient the bags in a north-south direction so solar heating from the sun is equal, or roughly so, on either side of the bags. If not aligned this way, only one side of the bag heats in the sun. That may lead to moisture accumulation in the grain on the cooler side, which could cause spoilage. When probing grain in bag storage, it’s important to probe the bags at the three o’clock or nine o’clock position, never at noon. The tension on the plastic is greatest at the noon position and there is greater risk of the bag tearing and the stored grain becoming compromised. “It goes without saying, but I’ll

say it anyway, that you should never put wet grain in bags,” advises Agnew. “Dry and cool the grain first. Ideally it should be one to two per cent drier than ‘dry’. You have to always remember there are no options for stored grain management once in the bag.” For a lot of farmers, bag storage will not be a viable option this year, given restrictions to the state of the grain going into the bags and the lack of means to aerate or dry the grain in place.

4. Learn the tricks of ring or pile storage Ring storage is another option to consider. Besides piling, ring storage is among the cheapest options for temporary storage. “Ring storage has a place in certain years,” says Agnew. “2014 is likely to produce a lot of wet or damp grain unless we get a prolonged period of favourable conditions. Provided some simple steps are taken when

constructing the ring, it can be a successful strategy.” Finding a suitable location is important. Avoid low spots or areas where moisture could accumulate or run through and cause damage. Put ground sheets in place, and while it adds more cost, a cover sheet is recommended. “The natural cone shape that will form sheds water well,” says Agnew. “A crust will form on the surface and little other damage from precipitation should occur.” One of the important considerations with ring stores or piles is once unloading starts, it needs to be fully completed. The cone shape is lost once the grain is disturbed and is more susceptible to spoilage. A lot of time, worry and cash has gone into this years’ crop. Make sure it stays safe until it leaves the farm. † Andrea Hilderman has her master’s degree in weed science and is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. She writes from Winnipeg, Man.

Tip of the issue

Make a crop well-grown a crop well-marketed Growing the crop is only half the battle. Follow these three marketing tips for higher profits By Blaine Calkins


anadian growers have benefitted from powerful innovations in recent years. From the introduction of new varieties to crop protection tools and better soil preservation practices, growers have a stronger chance of maximizing yield at harvest. But the job doesn’t end there. For growers to see the full benefits of a crop well-grown, they need to keep the momentum going and make it a crop well-marketed too. With the disappearance of the Canadian Wheat Board, many growers have also seen the loss of valuable market information that was once more readily available. It has never been more important for Canadian grow-

ers to have the tools in place to maximize profitability on yields. There are some excellent subscription services available to Canadian growers, providing personalized insights regardless of seed or equipment brand, or the size of your operation. If you’re not ready for the full suite yet, here are some key factors to track that will help you make more informed decisions when it comes time to market.

1. Know your weather Familiarize yourself with weather news and patterns at the local, regional and global levels. Understand that a drought affecting soybean crops in Brazil can impact the price of canola crops in

Canada. Watching weather all season long provides a strong indicator of what direction prices will take.

2.  Watch live local grain bids Keep careful watch on local grain bids. Many farmers have found success with internet tools or apps that help them manage sales decisions. Some tools even provide email alerts to growers if an area grain bid reaches a farmer’s targeted price.

3.  Track competitive crops Monitoring futures values on complimentary competi-

tive crops (such as canola, soybeans and soymeal) will give you a better context of what’s happening in the big picture. Market commentaries can provide insights to help growers take stock of dynamics, trends, probabilities and commercial outlooks. Whether you’re a beginner looking for opportunities to add a few cents to your bushel price, or you’re an advanced user looking for up-to-theminute updates on hedges, futures and market analysis, consider speaking with an expert. There are tools and support for every grower — find one that will help increase your profitability. † Blaine Calkins is DuPont Pioneer’s Western Canadian sales manager.

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Heather Anderson Glacier farmmedia

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Arlene Bomback Phone: (204) 944-5765 Fax: (204) 944-5562 Email: Printed in Canada by Transcontinental LGM-Coronet Winnipeg, Man. Grainews is published by Farm Business Communications, 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0H1. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Subscription prices: For Canadian farmers, $52.00 per year or $83.00 for 2 years (includes GST) or $104.00 for 3 years (includes GST). Man. residents add 8% PST to above prices. U.S: $43.00 per year (U.S. Funds). Outside Canada & U.S.: $79 per year. ISSN 0229-8090. Call 1-800-665-0502 for subscriptions. Fax (204) 954-1422 Canadian Postmaster: Send address changes and undeliverable copies (covers only) to PO Box 9800, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 3K7 U.S. Postmaster: Send address changes and undeliverable copies (covers only) to 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1 Grainews is printed on recyclable paper with linseed oil-based inks. Published 18 times a year. Subscription inquiries: Ca l l t o l l f r e e 1-800-665-0502 U.S. subscribers call 1-204-944-5568 o r email:

Your next issue! You can expect your next issue in your mailbox about October 21, 2014

The editors and journalists who write, contribute and provide opinions to Grainews and Farm Business Communications attempt to provide accurate and useful opinions, information and analysis. However, the editors, journalists and Grainews and Farm Business Communications, cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this publication and the editors as well as Grainews and Farm Business Communications assume no responsibility for any actions or decisions taken by any reader for this publication based on any and all information provided.

The Cargill logo, ®VICTORY and ®VICTORY Hybrid Canola logo are registered trademarks of Cargill Incorporated, used under license. Genuity®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2014 Cargill, Incorporated. All rights reserved.



/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Features Crop Advisor’s casebook

Puzzling patterns in pea field By Mike Wassill


ack in late spring, Allan was alarmed to see some strange patterns showing up in his crop of field peas at his 2,000-acre mixed grain farm near Aylsham, Sask. Irregular sections of pale green peas were appearing in the field, in contrast to the lush green growth of the rest of the crop. The pea field had been seeded the second week of May. Allan called me in mid-June, just before staging of early bloom. The peas in the lush green sections were all starting to show early blooms, while those in the pale green areas were not. Allan told me he initially thought the problem could be a result of higher-than-usual spring rainfall. “It seems like the field is going backwards. Could it be caused by moisture?” he asked. “If so, why not the whole field instead of only certain areas? It’s starting to show up on some of the higher spots in the field as well, where the moisture isn’t as significant.” When I drove out to Allan’s farm and had my first look at the pea crop, the first thing I noticed was that the field had a great stand and there were lots of plants. However, the difference in crop colour and development was stark. Pea plants in the pale green areas were small and struggling compared to the larger, healthier-looking plants in the lush green areas. Upon closer inspection, there didn’t appear to be any aphid damage, a problem that can sometimes affect peas at an early bloom stage. When I asked about the fertility package for the field, Allan informed me he typically uses little fertilizer on his peas and that only 20 pounds of 11-52 product per acre had been placed with seed row. The only chemical applied to the field up to this point was a common herbicide package called Odyssey DLX, which had been utilized before the sixth node stage. Allan told me the field’s prior crop had been Roundup Ready canola, and that the only chemical sprayed in the previous year was glyphosate.

Pea plants in the pale green areas were small and struggling compared to the larger, healthier-looking plants in the lush green areas. As I was leaving the field, I made sure to collect some plant samples from both the pale green and lush green areas so that I could compare the roots and plant structure of the peas. A close look at these samples provided some telling clues as to the source of the problem. If you think you know what’s ailing Allan’s pea crop, send your diagnosis to Grainews, Box 9800, Winnipeg, Man., R3C 3K7; email leeann.minogue@fbcpublishing. com or fax 204-944-95416 c/o Crop Advisor’s Casebook. The best suggestions will be pooled and one winner will be drawn for a chance to win a Grainews cap and a oneyear subscription to the magazine. The answer, along with reasoning that solved the mystery, will appear in the next Crop Advisor’s Solution File. † Mike Wassill is an area marketing representative with Richardson Pioneer Ltd. at Crooked River, Sask.

Casebook winner


he Casebook winner for this issue is Glenn Sawyer, Wood Ridge Farms Ltd. Glenn added a tip for farmers cleaning out their spayers. “It doesn’t hurt to blow air out of the booms and rinse the nozzles separately.” Glenn farms northeast of Calgary, near Acme, Alta. Thanks for reading and entering, Glenn! We’ll renew your Grainews subscription for a year and send you a Grainews cap. †

Mike Wassill is an area marketing representative with Richardson Pioneer Ltd. at Crooked River, Sask.

Leeann Minogue

Crop advisor’s solution

Herbicide residue ails canola crop By Jason Sauchuk


ack in June I got a call from Bill, who farms 8,000 acres of barley, wheat and canola in Waskatenau, Alta. He had sprayed his canola with a herbicide before leaving home for a weekend of fishing, but Bill was alarmed by what he saw in some of his fields when he came back: patches with damaged, stunted plants that looked delayed compared to the rest of the canola crop. Bill asked me to come out to have a look. When I arrived at the farm, I could see obvious signs of damage within the canola field: purpling, chlorosis and cupped leaves. Bill told me he had sprayed a week previously, when the crop was in the oneto two-leaf stage. Bill thought a new fertilizer mix he’d tried in the spring could be to blame.

However, that was ruled out since Bill had used the exact nutrient blend that was called for in previous soil testing. The canola seed had been planted correctly, and there didn’t appear to be anything wrong with Bill’s pesticide program. There had also been good weather recently and soil moisture was just right, so that couldn’t be the culprit either. As we walked around the field a little more, I noticed something — there was a distinct pattern to the damage that corresponded with the width of Bill’s sprayer. We talked about that, and Bill mentioned something that helped clue me in to the source of the problem. Bill had bought a brand-new sprayer over the winter, and had only sprayed three different chemicals with it. When I asked him what he sprayed, he told me he did a pre-seed burnoff with glyphosate

and a Group 2 tank mix before moving to in-crop canola herbicide. I asked Bill how he had cleaned the equipment before the last spray. “I did a rinse with ammonium water and flushed the booms, and then did one water rinse,” he said. This was the source of the problem: Bill should have done a triple rinse on the sprayer before the final herbicide application to get all the residue out of the tank. Bill explained that he’d been in a rush to go fishing so he hadn’t bothered. I sent a sample of the affected canola away for testing and my diagnosis was confirmed — the crop had been damaged by Group 2 residue left in his tank from the pre-seed burnoff tank mix. I advised Bill to change his method of cleaning the sprayer tank, making sure to triple rinse and to remove filters and clean them thoroughly between applications to

ensure there was no leftover residue. I also suggested he try a different tank cleaner, or pay specific attention to what tank cleaning product and procedure is required for the herbicide he is using. In the end, Bill was happy that we had gotten to the root of the problem, but was disappointed with the minimal yields in his affected canola fields. There was simply no recovering from the Group 2 residue damage. Every producer should have a cleaning checklist on sprayer equipment when switching to different chemicals. Triplerinsing the tanks, using proper tank cleaning procedures, and removing end-boom caps to flush out booms will ensure all residue is removed from previous herbicides and avoid any crop injury potential. † Jason Sauchuk is a sales agronomist with Richardson Pioneer Ltd. near Sprucefield, Alta.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Features Grain marketing

Wheat gluten strength concerns buyers International buyers still concerned after Canadian wheat showed poor gluten strength in 2012 By Julienne Isaacs


n 2012, international buyers of Canadian wheat registered  complaints about the crop’s poor gluten strength, according to Dave Hatcher, a research scientist with the Canadian Grain Commission. 2013 presented less of a problem, but even into 2014, buyers are still concerned about the overall crop quality. Several factors impact gluten strength. Weather, variety and growing conditions all interact to have a significant impact. Wheat varieties with excellent intrinsic quality can also be negatively impacted by very high levels of physical damage resulting from midge or fusarium infection, which can drop them to lower grades. Most importantly, each variety of wheat has a unique genetic makeup, with different gluten protein compositions, says Bin Xiao Fu, a bread and durum wheat research scientist with the grain research laboratory of the Canadian Grain Commission. Different wheat classes with different gluten protein compositions are developed for different applications. C W R S ,   C a n a d a ’s   p r e m i e r class of wheat, is comprised of a blend of wheat varieties that have varying gluten protein compositions. “A few years ago some lines were registered into CWRS that passed the tests of the registration trials. They barely cleared the bar for gluten strength, but they had no additional room below the bar,” says Hatcher. In 2012, the combination of poor environmental conditions and varieties at the lower end of gluten strength resulted in a lower quality CWRS product overall. “When the environment has been poor, depending on how much water and heat it gets, and any grading factor that comes into play, the product can drop below the acceptable gluten strength level expected by the buyer,” says Hatcher. Gluten strength is a key quality trait considered in quality evaluations for variety registration in the CWRS wheat class. “Gluten strength of varieties eligible for registration must be within a range defined by the Prairie Recommending Committee for the Wheat, Rye and Triticale Quality Evaluation Team,” says Fu. “Although the range is relatively narrow for CWRS, variation in gluten strength does exist among registered varieties.” Historically, says Hatcher, CWRS has been valued by international customers for its high gluten strength — its balance of elasticity and extensibility, which offers bread dough both malleability during processing and the strength to hold up throughout fermentation and baking. “Most countries normally don’t make a product with 100 per cent CWRS,” says Hatcher. “One of the reasons they buy it is because they know it has an intrinsic, high-quality gluten strength — so they can add 10 to 15 per cent of a lower quality grain as a filler.” Gluten strength is critical for

wheat product processing because every product, from bread to noodles, starts with dough. The physical properties of the dough directly impact processing. As every baker and processor knows, consistency is key in the baking process. CWRS has until recently been known for its consistency. The lower dough strength of the 2012 crop came as a nasty surprise to Canada’s international customers.

Tests re-introduced “With respect to quality standards, in February this year we brought the extensograph test back into registration trials because it is the best indicator of gluten strength available,” says Hatcher.

The test was dropped in 1999 because it requires at least two hours to process a single sample, and it requires a large flour sample “At the time the extensograph test was dropped,” says Hatcher, “the farinograph was the only test remaining for measuring gluten strength, but we’ve subsequently found that it doesn’t discern between varieties’ gluten strength enough,” he says. Hatcher sees gluten strength as, ultimately, a critical issue for growers. Maintaining gluten strength in CWRS is key to maintaining consistency, and consistency will guarantee the product stays in demand over time. Stringent quality testing requirements will ensure a more consistent product.

“In my opinion, it will allow the grower’s wheat variety a much better chance of being marketed in the international community,” he says. “A couple of years back many of our markets were unhappy with the CWRS and cut back on the amount they were ordering. If we can demonstrate that we’ve cleared that hurdle there will be renewed interest in ordering CWRS.” The re-introduction of the extensograph test will help differentiate wheat varieties in terms of gluten strength, says Fu. “The new varieties in registration trials will be sufficiently evaluated with the combination of the farinograph and the extensograph, to ensure they meet the needs of the customers for gluten strength.”

The CGC is collaborating with other labs to improve bake methods to better discern differences in baking performance among wheat varieties. The CGC’s bread wheat research team has developed a modified extensograph method which is faster and requires less flour. It has been approved by the Wheat Quality Evaluation Team of the PGDC to be officially used in wheat variety registration trials. As for this year’s crop, Hatcher believes Canada’s CWRS is in good shape. “We are very optimistic, based upon last year’s shift in variety composition, that we’ll have improvement this year,” he says. † Julienne Isaacs is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer and editor. Contact her at julienne.

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Markets for barley in 2014

Logistic troubles and a declining domestic feed market spell trouble for barley growers BY BOB CUTHBERT


hat a difference a year can make! Big yields in many of the key grainand oilseed-producing countries have pressured prices for several months. Total world grain and oilseed production is up about eight per cent while barley production will actually be down 10 million tonnes to 135 MT. However, two big U.S. corn crops in a row and increased supplies of feed wheat have steadily eroded feed values with December corn futures hovering around $3.50 per bushel.

AUSTRALIAN CROP Australia has generally received enough rain in the major barley growing areas to establish an average crop. Barley is a winter crop and they do need finishing rains soon to avoid yield loss when the temperatures rise significantly in the spring (October/November). The states of Queensland and New South Wales are still suffering from a prolonged drought although beneficial rains have stabilized the situation over the past two months. This should keep domestic feed values relatively firm in eastern Australia and may limit their feed exports. The Australian barley crop is projected at 7.5 MT versus 9.5 MT last year. Australian new crop

No. 1 grade malting barley is currently quoted at US$290/tonne FOB. This is about $4.85/bu. in Canadian dollars at the farm gate in western Saskatchewan. Australia is the largest supplier of malting barley to China, the world’s biggest importer. If they harvest a good quality crop, Aussie malting offers can go lower. Their faq (fair average quality) quotes are near US$250 FOB and feed quotes are near $US240 FOB ($50/tonne less than No. 1 malting) and a significant premium to our domestic feed. However, Canada’s ability to maximize offshore sales of feed and malting will continue to be limited by rail and Vancouver terminal capacity constraints, and better margins handling wheat.

OTHER GROWING REGIONS The seeded barley area in Argentina is down significantly due to better returns from wheat. Barley production is forecast at 3.5 MT versus 4.7 MT last year. Rains also reduced area and have caused some quality concerns (in Uruguay as well). It is expected that barley exports from the surplus countries of Argentina and Uruguay to non-South American destinations will be minimal. Colombia and Brazil are the two main importers. Indicated values are US$295/tonne FOB for malting and US$210/tonne FOB for feed.

Take control of your marketing The Wild Oats Grain Market Advisory provides: • news and statistics that affect prairie markets • analysis making sense of the market action • specific strategies for marketing wheat, durum, oats, malt and feed barley, canola, flax, lentils, peas, mustard and canary • detailed farmgate prices for each of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba • futures and options quotes

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Everyone involved in Canada’s barley industry needs to be concerned about logistical trends. The EU crop and Black Sea (Russia/Ukraine) crop will more than make up for lower production in Australia and Argentina. The EU barley crop exceeded yield expectations and production will reach 58 MT. The quality of the winter sixrow crop (from France primarily) was excellent with quotes currently near US$230/tonne FOB. The tworow crop was more of a mixed bag. It is currently quoted near US$270/ tonne FOB. With plentiful supplies, the EU has been very active selling new crop barley. Total EU barley export licenses for 2014-15 have reached 1.6 MT versus 2.3 MT one year ago. This attests to the overall bearishness of world feed markets as buyers have access to huge corn supplies and increased feed quality wheat. Of perhaps even greater significance is the large Black Sea crop (Russia at 19.6 MT plus Ukraine at 8.4 MT which is a combined 5.0 MT more than 2013). This will definitely weigh on feed barley values which, for the remainder of the crop year, are unlikely to exceed US$200/tonne FOB ($2.50-2.75/bu. in western Saskatchewan). In fact, feed barley bids may well go lower as cattle feeding economics favour the U.S. and corn dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGs) will further pressure North American feed markets since exports to China may be non-existent.

CANADIAN MARKETS Lethbridge cash feed trades have eroded steadily from $185/ tonne last fall and a high of $218 in May to $165/tonne currently. The large crop last year had difficulty getting to export due the rail logistical issues and the bigger margins that handling companies could make on wheat and canola. For a period last winter, offshore feed values were at a premium to domestic values but the logistical problems prevented additional barley exports. The Canadian carryout this

year is 1.9 MT versus 1.2 MT last year. The FOB Vancouver equivalent of our domestic bids is only US$200/tonne. Current country bids for malting barley are over $5/bu. due to short covering and quality concerns due to our recent rains. At the time of writing, about 25 per cent of the barley has been harvested. Recent rains and frost are causing considerable concerns

Malting barley is generally competitive about quality. Rains in the U.S. have also downgraded much of their crop. So North American demand for malting barley may be strong with traded values well above world values and at a premium of $2.75/bushel or more over feed. 2013 was an exceptional year, in terms of both yields and quality. The protein was below average but otherwise, quality (plump, colour, germination, etc.) was excellent and the selection rate for malting was well above average.

BARLEY VARIETIES Meredith was overproduced in 2013, which resulted in supply well exceeding demand. That was unfortunate as Meredith is a good variety. There has been increasing demand for Meredith in China but time will tell as to how much this demand will grow. The preference in offshore markets is still for Metcalfe first and Copeland second. Newdale has established a limited domestic demand but shows limited offshore potential. Other newer varieties such as Bentley, Kindersley, Merit

57 and Major have had some domestic acceptance with Bentley and Kindersley showing the most promise. As Metcalfe and Copeland are replaced with new improved varieties, there may not be any one dominant variety. The industry will need to work to promote the best new varieties to gain acceptance by our customers, rather than companies just promoting the varieties they have a vested interest in. As always, with newer varieties, it is highly recommended that growers sign a production contract prior to seeding.

CURRENT TRENDS Canada’s barley industry needs to be very concerned about current trends. Logistical constraints have been a factor in limiting barley exports. Also, grain terminals generally do not like handling malting barley as it slows the through-put. With the resulting negative impact on movement and the declining domestic feed demand, feed barley is not an attractive cropping option. Malting barley is generally competitive with other crops but farmers carry the quality risk. Therefore, the future points to Canadian barley seeded area continuing to decline. This will result in a shrinking supply base for our maltsters to select from, which increases their risk. Canada appears to be heading in the same direction as the U.S., which exports only small amounts of barley and where the maltsters have to contract most of their requirements with farmers prior to seeding. However, a large percentage of U.S. malting barley is produced under irrigation and usually with much lower harvest weather risk. Canadian maltsters could incur a greater supply risk than their U.S. counterparts. † Bob Cuthbert is CWB’s directory of barley trading and sales. He’s been marketing barley for 25 years.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /



Marketing advice you can trust Before you hire a marketing consultant, read these four tips on choosing the right one for your farm BY MICHAEL FLOOD


henever a business is as filled with uncertainty as grain farming there will always be lots of advice out there about how to minimize risk and maximize rewards. Government agencies, universities and magazines like Grainews all offer advice to help make your life that little bit easier. They all share a common disadvantage though: their advice, while free or low cost, is general. You have to decide what tips apply to you and how to make best use of them for your specific situation. For those who feel they want more specialized help there are many grain marketing consultants out there. Their advantage over free advice is that they will help you craft personalized strategies by looking at both the market and your farm’s particular needs and opportunities. Their advice is not cheap, though. Worse, they may not have the right incentives to look after your best interests. Charlie Pearson, a grain marketing specialist with the Government of Alberta’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, has some tips for picking a good consultant

his teeth. Either way, they don’t deserve your business.


okay,” Pearson says, “but I would look for something else. If they are providing agricultural advice, they should be members of the relevant professional agricultural association. In Alberta, [that would be] the Alberta Institute of Agrologists.”

tribute to developing a risk management strategy for the farm?” Most importantly of all, and recalling the previous point, ask how (and whether!) they study their own performance year-toyear and learn from their mistakes and successes.

ment. Especially don’t let the fact that you’re paying for advice make you lazy about improving your own knowledge. A consultant is just that: someone you consult and ask for advice. You need to know enough to judge whether that advice makes sense for you. “Accept no consultant will be perfect,” Pearson says, “and that their real role is to help the farmer make decisions by providing a disciplined process and solid information. Ultimately, the authority and responsibility for marketing decisions should remain with the farmer with the consultant providing information to help with a better decision.” †

Pearson recommends being very thorough when investigating your potential consultant’s knowledge 3. DIG DEEP base: “Do they have a good han4. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY dle on world crop fundamentals? Find out how they construct Supply and demand tables? Who their marketing plans, and what While a consultant can offer you Western Canada’s most impor- assumptions they make about a lot of advantages from specialized tant customers and competitors the way grain markets function. knowledge and years of marketare? Important crop reports dates Pearson recommends three good ing experience, they can also cost and sources? Will they share their questions to cover the basics: “Do you a lot of money and may leave major sources of information, these consultants have an under- you feeling dissatisfied. If you’re such as USDA data, private news- standing of the farmer’s business going to work with a consultant, letters, etc.?” and marketing plans? Have they remember to never surrender your He also recommends making contributed to doing the back- own judgment — don’t let the Michael Flood ( is a Walinga7614FAd_VF.pdf Walinga7614FAd_VF.pdf 1 ground 8/13/2014 9:49 1 the consult8/13/2014 9:49 sure they have professional crework forAMthese plans? In a fact that you’ve paid business writer and columnist. You can reach dentials. “School of hard knocks is world of uncertainty, do they con- ant money undermine your judg- him at






Their advice is not cheap


1. ASK TO SEE THEIR GRAVEYARD Doctors have always had a great public relations and marketing advantage: they can bury their mistakes. Marketing consultants try to do the same, never presenting evidence of their failures when advertising their services. “Have them describe successes and failures and how they dealt with them,” Pearson says. They’ll be resistant to doing it, but insist upon it. If you find out they’ve got only a handful of champions and a cemetery full of ruined businesses and failed farms, hang up the phone right away. Also hang up if they won’t tell you about their failures at all, or insist they’ve always been right. Someone who has never been wrong in grain marketing has either only been in the game for one season, or is lying through



















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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Features Farm management

A new “normal” in the U.S. Midwest

Farmers at the U.S. Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, heard a gloomy message in the Rababank tent By Leeann Minogue


armers in the Rabo AgriFinance tent at the U.S. Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, in late August looked uncomfortable when Curt Hudnutt, Rabo AgriFinance’s chief credit officer, delivered the heart of his message: “We expect that corn and soybean farmers will lose money in 2015 and 2016.” It was a hard message to take in. Hudnutt said, “We were able to make $400 and $500 an acre in net profits over the last few years, with $7 corn and $14 beans. Even though that cost structure was increasing, we were able to make money.” Hudnutt said good times drove complacency. Now that things look a little less bright, “a new normal is ‘how do we manage our loss?’ We’re used to what the normal became: those high prices.” With lower grain prices in the forecast, farmers are going to have to manage their cost structures. One of Hudnutt’s suggestions for action is to take a look at production costs — not only across your whole operation, but also for each individual parcel of land. With that information in mind, look at rental agreements. With each piece of land, he said, ask yourself “Should I keep it or let it go?” For many farmers, he said, the decision to let land go and farm fewer acres requires a mindset shift. Another suggestion to lower costs is to look at new machinery purchases. With lower commodity prices, “Maybe rolling every year or every two years or every three years isn’t appropriate for me.” Locking in input costs is another possibility. While Iowa

Rabo AgriFinance Rabo AgriFinance is the U.S. ag finance division of Rabobank, N.A. The company entered the U.S. ag finance market in 2002 when it bought Valley Independent Bank. Rabobank, N.A. part of the Rabobank Group, a Dutch bank. Rabobank’s global website says, “It is our ambition to be the global leading food and agri bank.” It has a direct lending presence in Australia, Asia, Europe and the U.S. Rabobank N.A. is very familiar with the Canadian market — it’s chief exective is John Ryan, CEO and president of Farm Credit Canada from 1997 to 2007 — but the bank doesn’t lend directly to Canadian farmers. Rabobank is involved in the Canadian corporate banking sector, and some Canadian farmers use Rabobank products though the Ag Partner Financing input program it operates with Richardson Pioneer. †

farmers often lock in lease rates or costs for seed corn, Hudnutt said, “they’re not as active in fertilizer.” He also things farmers might be able to take advantage of more opportunities to lock in chemical prices.

Land prices After years of rising equity, partly due to increases in land prices, Hudnutt said, “balance sheets are going to get worse. “ He was careful to say that Rabobank is not calling Midwest land prices a bubble. “We’re not looking at a 30, 40, 50 per cent decrease in values. We think we’ll see a correction.” However, any correction will hurt a farm’s balance sheets if the statements have been

Curt Hudnutt told Iowa farmers he expects to see corn and soybean farmers lose money in 2015 and 2016.


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Leeann Minogue is the editor of Grainews.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Features adjusted each year to reflect rising market prices for land. Over the last 10 years, Hudnutt said, “several million acres of marginal land came into soybean and corn production.” This happened because farmers were able to make money doing it. Now some of that land will be taken back out of production. Not so much in the Corn Belt, he said, but in the western states and the South. Hudnett suggested that farmers take a good look at their own marginal land. “It may not be a bad time to get rid of it,” he said. “Cash is going to be very important over the near term.” This year and in the years to come, Hudnutt said, farmers may need to focus on limiting losses, rather than locking in profits. “That’s, I think, a hard pill for some of us to swallow.” From a lending point of view, Hudnutt is clear that Rabo AgriFinance is sticking with the U.S. market through this downturn. In fact, he sees some upside.

“I think it’s a lot easier in bad times to identify a good producer than it is in the good times. Good times mask a lot of producers that were marginal or average. But tough times, that’s where the cream rises to the top.”

and soybeans. Nicholson expects some of that to change. “That land will either go fallow, or we’ll see them go back and produce wheat.” Generally, Nicholson, said, “We’ll see different types of crops produced that they haven’t produced in a number of years.”

GLOBAL PICTURE Stephen Nicholson is part of Rabo AgriFinance’s food and agribusiness research and advisory group, a corporate team of more than 80 analysts in 14 countries. Nicholson expects tough times ahead in the Midwest. “We’re going to see the marginal producers probably struggle,” he told farmers. “There’s going to be some change in ownership of land and farms in the U.S. with this downturn in grains and oilseeds.” Nicholson expects lower commodity prices to result in more diversification. “Here in Iowa, it’s been grain and oilseeds,” he said. In the Dakotas and Kansas, farmers have expanded into corn

Right now it looks a little grim “Right now it looks a little grim,” said Nicholson. Some farmers may be having a hard time seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. However, he said, “We still have droughts. We still have demand-led rallies. And I think that those aren’t going away.” There have been big changes in world markets. “Over the past 20 years, the United States has become the supplier of the world,”

Nicholson said. “In the last five years we’ve seen that change dramatically. Our share of the world grain trade is much smaller than it used to be.” In the past, U.S. supply problems would be felt around the world. Now, world supply of agricultural commodities is more diversified. Nicholson mentioned logistics as a major issue in world agricultural exports. Brazilian farmers face tremendous challenges with the road network: “mud, potholes, narrow, two-lanes, speed bumps in the oddest places.” “The good news for American farmers is they [Brazilian farmers] can’t get their production from where it is to where it needs to go. The bad news is that they can produce a lot of grain really fast.” And it’s not just the roads the cause logistic problems in Brazil, Nicholson said. “It’s truck, roads, rail, ports — the whole thing.” As Canadian farmers know, Brazil isn’t the only country with logistics issue. Nicholson referred to the low

prices corn growers in the Dakotas are seeing due to rail transportation problems. He also said some U. S. processors are having trouble getting the raw commodities they need, “and they’re paying astronomical prices to get it there.” Water is another challenge on Nicholson’s radar. Water quantity and quality. “In Iowa we don’t have a problem with water, but we have an issue with water quality.” Some Midwest farmers have trouble with nitrogen leaching. “I think that is a huge issue everywhere,” Nicholson said. Despite changing markets and logistic challenges, Nicholson has seen a lot of recent worldwide investment in the agriculture industry (including Glencore’s purchase of Viterra). He doesn’t see that slowing anytime soon, as countries and corporations scramble to develop or maintain access to food supplies. “We think there’s going to be lots of investment in agriculture.” † Leeann Minogue is the editor of Grainews.

U.S. Land prices In July, 2014 Rabobank released a paper titled “Land Values 2014: At The Tipping Point.” The bank’s analysis focuses on the U.S., mainly the corn belt. Here are some excerpts: • “We maintain the view that as of 2013-14 land values, on average, have responded to fundamental drivers and are therefore not the result of an asset bubble. However, with the prospects for increasing interest rates and falling commodity prices an adjustment is needed beginning in 2014-15 to avoid the future development of an asset bubble.” • Between 2005 and 2013, land values increased by 218 per cent in North Dakota, 224 per cent in South Dakota, and 242 per cent in Nebraska. • In the Midwest: “Over the long term, the additional net cost to land renters will drive economic margins below breakeven and force rental payments lower. Land prices should continue to decline to the point where costs become sustainable relative to returns over the long term.” JOB ID: 6306 1D • “Significant commodity price declines in 2014-15 DATE: FEB 4, 2014 are likely to drive decreases CLIENT: SYNGENTA CANADA in Midwest and Plains rental values PROJECT: as margins tighten.” ROI AD – CG • “Over the past 12 months, PUBLICATION: GRAIN NEWS land values have plateaued and inDESIGNER: some areas as JEFFdeclined ANTON buyers show caution.” ( ) MECHANICAL ( ) PDF/X • “While we believe an adjustment of up17.4" to 10 per cent FINAL SIZE: X 10" would be healthy in bringing UCR: 240% land values back in line with gross revenue and additional CLIENT SERVICE decreases will be needed as interestPROOFREADING rates increase…” • “Cultivating lower yieldART DIRECTION ing, marginal land was viable duringPRODUCTION high grain prices seen in recent years, yet those producers are expected to face the greatest challenge.” † Leeann Minogue

14-02-05 12:33 PM


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Add soil sampling to fall “to do” list Testing soil in the fall will give you time over the winter to plan for your spring nutrient needs BY ANDREA HILDERMAN


s if there wasn’t already enough on the fall “to do NOW” list, experts advise adding soil sampling to the fall work load, if it’s not already part of the farm management plan. “The reality of the situation is if you don’t know what you have to start with, you won’t know how much or what to fertilize with,” says Ray Dowbenko, senior specialist, agronomic services at Agrium. “You will, in fact, be flying blind.” John Heard, crop nutrition specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, agrees with Dowbenko. “The– real Variety reclassification [6”] value of soil testing is not just to determine how much fertilizer to 2014says Heard. “It’s an imporbuy,”

tant audit tool to track the nutrients in your soil and the effectiveness of your fertility program.” Soil testing is an important tool used to gauge soil fertility and plan a suitable fertilizer regime to maximize the yield potential of the crop. But the results are only as good as the sample. “The reality of soil testing is that most farmers are not doing it themselves,” explains Heard. “Most now are using the services of independent agronomists or a fertilizer company or supplier. These professionals are properly equipped with truck-mounted samplers, and as a result, if a grower has consistency in his service provider for both sampling and testing, he will reap the benefit of long-term tracking of his fertility program.”

SOIL SAMPLE TIMING AND PLACEMENT “Fall is a good time to soil test,” says Dowbenko. “In spring, most growers deal with some serious time crunches and if test results are delayed, or fertilizer supply is interrupted, there is little time to get a comprehensive fertility plan in place.” Heard agrees. “Farmers have to differentiate between the best time to soil test and the most practical time to soil test,” he says. “Just before the crop is about to use the nutrients in the soil might be the best time to test, but it’s certainly not practical. Fall testing in cool soils gives the grower time to formulate a comprehensive fertility program, as well


Grain producers

A reminder from the Canadian Grain Commission DO YOU GROW THESE VARIETIES OF AMBER DURUM AND FLAXSEED? The variety registration for the following Canada Western Amber Durum wheat varieties will be cancelled by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as follows:  Sceptre on October 24, 2014  Plenty on August 1, 2015

Both Plenty and Sceptre will be eligible for all grades of amber durum wheat until August 1, 2015. The variety registration for the following Canada Western flaxseed varieties will be cancelled by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as follows:  CDC Valour on August 1, 2015  CDC Arras on August 1, 2017  Flanders on August 1, 2017  Somme on August 1, 2017 As of these dates the flaxseed varieties listed above will be removed from the Canadian Grain Commission’s variety designation list.

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as take advantage of both fall buying and application opportunities.” Soil samples are best taken when soil temperature has dropped to 10 C or lower. “Right after combining, and before any fall tillage operations, is a good time to take soil samples,” says Dowbenko. “The soil has usually cooled sufficiently that any changes due to bacterial activity and mineralization are at a minimum.” Farmers can work with local agronomists or fertilizer dealers to draw up a sampling plan to ensure soil samples are taken in sufficient volume in enough areas of the field to produce a representative view of the field’s fertility status. It’s very important that the person most familiar with the topography has input into the sampling plan. “The key is to know where to avoid sampling,” says Heard. “For example, a saline area might reveal very high levels nutrients like sulphur simply because crops won’t grow there very well, if at all. A sample like this can easily taint an otherwise good soil testing program.” Heard advises to leave out problems areas or sample them separately.

LAB TESTS The laboratory will conduct a soil test based on your instructions. Generally, a typical soil test package will include tests for nitratenitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium and extractable sulphur, as well as pH and salinity. Additionally, a micronutrient scan can be requested to determine levels of elements such as copper, zinc or boron, amongst others. “Farmers should stick with a lab once they find one they are happy with,” says Heard. “Different labs can conduct tests using different methods which would make long term monitoring more difficult. It’s the apples to apples analogy.” “Understanding and interpret-

ing soil test recommendations is very important to designing the fertilizer management plan for your farm,” says Dowbenko. “Think of the recommendations as a guideline — a starting point with which to engage your advisor or local dealer in a discussion on your fertilizer plan for the upcoming season. The laboratory does not know how you farm, the moisture levels you typically experience or what your growing season is like.”

Most farmers are not doing it themselves Heard recommends using a “rotational fertilization strategy.” “Farmers have been achieving very high yields, and we know some of our crops in particular are greedy phosphorus users, especially canola and soybeans,” says Heard. “We are exporting more phosphorus generally than we are applying, so it’s important farmers take into consideration both the soil test values and the yields they are achieving now.” Many farmers have been scaling up their fertilizer programs, but modern seeding equipment does not always allow the full recommended or desired rate of phosphorus to be applied with the seed for seed safety reasons. “A rotational fertilization strategy comes into play in a situation like this,” explains Heard. “Some nutrients can be applied in excess of the needs of the current crop, for instance wheat, but remain available for a canola, soybean or flax crop in a following year.” † Andrea Hilderman has her master’s degree in weed science and is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. She writes from Winnipeg, Man.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola contains the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, and thiamethoxam. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for soybeans (fungicides only) is a combination of three separate individually registered products, which together contain the active ingredients fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin and metalaxyl. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for soybeans (fungicides and insecticide) is a combination of four separate individually registered products, which together contain the active ingredients fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin, metalaxyl and imidacloprid. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn (fungicides only) is a combination of three separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin and ipconazole. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn (fungicides and insecticide) is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn with Poncho®/VoTivo™ (fungicides, insecticide and nematicide) is a combination of five separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, clothianidin and Bacillus firmus strain I-5821. Acceleron®, Acceleron and Design®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO® and VT Triple PRO® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Poncho® and Votivo™ are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


EXTENDED OUTLOOK FOR THE PRAIRIES Weather Forecast for the period of October 5 to November 1, 2014

Southern Alberta

Peace River Region October 5 - 11 Variable weather and temperatures as disturbances move through. Scattered rain with a chance of snow. October 12 - 18 Cooler outbreaks and blustery winds will bring some rain and snow.

21.7 mms


October 5 - 11 Fair with seasonal temperatures, but cooler outbreaks on 2 or 3 days will bring some rain and a chance of snow in the north.

October 5 - 11 Cooler air brings some rain into the south. Expect wet snow in the north on 2 or 3 days. Blustery. On fair days highs will peak in the teens.

October 12 - 18 Cooler outbreaks and blustery winds will bring occasional rain.

October 12 - 18 Fair, dry weather alternates with wet, cool days. Blustery at times. Cooler in the north with some rain and snow.

October 12 - 18 Warm and dry days will interchange with wet and cooler air. Windy at times. Snow likely in northern areas.

October 19 - 25 Fair and dry days will mix with wet and cooler days. Expect frosty nights, windy conditions and some snow in the north.

October 19 - 25 Fair skies will alternate with some rain and brisk winds. Mild temperatures alternate with cooler, frosty days. Intermittent snow in the north.

October 26 - November 1 Temperatures fluctuate from mild to cool. Occasional windy conditions. Skies will be fair, but expect scattered showers on 2 or 3 days.

October 26 - November 1 Temperatures fluctuate from mild to cool. Occasional windy conditions. Fair, but scattered rain mixed with snow will occur on 2 or 3 days.

October 26 - November 1 Seasonal to mild under windy conditions. Fair in the south with scattered rain. Cooler in the north with wet snow.

October 26 - November 1 Temperatures will trend to the mild side. Fair with scattered rain on 2 or 3 days. Cool with wet snow in the north. Windy at times.

Precipitation Forecast 0 / 14 Edmonton 17.3 mms

1 / 13 Jasper

30.9 mms

1 / 13

30.3 mms


2 / 14 North Battleford 0 / 16 Red Deer 20.2 mms

2 / 15 Calgary

Forecasts should be 80% accurate, but expect variations by a day or two because of changeable speed of weather systems.


October 5 - 11 Variable weather and temperatures as disturbances move through. Expect periods of scattered rainfall.

October 19 - 25 Expect changeable weather as mild and cool air collide. Blustery at times. Skies will be generally fair, but expect some showers on a couple of days.

October 19 - 25 Expect changeable weather as mild and cool air collide. Blustery at times. Fair, but expect some rain mixed with snow on a couple of days.

2 / 13 Grande Prairie


15.5 mms

3 / 17 Medicine Hat 19mms cms Lethbridge 15.5 15.9 mms 26 cms 3 / 17

0 / 13 Prince Albert

13.6 mms

2 / 15 Saskatoon 16.9 mms

21.6 mms

3 / 11 The Pas

33.2 mms


2 / 14 Yorkton

2 / 15 Dauphin

31.2 mms 2 / 14 1 / 15 24.5 mms Gimli 3 / 16 Regina 2 / 15 Moose Jaw 20.3 mms 39.8 mms Swift 18.3 mms 2 / 16 1 / 15 Current Portage 3 / 15 1 / 15 Brandon 32.7 mm Winnipeg 17.5 mms Weyburn 22.2 mms 29.5 mms 19.7 mms 2 / 15 Estevan Melita 1 / 16 21.3 mms

28.2 mms

Precipitation Outlook For October Much Above Normal Below Much above normal normal below normal normal

Temperatures are normals for October 1st averaged over 30 years. Precipitation (water equivalent) normals for Oct. in mms. ©2014 WeatherTec Services

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


ICE barley futures contracts ICE Futures Canada’s president is confident barley buyers and sellers will benefit from new contracts BY ANDREA HILDERMAN


omething that has been around for over 100 years can hardly be called new, however, the ICE Futures Canada barley contract might be seen that way. Since the first barley contact was established on what was originally the Winnipeg Grain Exchange, it has seen several changes to reflect prevailing market conditions, domestic legislation and global issues. Several iterations later, through world wars, continental barley markets and, most recently, the removal of the Canadian Wheat Board’s (CWB) monopoly powers over barley marketing, the barley futures contract still survives, but in a new and improved version. “The current barley futures contract is based on our very successful canola contract,” says Brad Vannan, president and chief operating officer of ICE Futures Canada. “The canola contract functions very well and has grown rapidly over the last six years and to base the changes needed on a successful contract just made sense because both crops utilize the same storage and transportation infrastructure.” The new barley futures contract was created to meet the potential markets needs within the prevail-

ing conditions in Western Canada. “Among the biggest changes in this new contract is a move away from a pricing point in southern Alberta to a supply point in central Saskatchewan, which expands the contracts’ potential utility across a broader demand base, including export markets,” explains Vannan. “But that change, and others, will not necessarily make the contract successful. The market requires a depth of product and breadth of participation to function, not just a contract. We — ICE and other invested parties — are working to engage different stakeholders with specific needs to participate at the same time to create an active and transparent marketplace over time.” According to Aaron Anderson, assistant vice-president of merchandising at Richardson International and a member of the team that developed the contract, the new contract is a good hedging mechanism for both feeders and growers alike. “This is not a new contract per se,” explains Anderson. “It’s been in existence now for over two years in this new form. However, it is going to take time for users to migrate back to using futures from what has been, essentially, a cash market.” Anderson expects that the barley

contract, a clone of the canola contract, will find a user base as both buyers and sellers look to gain price security in the feed barley market. “Risk management is the key to successful trading,” he says. “And for players like Richardson and others, as well as the sellers of barley, a functioning, active barley hedging mechanism like this barley future contract is needed.”

that may not be executed upon for months. Price exposure over time is extremely risky especially in a competitive global market where prices are volatile. The added advantage is that with purchase and sales agreements firmly in place well in advance of contract execution, transportation and other logistics considerations can be planned well in advance which should result in more efficient use of potentially scarce resources. Sometimes in nonhedgeable markets, by the time buyers and sellers can agree on a price, all the logistics resources have already been spoken for and the contract can’t be executed.” Although the CWB monopoly has been gone now for two full crop years, going into the third, the underlying environment still in flux. “Additionally, the grain trade is still consolidating ownership in Western Canada,” says Vannan. “Add to that the fact the livestock trade is shrinking and barley acres are declining and you can see the challenges the new barley futures contract faces.” Farmers should expect slow, steady growth in the barley futures contract. “This is the first chapter of a long book,” says Vannan. “The futures market is arguably the most efficient market structure

It’s like leading a horse to water RISK MANAGEMENT There are other ways to manage risk, but none are as efficient as the futures markets. “Risk adds cost,” says Vannan. “Farmers would experience this cost of risk in lower priced bids. Competitive markets like corn, soybeans, cotton and canola have evolved to be the most profitable crops to grow partly because using a futures market reduces the cost of risk. It’s efficient and it allows merchants to hedge and therefore safely enter into forward contracts

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there is. It’s brilliant in the way it responds to and disseminates the flow of information, transfers risk and enables price discovery.” Current lower prices may create more offshore demand for barley, which could lead to a broadening and deepening of demand. That will, in turn, create more competition and a need for price discovery and risk management. “Futures markets do not create cash markets,” explains Vannan. “It’s the other way around, and our cash market, internationally, is very young. Only two years old. Add to that all the focus on the wheat market and logistics, and you can see that feed barley has been a little passed over to this point. And it may continue that way for some time. When those participants who realize their risk and have a desire to mitigate that risk efficiently in a futures market step up and start to use the contract, then there will be a market. We’ve designed an efficient contract with input from all the stakeholders. In some ways, many ways, it’s like leading a horse to water. Now, it’s up to that horse to decide if it’s thirsty or not.” † Andrea Hilderman has her master’s degree in weed science and is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. She writes from Winnipeg, Man.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Features Grain marketing

Protect your crop sale You’ve kept your crop safe from insects and disease. Now keep it safe from the risk of not payment default By Neil Blue


here is plenty of risk to producing a crop, particularly one of high yield and quality. However, production risk is only one of the risks of grain farming. There are also legal, personal, storage and marketing risks. In marketing your crop, you may follow all the steps — know your costs per unit of production, anticipate your cash flow needs, follow the markets, know your pricing and delivery alternatives, set target prices for various time periods using your breakeven price as reference, enter into sales commitments as opportunities arise and follow through with deliveries. Then, after meeting those delivery commitments, what is the risk of not being paid? Over the years, several grain buyers have become insolvent, and many producers who delivered to those buyers were not paid in full.

The law The Canada Grain Act is administered by the Canada Grain Commission. This Act requires individuals and companies who buy and sell grain or operate a

grain elevator to be licensed, and empowers the CGC to exempt companies from licensing under certain circumstances. As a condition of licensing, grain dealers must post financial security to cover any liabilities to producers. Licensees must file a monthly statement of their operating account with the Commission to enable confirmation that adequate bonding is in place. If a licensee goes bankrupt, producers who have not been paid can make claims against this security. Although there is no guarantee that the security will cover 100 per cent of producers’ losses, the losses are likely to be much less than if the buyer in default was not licensed. Generally, anyone who deals in or handles grain grown in Western Canada must be licensed by the Canadian Grain Commission. There are four classes of licences. •  A “grain dealer” is a person who for reward, on their own behalf or on behalf of another person, deals in or handles western grain. •  A “primary elevator” is an elevator principally used for receiving grain directly from producers for either or both storage and forwarding.

•  A “process elevator” is an elevator principally used for receiving and storing grain for direct manufacture or processing into other products. •  A “terminal elevator” is an elevator whose principal uses are receiving grain from another elevator and cleaning, storing and treating grain before it is moved forward. When a producer sells grain to a CGC-licensed individual or company and receives a cash purchase ticket or cheque (including deferred payments), they are covered for the lesser of either 30 days from the date it is issued, or for 90 days after the grain delivery date. A producer must seek payment for their grain and attempt to cash cheques within those 90 days following delivery to be eligible to make a compensation claim. A producer who receives a post-dated cheque is covered for 30 days maximum, regardless of the date of the cheque. Holding a deferred payment longer than 30 days nullifies CGC protection. Farmers experiencing any delay in being paid for a crop sale should contact the CGC immediately. When a licensed company refuses to pay a producer for grain

or delays payment, or the financial institution denies payment on their cash purchase ticket or cheque, the producer has 30 days to notify the CGC in writing.

Unlicensed buyers There are three categories of grain buyers don’t have to be licensed: 1.  Those that have been granted a licensing exemption by the CGC. 2.  Those whose business is outside the jurisdiction of the Canada Grain Act. Examples are “end users” such as cattle feedlots and hog production farms. 3.  Those that are in violation of the Canada Grain Act. Again, not all buyers require a license. Animal feeding operations do not need a CGC license because they consume the grain in their business. Feedmills and seed cleaning plants are also exempt if they do not buy and sell grain on their own behalf. Cash grain brokers who just act as matching agents and do not take physical or legal possession of grain do not have to be licensed. There are also some buyers known as resellers that, although they take legal possession of the grain and are responsible for paying the seller, are not licensed because they do not operate grain handling facilities and do not use Canada Grain Act grade names for the products they deal with. Farmers who deal with unlicensed individuals or companies

do so at their own risk. If producers choose to deliver their grain to an individual or company that does not have a Canadian Grain Commission license, none of the protections of the Canada Grain Act apply. Should an unlicensed buyer fail to pay in full, the farmer is not eligible for compensation except through the legal process, usually as an unsecured creditor. In negotiating a sale and before signing a contract, it is good business to check the Canadian Grain Commission website ( or phone the CGC at 1-800-8536705 to check whether or not that buyer is licensed. After spending the time, effort and money to grow a saleable product, it is important to choose your buyers carefully. Price should not be the only criteria on which to base a sale decision. Reputation and financial stability are also important. Particularly if not licensed, references should be checked to determine that buyer’s payment record. When selling grain, be sure to retain representative samples of the product delivered and obtain valid grain receipts and purchase tickets. A scale ticket is not enough. Also, consider metering out your sales, ensuring that payment has indeed cleared before shipping more. Business caution can go far in preventing marketing difficulties. † Neil Blue writes from Vermillion, Alta. Contact him at 780-853-6929.

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Taking notes makes it easier For someone that hasn’t been farming long, there are lots of things to remember. Notes can help TOBAN DYCK


play the fool sometimes, to illustrate the simpler yet important points of farming that an expert may no longer consider. And I’m guessing some of you, the ones who didn’t grow up with smartphones and GPS, need constant reminders of the potential efficiencies clipped to your belts. It was supposed to be too cold. The soil an inch or two down wasn’t much above freezing. But we did it. On May 16, we planted soybeans after checking the soil temperature. It was the morning after a cold night. But the sun was out and we weren’t about to let such an ideal day slip away from us, especially over just a few degrees. I recorded the date, variety, drill settings and tractor speed. And took a picture. The whole process took seconds, and felt good. May 16 — seeded Syngenta soybeans at drill setting 17. Fourth range, second gear. It was at first a relatively unfamiliar dilemma. Conditions were

otherwise perfect. There was good moisture below the surface, the days were warm, and it was getting into May. We seeded wet patches on June 13 last year, and they survived, but that was way too late, and too risky. It was time to go. And, besides, the soil temperature thresholds people were tossing around seemed too varied to keep us from the field on good, sunny planting days. Here’s some hard science I’ve learned from my father: plants will find a way to live. And they did. On May 29, six days after they were planted in soil that was arguably too cold, a solid covering of soybean plants could be seen above the surface. I recorded the date, field, and took a couple of pictures. Again, it felt great. This note-taking phase started with the drill fill. I had no idea how we got that thing on our tandem last year. And I was starting to get tired of asking what range and speed we cultivate, seed, and spray at. It’s embarrassing. I should know all this stuff by now. No more asking. Well, once more. I had to call up a year-old YouTube video of me seeding to remember which tractor we used to pull our drill. Few

Spraying is not the most fun for me. It means pulling something that’s 90-feet from end to end, the widest implement on the farm, at over six miles per hour.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Columns know about that one, so please keep it quiet. I’d hate for it to get out. The drill fill is easy, but getting it on the truck requires a few precarious steps. And instead of puzzling it out every year, I’m at ease knowing that next year I’ll just have to pull the process up on my phone. Yes, I’m not using a pad of paper. It’s a shameless plug for smartphones, but farming is all about efficiencies, isn’t it?

Spraying There are too many finicky procedures on the farm not to keep notes. Too often I’ve stood over a machine or implement trying to recall the fuzzy details of how we dealt with it the year before. And year-over-year data on something that fluctuates as much as farming seems like a good idea, at least until my ag instincts develop. Then it was time to spray. This, full disclosure, is not the most fun for me. It’s the combination of pulling something that’s 90-feet from end to end, which is the widest implement on the farm, and doing so at over six miles per hour. I made my first pass on the sprayer with one boom wheel tracking in the middle of our driveway, killing the grass between it and the field. I turned, abruptly, and was soon leaving a swath of beans unsprayed. Then, nervous, because I was doing all this on the field in front of my parents’ house, I clipped a hydro pole. After that incident wrapped up and I was back on the field, the day got a little better. And my notes include such pearls of wisdom: June 5 – Sprayed soybeans. Second range, full hydrostat, 2100 r.p.m.s. p.s.i. 42. Slow down at ends, turn slowly and make sure no wedges are left unsprayed. Don’t turn sharp with sprayer. If near an obstacle, turn off booms, stop, and back up. The chemicals intimidate me. They smell potent. They are potent. And I can’t help but feel the line between helping the crop and destroying it is thin. What if I’m killing the beans? What if I’m killing my neighbour’s crop? Round Ready soybeans won’t burn too easily, I’m told. And the little bit of Reflex we added to stress the young beans into a stronger, higher-yielding plant won’t kill them, either. But my notes are exhaustive. More so than the excerpt above. When we spray a second time, shortly before the rows close up, I’ll be that much more independent. And that’s the goal: to be a comfortable, intuitive, and independent farmer. I’m getting there. And taking quick notes is helping. I recommend it. Next spring, when we’re puzzling over seed-rate settings and depth, these notes will be worth it. It may seem easy, but if there are others like me, who fret about things they can’t fully explain or remember at any given time, the peace of mind that accompanies having a record of dates, procedures, and settings more than justifies the few seconds it takes. June 14 was the last time I recorded notes on our beans, and the photos I snapped while doing so captured what looks like a great crop. † Toban Dyck is a freelance writer and a new farmer on an old farm. Follow him on Twitter @tobandyck or email

photos: toban dyck

Left:  By June 14, it looked like a great crop. Right:  On May 29, six days after they were planted in soil that was arguably too cold, a solid covering of soybean plants could be seen above the surface.

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Fusarium: again… or “still” Farmers need better data to make good decisions around spraying for fusarium LES HENRY


othing sharpens focus on a production problem like a little skin in the game. My crop rotation on my tiny Blackstrap farm has been wheat, peas, wheat, canola since 1998. It is too much wheat, and for a very scary reason: fusarium head blight (FHB). FHB was a Manitoba problem, so no big worry for us. Until 2010. That’s when we saw the first sign of the ugly, blank heads and parts of heads with some

pink blemishes. It caused not only a yield loss but if there’s too much DON in wheat (DON is short for deoxynivalenol, and also known as vomitoxin), too bad — auger it into the bush. A very scary prospect. In 2012 I grew Goodeve wheat — midge tolerant but poor for FHB and no fungicide was used. FHB was bad in 2012. Fortunately we squeezed out No. 2 wheat at 15.5 per cent protein and the day it was delivered, the elevator price was $8.30 per bushel so straight to the bank. Oh, for the good old days of eight bucks a bushel. In 2013 I grew peas (mine were 55 bushels per acre, but some neighbours had 70). Local wheat crops in 2013 had nary a

FHB wheat head in sight. Almost all wheat was bumper yield with little or no FHB disease, sprayed or not.

We need better weather data 2014 has proven to be a bad year for FHB. I grew Waskada wheat (rated good for FHB). I seeded May 14 — gobs of fertilizer, high seeding rate, good herbicide and a bumper in the making. Easy decision for an old man with cash — shut up and

spray. On July 14 the wheat was at precisely the correct stage and sprayed with high end chemical (Prosaro). And still there was some FHB. My problem was thinking the spray was a control for FHB, when it is really meant to reduce severity. I was disappointed to still see some FHB. Some of the blank heads were aster yellows and a few had the stem chewed off by a bug of some sort. So not all blanks were FHB and overall a good crop is nearing harvest. But many with much more skin in the game and facing declining wheat prices struggled to decide to take on another $20 to $25 per acre cost when it might not be needed. Talk around our fields was “cooler this

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year than 2012 so we should be okay.” Or some have made the decision to suck it up and spray every acre, every year. Some decided to spray half a field and leave half — a good strategy in the face of uncertainty. Andy Sirski (former Grainews editor) does that with stocks. If the price goes down you are happy you sold half; if the price goes up you are happy you kept half. It is well known that FHB is weather dependent. Hot and humid weather “gooses” it up to be a big problem. BUT, how hot and how humid and for how long? The critical time is well known — the flowering period. My point is that we need better information and support to aid in the fungicide spraying decisions. Manitoba Agriculture produces a FHB risk map on a daily basis through July and I checked the website often. But, what good is that to central Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan Agriculture information states: “The disease is most likely to thrive when temperatures range from 25 to 30 C and moisture is continuous for 48 hours or more.” “Moisture” is taken to mean rainfall. But, on my farm we had 2.6 inches of rain in July 2013 (no FHB) but only 2.1 inches in 2012 (lots of FHB). In 2014 we had 2.5 inches and lots of FHB. So forget rainfall as a criteria for FHB. Randy Kutcher, disease specialist in the plant sciences department at the University of Saskatchewan, provided me with a recent and excellent literature review on FHB by Marcia McMullen and others. Marcia is recently retired from North Dakota State University. FHB has been a big problem in several U.S. states for many years. This review is a grand piece of work and answered many of my questions. For keeners, the citation is: “A Unified Effort to Fight an Enemy of Wheat and Barley: Fusarium Head Blight,” by Marcia McMullen, Gary Bergstrom, Erick De Wolf, Ruth Dill-Macky, Don Hershman, Greg Shaner, and Dave Van Sanford. Plant Disease, Dec 2012, Volume 96, Number 12. About weather and FHB risk they said the best model used “the duration of hours that relative humidity was greater than 90 per cent when temperatures were between 15 and 30 C for the 10 days after anthesis.”


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Armed with that criteria, I used the hour by hour records for Saskatoon. The results are shown in the table. I looked at all of July and took August up to August 20. Some wheat was seeded well into June and flowering could have been well into August. There was an opinion that later seeded wheat was not affected as much — not so this year. Based on that criteria, the data in the table does show clearly that 2013 was not a FHB year but 2012 was bad. But, with the 2012 experience in mind, many sprayed in 2013 anyway. The

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Columns FHB Hours

(Relative Humidity above 90 per cent, temperature between 15 and 30 C). Data form Saskatoon Airport, Environment Canada. July:




























































































































































































































My crop was spread with Prosaro on July 14.

The ugly witch, fusarium head blight, complete with pink colour. Enough to strike fear in the heart of any farmer. (Note: Not in my crop thank goodness.)

only serious FHB day in 2013 was July 6. That day was an allday rain with 1.6 inches and a temperature around 16 C. As for 2014, my spray date of July 14 did provide protection for a few bad days. And, some of the bad cases I have seen in later-seeded wheat fit with the many FHB hours in early and mid-August. The data in the table is based on strict adherence to the rule — that is, relative humidity greater than 90 per cent and temperature between 15 and 30 C. On some days, hours with 89 per cent relative humidity or a temperature of 14.9 C would likely count. It makes sense to me that some sort of sliding scale would provide better criteria. Maybe the Manitoba model already does that. To get better information we need better weather data. Alberta and Manitoba have a large number of automatically

recording weather stations with feeds to be used by models. Saskatchewan is left only with the inadequate Environment Canada stations — too few in number and with ever decreasing resources to keep them operating. Saskatchewan Agriculture does have a very good network of farmers who report rainfall weekly. That’s good enough for soil moisture mapping but of little use for FHB. So, as research organizations think about funding for future FHB work the weather piece and information analysis and access should be front and centre. † J.L.(Les) Henry is a former professor and extension specialist at the University of Saskatchewan. He farms at Dundurn, Sask. He recently finished a second printing of “Henry’s Handbook of Soil and Water,” a book that mixes the basics and practical aspects of soil, fertilizer and farming. Les will cover the shipping and GST for “Grainews” readers. Simply send a cheque for $50 to Henry Perspectives, 143 Tucker Cres, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 3H7, and he will dispatch a signed book.

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Columns Guarding wealth

The high cost of buying into booms With financial prices rising, prudent investors need to be cautious in the marketplace By Andrew Allentuck


t is a paradox of off-farm investing that, as the U.S. economy strengthens and the Canadian economy gains speed, albeit sluggishly, buying stocks and bonds is getting to be harder, not easier. The reasons are, of course, that many other investors have already made their bets, bought the stocks they expect to rise, put money on bonds they expect to be rewarding, taken option positions and set cash reserves for what may be new entry points. That explanation would seem to say that the game is over. But that would be false. There are new realities in financial markets and they are what every investor on the farm or off has to keep in mind.

Could it be that bond investors are acting prudently in view of the future and not just buying bonds with their stock market gains? Read the newspapers and you’ll see abundant geopolitical risks, any number of which could plunge the world. The Middle East offers crises in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the moving target of the bloodthirsty Islamic State. Africa has the Ebola crisis. Moreover, the market is

ready for a correction, for it has risen with few backsteps since the recovery which began in March, 2009. That is a five-year run. Stock market convulsions happen every three to six years. There were crises in 1987 when the New York Stock Exchange dropped about 23 per cent; 1998 when bond manager Long-Term Capital Management went bust and the Thai currency collapsed; 2000 when the dot com boom implod-

ed; 2001 when tragedy struck New York; and 2008 when an overvalued market collapsed after investment bank Lehman Brothers imploded. That series of disasters did not end the crisis. Just wait — there are more to come.

What to do What’s an investor to do? The endless cycles of greed and fear

Market realities Stocks are increasingly priced for good news. The major stock indices are now over their bull market average levels. Thus the American S&P 500 Composite index, which began to hit all time records at the end of August, is priced at 19 times the average annual earnings of its constituent companies. That is a little over the 16 multiple historical average, but that alone does not predict a fall. After all, as the economist David Rosenberg, a sage of both Wall and Bay streets and chief market guru of Gluskin+Sheff, an eminent Bay Street wealth manager, has said, it is not an average that brings markets down. It takes an event to do that. So far, the events — chaos in the Middle East, for example — have not budged the market very much. We’ll come to what could break the up cycle of stock market prices a little later, but first we have to mention what the bond market is doing. It, too, is providing terrific returns even in the face of the expectation that someday soon, interest rates will rise. The Fed and the Bank of Canada are easing off bond buying, thus allowing bond prices to fall and bond yields, which move opposite to interest rates, to rise. Ordinarily, the prospect for falling prices would flush money out of the bond market. But these days, it is the opposite. The reason: bonds are not being priced on the usual variables of expected inflation or demand for money. Rather, bonds are being bought as commodities on a simple supply and demand basis. Stocks and bonds are the two major asset classes. Investing doctrine says that when one asset class rises, one should take some money off the table and rebalance. Thus with major stock averages such as the TSX and the Dow Jones Industrial Average about double their value at the lows of March, 2009, many investors are taking some profits and buying bonds. That pushes up bond prices and pushes down bond yields, which move opposite to prices. What is most remarkable is that investors have put a great deal of money into long-dated government bonds. Canadian bonds with terms 10 years and over are up 8.7 per cent in the first six months of 2014, which is a remarkable gain in an ongoing recovery in which they should be losing value. or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. InVigor® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada.

FS:8.35” F:8.7”

are in the greed phase now. The prospect that Tim Horton’s will take over Burger King in a spectacular restructuring driven by tax savings, financed by Warren Buffet and managed by the Brazilian company which owns Burger King has rocketed up Tim’s share price and created a feel good atmosphere on Bay Street. But can it last? That depends on timing, patience, and your



SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Columns Kelly’s Tips and Hints view of the market. As I write this column, Tim’s is priced at more than 29 times last years’ earnings. Revenue growth is a modest 4.3 per cent, though the company’s return on equity is a spectacular 53 per cent. A conservative investor would say that paying 29 times last year’s earnings is rich for a 1.4 per cent dividend and sluggish top line sales growth. But the Tim’s-Burger King merger is about synergies and perhaps tax savings. It’s about future growth, not present payouts. We need to talk about the fundamental market forces: Stocks with low ratios of share price to earnings below 10 or so are held down by the momentum or prejudice that they

are slugs doomed to remain market outcasts. Stocks with p/e’s over 20 or 30 or more are trading on the momentum view that what goes up, goes up. Neither view is right, for regression to the mean, boosting market laggards and hauling down high flyers is a far more powerful force than low prices for the slugs staying low and high prices for winners going even higher. The time to buy a hot stock is, of course, before it got hot. When it is hot, caution is essential. You can buy that caution in an equally weighted exchange traded fund — BMO has several such as the BMO Equal Weight Industrial Index ETF, symbol ZIN on the TSX, in which each stock is three to four

per cent of the index. That gives some advantage to bottom feeders and keeps the winners’ curse of overpricing from tainting the index. Equal weight indices tend to outperform market weight indices most of the time. You may give up some dividend returns characteristic of the biggest companies, but you get more growth in return. Most of all, you tend to get a lower p/e than if you buy the market-weighted winners index. BMO has equal weighted indices for banks, oils, utilities and real estate investment trusts. Other ETF providers such as iShares have a variant on equal weight indices. They use capped indices that hold the weight of winners down to a specific level, thus

avoiding the Nortel effect which, at one time had the now bankrupt telecom manufacturer responsible for a third of the total value of the TSX. A prudent investor is seldom an enthusiast. Courageous perhaps, but not a fool rushing to throw money at a train that is already past. Sadness, it is said, is the mother of memory. Overpaying for overpriced stocks is a memory, and a sadness, you don’t need. Andrew Allentuck’s latest book, When Can I Retire? Planning Your Financial Life After Work, was published in 2011 by Penguin Canada. † Andrew Allentuck’s latest book, “When Can I Retire? Planning Your Financial Life After Work,” was published in 2011 by Penguin Canada.

Reconciliating Kelly Airey



bank reconciliation is a comparison of what you entered into your AgExpert database to your actual bank statement. Making this comparison will help you identify missed deposits or withdrawals, ensure you have entered proper amounts and dates, and catch transactions entered twice by mistake. Completing a bank reconciliation will verify the accuracy of your database. I recommend doing a bank reconciliation at the end of every month. Here is how: 1 .   C l i c k   o n   “ Tr a n s actions” menu, then “Bank Reconciliation.” 2.  Beside “Account”: Select the account to reconcile from the drop down list. 3.  Under “Bank Statement Date”: enter the end date you would like to reconcile to. For example: If you are doing  monthly  reconciliations, and reconciling your January  bank  statement, enter January 31, 2014. 4.  Under “Bank Statement Balance:” enter the ending balance from your bank statement. 5.  “Reconciliation List:” All the outstanding cheques and deposits on or before the specified date will be displayed. Now, start comparing the outstanding transactions in your reconciliation list to the transactions on your bank statement. If a transaction displayed on the list appears on your bank statement, mark the transaction as “cleared,” by clicking on the empty box on the left side of the screen. This will put a check mark in the box and highlight the transaction in blue. Once you’ve marked all appropriate transactions as cleared in the reconciliation list, the “Difference” amount on the bottom right side if the screen should be zero. Transactions that have not yet cleared the bank will remain unchecked. You can sort the reconciliation list by clicking on the column headers. For example, I recommend clicking on the “Amount” column header. It makes it quicker to search for the amount in the list. If you come across an entry that was entered incorrectly, you can quickly do a “Full Edit” on that transaction by clicking the audit number. If you have missed entering a transaction you can simply click on the “Enter Transaction” button on the bottom left of the screen and it will take you straight to the Transaction Entry Screen. Once the “Difference” amount is zero, click “Record.” A report will be generated that can be printed, or accessed anytime under Transactions > Reports > Bank Rec History. †



Kelly Airey is a farmer and ag consultant in western Manitoba. If you’re purchasing AgExpert, she can help you receive $25 off. Contact her at kelly.agconsulting@ or (204) 365-0136.


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Columns Reporter’s notebook

Wild weather and loose wheels For an ag reporter driving on Prairie roads to get to the story, sometimes a little bit of on-the-spot help from strangers is more than welcome By Lisa Guenther


was on my way to Ravenscrag, Saskatchewan, on the last day of May this year when my wheel flew off. I’d just driven through the Elrose Hills, rolling knolls dotted with oil tanks, and was watching the sky, wondering if it was going to rain. Then I realized that wobble in my Chevy Tracker was not its usual questionable handling. I lifted my foot from the gas and was just about to tap the brakes when it happened. The Tracker’s rear driver’s side dropped suddenly. A rooster tail of sparks streamed up from the highway. I watched in amazement as my wheel passed me, cut through the oncoming lane (which was luckily traffic-free at that moment), and rolled into the ditch. I felt oddly calm, even detached, as I geared down and slowly eased the Tracker to the side of the highway. And then annoyed as I retrieved my wheel from the ditch. My Tracker, in the end, was towed to the small town of Kyle, which is about 70 km north of Swift Current. The tow truck driver regretted not being able to give me a ride to the Cypress Hills, which I thought was very generous considering he didn’t know me. He did help me buy a bus ticket. In the end, though, I didn’t use that ticket. Instead, a local family put me up for the night and lent me a car the next day. They didn’t know me at all before bumping into me in Kyle. They insisted I take the car and refused payment (the wife told me she would be insulted if I tried to pay). And after spending some time with them, it became clear they had both gone through more than their share of trials, and not everyone they’d known had shown them the same kindness. Ultimately it wasn’t just about them lending me a car for 10 days. They were saying that although they didn’t know me, they trusted me and wanted to help me. And that’s pretty amazing.

Weather, weather, weather Whether you’re on the livestock or crop side of agriculture, you’re acutely aware of the weather. So it’s no surprise this awareness threaded its way through my travels this summer. When I arrived in the Ravenscrag area, in the eastern Cypress Hills, the hills were dry. Jim Saville, the proprietor of the bed and breakfast, I called home for a few days, was watching the sky closely, hoping for rain to revive pastures and hayland. It was dry in the Maple Creek area, too, which is west of Ravenscrag. Environment Canada data showed only 40 mm of precipitation for April and May — far below the 30-year average of 72 mm. And June’s rainfall was also well below average. The Cypress Hills see its share of wild weather, too. While I was there I witnessed a severe, localized hailstorm that stripped leaves from the trees and pummeled the pasture. And I was part of a farm media tour that visited Eric Lawrence,

Rancher Eric Lawrence standing in front of some of the debris created by the 2010 flood that swept through his ranchland and neighbouring Maple Creek. who ranches just south of Maple Creek. Gap Creek runs through the Lawrence ranch and during the 2010 flood it turned into a destructive torrent. The water washed away some of Eric’s cultivated land and turned the creek bottom fencing into a complete rat’s nest. I’ve never had to clean up barbed wire after a flood, but it’s clearly a very difficult task and a livestock hazard. I can’t imagine the mess many flooded Prairie producers must be dealing with again this year. Severe weather puts people at risk, too. Every year lightning kills about 10 people in Canada and injures another 100 to 150, Environment Canada’s website states. Plough winds are fairly common on the Prairies. Few people are killed by tornadoes in Western Canada, but Saskatchewan storm chaser Greg Johnson said we have plenty of tornados. They just tend to hit more crops and trees than people. Environment Canada doesn’t communicate severe weather to the public very well, Johnson told me during an interview at Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina this June. “Environment Canada has a philosophy of what we call the pull method, where they encourage people to pull the information away from Environment Canada,” he said. In the United States, by contrast, the National Weather Service pushes warnings to people in areas about to be hammered, he said. Sirens blare, TV and radio are legislated to broadcast warnings and the weather service even texts and tweets people at risk. “We’ve been in tornado situations where people literally have time to go to the school, pick their

Gap Creek winds through the Lawrence ranch, south of Maple Creek, Sask. kids up, bring them back, get them in the storm shelter,” said Johnson of the U.S. system. It’s easy to dismiss funding for better severe weather warnings in Western Canada by pointing out the relatively low death toll so far. But with all the outdoor festivals jammed into summer, a better warning system is needed. A plough wind killed one person and injured dozens of others at Alberta’s Big Country Jamboree five years ago. Environment Canada had issued a severe wind warning just as the winds hit the festival. Maybe festival organizers and attendees could have averted that tragedy if they’d had more warning. And while some media broadcast warnings and watches, not everyone is glued to their TVs or radios these days. I always have the radio on, but because I don’t have good reception in my house, I stream it online. So if the power goes out, I’m in the dark. I imagine farmers in the field would appreciate warnings sent directly to their cell phones, too. The good news is that Environment Canada plans to improve its weather warn-

ing system. Ken Macdonald, Environment Canada’s director of national programs, told CBC he hopes to see a mobile alert system in Canada within a couple years. And the government is considering making it mandatory for media to broadcast weather alerts, as it’s voluntary right now, he said.

Never a boring day If you get a chance to talk to Johnson, or see him speak, you’ll notice that his love of storm chasing stands out. “I see a tornado on the ground, I’m excited. It’s a euphoric feeling,” he told me. And most tornadoes are tragedy-free, touching down in fields well away from people. “But every once in a while you get that tornado that rips through a town like Vilonia (Arkansas)… And in those situations obviously the emotions instantly change,” Johnson said. Johnson and his team were the first people to arrive after a tornado shredded Vilonia and ultimately killed 16 people last April. The town was shrouded in darkness when they arrived, and

photos: lisa guenther

as their truck’s headlights carved through the night, survivors gathered around their truck. Johnson, driver Ricky Forbes, and videographer Chris Chittick started to administer first aid. Emergency personnel were still in Mayfield, a neighbouring community levelled by the same twister a half hour earlier. Once others arrived to tend the wounded, Johnson, Chittick and Forbes began digging through the wreckage to find survivors. They found a family with an infant who’d been trapped for hours. They found a woman with a possible spinal injury, so one team member stabilized her neck for hours until more help arrived. Obviously what they did that day was very important. They helped people in crisis. They probably saved lives. But what they did was more important than the sum of their actions. By helping people, they were saying, “Even though we don’t know you, we care about you. Your life is important.” † Lisa Guenther is field editor for Grainews based at Livelong, Sask. Contact her at Lisa.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /



Changing times, yet again With risks of global change and bad harvest weather, farmers can take action BRIAN WITTAL


ver the past month a number of things have happened that are going to impact world grain prices. Reports from the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture are saying that due to conflicts they expect that at least 15 per cent of the crops in Eastern regions will be lost because they have not been tended to properly. Shipments out of the major ports are continuing as normal, but there are concerns that any further escalation in the conflict could target these ports and cause some real problems. Harvest in parts of the EU and the U.S. have begun and volumes look to be up from early estimates. This has buyers waiting to see how low prices will go as there looks to be plenty of volume available. Rains in some regions of the EU, particularly France, and in parts of the U.S. and across the Prairies are is impacting harvest yield and quality. This is forcing some buyers who need high quality grains (wheat) to look elsewhere and or forcing them to buy up good quality old crop stocks or new crop stocks sooner than they had expected to cover their needs. This panic will help support prices for a while but there is still a lot of wheat harvesting to be done over the next four to five months. Logistics problems continue to persist in the northern U.S. states where most facilities are full of newly harvested grain and waiting for rail cars to ship to port. Will this problem rear its ugly head on the Prairies as we head into our harvest? Most likely, yes. We will no doubt experience the typical yearly harvest congestion scenario where grain comes in faster than it can be shipped. The question is how many cars will be available and which elevators will get them. If we see the railways follow their strategy from last winter of shipping from the closest points to port, then the Calgary Edmonton corridor elevators will be well served going to Vancouver and the facilities in eastern Manitoba will have good shipping to the Lakehead, but everyone in between might be sitting full and waiting for cars. U.S. Department of Agriculture crop tours have concluded that the current U.S. bean and corn crops are going to be record-breaking crops.

rity and bringing us very close to freezing temperatures. Frost was reported in northeast Alberta and northwest Saskatchewan in the later parts of August which will no doubt impact crop quantity and quality. We need warm weather for another month. This would allow us the opportunity to export our milling wheat into those markets that the French cannot serve this year because of their poor quality crop, and hopefully help to elevate prices here. Exporting feed grains from Canada is not very lucrative because of the freight and the location of the majority of the buyers. French feed wheat will

already have a head start on selling into those markets because their harvest is two or three months before ours. They are also closer to the end users, so they can sell cheaper due to lower freight costs. We will most likely end up marketing the majority of our feed grains into our local feed markets. The volume of feed grains we produce will dictate where price will go, especially if exporting is not a realistic option. Another major concern is the massive record corn crop being harvested in the U.S. The U.S. regularly exports a huge volume of corn into the world feed markets but if those markets

some or all your wheat is feed and prices collapse over harvest. Use crop and revenue insurance products like those offered by Global Ag Risk Solutions (see This way you can protect yourself against both production and revenue shortfalls to a minimum dollar value per acre. If you lose quantity and quality and prices collapse, that insurance payment could mean the difference between making a profit or facing a huge loss. No one knows what will happen, but if you prepare and protect yourself as best you can with the right kinds of insurance and a good marketing plan you can greatly reduce your overall risk and exposure in the market place, become more profitable and sleep better at night. †Brian Wittal has 30 years of grain industry experience, and currently offers market planning and marketing advice to farmers through his company Pro Com Marketing Ltd. (


horizon on the

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HERE AT HOME If we look at the current situation across the Prairies we find ourselves in a rather precarious place. Crops in general are late compared to last year and the five-year average. Cool weather and rains have not helped, delaying matu-

are being flooded by cheaper EU feed wheat then you will no doubt see corn values start to drop accordingly. They will continue to drop until they either buy back some of their export markets or they are cheap enough to sell into Canada (against our lower dollar) into our feed market. If that happens, you know what will happen to our feed grain values. So how do you try to best protect yourself from these kinds of possible scenarios? Do you realistically expect to get your entire wheat crop off without any frost problems? If your answer is yes, do nothing and get it in the bin ASAP. If your answer is no, maybe you should consider selling some feed wheat for immediate movement at harvest at current levels before prices slide any further if a frost event should occur. Hedge or use options on the Chicago wheat futures to protect yourself from the worst case that





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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Use indicators to understand stocks Some key technical indicators can be useful for investors getting into or out of the stock market ANDY SIRSKI


here might be many ways to succeed or fail in the stock market. One way to succeed is not to lose or give back a lot of money when the market turns down. Today I want to discuss a couple of indicators that help me buy and sell stocks. Then I want to discuss why it’s important to understand our stocks. In my technical analyst group, we study indicators. I think everybody who comes to those meetings believes technical signals can help us decide when to

buy and sell good stocks. Outside that circle, some believe them and some don’t. But an indicator that deserves some attention is the indicator $SPXA50R. You can enter that on the free version of Stockcharts, and in a few seconds you can tell how many stocks are above their 50-day moving average. When the chart $SPXA50R is above 80, 80 per cent of the stocks on the S&P index are above their 50-day moving average (dma). That usually means there are very few stocks to push the market up much higher. Sooner than later the market usually starts to drop. Many stocks often drop in concert with that index. The more volatile stocks or weaker ones drop faster. Sometimes the really good strong stocks go sideways

when that indicator is falling. When the $SPXA50R stops falling and turns up, the good stocks that did not drop or went sideways usually to go up first. The weak stocks that are built like the proverbial straw house usually drop big time first and start going up last. This year the $SPXA50R peaked around the middle of June, at about 83. It stayed there until early July; then the indicator dropped through the 10 dma and kept dropping until it dropped to around 23 around August 7. Generally a reading under 30 means the market is over old and should be getting ready for a bottom and a turnaround. While most of us cannot pick the exact bottoms the $SPXA50R indicator crossed the 10 dma going

up at about 35 on August 11 and crossed the 20 dma going up around August 14. Buying a decent stock anywhere around there would have made an investor some money. The Dow Jones Index ($INDU) held its strength until July 25 then dropped from 17100 to 16448 by August 9, a drop of 3.8 per cent. The $spxa50r dropped to 23 by August 7, a drop of 72 per cent.

STOCK PICKS Disney (DIS): Recall that I wrote how Disney usually earns more than the overall S&P average. Coming up to the time when the $SPXA50R was peaking at 83 in late June DIS was trading at $86. It dropped to $82 (4.6 per cent). As the $spxa50r continued

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to drop DIS went back to $86 — the drop in the overall market did not hurt DIS. After August 7 the market took off; so did DIS and it was trading at $90 as the $spxa50r was at 73. According to historic statistics, the market often drops after options expire in September, which happens on the third Friday of the month and took place on September 20 this year. As I wrap up this column on September 15, the market doesn’t seem to know if it should go up or down. After a good run up, that often can be a sign of a top and after a big drop it can be a sign of a bottom in the market. Several sectors have already been beaten up. The price of oil dropped to about $92 from $105 or so. The price of gold dropped to $1230 or so which is getting pretty close to its lows of $1180. You can run similar tests on your favourite stocks. Now I want to discuss how and why we should understand our stocks so we can manage them accordingly. Most buy and hold investors don’t worry about such things. Gilead Sciences (GILD): GILD actually went up while the $spxa50r dropped this summer. This company now has a very good drug that fights hepatitis and one that helps patients deal with HIV. In early September GILD announced it was going to make a deal with a generic drug maker and sell the hepatitis drug for a lot less in underdeveloped countries than in developed countries. On September 15 it closed the deal with a couple of suppliers. The risk is that drug insurance companies will somehow push GILD into selling its generic drug all over the world. Apparently it is the one drug that really treats hepatitis well. GILD seems to react to this type of news and went up as the market dropped in early August but dropped on the generic drug news. It can move up or down $5 to $10 in a day. This is much more volatile than say Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY) or Pfizer (PFE). But the premiums from selling covered calls are good so GILD offers an opportunity for anyone who can stand the volatility. † Andy is mostly retired. Besides gardening, playing with granddaughters and traveling a bit Andy manages his family’s portfolio. He also published an electronic newsletter called StocksTalk. Read it free for a month by sending an email to Andy at



SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /



Outstanding in your field All successful businesses outsource some parts of the work. No one farmer can do everything alone BY KIM ALTHOUSE


ou are a farmer. You participate in the annual rush of the production cycle. Seeding, fertilizing, applying herbicide, fungicide, desiccating. You move on to swathing, combing, hauling grain to your bins then to the elevator. You’ve operated a tractor pulling a seeder that covers 60 to 100 feet with every pass. You’ve mastered the technology of a high-clearance sprayer. You’ve been running a swather and combine every year since you were 14 and you could drive a three-ton truck, back it into an auger and dump a load of grain since you were 12. Now in your 40s or 50s, you have multiple tractors, seeders, possibly sprayers, swathers, combines and tandem or semitrucks and probably a grain cart. You can’t possibly operate

all of this equipment at one time, so what do you do? You hire someone. You select an operator whose experience on that piece of equipment makes him an expert. Someone you know will service the machine and operate it at the edge of its capacity but not damage it by pushing it too hard. You hope your hired expert will not hit a tree with the sprayer boom at 14 miles per hour or put a rock through the combine while texting. If you expect to seek the help of experts to assist with your, why do you expect to be an expert agrologist or expert agronomist or an expert accountant or an expert grain marketer when all of the above is happening all at once, all the time? Not just seeding, not just spraying or harvest but 12 months of the year, or as the kids say 24/7.

All of us that grew up around the farm learned to be selfreliant. We could fix almost anything with hay wire or glue something back together with the old Forney stick welder. We could change oil and service all of our equipment to get field ready, but, when there was serious repair work like rebuilding an engine or some heavy duty welding required we took it to an expert. The business of agriculture has changed. It’s a business with millions of dollars at stake with every decision. A poor fertilizer blend can cost a hundred thousand dollars. Applying the wrong herbicide at the right time or missing a target price can cost the same amount. Not converting your bookkeeping to accrual accounting could have the worst effect of all, with hundreds of thousands of dollars needlessly sent to Ottawa.

OUTSOURCING EXPERTISE Every successful business you can think of has experts tasked with managing and making recommendations to improve the business segment under their control. Accountants account for where money is earned and spent. They recommend where savings can be achieved, or where income can be increased

and taxes saved. They likely have industry experience and can tell management where they stand in relation to similar business (benchmarking). Businesses producing products for sale hire individuals to maximize production, so they are profitably producing as much as possible. These experts tell management not just what the materials used to produce the products cost, but can also calculate the cost of producing each unit and analyze profit margins and ratios for management.

You want to be outstanding in your field Most successful businesses have a marketing department. Marketers are aware of production costs so they can price production at a profit, selling incrementally to cover projected cash flow needs and selling consistently over time, not trying to hit the “home run” with one enormous sale at unrealistic prices. Marketing people assess the need for the production to satisfy customers and advise managers of the best opportunities to sell, and when to ramp up production

to cover increased sales and increase profitability. F i n a l l y, b u s i n e s s e s m a y employ an analyst to determine where the company should be placing its resources to best advantage and where the cracks need to filled to prevent leaking capital from restricting business activities. An analyst may suggest and plan for the day when the business is sold or passed on to another generation. Good business managers hire people whom they believe will be competent in their respective jobs, and learn to trust them over time as the business grows into the established goals. They expect to receive accurate and timely reports on which to base decisions; they act on the recommendations of the professionals they employ. Good business managers assess the strengths and weaknesses of the people they depend on. If hired experts don’t contribute positively to the organization they are replaced with others with higher skills and abilities. While many of you may be married to your bookkeeper, your production advisor or your marketing partner our business manager is not. As a farmer, you want to be outstanding in your field. Not, out, standing in your field wondering what went wrong. † Kim Althouse is a market coach with AgriTrend at Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He is also the president of

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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Machinery & Shop John Deere

9R tractors get new features Active Command Steering and HydraCushion Suspension among new options for Deere’s articulated tractors By Scott Garvey


n August John Deere revealed its full 2015 model lineup to dealers and the media at a convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And in true Deere fashion, the official introduction show was a spectacle to behold. The company had a lot to show off. There was a long parade of new machines to see, but what was certain to stir the hearts of dealers from Western Canada was the new 9R line of four-wheel drive tractors, which was given more than a few updates. To start with, the number of wheeled 9R tractors grows from five to six with the addition of a 620 rated-horsepower flagship model. All the rest get an extra 10 ponies under the hood as well. “This is the largest expansion of our top-line, four-wheel drive and track-tractor series in company history,” says Jerry Griffith, division marketing manager, John Deere Waterloo Works. “370 to 620 horsepower gives us a nice wide variety of power choices for our customers.” Each tractor in the 9R line will now be equipped with one of three different engines, depending on its horsepower rating. That engine group includes, a little surprisingly, a Cummins.

A Cummins engine “Our smaller 370 horsepower model uses our 9-litre engine, which is a similar engine to what we have in our 8R tractors,” says Griffith. “That’s the same as we’ve done in the past. As we move up to the next three models, we’re using a John Deere Power Systems PSX 13.5-litre engine. Our top two models are going to have a Cummins QSX 15-litre engine.” “We’ve worked very hard with Cummins to provide a seamless situation for our customers,” he adds. “Our dealers will have the capability of stocking all the service parts and be trained and certified to work on these engines. The customer doesn’t have to go anywhere other than his John Deere dealer for service and warranty.” “At this point in our portfolio with JD Power Systems engines, we don’t have high enough capacity to meet our 9620 rated horsepower. You may see some other products that have similar power levels but the load factors on a tractor relative to those products are different. For some products it works to put a JDPS engine in it, for others it doesn’t.” Deere claims all three engines will help producers reduce operating costs even while flexing a little more muscle, delivering a three to five per cent reduction in total fluid consumption (DEF and diesel fuel) compared to the previous Interim Tier 4 versions. But while the two-track RT models will share in that fuel efficiency, there won’t be a belted 620 horsepower model. Instead, the RTs will top out at 570 horsepower. “We didn’t go to 620 horsepower on our two-track mod-

photos: scott garvey

John Deere’s line of wheeled 9R tractors grows by one to a total of six for 2015, and all models get a variety of updates and an all-new options list. els for several reasons,” explains Griffith. “One of which was just priority. We’ve focused a lot of energy on our wheeled model improvements this go around.”

Powershift transmission Behind all three engines Deere is offering a new version of its e18, 18-speed powershift transmission for 2015. “A big new feature on this transmission, in addition to being beefed up to handle additional horsepower, is its three modes of operation,” continues Griffith. “We’re very much concentrated on the full auto mode. That’s where we want customers to run this unit most of the time. “With the full auto mode, the tractor will automatically shift up and throttle back and never leave efficiency manager,” he adds. “It’s always trying to help you save on fluid consumption.” “In full auto mode now when you use the shift lever you are no longer shifting the actual gears in the transmission. What you are doing is changing the commanded set speed. If I want to go from five m.p.h. to seven m.p.h., just use the gear selector, as we used to call it, now it’s a set speed command. It will just go to the next commanded set speed. You can still scroll up like we used to do with our IT4 product, but a better way to do it is with the shift lever.” With the wide range in horsepower now covered by the 9R line, those engines and transmissions get dropped onto one of two different chassis sizes. “Our bottom three models are on one chassis and our top three models are on another,” says Griffith. “There is a slightly larger chassis on our bigger models with a little larger fuel tank, 400 gallons on the top three models, 310 gal-

lons of fuel tank capacity on the bottom models.”



HydraCushion Suspension One of the key things Deere product reps wanted to talk about in August was the introduction of the HydraCushion Suspension system on the three largest, wheeled 9Rs, which is a completely new front-axle suspension system. But unlike typical front-axle suspensions, HydraCushion is designed only to eliminate power hop and loping at high speeds. “It uses hydraulics in the cylinders to separate the axle from the tractor,” says Griffith. “There are nitrogen-filled accumulators, very similar to how we operate our suspension systems on our 8 and 7 Series tractors to take care of shock loading. It eliminates the possibility of getting into that rhythm that leads to power hop.” The system will also allow operators to improve traction by lowering tire pressure and reducing ballast loads. “You can minimize the air pressure in those tires to get maximum tractive effort,” he continues. “Lower air pressure and lower ballast help improve field conditions and limit compaction.” “When we have customers come into our focus groups and show them what we’re working on, this is one thing that always gets attention. I think our wheeled tractor customers are really going to love this feature.” The flagship 9620R will have HydraCushion included in the base equipment price. It’s also included in the base price of the smaller 9570R and 9520R. But on these two tractors it will be a deduct option, still allowing customers to order one without HydraCushion if they really want to. “But we are going to strongly


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The HydraCushion suspension option isolates the front axle and prevents power hop during hard pulls and loping at road speeds.

Hydraulic capacity grows on the 9R tractors. Flow rate increases to a maximum of 115 GPM and up to eight rear SCVs are available.

9620: A new flagship model pushes up the rated horsepower output at the top of the 9R line to 620.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Machinery & Shop John Deere

Prototype 9RX four track By Scott Garvey


p until now, John Deere’s prototype, four-track, articulated tractor designated the 9RX (at least for the time being) has had a lot in common with the infamous Big Foot. A lot of people believe it exists. A few even swear they’ve seen one. And the Internet is full of grainy pictures showing what might be it somewhere off in the distance. But at Deere’s dealer convention in August, the company finally brought the elusive 9RX out into the open, giving dealers and the media an official look at one, albeit a fleeting glimpse. A 620 horsepower version boldly rolled out of the darkness and onto centre stage at the convention hall as several hundred admirers looked on amid rock music and an impressive light show. “There is an exciting new 9 Series tractor in development,” said the event’s master of ceremonies during the official launch show, just before the tractor rolled out. “We know your customers

encourage customers to consider leaving it on the tractor,” says Griffith. “The price on that option is about $9,000.”

Hydraulic capacity Hydraulic capacity gets a boost in the new 9Rs as well, with maximum flow rates jumping up to 115 gallons per minute and up to eight available rear SCVs. “If you have lower (hydraulic) requirements, you can lower your engine r.p.m. and still have the capacity you need,” notes Griffith. “You save diesel fuel by running at those lower r.p.m.s.” To make the day more comfortable for operators, 9Rs get a new CommandView III cab with a seat that swivels 40°, which makes looking out the back window a lot easier on the neck. The CommandArm also gets an update, making it more ergonomic. Attached to the front of the CommandArm is a new 4600 CommandCenter display terminal. “A lot of work has gone into getting customer input, making sure the (4600) screen and programming is very easy to set up for what you’re going to do with your operation,” says Griffith. “It’s very easy to reconfigure.” And the steer-by-wire concept that was introduced on the 7 and 8 Series tractors a couple of years ago now moves up to the 9Rs. Optional Active Command Steering makes these articulated tractors more stable at road speeds and much easier to turn in the field. “That steering system allows you to have much more comfortable operation,” says Griffith. “Travelling down the road at 26 m.p.h. in an articulated tractor can sometimes be an uneasy feeling. Now with the ACS system, it does a much better job of holding that line, giving a nice smooth operation at higher speeds. In the field its a much smoother operation of the steering system.” The redesigned 9Rs will begin production in November, with the first models ready for delivery around the beginning of December. For a video look at the new 9R tractors, including a virtual ridealong on a Grainews test drive, go online to and click on the e-QuipTV listings under the Videos tab. †

have been asking for it. And we thought it was important to give you a sneak peek at the prototype. Once the 9RX is released, John Deere will be the only manufacturer to offer all configurations available in the four-wheel drive tractor market, wheeled, two track and four track.” But other than that brief comment, no one at Deere was giving away any details about the 9RX. During a media briefing the next day, a journalist asked John Lagemann, senior vice president, sales and marketing, ag and turf division, when the tractor would be ready to head to dealers’ lots. Lagemann replied only, “Sometime in the future.” So, betting on the actual release date might make for an excellent alternative to usual hockey pool this winter. For a video look at the reveal of the 9RX tractor during Deere’s product launch show, go online to and click on the e-QuipTV tab under the videos link. † Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

photo: scott garvey

The prototype 9RX four-track, articulated tractor made a very brief appearance during during the formal product presentation at Deere’s dealer convention in August.

Beyond forward thinking.


Introducing the new 8000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters The new John Deere 8000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters deliver reliability, excellent cutting performance and more proftability to your bottom line. With fve all-new models, ranging from 375- to 617-hp, the 8000 Series features a new cab with improved visibility and easy access to controls. A redesigned crop fow, with a larger feedroll opening and improved power transfer delivers greater effciency during chopping. And, the 8000 Series takes serviceability to a new level with an integrated KP crane, easy header hookup and ground level fuel fll. With three models to chose from, new John Deere hay pickups are available in widths from 8 ft. 4 in. (2.54 m) to 13 ft. 7 in. (4.14 m) An adjustable roller baffe keeps crop feeding smoothly. To learn more about how a new 8000 Series SPFH can work for you, visit your local John Deere dealer today. Nothing Runs Like a Deere.™

Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

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9/17/14 3:04 PM


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Machinery & Shop New machinery

Claas turns heads with Xerion’s turning cab Farmers at the Farm Progress Show in Iowa gathered to watch Claas show off the spinning cab on its Xerion tractor By Leeann Minogue


hile many Canadians have only recently seen Claas’ Xerion tractor for the first time, Drew Fletcher, Claas’ product manager, tractors, says it’s not a new machine. Claas has been manufacturing Xerion tractors at its headquarters at Harsewinkel, Germany for quite a while. “We’ve had it about 10 years in a full-line manufacturing system.” In the past, Claas has sold a few smaller horsepower units in Western Canada. Fletcher said, “That was the old version. The small little version. That’s just not enough horse power for you guys up in Western Canada.” The Xerion changes that. It’s available in three power levels: the 5000 with 530 hp, the 4500 with 435 hp and the 4000 with 435 hp. “This is the first one in the 500 horsepower mark,” Fletcher said. “It’s Tier 4 compliant. We’ve had it in tests in North America for about three years.” The Xerion has a CVT, a continuously variable transmission. “It’s the only one with it in

this horsepower class,” Fletcher said. “All the rest of them are powershift or partial powershift.” Claas’ brochure says this feature allows precise speed control and maximizes fuel efficiency On the 4500 and 4000 models, 31 m.p.h. travel speed is standard, to save time during transport. This is optional in the 5000.

Fully turning cab What makes the Xerion stand out is its fully-turning cab. “It’s the same cab that we share with the Jags and the Lexions,” he said, referring to Claas’ Jaguar forage harvesters line and line of combines. “But the thing about this cab is it lifts up and spins around and sits back down,” Fletcher said. His demonstration of this feature drew crowds at the Iowa Farm Progress Show. One use Fletcher suggested for this feature: “Guys up in Western Canada that also contract snow removal out in the oil patch, can put an 18- or 20-foot snowblower on that thing.” If you have a front-mounted blade, he said, “you can take that blade, put it on the three-point hitch (standard on the Xerion),

photos: leeann minogue

Drew Fletcher, Claas product manager, tractors, said that in Europe, ladders are more vertical. “Here in North America we like easy access and we’re in and out quite a bit,” he said.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Machinery & Shop

Top left: The cab of the Xerion turns right around for better rearward visibility. The operation takes about 30 seconds. Bottom left: Changing to duals for the North American market meant adding another pinion to the axle. Reft: Turning the Claas Xerion cab at the Iowa Farm Progress Show caught farmers’ attention. spin your cab around, and that puts you right over the edge of the blade so your visibility is fantastic.”

HYDRAULIC REVERSING FAN “The hydraulic reversing fan is standard,” Fletcher said. This provides reverse blow out of the radiator. For air seeder operations, Fletcher said, “at the push of a button, it blows all the chaff back off so you don’t have to stop each hour and blow it out. “It also has on-board air with an air hose that comes around so you can air up tires and blow stuff up.”

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MODIFICATIONS FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN MARKET “We’ve done a lot of things to change the European standard for North America, including putting duals on it, because in Europe, that’s a no-no,” Fletcher said. “You’ll notice that those axles have got five pinions.” In Europe, they have four. “We had to go to a much larger diameter so that we can take the extra torque loads and strain of putting duals on. We also had to put a dual steering cylinder up front.” The Xerion, Fletcher said, “is not a bend-in-the-middle tractor. It’s a rigid frame with four-wheel steer.” There were also other changes for the North American market. Due to width restrictions in Europe, “their ladder was basically straight up and down.” Changes were needed to make sure the Xerion could handle double shoot air seeders. European hydraulic systems didn’t have enough flow for western Canadian needs. For North America, “I had them redesign the hydraulic system and piggyback two pumps together.” The North American Xerion can be ordered with three separate hydraulic systems. All totalled, the combined flow rate is about 138 gallons per minute, more than the 117 in European models. And further detailed changes were necessary. “Lighting changes, safety systems, all that legislative-type stuff too,” Fletcher said. † Leeann Minogue is the editor of Grainews. 1-866-427-2638

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Machinery & Shop Reinventing the wheel

How engineers developed the rubber-belted tractor In the late 1970s Caterpillar was looking for a way to break into the ag tractor market. It had two options Part One


By Scott Garvey


his year even a casual stroll through a farm machinery show will reveal the obvious trend toward increased use of rubber-belted track systems. And manufacturers have recently introduced even more options for those who want the benefits that technology offers. In less than three decades belts have gone from the fringe to the mainstream, so we at Grainews decided it was time to take a look back at how the technology was created. In 2007 I had a chance to talk to the two engineers who collaborated and developed the first belted tractor and hear from them how the process evolved. In the mid 1970s Caterpillar had been selling farmers a relatively small number of steel tracked SA (Special Application) crawlers suited for field work, particularly in some regions of California. But the SA crawlers were gradually losing market share to the increasing number of high-horsepower, four-wheel drive tractors pouring into the segment from all the major manufacturers. With weakened demand for equipment in the construction sector, executives at Cat decided to develop their own four-wheel drive tractor to break into that lucrative market, which offered the potential to boost the company’s flagging sales numbers. In-house development soon began at Cat to create the wheeled ag tractor executives wanted. “In 1978 I was sitting having lunch with three of my colleagues at Caterpillar’s Peoria Proving Grounds in Illinois, and we were lamenting how Cat was pursuing a ‘me too’ (wheeled tractor) design while our name and reputation were in building the best crawlers in the world,” says Dave Janzen a now-retired Cat engineer and a key force in the eventual development of the belted Challenger tractor. Janzen had been working on making the steel-tracked SA crawlers more attractive to farmers. He believed it was essential to increase their notoriously slow working speeds. To do that, he would need to stuff more power under the hoods. An initial experiment with a modified D5SA fitted with a 225 horsepower engine proved it could be done. On seeing the results of Janzen’s work, management at Cat approved further development aimed at creating a highhorsepower crawler with a forward weight bias, which made it better suited for drawbar pulling.

The project begins In 1979 the project began in ernest. “Our calculations showed that if we fitted a six-cylinder Cat 3306 engine of 240 horsepower into a smaller, lighter D4, that would give us the 100 pounds per horsepower that we sought to match the wheeled tractors,”




The first belted ag tractor to hit the market was Caterpillar’s Challenger 65. says Janzen. Eventually, to evaluate Janzen’s R&D progress and make a decision on the future of the ag crawler project, managers at Cat wanted to see for themselves what the D4 on steroids was really capable of. So another field demonstration was arranged. The company’s executive vice president and his staff came out to see the D4 be pitted in a head-to-head competition with a much larger, 350 horsepower, four-wheel drive tractor. Both machines were hitched to identical nine-bottom ploughs. As they set off side-by-side down the length of a half-mile field, the executives followed along watching while they sat on a row of hay bales on a wagon pulled by a Famall M tractor. Even with a pretty significant 110 horsepower advantage, the bigger wheeled tractor couldn’t outrun its smaller, tracked rival. The executives were suitably impressed, and they decided to continue funding the ag crawler development. Janzen had proven that the crawler no longer needed to be slow, and moving the chassis forward in relation to the tracks improved its ability to pull. But there were still problems to overcome. The experimental tractor still used the standard clutch and brake or “jerk” steering common to crawlers of the day, which meant power only flowed to one track during turns. And there was still the mobility restriction due to the steel tracks. Most rural roads around the Proving Ground in Illinois were paved, so the D4 couldn’t travel on them. Wheeled

tractors still offered farmers a big advantage when it came to moving from field to field. But there were potential solutions to those drawbacks, and they were within Cat’s grasp. In the 1960s Cat created its own rubber products division to manufacture steel reinforced hydraulic hose, which had a design created by one of its own engineers. The hose was for use in the manufacture of construction machines. One of the other products that division eventually created was the beadless tire for large off-road machines, which had a removable tire tread. It allowed equipment owners to just replace the tread rather than a whole tire. Even though Cat sold its rubber products division to Goodyear a few years later, it still retained the capability to continue making some rubber products, including the removable tread for the beadless tire. At the same time Janzen was working on the ag crawler project, company executives had also decided to have another engineer, Ron Satzler, look at potential uses for the removable tire tread, which was about the same size as a steel track. However, there was still Cat’s own articulated ag tractor project, which was much further advanced than Janzen’s ag crawler concept that was still running on steel tracks. Given the very difficult financial position Cat found itself in at the time, only one ag tractor project was likely to get funding through to completion. We’ll continue the story in the next issue of Grainews. †

Visit your New Holland Dealer by November 30 to take advantage of great offers on tractors and equipment during Value Bonanza.

Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

This cardboard model shows the initial design objective for the Caterpillar wheeled tractor project early on in the development phase.

©2014 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014




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SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Machinery & Shop NEW HOLLAND

Introducing the T8 “halftrack” NH now offers rear tracks on its modified T8s as an option straight from the factory BY SCOTT GARVEY


ne of the biggest trends in ag equipment in recent years has been the rise in interest in tracked equipment. All the major brands have introduced high-horsepower tractors equipped with tracks over the past years, but now New Holland has pulled the wraps off an all new T8 “halftrack.” Combining rear tracks with larger diametre front wheels on a rigid-frame tractor, the halftrack concept offers farmers an alternative to the two-track Challengers and Deeres and four-track Case IH Steigers and NH T9s. “We know that twin-track machines have a been a staple on many farms for years now,” said Nathan Graham, an NH product training specialist, as he stood in front of a T8 halftrack at the company’s test track in New Holland, Pennsylvania in July. “But the twin tracks have some inherent flaws. They leave a lot of berming on the ends. They act like a skid steer. What we’ve done is taken the comfort and the balance of a conventional tractor and added tracks to it.”


With its unique “halftrack” design, NH’s three T8 SmartTrax models give producers another tracked tractor option in the 311 to 379 horsepower range.



Maintains a 55° turning angle The three halftrack T8 SmartTrax models give producers another belted tractor option in the 311 to 379 horsepower range with either a CVT or powershift transmission. “The rubber tracks are matched to large diametre front wheels to deliver excellent maneuverability and overcome some of the issues that may arise with twin-tracked vehicles,” said Dan Valen cash crop marketing segment leader. “A key feature of the SmartTrax is the ability to turn tightly and cleanly at the headlands.” In fact, the T8 SmartTrax maintains a 55° turning angle.

MODEL 1632

Because DIRT IsN’T aLWaYs IN THe RIGHT PLace Reshape terraces and waterways, grade roads, remove snow, dig irrigation ditches or clean feedlots, it’s all possible with the ICON Model 1632 Grader/Box Scraper. Designed to move material quickly and efficiently, 16-foot by 32-inch blade features six-inch forged replaceable cutting edge for wide coverage with each pass. Two Machines in one - The Model 1632 essentially gives you two machines in one. To go from grader to box scraper, simply straighten the blade and lower the fold-down box ends. Within minutes you’re ready to smooth and level any area.

TRACK OPTIONS Narrow track modules are available with belt widths of 16, 18 and 24 inches. Wide track versions get 24- or 30-inch belts. The track modules, which are manufactured in-house by CNH in Racine, Wisconsin, aren’t just bolted on as an afterthought to an existing T8. The drivelines in the SmartTrax models are unique, designed to maintain proper working and travel speeds. While the engine and transmissions remain the same, SmartTrax versions get a final drive drop-box arrangement designed to deliver the proper gear ratios to the track modules. That means the track modules aren’t interchangeable with rear wheels. Overall tractor track widths can be set from 76 to 152 inches, making the SmartTrax concept




10 yd. Scraper

12 ft Grader

5 yd. Box Scraper w/Front Gate

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7/10/13 3:28 PM


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Machinery & Shop

New e-QuipTV online video

Grainews’ video crew saw Väderstad’s high-speed Tempo planter perform at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, Ont.


arly in 2014, Swedish implement manufacturer Väderstad announced it had taken over full ownership of Saskatchewan-based air seeder manufacturer Seed Hawk. According to Väderstad CEO Christina Stark, one of the primary reasons behind that decision was to accommodate the increased investment required to expand the Seed Hawk plant. That expansion was necessary, because the company intends to begin building its Tempo high-speed corn planter there for distribution into the North American market. In September the Grainews video team was at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, Ontario, to film the Tempo in the field for another e-QuipTV instalment. To find out about the Tempo’s newest features and get a look at it working, go online to and watch the video. Just click on the e-QuipTV heading under the Videos link. †

Scott Garvey



Introducing the T8 “halftrack”

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Five different belt widths are available, from 16 to 30 inches. The track modules are manufactured by CNH in Racine, Wisconsin. suitable for both row crop and broad acre farms. “We can put duals or singles on the front and it can be ballasted fully,” adds Graham. “One of the other things I like to let people know is if you’ve been in a wheeled tractor and you get into this tractor, you notice there’s no sideward sway. It’s very glued, if you will, to the ground. If you have an implement engaged in the ground, it turns just like a wheeled unit.” A SmartTrax T8 stands a little taller than a comparable wheeled version. So you’ll find a modified step arrangement designed to maintain easy access to the cab. The shape of the fuel tanks had to be changed as well to accomodate the track modules, but they still maintain the same 673 litre capacity, along with 99 litres of DEF. “We’re very, very pleased with it,” says Graham. “It performs very well in the field. We have all the benefits of tracks in a conventional tractor without the disadvantages.” For a video look at Grainews’ test drive of the T8 SmartTrax, go online to and click on the e-QuipTV postings under the videos link. † Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Cattleman’s Corner COWBOY PROFILE

Lifelong cowboy still in the saddle BY EDNA MANNING


rom his earliest childhood, Bill Wilm had a yearning to become a cowboy. He didn’t buy into to his mother’s counsel — “Cowboys are a thing of the past. They’re just in the movies now.” Wilm was determined to pursue his goal, and at age 15 left the family farm near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan and found work on a ranch. It was the beginning of a lifelong career that he has never regretted. “It’s been a way of life — it was never a job,” he says of his 45 years in the saddle. After working as a ranch hand for a time, Wilm was hired by the Alberta government to work on a 55,000-acre community pasture (also known as a grazing lease), near Buffalo, north of Medicine Hat, Alta. The following year he was transferred to a pasture near Oyen, Alta. where he, along with the manager, were responsible for the care and safety of about 2,500 head of cattle. “We fixed fences, treated cows for any illnesses, made sure they had salt, and moved them to another field when the grass ran out,” says Wilm. “In the fall we rounded them up again, sorted, and sent them home for the winter.” In 1969 Wilm was hired by the Saskatchewan government to manage the 14,000-acre Calder Community Pasture, east of Yorkton, along the Manitoba border. Here he had the opportunity to pursue one of his passions in life. He enrolled in flying lessons and purchased a Super Cub airplane, which

was ideal for short takeoffs and landing in rough fields. “I flew that plane for many years, mostly working at the pasture but I also used it to go fishing in the winter,” he says.

SETTLED AT ST. BRIEUX In 1981 Wilm met Rhonda, a young lady from Manitoba, who shared his love of horses and flying. The couple moved to the St. Brieux area where Bill managed the Pathlow Community Pasture. It was a busy time for the Wilms. Besides raising three children and managing the community pasture, they also raised show horses as a business venture. “When we bought our first Paint stallion in1988 there was a strong demand for good young breeding stock,” says Wilm. “We used horses for our job on the ranch but always raised a horse that not only had a good mind and was willing to do a day’s work on the ranch, but we also promoted our breeding stock at horse shows.” The young stock was shown in conformation classes and some were shown under saddle. Success in the show ring, combined with a quality horse, gave the Wilms the profile to sell our horses to distant markets, including Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, plus overseas to Wales and France. Some of their proudest achievements as breeders have been to see the new horse owners — most recently in today’s specialized industry — earning multiple APHA (American Paint Horse Association) and PtHA (Pinto Horse Association) World Championships.


Bill and Rhonda Wilm combine their skills to produce not just well-built, but beautifully handcrafted Western tack. “Today the horse industry on the whole has taken a different avenue,” says Wilm. “It’s rebounding now with the emphasis on a well-trained riding horse. “ “We wound our breeding program down about five years ago,” says Rhonda. “Our last offspring was sold to Texas in the fall of 2012, with the intention to be shown and stand at stud. It is a nice compliment to have our efforts as a breeder to be carried on by someone else. Still, it was a sad day to see the last colt drive out of the yard.”

WHOLE NEW CAREER After retiring from the breeding business, Wilm’s cowboy lifestyle took on a new dimension when he


An example of one of Bill Wilm’s hand-tooled saddles with silver accents.


Market good, but sell feeders sooner than later JERRY KLASSEN MARKET UPDATE


estern Canadian feeder cattle prices continue to make fresh highs as feedlot operators step forward with unprecedented buying power. After favourable margins over the past year, feedlot inventories are at seasonal lows and there appears to be an urgency to fill pens. The major fall run is delayed this year due to the excessive rains, which enhanced pasture conditions and forage production for cow-calf producers. Auction market receipts are below year-ago levels through September but will eventually increase later in the fall. In the short term, stronger demand is meeting below normal seasonal supplies enhancing the feeder cattle prices. Feed barley prices continue to grind lower and current weather pattern has ensured abundant feed grain supplies for the first half of the crop year. Looking forward, the current price of feeder cattle is reaching lev-

els whereby feeding margins in the deferred positions are quite snug. Therefore, it may be hard to justify a significant increase in the feeder market later in the winter period. Statistics Canada estimated the 2013 calf crop at 4.516 million head, marginally higher than the 2012 crop of 4.462. This fall, I’m expecting an increase in heifer retention and the lower cow slaughter will likely result in another marginal increase in 2014 and 2015. While this looks positive longer term, the near-term fundamentals will result in lower available supplies due to the heifer retention. I’m expecting a marginal increase in the Canadian calf crop for 2014 and 2015. Cattle on-feed inventories in Alberta and Saskatchewan have been running eight to 10 per cent above year-ago levels so far in 2014. It is important to realize that feeder cattle and calf exports to the U.S. are up 39 per cent for the week ending Aug. 23. The increase in feedlot inventories and exports exceeds the increase in the calf crop which may suggest there are more feeder cattle supplies available. Given current price of 800- to 850-pound steers, break-even prices for feedlots during the later winter will be in the $158/cwt to $162/cwt

range. We will need to see the fed cattle market move higher to justify an increase in feeder cattle prices from Jan through March. In the past, cattle feeders usually bid up the price of feeders so that there is no feeding margin and the market may be nearing that level in the short term. Feeder cattle prices usually start to weaken after one or two rounds of negative feedlot margins. U.S. beef production will be down sharply in 2014 compared to 2013. This trend will continue during the first quarter of 2015, however, a year-over-year increase is expected during the second quarter of 2015 and there is potential for larger production in the third quarter as well. Beef supplies have been contracting but this may be coming to an end during the next year. Buying calves this fall at historical highs when the supply situation is loosening for the beef complex may be riskier compared to past years. Canadian year-to-date beef production for the week ending Aug. 30 was up two per cent compared to 2013 with additional supplies basically moving to the U.S. The main point is that the beef supplies are not declining from current projections, but rather have





Est 2014

Est 2015































Source: USDA CANADA CALF CROP 000’S OF HEAD 5900 5700 5500 5300 5100 4900 4700 4500 4300 4100 3900 3700 3500

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 est est

potential to increase. April 2015 live cattle futures are trading at a minor discount to the December contract, which is very odd for this time of year. I’ve received many inquiries from cow-calf producers regarding the marketing strategy for calves and yearlings this fall. In my opinion you want to sell feeder cattle sooner, rather than later in winter. Despite the abundant feed grains and forage, feeding calves over the winter

to 850 or 900 pounds may not bode well if we see the fed market deteriorate. The calf market has been incorporating a risk premium due the uncertainty in production longer term. Take advantage of this premium by selling sooner and put the cash in your pocket. † Gerald Klassen analyzes cattle and hog markets in Winnipeg and also maintains an interest in the family feedlot in Southern Alberta. For comments or speaking engagements, he can be reached at or call 204 899 8268.


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Cattleman’s Corner KEEPERS AND CULLS

Brassica may be a crop for all reasons LEE HART


everal Alberta beef producers are paying attention this summer and winter to determine how a popular New Zealand crop, known as forage brassica, fits in with a range of grazing options here in Western Canada. This is all a spinoff from a 10-acre trial last winter, using the forage brassica (also known as rape or kale) that was swathed and used for winter grazing by Graeme Finn of Crossfield, just north of Calgary. The forage brassica is actually a cross between turnip and kale. Although it varies with field conditions, it produces big broad leaves and grows from one to two feet in height. Finn has been winter swathing grazing, usually dry cows, for many years, on a combination of oats and barley swaths. Last year, under the auspices of the Foothill Forage and Grazing Association, he tried about 10 acres of the forage brassica. After a positive experience with that, this year he seeded about 150 acres in a blend with oats and barley. He’ll start grazing that in late October or early November. “It made an excellent forage for swath grazing last year,” says Finn. “The 10-acre plot was part of a larger 130 acres of oats and barley swaths, and the cows just camped on that 10 acres like it was ice cream. They

cleaned it up before moving into the oats and barley swaths.” The forage brassica has up to 19 per cent protein compared to oats and barley, which have about nine to 10 per cent protein in the swath. Finn, who farms along with his father-in-law Don Evans, will run about 210 head of dry cows on the 150 acres of swaths. It should last the herd right through until May. “We’re hoping by including the forage brassica in the winter grazing that cows will do a better job of cleaning up the swaths,” says Finn. “Other years there is quite a bit of trash left behind and we’ve had to heavy harrow the field in the spring. We’re hoping by including this very palatable forage in the swath they’ll do a better job of cleanup.”

PASTURE ALTERNATIVE At another farm, north of Calgary, Wynn Chisholm of WA Ranches is redeveloping some old timothy hay fields. As those were renewed last summer, cow-calf pairs grazed about 150 acres of annual pasture made up of the similar forage brassica, oats and barley blend. That seeding was divided into 50-acre blocks, with the herd making at least two passes through each paddock. In central Alberta, one producer has included the forage brassica in an annual pasture blend for sheep, and there are also

Graeme Finn bites into a kernel of oats to test the readiness of this forage brassica, oats and barley crop for swathing.

Doug Wray, kneeling in a field of forage brassica, oats and barley, hopes the crop blend will improve rates of gain on calves this winter.

some trials using forage brassica near Lethbridge. And east of Calgary, near Irricana rancher Doug Wray has seeded an 80-acre trial of the forage brassica (kale) barley and oats to be used for swath grazing this winter. He’s hoping the higher-protein brassica will improve the weight gain on backgrounded calves. “Even if it is only one-quarter pound more per day that is about 30 to 40 pounds more over the winter,” says Wray. Wray has been winter swath grazing cattle for about 20 years. He runs a 300 head cow-calf herd, and weans calves in mid-November. He backgrounds those calves over winter with plans to sell them the following September.

After weaning, the calves will move into stockpiled forage on the farm and eventually — depending on the year — move into the swathed annual crop in late December or early January. “Usually we grow a blend of oats and barley for the swath grazing,” says Wray. “We have tried winter triticale in the past. It had quality, but didn’t produce the tonnage we had hoped. This year the forage brassica looks good, but we’ll see how it does.” Wray seeded 80 acres of the forage brassica, barley and oats blend. He seeded the brassica at a rate of two pounds per acre along with 3/4 of a bushel of barley and one bushel of oats. The cereals were seeded with a drill, while the brassica was applied with a Valmar broadcast

seeder and then harrowed. The mixture was seeding June 15 and was to be swathed by early September. Most years, with average snow cover, the calves have no trouble finding the feed, says Wray. He is prepared to supplement with hay if adverse weather makes for particularly tough winter grazing conditions. Last year with heavy snow that eventually crusted he did devise a disc-style tool that he could pull over the swaths to move snow and give cattle access to the feed. “We will feed hay if we need to, but ideally the plan is to put calves on the swaths in January, limit feed so we are moving an electric wire every day, and hopefully the swaths will carry them through until spring.” †


Proactive weaning programs save money PETER VITTI


any calves are “truck weaned” as a low-cost and low-management weaning option, but it is a wasteful practice. It often costs the seller and/or the buyer a lot of money. Fortunately, better weaning alternatives are available compared to such abrupt removal of calves from their mothers, and transporting them bawling to another yard. These better weaning methods are proactive and thus effective in reducing weaning stress in sold calves as well as in everybody’s pocketbook. From the start, it’s no secret the immunity/health status of truck-weaned calves’ is likely to be compromised as contrasted to calves put through programs weeks ahead of weaning. Research has proven many calves never fully recover from truck weaning and tend to suffer from future poor performance, higher incidence of chronic and longterm health problems and higher rates of feedlot death loss. Observed from a straightforward economic standpoint, truck-weaned cattle also have higher shrinkage by the time they get to their new feedlot home. This simple fact makes them worth significantly less compared to calves that are completely weaned before being trucked. For example, about six to seven per cent shrink is natural in transporting cattle, but when calves experience a great degree of stress such as during truck weaning, tissue shrink is

often pushed to 12 to 15 per cent total body weight loss. As a result, in today’s market, a 600-lb. truck-weaned calf which loses an extra six per cent of its body weight or 36 lbs. at $2.65 (subject to change) is worth about $96 less than a more relaxed pen mate. Much of this stress from truck weaning in young calves is due to the unnatural breaking of the instinctive maternal bond between mother and calf. Field trials such as one performed at the University of Saskatchewan demonstrated when each cow-calf pairs of a herd were split in half and each group of cows were given the other group’s calves following weaning; both cows and calves kept searching for their own partner. This trial also reported in particular, that lonely calves become quickly despondent and find little comfort with other familiar segregate cows of the same group. Before separation, many of these calves were spending little or no time actually nursing on their dams (re: at six months of age, calves receive from zero to 15 per cent of their nutrient requirements from mother’s milk), but after separation, it seemed to prove that the dam still provides comfort to her calf.

WEANING OPTIONS Consequently, slowly breaking this maternal bond between mother and calf during weaning is employed in the following and practical ways of weaning calves that not only reduces stress, but get calves familiar to a new environment and new diets. Examples are highlighted: • Complete separation — Put cow-calf pairs in the same pen for a few days to a week. Once the calves get used to the feed bunks and waterers, move the cows out. The

advantage of this method is that the calves are no longer in a strange place and even without their mothers present are starting to nibble at their new grower diets. • Fenceline weaning — Separate cows and calves by a fence, which prevents them from touching one another, but allows visual contact to reduce stress on both sides of the fence. Calves can remain on familiar ground or pasture, while cows are the ones being moved out. The University of California showed fenceline calves gained as much as 30 per cent more weight compared to traditionally weaned calves. • Two-step weaning — A method developed by the University of Saskatchewan that outfits each nursing calf with a nose “antinursing” device about seven to 10 days, before these calves are separated from their cows. Field trials showed that two-step calves vocalized 85 per cent less, walked 80 per cent less and spent 25 per cent more time eating compared to traditionally weaned calves. • Early weaning — This is a method that can employ each one of the above methods in one fashion or another, where calves are weaned at four to five months of age (and as early as six weeks of age). Its biggest advantage allows a cattle operation to save on limited feed resources or to improve body condition of thin productive cows.

POST-WEANING DIET After one of these weaning options are chosen, it’s just as important to formulate a wellbalanced and palatable diet that will be fed for the next few weeks to post-weaned calves. Their good nutrition can come in the form of good-quality grass hay, fed free choice and often complemented with a hand-fed 14 per cent beef cube or pellet made from medium energy/low-starch ingredients. Ensiled feeds such as corn or barley silage should be avoided due to their intake-compromising water as well as rich energy content. Some producers have successfully foregone all dry lot feeding until later in the season, and utilized cereal stubble fields supplemented with pasture molasses or corn distiller grains beef blocks to help feed weaned calves in the short term.

This plastic nose guard called Quiet Wean is used to keep calves from nursing cows in a two-stage weaning program. In addition to a good weaning and feeding plan, it’s a good idea to set up a short pre-weaning program as well. It should start with a veterinarian-sponsored vaccination program about three weeks before the calves are actually weaned. At about the same time, soon-to-be weaned calves are also dewormed, dehorned and male calves are castrated. They might even be exposed to a creep ration to help them get used to eating out of a bunk or self-feeder. Good post-weaning management also includes cleaning and then bedding with straw pens that will house newly weaned calves. Waterers should also be checked frequently, and repairs made, if necessary. Attending to these details when weaning calves helps, but the overall success of fall weaning beef calves will depend upon how successful producers are in reducing stress that occurs when a calf is taken away from its mother. It may never be completely eliminated, but using the above proactive weaning programs that encompass; sound weaning methods, health protocols as well as pre- and post-weaning calf nutrition goes a long way in minimizing it in order to sell healthy, good growing and profitable calves. † Peter Vitti is an independent livestock nutritionist and consultant based in Winnipeg. To reach him call 204-2547497 or by email at


A master plan for cull cows This dairy producer’s plan has merit for all cattle operations

For many years shipping cull cows was an easy decision for Caronport, Sask. dairy producer Blaine McLeod. He loaded them up and hauled them a few miles down the road to the local slaughter plant in Moose Jaw. An easy trip for him and the animals. Then things changed. That plant closed and cull cows had to travel a lot farther so their health was more important. His operation grew, with sons Michael and Mark joining, which meant more cull animals to handle. As well, major news stories of mistreatment of cull cows put the entire cattle industry under real scrutiny for cow management. That led the McLeod family to set up a new cull cow master plan. It provides economic value. And it meets farm and industry expectations that cull animals are well treated and reach the end of their life with appropriate dignity. Farm philosophy

The new plan started with a philosophy: Every animal would be evaluated as an individual. Herd

turnover rate on the 300 milking cows is about 25 per cent. Animals are culled for production reasons such as milking levels, failure to rebreed or age. Some are culled for health reasons. All cull animals are assessed to ensure they are healthy enough to be sold. Can they travel? Refused at the destination or the carcass condemned? If there are problems, they don’t leave the farm. Some cows are shipped directly from the milking line as they near end of lactation. Some will be pulled off the milk line and put in the “fat pen” which holds animals destined for the beef market. Some cows are sold to beef producers as nurse cows, a busy market recently. Animals that are lame or have feet and leg problems are given time to recover. Heavy milking cows are milked down. “We’ll foster a couple of bull calves on a cow until she drops in milk production,” says Michael. “Cows that develop chronic mastitis problems that can’t be solved economically, will also be culled and may have calves fostered onto them.”

Most cattle move to a local livestock buyer who assembles liner loads. The goal is to have animals move into premium markets where possible. Don’t ship problems

Even with the best management, some animals will not be fit to leave the farm. “Farmers pretty well know if an animal is healthy enough to ship or not,” says Blaine. “There will be some surprises, but the day of just sending a cow to the packing plant and seeing what happens is done. “Euthanasia on farm still needs to happen and we need to do it properly.” Protecting the industry

A key part of this master plan is cattle industry support. “I hope we do a good job as an industry of dealing with society on these management issues,” says Blaine. “But at the end of the day I hope what we have coming back from that effort is practical, affordable and sustainable for the industry as well.”

Thinking ahead about how cattle fare in reaching a destination is important to both dairy and beef production.


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REV-XS Grain News QSHere.indd 1

13-06-13 16:26


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

The Dairy Corner

Do not feed mouldy corn to dairy cattle peter vitti


ast year’s weather was not particularly kind to growing corn on the eastern Prairies. A late spring planting, cold weather in July, and topped off by a cloudy fall created millions of bushels of corn that was not initially dry enough for storage. Some of this wet corn was dried down and augered into a bin, much of it was also put up as high-moisture corn, and even a small portion was left out in the field until harvested earlier this year. Regardless of how this corn was eventually handled; mould (and mycotoxins) seem to hit this previous corn crop particularly hard. Without taking the necessary actions and precautions when it does occur, feeding mouldy corn to dairy cattle can be very dangerous. Mould growth in corn can develop in a grain bin when grain moisture levels are above 14 per cent, the storage temperature is above freezing and the corn is exposed to air (oxygen). High-moisture grain corn also can be at risk for mould growth, if the moisture content of storage is incorrect (recommended at 25 to 28 per cent moisture for oxygen-limiting tower and 30 to 35 per cent moisture for ag-bags and bunks) or pH of the corn mass is not quickly stabilized to an acidic 4.5 by proper respiration (oxygen removal) and fermentation processes.

THREE MAJOR MOULDS Of the many moulds that can grow and proliferate in harvested corn due to improper storage conditions; three major moulds pose the greatest dairy cow threat with associated  deadly  mycotoxins are: Aspergillus fluavus that produce aflatoxins, Fusarium moulds that produce vomitoxin and zearalenone, and Penicillium fungi that produce related penicillium mycotoxins. Most Canadian climates do not to favour the growth of

New footbath for dairy cattle Laboratorie M2 based in Quebec has introduced what it describes as a new safe, low cost and easy-to-use agriculture disinfectant footbath that has been proven to be more or as effective as traditional treatments to prevent and control lameness diseases such as digital dermatitis (DD) in dairy herds. Made from the plantbased  ingredient  thymol, Thymox is biodegradable in 14 days. The company says the product is safer for humans, animals and the environment compared to copper sulfate and formalin-based products. It is the first agricultural disinfectant to receive the UL EcoLogo certification.

Aspergillus fluavus and therefore Aflatoxins are of little threat to our dairy cattle. Fusariumderived mycotoxins are more of a danger to our livestock than aflatoxins, because they grow in cooler conditions found in Western Canada. Initially, it was thought fusarium-derived vomitoxin was toxic to dairy cattle, yet various field trials fed up to 66 ppm (parts per million) vomitoxin in dairy diets and most dairy cattle failed to exhibit any visible signs of reproductive or health problems. Most of these trials did show that once vomitoxin reached over three to five ppm in different tested grains; there was a detrimental effect upon respective grain bushel weight and resulted in lower-energy feed for lactating dairy cows. In  contrast,  zearalenone, another fusarium mycotoxin has estrogen-like properties, which will cause infertility in dairy cattle. As little as 300 ppb (parts per billion) in the total dairy diet (dmi, basis) from z-contaminated corn has been implicated in disrupting heat cycles, reducing conception rates, causing visible symptoms such as swollen vulvas, and prolapsed vaginas, and spontaneous abortions. Furthermore, zearalenone can cause liver damage and has been shown to suppress the immune system in dairy cattle. An honourable mention should be given to other fusarium mycotoxins such as T2 and fumonium that can cause reproductive and health problems in cattle but are seldom found in Canadian feedstuffs. Similarly, penicillium mycotoxins have also been linked to reproductive and health problems in dairy cattle.

NO SMOKING GUN Unfortunately, without “the smoking gun” of large known amounts of mouldy corn consumed by ailing dairy cattle and causing direct negative effects, it is very difficult to many dairy pro-

ducers to know that they might have a mouldy corn problem in the first place, for two major reasons. First, mouldy corn kernels are often not uniformly distributed in a bin of corn, but are located in isolated pockets or along the bin walls. Even if a significant shot of mouldy corn goes into the total mixed ration (TMR) for dairy cows, most people may simply not notice as it gets hammered or rolled and then mixed along with the “good corn” in the TMR and become invisible anyway! Secondly, symptoms of mould and mycotoxins poisoning in cattle is likely non-specific and often the result of a negative progression of health, reproductive and performance problems caused by the contamination. Even a post-mortem examination of a dead cow may yield inconclusive results, which could mistakenly be attributed to another cause such as malnutrition or disease. If one suspects a mouldy corn problem on the farm such as: mouldy corn is seen coming out of bin or cows are off their feed/lack of cud-chewing/loose manure/ substantial breeding problems after feeding suspect corn, it is a good idea to send a representative corn sample from the bin for laboratory mould testing. Mould count tests are inexpensive, but their usefulness as sound information is limited, since most moulds are not poisonous and it says little about the presence of any mycotoxins in grain corn. A more reliable test called a mould-screen test is very useful in identifying and eliminating what mould species and their mycotoxins that might be present. If test samples of corn come back positive for mould and mycotoxin such as vomitoxin, one option is to feed the contaminated corn to dairy cows, but adjust the nutrient density of the dairy diet, given the bushel weight of the corn. If the corn samples come back with zearalenone, which is detrimental

photo: peter vitti

This picture of the standing corn crop in Saskatchewan is unrelated to the accompanying column and hopefully none of it ends up mouldy in feed this fall. This is just a photo of Cattleman’s Corner columnist Peter Vitti holding a stalk of Pioneer P7443R corn that stands about 11 feet tall. Vitti says there were about 500 acres of the variety in a very uniform, excellent looking stand near Unity, Saskatchewan this summer. It was to be cut for dairy silage. Vitti says the crop was grown on sandy loam soil, it had timely rains and good heat units. Most of the crop had two cobs per stalk. to dairy cattle reproduction; the best solution is not to feed this mouldy corn at all. Although the dangerous dietary threshold is 250 to 300 ppb for dairy cattle; lower concentrations might be equally avoided, because of its potential toxicity to specific groups of cattle, particularly young and pregnant animals. Mixing mouldy corn (re: zearalenone) with “clean” feed is not a good idea, because this does not eliminate the problem and reduces the quality and safety of the available good feed. In situa-

tions of vomitoxin, commercial mould binders might offer a suitable solution, when there are no other viable dairy feeds are available. Mould and mycotoxins found in last year’s corn and mixed into a dairy diet might be very harmful to the health and performance of all dairy cattle. It is important to identify if any dangerous moulds and mycotoxins are present and keep them out of feed bunk. † Peter Vitti is an independent livestock nutritionist and consultant based in Winnipeg. To reach him call 204-254-7497 or by email at


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/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Cattleman’s Corner FARM MANAGEMENT

The many aspects of risk management in a risky business BY SEAN MCGRATH


ost of us in agriculture are aware of the risks involved. Any biological system that makes long-term plans around both Mother Nature and human nature is bound to have challenges. Managing through these challenges can create some exciting times and opportunity.

GRASS Having grass is one of the best defences against risk in the cattle business. There are a couple of philosophical differences present in the industry. One is that any ungrazed grass is a “waste” and the flip side is that ungrazed grass represents a positive balance that can be drawn on if needed. I confess I am firmly in the latter camp. Extra grass helps to buffer against drought and provides marketing flexibility by carrying cattle extra days if the market decides to do an about face. Available grass can allow you to hit different weight and marketing end points at a low cost.

COST CONTROL Cost control walks a fine line and is probably best expressed in

importance on a per sale unit basis. Production is important and there are a lot of herds that obtain great levels of production, such as high weaning weights. In some cases these herds may have a higher cost per calf than another herd, but a lower cost per weaned or saleable pound. Keeping the cost per saleable pound down allows us to sell at lower prices and still generate a profit. It helps to remove the need to always target the highest market or reach prices above what the market is providing. This is an area that deserves special attention in the current situation since it is easy to let costs slide up when the markets are strong.

WEATHER As always weather is always a risk and often there is little we can do about it. Short of having facilities, there are choices we can make about calving seasons and feeding methods/systems, but there are also several options available in terms of crop and moisture insurance products.

HEALTH PROGRAMS A good herd health program can provide huge risk management benefits. Covering one of

your largest assets (cow herd) and cash crops (calves) with a preventative herd health program is usually money well invested. Vaccination for prevention of breeding and calf hood diseases is relatively low cost and highly effective.

PRICE INSURANCE Calf, feeder and fed price insurance has been available in Alberta for a while and it has recently been rolled out across the Prairies as an option. This product is worth looking into as it provides some floor pricing on calves at various stages of production, while still allowing for upside price discovery. Additionally, there are no margin calls or need to maintain a hedging account with a broker. For more information about the program you can visit The caveat as always here is that you have to know your costs in order to plan to market at a profit.

LOAN STRUCTURES One of the biggest risks to industry right now may be the level of debt financing and the potential risk from rising interest rates. It is possible to insulate

yourself from a lot of this risk through a couple of strategies, including locking in an interest rate. The real risk of rising interest rates lies in the potential impact on cash flow, as interest can eat up cash in a hurry. Some other options worth considering may be some of the loans with the option to make interestonly payments. Also depending on your debt/equity position it may be worthwhile considering a rapid debt repayment schedule if you think interest rates are set to rise.

COMMUNICATION This is perhaps the least discussed and is one of the most effective and lowest-cost risk management tool available. Effective communication includes accessing current news and market reports (like Grainews and other farm media), but it also requires a proactive approach such as communicating plans and financial position with your lender and accountant or discussing your marketing plans with buyers or the local auction market. In a lot of cases, just informing folks that you are alive and kicking and trying your best will create opportunity and encourage others to want to help you succeed.

OURSELVES Perhaps the most overlooked form of risk on a ranch is the risk manager — that is the people (or person) involved in running things. Our businesses are often structured so that it is “easier to just do it myself” and difficult to train others, or



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For more information and to register online for the Forum visit or call 403-686-8407.


taught himself to design and build saddles, spurs, bits and bridles. Over the years he had, of necessity, fixed his own tack, including saddles. So, when in the early 1980s he ordered a saddle that he didn’t receive, he decided to build one himself. Word soon spread in the community and orders started to come in, including some that wanted silver accessories. Not well pleased with the silver products he ordered, Wilm talked with a silversmith friend, hoping to learn the skill. “I spent three days with this man,” he says. “He showed me the tools I’d need to get started, the basics of engraving and told me to go home and practice. I think I am still practising. Rhonda does a lot of the designing — she’s got a very good eye for it.” Once Wilm was comfortable working with silver, he started adding finely handcrafted silver designs to his custom-made saddles, spurs and belt buckles. The need for a comfortable bit for one of his own horses prompted him to again start building his own. He’s meticulous about making the welds neat and a creating a smooth, balanced mouthpiece. “I use only true sweet iron — horses know the difference and prefer the taste,” says Wilm. “The horse is our best advertiser. Because of their response to the bits, word has spread from

some farms and ranches are set up for hard work 24/7. Having only one person that can operate things creates a dangerous single point of failure, just as having no slack in the work schedule can create tremendous challenges if something like a personal health issue arises. Additionally, singular viewpoints on a rapidly changing industry can create situations that are difficult to manage through. Personal health insurance, cross training or establishing low-labour systems can be useful strategies to reduce some of these risks. An example of this at our place is having my son along when we move fences for bale grazing. In this way, if I were unable to complete the task for some reason, I have a well-trained and able replacement who can feed cows in a low-labour situation. Investing in education for yourself and others involved in your operation is also a good strategy to help broaden our exposure to other ideas and management paradigms. There are a lot of ways to manage risk in a risky business and it is likely that skill in managing risk is becoming one of the key differentiators between successful and not so successful operations. This article obviously cannot cover all of the ideas and strategies for managing all types of risks in all types of situations, but hopefully it gives a few ideas that may be useful. I would encourage any folks with their own thoughts to feel free to contact me. † Sean McGrath is a rancher and consultant from Vermilion, Alta. He can be reached at or (780)8539673. For additional information visit www.

client to client.” The handmade bits have become the largest part of the business. Wilm’s beautiful handcrafted saddles, buckles and bits sell by word of mouth to clients across Canada. A selection of his ornately carved silver spurs and bits were displayed as part of art exhibit at the Harbourfront Gallery in Toronto, Ontario in 2010. His buckles and spurs have also been used as awards at the Saskatchewan Equine Expo in Saskatoon and many Saskatchewan reining horse futurities. Wilm thrives on the challenge and the creativity involved in the process, whether it’s carving intricate designs in silver or stamping a detailed pattern into leather. A perfectionist by nature, he is often critical of his own work. “I look at everything I make and pick holes in it,” he says. But demand for and comments from his clients speak for themselves. His highly skilled handcrafted work involves a steady hand, attention to detail and plenty of patience, all characteristics he learned riding the range. It’s Wilm’s intimate connection to his horse companions, combined with an entrepreneurial spirit and a love for an independent lifestyle that has contributed to his long, successful career. Rhonda’s support and assistance is invaluable, too, Wilm says. “We do everything together.” For more information on Wilm’s Saddlery, visit www.wilmsaddlery. com or call 306-275-4702. † Edna Manning is a Saskatchewan-based freelance writer.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /



Lessons from the quiet chair The ritual of spending time here every morning continues to help me ELAINE FROESE


hear the geese flying overhead on their way back to the wildlife sanctuary, just four miles west of our yard. I see birds perched on a stray self-planted sunflower near the bird feeder. I ponder the words on my lap in my journal as I sit in silence in my morning ritual of the “quiet chair” tucked in the northwest corner of my kitchen. It was a quiet morning before eight, that I noticed the ad for a book Just One More Day, by Beverlee Buller Keck. This wonderful book is a 40-day journey of meditations for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. Know anyone in your circle who battles with negative thoughts, worry, and a deep sense of hopelessness? I bet you do. I lost most of l984 to psych wards in Winnipeg and later at Eden in Winkler, where I experienced a very gracious, patient staff, and concern for my complete healing journey as I struggled with a severe case of postpartum depression. Women typically are the chief emotional officers (CEOs) of their families, wanting to nurture, encourage, and bal-

ance the family’s emotional bank account harmoniously. Many farm women I coach are concerned that their husbands are depressed, and highly frustrated that their spouses will not get help. The ritual of spending time every morning in my quiet chair continues to help me find a place to reflect, read Scripture, pray, and ponder the people’s names who pop into my head, along with the grocery list and other distractions that are duly noted on Post-it notes before going back to the main thing I’m thinking about. I keep a prayer journal, and am surprised that sometimes 10 days have passed since the last entry. Was I in the chair? Yes, but the phone may have rung, I might have been called to jockey someone to a field, or I may have been on the road. I don’t beat myself up for not making entries. I pay attention to what the entries are telling me about the journey of life. The real learning is reading entries from the previous year, same season. Did I learn to trust more? Am I seeing answers to healing prayers for friends and family? What has my friend’s death taught me to value? Some of you don’t find solace or comfort in reading the Word of God, yet you are searching for some answers to having a peace of mind. Perhaps your reading pile is different than

mine, but our common yearning is to find wisdom in handling the bumps of life. You might use a meditation class and play music to create calm in the home.

I lost most of l984 to psych wards in Winnipeg and later at Eden in Winkler The quiet chair routine brings people to mind whom you may need to connect with. Keck’s book has many examples of how we, as women who care, can be bearers of the “covered dish” to bring meals to those folks who are depressed and need practical help and encouragement. Who needs to taste your homemade casserole and relish in the visit that follows? After this tough season of crop losses, families will feel the ripple effects of financial strain causing “circumstantial” depression. When bad things happen to good people, they sometimes cannot take the chronic stress and strain. Perhaps you’ll book an appointment to get confirmation from a doctor that depression is a

real threat to your well-being, or you may take a leap of faith to see a counsellor for some issues that have surfaced. Do you think you need some professional counselling to help you find relief from your anxious thinking? I’ve been in group therapy, and reflected on tough questions in private counselling. Some women just need a good cup of tea with a confidante to feel like “they’ve been heard” and their emotional well is renewed and refreshed. After you’ve spent time in your quiet chair, pick up the phone and invite a friend for a chat, either long distance, on Skype, or across your kitchen table. News came again this week that another woman is dealing with cancer. We talk openly about supporting her, yet sometimes the women who have a family member struggling with the bleak days of depression don’t think they can share “their secret.” It’s time to stop hiding behind the stigma of depression. Please do not call it a “nervous breakdown.” Call it depression. It may be one of seven types, but it is an illness that needs to be listened to, and journeyed with. Who in your circle of influence needs you to go for long walks? Who needs a letter or email from you in their mailbox? Give yourself the gift of time

in your quiet chair. Have a journal, pen, Bible, devotional book, Post-it notes, and cards handy. Words are powerful when they soothe the soul and bring hope. I kept the stack of l984 cards for over 20 years, and I can still recall the faces of the faithful women who sent words of life and encouragement. I suspect that we are going to hear many stories of woe on the Prairies this winter. Will you hunt out opportunities to be intentional about listening to the tales of possible depression around you at the hall, the store, or your kitchen? I choose to speak life into those who feel that all hope is gone. Depression is a treatable illness with various ways to find healing. Every family knows somebody who is dealing with sadness and anxiety. Please don’t ignore the pleas for help. Offer a non-judgmental ear or a practical help like a home-cooked meal. Are you ready to draw strength from your time reflecting? Find the women around you who need to know there is hope for them and their partners. Live intentionally. Embrace the lessons of the quiet chair. † Elaine Froese is thankful to be healthy. Visit Order a copy of Just One More Day, from Kindred Productions at 1-800-545-7322 or online at www. For depression help go to

Stress can affect nutrition and health BY JULIE GARDEN-ROBINSON NDSU EXTENSION SERVICE

Canada’s Annual Ag Outlook Conference


tress can have many effects that might include an increased heart rate, dizziness, stomach ache, headache, stiff neck, shoulder pain, irritability and many other symptoms. A little stress though, can be positive. The stress of a deadline, for example, can propel you to get your job done. On the negative side, stress can affect your ability to concentrate, leave you feeling sad, reduce your energy level and cause sleep issues, as well as many other symptoms. Prolonged stress can cause ongoing pain and a weakened immune system, which can lead to frequent colds and infections. Long-term stress can increase your blood pressure and affect your heart health. Some people might turn to drinking alcohol or smoking to cope with stress, but neither of those options provides long-lasting relief. Stress can affect your eating patterns, so we need to be aware of managing and balancing our nutrition. Some people

February 23 & 24, 2015 The Fairmont Winnipeg

Farming has become a competitive business once again, as it usually is. One way to do the best you can on your farm is to grow the crops that the market will want. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

Stress can have many effects including physical pain. eat more than usual and others will lose their appetite in response to ongoing stress. Getting some physical activity is one of the best ways to overcome stress. All of us need to try to accumulate about 30 minutes of moderate activity on five or more days of the week. † Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.

Wild Oats Grainworld, Canada’s Annual Ag Outlook Conference, will be held in Winnipeg on Feb 23 and 24, 2015. Traders of the crops we grow in western Canada will give their outlooks for crops that they trade. Grainworld is a rewarding experience. You’ll mix with the Canadian grain trade, other farmers who understand marketing and businesses that serve our industry. You’ll hear from marketing experts who make their living trading grain plus specialists from around the world with their own insights into how markets are working. Do yourself a favour. Mark your calendar for two days in February at the Fairmont at the corner of Portage and Main. Early-bird registration is $400 and includes all sessions and meals. Register at or 1-800-567-5671.


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Life’s secrets, according to you… People of the world, tell me this — what’s the one thing you wish someone would have told you? JANITA VAN DE VELDE



e all have it, don’t we? That little voice in our head that never shuts up… the one that in that grating nail-on-a-chalkboard manner informs us that we should have known better. “What’s the matter with you!” it shrieks, “Didn’t you know?” Well no, thank you very much, I guess I didn’t know. I wish someone would have told me that. That would have been considered useful information 20 years ago; not so much now. Now, it just makes me feel sad, and a little bit angry. What’s the one thing you wish someone would have told you? When I asked you this question, your responses came pouring in. I could relate to almost every one of them, but especially to the reader who wrote: They did tell me. I just didn’t listen. Amen to that. As a teenager, constructive guidance of any nature would bore me to tears. But that’s exactly when I should have been sopping it up like a sponge. Think of everything we waste in our youth. Back then,

if anyone started a sentence with the following pretext, my brain would instantly shut down: “I don’t want to tell you what to do, but if I were you… blah, blah, blah.” Oh, how I wish I would have listened more closely to that blah, blah, blah part. Here forthwith are your responses to what you wish someone would have told you. Part One Relax… in five years, this moment and these people won’t matter. Everything will be all right. Love yourself first. It’s OK to be alone. They did tell me. I just didn’t believe them. If you are not happy, neither are the people around you. Make a change and quit being stubborn. Don’t be so shy to show a little cleavage. Because now I can’t. That I was beautiful and smart. Happiness takes hard work! Don’t bother dating until you’re at least 25… before then it’s just the hormones talking. I don’t know… they haven’t told me yet.

My mom told me but I didn’t listen. Don’t be in a rush to shave your legs! Save money when you are younger to be able to do some of the things you want when you are a little older. It will be hard, but it will also be worthwhile. To always, ALWAYS trust your instincts. It is OK to cry. Relax and enjoy life more, don’t worry so much about all the little things and most importantly, be confident in myself and my abilities. You think you are tired when your kids are young… wait until they are adults and go out at night. All night. You would be really good at “x.” Why don’t you make a career out of it? Do not spend all your time working. Enjoy life. To always be thankful for your blessings. You don’t deserve this.

Husbands and siblings are SUPPOSED to drive you crazy. Not to shave my legs if I didn’t need to! That eating right not only changes the way your body can look, but also changes the way you feel.

whom you want to experience life with, and understanding that as years go by, you will change. The change is not necessarily a bad thing though — it’s about understanding how to change together and by doing so, you will experience an even greater bond.

It gets much harder the older you get.

I was told many things, but one I wish I learned earlier is to actually actively listen.

Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

Go into the sales profession as early as possible.

Life is a journey and every year you will learn and build a new you, especially in your 20s. But no matter how bad it seems, it will always be worth it in the end, and everything always, always, always works out. And if it doesn’t work out, it’s not over with yet!

I wish that grown-ups would stop saying, “Be nice; you have to play with everyone.” Because really, not even grown-ups like everyone. Better advice would have been, “Don’t be mean; just ignore the nasty ones.”

I am good enough as I am. Wear sunscreen! I know that now, but I didn’t when I was 14. The sooner you can admit you are wrong and accept it, the sooner you can grow. Marriage is not about that “one” day… it’s about finding someone who accepts, respects and loves you for who you are; it’s about seeing that other person as a partner with

No, you don’t look good with a home perm. † Janita Van de Velde grew up on a farm near Mariapolis, Man. She holds a bachelor of science degree in agricultural economics from the University of Manitoba, and has worked for a financial institution since graduating. She lives in Regina, Sask., with her husband Roddy and their children Jack, Isla and James. Her first novel, Postcards Never Written, was the recipient of the Saskatchewan Reader’s Choice Award and also listed by CBC as one of the top funny books in 2009. She donates a portion of proceeds from the sale of her book to World Vision to help those less fortunate. For more information, or to order her book, visit her website at

One-of-a-kind cape Using heart feathers, this turn-of-thecentury piece took 12 years to complete BY EDNA MANNING



A Smart Investment for Managing Farm Risk AgriInvest helps you manage income declines on your farm and supports investments that help mitigate risks. To benefit from AgriInvest for the 2013 program year, you must: • submit your 2013 AgriInvest form by September 30, 2014* • open an AgriInvest account at a participating financial institution and make your deposit by the deadline date shown on your Deposit Notice. *Note: Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2014, but will incur a 5% per month reduction in the maximum matchable deposit.

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My AAFC Account provides convenient and secure access to your AgriInvest account information online. To sign up for My AAFC Account, go to

ne of the more unusual exhibits at the Wilson Museum in Dundurn, Saskatchewan, is the heart feather cape. The full-length garment was made from the heart feathers (whitish feathers with a black dot) of the prairie chicken, also known as the sharp-tailed grouse. The hand-sewn cape is the only one of its kind in the world. Approximately 4,000 birds were used in the production of the cape, which took 12 years to complete (estimated to be from around the turn of the century). All the work was done by Mrs. Dan Kohles, who resided in the Dundurn-Beaver Creek area south of Saskatoon. The chair of the Wilson Museum, Harry Friesen, says Mrs. Kohles “dressed the birds and animals shot by people who came to the area to hunt. It’s my guess that in making the cape, she was making use of the feathers.” The cape was donated to the museum by Mrs. Kohles’ daughter, Vi Leroi. The Wilson Museum was founded in 1967 by Bob and Maxine Wilson, local area residents, and today, Harry Friesen and his wife Anne operate it. For more information, contact Harry Friesen at 306-492-4747. †

Edna Manning writes from Saskatoon, Sask. 11503_AAFC_GN_ENG.indd 1

2014-09-08 10:14 AM


SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 /


Home Quarter Farm Life

Way ahead of the times BY CHRISTALEE FROESE


hey were “all natural” before “all natural” was cool. Kevin and Melanie Boldt have been giving conscientious meat consumers locally and naturally raised meat options for almost two decades. The Osler, Saskatchewan farmers have made a conscious commitment to ethically raise pasture-grazed and vegetarian-fed animals in a stressfree environment that does not include the use of growth-promoting medications or hormones. “When we started 16 years ago we were local before local was a buzzword and now more attention to food and where it comes from is creating opportunities for restaurants and chefs and for us,” said Melanie. Their beef, pork, poultry, lamb, specialty meats and eggs are prized by Saskatoon chefs, including Nathan Guggenheimer of the highly acclaimed Ayden Kitchen and Bar. Guggenheimer knows that without an outstanding base product, dishes at his restaurant would not be in a class that set them apart. “You can taste the difference when you have an all-natural meat versus something that has been mass produced. I think it has more of a game flavour from the grass.” The Boldt farm is located on the site settled by Kevin’s greatgrandparents in 1901. Kevin is the fourth generation in his family to farm the land and raise animals here. In 1998, Kevin and Melanie established Pine View Farms to diversify their existing grain and cattle operation. In order to get their ethically raised products to a wider audience, they opened Souleio Foods, a market bistro, in downtown Saskatoon in 2009. With the farming couple and their two sons immersing themselves in two of the most time-consuming careers, they eventually knew something had to give. That’s when “Top Chef” winner Dale MacKay of Saskatoon connected with the Boldts and decided to turn Souleio into one of Canada’s top restaurants while sourcing meat from Pine View Farms. “What I want people to know is that food isn’t just fuel to get you through the next things in your day. There are lots of pleasures in this world and food is one of them,” said Melanie. “Food is so essential to our culture and in our rat race of life, we forget what it can give to you and the beauty it brings.” The food at the Ayden Kitchen and Bar highlights the Boldts’ philosophy. The sausage platter, made with Pine View Farm’s pork, is a testament to the culinary value of using locally raised, allnatural meat that comes from farmers who Guggenheimer now considers friends. Adorned with hand-made mustards, slaws and crackers, the ordinary-looking sausage is transformed into a smoky explosion of textured goodness in flavours of Thai, Mexican and Polish. The Boldts are thrilled to have

their pork and poultry on the Ayden Kitchen and Bar menu and they are ecstatic to supply a restaurant that shares their food and farm philosophy. “Kevin and I are really firm believers in preserving the art of farming and the art of creating good food and those two things are somewhat dying arts and we really need to preserve that and pass it on,” said Melanie. Pine View Farms meats and products, including deli sausages, are available online, at their on-farm store and at various stores in Saskatoon, Regina and Moose Jaw. For a full listing of stores and products, visit www. † Christalee Froese writes from Montmartre, Sask.


Chef Nathan Guggenheimer and Melanie in the Pine View Farms store meat cooler, selecting a cut of pork.


FOR LIFE. Ag for Life and its founders believe in Alberta agriculture. That’s why we support rural and farm safety, and educational programs that build a genuine understanding and appreciation for this vital industry. Join us. Share your voice. Make a difference. Visit for more details.


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2014-05-08 2:30 PM


/ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Home Quarter Farm Life SINGING GARDENER

How did your garden grow? Share your successes and challenges Plus, Ted talks about cruciferous veggies, knee pain, and plums TED MESEYTON


y the end of September we’re well into shorter days and weather has become autumn-like. Nature has begun casting some spectacular colours this month, with skiffs of snow early on in the Calgary area. How’d your garden do this year? Perhaps you became a champion tomato grower. This was an unusual gardening year for many so let’s hear all about your awardwinning secrets and challenges faced. It’s always beneficial to learn how other gardeners fared. In a vast country such as our Canada, harvesting is well underway in some regions, delayed elsewhere and completed for others. Here where I am, my eyes have spotted fields of cabbages. Their distinct odour along with other cruciferous vegetables has also caught my nostrils. Got knee pain? Learn how cabbage leaves may help control such discomfort. Are any Grainews readers waiting for me to write something about plums? Well today’s the day! Before referring to a letter let me tip my hat and say welcome to all established readers and those joining in for the first time. Thanks for tagging along with me. Until revealed, one never knows what might be found along the path of things green and growing. My trail of words on the Grainews Singing Gardener page is underway. I may be too old to cut the mustard (hah — just kidding) but young enough at heart to appreciate the adventures of life.

JOHANNA GIESBRECHT AT ELMA, MANITOBA … writes in part: “I enjoy your column and when I get Grainews I always start reading at the back first. What can I do to control root maggots in my cabbage? I have tried Sevin and ashes. Nothing seems to work.” Ted’s reply: Cruciferous vegetables, also known as cole crops and brassicas include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi and of course cabbage. There was a kid who didn’t like broccoli and tried to hide a piece of it from Mom and Dad by dropping it in a glass of milk. Well — long story — short. Wouldn’t you know said youngster soon learned that you can’t drink a piece of broccoli and eating it is an acquired taste. Root maggots in larval stage are in soil and hatch from eggs laid around the base of plant stems by tiny maggot flies. Early plantings

Grenville hybrid plum is a cross between Japanese Burbank its pollen parent (Prunus salicina) and native Canadian plum (Prunus nigra). It was selected over 80 years ago and later introduced by the Horticulture Division at Ottawa’s Experimental Station in 1941. Like a June bride, Grenville is ornamental in appearance and what a sight to behold when in full bloom. Sweetly scented flowers come early, even before leaves appear. The tree is low in stature, very vigorous and hardy in Zone 3. Yields are generous even to the point of being extra prolific. However, its only drawback is a tendency to biennial bearing. The inset shows Grenville plums close up. are especially vulnerable. Here are some suggestions. Buy floating row cover at a garden centre and drape it over outdoor cabbage transplants. This will provide a good measure of benefit, but make sure sides of material are well secured at ground level to prevent maggot flies from entering. They’re also attracted to carrots, onions, radishes and turnips. Save used coffee grounds over fall and winter. Keep in mind coffee grounds can increase soil acidity in the immediate area when too much is applied. In such case make a balanced blend by combining dry coffee grounds with horticulture dolomite lime, or some powdered bone meal or unleached dry wood ashes (those that have always been kept dry and never previously been subjected to rain or other moisture) 50/50 to help amend and retain normal pH balance. Stir some of this mixture into planting holes before setting out cabbage and other transplants. Also, sprinkle some on soil surface around plant stems. Other alternate tips include the following: Mix one cup white vinegar with four litres of water. Drench each prepared planting hole with a cupful of said vinegar-water solution, followed by a sprinkling of bone meal. Allow this pre-treatment to soak in for a few hours first before setting out plants. Also, moisten prepared furrows and shallow rows with vinegar-water brew and thinly sow onion and radish seeds. Yet another option is to mix together one cup white flour or part whole wheat flour with one teaspoon of black pepper. Stir in a spoonful into each planting hole. Also, try sprinkling some dry flour/ pepper combo onto cole crop foliage. This may help to deter white cabbage butterfly. Diatomaceous earth available at garden centres or animal feed supply outlets is something else to consider. Sprinkle a light coat-

ing in planting holes and on soil surface around plant stems. (Avoid breathing DE dust.) It has sharp edges that act like a razor on digestive tract of root maggots, slugs, soft-bodied soil grubs and flea beetles. Boil some potatoes or potato peels. Save the water and sprinkle it along the planting row and around plant stems to destroy maggot flies, cutworms and other pests including their eggs. Remember, these suggestions and ideas are nonchemical approaches. What works well for a gardener in one area may not work as well in a different region. As I’ve stated previously: Learn to be your own at-home garden scientist. Sevin, mentioned earlier by Johanna is a broad-spectrum chemical insecticide that’s sold at garden centres as a liquid concentrate, in powdered and granular forms. Follow label directions precisely and spray during latter part of the day on landscape plants and tree foliage. Do not apply on blossoms or when pollinating insects are present.

GOT SORE KNEES? Sauerkraut, sauerkraut juice, coleslaw and sweet cabbage juice can help reverse pain and provide other health benefits when taken internally. However, there’s also an outside approach for dealing with pain and you may discover it works at bringing relief from arthritic or gouty discomfort. Apply steamed cabbage leaves to sore knees. Consider this! First off it’s important to remove the core at the bottom, especially if it’s a latewinter cabbage variety. Place the entire cabbage head in a deep pot of boiling water with lid on for a few minutes, until leaves become quite limp and begin to separate. Or, place a few washed, separated cabbage leaves in boiling water, then gently simmer with the lid slightly ajar until leaves become limp. When ready, careful-


Here’s what Albert Moman, 86, told the Singing Gardener after sampling Grenville plums. “I like them right off the tree. The skin is a bit tough but as far as the juice is concerned, it’s very tasty.” ly remove limp leaves from the hot water without burning yourself, or have someone do it for you. Massage a wee bit of almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil or hemp seed oil onto the painful knees area and then apply several steamed, warm cabbage leaves. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap then place a dry bath towel on top to retain heat as long as possible. Once leaves are cooled, continue repeating the process with newly steamed cabbage leaves until relief is obtained. If pain is due to excessive exertion or an injury, try using cooled cabbage leaves instead of hot ones. Ice cubes or some other form of cold pack can also be applied on top.

THE GRENVILLE PLUM … and yes, I, Ted, have had such a plum tree for years. It’s low in stature at about three metres (10 feet) so makes for easy picking (see photos elsewhere on this page). Should you plan to buy Grenville, it must be pollinated by a different selection of the same species growing nearby. Native Canadian plum (Prunus nigra) is the best tree to use as a pollinator for hybrid plum trees. Both need to be in blossom at the same time in order to set fruit. Otherwise Grenville fruit production can be sporadic and will not necessarily bear every year. Plums are known as a drupe fruit — meaning — having a fleshy, fibrous interior that encloses a kernel, nut or stone. Also, I, Ted, decided to try something different this year. Instead of stewing tomatoes on the stovetop burner, I roasted tomatoes in the oven and added some Grenville plums — but nothing else — no seasoning, no onions, no garlic, nothing (the roaster lid was on). Such stewed tomatoes and plums combo are now frozen; later to be used in a variety of recipes calling for tomatoes. At that time seasonings, herbs and other extras can be added for a decidedly unique, new tomato taste adventure.

WANT TO BE HAPPY? An old Chinese proverb says: If you want to be happy for an hour, roast a pig. If you want to be happy for a year, marry. If you want to be happy for a lifetime, plant a garden. Or, do like some folks in Regina and become a fan of the ukulele. This tiny instrument resonates with a great big sound when members of Regina’s Ukulele Club gather together on “uke day” to play in unison. For them it’s a time for fun, combined with kindred camaraderie and sharing ukulele techniques. All this is brought about as a result of that little instrument called the ukulele. Members of Queen City Ukulele Club are known to be the happiest people in Regina. This eager bunch gathers together monthly simply out of love to pluck away on ukulele strings. Their next jam session is on October 7 at Sawchyn Guitars in Regina. Interested or want to know more? Phone Peter or Kendra at (306) 522-6348. †

This is Ted Meseyton the Singing Gardener and Grow-It Poet from Portage la Prairie, Man. After a late night of merrymaking, folks didn’t always reach for the ASA bottle of tablets to help ease their discomfort. Germany along with several other European nations often relied on the power of pickles to ease ravages of too much booze. Choice ingredients for a German-style hangover breakfast consisted of sour brined fish filets wrapped around gherkins and onions. Other countries including Poland found that many of their inhabitants chose to drink dill pickle juice instead. Are there any readers with a hangover recipe that works regardless of its cause? Please submit by letter or email it to:

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